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2020-2021 Indigenous Languages & Cultures Program Program Guidelines Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre

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2020-2021 Indigenous Languages & Cultures Program

Program Guidelines


Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre

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2020-21 Indigenous Languages & Cultures Program \\\ Program Guidelines 1


The Indigenous Languages and Culture (ILC) Program aims to support community-based projects that contribute to the strengthening of Indigenous cultural identity as well as preservation and revitalization of Indigenous languages for the benefit of Indigenous peoples with flexibility and responsiveness to the broad range of community needs, goals, and priorities.

ILC is a Canadian Heritage funding program administered by the Saskatchewan Indigenous Culture Centre (SICC), and delivered with assistance from SaskCulture.

SICC has served First Nations people since 1972. It was the first educational institution serving at the provincial level that is First Nation controlled. The SICC strives to maintain the cultural identity of First Nations cultures who inhabit what is now known as Saskatchewan: Plains Cree, Swampy Cree, Woodlands Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Dakota, Nakoda and Lakota.

SICC is working with SaskCulture Inc. to support the development of its funding processes, administration and delivery systems for the implementation of ILC. SaskCulture is a non-profit community-based organization known as a funder and supporter of cultural activity in the province.

For more information on the partners:


There are four streams of ILC projects. Applicants can address one stream as the main focus of their activity or a combination of up to 3 project streams. The eligible project types are:• Community-Based Language Projects • Mentor and Apprentice • Language Resource Development • Cultural Development

Funding Levels:

• Suggested minimum request amount: $25,000.00 per fiscal year• Maximum request amount: $200,000.00 per organization per fiscal year

Please note that funding applications must be limited to 3 types of project streams.

\\ Ove̛view

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Program Guidelines \\\ 2020-21 Indigenous Languages & Cultures Program2

\\ Table of Contents

Part A – ILC Criteria ---------------------------------------------

1. Applicant Eligibility -----------------------------------------

2. Project Types ----------------------------------------------

3. Priorities for Funding --------------------------------------

4. Project Timelines ------------------------------------------

5. Funding Levels --------------------------------------------

6. Eligible Project Expenses -------------------------------

7. Project Consultation ---------------------------------------

PART B - ILC Funding Decision Making Process -----------










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The ILC funding program aims to support community-based projects that contribute to the strengthening of Indigenous cultural identity as well as preservation and revitalization of Indigenous languages for the benefit of Indigenous peoples with flexibility and responsiveness to the broad range of community needs, goals, and priorities.

Expected results include the following:

• Indigenous communities have access to resources to deliver activities that incorporate Indigenous languages and• Indigenous individuals and groups are engaged in activities that strengthen Indigenous languages.

\\ Part A - ILC Criteria

To be eligible applicants must apply online by the deadline.

Application Deadline: February 5, 2020, 11:59 pm Online Application:

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Program Guidelines \\\ 2020-21 Indigenous Languages & Cultures Program4

Eligible Applicants

ILC funding is intended to support and build capacity for language activity within Indigenous Communities and Indigenous controlled organizations (51% + of the board/governance are Indigenous). Non-Indigenous controlled not-for-profits may still apply, but these applicants are required to submit additional evidence. The following organizations are eligible to apply for ILC:

• Indigenous - controlled Incorporated not-for-profits;• Indigenous - controlled Unincorporated not-for-profits;• Indigenous - controlled Ad hoc committees;• Indigenous government or equivalent organization with delegated authority; • For profit Indigenous-controlled organization, provided that the project for which you are requesting funding will not result in income generation for your sole benefit; • Indigenous-led academic institutions; and• Non-First Nation controlled non-profit organizations (must submit evidence that your project is being coordinated with 51% authority from a First Nation, a First Nation organization or a First Nation guiding committee)

Ineligible Applicants

The following organizations are ineligible to apply for ILC:

• An individual person;• Non-profit organizations that are not in good standing (struck) with Information Services Canada (ISC);• Non-Indigenous controlled organization without evidence of partnership with an eligible Indigenous entity;• Applicant previously funded by Canadian Heritage or SICC that is not in compliance with previously signed Contribution Agreement; and• Organizations based outside of Canada.

\\ 1. Applicant Eligibility

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There are four streams of ILC projects. Applicants can address one stream as the main focus of their activity or a combination of up to 3 project streams. These project types are:

Community Based Language Projects – These projects are participatory and accessible to the target communities and can include capacity building activities. These include language camps, classes, language nests, leadership development focused on languages, language training for instructors, online language training, immersion activities, and community language planning/engagement designed to impact broad groups of participants.

Mentor and Apprentice – This priority intends to support one-on-one language instruction with a fluent language instructor and a language learner. The intended outcome is fluency for the language learner and development of language instructors.

Language Resource Development – ILC can also support the development of language resources such as digital technology, development and distribution of language based products (cd’s, books, teaching guides) as well as content development for language training in community based practices. The range of possibilities is very extensive:

• App • Audio/Visual Teaching Aid • Archiving̛• Book • Cataloguing • CD•̛ Database • Dictionary • Digitization̛• DVD • Game • Language Kit̛• Lexicon • Lessons plans • Map• Magazine • Content for Online Lessons • Poster• Radio Content • Recording • Strategic Plan• Teacher Kit • Train the Trainer program • Translation̛• Television Content • Website • Workbook

Cultural Development - ILC can also support activities that deliver life skills and wellness programs that incorporate learning of Indigenous languages. Cultural festivals and gatherings that incorporate Indigenous language promotion or learning. are also eligible. Please note that activities that fall under this category must provide evidence of strong Indigenous language incorporation into the cultural activities.

\\ 2. Project Types

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Program Guidelines \\\ 2020-21 Indigenous Languages & Cultures Program6

\\ 3. Priorities for Funding

Priority is given to projects that include the following:

• Developing and delivering community language training programs (e.g. language and culture instruction and camps, language nests, online training, mentor- apprentice programs, etc.);• Developing materials to increase Indigenous language use and proficiency (e.g. books, videos, workbooks, lexicons, language kits, games, etc.);• Developing systems for facilitating communications in Indigenous languages (e.g. database, etc.);• Developing digital tools to share information, materials and resources among Indigenous languages groups (e.g. website, application, etc.); and• Recording, documenting and preserving Indigenous languages (e.g. radio and television content, archiving, etc.)

\\ 4. Project Timelines

ILC projects can take place anytime between June 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021.

\\ 5. Funding Levels

• Suggested minimum request amount: $25,000.00 per fiscal year• Maximum request amount: $200,000.00 per organization per fiscal year

Communities are encouraged to submit one proposal for all initiatives, however there may be instances where multiple applications are submitted by an organization. Regardless of how many proposals are submitted, ILC will not consider combined requests exceeding $200,000 overall per community per fiscal year.

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\\ 6. Eligible Project Expenses

Only activity-related expenses are eligible. Ineligible expenses will not be considered.

Eligible Expenses:

• Wages/Honouraria – These are for individuals contracted for the duration or portion of the proposed ILC project(s). These individuals are the cultural resource peoples, coordinators and helpers who are offering their skills and expertise for the term of the project.

• Material supplies – These are the physical material supplies (not food or equipment) required for language specific programming.

• Facility costs – This is an eligible expense in situations where additional space is required for the project to move ahead. The existing space/facility of an applicant organization is not eligible and would be considered as an in-kind contribution - i.e. rent, utilities and office overhead.

• Advertising and promotion – These are costs as it relates to print, radio, television , Facebook ads etc. All expenses must fall within the indicated start and end date of the grant.

• General Liability Insurance – This is for no less than $2,000,000.00 and is a requirement for community-based projects that have public participation such as camps and classes.

• Food expenses – These are all solid or liquid consumables purchased for the project. This includes anything that can be eaten, drunk, cooked or prepared by participants in a project or activity, including but not limited to meals, snacks, refreshments and traditional fare that is used within the project activities.

• Transportation – These are expenses related to the movement of people, such as, participants and project staff, instructors, facilitators, Elders and volunteers to and from project activities. This may include but is not limited to: rentals / chartering (bus, car, boat), purchasing of airfare, taxi, train and bus tickets and mileage.

• Purchase/lease/rental of equipment – These expenses must be clearly explained and directly connected to the activities listed in the project descriptions and can include costs associated with information technology, including purchase and upgrade of hardware and software.

• Meetings – These are meetings that are connected to language planning or coordination and can include venue, per diems and travel expenses.

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Program Guidelines \\\ 2020-21 Indigenous Languages & Cultures Program8

• Translation and Communications Services

• Professional Development and Training Programs – This would be an eligible expense for language instructors / mentors. Other individuals connected to the language project may be considered.

• Administration – (Up to 15% of the total ILC request) covers project overhead expenses including: - Accounting fees (bookkeeper) - Communications (e.g. telephone/internet) - Equipment rental related to the administration of the project - General Administration (e.g. Executive Director, Administrative Assistant) - Office rental - Postage/Freight - Printing/Photocopies

Eligible expenses must be spent between June 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021. We cannot fund expenses incurred before the start date of your project. If you incur expenses for your project before receiving written confirmation of your funding approval, you will be doing so at your own risk.

Ineligible Expenses:

ILC does not provide support to the following:

• Capital construction and renovation;• Core funding for organizations including staffing and committees in the context of the ongoing governance;• Travel outside of Canada;• Stipends, allowances or honouraria for attendance in a course/activity are generally not eligible but may be considered for the mentor / apprenticeship programs;• Salaries and honouraria for general board members;• Contingency/miscellaneous fees;• Deficit recovery;• Cash prizes, gifts, or the purchase of alcohol;• Activity that exclusively promotes definable religious or political viewpoints; and• Contributions of volunteer hours.

\\ 6. Eligible Project Expenses (con’t)

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\\ 7. Project Consultation

Throughout the course or a project, SICC is here to support you and want to see you successful in your efforts. At any time, you can reach out and ask for help if you need it and we will be here to help.

For general inquiries about funding criteria, online granting processes or reporting requirements, contact SICC at:

Dominga Robinson Field Support Officer

[email protected] 306-667-4665


Application deadline – ILC grant applications will be posted online in advance of a deadline date. Once the grant is posted applications can be submitted at any time. February 5, 2020 at 11:59pm is the deadline for projects taking place between June 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021.

Late applications – ILC applications must be received no later 11:59pm on the posted deadline date. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline date. Late applications are ineligible.

Eligibility criteria – In the weeks after a deadline date, applications are assessed against the eligibility criteria by SICC staff. If an application is in conflict with the eligibility criteria, the proposal will be ineligible and not included in adjudication. In cases where there is an eligibility concern that is unclear and requires clarification, an applicant will be provided an opportunity to clarify and address the issue to the satisfaction of the funding criteria.

Funding decisions – Funding decisions on ILC funds are not conducted by SICC staff or its Board of Governors. SICC utilizes a selection committee for decision-making on funds. Funding decisions are final and cannot be appealed.

Assessor selection – ILC assessors are community members with representation from diverse Indigenous linguistic groups with backgrounds in traditional knowledge, finance, language instruction and project management. They are recruited by SICC in the effort to have a well-rounded, knowledgeable and balanced committee. They are anonymous committee members and SICC will not publicly disclose their identities to maintain the integrity of the decision-making process.

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Assessor orientation – All assessors receive training and orientation to the ILC program and the adjudication process prior to reviewing any proposals to ensure there is commitment to their duties, fluency in the program objectives and clarity in their roles as assessors. They are bound by the policies and procedures put forth by SICC’s Selection Committee Manual. This includes robust policies and procedures for issues such as conflict of interest, consensus decision-making, confidentiality, transparency, management of personal bias, and evaluation tools. SICC holds assessors accountable to the policies of adjudication to minimize a poor or unfair evaluation as well as to ensure the assessors have done the work and are not just ‘winging it’ at the meeting. Alternately, the assessors also hold SICC accountable to work from within the boundaries of the adjudication process. SICC staff and board have no authority to persuade positive or negative decision making during adjudications. SICC’s role is to facilitate the conversation and maintain the integrity of the process to guide the adjudicators through a process of decision making.

Communication with applications – Once adjudication takes place and the funding is in place, recipients will be notified whether their proposal has been approved or declined. Notification will not take place until SICC has confirmed that is has received the funds from Canadian Heritage.

Decision-making results – Selection Committee assessments typically take place within 80 days of the application deadline. However, due to this being a federally funded program, funding results are not shared until SICC has received funds from Canadian Heritage to proceed. Once funding is in place, all applicants will be notified of the funding results, whether the proposal is successful or unsuccessful. Feedback from the assessors will provide some insight into what was evaluated positively and what areas of your proposal can be improved into the future. The feedback may also include conditions and requirements for the funding that has been allocated. Not all grant applications are funded at 100% of the request. Approved applications are public information, and therefore funding recipient’s may have their organizational name, project description and funding amount posted online and/or in annual report produced by SICC.

Revisions – It is possible that some applications may be approved with conditions. Some funding recipients may be required to make revisions to their project plans and/or budget as condition for funding. Alternately, the project plans put forward by an applicant may have changed since the time of application and the applicant may request changes to their project plans as they are presented.


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Contribution Agreement – Once a proposal is approved, a contribution agreement is created. The contribution agreement is the legal agreement between the funder and the funding recipient that confirms funding commitments, reporting requirements and all related obligations for both the funder and funding recipient. It is a legal document with related attachments that requires signing by all parties involved prior to any funds being released.

Reporting – ILC requires funding recipients to be thorough in their documentation of project activity, financials, receipts, evaluations and outcomes. Funding recipients can anticipate scheduled interim reporting requirements in addition to a final report throughout their projects. Reporting is a requirement to maintain the flow of funding to a project and to ensure future eligibility for future opportunities to access ILC funding. You are required to keep all receipts related to the funded projects.

Payment Schedule – ILC recipients can anticipate a portion of funds to be released upon approval of their grant, with additional payments that are released as reporting requirements are completed to the satisfaction of the funding requirements. All reporting and payment amounts and schedules are determined and explained in detail in a funding recipient’s contribution agreement.

Funding Acknowledgement – ILC recipients are required to publicly acknowledge the funders and supporting organizations on all public communications related to the project.

Project Support – SICC is invested in your success and to support you. We will be in touch regularly throughout your project and may engage in site visits. We are here to help and can be contacted for support for assistance leading up to an application, throughout the term of a project and even after a project is completed. Utilize us to your benefit.