professional english communication skills 2008.pdf

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  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    Prog ra mme Directory

    Culture & Communica tion

    Skills Consulta ncy

    Professiona l Eng lish

    Communica tion Skills


  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    Ea ch step of the process ha s

    be en professiona lly ma na ge d. Welook forwa rd to ma inta ining a

    succe ssful rela tionship w ith

    Communica id."

    Per Rune Bjrnfeldt

    Huma n Resources Ma na ge ment a nd


    If (Norwa y)

    We rece ived e very a ssista nce

    from Communica id a t a ll sta ge s,

    from the pla nning o f the course

    to its delivery. We look forwa rd

    to tra ining w ith Communica id

    a ga in in the future."

    Aga ta Czama ra

    Deputy Hea d, Tra ining Depa rtmentNa tiona l Ba nk of Poland (Poland)

    I rea lly enjoyed the po ssibility to

    w ork one-on-one w ith the tra iner

    in the rela xed a nd plea sa nt

    surroundings of Communica id.

    Kertu Ilves

    Tra nsla tor

    Europea n Commission ( Belgium)

    "My English course a s orga nised

    by Communica id w a s extremelyprofessiona l."

    Mr Ha n Yu

    Huma n Resources Ma na ge r

    ABB Ltd . ( China )

    Pre-course w ork w a s useful a s

    the points I ma de we re then

    covered in the course.

    Gemma Perkins

    Ana lystAXA PPP Hea lthcare (UK)

    My la ngua ge progra mme in

    London w ith Communica id w a s a

    rea lly outsta nding experience

    tha t I w ould recommend toa nyone.

    Cla udia Dola bellaSo Pa ulo Procurement Ma na ger

    Globa l Procurement Orga niza tion

    Gillette (Bra zil)

    Tha nks to Communica id's persona l

    a pproa ch I a m now a ble to w riteprofessiona l ba nking English.

    Jeroen Wa ssingCred it Ana lyst

    Ra bob a nk (The Nethe rla nds)

    I found the English for La w ye rs

    course very va lua ble a s it w a s very

    we ll a da pted to my professiona lneed s a nd the a ctivities provided me

    with plenty of opportunities to

    pra ctise my skills. I fee l tha t I ha ve

    lea rnt so much within just five da ys

    tha t I ha ve even been a ble to

    prepa re a short lega l glossa ry for

    the compa ny!

    Zulfiya Guma rovaLa wyer

    AGIP KCO ( Ka za khsta n)

    Wha t our Clients Sa y...

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    Culture & Communica tionSkills Consulta ncy

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    10 -15














    C O N T E N T S

    I C O N K E Y










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    20 -21


















    CASE STUDIES 35-36












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    6/561 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Why Communica id?

    Communica id is a culture a nd communica tion skills consulta ncy. We e na ble our clients to

    crea te profita ble interna tiona l rela tionships by b uilding cultura l bridg es tha t enha nce

    unde rsta nding a nd esta blish trust.


    We d esign a nd de live r profe ssiona l Eng lish

    tra ining prog ra mmes which provideimmedia te ta ngible results for you a nd

    yo ur orga nisa tion. Working with ma ny ofthe wo rlds lea ding co rpora te a nd public

    sector orga nisa tions, a nd with almost

    twenty ye a rs experience, we a re

    uniquely pla ced to understa nd a nd meetyo ur English la ngua ge co mmunica tion


    Innova tion

    Client-led solutions together with

    continuous improvement a nd progra mme

    innova tion gua ra ntee yo u the most up-to-da te a pproa ch a nd solutions.

    Impa ct

    Through a uniq ue 3-step a pproa ch of:

    1) Dia gno stic Consulta ncy2) Progra mme Design3) Impa ct Ma na gement

    we a re a ble to design a nd deliver

    English La ngua ge a nd Communica tionSkills tra ining a nd consulta ncy tha tde livers ta ngible, long-term be nefits

    to your orga nisa tion a nd employe es.

    Follow -up support a nd a ssista nceensures that the impa ct continues

    outside of the tra ining room.*

    We offe r a n unriva lled ra nge o f

    English progra mmes to meet the

    needs of na tive a nd non-na tiveEnglish la ngua ge spea kers. Wha tever

    your level or business requirement,we a re a ble to d esign a solution.

    Prog rammes ra nge from Fina ncia l

    Eng lish to Dra fting Contra cts in

    Eng lish.

    Ea ch yea r we tra in in excess of one

    thousa nd professiona ls from a ll over

    the world including Prime Ministers to

    CEOs to Fina nce Direc tors a nd In-house Counsel.

    Return on investment

    All our progra mmes a re co mpetitively

    priced a nd offe r excellent return on yourinvestment. O ur tra ining fe es include t he

    initia l tra ining ne eds a na lysis a nd

    a ssessment, de ta iled proposa l, tra iningdelivery, tra ining ma teria ls, progress

    reports a nd recommended follow -up.

    All intensive tra ining tha t ta kes pla ce a t

    our Londo n a nd Pa ris centres a lso

    includes w ee kly lunch a nd eve ning

    enterta inment.


    More Communica id

    For more informa tion on Communica id

    a nd our services, plea se refer to pa ge s33 - 50 .

    ExperienceInnova tion

    Impa ct

    * More informa tion on our a pproach is ava ila ble on pa ge 7

    All English tra ining ta king pla ce a t ourLondo n centre is a ccredite d by the British Council

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    7/56T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Communica id in London

    Communica id is

    loca ted in the hea rt

    of Londo ns fina ncia la nd historica l district

    know n a s the City .

    Your tra ining w ill

    ta ke pla ce moments

    from historica l

    Lond on, a nd just

    minutes fromLond ons thea tre

    la nd a nd the River

    Tha mes.

    Our mode rn tra ining

    centre, with

    unpa ra lleled view s

    of Lond on, offers

    you the idea l

    environment for

    successful a nd

    comforta ble tra ining.

    You w ill benefit from:

    Convenient, centra l London loca tion

    15 a ir-cond itioned tra ining rooms Dedicated client lounge a nd ca f

    Wireless hi-spee d internet a ccess

    Business centre, w ith a cce ss to printer,fa x machine a nd photocopier

    Da ily interna tional b usiness press

    Sa tellite te levision

    Priva te rooms a va ila ble for meetings Reference materia ls a nd publica tions

    Concierge service to a ssist w ith hotel,

    thea tre and other reserva tions

    Dedicated Client Ma na ger, on ha nd to

    ensure your tra ining is a succe ss Support from a multilingua l tea m, a ble

    to a ssist w ith a ny conce rns. Ove r 12

    different la ngua ge s a re spoken just by

    sta ff in the Londo n centre

    In a ll, we offer you a relaxed,

    professiona l environment w here you ca nconcentra te o n your lea rning while

    sta ying in touch with the outside wo rld.

    The w orlds most cosmopolita n city ... home to 4 World Herita ge Sites a nd 8 Roya l Pa rks...a popula tion of 7.2 million... over 250 different la ngua ge s spoken... over 40,000 shops,50 thea tres, 6100 resta ura nts, 3800 pubs... visited by 27 million people a nnua lly...


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    T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    During Your Sta y

    Our interna tiona l centres

    In a ddition to our Londo n centre, w e

    offer our clients the convenience ofunderta king their tra ining progra mme

    in a ny of o ur interna tiona l centres.

    Our centrally loca ted centres in Pa ris,Fra nkfurt a nd New York a re fully

    equipped to ensure your comfort while

    you a ttend yo ur progra mme w ith us.

    In a dd ition to time spent w ith your tra iners, we encoura ge oversea s delega tes on intensive

    courses to use their English a s much a s possible o utside the tra ining room. We offe r a ra ngeof a dd itiona l services to increa se y our opportunities to spea k a nd hea r English.

    Pa ris

    Fra nkfurt

    New York

    Reg ula r client lunches

    All Communica id deleg a tes a re from

    professiona l, business a nd gove rnmentbod ies. Our regula r client lunches provide

    a n informa l opportunity t o netw ork with

    like-minded individua ls ove r a sa ndw ichor buffet.

    Guest spea kers

    We o ften invite spea kers to provide briefinforma l ta lks on a va riety of topics

    including a spects of British cultura l a ndbusiness life. These a re orga nised o n a n

    a d hoc ba sis and a ccording to dema nd.We w ill inform you o f the progra mme of

    spea kers a va ila ble on your a rriva l.

    Socia l progra mme

    You ca n choose to a ttend one of our

    regula r events, ra nging from a n eveningmea l with other clients to wine-ta sting, a

    guided w a lk or a drink in some of

    Londons best pubs previouslyfreq uented by Cha rles Dickens or Ja ck the

    Ripper! We ca n a lso a ssist with booking

    tickets for thea tre, museum, cultura l a nd

    sporting events.


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    9/564T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Communica id Worldw ide

    Worldw ide a ccredita tion

    Since o ur founda tion, Communica ids

    ethos ha s been to seek pa rtnerships,recognition a nd a ccredita tion from

    industry bod ies tha t reflect theba ckground a nd tra ining nee ds of our

    corpora te a nd public sector clients. By

    truly understa nding yo ur industry a nd

    orga nisation, we a re a ble to design a nddeliver training progra mmes tha t meet

    your pa rticula r needs.

    With this in mind, Communica id ha s

    deve loped a nd nurtured rela tionships withEuropea n la w societies a nd ba r

    a ssocia tions, insura nce institutes,

    exa mina tion boa rds a nd relocation a ndintercultura l a ssocia tions. Our progra mmes

    a re recognised a nd promoted by the

    follow ing orga nisa tions:

    Interna tiona l rea ch

    Communica id ha s a g loba l client ba se

    a nd has esta blished a n interna tiona lpresence to meet their worldwiderequirements. We enjoy g loba l contra cts

    with ma ny lea ding orga nisa tions where

    we de liver our prog ra mmes in multiple

    city loca tions a cross the wo rld.

    Our tra ining c entres in Londo n, Pa ris,

    Fra nkfurt a nd New York ca n design a ndde live r yo ur Eng lish communica tion

    solutions in a ny loca tion worldw ide.

    Recent o versea s tra ining prog rammesha ve b een d elivered in the follow ing

    loca tions:

    We a lso offer our clients ad ditiona l

    support and expe rtise through our

    rela tionships with:Industry and Go vernment InstitutionsEnglish langua ge exa mina tion boa rds

    La w Societies

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    10/565 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Persona lised prog ra mmes

    Our ta ilor-ma de progra mmes a llow you

    to be nefit from a course tha t truly meetsyour needs. Focusing on your la ngua gea nd communica tion skills, the co ntent of

    ea ch progra mme is persona lised to y our

    profession, job function a nd skill a rea s

    you would like to develop.

    This a llow s us to d eliver tra ining on t he

    a rea s tha t you req uire - so, whether you

    a re in need of fluency de velopment orwish to enha nce your written

    communica tion skills, Communica id willdesign a unique prog ramme for you.

    Ava ila ble worldw ide

    In a ddition to our a cclaimed public

    progra mmes, Communica id provide s in-compa ny persona lised English

    communica tion solutions to orga nisa tions

    w orldw ide. Whether delivered a t our

    tra ining centres in Londo n, Pa ris, Fra nkfurtor New York, or a lterna tively, a t a

    loca tion of your choice, ea ch progra mme

    is designed with your unique requirements

    in mind.

    Responsive to your needs

    We ta ke e normous ca re a nd a ttention to

    understa nd your orga nisa tion a nd youremploye es communica tion req uirements.

    Ea ch progra mme be it a one-to-oneBusiness Eng lish course or a g loba l Eng lish

    programme for your entire o rga nisa tion

    is designed follow ing a dia gnostic

    consulta ncy.

    Options a va ila ble


    Tea m/depa rtment Semina rs/w orkshops

    Audits Consulta ncy

    Lea dership deve lopment

    Communica tion policy

    Interna tiona l reloca tion a ndrepa tria tion a ssista nce

    Continuous professiona l deve lopment

    In-compa ny Eng lish Communica tion Skills

    Designed to mee t your orga nisa tions uniq ue req uirements

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    6T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Communica id invests hea vily in the

    support netw ork tha t we provide to a ll

    our clients a nd de lega tes. We be lieve

    very strongly tha t a professiona llyma na ge d a nd successfully orga nised

    tra ining p rogra mme ste ms from providing

    a ssistance a t every sta ge of you andyo ur orga nisa tions rela tionship with us.

    Dedica ted Support Netw ork

    Our client ma na ge ment a nd services tea ms a re on ha nd to ensure

    a successful sta y.

    This netw ork is formed by a ssigning e a ch

    delega te a de dica ted Client Ma na ger

    who is responsible for coo rdina ting a ll

    a spects of your tra ining, providing y ouwith a clea r point of contact for a ny

    queries or concerns you ma y ha ve.

    In turn, our Client Ma na ge rs a re

    supported by Communica ids Client

    Services a nd Knowledg e Ma na ge ment

    tea ms w ho help to ensure the successfuldelivery of your tra ining a nd a llow us to

    support you a t a n orga nisa tiona l, tra ining

    a nd delega te level.

    You a re a t the centre of our a ttention

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    7 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Ma na g ing Your Tra ining

    Communica id Va lue Cha in

    Communica id ha s developed a unique

    three step a pproa ch to tra ining a nddelivering va lue to you a nd your

    orga nisa tion. The three steps a re

    designed to offer you opera tiona l,progra mme a nd customer excellence


    Your de dica ted Communica id ClientMa na ge r is responsible for lea ding you

    through our three step a pproa ch, ensuring

    tha t yo ur culture a nd communica tion skills

    needs a re met.

    Dia gnostic Consulta ncy -

    Ope ra tiona l Excellence

    During this sta ge , you a nd your

    orga nisa tions req uirements will be

    a ssessed a nd a ppra ised, ta king intoa ccount existing a bility, skills a nd

    knowledge. Once complete,

    recommenda tions on the na ture a nd levelof our tra ining impa ct will be ma de, with

    suitab le tra ining pla tforms a nd dura tion

    a greed mutua lly. Tra ining objectives a nd

    metrics will a lso b e e sta blished a ndexpla ined in a dva nce to ensure effective

    a nd mea sura ble results.

    Progra mme Desig n -

    Progra mme Exce llence

    We invest considera ble time a nd e ffort toensure tha t our clients a re fully supported

    during e very step o f their tra ining w ith

    Communica id. This includes a de sign

    ethos where we colla bora te closely with

    clients on progra mme co ntent a nda pproa ch a s well a s our commitment to

    select the most suita ble tra iners a nd

    consultants. We a re a lso a va ila ble priorto tra ining to o ffer pre-impa ct support

    a nd a ssistance rega rding a ny a spect of

    your tra ining.

    Impa ct Ma na ge ment -

    Customer Excellence

    Througho ut the tra ining, y our de dica tedCommunica id Client Ma na ge r will work

    w ith yo ur tra iners to monitor progress a nd

    provide po st-impa ct support in the form

    of reports, feedba ck review s a nd, where

    necessa ry, recommenda tions on the nextstag e of tra ining a nd consulta ncy.

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    8T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Tra ining Ma na gement Porta l

    Ma na ge ment informa tion

    In toda ys tra ining a nd development

    clima te, ea sily a ccessible a nd up-to-da tetra ining da ta ha s never been more

    va lua ble in ensuring the e ffective

    mana gement of e mployee tra ining.

    Being a ble to a ccess up-to-da tea ttenda nce, progress a nd a ssocia ted

    costs provides tra ining ma na ge rs with key

    informa tion to ensure the va lidity of a ll

    tra ining.

    Rea l time informa tion ma na gement & a dministra tion

    At Communica id, we a pprecia te the

    challenges tha t our clients fa ce a nd ha ve

    developed a n integ rate d Training

    Ma na gement Porta l aimed a t fa cilita tingthe qua ntita tive a nd qua lita tive a na lyses

    tha t our clients req uire. Via a secure

    128-bit login, yo u will a cce ss your owndua l-branded web site a llowing you

    insta nt a ccess to the la test, live tra ining

    da ta of a ll your employees.

    Communica id is committed to ha rnessing

    new te chnology to increa se the

    effectiveness of our programmes a s well

    a s offer our clients up-to-da te progra mmeinforma tion a nd ea se of bo oking. We a re

    consta ntly working on new solutions w hich

    embra ce insta nt messa ging support a ndprogra mme ma na gement.

    Online booking

    Our online bo oking syste m a llow s you to

    select y our choice of progra mme, a ssess

    your la ngua ge a bility, choose the format

    of training, preferred tra ining da tes a ndpa y online if you wish. Once w e receive

    your booking, w e w ill a rra nge a telephone

    interview a nd a ssessment befo re confirming

    your pla ce on a progra mme.

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    9 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    E-lea rning & Virtua l Tra ining

    To co mplement our ra nge of fa ce-to-fa cetra ining progra mmes, w here tra ining onsite is neither pra ctica l nor economica lCommunica id ha s pionee red thedeve lopment of a suite of online tra iningoptions. Designed to be either sta nda lone progra mmes or pa rt of a blendedlea rning experience, these progra mmesa llow yo u to bene fit from Communica idswo rld cla ss tra ining progra mmes a nda pproa ch no ma tter where you a re inthe world.

    Virtua l tra ining

    People w a nt to do tra ining o n their time,in their loca tion, o n the ir sched ule. This isa nytime, anyw here tra ining that ca n beviewe d a nd review ed. *

    * Da vid Buehner, Ava ya Communicat ions

    Communica id ha s pionee red thedeve lopment of a suite of remote tra iningoptions to offer our globa l clients a ccessto our unriva lled tra ining prog ra mmes

    a nd expert tra iners. Whether a s pa rt ofa sta nd a lone virtua l tra ining solution ormodules that form a pa rt of a blendedlea rning expe rience , virtua l tra ininga llow s you a nd your employe es toma ximize lea rning oppo rtunities w hileminimising disruption a nd a ssocia tedcosts.

    Communica id ha s ha rnessed the la testfea tures of virtua l tra ining softw a re toena ble us to provide professiona l tra ining

    complete w ith the feel of a rea lcla ssroom setting, in effect replica tingmany of the dyna mic fea tures tha t a recrucia l to ensuring a successful fa ce-to-fa ce session. Depending on the na ture ofthe progra mme a nd its suita bility for thesubject ma tter, a mong the fea tures tha ta ttendees will be a ble to a ccess a re:

    Tw o w a y a ud io a nd vid eoconferencing

    Applic a t ion sha ring

    Inte ra c tive whiteboards Electronic ha nd ra ising Group text cha t

    Our Virtua l Tra ining progra mmes a rede livered b y Communica ids core tra iners,a ll bringing w ith them yea rs of expe rtisein their pa rticula r specia list field ( e.g . la w,

    fina nce, interna tional commerce,diploma cy, HR, e tc.) combined with forma lq ua lifica tions in tra ining.

    As with our fa ce-to-fa ce tra ining solutions,w e pride ourselves on our a bility todesign progra mmes a ccording to thenee ds of our clients. Conseq uently, a llVirtua l Tra ining p rogra mmes a re pla nnedin conjunction w ith yo u, the client. A fulldia gnostic consulta ncy w ill be underta kento understa nd yo ur tra ining nee ds prior to

    programme design a nd delivery.

    Once the progra mme contents ha ve bee nfina lised a nd a schedule esta blished w ithyou, a ll pa rticipa nts will be invited byema il to a ttend the session(s) via awe blink. Once in the cla ssroom,delega tes a re a ble to intera ct with theirtra iner and other a ttendees a nd, mostimporta ntly, lea rn in a flexible a nddy na mic environment.

    E-lea rningWe a re currently b uilding a course libra ryof ma ny of o ur most popular progra mmesto be a va ila ble to orga nisations a ndindividua l employe es. This a llow s you tolea rn a t your ow n pa ce in your own time.

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    Prog ra mmes

    Interna tiona l Business Eng lish 11-15

    Fina ncia l Eng lish 16-17

    Insura nce Eng lish 18-19

    Public Sector Eng lish 20 -21

    Eng lish for Aca demic Personnel 22-23

    Lega l Eng lish 24-26

    Communica tion Skills 27-31

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    Communica ids Business

    English tra iners a re chosen

    for their extensive

    commercia l a nd tra ining

    experience . In a dd ition tobeing q ua lified tra iners

    w ith a minimum of five

    ye a rs tra ining experience ,

    ma ny Communica id

    Business Eng lish tra iners

    a re a lso professiona ls in

    fields a s diverse a s la w,

    fina nce, insura nce a nd

    ma rketing.


    Inte rna tiona l Business Eng lish


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    12T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Business Eng lish: Individua l Business Eng lish: In-co mpa ny Group

    Cost effective, in-compa ny te a m training for groups with thesa me need s a nd objectives.

    Suitab le for

    Remote or physica l tea ms who w ish to combine tea m-building with la ngua ge deve lopment. Tra ining designeda cross a ll sectors from engineering to pha rma ceutica l.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Fluency enhancement Individua l a nd group presentations Role, compa ny a nd sector-specific voca bula ry Achieving cla rity in written English

    On completion

    Grea ter confidence to effectively represent yourorga nisation a t a n interna tiona l level

    Improved cross-border communica tion with collea gues a nd clients

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Industry visits meetings a nd excha ngeswith British compa nies

    Weekend tra ining

    Combine with

    Building Interna tional Tea ms &Cross-cultura l Awa reness

    English for Fina nce Professiona ls Presentation & Negotia tion Skills

    Dura tion

    Flexible. From one-da y se mina rs to one

    month in-compa ny progra mmes.

    "We a pprecia ted the

    industry experience of

    Communica ids tra iners Peter Lecomte,

    Huma n Resources Consulta nt,

    Tra cte be l (Belgium)

    Communica id ha s

    provide d tra ining of

    the highest q ua lity to

    our Business Lea de rs.Per Rune Bjrnfeldt,

    Human Resources Ma na ge ment,If Insura nce (Norwa y)

    Ja n - Dec 30 hours (min)

    330 0 /we ek for4-6 delega tes

    All levels



    Ja n - Dec 30 hours (min)

    1850 /week All levels

    Individua l


    Highly pra ctical, individua lly d esigned , g oa l-orienta tedtra ining to ra pidly improve yo ur business Eng lish skills.

    Suitab le for

    Interna tiona l business people w ho require fluency a ndconf idence in their Eng lish communica tion.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Fluency enhancement Key voca bula ry for your area of business Improved listening skills for meetings a nd te leconferences Effective written communica tion techniques

    On completion

    More confidence in your a bility to conduct business inEng lish

    Grea ter verba l fluency for fa ce-to-fa ce business situations More professiona l a pproa ch a nd intera ction with clients

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Working lunch with tra iner Post-progra mme support Extended tra ining Compa ny visits Weekend tra ining

    Combine with

    Effect ive Business Writing UK/US Business Culture tra ining

    Dura tion

    Flexible. From weekly sessions to 3-month intensiveprog rammes.

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    13 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Specia lly d esigned combina tion - individua l a nd g roup

    training - a imed a t providing you w ith the essentia lcommunica tion tools to w ork in a n interna tiona l environment.

    Suitab le for

    Professiona ls or orga nisa tions tha t require a n economica la nd e ffective solution to their English tra ining ne ed s.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Individua l: individua l English coa ching specific to your rolea nd orga nisation

    Group: fluency, communica tion, presentation a ndinterpe rsona l skills

    On completion

    Improved confidence in your a bility to conduct business inEng lish

    Grea ter ora l fluency for key business situa tions Highly deve loped group intera ction skills

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Upgra de to specia list1-1 tra ining

    Working lunch with thetra iner

    Weekend tra ining

    Combine with

    UK/US Business Culture tra ining

    Dura tion

    Ea ch combina tion progra mme la sts one w eek (30 hours).

    The option exists to a ttend severa l combina tion progra mmes

    or combine w ith individua l 1:1 tra ining.

    Business Eng lish: Combina tion

    Ja n - Dec 30 hours (min)

    140 0 /week

    per individua l2+

    Individua l

    & Group


    Business Eng lish: Founda tion

    Jun - Sept 120 hours

    250 0 /4 weeks 1.5+


    (max 8)


    A cost effective open g roup progra mme designed to provideyou with a solid founda tion in business English in just four weeks

    of intensive tra ining. An idea l first step prior to a ttending o ne ofour more a dva nced English communica tion courses.

    Suitab le for

    Professiona ls sta rting or cha nging their interna tiona l businessca reer who require a comprehensive business Englishcommunica tion skills progra mme. Ide a l for low er-intermed ia tea nd a bove lea rners.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Comprehensive review of English gra mma r Ora l communica tion skills for presenting, a ttending

    meetings, telephoning, etc. Listening skills for fa ce-to-fa ce meetings a nd telephone contact Ema il a nd other business writing skills

    On completion

    Improved a bility to w ork in roles tha t require English

    Grea ter ora l confidence for fa ce-to-fa ce business situations Enha nced comprehension skills a nd clea rer pronuncia tion

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Working lunch with the tra iner Guest spea kers from industry Externa l visits a nd evening

    enterta inment E-lea rning Weekend tra ining

    Combine with

    UK/US Business Culture tra ining

    Dura tion

    4 we eks (120 hours in tota l). Option of 3 w eek Founda tionProgra mme is a lso a va ila ble.

    Communica id o ffered

    me a professiona l,

    ba la nced a nd

    individua lised progra mme,

    delivered by exceptiona l

    tra iners Ms Annie-Mireille Perrier,

    Corpora te Human Resources,

    Vivendi Universal ( Fra nce)

    Tod a y I fee l much

    more confident in

    spea king English.

    Tha nk you Communica id!Cla udia Dolabe lla ,

    So Pa ulo Procurement Ma na ger,

    Globa l Procurement Orga niza tion,


  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    14T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Eng lish for Huma n Resources

    Profe ssiona ls

    English for Interna tiona l Sa les

    & Ma rketing

    English communica tion skills tra ining a imed a t improving youra bility to build a nd deve lop interna tiona l commercia l relationships.

    Suitab le for

    Professiona ls w orking a cross borde rs in interna tiona l sa lesa nd ma rketing w ho require English to present, conductnego tia tions a nd ma inta in effective communica tion with theirinterna tiona l collea gues a nd clients. Aimed a t businessdevelopment professiona ls, interna tional a ccount ma na ge rs,

    sales ma na gers a nd ma rketers.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Commercia l voca bula ry for your role The la ngua ge to ha ndle objections a nd overcome obsta cles Listening skills for effective commercia l meetings The la nguag e for successful tea m mana gement

    On completion

    More effective a nd persua sive representation of your

    orga nisa tion Increa sed interpersona l skills Demonstra ble competitive a dva nta ge when working

    interna tionally More effective lia ison with your interna tiona l collea gues

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Post-progra mme individua l mentoring Working lunch with the tra iner

    Combine with

    Individua l Fina ncia l English tra ining Country specific cultura l a wa reness tra ining Building Interna tional Tea ms tra ining

    Dura tion

    One w ee k (30 hours). Ta ilor-ma de individua l or in-compa nygroup tra ining is a lso a va ila ble.

    1850 /week 2+ London

    Individua l &In-compa nyGroup (ma x 6) Ja n - Dec 30 hours (min)

    Individua l &In-compa nyGroup (ma x 6) Ja n - Dec 30 hours (min)

    1850 /week 2+ London

    Specia lised English tra ining progra mme fo cusing o n the key

    communica tion skills req uired b y huma n resourcesprofessiona ls ope ra ting in a n interna tiona l HR environment.

    Suitab le for

    Huma n resources a nd tra ining professiona ls who need toimprove the ir Eng lish co mmunica tion skills. This progra mme isdesigned to provide a n extremely pra ctica l focus on theEnglish need ed to w ork more effe ctively w ith interna l clients

    a nd externa l pa rtners.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Effective use of key HR terminology Tools for writing clea r briefs, ma nua ls a nd stra tegy pa pers Fluency enha ncement for presenting informa tion Development of listening skills for forma l meetings a nd


    On completion

    More confidence lia ising with your interna tiona l netw ork Accura te use of interna tional HR a nd tra ining terminology Production of clea rer a nd more persua sive written documents

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Post-progra mme individua l mentoring Working lunch with UK HR profe ssiona l tra iner

    Combine with

    Presenta tion Skills

    Individua l Leg a l English tra ining Cross-cultura l Awa reness

    Dura tion

    One w ee k (30 hours). Ta ilor-ma de individua l or in-compa nygroup tra ining is a lso a va ila ble.

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    15 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    English for Medica l Purposes

    1850 /wee k


    Individua l &In-compa nyGroup (ma x 6) Ja n - Dec 30 hours (min)

    This spec ia lly de signe d prog ra mme offe rs a n extremely

    pra ctica l focus on the English you nee d to w ork moreeffectively in a medica l environment.

    Suitab le for

    Qua lified medica l professiona ls a nd medica l students in theclinica l phase of the ir studies who w ish to improve theirmedica l English in order to function more e ffective ly in Englishor a ttend medica l symposiums, congresses a nd semina rs.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Effective use of key medica l terminology a nd a bbrevia tions Tools for rea ding a nd writing clea r medical reports,

    progno sis, dia gno sis a nd reco mmend a tions, prescriptionsa nd notes for collea gues

    Fluency enha ncement for empa thetica lly a cquiringinforma tion from a nd presenting informa tion to pa tients

    Forma l presenta tion skills on a rea s of medica l specialisa tiona nd interest

    On completion

    More confidence lia ising w ith na tive spea kers of English inthe medica l profession or with the g ene ra l public Accura te use of interna tiona l medical terminology a nd

    a bbrevia tions Ability to rea d a nd a na lyse medica l histories a nd ca se studies Production of clea rer written documents

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Optiona l visits to hospita ls Working lunch with UK medica l professiona l tra iner

    Combine with

    Presenting in English Cross-cultura l Awa reness training

    Dura tion

    One w ee k (30 hours). Ta ilor-ma de individua l or in-compa nygroup tra ining is a lso a va ila ble.


    If you a re interested in a specia list a rea not mentionedhere, plea se conta ct us to discuss our bespoke services:

    T. + 44 (0 )20 7648 2140

    E. eng lish@ communica

    W. ww w.communica


  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf




    Fina ncia l Eng lish

    Communica ids Fina ncia l

    English tra iners a re chosen for

    their extensive tra ining a nd

    fina ncia l experience . Dua l-

    q ua lified a s ba nkers a nd

    fina nciers a s we ll a s linguists,

    they a re uniquely pla ced to

    understa nd yo ur role a nd

    fina ncia l communica tion




  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    17 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    English for Fina nce Professiona ls

    30 hours (min)


    (max 6)


    Fina ncia l Eng lish

    Ja n - Dec 30 hours (min)


    Individua l &In-compa nyGroup


    I a m now a ble to

    w rite professiona l

    ba nking English.Jeroen Wa ssing, Cred it Ana lyst,

    Ra boba nk (the Netherla nds)

    Communica ids ta ilored Financia l English progra mmes a redesigne d to provide y ou with the key skills, too ls a nd terminologyyou need to opera te in a n interna tiona l fina ncia l environment.All programmes a re designed a nd de livered by d ua l-qua lified

    tra iners English trainers a s well a s fina nce professiona ls with15+ yea rs interna tional fina nce experience.

    Suitab le for

    In-compa ny a ccounta nts, ba nkers, interna l a uditors, fina ncema na gers and compa ny lea ders who require a solid comma ndof fina ncia l English.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Key f inancia l la ngua ge a nd releva nt terminology Review of fina ncia l terms, e.g. fina ncia l sta tements,

    compa ny structures, ce ntra l ba nking, FOREX, riskma na ge ment, reta il ba nking, lending a nd the ma rketing offina ncia l services

    Dra fting clea r, a ccura te a nd concise written reports Skills for negotia ting a t a senior level

    On completion

    Grea ter confidence w hen discussing fina ncia l documents

    and d a t a Increa sed verba l fluency for fa ce-to-fa ce negotia tions The confidence to produce professional w ritten reports in

    Eng lish

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Visits to releva nt ba nk orfina ncia l institution

    Extended tra ining da ys Working lunch

    Combine with

    Leg a l or Insura nce English tra ining Business Cultura l Awa reness tra ining

    Dura tion



    Inva lua ble Fina ncia l English tra ining fo cusing o n the

    la ngua ge a nd communica tion skills req uired by fina nceprofessiona ls wo rking interna tiona lly.

    Suitab le for

    Fina nce professiona ls a nd senior direct ors w ho a re req uiredto understa nd, interpret a nd deliver fina ncia l da ta to a ninterna tiona l a udience.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Review of key terms: ma croeconomics, fina ncia lsta tements, sources of fina nce, ma rkets a nd trends, etc.

    Effective compa ny, fund or product presenta tions Functiona l la nguag e for negotiating via intera ctive ca se

    studies Tools for successful report writing

    On completion

    Grea ter fluency a nd a ccura cy when discussing fina nce in

    Eng lish Ability to present complex fina ncia l data clea rly a nd

    persua sively Production of professional written reports Possess grea ter interpersona l skills

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Compa ny visits Post-progra mme mentoring

    Combine with

    Effect ive Business Writing Individua l Leg a l English

    Dura tion

    One w eek (30 hours)

    My skills developed

    conside ra bly in such a

    short period of time."Mr Diet er Feller, Senior Ma na ge r,

    Complia nce Depa rtment,

    Deutsche VerkehrsBa nk (Ge rma ny)

    1795/weekper individua l

    7 July20 October

    240 0 /week

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf




    Communica ids Insura nce

    English tra iners a re chosen for

    their extensive tra ining a nd

    insura nce e xperience . Dua l-

    q ua lified a s insura nce brokers

    a s we ll a s linguists, they a re

    uniq uely pla ced to unde rsta nd

    yo ur role a nd insura nce

    communica tion need s.


    Insura nce Eng lish


    In a ssocia tion witha nd recognised by :

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    19 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    This unique progra mme is designed in conjunction w ith the

    Cha rtered Insura nce Institute (CII). The five-da y progra mme

    consists of insura nce semina rs de livered by industry experts fromthe CII combined w ith specia list Insura nce English training by

    Communica id. This course is a must for a ll insurance professiona lswho w ish to succee d in the interna tiona l insurance ma rket.

    Suitab le for

    All insura nce profe ssiona ls w ithin the industry a s we ll a sin-house insura nce ma na ge rs w ho need to improve the ira bility to communica te effectively in internationa l insura nce.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    A review of the la ngua ge of genera l insura nce principles Key terminology for commercia l, non-life a nd life lines A broa der knowledge of the workings of the London ma rket Tools for effective forma l written communica tion An overview o f the la test developments in interna tiona l

    insura nce from ART to securitisa tion

    On completion

    Production of clea rer and more a ccura te client notes a nd

    forma l reports Ability to de monstra te g rea ter verba l fluency for face -to-

    fa ce business situa tions including nego tia ting Ability to discuss insura nce topics using the a ppropria te

    a nd up-to-da te English terms

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Post-progra mme individua l mentoring

    Combine with

    Individua l Business English tra ining Insura nce English Combina tion

    Dura tion

    One w eek (30 hours)

    Eng lish for the Insura nce Industry

    30 hours (min)



    (max 8)


    Insura nce Eng lish

    Ja n - Dec 30 hours (min)


    Individua l &In-compa nyGroup (ma x 6)


    "My Insura nce

    English course w a s

    highly useful.Sergio Piccinonno,

    Interna l Audit,

    Genera li (Ita ly)

    Highly pra ctica l individua l a nd g roup insura nce Englishprog rammes tailored to y our insura nce la ngua ge nee ds.

    Ava ila ble in-compa ny or a t one of Communica idswo rldw ide loca tions.

    Suitab le for

    Insura nce professiona ls who req uire a ta ilored insurance Englishsolution with the be nefit of delivery by a n insura nce pra ctitionerwith genuine experience o f interna tiona l insura nce.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Key insura nce la ngua ge a nd terminology Functiona l skills specific to yo ur position Review a nd consolida tion of gra mma tica l accura cy Tools for effective w ritten communica tion

    On completion

    Ability to demonstra te a grea ter understa nding a nda ccura te use of insura nce English terms

    More confidence in fa ce-to-fa ce a nd telephone situations Improved self-correction techniques

    Ability to d ra ft clea rer a nd more concise documents

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Working lunch Compa ny visits Visit to Lloyds ma rket Extended or we ekend tra ining

    Combine with

    Effect ive Business Writing

    Cultura l Awa reness Training A technica l progra mme a t the CII

    Dura tion

    Flexible. From weekly sessions to month-long intensiveprog rammes.

    An extremely

    effective course

    g iving immedia teresults.

    Ma rie Fra nce Hurel,

    Underwriter,Roya l & Sun Alliance

    (Fra nce)

    2230 /we ekper individua l

    240 0 /week

    28 July

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf




    Communica ids Pub lic Sect or

    tra iners come from a va riety

    of ba ckgrounds a nd ra nge

    from diploma ts to milita ry

    professiona ls in order to o ffer

    you progra mmes releva nt to

    you a nd your role.


    Public Sector English


  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    21 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Milita ry English & Defence Diploma cy

    2+ Worldwide

    Eng lish for Diploma cy

    For diploma ts working in a ll pa rts of the world, effect ive a nd

    unambiguous communicat ion is vita l to securing a nd ma intaining

    successful diploma tic rela tions. Wha tever your diplomatic field, it is not

    enough simply to spea k English we ll. In order to o pera te a t the highest

    diploma tic leve l, the a bility to understa nd the subtleties a nd nuance s ofthe English la ngua ge a nd deliver with confidence is pa ramount.

    Suitab le for

    Diploma tic personnel, go vernment e mploye es or interna tiona l

    a gency sta ff who w ork in interna tiona l diploma cy.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Spoken English: tone, reg ister a nd style

    Public spea king

    Presenta tion skills

    Forma l writing skills: style, a ccura cy a nd structure

    Ema il etiquette

    On completion

    Grea ter diploma cy in your spoken a nd written English

    More professiona l representa tion of your country Grea ter command of English

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Diplomatic guest spea kers

    Exchang e meetings with UK pa rlia menta ry officia ls a nd MPs

    Combine with

    Country-specific cultura l a wa reness tra ining

    Building Interna tional Tea ms

    Adva nced Negotia ting Skills

    Dura tion


    30 hours


    1850 /week 2+

    Individua l &In-compa nyGroup


    Ja n - Dec

    The resolution of interna tiona l conflicts and subsequent pe a cekeepingduties req uire orga nisa tions such a s the United Na tions, NATO a s we ll a sindividual na tions to supply milita ry support a nd personnel. Army, na vya nd a ir forces from many na tions need to w ork toge ther effectively, usingEnglish as the common langua ge. Based o n over 10 yea rs experience of

    working with the milita ry, this prog ramme focuses specifica lly on meetingthe needs of military pe rsonnel enga ged internationa lly.

    Suitab le for

    Milita ry personnel, go vernment employ ee s or interna tiona la ge ncy sta ff who a re req uired to work in interna tionaltea ms using English a s the common la ngua ge .

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    The la ngua ge of pla nning a nd stra tegy Pea cekeeping la ngua ge Debriefing scena rios Adva nced presenta tion skills Diploma tic English tone, reg ister a nd levels of forma lity

    On completion

    Grea ter confidence in your a bility to convey your messag e Broa der voca bula ry for discussing milita ry a nd

    pea cekeeping issues Grea ter a wa reness a nd more effective use of diplomaticlanguage

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Working lunches Exchang es w ith British milita ry personnel Milita ry guest spea kers

    Combine with

    Country-specific cultura l a wa reness tra ining Building Interna tional Tea ms Negotia ting in English Presenting in English

    Dura tion


    30 hours


    1850 /wee k

    Individua l &In-compa nyGroup

    Ja n - Dec

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf




    Communica ids Aca de mic

    English tra iners a re chosen for

    their exte nsive tra ining

    experience a nd a re

    pa rticula rly a dept a t

    conside ring the communica tion

    needs of a ca demic

    professiona ls. Ma ny of our

    tra iners ha ve themselves

    lectured a nd unde rsta nd the

    need s of lecturers a nd

    a ca demic sta ff.


    English for Aca demic Personnel


  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    23 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    English for Inte rna tiona l Lecturers

    60 hours

    995/week 2+


    (max 8)


    English for Aca demic Professiona ls

    Ja n - Dec 60 hours


    Individua l &In-compa nyGroup


    Individua l a nd in-house group tra ining de signe d to ra isethe English fluency of a ll levels of a ca de mic pe rsonnel. An

    extremely rewa rding a nd productive course w hich offers a n

    excellent pla tform for improving g roup mora le throug htea m building a ctivities.

    Suitab le for

    Lecturers, senior ma na gement, a dministra tors a nd excha nge sta ffwho nee d English for reg ula r conta ct with oversea sstudents, pa rtner institutions a nd the w ider interna tiona la ca demic community.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    How to prepa re a nd deliver effective lectures in English Correct use of specia list terminolog y Listening skills for interna tiona l conferences Written co mmunica tion (tra ditiona l a nd e lectronic) skills Key f inancia l la ngua ge for budgeting a nd aca demic

    a dministra tion

    On completion

    More effective representa tion of your institution oversea s More confidence in de livering lect ures in English Grea ter verba l fluency a nd listening skills for a ttending

    symposia a nd conferences

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Extended tra ining Sha dowing visits to UK

    a ca de mic institutions

    Combine with

    Effect ive Business Writing Cross-cultura l Awa reness

    Dura tion

    Tw o w ee ks (60 hours)

    "The tra ining ha s

    proved to be of

    grea t be nefit for my

    lecturing work.Prof. Dr. Jose f Wiela nd ,

    Depa rtment of Econo mics &

    Socia l Services,

    Konsta nz Fa chhochschule(Germa ny)

    "We ha ve se en

    ma rked improvements

    in our sta ffs a bility

    to work in English."Pa ula Kinnunen,

    Vice President,Helsinki Business Polytechnic

    (Finland )

    Now celebra ting its fifteenth ye a r, this intera ctive a nd

    functional progra mme is designed to meet the cha ngingdema nds of lecturers working in interna tiona l aca demia.

    Suitab le for

    Aca de mic professiona ls required to lecture in English, a ttendinterna tiona l conferences or colla bora te w ith interna tionala ca de mic institutions.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    How to prepa re, structure a nd deliver effective lectures inEng lish

    Accura te use of specia list terminology Review of the key gramma tica l a rea s Listening skills for interna tiona l semina rs

    On completion

    Clea rer and more co ncise delivery of lectures in English More effective enga gement of your a udience

    Ability to field questions with a ssura nce More confidence in spoken English

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Post-progra mme individua lmentoring

    Externa l visits a round Londona nd evening enterta inment

    Combine with

    Effect ive Business Writing Cross-cultura l Awa reness Individua l ta ilor-ma de Aca demic English

    Dura tion

    Tw o w ee ks (60 hours)

    170 0 /week

    Plea se note tha t running of this progra mme is subject to a minimum number of enrolments.

    7 July

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf






    Communica ids lega l tra iners

    a re dua l-qua lified a s la wy ers

    a nd la ngua ge instructors,

    specia lising in a va riety of

    leg a l a rea s. They offer our

    clients a ra nge of lega l

    progra mmes, providing context

    a nd ensuring a ccura te

    la ngua ge use. As testa ment

    to o ur succe ss, Communica id

    tra ins over 50 0 la wy ers from

    a ll over the w orld ea ch yea r.


    Lega l Eng lish


    In a ssocia tion with

    a nd recognised by:

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf



    English for La w yers

    Ja n - Dec 30 hours (min)


    (max 8)


    Dra fting Contra cts in Eng lish

    Ja n - Dec 18 hours (min)



    Now in its eleventh yea r, the 3-da y progra mme Dra fting Contra ctsin English provides you with intera ctive sessions on the pra ctica lskills req uired to dra ft a nd interpret modern-da y lega l documents.

    The progra mme combines input on the g uide lines for dra fting withpra ctica l exercises to put these principles into pra ctice.

    Suitab le for

    La wy ers who nee d to dra ft, expla in or interpret contra ct clauseswritten in English but under their domestic jurisdiction.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Incorpora tion of best pra ctice into your lega l drafting Guidelines for modern style, structure a nd use of lega l

    English in the dra fting of contra cts Ada pting these guidelines to other lega l documents How to a void typica l mista kes a nd ba d ha bits in lega l

    writing Implica tions for dra fting unde r Common vs. Civil jurisdictions

    On completion

    More confidence in your a bility to interpret a nd expla in

    contra ct cla uses Broa der voca bula ry for discussing contra ct terms Ability to edit a nd correct your lega l documents more


    Optiona l enha ncements

    2 da ys of individualLeg a l Eng lish tra ining

    Combine with

    Individua l Leg a l English tra ining Individua l Business English tra ining

    Dura tion

    Three da ys ( 18 hours)

    It ha s been a

    plea sure w orking

    w ith Communica id."Reg ina Andrea s,

    La ngua ge Services Ma na ger,

    Lovells Boesebeck Droste

    (Germa ny)


    *Refer to pa ge 32 for public progra mme deta ils *Refer to pa ge 32 for public progra mme deta ils


    (max 6)

    T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    This intensive progra mme is delivered by experienced la wy ers a ndcovers the specia list la ngua ge skills need ed by la wy ers to be fully

    effec tive in the most dema nding lega l scena rios. Ca se studies will

    build voca bulary a nd communica tion skills in a rea s such as

    business set-up and sa le/purcha se through to dispute resolution,litiga tion, intellectua l property a nd employment issues.

    Suitab le for

    La wye rs or compa ny mana gers with a dva nced spokenEnglish who ne ed to pe rfect the ir specia list skills a nd dra ftforma l lega l documents a t nea r-na tive spea ker level.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Accura te use of modern leg a l English terminology Writing clea r a nd concise leg a l opinions Adva nced communica tion skills for nego tiation Improved pra ctice a rea -specific voca bula ry Key langua ge for effective client meetings

    On completion

    Grea ter confidence in your a bility to interpret a nd expla incontra ct cla uses

    Improved cross-border communica tion with collea gues a ndclients

    More professiona l a nd effective w ritten style

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Individua l we ekend tra ining

    Combine with

    Cross-cultura l Awa reness

    English for Fina nce Professiona ls Negotia ting in English

    Dura tion

    One w eek (30 hours)

    "The co urse w a s

    pa rticula rly useful in

    dispelling ma ny old truths

    a bout contra ct dra fting

    in Eng lish."Ha ns Gera rd Vikse,

    Attorney a t La w,Simonsen Fye n Advo ka tfirma DA

    (Norwa y)

    1350 /3 da ysper individua l


  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    26T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    English for Lega l Secreta ries

    Ja n - Dec 30 hours (min)


    (max 8)


    Lega l Eng lish

    Ja n - Dec 30 hours (min)



    Ta ilored lega l English progra mmes for bo th individua ls a nd in-

    compa ny groups, designed a nd delivered by la wye rs for la wye rsa nd recognised by la w societies a nd ba r a ssocia tions worldwide.

    Suitab le for

    In-house counsel and lawy ers req uired to communica te a nd dra fton a n interna tiona l level using precise lega l lang ua ge .

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    The a ccura te a nd a ppropria te use of vocab ula ry specificto yo ur pra ctice a rea or industry

    Communica tion skills for: client a dvising, giving leg a lopinions, a ttending interna tional client or pra ctice groupmeetings a nd pa rticipating in teleconferences

    Dra fting clea r opinions, memos or a greements relevant toyour practice a rea s and incorpora ting a ppropria te house styles

    On completion

    More confidence expla ining points of la w under yourna tiona l jurisdiction

    More effective a nd a ccomplished representation for yourorga nisation

    Grea ter aw a reness of how to correct your own use ofleg a l Eng lish

    Enha nced editing a nd drafting skills

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Working lunches Visits to Court to observe releva nt


    Combine with

    Dra fting Contra cts in English Fina ncia l English for Ba nking or

    Corpora te La wy ers

    Dura tion

    Flexible*Refer to pa ge 32 for public progra mme de ta ils

    Individua l

    or Group


    This progra mme provides lega l executives a nd pa ra lega ls with a n

    expla na tion of key lega l terminology a nd its lega l context, a nd

    deve lops the a dva nced communica tion skills required by leg a lsecreta ries in a modern-da y lega l depa rtment.

    Suitab le for

    Assista nts working in the leg a l field who do not ha ve a

    forma l lega l qua lifica tion but need to be fa milia r with leg a l

    ja rgon a nd confident of its mea ning a nd use.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Forma l writing skills: style, a ccura cy a nd structure

    Contra ct Dra fting: key terms

    Tra nsla tion of lega l documents

    Telephone etiquette Ad va nced g ra mma r

    On completion

    More confidence in your a bility to use lega l ja rgon

    Broa der voca bula ry for discussing commercial issues Production of more a ccura te notes a nd reports

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Add 2 da ys of specia list1-1 tra ining

    Combine with

    Effect ive Business Writing

    Individua l Business Englishtra ining

    Dura tion

    Three d a ys ( 18 hours)

    I wa s impressed

    by [the tra iners]

    a bility to ta ilor

    releva nt a ctivities.Dorthe Ja kobsen,Lega l Secreta ry,

    Rnne & Lundgren ( Denma rk)

    "I now ha ve

    increa sed

    confidence in my

    a bility to perform

    my da ily w ork w ith

    clients."Antonia Seitz,

    Employment La wy er,Ba ker & McKenzie

    (Germa ny)

    995/3 da ysper individua l

    240 0 /week

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf





    WRITING 29






    Communica ids communica tion

    skills tra iners a re chosen for

    their exte nsive tra ining

    experience a nd specia list skills

    in professiona l communica tion.


    Communica tion Skills


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    P l Wi iP f i l E il Wi i

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    29 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Most sa les a nd ma rketing professiona ls a re recruited for their

    spoken communica tion a nd presenta tion skills a nd often see

    proposa l writing a s a chore to be a voided or rushed. A skilfully-written proposa l, howeve r, is vita l to the success of bids or tende rs

    for new business, ma king the d ifference to w hether a contra ct isultima tely won or not.

    Suitab le for

    New or experienced sa les professiona ls

    Key a ccount ma nag ement personnel

    Bid ma na g e rs

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Effective writing skills through t he de velopment o f apersua sive a nd rea der-focused a pproa ch.

    On completion

    More confidence in writing effective sa les proposa ls

    More convincing a nd persua sive style of sa les writing

    Ability to ta rget your proposals for ea ch pa rticula r a udience Written skills tha t ma ke yo u sta nd out from your competitors

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Remote email tra ining

    E-lea rning support

    Combine with

    Business English

    Professiona l Ema il Writing

    Dura tion


    Proposa l Writing

    Ja n - Dec 0 .5 - 2 days Individua l &In-compa nyGroup

    110 0 /da y 3.5+ Worldwide

    Profe ssiona l Ema il WritingWith ema il a nd insta nt messa ging fa st becoming the defa ultcommunica tion vehicles for ma ny orga nisa tions, effective a nda ccura te w riting skills ha ve neve r been more in dema nd.Poorly w ritten co rrespondence reflects neg a tively not o nly o nthe individua l, but a lso the orga nisa tion. This progra mme ha s

    bee n designed to help you a void the most common pitfallswith this form of virtua l communica tion.

    Suitab le for

    Both na tive a nd non-na tive spea kers of English who routinelycorrespond with clients a nd collea gues by e ma il a nd wo uldlike to improve the sty le, speed a nd effe ctiveness of theircorrespondence.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Key principles of g ood writing Editing skills: punctua tion review & gra mma tica l a ccura cy;

    consistency; e limina ting redunda ncy Style a nd la ngua ge for ema il writing Email etiquette a nd crea ting ra pport with your rea der

    On completion

    Friendly but professiona l style of correspondence

    Techniques to ensure ema ils a nd othercorrespondence receive the a ttention they deserve

    Grea ter understa nding of best pra ctice a nd etiquette forema il correspondence

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Remote email tra ining E-lea rning support

    Combine with

    Business English Effect ive Business Writing

    Dura tion


    The profe ssiona l

    a pproa ch of the tra iner

    wa s rema rka ble.

    The terminolog y I

    lea rned wa s of

    immedia te benefit...Mr Dieter Feller,

    Senior Ma na ger,

    Complia nce Depa rtment,

    Deutsche VerkehrsBa nk (Germa ny)

    *Refer to pa ge 32 for public progra mme de ta ils

    Ja n - Dec 1.5 da ys

    (suggested) Individua l &In-compa nyGroup*

    875/per d a y 3.5+ Worldwide

    Grea t course.

    Lots to ta ke a wa y a ndput into pra ctice.Stepha nie Burge ss

    Tra ine rCa pita l One ( United Kingd om)

    P ti g i E gli hR t Witi g

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    30T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Whether you a re presenting to a sma ll meeting or a conference,

    communica ting your messa ge clea rly a nd professiona lly is crucia l.Your a udiences a bility to follow a nd be persua ded is defined by

    not only your a bility to expla in your idea s clea rly, but a lso byhow convincing you a re.

    Suitab le for

    Anyone w ho a ddresses la rge a udiences, regula rly ma kesforma l presenta tions or spea ks a t meetings or who deliversinterna l tra ining or induction progra mmes.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Presentation la ngua ge you need to express your idea s Techniques for the e ffective structuring of yo ur speech

    (e.g . sequentia l a rgument vs. question orienta ted a pproa ches) Employing visua l a ids Pertinent cultura l influences Body la ngua ge a nd crea t ing ra pport

    On completion

    Grea ter confidence when giving speeches a ndpresenta tions

    Enha ncement of your own persona l delivery style More effective use a nd control of your voice Grea ter aw a reness of non-verba l signa ls

    Optiona l enha ncements

    One-on-one coa ching

    Combine with

    Individua l Business

    Eng lish tra ining Country specific cultura la wa reness tra ining

    Dura tion


    Our personnel ha ve

    a lwa ys been

    extremely ha ppy w ith

    the tra ining .Pa ula Kinnunen,Vice President,

    Helsinki Business Polytechnic

    (Finland )

    *Refer to pa ge 32 for public progra mme de ta ils

    Ja n - Dec 0 .5 - 2 days Individua l &In-compa nyGroup*

    120 0 /da y 3.5+ Worldwide

    Presenting in English

    Report w riting is now a n essential skill for corpora te a nd publicsector employees a t a ll levels. However, a ba dly written reportrisks rema ining unrea d, its objectives not rea ched a nd the a bilityof the a uthor questioned. An effec tively w ritten report influences

    a nd persua des while lea ving a perma nent record of your resea rcha nd thought processes.

    Suitab le for

    Professiona ls who regula rly write reports for external a nd

    interna l a udiences Technica l experts who a re req uired to write reports for a

    non-expert a udience

    Anyone whose role ha s cha nged to include more reportwriting

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Produce ea sy-to-rea d, effe ctive documents tha t will achieveyour desired results.

    On completion

    Ability to w rite reports more quickly a nd more co nfidently

    Better structured a nd orga nised, clea rly w ritten, effectivereports

    Awa reness of how to a da pt your reporting style a ccording

    to the a udience a nd purpose of the report

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Remote email tra ining

    E-lea rning support

    Combine with

    Individua l Business

    Eng lish tra ining

    Dura tion


    All the p a rticipa nts found

    the t ra iner extremely

    helpful a nd a pproa cha ble.

    We look forwa rd to

    tra ining with Communica id

    a ga in in the future."Aga ta Cza mara,

    Deputy Hea d,

    Tra ining Depa rtment,

    Na tiona l Ba nk of Poland

    Report Writing

    Ja n - Dec 0 .5 - 2 days Individua l &In-compa nyGroup*

    995/per da y 3.5+ Worldwide

    Accent Reduction a nd Recog nitionNegot ia ting in English

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    31 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    3.5+ Worldwide975/da y

    Ja n - Dec 0 .5 - 2 days Individua l &In-compa nyGroup

    A noticea ble a ccent in your speech ca n sometimes spark

    frustra tion a nd ca use dela y. Collea gues and clients may find theymisundersta nd you or need to a sk you to repea t yourself a ll of

    which will a ffect how you a re perceived. This programme looks

    a t how sounds a nd the voice a re used a nd will help you toa da pt your speech to a chieve clea rer communica tion.

    Suitab le for

    Anyone w hose a cce nt a ffect s their intelligibility whencommunica ting in English or who w ould like to be a ble touse their voice more clea rly a nd confidently. Also suita blefor a nyone w hose role involves telephone conta ct w ith ata rget a udience from a specific region or country.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    Improve the sound a nd style of your speech Sounds a nd voice how they a re produced a nd used in

    yo ur loca l environment Ana lysis of the key fea tures of the target a ccent

    On completion

    Grea ter a bility a nd confidence

    to use a nd control your voice Grea ter a wa reness of your

    pa rticula r problem soundsa nd how to modify speechwhere necessary

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Working lunch

    Combine with

    Presenting in English

    Dura tion


    Communica iddesigned a nd

    de livered a first-cla ss

    progra mme for our

    oversea s a gents. It

    surpa ssed a ll our

    expecta tions a nd ha s

    contributed to our

    orga nisa tion

    ma inta ining its


    advantage . "VP Ope ra tions

    Lea ding Globa l Conta ct Centre

    Accent Reduction a nd Recog nitionIn toda y s competitive ma rket pla ce, successful negotia tionsrequire a highly complex set of skills tha t test the a bility of

    corpora te a nd public sector employe es a like. Negotia ting in

    a nother la ngua ge is even more complex where the use of

    nua nce, sophistica ted sentence structure a nd body la ngua gea ll pla y their pa rt.

    Suitab le for

    Non-na tive spea kers wo rking in a n English spea kingenvironment, e ither regula rly ne go tia ting w ith Englishspea king clients a nd suppliers or who w ould like t o reinforcetheir la ngua ge skills for successful neg otia ting in English.

    Ma jor a rea s of focus

    La ngua ge refinement: signposting; summa rising; specia listtechnica l voca bula ry

    Ana lysis of own nego tia ting style w ithin a n interna tiona lenvironment

    Cultura l fa ctors influencing neg otia ting styles in the Englishspea king business wo rld

    On completion

    Grea ter confidence w hen negotiating w ith English spea kingclients a nd suppliers

    Specia list a nd functiona l la ngua ge to ca rry out successfulneg otia tions in English with more confide nce

    Grea ter understa nding of the cultura l influences a ffectingAnglo neg otia ting styles

    Optiona l enha ncements

    Working lunch

    Combine with

    Individua l Business English tra ining Negotia ting Across Borders

    Dura tion


    The tra iners

    unde rstood clea rly

    my requirements .Mr Ha n Yu,

    Human Resources Ma na ge r,ABB Ltd. (China )


    Negotia ting in English

    *Refer to pa ge 32 for public progra mme de ta ils

    Worldwide120 0 /per da y

    Ja n - Dec 0 .5 - 2 days Individua l &In-compa nyGroup*

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    32T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Public Prog ra mmes 20 0 8

    Progra mme Da te 1 Da te 2 Da te 3Dura tion


    We offer a ra nge of English communica tion skills public prog ra mmes intende d to offer y ou the cha nce to

    improve your English skills w ithin a sma ll g roup context. These prog ra mmes a re open to a ll professiona ls a nd

    a re d elivered in the forma t of sma ll g roups, ensuring y ou be nefit from effe ctive intera ction from our experttra iners a s we ll a s ha ve the oppo rtunity for netw orking w ith your pee rs.

    For informa tion on group fees, plea se spea k to one of our a dvisors at Communica id on + 44 (0 )20 7648 2140 or ema il info@co mmunica

    Da te 4 Da te 5 Da te 6 Da te 7Fee

    (Individua l)


    1 Dra fting Contra cts in Eng lish 3 17.0 3.0 8 23.0 6.0 8 21.0 7.0 8 24.11.0 8 - - - 1350

    2 English for La w yers 5 10 .0 3.0 8 16.0 6.0 8 14.0 7.0 8 17.11.0 8 - - - 2195

    3 English for Leg a l Secre ta ries 3 0 3.0 3.0 8 0 9.0 6.0 8 0 7.0 7.0 8 10 .11.0 8 - - - 995

    4 English for Fina nce Professiona ls 5 0 7.0 7.0 8 20 .10 .0 8 - - - - - 1795

    5 English for the Insura nce Industry 5 28.0 7.0 8 - - - - - - 2230

    6 Effective Business Writing 1 20 .0 2.0 8 22.0 4.0 8 10 .0 6.0 8 22.0 7.0 8 12.0 8.0 8 15.10 .0 8 0 3.12.0 8 495

    7 Writing w ith Impa ct 1 23.0 4.0 8 20 .0 8.0 8 22.10 .0 8 10 .12.0 8 - - - 495

    8 Professiona l Ema il Writing 1 28.0 2.0 8 15.0 4.0 8 14.0 8.0 8 0 8.10 .0 8 - - - 495

    9 Presenting in Eng lish 1 17.0 4.0 8 19.0 8.0 8 - - - - - 495

    Pa ris

    10 Dra fting Contra cts in Eng lish 3 11.0 2.0 8 0 7.0 4.0 8 30 .0 6.0 8 0 6.10 .0 8 - - - 150 0

    11 English for La w yers 5 0 4.0 2.0 8 31.0 3.0 8 0 2.0 6.0 8 27.10 .0 8 - - - 250 0

    12 English for Leg a l Secre ta ries 2 18.0 2.0 8 14.0 4.0 8 0 7.0 7.0 8 13.10 .0 8 - - - 999

    13 Effective Business Writing 1 28.0 3.0 8 0 2.0 7.0 8 18.0 9.0 8 0 6.11.0 8 - - - 550

    14 Professiona l Ema il Writing 1 20 .0 3.0 8 0 5.0 6.0 8 13.11.0 8 - - - - 550

    15 Presenting in Eng lish 1 13.0 3.0 8 12.0 6.0 8 20 .11.0 8 - - - - 550

    16 Neg otia ting in Eng lish 1 21.0 2.0 8 25.0 9.0 8 - - - - - 550

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf



    CASE STUDIES 35-36










    More Communica id


  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    34T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Additiona l Services

    1. Communica tion

    Designed to co mplement our ra nge of

    la ngua ge a nd cultura l aw a reness courses,

    Communica ids Communica tion Skillstra ining progra mmes a re a va ila ble toboth na tive a nd non-na tive spea kers of

    English a nd a re a imed a t improving y our

    a bility to communica te more effectively

    within a n internationa l context.Programmes a va ila ble include:

    Effective Business Writing Writing w ith Impa ct

    Professiona l Ema il Writing

    Proposal Writing

    Report Writing Presenting in English

    Negotia ting in English

    Speech Training

    2. World

    World La ngua ge Tra ining With a n

    unriva lled tea m of more tha n 60 0

    la ngua ge tra iners delivering tra ining inover 65 la ngua ge s a nd minority dia lects

    a nnua lly, Communica id is uniq uely pla ced

    to meet the foreign la ngua ge needs ofa ll interna tiona l corpora te a nd public

    sector orga nisa tions a round the wo rld.

    4. Consulta ncy

    We st rive to help o ur client s build long -

    la sting a nd profita ble rela tionships byproviding the too ls in which understa nding

    a nd trust ca n be developed. In a ddition

    to our progra mmes, we ha ve deve loped

    a suite of consulta ncy services a imed a torga nisa tions a nd HR or tra ining

    ma na ge rs. These services include:

    Gra dua te testing services

    Recruitment a dvice a nd consulta ncy Tra ining policy a nd stra teg y

    Design of in-house lea rning ce ntres

    Interna l communica tion a udits

    In a ddition to our Eng lish communica tion skills prog ra mmes, Communica id a lso provides

    tra ining a nd consulta ncy in the a bove a rea s

    We po ssess a lmost 20 ye a rs experience

    of colla bora ting with our clients to

    provide innova tive, flexible a nd cost-effective foreign la ngua ge courses. So,whether your need is for beginner level

    French or diploma tic Russia n, yo u ca n rest

    a ssured tha t Communica id will be a ble toma tch your nee ds. Tra ining solutions a re

    a va ila ble in both intensive & extensive

    (ongoing) formats a nd a re de signed

    a ccording to y our req uirements a ndobjectives.

    3. Culture

    Our Cultura l Awa reness prog ra mmesspecia lise in a ssisting both corpora te a nd

    public sector orga nisa tions to ma ximise

    their interna tiona l effe ctiveness.Progra mmes a va ila ble include:

    Pre-secondment cultura l a wa reness

    prepa ra tion

    Country/region specific businessa wa reness

    Cross-cultura l a wa reness

    Building Interna tiona l Tea ms Working in remote tea ms

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    35 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Ca se Study - Spe cia list Fina ncia l &Insura nce Eng lish La ng ua g e Tra ining

    Long -te rm tra ining pa rtnership w ith interna tiona l insura nce

    a nd fina nce orga nisa tion

    Proposed Solutions

    10 hour training da ys consisting of 7hours of fa ce-to-fa ce tra ining w ith 3hours of informa l but structured c onta cta t a nd a fter mea l times

    Founda tion English sessions were

    follow ed b y the more specia list a ndmore dema nding fina ncia l a ndinsura nce English tra ining

    Pa ir a nd team work were consistentfea tures of the tra ining in order toeffectively ma na ge the divergent skillslevels within the group


    The pa rticipa nts complete d the tra iningwith sufficient knowledge to ensure they

    would benefit fully from the followingsta ges in the ma na gement developmentprog ramme a nd g ive them the long-termskills for the future roles a t Ge nera liChina

    Client feed ba ck

    Communica id ha s show n a high interestin understa nding exa ctly our needs a ndin a da pting flexibly the tra ining to them.

    Communica id la id the founda tions for our4 months tra ining a nd we a re veryha ppy a bout the results we ha vea chieved.

    Judith EberlMa na ge ria l Educa tionGene ra li Group Innova tion Aca de my

    Provide a foundation knowledge of theprinciples of insura nce a nd essentia linsura nce English terminology

    Develop the ma na gers core businessskills in English, giving them the tools to

    be a ble to present, negotia te a nd lea dmeetings effectively in English

    Cha lleng es

    The ma in cha llenge s were see n a s:

    Achieving ma ximum results in a limitedtime-fra me

    Tea ching insura nce terms to lea rnersfor whom insurance itself wa s a nunfa milia r subject

    Tra ining a group w ith divergent levelsof English a nd va rying professionalba ckgrounds

    Ada pting the intera ctive tra ininga pproa ch to the more a ca demicChinese lea rning style

    Tra ining Approa ch

    In pa rtnership w ith the fo rmer Gene ra liGroup School (now Gene ra li Group

    Innova tion Aca demy) a nd a consortiumof interna l a nd external tra iningproviders, Communica id devised a nintensive time-ta ble w ith the g oa l ofcrea ting a full immersion progra mme.

    Ba ckground

    The Ge nera li Group is one of the mostsignifica nt orga nisa tions opera ting in thegloba l insurance a nd fina ncia l ma rkets.The Group is lea de r in Ita ly a nd ha s astrong interna tiona l presence with

    opera tions in over 40 countries.

    In 20 0 4, the Genera li Group la unched amana gement development progra mme totra in the future lea ders of its newChinese ope ra tion. This venture w a sformed on the ba ck of the pa rt-a cquisition of one o f China s na tionalene rgy providers. This orga nisa tion, ChinaNa tiona l Petroleum Corpora tion, providedGenera li with a rea dyma de businessinfra structure a nd a supply of potentia lfuture lea ders.

    Genera li selected Communica id, a longw ith the Cha rtered Insura nce Institute a ndother interna l a nd externa l tra iningproviders to design a n integra ted 4month ma na ge ment deve lopmentprogra mme, the first sta ge o f which wa sthe ta ilor-ma de specia list la ngua getra ining.

    Tra ining ob ject ives

    The key req uirements of the tra ining w ereto :

    Equip the mana gers with a solid ba seof spoken a nd w ritten fluency toprepa re them for their future reportingresponsibilities

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    36T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Ca se Study - Cross-border writing skillsfor Europe a n employees

    A fina l wra p-up group workshopa llow ed the g roup to re-visit the key

    principles, sha re lea rning a nd mea suretheir progress

    Client feed ba ck

    Pa rticipants a re now more confident

    w riting business documents a ndincorpora te b est practice into their

    reports a nd correspondence.

    My tra iner ma de my course a nextremely rewa rding experience.Time flies w hen y oure ha ving fun!

    Her tra ining a pproa ch wa s excellent a nd

    I feel more confident in my written

    communica tion a s a result.

    Business Ana lyst HBOS Pa ris

    Ba ckground

    As the ba nk ha s ma de a cquisitions a nd

    grown orga nica lly a cross Europe, HBOS

    ha s pla ced grea t importa nce onma inta ining a nd de veloping the skills of

    a ll sta ff in these loca tions.

    HBOSs Chester-ba sed Lea rning &

    Development tea m identified a

    req uirement in the Fra nkfurt, Amsterda m,Ma drid a nd Pa ris offices for improving

    report w riting skills a nd w ritte n

    communica tion betw een their tea ms a nd

    ba ck to Hea d Office.

    Communica id, HBOSs existing pa rtner for

    world la ngua ge tra ining, wa s selected to

    w ork in pa rtnership with the L&D tea m todesign a nd d eliver ta ilor-ma de writing

    progra mmes concurrently in a ll four

    loca tions.

    Tra ining ob ject ives

    To d evelop w ritten skills tow a rds aha rmonised pa n-Europea n be nchma rk To review a nd a dopt key principles of

    Pla in English a nd current be st

    pra ctice in dra fting business documents

    Tra ining a pproa ch

    Draft co urse content for a ll loca tions wa s

    de signe d b y Communica id. All 30

    pa rticipants then ca rried out self-a ssessments a nd completed pre-course

    tra ining a ssignments. After a na lysing

    these documents, Communica ids tea mmodified the o ne-to-one progra mmes for

    ea ch loca tion ta king into a ccount the

    strengths and we a knesses of ea ch

    individua l.

    All tra ining w a s delivered by

    Communica ids dua l-q ua lified

    Communica tion Skills tra iners, both expertcommunica tion tra iners a nd commercia lly



    The tra ining bega n with a ha lf da y

    la unch semina r providing de lega tes

    with a comprehensive ove rview of theprinciples of goo d, clea r commercia l

    writing Five follow-up individua l sessions

    a llowe d ea ch delega te to develop theirow n specific skills a nd w ork closely

    w ith their tra iner on a uthentic business


    Pa n-Europe a n tra ining prog ra mme for interna tiona l ba nk

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    37 T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W:

    Pa rtner orga nisa tions

    For ongoing English a nd w orld la ngua ge

    tra ining prog rammes, we deliver globa lly

    through our interna tiona l netw ork ofpa rtner tra ining orga nisa tions who a dhereto our tra ining a pproa ch a nd standa rds.

    We select o ur tra ining pa rtners very

    ca refully through recommenda tion a ndindepe ndent rese a rch. This a llow s us to

    ensure a sha red tra ining philosophy,

    common orga nisational a pproa ch a nd thehighe st sta nda rd of professiona l English

    tra ining.

    As a minimum req uirement, a ll pa rtnertra ining org a nisa tions fulfil the following

    criteria :

    They a re fina ncia lly sta ble, long-esta blished orga nisa tions with a proven

    history of the successful provision of in-

    compa ny English tra ining tointerna tiona l compa nies

    They ha ve signed a binding pa rtnership

    a greement outlining the c o-opera tion

    with Communica id a nd the a greedsta nda rds of performa nce

    In a ddition, tra ining w ith ea ch newclient requires its own Service Level

    Agreement, w hich identifies a nd a greesthe cha ra cteristics a nd objectives ofthe spe cific tra ining solution

    They a re subject to regula r

    performa nce monitoring a nd review

    How to be come a Communica id

    Pa rtner?

    If you run a tra ining orga nisa tion a nd

    would like to offer your services to us ora llow yo ur clients to be nefit from

    Communica ids ra nge o f communica tion

    a nd cultura l a wa reness services, plea se

    conta ct us:

    W: ww mmunica rtner

    E: pa rtner@ communica

    T: + 44 (0 )20 7648 2140


    Communica id possesses ove r 15 ye a rs

    experience of working closely with clients

    to produce a nd de liver results-driventraining progra mmes. Our a pproa ch is to

    respond to our clients needs withpractica l a nd co st-effective solutions.

    Our success is reflected in the feed ba ck

    a nd te stimonia ls from our clients.

    Rest a ssured tha t yo ur clients will be in

    the best of ca re, while a t the same time

    you w ill be relieve d of the ma jority o f

    the a dministra tive ca re of y our clients.

    Communica ids tea m of Client Ma na ge rs,Client Services a ssista nts a nd Know ledg e

    Ma na ge ment professiona ls are a ll tra ined

    to e nsure y our clients sta y w ith us is asuccessful one.

    How to b ecome a Communica id


    If you a re a n a gent a nd a re interested

    in reco mmend ing Communica id to y ourclients, plea se conta ct us:

    W: w w mmunica ge nt

    E: a ge nts@communica

    T: + 44 (0 )20 7648 2140

    Agent a nd Pa rtner Netw orks

  • 8/9/2019 Professional English Communication Skills 2008.pdf


    1T: +44 (0)20 7648 2140 E: [email protected] W: 38

    As a minimum, you ca n expect yo ur

    home-sta y to provide:

    A good-sized bedroom with plenty of

    cupboa rd spa ce a nd a desk for self-study

    Time for both conversation a nd pea ce

    a nd quiet a s you wish

    Brea kfast and a n optional eveningmea l a ccompa nied by the host

    La undry service

    Accommoda tion Service s

    We offe r a n unpa ra lleled ra nge o f

    a ccommoda tion services to meet your

    budge t a nd persona l preferences. Ourdedicate d tea m selects a nd regula rly

    monitors a ll a ccommoda tion options in

    order to ensure tha t you w ill be sta yingin the most professiona l a nd be st-serviced

    home-sta ys or hotels.

    Alongside a ra nge o f budge t a nd luxuryhotels, university residences, bed &

    brea kfa sts a nd serviced a pa rtments, our

    clients often de cide to sta y w ith one of

    our excellent, professiona l home-sta ys.

    Professiona l home-sta ys

    At Communica id we recog nise theimporta nce of the comfort a nd w ell-being

    of our clients during their time with us.

    We c hoose our fa mily home-sta ys

    ca refully to provide a comforta ble,professiona l a nd w elcoming a tmosphere

    for a ll ove rsea s clients tra ining w ith us in

    Lond on. Communica ids Client Se rvicestea m reg ula rly monitor the feedb a ck fromclients a nd routinely inspect a ll home-

    sta ys in order to e nsure the highest leve l

    of service.

    Our home-sta ys a re loca ted in plea sant,centra l, sa fe pa rts of London, norma lly

    w ithin a ma ximum of 30 45 minutes ofCommunica id on public tra nsport. All