programmability in spss 16 & 17, jon peck

Programmability in SPSS 16 and 17 Jon K Peck Technical Advisor and Principal Software Engineer Athens, May 2008

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Programmability in SPSS 16 & 17, Jon Peck


Page 1: Programmability in SPSS 16 & 17, Jon Peck

Programmability in SPSS 16 and 17

Jon K Peck

Technical Advisor and Principal Software Engineer

Athens, May 2008

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Review of programmabilityThe Extension mechanism and the PROPOR procedureUser-Defined dialog boxesThe Dataset class and comparing datasetsExamples: custom sorting, pattern matchingBuilding applications that embed SPSSIntegrating R into SPSSQ and AWrap up

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Programmability extends the standard SPSS capabilitiesMakes it easy to build jobs that respond to data, output, and the environmentAllows greater generality, more automationMakes jobs more flexible and robustAllows extending the capabilities of SPSSAllows the use of existing or new statistical modules written in R or PythonEnables simpler and more maintainable codeIncreases your productivityPuts you in control

More fun

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SPSS syntaxBEGIN PROGRAM PYTHON or R.Python or R codeEND PROGRAM.SPSS syntaxA program in the SPSS input stream can communicate with SPSS and control it and use the language's facilities and modulesA Python or .NET application can embed SPSS inside itselfResources and forums are at SPSS Developer Central plugins are an optional install

Programmability embeds Python or R inside SPSS

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BEGIN PROGRAM.import spss, spssaux, spssdatadef findUnlabelledValues(name):d = spssaux.VariableDict()labels = set(d[name].ValueLabelsTyped)data = spssdata.Spssdata(indexes=[name])values = set()for case in data:

values.add(case[0])data.close()values.discard(None)print "\nUnlabeled Values:\n",sorted(values.difference(labels))

findUnlabelledValues("origin")END PROGRAM.

Example: Automate the job of finding unlabelled values of a variable

No label may indicate an error

Unlabeled Values:[4.0, 7.0, 11.0]

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Python and R Are open source software

SPSS is not the owner or licensor of the Python or R software. Any user of Python or R must agree to the terms of the license agreement located on the Python or R web site. SPSS is not making any statement about the quality of the Python or R programs. SPSS fully disclaims all liability associated with your use of the Python or R programs.

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SPSS is divided into two parts

The SPSS Processor: invisible– Syntax processing– Computation– Data handling– Procedures– May be remote with SPSS Server

The SPSS Front End: what you see– Menus and dialog boxes– Output Viewer– Data Editor– Syntax window

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SPSS 16 added new programmability and scripting features

SPSS Processor– SPSS syntax– Python programs– .NET programs

SPSS Front End– SaxBasic scripts– COM support

SPSS Processor– SPSS syntax– Python programs– .NET programs– R programs– Extensions

SPSS Front End– Basic scripts (Windows)– COM support (Windows)– Python scripts


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Scripting is useful for working with Viewer contents

Scripts can be written in Python or, on Windows, in BasicPython apis have a structure similar to familiar SaxBasic scripting– Import the spssClient module

IDEs are provided for Python and BasicSPSS 17 will allow programs to use the spssClientmoduleAutoscripts are triggered by specified types of output events– E.g., creating a table of regression coefficients

Autoscripts have been generalized in SPSS 16

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Python and R add great functionality to SPSSMany users know only SPSS syntaxMEANS TABLES = accel BY origin


Extensions define SPSS syntax for programs via XMLDefinitions are loaded automatically on SPSS startupParsed syntax is passed to Python or R moduleUser never needs to know about the programsAuthor never needs to parse SPSS syntaxPLS module in SPSS 16 is an extension

The EXTENSION mechanism turns Python or R programs into user-defined SPSS syntax

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Extensions simplify the author's job




Author codeModule





The author supplies only the gold parts

The user just enters the command syntax

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PROPOR is a new extension procedure

Calculates confidence intervals for proportions

Produces pivot table output

PROPOR /HELP.Confidence Intervals for Proportions and Differences in Proportions.

PROPOR /HELP displays this help and does nothing else.Syntax:

PROPOR NUM=list DENOM=list [ID=varname][/DATASET NAME=dsname][/LEVEL ALPHA=value][/HELP]

Example:PROPOR NUM= 55 DENOM=100.

Developer Central

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PROPOR produces a pivot table of confidence intervals

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What about user interfaces?



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User-defined dialog boxes look like SPSS-defined dialogs

Which is the real one?


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Programmability can enhance procedures: A program to customize sorting in CTABLES

CTABLES /TABLE occupation[COUNT]/CATEGORIES VARIABLES=occupation ORDER=D KEY=COUNT TOTAL=YES.This table is sorted in descending order, but category Other should be at the bottom.

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A Program To Customize Sorting in Ctables

import spss, spssaux2spssaux2.genCategoryList("occupation", specialvalues=[4], macroname="other")spss.Submit("""CTABLES /TABLE occupation[COUNT] /CATEGORIES VARIABLES=occupation [!other] TOTAL=YES.""")

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Python regular expressions greatly simply tasks involving patterns in strings

A regular expression defines a pattern that can be searched for or used in a replaceExample: a dataset contains three variables, firstname, lastname, and narrative. The names need to be replaced in the narratives so that they are anonymousSample data:

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Using regular expressions to work with patterns: Making a narrative anonymous

begin program.import spss, spssaux, spssdata, revard = spssaux.VariableDict()curs = spssdata.Spssdata(indexes='firstname lastname narrative', accessType='w')curs.append(spssdata.vdef("anonnarrative",

vtype=vard['narrative'].VariableType + 100))curs.commitdict()wbound = r"\b"for case in curs:

fnregex = re.compile(wbound + case.firstname.strip() + wbound, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

lnregex = re.compile(wbound + case.lastname.strip() + wbound, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

newnarr = fnregex.sub("-firstname-", case.narrative)newnarr = lnregex.sub("-lastname-", newnarr)curs.casevalues([newnarr])

curs.CClose()end program.

E.g. \bSmith\b

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Before and After

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The Dataset class delivers new functionality for data management

Available for Python and .NETRetrieve, add, delete and change variables, properties, and valuesProcess multiple datasets at the same timeAccess any case by case numberIncluded in the spss module in the plug-in



ds = spss.Dataset()ds.varlist['accel'].label = "acceleration" #change labelprint len(ds.cases)ds.cases[10,2] = [100] #change a value

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comparedatasets uses the Dataset class to compare cases and variables in two datasets

BEGIN PROGRAM.import spss, comparedatasetsc = comparedatasets.CompareDatasets("first", "second",

idvar="id", diffcount="differences", reportroot="compare")

c.cases()c.dictionaries()c.close()END PROGRAM.

As an extension:

COMPDS DS1=first, DS2=second/DATA ID=id DIFFCOUNT=differencesROOTNAME=compare.

Developer Central

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Comparedatasets: The output dataset reports case differences

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comparedatasets:A summary is written to the SPSS Viewer

You can do selection, summary statistics, and charts on the outcome variables for further information.

SPSS 17 will have a built-in procedure

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The Dataset class makes it easy to use the functions in the extendedTransforms module

data list fixed /dt(a21).begin data.2/22/2008 11:47:45 AM2/22/2008 11:47:45 PMend data.

begin program.import spss, extendedTransformsspss.StartDataStep()ds = spss.Dataset()ds.varlist.append("newdt", 0)ds.varlist[-1].format = (22,22,0) # DATETIME22.0 format

for i, case in enumerate(ds.cases):ds.cases[i, -1] = extendedTransforms.strtodatetime(case[0],

"%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")

spss.EndDataStep()end program.

strtodatetimeand datetimetostrallow patternsto be usedfor dates and times

14 functions inextendedTransforms

Developer Central

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You can write applications where SPSS is hidden using external drives mode

Application built by SPSS Services

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A Reporting Application

Real nameshave beenscrambled

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Written entirely in PythonUses SPSS invisibly for calculation and chartingOutput is captured with the Output Management System (OMS)Uses free packages to supplement SPSS– wxPython for user interface– Reportlab for PDF production

Similar things could be done with .NET

The application was built with Python, SPSS, and standard Python packages

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R programs can be run inside SPSS

SPSS datasets and output can be processed by RNew SPSS datasets can be created from RR can communicate with SPSS via 30 apis

BEGIN PROGRAM R.cases <- spssdata.GetDataFromSPSS(c("mpg", "accel"), 5)spsspivottable.Display(cases, collabels=c("mpg", "accel"))END PROGRAM.

• Output appears in the SPSS Viewer• spsspivottable.Display produces pivot tables

• print() produces plain text•SPSS 17 will include graphical output

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R brings many statistical methods into SPSS

52 packages starting with"a"

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Example: Estimate Rents Using theR Package kknn: K Nearest Neighbors

BEGIN PROGRAM R.dict <- spssdictionary.GetDictionaryFromSPSS()data <-spssdata.GetDataFromSPSS()library(kknn)kl <- c("rectangular","triangular","epanechnikov", "gaussian","rank")t.con <-train.kknn(nmqm ~ wfl + bjkat + zh, data=data, kmax=25, kernel=kl)print(t.con)newv <- spssdictionary.CreateSPSSDictionary(c("predictedRent",

"Predicted Rent", 0, "F8.2", "scale"))spssdictionary.SetDictionaryToSPSS("newrents", data.frame(dict, newv))best <- (charmatch(t.con$best.parameters$kernel, klist)-1) * 25 +


data.frame(c(t.con$fitted.values[[best]]), data))spssdictionary.EndDataStep()END PROGRAM. (Adapted from an Example in the kknn Package)

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R output appears in the Viewer. The output data appear in the Data Editor

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Where We Have Been Today

Programmability adds flexibility and power to SPSSThe extension mechanism integrates programs better into SPSS syntaxThe new Dataset class adds data management powerThe new scripting capabilities provide more ways to work with outputR integration opens a large collection of statistical techniques to SPSS users

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Questions and Answers




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In Conclusion

Programmability capabilities continue to growOpening up SPSS puts you in control through plugging in your own codeMore tasks can be automatedYou can easily tap large R and Python librariesNew capabilities extend data managementThe Extension mechanism integrates capabilities with a consistent syntax

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Tell us about your programmability experiences

Jon Peck, Ph. D.

SPSS Inc233 S Wacker DriveChicago, IL [email protected]