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Profissões do futuro

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Post on 03-Dec-2018




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Profissões do futuro

90% of the data in the world today has been created in

the last two years.

163 zettabytes a yearBy 2025

Automação & AI podem mudar a carreira de 16 milhões de

brasileiros até 2030

'Jobs lost, jobs gained' study (McKinsey Global Institute)

JOBS CREATED IN THE PAST 10 YEARS■ Social media analysts, managers

■ Digital marketing specialists○ SEO analyst, Paid search analysts, mobile marketing, etc

■ Specialized lawyers○ Electronic rights, pirataria/fraud, entertainment

■ Cybersecurity engineer

■ Data & AI○ Data scientist, data engineer, data architect, big data analyst

■ Youtuber, blogger, influencer

"The larger challenge will be ensuring that workers have the skills and support needed to

transition to new jobs. Countries that fail to manage this transition could see rising unemployment and depressed wages."

'Jobs lost, jobs gained' study (McKinsey Global Institute)

Ranking da escassez% empresas com carência de profissionais qualificados

Fonte: OCDE, 2016

63% das empresas com 10 ou mais empregados no Brasil

não conseguem preencher as vagas oferecidas com

profissionais qualificados


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Ana Romeo ([email protected])