program manual for install x8

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  • 8/13/2019 Program Manual for Install X8


    2003 Systems & Technology Corp. All rights reserved.



    Version: 1.30

    Published Date: April 30, 2004

  • 8/13/2019 Program Manual for Install X8


    2003 Systems & Technology Corp. All rights reserved.

    General notes

    With respect to any damages arising in operation with the described product or this document, S&T shall be

    liable according to the General Conditions on which the delivery of the described product and this document

    are based. This product is not intended for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where a

    malfunction of the product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. S&T customers using or

    selling this product for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify S&T for

    any damages resulting from illegal use or resale.

    Information in this document is subject to change without notice at any time.

    Copyright notice

    Copying of this document and giving it to others and the use or communication of the contents thereof, are

    forbidden without express authority. Offenders are liable to the payment of damages.

    Copyright Systems & Technology Corp. 2003. All rights reserved

  • 8/13/2019 Program Manual for Install X8


    IntelliTrac X Series Protocol Document

    2003 Systems & Technology Corp. All rights reserved.


    1 INTRODUCTION TO INSTALLWIZARD PROGRAM...................................................1

    1.1. Launch the Main Menu: ................................................................................................................... 1

    1.2 Functions of Main Menu:.................................................................................................................. 1

    1.2.1 Initial Configuration: ...................................................................................................................... 1

    1.2.2 Modification: .................................................................................................................................. 2

    1.2.3 Comport setting............................................................................................................................. 2 By InstallWizard: ........................................................................................................................ 2 By change file............................................................................................................................. 3

    1.3.3 Exit: ................................................................................................................................................. 3

    2 CONFIGURATION OF INTELLITRAC X8 UNIT:..........................................................4

    2.1 Initial Configuration:......................................................................................................................... 4

    2.1.1 Start setting up parameters to unit ................................................................................................ 6

    2.1.2 Password setup............................................................................................................................. 7

    2.1.3 Unit ID setup ................................................................................................................................. 8

    2.1.4 Pincode setup ............................................................................................................................... 9

    2.1.5 GPRS setup ................................................................................................................................ 10

    2.1.6 Base phone setup ....................................................................................................................... 12

    2.1.7 Voice communication setup ........................................................................................................ 14

    2.1.8 Unit phone setup......................................................................................................................... 15

    2.1.9 Voltage setup .............................................................................................................................. 16

    2.1.10 Input delay setup....................................................................................................................... 17

    2.1.11 Overspeed setup....................................................................................................................... 18

    2.1.12 Report setup.............................................................................................................................. 20

    2.1.13 Time zone setup........................................................................................................................ 29

    2.1.14 Upload parameters.................................................................................................................... 30

    2.2 Modification:.................................................................................................................................... 31

    2.2.1 Select Unit to modify: .................................................................................................................. 31

    2.2.2 Password setup:.......................................................................................................................... 32

  • 8/13/2019 Program Manual for Install X8


  • 8/13/2019 Program Manual for Install X8


    IntelliTrac X Series Protocol Document

    2003 Systems & Technology Corp. All rights reserved.

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    11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonnttooIInnssttaallllWWiizzaarrddpprrooggrraamm

    After executing the file IntelliTracSetup.exe, it will self-extract to and created a folder called IntelliTrac


    Ex: If you install this program into C drive, the path should be following:

    C:\Program Files\IntelliTrac Tracer\Program\Tracer\InstallWizard.exe

    The function of the InstallWizard is to configure the IntelliTrac X8 unit. You can setup password

    unit IDphone numbervoltagezonereport to the unit.


    1. All inputs and output setting of the unit (including report setting) will be activated AFTER

    successfully received the GPS signal.

    2. The firmware version 1.303 or above supports the GPRS with Voice feature. When theconfiguration of the unit is in GPRS mode, the GPRS communication will be disabled temporary

    and switch to GSM automatically when the system makes the voice communication; the system will

    switch back to GPRS automatically when the voice communication is finished.

    3. The voice communication setting of GSM also will be used in GPRS mode.

    4. The voice communication is available for Report Action setting if VIP number has entered.

    1.1. Launch the Main Menu:

    - Click Start on the task bar.

    - Select Program Files

    - Select IntelliTrac Tracer

    - Click InstallWizard then the Main Menu appears,

    please refer the Figure 2.

    1.2 Functions of Main Menu:

    1.2.1 Initial Configuration:

    - Initialization for single unit:

    Initialize the setting or modify the setting when the IntelliTrac X8 unit direct connects to a PC

    with InstallWizard installed. After setup all parameter then UPLOAD all setting into the unit.

    Modify the existing setting by Direct Connection.

    - Initialization for multiunit:

    After setting all parameters and upload to an IntelliTrac X8 unit, the InstallWizard will retrieve all

    parameters or setting of pervious unit. The advantage of this feature let users only need to enter

    all parameters one time if users like to configure more than one unit. If the setting of each unit is

    Figure 2

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    IntelliTrac X Series Protocol Document

    2003 Systems & Technology Corp. All rights reserved.

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    different, the parameters also can be changed to appropriate parameters during the initialization


    1.2.2 Modification:

    The function is for wireless uploading only. After initializing the setting for a unit, this function

    allows the user to change parameters and upload to the unit wirelessly. After click Finish tab, need

    to open Tracer program and click Upload icon to complete uploading process (please refer to user

    manual of Tracer program).

    1.2.3 Comport setting

    There are two ways to set the communication port, one is by clicking the Comport Setting, the

    other way is by changing *.ini file. By InstallWizard:

    After click Set comport, the dialog pops up (Refer the figure to the

    right). Please select appropriate setting for both Com Port and Baud

    Rate. The wrong setting will cause the entire system does not


    - How to check Com Port number:

    - For windows:

    Start -> Setting -> Control Panel -> System -> Hardware ->

    Device Manager -> Ports (Com & Lpt), to find the

    corresponding COM port.

    If using USB port, please use USB Series Adapter (USB to RS232)

    and use the step above to confirm the port number.


    If there are more than one USB ports available on the computer, the Comport number will be

    different upon different USB port.

    - BaudRate for the connection:

    WaveCom Modem: 9600

    Direct Connection: 57600

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    IntelliTrac X Series Protocol Document

    2003 Systems & Technology Corp. All rights reserved.

    - 3 - By change file

    Open the ST_Comport_Configuration.ini (Figure 1) to setup the communication port.

    Ex:If the connected communication port is com 1, then1, 57600

    If the connected communication port is com 5, then5, 57600

    1.3.3 Exit:

    Quit the InstallWizard program by clicking Exit.

    Figure 1

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    22 CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonnooffIInntteelllliiTTrraaccXX88UUnniitt::

    2.1 Initial Configuration:

    Before start to configure the unit, please check following:

    - RS232 cable is connected between the IntelliTrac X8 and the PC COM port. If use a USB port,

    please have USB Serial Adapter connected.

    - Plug the power code into the IntelliTrac X8 unit.

    After click Initial Configuration, the following dialog appears and requires a password. The password

    is required for configuration changes each time.

    Please enter the default password 0000 then click OK button.

    Turn on the Power of the unit. The message Waiting for unit message will display on the left-bottom

    of the window.

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    2003 Systems & Technology Corp. All rights reserved.

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    Then the four LED lights up on the front panel and will be blinking about 20 seconds. If all device connect

    correctly, the message Unit is startup appears on the left-bottom of window. If password is correct, the unit

    ID and firmware version will display on the screen accordingly:

    After waiting for about 20 seconds, when the unit is ready, message Unit is ready shows at the left-bottom.

    The ERR LED on the front panel stays on, before Unit is ready message appears. Until receiving Unit is

    ready message, the ERR LED will become off status. Please refer to the above figure. When the Unit is

    ready message appears, which means the unit is ready to be configured.

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    2003 Systems & Technology Corp. All rights reserved.

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    2.1.1 Start setting up parameters to unit

    Click the Setup button.

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    2003 Systems & Technology Corp. All rights reserved.

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    2.1.2 Password setup

    The default password is 0000. The maximum characters of password is 10 and it can be mixed with

    charters and numbers. If the user wants to change password, just check the box next to Change

    Password. Enter original password for Old Password column, new password for New Password

    column, and new password for Confirm New Password column. After entering the new password, click

    the Next button.

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    2.1.3 Unit ID setup

    The default unit ID is 1010000001. If the user wants to change ID number of the unit, one can check the box

    next to Change ID and input a new ID number. Please note: unit ID is a 10-digit numbers. The first 2 digit

    numbers are preserved for S&T and they cannot be changed. The rest 8 digit numbers are changeable and

    can be managed by users. If the user does not want to change ID number, just click Next button.

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    2003 Systems & Technology Corp. All rights reserved.

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    2.1.4 Pincode setup

    If the SIM card is inserted in the unit with the Pincode enabled, please check the box next to Setup

    Pincode. Then input the Pincode correctly.

    If you have disabled Pincode function for your SIM card, please skip this step.

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    2.1.5 GPRS setup (UDP, TCP / IP)

    IP Type: communicationformat



    Phone numberGPRS dialup phone number

    Access point nameSet APN (Access Point Name) (Please inquire your GPRS service provider)

    User nameThe user name for GPRS connection (Please inquire your GPRS service provider)

    PasswordThe password for GPRS connection (Please inquire your GPRS service provider)

    Host IP Address: A fixed IP number is required for the base computer.

    Host port The port number of the UDP/TCP. The range should be between 100 and 65535.

    Sync intervalSetting the synchronization messages sending interval (The unit is 100 millisecond)

    Please set 300 to get best performance.

    Please refer to the following figure:

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    Caution:When you enable GPRS function, you need to pay attention to following:

    1. Ensure the base station connects to Internet with a FIXED (STATIC) IP address..

    2. If there is firewall behind your network, you need to assign a host port number in order to make base

    station receiving incoming packets.

    3. If there is a router setting in your network, please consult with the MIS person.

    4. After you enable GPRS function, the GSM/SMS and GSM/CS DATA will be disabled automatically.

    Therefore, if you have enabled GPRS function.

    5. Please do not fill-in any information of Base Number and SMS Service Center for GSM/SMS or

    GSM/CS DATA on the next Base phone setup page.

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    2.1.6 Base phone setup

    Connect Type: Select either GSM CS Data or GSM SMS as communication way of unit.

    Base Number:

    The number is for control center (base station) phone number. This is the number of the SIM card

    that inserted into a GSM wireless modem which connects to the base station.If you select GSM

    CS Data, Base Number must be a Circuit Switched Data number of SIM card. If you select GSM

    SMS, Base Number must be voice phone number of the SIM card. For example, a user uses a

    number (GSM/SMS or CS DATA) of the SIM card is 0928711643. The number has to be entered is


    Filter: If "Filter" box is checked --> it means "Only accepts commands from the specific base station".If "Filter" box is not checked --> it means "Accept commands from any base phone number".

    Setup SMSC: If "Setup SMSC" box is checked, please input short message service center number (please

    inquire local phone company).

    If "Setup SMSC" box is not checked, the IntelliTrac X8 will automatically detect short message

    service center number from the SIM card.

    VIP Number(1)~VIP Number(7): These 7 numbers are cellular phone numbers. They are mainly applied to

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    voice communication and short message service in report setup.


    If you use two SIM cards of the different telecom companies to communicate between

    control center and unit, there must be 2 different SMS service numbers. Above-mentioned

    SMS Service Center column is the SMS service number, which SIM Card is inserted in the


    If 7 VIP phone numbers were left blank, then Dial Voice Call and Send SMS VIP Number

    functions in report setup cannot be executed.

    If GSM CS Data is selected, function Send SMS VIP Number in report setup cannot be


    The following figure is the example:

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    2.1.7 Voice communication setup

    If the unit connects to HandsFree devices, user can setup appropriate parameters for voice communication.

    The definition for each parameters is following:

    - Manual Answer for incoming voice call:

    When unit receives incoming call, user has to use IR-Dialer to pick up the phone call.

    - Auto answer for incoming call

    When unit receives incoming voice call, the unit will automatically picks up after 3 rings.

    - Handset modecurrently not available.

    - Handsfree Modeuser has to have HandsFree Set ready and connect correctly. The HandsFree Set

    includes an audio box, a speaker, a microphone, and a cable. Notice that HandsFree is for one way

    communication without IR Dialer and IR. Dialer Receiver.

    - Dial In Control

    Reject any incoming callsThe unit can not accept any incoming voice calls.

    Answer any incoming callsThe unit can accept any incoming voice calls.

    3 incoming calls at most The unit can be accepted incoming call of these 3 pre-set phone numbers


    - Dial Out Control

    Reject any outgoing callsThe unit can not dial any outgoing voice calls.

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    Dial out any outgoing callsThe unit can dial any outgoing voice calls.

    3 outgoing calls at mostThe unit can have maximum of 3 pre-set outgoing phone number.

    2.1.8 Unit phone setup

    Unit Phone# (Voice): This number is for unit phone number. It is for GSM/SMS communication.

    Unit Phone# (Data): This number is for unit phone number. It is for GSM/CS Data communication.

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    2.1.9 Voltage setup

    Voltage: The lowest acceptable voltage for the unit. The default voltage is 12.00 volt.

    Enable Power Saving Mode: Setup for operating Backup Barry.

    - Power Down delay: Time length before entering the sleeping mode after turn off car Engine. The

    range is from 0 to 65535 seconds.

    - Power up Duration: The time interval of routine awaken stage once the unit entering power

    saving mode or any input has been triggered. The range is from 0 to 65535 seconds.

    - Power down Duration: Time interval of sleeping mode before routine wake up. The range is from

    0 to 65535.The unit may active whenever the input (S) is triggered.


    The unit will wake up while it is in power down state whenever the input (S) is triggered.

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    2.1.11 Overspeed setup

    LoggingLog the most recent GPS position to non-volatile flash memory for future retrieval.

    Pollingreport the latest GPS position of the unit to the base station.

    Minimal SpeedThe minimum speed of speed range.

    Maximal SpeedThe maximum speed of speed range.

    DurationThis parameter defines the speeding report will be activated once the speed range is satisfied for

    a time duration. The duration should be at least 15 seconds to avoid the collision of messages.

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    Please refer to the following figure as an example

    The unit will do logging action when the speed is between 80 Km/Hr and 120 Km/Hr and stays in this

    range for 10 second. If the speed keeps in this range more than 10 seconds, the unit will do logging every

    10 seconds.

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    2.1.12 Report setup

    In report setup, the user may create a new report by click New, modify a report setting by click Edit, or

    click Delete to delete a report. After create a new report or modify a report, click ok button to back to

    Report list.


    Click New button to create a report function and a new window pops up as following figure:

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    Report Name: is defined by the user, and the report name will be sent as message whenever the input (s)

    setting of the report is triggered. The maximum number of characters is 20.


    Input: is used to active the action. Select the expected input port and can be set combination

    of inputs as a condition. Once all inputs are all triggered, the action will be activated.

    Zone Name: Before use this function, user has to use ZoneManager program to create

    zones. The maximum number of zones is 20.

    Zone Control:

    - Entering: when vehicle enters the selected zone, the action(s) will be activated.

    - Existing: when vehicle leaves the selected zone, the action(s) will be activated.

    - Inside Zone: when vehicle stays inside the zone, the action(s) will be activated.

    - Outside Zone: when vehicle stays outside the zone, the action(s) will be activated.

    Schedule name: user may schedule the report function. The report will be enabled in only

    certain time zone according to the schedule time period. The maximum number of character

    is 20.The Please follow the steps below:

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    Click the icon next to Schedule Name field.

    Then a windows pops up as following:

    Click NEW to create a new schedule:

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    Enter the name and time schedule as you wish:

    Then click the Save then Exit.

    Click Delete to delete the existing schedule.

    Schedule control:

    - Entering: when unit enters the Start time of the time interval, it will report the information

    of the vehicle according to the setting in Action section.

    - Existing: when unit exists the end time of the time interval, it will report the information of

    the vehicle according to the setting in Action section.

    - Inside schedule: enable the report function during the time interval of the time schedule.

    Recommend that use this parameter combining with other input setting. For

    example: If input(s) has been triggered not in this time interval, the action will not

    be activated.

    - Outside schedule: enable the report function EXCEPTthe time interval of the time schedule.

    Recommend that use this parameter combining with other input setting. For

    example: If input(s) has been triggered not in this time interval, the action will be


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    Main Power Report:

    -None: disable this function.

    -Main power low: if the voltage of the vehicle is lower than the value setup in the voltage set

    up page then -action(s) will be activated.

    -Main power lost: if the main power lost, the action will be activated.

    Main Power Control:

    - Active: enable Main Power Report function.

    - Deactive: disable the Main Power Report function.

    There are different combination for Main Power Reprot and Main Power Control:

    - Main Power Low & Deactive:

    When the vehicle voltage is lower than the value we entered in the voltage setup page, it

    will not report. It will report according to the action we selected after 12 hours if the vehicle

    voltage is higher than the value we setup.

    - Main Power Low & Active:

    When the unit voltage is lower than the value we entered in the voltage setup page, it will

    report according the action we selected.

    - Main Power Lost & Deactive (backup battery must be on):

    When the unit loses main power, it will not report. It will report when the main power has

    been reconnected.

    - Main Power Lost & active (backup battery must be on):

    When the unit loses main power, it will report. It will not report when the main powerreconnects to the unit.


    Logging: When the condition occurs, unit will record the current position, time, speed, and

    events, etc into built-in flash memory.

    Polling: When the condition occurs, unit will send back the current position, time, speed, and

    event to the base station.

    Dial Voice Call: When the condition occurs, dial a voice call to the pre-set voice number.

    Send SMS VIP Number: When the condition occurs, sending a SMS (report name) to the

    appointed cellular phone or any other GSM Modem.


    * Dial Voice Call function only support 1 set phone number.

    * Send SMS VIP Number function can support at most 7 phone numbers.

    * Send SMS VIP Number is not available for GPRS communication.

    -Set Output: When the condition occurs, sending an output command to the vehicles device.

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    Please refer to following 3 examples for repot setting. Please set up the appropriate report setting according

    to requirement.

    Example 1:

    For the figure above (with immobilizer installed):

    The action will be activated whenever the following three conditions are all satisfied:

    1. input 4 has been triggered

    2. Time interval is starting at 8:00am to 6:00pm Monday (based on the scheduling example above)

    3. The voltage of the vehicle is lower than the value we set on the voltage range setting page.

    The system will do Polling in which the unit will send the report to the control center and activate the

    immobilizer (Output 8) if all conditions are all satisfied.

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    Example 2:

    The report name is Enter Zone

    In this case, when the vehicle enters the pre-defined zone New Zone(2), the unit will send a message, the

    name of report Enter Zone to the VIP number. In the meantime, unit will do the logging in which store the

    event into the flash memory of the unit.

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    Example 3:

    In this case, it is combination of different conditions. The conditions are following:

    1. Input 3 and input 5 have been triggered.

    2. Enter the New Zone(1).

    3. Main Power Low (the voltage of the vehicle is lower than the value we set).

    If above conditions are all satisfied then the actions will be activated and do Logging, Polling, Dial Voice

    Call, Send SMS VIP number, and activate output3.

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    There will be 3 reports on the report list.

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    2.1.13 Time zone setup

    GMT: Greenwich Mean Time.

    Local time: The current time zone on your computer.

    User define: User may setup different time for different time zone.

    This information will be stored on the unit. Time for all of the data returned by unit will correspond to your


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    2.1.14 Upload parameters

    Click Upload button when you have finished all of the parameters setup of unit.

    If upload procedure succeeds, you will see the following figure. Then click Finish button.

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    2.2 Modification:

    This is for wireless uploading setting only. Do not use it when the unit direct connect to the PC. At

    this stage, the user dont need to wait the message Unit is ready

    2.2.1 Select Unit to modify:

    If you have configured units using Initial Configuration, you will see a list of units. Select one from

    the list need to be modified. Once selected, please click OK button for next step.

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    2.2.2 Password setup:

    Please refer to section 2.1.2

    2.2.3 Unit ID setup

    Please refer to section 2.1.3

    2.2.4 Pincode setup

    Please refer to section 2.1.4

    2.2.5 GPRS setup

    Please refer to section 2.1.5

    2.2.6 Base phone setup

    Please refer to section 2.1.6

    2.2.7 Voice communication setup

    Please refer to section 2.1.7

    2.2.8 Unit phone setupPlease refer to section 2.1.8

    2.2.9 Voltage setup

    Please refer to section 2.1.9

    2.2.10 Input delay setup

    Please refer to section 2.1.10

    2.2.11 Overspeed setupPlease refer to section 2.1.11

    2.2.12 Report setup

    Please refer to section 2.1.12

    2.2.13 Time zone setup

    After selecting the time zone then click finish button. The confirmation dialog pops up, the

    figure as following:

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    The dialog means that users have been made

    modification successfully. But it has NOTupload


    2.2.14 Upload parameters

    When complete the changing, please use the Tracer program to upload to the unit by wireless

    communication. Please refer to the user manual of Tracer program for detail.

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    33 LLooaadduunniiffiillee

    After you setup and upload parameters to unit, InstallWizard will establish a uni file. If unit id is 1010000001,

    the filename will be 1010000001.uni. If unit id is 1010000002, the filename will be 1010000002.uni. The uni

    file will store all of the setup parameters. If you want to setup the same parameters to another unit, you can

    load previous uni file. By doing this, you dont need to key-in parameters again.

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    44 TTeessttuunniitt

    If you want to test other modules status inside the unit, you can click Test button.

    After clicking Test button, the figure will display the test result for different modules in the windows. if any

    result appears Failed, please try it again. If the result still appearing Failed, please consult the local


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    If you would like to Install Wizard program to test the unit automatically, you can click Option button.

    In default, Enable Auto Test function is disabled.

    If you want to enable this function, just check this item and click OK button.

    After the function is enabled, the program will automatically test all modules when launch the program next


  • 8/13/2019 Program Manual for Install X8


    IntelliTrac X Series Protocol Document

    2003 Systems & Technology Corp. All rights reserved.

    - 37 -

    55 RReesseettuunniitt

    5.1 Software Reset:

    If you want to reset the unit, you can click Reset button.

    After clicking Reset button, the figure will display as following:

    When click Yes button, unit will reset and the message Unit is resetting will be displayed in the

    lower-left corner. And the power LED (green) will be blinking. After around 10 seconds, the unit will

    reboot itself and will back to the factory default. But the UnitID will be kept.

  • 8/13/2019 Program Manual for Install X8


    IntelliTrac X Series Protocol Document

    5.2 Hardware Reset:

    Loosen the four screws, which located on the real panel and take the main board out. You will see

    a button near the GPS antenna area (figure 3). To reset the unit, press and

    hold the button THEN turn on the unit power. The Power LED (green color) will

    be blinking, after blinking about 10 seconds, it will reboot the unit and all settingwill back to the factory setting.

    Figure 3