profil toksisitas limbah kerak kilang minyak (green coke...

Abrams GD. 1992. Gangguan Sirkulasi dalam Price, SA dan LM Wilson. Patofisiolofi Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit. Anugerah P, penerjemah; Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. [Anonim]. 1990. Acute Toxicity Data, J. Amer. College. Toxicol. , Part B, Vol1. (15 Suppl 1, S28, 1996). Carbon Black. J. Occup. Med., 18:732-734. APHA. 1975. Standard Methods for the Examination of Waste. Ed ke-2. American Public Health Assosiation. Washington DC Arrington LR. 1972. Introducing Laboratory Animal: The Breeding, Care and Management of Experimental Animal Science. The Interstae Printers and Publishing, Inc. New York Carlton WW, Mc Gavin MD. 1995. Special Veterinary Pathology. Ed ke-2. Mosby, Year Book. Inc St.Louis. Missouri Churg J, Sobin LH. 1982. Renal Disease: Classification and Atlas of Glomerular Disease. Tokyo: Igaku-Shoin Ltd. Corwin EJ. 2001. Buku Saku Patofisiologi. Pendit BU, Penerjemah. Prakaryaningsih E, editor. Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta. New Mexico. University of Mexico Alburqueque. Terjemahan dari Handbook of Pathophysiology. [EPA] Environmental Protection Agency..1992a. “Method 1311: Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure.” SW-846 test methods for evaluating solid wastes, main.htm [15 Juni 2007] [EPA] Environmental Protection Agency.1992b. Method 7000A:Atomic absorption method.” . [15 Juni 2007] Ganiswara SG. 1995. Farmakologi dan Terapi. Ed ke-4. Jakarta. Farmakologi Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Indonesia Hartono. 1992. Histologi Veteriner. Ed ke-3. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia. Hlm 392-444 Hock B, Elstner EF. 2005. Plant Toxicology. Ed ke-4. Mercel Decker. New York Huntingdon Life Sciences.1999. Study No. 97-6119. Calcined coke (F284) & green coke (F-285): fibrogenic screening study in the rat. Report submitted to ARCO 20 October 1999. Inglis JK. 1980. Introduction to Laboratory Animal Science and Technology, Pergamon Press, Oxford

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Page 1: Profil Toksisitas Limbah Kerak Kilang Minyak (Green Coke · Patofisiolofi Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit

Abrams GD. 1992. Gangguan Sirkulasi dalam Price, SA dan LM Wilson. Patofisiolofi Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit. Anugerah P, penerjemah; Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC.

[Anonim]. 1990. Acute Toxicity Data, J. Amer. College. Toxicol. , Part B, Vol1.

(15 Suppl 1, S28, 1996). Carbon Black. J. Occup. Med., 18:732-734. APHA. 1975. Standard Methods for the Examination of Waste. Ed ke-2.

American Public Health Assosiation. Washington DC Arrington LR. 1972. Introducing Laboratory Animal: The Breeding, Care and

Management of Experimental Animal Science. The Interstae Printers and Publishing, Inc. New York

Carlton WW, Mc Gavin MD. 1995. Special Veterinary Pathology. Ed ke-2.

Mosby, Year Book. Inc St.Louis. Missouri Churg J, Sobin LH. 1982. Renal Disease: Classification and Atlas of Glomerular

Disease. Tokyo: Igaku-Shoin Ltd. Corwin EJ. 2001. Buku Saku Patofisiologi. Pendit BU, Penerjemah.

Prakaryaningsih E, editor. Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta. New Mexico. University of Mexico Alburqueque. Terjemahan dari Handbook of Pathophysiology.

[EPA] Environmental Protection Agency..1992a. “Method 1311: Toxicity

characteristic leaching procedure.” SW-846 test methods for evaluating solid wastes, main.htm [15 Juni 2007]

[EPA] Environmental Protection Agency.1992b. “Method 7000A:Atomic

absorption method.” [15 Juni 2007]

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Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Indonesia Hartono. 1992. Histologi Veteriner. Ed ke-3. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia. Hlm

392-444 Hock B, Elstner EF. 2005. Plant Toxicology. Ed ke-4. Mercel Decker. New York Huntingdon Life Sciences.1999. Study No. 97-6119. Calcined coke (F284) &

green coke (F-285): fibrogenic screening study in the rat. Report submitted to ARCO 20 October 1999.

Inglis JK. 1980. Introduction to Laboratory Animal Science and Technology,

Pergamon Press, Oxford

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Page 4: Profil Toksisitas Limbah Kerak Kilang Minyak (Green Coke · Patofisiolofi Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit


Lampiran 1. Fluktuasi bobot badan mencit jantan perlakuan green coke 2459 selama uji toksisitas akut Sampel 2459

Dosis (mg/kg BB) No. BOBOT BADAN MENCIT (gram) HARI KE- masa adaptasi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


1 21.34 21.70 22.24 22.79 23.09 23.11 23.96 24.18 24.76 24.91 25.06 25.21 25.64 26.00 26.35 26.91 26.99 27.02 2 20.95 21.67 22.00 22.56 23.03 23.23 23.34 23.68 24.12 24.21 24.22 24.96 24.96 25.01 25.72 25.96 26.49 26.93 3 20.86 21.35 21.94 22.50 23.01 23.10 23.14 23.30 23.86 24.23 24.27 24.80 25.23 25.92 26.60 26.65 26.95 28.53 4 20.87 21.19 21.62 22.02 22.33 22.49 22.91 23.17 23.34 23.81 24.03 24.12 24.42 24.78 25.27 25.32 25.64 25.91

rataan 21.01 21.48 21.95 22.47 22.87 22.98 23.34 23.58 24.02 24.29 24.40 24.77 25.06 25.43 25.99 26.21 26.52 27.10 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi 0.40 0.51 0.87 1.11 1.55 1.82 1.93 2.30 2.59 2.96 3.52 3.74 4.05 4.63


1 21.32 21.90 22.46 23.00 23.31 24.02 24.05 24.04 24.28 24.44 24.39 24.34 24.38 24.43 24.77 24.81 25.04 26.27 2 21.74 22.03 22.67 23.17 23.21 23.03 23.02 23.29 23.31 23.83 23.81 23.91 24.37 24.60 24.90 25.12 25.93 27.12 3 20.23 20.93 21.65 22.24 22.79 22.95 23.11 23.41 23.59 23.54 23.81 24.79 24.97 24.52 24.92 25.84 26.78 26.86 4 20.72 20.98 21.53 22.10 22.53 22.65 22.95 22.65 22.98 22.97 23.60 24.58 24.77 24.84 25.81 26.42 26.93 27.63

rataan 21.00 21.46 22.08 22.63 22.96 23.16 23.28 23.35 23.54 23.70 23.90 24.41 24.62 24.60 25.10 25.55 26.17 26.97 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi 0.33 0.53 0.65 0.72 0.91 1.07 1.27 1.78 1.99 1.97 2.47 2.92 3.54 4.34


1 22.57 23.14 23.76 24.02 24.36 24.52 24.83 25.66 25.94 26.18 26.43 26.35 27.00 27.14 27.02 27.19 27.47 27.88 2 21.95 22.62 22.94 23.82 24.14 24.56 24.60 25.17 25.84 26.05 26.57 27.32 27.01 27.03 27.77 27.77 28.01 28.19 3 22.87 23.21 23.67 24.09 24.58 24.54 24.56 24.59 25.55 25.71 25.95 26.86 26.99 27.00 27.07 27.14 27.76 28.21 4 21.88 22.16 22.45 22.97 23.10 23.38 23.44 23.77 24.51 24.96 25.11 25.38 26.25 26.54 27.04 27.22 27.65 28.00

rataan 22.32 22.78 23.21 23.73 24.05 24.25 24.36 24.80 25.46 25.73 26.02 26.48 26.81 26.93 27.23 27.33 27.72 28.07 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi 0.32 0.52 0.63 1.07 1.73 2.00 2.29 2.75 3.08 3.20 3.50 3.60 3.99 4.34


1 24.12 24.72 25.32 25.77 25.27 25.27 25.26 25.53 26.50 26.29 26.78 27.05 26.99 27.33 27.86 28.06 28.77 28.84 2 24.04 24.23 24.97 25.55 25.17 25.18 26.09 26.35 26.14 26.29 26.55 27.00 27.39 27.85 27.89 28.06 29.07 29.29 3 24.42 24.72 24.86 25.03 25.44 25.43 25.83 25.49 25.51 26.17 26.61 27.16 27.42 28.54 29.39 29.55 29.86 29.89 4 24.16 24.52 24.87 25.67 25.09 25.08 25.89 27.14 27.80 28.48 28.92 29.29 29.98 30.69 30.15 30.68 30.98 30.75

rataan 24.19 24.55 25.01 25.51 25.24 25.24 25.77 26.13 26.49 26.81 27.22 27.63 27.95 28.60 28.82 29.09 29.67 29.69 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi -0.27 -0.27 0.26 0.62 0.98 1.30 1.71 2.12 2.44 3.09 3.31 3.58 4.16 4.18


Page 5: Profil Toksisitas Limbah Kerak Kilang Minyak (Green Coke · Patofisiolofi Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit


Lampiran 1. Lanjutan Sampel 2459

Dosis (mg/kg BB) No. BOBOT BADAN MENCIT (gram) HARI KE- masa adaptasi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


1 25.08 25.77 26.42 26.60 26.39 26.11 26.17 26.14 26.42 26.95 27.19 27.39 27.86 27.53 27.34 27.57 28.70 29.38 2 25.83 26.21 26.56 26.88 26.02 25.86 26.27 27.45 27.04 27.50 27.83 28.06 28.27 28.78 29.87 30.03 31.35 31.00 3 25.34 25.52 26.12 26.46 26.41 26.46 26.87 26.97 27.16 27.75 28.02 28.97 30.05 30.75 30.97 31.50 32.09 32.66 4 24.92 25.42 25.90 26.34 26.61 26.49 26.12 26.41 26.89 27.18 28.04 28.90 28.82 29.24 29.70 30.00 30.45 30.83

rataan 25.29 25.73 26.25 26.57 26.36 26.23 26.36 26.74 26.88 27.35 27.77 28.33 28.75 29.08 29.47 29.78 30.65 30.97 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi -0.21 -0.34 -0.21 0.17 0.31 0.77 1.20 1.76 2.18 2.51 2.90 3.21 4.08 4.40


1 25.78 26.12 26.87 27.32 27.01 27.00 27.16 27.36 27.39 27.73 28.15 28.65 28.68 28.89 29.98 30.32 30.50 30.72 2 26.86 27.01 27.36 27.82 27.21 27.19 27.20 27.33 27.15 27.42 28.12 28.78 28.81 30.32 30.85 31.54 32.14 32.97 3 25.97 26.33 26.51 26.93 26.12 27.29 27.29 27.40 27.74 27.85 27.37 28.05 29.16 29.31 29.65 29.75 30.43 31.15 4 25.75 26.35 26.83 27.12 26.78 26.16 26.25 26.60 26.98 27.78 29.26 29.79 30.11 31.01 31.22 31.85 31.97 32.02

rataan 26.09 26.45 26.89 27.30 26.78 26.91 26.98 27.17 27.32 27.70 28.23 28.82 29.19 29.88 30.43 30.87 31.26 31.72 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi -0.52 -0.39 -0.32 -0.13 0.02 0.40 0.93 1.52 1.89 2.58 3.13 3.57 3.96 4.42


1 24.48 25.71 25.74 25.94 25.07 24.99 24.94 24.94 24.97 25.16 25.54 25.54 25.72 26.06 27.10 27.70 28.03 28.48 2 25.36 25.06 25.74 25.80 24.97 24.06 24.04 23.99 24.01 24.12 24.90 25.56 25.93 26.22 27.36 27.60 27.82 28.16 3 25.96 26.71 27.01 25.31 24.22 23.91 23.97 24.00 23.92 24.54 25.45 26.21 26.89 26.86 27.07 27.59 28.01 28.33 4 23.85 23.12 24.32 24.93 23.45 23.12 23.12 23.21 23.45 24.00 24.74 25.34 25.63 26.65 27.32 28.01 28.55 28.80

rataan 24.91 25.15 25.70 25.50 24.43 24.02 24.02 24.04 24.09 24.46 25.16 25.66 26.04 26.45 27.21 27.73 28.10 28.44 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi -1.07 -1.48 -1.48 -1.47 -1.41 -1.05 -0.34 0.16 0.54 0.95 1.71 2.23 2.60 2.94



Page 6: Profil Toksisitas Limbah Kerak Kilang Minyak (Green Coke · Patofisiolofi Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit


Lampiran 2. Fluktuasi bobot badan mencit jantan perlakuan green coke 2460 selama uji toksisitas akut Sampel 2460

Dosis (mg/kg BB) Ulangan BOBOT BADAN MENCIT (gram) HARI KE- masa adaptasi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


1 18.90 19.22 20.56 21.10 21.22 21.28 21.48 21.84 22.36 22.13 22.26 22.90 23.51 24.05 24.81 25.25 25.88 26.48 2 21.52 22.24 22.67 23.02 23.52 23.41 23.53 23.49 23.37 23.98 24.51 24.90 25.43 26.01 26.08 27.42 27.91 28.13 3 21.64 22.20 22.87 23.15 23.65 24.00 24.18 24.24 24.77 24.74 24.27 24.92 25.33 25.50 26.19 27.08 27.37 27.50 4 20.65 20.78 21.21 21.87 22.13 23.19 24.04 24.22 24.97 25.17 25.64 25.97 25.83 25.70 26.45 26.79 26.14 26.91

rataan 20.68 21.11 21.83 22.29 22.63 22.97 23.31 23.45 23.87 24.01 24.17 24.67 25.03 25.32 25.88 26.64 26.83 27.26 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi 0.34 0.68 1.02 1.16 1.58 1.72 1.88 2.38 2.74 3.03 3.59 4.35 4.54 4.97


1 22.06 22.93 23.14 23.89 24.33 23.88 24.22 24.78 25.05 24.88 25.01 24.86 24.96 25.16 25.79 26.48 26.68 26.94 2 21.74 22.16 22.98 23.99 24.16 23.89 24.23 24.90 25.45 25.68 26.12 25.94 26.68 27.60 28.51 28.92 29.34 30.03 3 22.56 23.02 23.64 24.01 24.54 24.74 25.43 24.81 25.50 25.28 26.28 25.68 26.54 27.14 28.41 28.82 29.37 30.06 4 23.12 23.95 24.04 24.52 24.80 25.28 26.15 25.96 26.67 26.36 25.93 26.70 26.92 27.12 27.22 27.22 28.38 29.05

rataan 22.37 23.02 23.45 24.10 24.46 24.45 25.01 25.11 25.67 25.55 25.84 25.80 26.28 26.76 27.48 27.86 28.44 29.02 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi 0.36 0.35 0.91 1.01 1.57 1.45 1.74 1.70 2.18 2.66 3.38 3.76 4.34 4.92


1 23.78 24.22 24.75 25.12 25.36 25.48 25.76 25.50 25.89 25.77 26.60 26.70 27.14 27.76 28.13 28.66 29.28 30.28 2 23.32 23.92 24.47 25.00 25.33 25.37 25.83 25.97 25.97 26.00 26.36 26.84 27.37 27.66 28.21 28.63 29.17 30.18 3 22.99 23.83 24.42 24.94 25.11 25.17 25.23 25.10 25.27 25.34 26.22 26.51 27.11 27.90 28.03 28.62 29.26 29.95 4 22.95 23.33 23.76 24.02 24.72 24.54 24.77 24.78 24.69 24.91 25.22 25.76 25.96 26.02 26.77 27.11 27.89 28.14

rataan 23.26 23.83 24.35 24.77 25.13 25.14 25.40 25.34 25.46 25.51 26.10 26.45 26.90 27.34 27.79 28.26 28.90 29.64 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi 0.36 0.37 0.63 0.57 0.68 0.73 1.33 1.68 2.13 2.57 3.02 3.49 4.13 4.87


1 24.77 25.17 25.87 26.23 26.09 26.17 26.36 26.94 27.12 27.48 27.89 27.54 27.22 27.59 27.97 27.75 28.57 29.61 2 24.34 25.04 25.82 26.24 26.11 26.15 26.30 26.84 27.22 27.70 27.94 28.04 28.21 28.39 28.28 28.36 28.94 28.57 3 24.92 25.16 25.78 26.21 26.00 25.97 27.29 27.74 27.87 27.28 27.60 27.61 27.92 27.57 27.61 28.16 29.00 29.98 4 23.97 24.65 25.22 25.87 25.48 25.59 26.07 27.12 27.60 27.90 28.15 28.96 28.93 28.84 28.87 29.18 29.56 31.62

rataan 24.50 25.01 25.67 26.14 25.92 25.97 26.51 27.16 27.45 27.59 27.90 28.04 28.07 28.10 28.18 28.36 29.02 29.95 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi -0.22 -0.17 0.36 1.02 1.31 1.45 1.76 1.90 1.93 1.96 2.04 2.22 2.88 3.81


Page 7: Profil Toksisitas Limbah Kerak Kilang Minyak (Green Coke · Patofisiolofi Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit


Lampiran 2. Lanjutan

Sampel 2460

Dosis (mg/kg BB) Ulangan BOBOT BADAN MENCIT (gram) HARI KE- masa adaptasi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


1 24.87 25.20 25.90 26.21 26.07 26.05 26.53 27.14 27.91 27.67 27.80 28.10 28.65 29.11 29.78 29.64 30.14 30.86 2 25.91 26.48 26.93 27.54 27.19 27.16 27.11 28.42 29.09 30.20 30.83 31.09 31.16 32.02 32.39 32.58 32.69 33.05 3 25.76 26.40 26.82 27.37 27.09 27.23 27.27 28.09 28.32 28.23 28.32 28.43 29.43 30.38 30.80 31.04 31.90 32.53 4 26.47 26.85 27.34 27.82 27.49 27.55 27.94 28.87 29.18 29.85 30.06 30.56 30.68 30.32 31.03 31.53 32.00 32.05

rataan 25.75 26.23 26.75 27.24 26.96 27.00 27.21 28.13 28.63 28.99 29.25 29.55 29.98 30.46 31.00 31.20 31.68 32.12 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi -0.28 -0.24 -0.03 0.89 1.39 1.75 2.01 2.31 2.74 3.22 3.76 3.96 4.44 4.88


1 25.56 25.84 26.23 26.94 26.04 26.11 26.67 27.18 27.74 27.98 28.05 28.85 29.19 29.82 30.28 31.11 31.87 31.78 2 25.67 26.01 27.57 28.13 28.17 28.61 28.31 29.15 29.18 29.73 30.08 30.95 31.11 31.48 31.54 31.74 32.48 33.06 3 25.84 26.18 26.56 27.01 26.92 26.80 26.92 26.88 27.73 27.99 27.80 28.32 29.00 29.48 30.54 30.67 31.02 31.02 4 25.30 25.72 26.21 26.94 26.22 26.00 26.57 27.03 27.58 28.06 28.53 29.15 29.02 29.82 30.44 30.96 31.37 31.94

rataan 25.59 25.94 26.64 27.26 26.84 26.88 27.12 27.56 28.06 28.44 28.62 29.32 29.58 30.15 30.70 31.12 31.69 31.95 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi -0.42 -0.38 -0.14 0.30 0.80 1.18 1.36 2.06 2.32 2.89 3.44 3.86 4.43 4.69


1 23.31 23.71 24.37 24.94 24.04 24.05 24.02 24.04 24.72 25.02 25.43 25.50 25.79 25.22 25.35 25.78 26.46 26.92 2 24.16 24.96 25.23 25.60 25.00 25.06 25.01 25.12 25.13 25.54 26.28 26.94 27.07 27.24 27.85 27.23 28.08 28.85 3 23.93 24.00 24.51 25.21 24.21 24.19 24.11 24.93 24.79 24.91 25.24 26.27 26.95 27.55 28.14 28.25 28.41 28.65 4 24.05 24.92 24.32 24.53 23.31 23.02 22.98 23.21 24.42 24.37 24.91 25.36 25.66 26.34 26.23 26.94 26.80 27.07

rataan 23.86 24.40 24.61 25.07 24.14 24.08 24.03 24.33 24.77 24.96 25.47 26.02 26.37 26.59 26.89 27.05 27.44 27.87 Perubahan BB Rataan Terhadap BB Hari Terakhir Masa Adaptasi -0.93 -0.99 -1.04 -0.74 -0.31 -0.11 0.40 0.95 1.30 1.52 1.82 1.98 2.37 2.80


Page 8: Profil Toksisitas Limbah Kerak Kilang Minyak (Green Coke · Patofisiolofi Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit


Lampiran 3. Estimasi LD50 melalui pendekatan UK Formula sampel 2459

No Logam

Pencemar Bentuk

Pencemar Berat Atom


Berat Atom Total

Berat Molekul

Pencemar LD50

Rujukan Kandungan Pencemar Cx (%wt) LD50x

LD50 Unsur

Unsur Senyawa BA BA Total BM LD50x Cx Cx-Senyawa Cx-Senyawa (%) Cx/LD50x LD50w 1 Cr Cr2(SO4)3 51.996 103.992 392.1648 80 1.5 5.6567 0.5657 0.00707082 14142.6258 2 Cu Cu2O 63.456 127.092 143.0914 470 2.1 2.3644 0.2364 0.00050306 198784.833 3 Zn ZnCl2 65.38 65.38 136.286 350 3 6.2536 0.6254 0.00178673 55968.0867 4 Cd CdO 112.4 112.4 128.994 72 1.5 1.7215 0.1721 0.0023909 41825.2012 5 Pb PbSO4 207.2 207.2 303.2576 50 15 14.6360 1.4636 0.02927197 3416.23755 6 Ni NiO 58.7 58.7 74.7 50 4.1 5.2175 0.5218 0.01043509 9583.04764 7 Co CoCl2 58.992 58.992 129.8392 80 7.2 15.8469 1.5847 0.01980867 5048.29564 8 Mn MnCl2.4H2O 54.938 54.938 197.9048 1484 20 72.0466 7.2047 0.00485489 20597.7803 9 Ag Ag2O 107.868 215.736 231.7354 500 0 0 0 0 0

10 Hg HgO 200.59 200.59 216.5894 18 0 0 0 0 0 JUMLAH 1.21501894 334173.127

Total Jumlah Cx/LD50x = 1.21501894 LD50 Estimasi = 349366.107 mg/kg BB


1. Nilai LD50x diperoleh dari nilai rujukan Sax (2003) 2. Nilai Cx merupakan konsentrasi logam berat dalam sampel green coke hasil analsisis AAS 3. Nilai Cx-senyawa = (BM Pencemar/BA Total).Cx 4. Nilai Cx (%Wt) = nilai Cx/LD50x 5. Nilai LD50 unsur = 100/Nilai Cx (5Wt)


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Lampiran 3. Lanjutan (sampel 2460)

No Logam

Pencemar Bentuk

Pencemar Berat Atom


Berat Atom Total

Berat Molekul

Pencemar LD50

Rujukan Kandungan Pencemar Cx (%wt) LD50x

LD50 Unsur

Unsur Senyawa BA BA Total BM LD50x Cx Cx-Senyawa Cx-Senyawa (%) Cx/LD50x LD50w 1 Cr Cr2(SO4)3 51.996 103.992 392.1648 80 1.5 5.6567 0.5657 0.01414165 7071.31288 2 Cu Cu2O 63.456 127.092 143.0914 470 2.1 2.3644 0.2364 0.00071865 139149.383 3 Zn ZnCl2 65.38 65.38 136.286 350 3 6.2536 0.6254 0.00238231 41976.065 4 Cd CdO 112.4 112.4 128.994 72 1.5 1.7215 0.1721 0.00318787 31368.9009 5 Pb PbSO4 207.2 207.2 303.2576 50 16 14.6360 1.4636 0.03805356 2627.87504 6 Ni NiO 58.7 58.7 74.7 50 4.1 5.2175 0.5218 0.01450733 6893.06935 7 Co CoCl2 58.992 58.992 129.8392 80 7.2 15.8469 1.5847 0.02998812 3334.654 8 Mn MnCl2.4H2O 54.938 54.938 197.9048 1484 20 72.0466 7.2047 0.00716097 13964.5968 9 Ag Ag2O 107.868 215.736 231.7354 500 0 0 0 0 0

10 Hg HgO 200.59 200.59 216.5894 18 0 0 0 0 0 JUMLAH 1.14374144 313973.584

Total Jumlah Cx/LD50x = 1.14374144 LD50 Estimasi = 313973.584 mg/kg BB


1. Nilai LD50x diperoleh dari nilai rujukan Sax (2003) 2. Nilai Cx merupakan konsentrasi logam berat dalam sampel green coke hasil analsisis AAS 3. Nilai Cx-senyawa = (BM Pencemar/BA Total).Cx 4. Nilai Cx (%Wt) = nilai Cx/LD50x 5. Nilai LD50 unsur = 100/Nilai Cx (5Wt)


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Lampiran 4. Contoh analisis anova eka arah yang dilanjutkan uji tukey pada uji toksisitas akut

————— 7/13/2008 9:15:37 PM ———————————————

One-way ANOVA: Berat_1_0 vs 5 m versus Perlakuan_0 vs 5

Source DF SS MS F P

Perlakuan_0 vs 5 1 0.018 0.018 0.14 0.723 (TBN)

Error 6 0.784 0.131

Total 7 0.802

S = 0.3615 R-Sq = 2.25% R-Sq(adj) = 0.00%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev ---+---------+---------+---------+------

1 4 22.865 0.358 (-----------------*----------------)

2 4 22.960 0.365 (----------------*-----------------)


22.50 22.75 23.00 23.25

Pooled StDev = 0.361

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of Perlakuan_0 vs 5 mg/kg bb_2459

Individual confidence level = 95.00%

Perlakuan_0 vs 5 mg/kg bb_2459 = 1 subtracted from:


vs 5 mg/kg

bb_2459 Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

2 -0.5304 0.0950 0.7204 (-----------------*-----------------)


-0.35 0.00 0.35 0.70

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Lampiran 5. Fluktuasi bobot badan mencit perlakuan green coke 2459 dan 2460 selama uji toksisitas subkronis


Page 12: Profil Toksisitas Limbah Kerak Kilang Minyak (Green Coke · Patofisiolofi Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit


Lampiran 5. Lanjutan


Page 13: Profil Toksisitas Limbah Kerak Kilang Minyak (Green Coke · Patofisiolofi Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit


Lampiran 6. Contoh analisis anova eka arah (perbandingan antar ulangan) pada uji toksisitas subkronis

One-way ANOVA: Jantan Berat_1 versus Ulangan_1

Source DF SS MS F P

Ulangan_1 1 0.16 0.16 0.02 0.885 (TBN)

Error 6 41.34 6.89

Total 7 41.49

S = 2.625 R-Sq = 0.38% R-Sq(adj) = 0.00%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev ------+---------+---------+---------+---

1 4 30.095 2.445 (---------------*----------------)

2 4 30.375 2.793 (---------------*---------------)


28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0

Pooled StDev = 2.625

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of Ulangan_1

Individual confidence level = 95.00%

Ulangan_1 = 1 subtracted from:

Ulangan_1 Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

2 -4.261 0.280 4.821 (-----------------*-----------------)


-2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0

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Lampiran 7. Data penimbangan sisa pakan formulasi green coke dalam uji toksisitas subkronis

Sampel 2459 Sampel

2459 Sisa Pakan (gram) Hari Ke-

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 1 1.08 0.62 1.84 2.32 2.40 2.61 2.60 2.65 2.60 2.51 2.60 2.53 2.60 2.48 2 0.82 0.71 1.95 2.46 2.50 2.60 2.60 2.50 2.30 2.43 2.51 2.60 2.62 2.40 3 0.94 0.95 1.54 2.78 2.80 2.70 2.70 2.80 2.60 2.50 2.52 2.61 2.63 2.34 4 1.01 0.76 1.05 1.31 1.50 1.60 1.80 1.90 2.10 2.20 2.28 2.34 2.45 2.36

Rataan 0.96 0.76 1.60 2.22 2.30 2.38 2.43 2.46 2.40 2.41 2.48 2.52 2.58 2.40 Dikonsumsi 9.04 9.24 8.41 7.78 7.70 7.62 7.58 7.54 7.60 7.59 7.52 7.48 7.43 7.61

sampel 2460 sampel 2460

Sisa Pakan (gram) Hari Ke- 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27

1 0.80 0.57 1.01 1.31 1.97 2.01 2.59 2.43 2.55 2.50 2.43 2.40 2.75 2.54 2 0.90 0.68 1.23 2.40 2.40 2.34 2.80 2.37 2.51 2.51 2.19 2.71 2.50 2.65 3 0.91 0.74 1.42 2.69 2.02 1.18 2.91 2.78 2.72 2.23 2.63 2.00 2.15 2.45 4 0.97 0.55 0.82 1.80 0.99 1.72 1.88 2.00 2.19 2.49 2.01 1.97 2.71 2.43

Rataan 0.90 0.64 1.12 2.05 1.85 1.81 2.55 2.40 2.49 2.43 2.32 2.27 2.53 2.52 Dikonsumsi 9.11 9.37 8.88 7.95 8.16 8.19 7.46 7.61 7.51 7.57 7.69 7.73 7.47 7.48

Catatan: pakan yang diberikan pada kontrol (tanpa green coke) selalu habis. Bobot pakan yang diberikan adalah 10 g.


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Lampiran 8. Contoh analisis anova dwi arah untuk melihat pengaruh pakan formulasi green coke terhadap perbedaan kelamin selama uji toksisitas subkronis

Two-way ANOVA: Berat_1_2459 versus Perlakuan_1_2459, Kelamin_1_2459 Source DF SS MS F P Perlakuan_1_2459 1 38.316 38.3161 7.14 0.020 Kelamin_1_2459 1 5.476 5.4756 1.02 0.332 Interaction 1 0.325 0.3249 0.06 0.810 (Tidak ada interaksi) Error 12 64.392 5.3660 Total 15 108.508 S = 2.316 R-Sq = 40.66% R-Sq(adj) = 25.82% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev Perlakuan_1_2459 Mean --+---------+---------+---------+------- 1 32.4625 (--------*--------) 2 29.3675 (--------*--------) --+---------+---------+---------+------- 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev Kelamin_1_2459 Mean --+---------+---------+---------+------- Betina 30.33 (--------------*--------------) Jantan 31.50 (--------------*-------------) --+---------+---------+---------+------- 28.8 30.0 31.2 32.4

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Lampiran 9. Pengaruh green coke terhadap bobot organ

Sampel 2459

Dosis (mg/kg BB) No Bobot (gram) Persentase Bobot Organ

Terhadap BB (%) Badan Hati Limpa Ginjal Hati Limpa Ginjal

0 1 27.02 1.65 0.21 0.22 6.11 0.78 0.81 2 26.93 1.61 0.18 0.21 5.98 0.67 0.78

rataan 26.98 1.63 0.20 0.22 6.04 0.72 0.80

5 1 27.12 1.65 0.20 0.22 6.08 0.74 0.81 2 27.63 1.66 0.20 0.22 6.01 0.72 0.80

rataan 27.38 1.66 0.20 0.22 6.05 0.73 0.80

50 1 28.19 1.71 0.20 0.20 6.07 0.71 0.71 2 28.21 1.71 0.22 0.23 6.06 0.78 0.82

rataan 28.20 1.71 0.21 0.22 6.06 0.74 0.76

300 1 29.29 1.77 0.20 0.23 6.04 0.68 0.79 2 29.89 1.81 0.23 0.23 6.06 0.77 0.77

rataan 29.59 1.79 0.22 0.23 6.05 0.73 0.78

2000 1 31.00 1.89 0.22 0.24 6.10 0.71 0.77 2 30.83 1.86 0.21 0.23 6.03 0.68 0.75

rataan 30.92 1.88 0.22 0.24 6.06 0.70 0.76

5000 1 32.97 2.01 0.23 0.25 6.10 0.70 0.76 2 32.02 1.92 0.23 0.24 6.00 0.72 0.75

rataan 32.50 1.97 0.23 0.25 6.05 0.71 0.75

15000 1 28.48 1.72 0.21 0.22 6.04 0.74 0.77 2 28.33 1.72 0.21 0.21 6.07 0.74 0.74

rataan 28.41 1.72 0.21 0.22 6.06 0.74 0.76

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Lampiran 9. Lanjutan

Sampel 2460

Dosis (mg/kg BB) No Bobot (gram) Persentase Bobot Organ

Terhadap BB (%) Badan Hati Limpa Ginjal Hati Limpa Ginjal

0 1 26.48 1.65 0.21 0.19 6.23 0.79 0.72 2 26.91 1.63 0.22 0.19 6.06 0.82 0.71

rataan 26.70 1.64 0.22 0.19 6.14 0.81 0.71

5 1 30.03 1.83 0.24 0.20 6.09 0.80 0.67 2 30.06 1.84 0.25 0.22 6.12 0.83 0.73

rataan 30.05 1.84 0.25 0.21 6.11 0.82 0.70

50 1 30.28 1.85 0.25 0.21 6.11 0.83 0.69 2 30.18 1.85 0.24 0.20 6.13 0.80 0.66

rataan 30.23 1.85 0.25 0.21 6.12 0.81 0.68

300 1 29.61 1.83 0.22 0.19 6.18 0.74 0.64 2 29.98 1.84 0.26 0.22 6.14 0.87 0.73

rataan 29.80 1.84 0.24 0.21 6.16 0.81 0.69

2000 1 32.53 2.03 0.26 0.20 6.24 0.80 0.61 2 32.05 1.91 0.27 0.24 5.96 0.84 0.75

rataan 32.29 1.97 0.27 0.22 6.10 0.82 0.68

5000 1 31.78 1.93 0.24 0.23 6.07 0.76 0.72 2 31.94 1.97 0.27 0.23 6.17 0.85 0.72

rataan 31.86 1.95 0.26 0.23 6.12 0.80 0.72

15000 1 28.85 1.77 0.24 0.21 6.14 0.83 0.73 2 28.65 1.76 0.23 0.20 6.14 0.80 0.70

rataan 28.75 1.77 0.24 0.21 6.14 0.82 0.71

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Lampiran 10. Alat dan bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian

Sample green coke yang telah digerus Larutan kanji 2%

Alat cekok / syringe Alat timbang mencit

Kandang hewan percobaan Eter untuk pembiusan hewan percobaan

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Lampiran 11. Tahap – tahap Penelitian

Disuspensikan dalam larutan kanji 2% sesuai dosis

Sampel awal green coke Digerus sampai halus Green coke serbuk

Sampel di cekokkan pada hewan percobaan (mencit)

Dilakukan pembedahan untuk mengetahui fisik dari organ hewan percobaan

Hati, ginjal dan limpa lalu ditimbang, lalu dibuat preparat histologis

Setelah perlakuan, hewan percobaan lalu dibunuh dg cara dibius lebih dahulu

Catatan :

Hewan percobaan diadaptasikan dalam kandang

Pada hari tertentu, bobot hewan percobaan dan pakan sisa di timbang