prof intro speech

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  • 7/28/2019 Prof Intro Speech


    SPC 4064


    Professional Introduction Speech

    The purpose of a professional introduction speech is to introduce a keynote speaker to an audience.Before a speaker addresses the listeners, another person often sets the stage by introducing both the

    speaker and the topic. While presenting a professional introduction, your main purpose is to gain

    the attention and arouse the interest of the audience.

    You will present a speech to introduce a speaker at a conference, workshop, or seminar. Change the

    composition of the audience and choose a professional person who would give a presentation in

    your field of study. The speaker you introduce should be a real, living person (not a fictionalcharacter you create) and an expert or leader in your field. If you introduce a person that you know,

    your relationship with the person should be professional, not personal. You may not introduce a

    family member, friend or UNF employee as the main speaker.

    I. Gain the attention of the audienceII. Provide the main speakers name and topicIII. Establish the significance of the topic. Focus the audiences attention on the importance

    of what the speaker will say. Answer the listeners question: Why should we listen to

    this topic? Do not summarize the speakers topic. Instead, discuss the value of thespeech content. Research something interesting about the topic and use that research

    (state the source and the information you found) to help establish the significance of the


    IV. Stress the speakers credibility by telling the audience what has earned the speaker theright to speak on this topic to this audience. Answer the listeners question: Why should

    we listen to this speaker? Do not provide a complete biography. Instead, select key

    elements of the speakers experience, recognition, and credentials that are relevant to the

    occasion. You should also heighten audience interest in the speaker by trying tohumanize the speaker, to make him or her more interesting with brief personal

    information. Listeners like to be able to identify with a speaker as a person as much asthey do as an expert.

    V. Speakers name should be the last words spoken as you welcome the speaker to theplatform. This is the cue (a tacit agreement) for the speaker to take over, and the

    audiences cue to applaud.

    Be sure to practice your speech thoroughly. You should be able to deliver it extemporaneously,

    with sincerity and enthusiasm. For your notes, use key phrases and main ideas, not full sentences.You should not read your speech.

    The time constraint for this speech is 2:30-3:30. Time your speech as you practice. Your grade willbe negatively affected if you are not within the time constraint.

    If you are late on a speaking day, do not enter the room while someone is speaking. Wait in thehallway until the speech has ended.

    OUTLINE DUE: Wednesday, June 26

  • 7/28/2019 Prof Intro Speech


    SPEECH DATE: Monday, July 1

    SPC 4064

    Professional Introduction Speech Evaluation Name _____________________________________

    = good = needs improvement

    Gained attention of the audienceAttention step came first (5 points)

    Attention step was interesting (5 points)Attention step related to topic (5 points)

    Speakers name and topic were clear (5 points)

    Established significance of the speech/topic

    Convinced audience of importance to listen (15 points)Cited research source to support significance (5 points)

    Research was relevant to significance (5 points)

    Established the speakers credibilityHighlighted key elements of speakers experience (15 points)

    Information about speaker was relevant to topic (5 points)

    Humanized the speaker via brief personal information (5 points)

    Effective closing

    End of introduction was definite (5 points)Closed with speakers name (5 points)

    Delivery (10 points)

    Conversational rate and toneExtemporaneous

    Used notes well; did not read speech to audience

    Nonverbal cues communicated confidence

    Outline (10 points)

    TypedUsed standard outline symbols

    Contained the five main points of the required format

    Provided appropriate level of detailIncludes bibliography of source used

    Professional appearance

    Loss of 20 points if appearance/clothing does not meet standard

    Length of speech _______________________

    Loss of 10 points if under 2:30 or over 3:30

    YOUR SCORE: _____________ out of 100 points