program development workshop shannon roark wakeland housing and development corporation

Download Program Development Workshop Shannon Roark Wakeland Housing and Development Corporation

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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How This Will Work O Create groups of 5 people O No more, no less O Identify your group color O I will be your guide O You will have help if you need it


Program Development Workshop Shannon Roark Wakeland Housing and Development Corporation Our Goal O Go through the process of brainstorming and planning a NEW program offering for adult residents. O The program, workshop, series or event will meet a need that is common for our residents. O Use the many creative and brilliant brains we have in the room today! O You will leave today with new ideas. How This Will Work O Create groups of 5 people O No more, no less O Identify your group color O I will be your guide O You will have help if you need it First, Lets Agree O We will trust the process. O No Idea is a bad idea. O Our residents are Creative, Resourceful and Whole. AND we are too. O We will respect the whistle What Needs Will We Address With Our Planning? We have residents looking for work. that are having trouble paying for their needs. that cannot communicate in English well. that want to live healthier lives. have safety concerns around the community. Understand the Need O Discuss in your group, what the need means to you. O These needs can have broad implications. O Determine your focus. Who is Your Audience? O Is it a specific age adult? O Is it gender specific? O Culture specific? O Language specific? O Availability during the day? Night? O Do they have transportation needs? O Anything else relevant? Lets Brainstorm Brainstorming RULES O One idea at a time. O Wild Ideas WELCOME. O Go for QUANTITY. O Build on others ideas, yes, and O Defer Judgment. Two Techniques O Free Association O Diagram What Resources Do You Have? O Are there Community Partners you can partner with? O Existing programs? O Curriculum? O Speakers? Content of Program O Outline what you will do. O What will you communicate? O What will the resident achieve, learn, walk away with? What is the Best Time? O Time of Year? O Days of the Week? O Time of Day? O How long will it last? Outreach O What is the best method? O Flyers O Door-to-door O Phone calls O Word of Mouth O Posters O T shirts? O Water bottles? Supplies and Set Up O Do you need to coordinate with management? O Inside or Outside? O Tables? Chairs? Computers? O PowerPoint? Handouts? O Pens? O Incentives? What Do You Have?