program staff training-2-safety

2011 Program Staff Training Safety & Security Training

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2011 Program Staff Training

Safety & Security Training

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• Expectation of each Program – What we Provided

• GLA #1 Priority = Safety

• 5 Point Safety System

• Director Report and Checklist

• Code of Conduct – What we expect of each Student

• Staff Responsibilities – General

• Staff Responsibilities – Specific

• GLA Headquarters and Assistance

• GLA Program Insurance Coverage

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Our Expectations

• Provide a safe and secure experience for each child who has been

entrusted to our organization

• Provide a safe and secure experience for all staff who are all working to

fulfill our mission of “inspiring the next generation to realize their potential

to transform the world and their role in it.”

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Failure to Meet This Expectation

• An unsafe program can destroy the trust parents have placed in GLA. If

GLA loses the trust of its parents, the organization could have a severe

impact for the future.

• However, while safety is critically important, students’ should not be

sheltered from the communities or prevented from experiencing local

culture in the name of being over-protective.

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Safety is Priority#1

• Safety ALWAYS comes first at GLA!!!

• Safety is paramount. It is woven throughout every aspect of programming.

• Because GLA works exclusively with high school age students, minors, we

all need to be aware of the unique safety issues and concerns of this age


• Program specific safety plan and on-site training

– 3 days prior to start date of program

– Safety will be reviewed before each excursion and activity at “all staff”


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Director and Mentors

• In the GLA experience, bright students connect with accomplished mentors

• This is because You are not chaperones; You are experts.

– All GLA international staff have at a minimum a Bachelor’s Degree

– All GLA international staff have completed and provided documentation to GLA HQ current certification in First Aid/CPR

– All GLA international staff have passed extensive background checks

– Majority of staff have specific experience in the country or region of operation

– Majority of program staff have direct and extensive experience with teens

– Minimum of half of staff on each program speak local language

– All staff have read and signed off on GLA Operating Manual

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5 Point Safety System

• Safety is our # 1 priority. That’s why GLA has implemented the GLA Five-Point Safety System™ to help ensure students’ safety and health, and parent’s peace of mind.

• 1. Safe and Secure Lodging.

• Each program has a GLA Home Base, a place for GLA students only. It’s their home away from home – to relax, enjoy meals with GLA staff and other volunteers, and to reflect and bond.

– Students room together in gender-segregated group lodging

– Males/Females are NOT permitted in each other’s rooms

– Male and Female staff are not permitted in each other’s rooms

– Staff must always speak to student’s in groups of (2) staff members

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5 Point Safety System• 2. Caring Supervision.

• GLA policy is for no student to ever be by themselves at any point in time.

• Students should be either with staff members, in groups, or assigned to a


– The only times students will be unsupervised are:

• In their rooms

• On site of an enclosed HomeBase during free time

• In rare situations i.e. shopping at a local market in groups/buddy


• One staff always does a count off before leaving any site to ensure

all student’s are accounted for

• Our student-staff ratio is 10:1.

• Lights out/Room checks

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5 Point Safety System

• 3. Healthy Meals and Pure Drinking Water.

• Meals are prepared fresh daily, with a healthy mix of fruits,

vegetables, meat, dairy, and bread.

– Students may sample local cuisine, but Western-style are

also available.

– We can accommodate vegetarians in all programs

– Students and staff will also have access to unlimited safe

drinking water.

– We acquire all known allergies to staff for each student – all

staff need to review prior to program and be aware for all

meals, times we eat out, etc.

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5 Point Safety System

• 4. Safe and Comfortable Transportation, Arrival/Departure

• Students are transported in GLA-approved vehicles, transported by experienced, licensed drivers

• At time of arrival, GLA staff will be at the airport to meet and greet students. If the plane is delayed, they will wait until students arrive

– All GLA staff will be wearing their red GLA T-shirt for arrival and departure days

– Students have all been encouraged to wear red GLA or any red T-shirt for arrival day

– Staff need to provide identification for pick-ups in case of unaccompanied minor sign off and/or student request

• All students must complete a MANDATORY CALL HOME upon arrival

– Must speak to actual family member

– Staff must check off that they have reached parent/guardian

• At airport drop-off, GLA staff will help students check in and make sure students know how to find their flight prior to leaving students at the airport

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5 Point Safety System

• 5. Expert Local Knowledge

• Our in-country staff members have intimate knowledge of the

host community.

• They have established relationships with medical professionals

in the area:

– Closest local clinic 24/7 accessibility

– Closest full-service hospital 24/7 accessibility

• They have connections with all of the local organizations where

students do community service, visit NGO’s, partake in cultural

activities etc.

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Director’s Report



• Completed by both Local Director – emergency and evacuation plan

• International Director (s) upon arrival to program country (first task) – review together with entire team

• Int’l Director Checklist requirements:

– Pre Program Operational Checklist

– Post Program Wrap Up Checklist

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Director’s Report/Checklists

• Checklists must be emailed to GLA HQ and approved prior to

start of program and team review and at conclusion of program

• Review must be delivered by Director’s as part of the training to

all hired staff in-country prior to arrival of the students

• Director’s must formally check-in with HQ after each session to

discuss the program and specifically revisit safety

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Code of Conduct

• Students in our program are representatives of their home nations and schools. As such, they are expected to be respectful of all the other students on the program, the staff, and the public.

• They are also expected to demonstrate open mindedness and enthusiasm for learning.

• Finally, students must obey Global Leadership Adventures’ Code of Conduct. Any violation of the Code of Conduct will result in the student’s immediate removal from the program. The student will be sent home on the next available flight - at the parents’ expense, even if there is one day remaining on the program.

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• 1. Stay on campus/GLA Homebase. Students are required to remain on the program campus/homebase site at all times except when accompanied by a staff member or unless granted permission in advance.

• 2. Have a buddy. On trips, students are committed to a strict adherence to a buddy system. A student is never at any time permitted to go off on his or her own.

• 3. Don’t catch a ride. Students are only permitted to travel in motorized vehicles with program staff. Any instances of riding in an unauthorized vehicle, including taxis or buses, will result in expulsion.

• 4. No alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. The use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or any other controlled substances are strictly prohibited during the student’s time in the program. Use of these products will result in immediate expulsion. Nicotine patches or gum are acceptable.

• 5. Water safety. Students are not allowed to swim on trips except with the permission and under the supervision of one of the program’s trained lifeguards. Students are to obey all rules laid out by the lifeguards under any swimming excursion.

• 6. Ask for permission. Students are required to ask for permission to take part in activities not specifically authorized or supervised by the program staff.

• 7. Commitment to program. Students must be committed to the program, from beginning to end. This means students will approach all GLA activities with an open mind and will commit to participating in all aspects of the program.

Code of Conduct

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Staff Responsibilities• Each staff member will carry the following on them at all times

1. First Aid Kit on them at all times

2. Insurance / Executive Assistance Card

3. One page local emergency contacts page i.e. clinic, hospital, ambulance, police, fire, embassy, all staff numbers

4. Program specific enrolled student info form, which includes:1. Name

2. DOB

3. Passport #

4. Allergies

5. Medical Issues & Special Notes

6. Emergency Contacts

5. GLA Mobile Phone: given to Program Directors - used only for GLA in-country communication, emergency and communication with HQ (not personal calls). Save all staff contacts in phone.

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Shared Responsibility

• On and off site, remain vigilant for things that might

compromise student safety, such as unfamiliar individuals or unlocked doors

• During an activity if you feel that an aspect is NOT

safe or that security is compromised immediately

stop and have a staff meeting to share concerns

– You may deem an activity unsafe because of weather, vehicles, personnel etc.,

• If you believe additional safety precautions should be

taken, discuss immediately with the program


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Incident vs. Emergency

• An incident does not require you to contact the embassy for the

affected participants home country

• An emergency requires that you contact and gain assistance

from the embassy

• The following require emergency protocols

– Death of student or staff

– Kidnapping

– Rape

– Assault

– Natural Disaster

– Medical emergency required evacuation

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Emergency Protocol

• Discuss: GLA Operating Manual pages 10 – 19

• Acquiring facts and informing GLA HQ

• Communicating with GLA HQ, parents, embassy, local

authorities (police, coroner, etc.)

• Acquiring all paper documents from local authorities

• Informing and calming other students

• Determining next steps

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Incident Reports

Any incident that occurs on a program should be transmitted in writing to GLA HQ in the form of a simple email sent to: [email protected]

What qualifies as an incident?

• Student checked in to an emergency room

• Visit to a doctor’s office

• Visit to an outpatient care center

• Student drinking of alcohol or drug use

• Civil unrest

• Any interaction with law authority beyond simple questioning

• Theft of valuables

• Fist fight between students

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Information Required in Incident Report• Name of GLA Program:

• Name of person(s) involved:

• Date of incident:

• Approximate time:

• Type of Incident: Emergency or Non-Emergency

• Name of person filing report:

• Sponsorship: Self-funded or on Scholarship (who is sponsor organization?)

• Describe incident or situation:

• Summarize condition of affected participants (physical and psychological condition):

• Summary of action taken (response by local authorities, medical attention provided, plan in the event the situation gets worse)

• If medication was prescribed – what is the name of the medication and how much dosage was prescribed? Please make a copy of the prescription for our records.

• Any other pertinent data of more detailed descriptions continued from above

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Typical Behavioral Issues

The following types of runs are NOT necessary to


• Homesickness

• Crying

• Bad attitude

• Cliques forming

• Name calling and cursing between students

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Preventative Measures• The best way to handle an emergency is to Prevent it from happening. By adhering

to some simple guidelines the likelihood of any serious incident can be dramatically reduced. These measures SHOULD be included in the safety orientation with all students (Code of Conduct Review)

• Stay at the Home Base/Site. Students are required to remain on the grounds of the Home Base/Service Site/Excursion at all times except when accompanied by a staff member.

• Have a buddy. On trips, students are committed to a strict adherence to a buddy system. A student is never at any time permitted to go off on his or her own.

• Be a Water Maniac. The most common reason students fall ill on a program is because of dehydration. Students do not realize that the sun is often hotter in many of our locations and forget about drinking water to stay hydrated. Staff must become “water maniacs” and make sure students are drinking sufficient water – and filling their bottles before departing for community service and excursions.

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Preventative Measures• Be a Medication/Sunscreen/Insect Repellant/Appropriate Dress/Gear Maniac. It

is advised to remind students daily about required medications, sunscreen, Insect Repellant and appropriate dress for both cultural norms and safety. Prior to excursions/activities remind students about appropriate gear i.e. hiking shoes, water bottle, etc.

• Define a meeting place. Before your group exits the vehicle on any field trip or excursion you should define a meeting point with students to which they can return if they get lost.

– Count all students before leaving any site, double count!!!

• Be aware. Be aware of your surroundings at all times.

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Preventative Measures

• Be inconspicuous. Students should keep a low profile and try not to make themselves conspicuous by dress, speech, or behavior in ways that might identify them as potential targets. Students will not know this unless the staff instructs them prior to the visit.

• Be discrete. Do not carry valuables (cash, personal documents, jewelry, etc.) in such a way that they are clearly visible to others. Do, however, carry a wallet with some cash, but no other documents, in it. In the extremely unlikely event of a robbery, it is best to have something to offer.

• Be cautious. Be wary of people who seem over friendly or overly interested in the group. Be cautious when you meet new people, and do not give out your address or phone number. Be careful with information about students or group events. Be alert to anyone who might appear to be following you, and to any unusual activity around your place of residence or classroom. Report any unusual people or activities to on-site staff immediately.

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Preventative Measures

• Don’t catch a ride. Students are only permitted to travel in motorized vehicles with program staff. Any instances of hitchhiking or riding in an unauthorized vehicle, including taxis or buses, will result in expulsion.

• No alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. The use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or any other controlled substances is strictly prohibited during the student’s time in the program.

• Water safety. Students are not allowed to swim on trips except with the permission and under the supervision of one of the program’s trained lifeguards. Students are to obey all rules laid out by the lifeguards under any swimming excursion. Students are not to participate in any unauthorized water sport or to swim alone.

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Student Crisis Management

• In general, whenever an emergency or an issue with a student or staff member occurs, the Directors should assemble all staff and students on the GLA program as

soon as possible.

• While respecting individual privacy, the Directors should describe the confirmed facts of the situation an answer any questions as well as possible.

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GLA HQ Support & Assistance

• In-country program staff have direct access to a

24/7 GLA headquarters support staff who will be

on-call for any question, issue or crisis

• HQ staff will serve as the liaison between program

staff, students, families and the press (if necessary)

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Insurance Coverage

• GLA provides secondary travel, medical and evacuation insurance for all students and staff

– If you do not have primary, GLA’s serves as

– Student’s/Staff are responsible for paying up front for medical fees and posting a claim later using receipts

for reimbursements

– If student/staff is not able to pay GLA will cover

• 24/7 Executive Assistance for staff

– Refer to card, print out and carry with you at all times

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