programmatically managing python workloads across multiple clouds

+ Programmatically Managing Python Workloads Across Multiple Clouds Chayim I. Kirshen ([email protected] / @chayimk)

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I delivered this talk at PyCon Canada 2012. The focus: understanding the role of DevOps, how it differs from the traditional model dev+operational deployment model. There's also some lightweight detail on implementing this using Python.


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Programmatically Managing Python Workloads Across Multiple CloudsChayim I. Kirshen ([email protected] / @chayimk)

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+Traditional Development

Developers write code, OPS supports code

OPS Teams eschew risk Systems that change are unknown

quantities All changes live forever

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+Whither DevOps

Traditional Operations

Supports operational objectives Service focused

Frequent manual intervention IT Mindset - Scripter,

SysAdmin, Paranoid Futurist

Strives for consistency accepts relativity


Drives operational objectives Customer focused

Managing Operations through Automation and Development IT Developer - Coder,

SysAdmin, Coach, Paranoid Prepared Futurist

Ensures consistency through code

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+To Collaborate We Must Understand…

How can Operations formalize and track system change? Not just changes in code, but changes in infrastructure

How can Operations embrace change, pro-actively support organizational needs, but reduce risk?

How can Development work in simulated production?

How can we encourage collaboration?

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+Fit the Middle

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+Technology Stack






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+Exploring the Django-ized Components

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+Where This Went

Create nodes across EC2 (us-west-1, us-west-2, us-east-1), and GoGrid

Parallelized workload creation/destruction

Configured all automatically with Puppet

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+Settings Loading is Painful gets to be too big

Easier to reduce testing impact by segregating services

Separate the concern

# settings.pythismodule = sys.modules[__name__]helpers.settings_loader(thismodule, CONFIG_DIR)

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+# helpers.pydef settings_loader(module_base, CONFIG_DIR):

if CONFIG_DIR not in sys.path: sys.path.append(CONFIG_DIR)

settings_files = os.listdir(CONFIG_DIR) for setting in settings_files: if setting[-3:] != ".py": continue

# import the module module = __import__(setting[:-3]) for key in dir(module):

# hidden variables should never be imported, they're either # internals for our imported module - or not worth importing if key[:2] == "__": continue

# reflect in, and ensure the setting we're loading is a string # only those can be dynamicaly loaded. setattr(module_base, key, getattr(module, key))

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+Configuring Components

root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)

AWS_ACCESS_KEY = ”<xxx>”

AWS_SECRET_KEY = ”<yyy>”

SSH_USERNAME = "ubuntu”

SSH_KEY = os.path.join(root, “yourkey.pem”)

BROKER_URL = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/celeries'

BACKEND_URL = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/celery_results'

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+Unfogging libCloud

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EC2Driver = get_driver(Provider.EC2)

self.driver = EC2Driver(EC2_ACCESS_ID, EC2_SECRET_KEY)

image = NodeImage(id=“ami-87712ac2”, name="", driver="")

size = NodeSize(id=“m1.small”, name="", ram=None, disk=None, bandwidth=None, price=None, driver="")

self.driver.create_node(name=name, image=image, size=size,

ex_keyname = sshkeyname,

ex_securitygroup = securitygroup)

nodes = self.driver.list_nodes()

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+Node Pattern

Connect to node Touch /etc/publicip Set hostname Puppetmaster Address in /etc/hosts

Register with the puppet master puppet agent --waitforcert 60 –-verbose –


Sign cert on the puppet master

Puppetize the client

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+Working with Vegetables

Django integrated python

migrate celery || python syncdb

python celery worker –loglevel=info

Standalone celery -A tasks worker

--loglevel=info -B –E

All celeryable tasks go in for your django project

Decorate functions with @task

Call existing function with your code with <name>.delay(arg, arg, arg)

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Celerized object is always returned result = <foo>.delay(arg, arg, arg) result.ready == True|false

For blocking Add all cerery results to a list Iterate looking for completion

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+Parallelization Problems

SSH Fabric == AWESOMESAUCE! Fabric == Singleton Paramiko!

Logging Prefixing log lines with proposed host name

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+To Collaborate we understood!

How did Operations formalize and track system change? Revision control, code, comment

How did Operations embrace change, pro-actively support organizational needs, but reduce risk? Deploy infrastructure through automation, without impacting


How did Development work in simulated production? Simulating the setup, with a different cloud provider

How did we encourage collaboration? Developers and OPS write puppet code Develops and OPS sit together Developers and OPS learn from each other