program - program brings together some of the most knowledgeable and...

MULTIDISCIPLINARY TREATMENT SOLUTIONS FOR PERI-IMPLANTITIS June 9 – 11, 2017 Chicago, Illinois Advancing Awareness, Collaboration and Achievable Outcomes PROGRAM

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Page 1: PROgRAM - program brings together some of the most knowledgeable and clinically experienced clinicians, to share their resolutions with, step-by-step, procedures


June 9 – 11, 2017Chicago, Illinois

Advancing Awareness,Collaboration and Achievable Outcomes




Page 2: PROgRAM - program brings together some of the most knowledgeable and clinically experienced clinicians, to share their resolutions with, step-by-step, procedures

A Message from Our Co-ChairsWe are pleased to invite you to this engaging one-of-a-kind conference on Multidisciplinary Treatment Solutions For Peri-Implantitis. As co-organizers we feel it is imperative to address the concerns of all dentists placing, restoring and/or maintaining implant supported prostheses regarding the treatment of peri-implantitis. This problem, which is growing in prevalence at an alarming rate, not only threatens implant survival/prosthesis survival but if unchecked, can result in many dentists and patients avoiding the implant option for restoring edentulous areas.

This program brings together some of the most knowledgeable and clinically experienced clinicians, to share their resolutions with, step-by-step, procedures for the treatment of peri-implantitis. You will see effective protocols for risk evaluation, diagnosis, laser, soft and hard tissue augmentation, surgical, prosthetic and maintenance techniques designed to prevent and treat peri-implantitis. Our goal is that each attendee will return to their practices equipped with new knowledge and skills to diagnose, manage and treat implants with peri-implantitis, or prevent it altogether in your practice.

Dr. Myron nevIns Dr. stuart FrouM PROgRAM CO-ChAIRMAN PROgRAM CO-ChAIRMAN

A Message from Geistlichgeistlich Pharma North America Inc., is dedicated to continuing education, research and scientific evidence. We are thrilled to be heading to Chicago for a truly unique event covering Multidisciplinary treatment solutions for Peri-Implantitis.

When we worked on this program with Drs. Froum and Nevins, we decided we needed to approach this problem from many angles and also to propose that there is no one cause of implant failure, nor one solution to prevent it. We wanted to increase the impact of the program by offering valuable hands-on experience and to augment the program with speakers of high international stature.

On behalf of geistlich Pharma North America, along with our symposium sponsors, we are looking forward to a weekend of advancing awareness, collaboration and learning about achievable outcomes.

See you in Chicago!


Page 3: PROgRAM - program brings together some of the most knowledgeable and clinically experienced clinicians, to share their resolutions with, step-by-step, procedures

the InCrease In IMPlant PatIents PresentIng WIth PerI-IMPlantItIs has

generateD a sIgnIFICant voluMe oF Data, ProvIDIng teChnIques anD

aPProaChes to Prevent, DIagnose, treat anD MaIntaIn these Cases. The Multidisciplinary Treatment Solutions for Peri-Implantitis Symposium has been carefully designed to bring together world-class international leaders inthe field of implant dentistry. Our goal is to share the most current knowledge and techniques for successfully managing the hard and soft-tissue defects associated with peri-implantitis.

Successful approaches to prevention and long-term maintenance will also bepresented – with dedicated hands-on sessions which will appeal to both dentists and hygienists. Collectively, this program will provide all participants with clinically relevant information that can be readily applied to patients in your practice. Dynamic presentations will focus on surgical as well as restorative solutions and provide the latest information on etiology, risk factors and treatment planning.

This three day exploration promises to be informative, interactive and engaging. Participants will gain a greater understanding of the latest data as well as the most effective tools and treatment techniques available to address the evolving challenges of peri-implantitis.






Page 4: PROgRAM - program brings together some of the most knowledgeable and clinically experienced clinicians, to share their resolutions with, step-by-step, procedures









Housing information A block of rooms has been reserved at a discounted rate at the symposium hotel in Chicago. Please book your room by April 28th, 2017, in order to receive the group rate. Subject to Availability.

the Westin michigan avenue Chicago 909 North Michigan AveChicago, IL 60611Room Group Rate: $225.00 per night plus taxes

Please call 888-627-8385 or for online reservations:

M Join tHE PartY . . . A special cocktail party will be held on Saturday, June 10th, 2017 from 4:30p - 6:00p. Please plan on joining your colleagues for drinks and hors d‘oeuvres.

rEgistration information To register please visit:

HanDs-on anD gEnEraL sEssions

• $795 Clinicians – General Sessions • $295 Hygienists / Auxiliary Staff / Residents – General Sessions • $1,295 Clinicians – Hands-On & General Sessions* • $395 Hygienists – Non-Surgical Hands-On & General Sessions*

* Hands-On is limited to 30 participants

M EarLY BirD sPECiaL! $100 Off Registration through March 31st, 2017.

JunE 9 HanDs-on WorksHoPsJunE 10-11 gEnEraL sEssions

CE CREdITS: 15 Credits for Hands-On and General Sessions 11 Credits for General Session Only

For more information or to register, please visit:

Or contact Karen Benson via email: [email protected]

Approved PACE Program Provider FAGd/MAGd credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGd endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 9/1/2016-8/31/2018Provider Id # 360253

Page 5: PROgRAM - program brings together some of the most knowledgeable and clinically experienced clinicians, to share their resolutions with, step-by-step, procedures






msaturDay, June 10th sunDay, June 11th

1:00p Hands-On Programs: Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz Dr. Marisa Roncati


1:30p Presentations: Dr. Sam Low Dr. Joseph Fiorellini Dr. Stuart Froum

8:00a Introduction & Welcome

7:00a Registration/Breakfast7:00a Registration

8:30a Presentations: Dr. Myron Nevins Dr. Paul Rosen

10:30a Break

11:00a Presentation: Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz

12:00p Lunch Break

4:30p C0cktail Reception

7:00a Registration/Breakfast

8:30a Presentations: Prof. Massimo Simion Dr. Chandur Wadhwani

10:30a Break

11:00a Presentation: Dr. Marco Ronda Dr. Stephen Chu

FrIDay, June 9th

12:00p Lunch Break

FrIDay, June 9 7:00a - 5:00p regIstratIon

1:00p - 5:00p soft-tissue augmentation and Corrections for the Prevention and Management of Peri-Implant Diseases hands-On Workshop PROF. DR. FRANk SChWARz AbSTRACT Soft-tissue augmentation has become an essential measure for both the prevention and management of peri-implant diseases. This refers to the establishment of an adequate width of keratinized tissue to provide a mechanical protection against plaque biofilms, but also soft tissue volume augmentation to compensate for the occurrence of mucosal recession following surgical treatment of peri-implantitis. the hands-on workshop has a focus on the following key areas:

• basic and advanced flap designs for soft-tissue augmentation procedures at implant sites • Indication based augmentation of keratinized tissue and insufficient soft-tissue volume • harvesting and handling of connective tissue and free gingival grafts • Clinical application of scaffolds for soft-tissue grafting • Clinical management of mucosal recession

1:00p - 5:00p Mucositis / Peri-Implantitis: non-surgical Periodontal therapy hands-On Workshop DR. MARISA RONCATI AbSTRACT Plaque-induced mucositis is a reversible inflammation of the peri-implant gingiva and responds satisfactory to non-surgical treatment. however, If left untreated mucositis will eventually result in peri-implantitis. Long-term maintenance care is essential to reduce the risk of peri-implantitis, based on the diagnosis made during recall visits, a maintenance system termed Cumulative Interceptive Supportive Therapy has been developed expanding the non-surgical protocols, including the adjunctive use of the diode laser.

this hands-on workshop will cover the following areas:

• Non-surgical management of mucositis/peri-implantitis • Step-by-step non-surgical protocol for mucositis and peri-implantitis • effective oral hygiene skills and professional maintenance care • Cause-related laser-assisted non-surgical periodontal therapy • Antimicrobials and antibiotic therapy

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msaturDay, June 107:00a - 5:00p regIstratIon7:00a - 8:00a BreaKFast8:00a - 8:30a IntroDuCtIon/WelCoMe

8:30a - 9:30a Prevent Peri-Implantitis and Plan for long-term success DR. MYRON NevINS

AbSTRACT Peri-implantitis is an uninvited challenge to implant treatment planning that occurs in 10-25% of implants. It is a significant setback for the surgeon, the restorative dentist, and most importantly the patient. This lecture will investigate diagnostics for implant treatment planning aimed at protecting the soft and hard-tissues surrounding the implant. Regardless of which side of the etiologic debate as to inflammation or excess force, it would be logical to eliminate all periodontitis in the mouth before placing implants. It should be considered omnipotent to provide a maintenance program for each patient featuring oral hygiene to achieve long-term health of both teeth and implants.

9:30a - 10:30a Identifying Factors associated with Peri-Implant Bone loss DR. PAUL ROSeN

AbSTRACT The cause(s) of bone loss around dental implants evokes many disparate views and unfortunately since the 6th european Workshop on Periodontics held in 2007, no update has been made to the original list leading to confusion and debate as to what may be relevant. This lecture will highlight some of these emerging areas of concern and discuss potential strategies to mitigate this problem. • Discuss the original list of factors enumerated by the 6th european Workshop • Identify what original factors may no longer hold validity • List what emerging factors have evidence to support their addition to this list

10:30a - 11:00a BreaK

11:00a - 12:00p surgical regenerative therapy of Peri-Implantitis PROF. DR. FRANk SChWARzAbSTRACT Previous studies have indicated that surgical treatment of peri-implantitis with concomitant placement of a bone filler is associated with short and long-term clinical and radiographic improvements. however, the available evidence also suggests, that the effectiveness of regenerative treatment approaches is influenced by several factors; the type and configuration of the defect, implant surface characteristics, as well as the method of surface decontamination. • Surgical techniques and materials for regenerative therapy of peri-implant defects • Decontamination protocols • Combination procedures for advanced defects (resective/regenerative) • Soft-tissue volume grafting for the prevention of post-operative mucosal recession

12:00p - 1:30p lunCh BreaK

1:30p - 2:00p Managing Peri-Implant Disease From a laser Perspective DR. SAM LOWAbSTRACT With the increased incidence in peri-implant disease, several approaches have been introduced to manage inflammatory implant conditions from mechanical/chemical disinfection to laser decontamination. however, studies have been inconclusive as to consistent results and some even suggesting adverse events with certain respective laser wavelengths.

• Protocols including open flap surgery with augmentation vs. closed/open flap laser procedures • Data demonstrating positive and adverse events of laser effects on various implant surfaces • Innovative laser delivery with a minimally invasive approach

2:00p - 2:30p Peri-Implant Diseases: understanding etiology and risk DR. JOSePh FIOReLLINIAbSTRACT The long-term maintenance of bone around an osseointegrated implant is critical to clinical success. Peri-implant bone levels are influenced by pathologic and non-pathological conditions. Several risk factors may affect peri-implant bone resorption, such as local, surgical, grafting, implant, and post- restorative issues. generally, the prevalence has been based on the patient pool number, prior history of periodontitis, smoking, and type and frequency of maintenance. Currently, peri-implantitis causative etiology will guide the practitioner in patient selection, and will allow a better understanding of the pathogenesis, recommended therapy and anticipation of prognostic outcome.

Page 7: PROgRAM - program brings together some of the most knowledgeable and clinically experienced clinicians, to share their resolutions with, step-by-step, procedures

saturDay, June 10 (ContInueD)

2:30p - 4:00p a regenerative algorithm for the treatment of Peri-Implantitis DR. STUART FROUMAbSTRACT Peri-implantitis has been conservatively estimated to effect 10% of implants in 20% of patients in a 5-10 year period following implant placement. Yet over 10 thorough systematic literature reviews of treatment have concluded that no treatment appears to be predictable and successful. This presentation will present an evidence-based regenerative treatment that has demonstrated high rates of success in treating peri-implantitis and restoring lost hard and soft peri-implant tissue. An 8 step regenerative protocol will be presented in detail which has demonstrated predictably high success rates in the treatment of peri-implantitis. goals will include: • Identify the essential factors for a successful regenerative treatment of peri-implantitis • Discuss the evidence for each step of the protocol • Present cases demonstrating the technique and results of this specific protocol

4:00p - 4:30p question and answer session

4:30p - 6:00p CoCKtaIl reCePtIon

sunDay, June 117:00a - 12:00p regIstratIon7:00a - 8:30a BreaKFast

8:30a - 9:30a Peri-Implantitis associated with Machined or rough surfaces: 30 years of experience PROF. MASSIMO SIMIONAbSTRACT After 15 years of pre-clinical and clinical studies, in the early 1980’s Prof. P.I. branemark developed a new implant concept named Osseointegration. With this concept, CP titanium implants with a smooth turned surface were placed with a two stage approach in a submerged situation. From 1980 to 2000, millions of patients were treated with long-term success. After the year 2000, implant surfaces of several systems were modified by means of sand blasting or acid etching to increase the roughness and hasten the osseointegration process. Around 2005, most clinicians began to observe an increase in progressive peri-implant marginal bone loss – a pathology named peri-implantitis. Other factors may contribute to peri-implantitis onset and development: host response, local factors, smoking and patient compliance. The implant surface characteristics and other contributing factors will be discussed.

9:30a - 10:30a Peri-Implant Disease and the restorative Dentist: Prevention, Detection and Intervention DR. ChANDUR WADhWANIAbSTRACT The restorative phase is arguably the most important aspect for long term health of the implant site. Inability to clean and maintain as well as connection type of the abutment and the coronal restoration all have an impact. This lecture will evaluate how the restorative team can push the success rate of these medical devices in one of 2 ways. New Research from multiple institutions will be provided to help produce an evidence based guide to best clinical practices.

10:30a - 11:00a BreaK

11:00a - 12:00p Is It Possible to restore the Complete health around Implants affected from Peri-Implant Disease? DR. MARCO RONDAAbSTRACT Peri-implant disease is and will be the main critical scenario against whom we will have to fight! It is a reality, few guidelines have been described to avoid it, few treatments or surgical solutions have been proposed to finally solve it and predictably treat peri-implantitis. The science has to work intensely to understand the causes of this, but in the meanwhile, we have to try to solve the consequences of this disease. A surgical solution will be proposed to repair the peri-implant bone defect and to restore the soft-tissue health to its original condition.

12:00p - 1:00p What role Does the restoration of Implants Play in Peri-Implantitis? DR. STePheN ChUAbSTRACT A review of the literature will be presented in regards to clinical criteria for initial marginal bone instability versus peri-implantitis. In addition, the impact of implant depth, cement versus screw-retained restorations, and restorative contour on marginal bone stability longitudinally will be expanded upon in this presentation.

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Moderator:DR. ROBERT SCHALLHORN is a Diplomate of the American board of Periodontology, and is a Past Chairman/ President of the AbP and the American Academy of Periodontology. he served on active duty in the U.S. Army as a periodontist and endodontist for 14 years; as Professor and Chairman of the Department of Periodontics at the University of Colorado School of Dentistry; as Research Professor at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry; as a Consultant to many federal and civilian agencies; has been active in dental research since 1954; and in private practice for 38 years.

STEPHEN J. CHU, DMD, MSD, CDT maintains an academic appointment as Adjunct Clinical Professor in the Ashman Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry and the Department of Prosthodontics at New York University College of Dentistry. he also has a private practice in fixed prosthodontics, aesthetic, and implant dentistry in New York City. Dr. Chu has published over 50 articles in dental literature and has given lectures nationally and internationally on the subjects of esthetic, restorative, and implant dentistry. Dr. Chu is on the editorial review board of several peer-reviewed dental journals. he is the recipient of the Peter Scharer Distinguished Lecturer award from the european Academy of esthetic Dentistry as well as the Lloyd L. Miller Distinguished Lecturer and e.b. Clark Award from the Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry.

JOSEPH FIORELLINI, DMD, DMSC is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Periodontics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. In 1990, he received his DMD from the harvard School of Dental Medicine and in 1993 was awarded the DMSc degree in the field of Oral biology and a Certificate in Periodontology. Dr. Fiorellini has published over 50 manuscripts, reviews or textbook chapters and received awards related to research including NIh and IADR research travel grants, The AAP Young Investigators Award, The Academy of Osseointegration Research Award, and The european Association for Osseointegration Research Prize. Currently, he serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Periodontology, the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants and The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry.

STUART J. FROUM, DDS is a Diplomate of the American board of Periodontology. he earned his dental doctorate from New York University College of Dentistry after graduating with a bA from brooklyn College. Dr. Froum then completed a general dentistry internship at brooklyn veterans Administration hospital and a periodontal residency at New York veterans Administration hospital. Currently, Dr. Froum is a Clinical Professor of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry and the Director of Clinical Research (Department of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry) at New York University Dental Center. Dr. Froum is the past President of the American Academy of Periodontology (2013-2014) and sits on the editorial review board of Middle east Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, the International Journal of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry and Journal of Periodontology. he is on the research committee of the American Academy of Osseointegration and the continuing education oversight committee of the American Academy of Periodontology, who recently awarded him an honor.

Page 9: PROgRAM - program brings together some of the most knowledgeable and clinically experienced clinicians, to share their resolutions with, step-by-step, procedures

MyRON NEvINS, DDS is the editor of the International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry and Associate Clinical Professor of Periodontology at the harvard School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Nevins is a past President of the American Academy of Periodontology and a former Director and Chairman of the American board of Periodontology where his contributions have been recognized with the gold Medal and the Master Clinician Awards. he is a Clinical Professor of Periodontics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dentistry and a Clinical Professor of Periodontics at the Temple University kornberg School of Dentistry. he maintains a private practice limited to Periodontics and Implantology in Swampscott, Massachusetts. Dr. Nevins is the founder and President of Perio Imp Research, Inc.

MARISA RONCATI, BS, RDH, DDS – Dental Degree (DDS), University of Ferrara, Italy. Registered Dental hygienist RDh, Forsyth School, boston (USA). bachelor Degree in Classical Literature, University of bologna, Italy. Assistant Professor: Master of Prosthesis and Implantology, Alma Mater Studiorum, bologna University; european Master Degree on Oral Laser Applications, La Sapienza University, Rome; Master’s Degree in Oral Surgery and Pathology, Parma University; School of Dental hygiene, Marche Politecnic University, Ancona, Italy. She published two books in english: get Sharp and Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy, Indications, Limits and Clinical Protocols with the Additional Use of Diode Laser, and a DvD, “The Diode Laser: A Step-by-Step Operative Technique”.

DR. MARCO RONDA graduated in medicine in 1990 at the University of verona and since then he practices dentistry at his private office in genoa. Among the many post graduate courses attended, he attended the one-year-course in advanced surgery held by Prof. Massimo Simion in Milan and attended a Master course in Regenerative Surgical Techniques at the University of Pennsylvania. he annually attends the meetings organized by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and several specialized courses on the techniques of horizontal and vertical bone regeneration. he also participates annually at the Continuing Dental education at the New York University College of Dentistry, Post graduate. he periodically gives lectures and provides practical training courses in implantology and bone regeneration techniques at his office. he also speaks at national and international meetings and cooperates with several Italian Universities, Milan, Trieste, Modena, genoa, Pisa and bologna. The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry published his study reporting a new surgical technique of lingual flap management appropriate in all cases of increase in bone volume; in the same magazine, a new clinical study on the management of the buccal flap titled “A novel approach for the coronal advancement of the buccal flap” has been published. he is also author of an article published in COIR magazine comparing the clinical outcomes in gbR with the e-ptfe and d-ptfe non-resorbable membrane. he is an active member of the SICOI (Italian Oral Surgery Society) and co-founder of the Piezosurgery Academy.

DR. SAM LOW is Professor emeritus, University of Florida, board member of the Pankey Institute and Academy of Laser Dentistry with 30 years of private practice experience in periodontics, lasers and implant placement. he is Past President of the American Academy of Periodontology and was selected “Dentist of the Year” by the Florida Dental Association, Distinguished Alumnus by the University of Texas Dental School, gordon Christensen Lecturer Recognition Award, Past President of the Florida Dental Association and past ADA Trustee.

Page 10: PROgRAM - program brings together some of the most knowledgeable and clinically experienced clinicians, to share their resolutions with, step-by-step, procedures


PAUL S. ROSEN, DMD, MS maintains a full-time private practice in Yardley, Pennsylvania, limited to periodontics, surgical implant placements and regenerative therapy. he also has appointments as Clinical Professor of Periodontics at the University of Maryland Dental School and Clinical Professor of Periodontics and Dental Implantology at Temple University Dental School. Dr. Rosen is a Diplomate of the American board of Periodontology and has served as an examiner. he has also devoted his time to a number of committees for the American Academy of Periodontology including chairing a task force that authored an article titled, “Peri-Implant Mucositis and Peri-Implantitis: A Current Understanding of Their Diagnoses and Clinical Implications” which appeared in the Journal of Periodontology. he reviews for and serves on the editorial boards for a number of dental journals and has authored/co-authored a number of articles on periodontal regeneration, dental implants and interrelated orthodontic-periodontal care and lectured both nationally and internationally on the subjects of dental implants and regeneration for both teeth and dental implants. Dr. Rosen is also quite proud of being named the 2015 recipient of the American Academy of Periodontology’s prestigious Master Clinician Award and in 2016 the Northeastern Society of Periodontists Isidor hirschfeld Award for Clinical excellence.

PROF. DR. FRANk SCHWARz worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Periodontology at the University homburg as well as in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Ludwig Maximilians University, München from 1999 until 2002. In 2002 he moved to the Department of Oral Surgery at the heinrich heine University, where he became Associate Professor in 2006 and extraordinary Professor in 2010. Frank Schwarz has a special degree in Oral Surgery and Oral Implantology. he received several appointment offers, such as Director in Implant Dentistry at the New York University (NYU), Professor in Implant Dentistry at the hong kong University, or as Clinical Professor in Oral Surgery at the University of Leeds. In 2013 he became honorary Professor at the griffith University, brisbane, Australia (School of Dentistry and Oral health) and in 2015, he was appointed as Full Professor in Oral Medicine and Peri-implant Infections in the Department of Oral Surgery at the heinrich heine University, Düsseldorf, germany. he serves as an Associate editor to the Journal of Clinical Periodontology (Ranking: 2014: 2/88 - Dentistry Oral Surgery & Medicine) and editorial board Member for Clinical Oral Implants Research (Ranking: 2014: 3/88 - Dentistry Oral Surgery & Medicine). he is the President of the german Association of Oral Implantology (DgI), a board Member of the Osteology Foundation and was awarded the André Schröder Research Prize in 2007 and the Miller Research Prize in 2012.

PROF. MASSIMO SIMION is Chairman of the Department of Periodontology at the Dental School of the University of Milan. Degree of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan in 1979. Specialization in Odontostomatology and Dental Prosthodontics at the University of Milan in 1982. From 1987 to 1994 Consultant Professor at the School of Specialization of Odontostomatology of the University of Milan. Since 1996 Consultant Professor at the University of Parma Scientific Secretary and Founder of the Italian Society of Osseointegration. Member of the board of the european Association for Osseointegration (eAO) since 1998. President of the eAO for the year 2001-2003. he works half time in his private practice, limited to periodontics and implant surgery, and half time professor at the University of Milan, department of periodontology and implant therapy. he published several papers and he is an international lecturer on the topic of osseointegration and guided bone regeneration.

CHANDUR WADHWANI, BDS, MSD received his bDS in 1986 from University College hospital, London, where he was awarded honors and distinction. he later taught as a part-time clinical lecturer at UCh, and maintained a private practice in the prestigious harley Street, London. he attended the University of Washington receiving a Masters in Dental science and a certificate in prosthodontics in 2004, then joined an established private practice limited to prosthodontics in bellevue Washington. Dr. Wadhwani has an active interest in education and clinical based research, and is currently an adjunct Professor at Loma Linda University, Advanced specialty education program in prosthodontics, and faculty member of the University of Washington. he is currently working with graduate departments in Loma Linda, OhSU, UW and to date has published over 50 articles in peer review journals, and has chapters currently in six text books related to implant restoration. In 2014 he was awarded best clinical innovations presentation at the Academy of Osseointegration, and has lectured multiple times for the American Academies including: Restorative (AARD), esthetic (AAeD), Periodontology (AAP), Prosthodontics (ACP & APS), AO, AMOS, ICOI, AAID and many others.

Page 11: PROgRAM - program brings together some of the most knowledgeable and clinically experienced clinicians, to share their resolutions with, step-by-step, procedures

June 9 – 11, 2017 • Chicago, Illinois

June 9 hanDs-on WorKshoPsJune 10-11 general sessIons

Ce CReDITS: 15 Credits for hands-On and general Sessions 11 Credits for general Session Only

Advancing Awareness, Collaboration and Achievable Outcomes


Dr. Stuart Froum

Dr. Myron Nevins

Dr. Chandur Wadhwani

Dr. Joseph Fiorellini

Dr. Paul Rosen

Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz

Dr. Marisa Roncati

Prof. Massimo Simion

Dr. Stephen Chu

Dr. Marco Ronda

Dr. Sam Low Moderator: Dr. Robert Schallhorn

Approved PACe Program Provider FAgD/MAgD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AgD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 9/1/2016-8/31/2018Provider ID # 360253

Geistlich PharmaNorth America, Inc.

202 Carnegie CenterPrinceton, NJ 08540



For more information or to register, please visit: Symposium.Geistlich-na.comOr call Customer Care Toll-free: 855-799-5500