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Retail Institute Products and Services Brochure


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Our prOducts and services

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retail institute

Retail Institute is New Zealand’s Industry Training Organisation for everyone working in the retail and wholesale industries.

We are a government funded organisation that has been set-up to advise on training, set standards and develop national qualifications.

Our focus is on the 30-40,000 supervisors, managers and business owners who work with the thousands of staff who make up New Zealand’s retail and wholesale industries.

Everything we do aims to empower managers to train and upskill their ‘front line’ staff in order to improve productivity, and increase the bottom line.

Workplace learning

Our focus is on workplace learning. We have developed a number of qualifications and training programmes which can be completed while working. These range from shop floor to senior management programmes.

Workplace learning is about giving your employees recognition, new skills and qualifications for the job. Lift your team’s skills, and the rewards should lead to an improved bottom line and better customer experiences.

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Do you want staff who:

• providecustomerservicethatbringsrepeatbusiness?

• areknowledgeableaboutyourproductsandthe types of customers you are selling to?

• minimisepotentiallossesbybeingefficientineverything they do?

• aremoreproductive,confidentandcommittedto their work and workplace?

• canprogresstosupervisoryormanagementroles?

Our Customer Satisfaction Survey shows that as a result of training:

89% of workplaces believe their staff are more confident and productive.

92% of workplaces believe Retail Institute’s qualifications are relevant for their business.

93% of workplaces are satisfied with Retail Institute’s resources.

92% of trainees believe their training is helping with their skill development and benefiting their employer.

91% of trainees find Retail Institute’s training process easy to follow with good support material provided.

proven results for our business.

‘industry training delivers

it helps upskill and retain staff,

and build the productivity of our

business and our people.’leading edge communications

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our programmes

We work closely with our industries to develop national qualifications, training programmes and materials for employers and employees ranging from entry level to senior management.

Your Retail Institute Training Adviser can help you choose the qualification that is right for you and your staff.

Our programmes range from short programmes through to National Certificates and three year apprenticeships. They are designed to be completed ‘on the job’.

Each programme includes a set of training resources that have been developed in consultation with the industry. The training resources include information, examples and activities to put learning into practice for trainees and to enable them to complete the assessment tasks.


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1. Contact Retail Institute: 0800 486 738

3. You sign up to become a Registered Training Workplace

5. Your employees complete a pre-training literacy snapshot

6. Your employees complete the training and assessment material

9. Your employees complete a post-training literacy snapshot

10. Once the assessment is complete, your employees are qualified.

4. Your employees sign a training agreement

8. The assessment is sent to Retail Institute

the prOcess


Verification is the process where someone confirms their employee can consistently complete required tasks within the workplace. A verifier should be someone who regularly observes the trainees in their normal working environment. This may be a manager, a supervisor, a trainer, a Modern Apprenticeship Coordinator, a tutor or a Retail Institute Training Adviser.

Training Adviser services

Your Retail Institute Training Adviser will arrange to visit employers with trainees every 4-6 weeks. During those visits they will:

• provideprogressreportsontrainees

• offerverifiersupport

• offersupportandadvicetotrainees

• setgoals

• providetrainingmaterials

• assistwithonsiteassessments

• identifyandrecommendadditionaltraining for the business

• collectcompletedassessmentsandsend them to Retail Institute

• dropoffcertificatesforthosewhohave completed

• arrangeliteracyprofiling.

7. The assessment is verified

2. A Retail Institute Training Adviser visits your workplace to see what training programme suits you and your employees


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QualifiCatiOn What it COverS WhO iS Suitable COSt

loss Prevention for frontline Staff

• Identifyingsuspiciousbehaviour

• Removingtheopportunityfor theft

• Dealingwiththeft

• Reducingprocessloss

• Staffworkingontheshop floor

• LossPreventionspecialists

$90.00 (exGST)perperson, per month

loss Prevention for Supervisors and Managers

• Preventingtheftandfraud

• Examiningsecuritysystems

• Preventingprocessloss

• Supervisorsandmanagers

• LossPreventionspecialists

$90.00 (exGST)perperson, per month

retail Jewellery • Recommendingproducts

• Repairsandservices

• Warrantiesandguarantees

• Stockprotection

• Jewelleryretailers $110.00 (exGST)perperson, per month

national Certificate in retail (level 2)

• Customerservicetechniques

• Productknowledge

• Customercomplaints

• Legislation

• Theftandfraud

• Stockcontrol

• Displays

• Retailersontheshop floor

• Salesstaff

$55.00 (exGST) per person, per month

national Certificate in retail (level 3)

• Marketing

• Teamwork

• Recruitment

• Measuringperformance

• Lossprevention

• Stockmanagement

• Supervisors

• Staffwhohavecompleted the National Certificate inRetail(Level2)

$65.00 (exGST) per person, per month

national Certificate in retail (level 4)

Compulsory modules:

• KeepingYourBusinessProfitable

• LeadershipDevelopment


• CreatingYourCompetitiveEdge

• InformedRetailSales

• HighPerformingTeams

• TrainingandAssessmentinthe Workplace

• Supervisorsandmanagers

• Staffwhohavecompleted the National Certificate inRetail(Level3)

$99.00 (exGST) per person, per month including up to 12 hours tutor support

programme summary


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QualifiCatiOn What it COverS WhO iS Suitable COSt

retail Modern apprenticeship

• Managingyourself

• NationalCertificateinRetail(Level2)

• ManagingInformation

• NationalCertificateinRetail(Level3)

• UnderstandingyourBusinessEnvironment

• Youngmotivatedemployees

$100.00 (exGST)

national Certificate in Sales (level 3)

• Marketingbasics

• Effectivebusinessrelationships

• Prospectingtechniques

• Achievinggoalsandtargets

• Managingtime,salesexpectations and professional development

• Closingasale



$70.00 (exGST) per person, per month

Supportedmodel: to be discussed with Retail Institute

national Certificate in Distribution (level 2)

• Healthandsafety

• Managinginwardgoods

• Lossprevention

• Picking,packinganddispatching

• Handlinggoods

• Communication

• Distributionfloorstaff

$55.00 (exGST) per person, per month

Supportedmodel: $135.00 (exGST) per person, per month.

national Certificate in Distribution (level 3)

• Managinghealthandsafety

• Communicatingeffectively

• Handlingcomplaints

• Leadingateam

• Controllinginventory

• Administration

• Managingyourworkload

• Supervisorsandmanagers

• Staffwhohavecompleted National Certificate in Distribution(Level2)

$65.00 (exGST) per person, per month

Distribution Modern apprenticeship

• NationalCertificateinDistribution(Level2)

• NationalCertificateinDistribution(Level3)

• Youngmotivatedemployees

$100.00 (exGST)


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lOss preventiOn fOrfrOntline staff

LossPreventionforFrontlineStaffisperfectforretailers working on the shop floor. It helps to build the knowledge and skills needed to minimise and prevent losses on the shop floor.

This programme covers skills such as: identifying suspicious customer behaviour; removing the opportunity for theft; what to do if you see theft occurring and; reducing process loss. The material is divided into five sections:

• theft

• policiesandprocedures

• fraud

• theftandfraudbyexternalcustomers

• processloss.

How long should it take?

It is reasonable to expect trainees to complete the programme within 4 months.

How much does it cost?

$90.00(exGST)perperson, per month.

lOss preventiOn fOrsupervisOrs and Managers

LossPreventionforSupervisorsandManagersisperfectforLossPreventionspecialistsoranyone in a supervisor or management position. It requires an analysis of a store’s loss prevention policies and procedures.

This programme covers: the impact of staff theft and fraud; strategies to prevent theft and fraud; implementing policies; examining security system procedures; tampering with security systems and; strategies to prevent process loss. The material is divided into three sections:

• theftandfraud

• securitysystems

• processloss.

How long should it take?

It is reasonable to expect trainees to complete the programme within 4 months.

How much does it cost?

$90.00(exGST)perperson, per month.

short programmesShort Programmes: These are programmes based on specific topic areas and skills. The short programmes we offer are below.

Pleasenote:allmoduleswithinourprogrammesarealsoavailabletobecompletedasshortprogrammeshowever the pricing for these vary as they are not funded by government. Talk to your Training Adviser about what might be right for you.

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retail Jewellery

Retail Institute has recognised the speciality skills and knowledge needed to work in the retail jewelleryindustry.TheRetailJewellerytrainingprogramme covers:

• propertiesandcharacteristicsofjewellery

• useofmetalsandgemstones

• introducingadd-onstocustomers

• effectivelycleaningjewellery

• repairprocedures

• serviceprocedures

• securityprocedures

• thetermsandconditionsofwarrantiesandguarantees.

Who is it suitable for?

This resource is designed for anyone who has been working in a jewellery store for approximately one year and wants to develop their knowledge.

How long should it take?

It is reasonable to expect trainees to complete the programme within 6 months.

How much does it cost?

$110.00(exGST)perperson, per month.

aspects of jewellery was very interesting

and I feel more confident with my knowledge.’

‘Carrying out research on some of the

2IC, Daniels Showcase Jewellers


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retail Qualifications

natiOnal certificate in retail (level 2)

TheNationalCertificateinRetail(Level2)istherecognisedentry-levelcertificatefortheretailindustry.It is suitable for most employees working on the shopfloor who want to learn more about the retail environment and those staff who want to have their skills recognised.

The qualification focuses on tasks common to all retailers. The programme covers:

• understandingcustomers’motivationsforshopping and buying

• interactingwithcustomers

• usingproductknowledgetoprovidesolutions for customers

• dealingwithcustomercomplaintsandchallenging customers

• identifyingandapplyingthelegislationrelating to the sale of goods and services

• identifyingthewaystheftorfraudmightbecommitted

• understandingthestockmanagementprocesses and procedures in store

• creatingandmaintainingdisplaysinstore.

How long should it take?

It is reasonable to expect trainees to complete the programme within 7 months.

How much does it cost?


national Certificates: These are qualifications registered by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and are recorded on a trainee’s record of learning.

Retail Institute offers the following retail qualifications:

• NationalCertificateinRetail(Level2)

• NationalCertificateinRetail(Level3)

• NationalCertificateinRetail(Level4).

Information about these qualifications can be found on the following pages.

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natiOnal certificate in retail (level 3)

TheNationalCertificateinRetail(Level3)hasbeendevelopedtopreparesupervisorsandassistantmanagers for senior store management positions. It is also suitable for anyone who has completed the NationalCertificateinRetail(Level2)andwantstostepuptothenextskilllevel.

the programme is broken up into four modules:

Knowledge is Power

KnowledgeisPowerisaboutunderstandingyour store, your customers, your products and legislation that applies to the sale of goods and services. This module covers:

• identifyingastore’stargetmarkets

• themarketingmix

• usingconsumerbehaviourconcepts

• enhancingproductknowledge

• maintainingandcomplyingwithlegislationapplicable to the sale of goods and services.

Staff Management

StaffManagementcoversthefundamentalsofeffective teamwork. This module covers:

• analysingthestrengthsandgapsofteams

• usingtechniquestocoachandsupportteams

• understandingstaffrecruitmentandappointment processes and any relevant legal and contractual requirements.

Store Performance

Managing your store’s daily operations requires you to effectively manage your staff and your resources. This module covers:

• storeperformancemeasures

• assistingwithstaffandresourcemanagement

• reviewingandimprovingtheeffectivenessof loss prevention policies.

Managing Stock

Managing stock effectively can positively impact on a store’s profitability. This module covers:

• establishingandmaintainingstocklevels

• identifyingpreferredandalternativeproduct suppliers

• creatingandmaintainingin-storedisplays

• preventingandmanagingstockdamageand wastage.

How long should it take?

It is reasonable to expect trainees to complete the programme within 11 months.

How much does it cost?


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natiOnal certificate in retail (level 4)

TheNationalCertificateinRetail(Level4)isthemanagementlevelcertificatefortheretailindustry.Itisidealfor retail managers, supervisors, or experienced retail staff wishing to become managers or supervisors. It is alsoidealforanyonewhohascompletedtheNationalCertificateinRetail(Level3)andwantstostepuptothe next skill level.

The qualification is made up of two compulsory modules and two elective modules and comes with a supportingDVD.TraineescompletingtheNationalCertificateinRetail(Level4)alsoreceiveaccessto 12 hours of tutor support.

the compulsory modules are:

Keeping Your Business Profitable

Beingprofitableisthecoreofbusinesssurvival.There are many different aspects of store operationsthatimpactonprofitability.KeepingYourBusinessProfitablecovers:

• performingbusinesscalculations

• runningaprofitablestore

• managingstock

• keepingstafffocused

• safetyandsecurity

• legislationandcompliance.

Leadership Development

The role of a leader is to influence individuals and teams to work in a way that aligns with a workplace’s vision and values. A leader must also ensure all workplace goals are achieved. Leadership Development covers:

• leadershipandmanagement

• problem-solving

• selfdevelopment

• managinginaretailenvironment.

Even a seasoned manager would benefit from

the training Retail Institute provides.’

‘The information provided in Level 4 is valuable.

BRanCh ManagER, ThE RoCkShop


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the elective modules are (choose two):

Creating Your Competitive Edge

Creating Your Competitive Edge is a marketing based module. In order to complete this module you must be able to make merchandising decisions for your store. Creating Your Competitive Edge covers:

• developingapointofdifference

• planningandimplementingcampaigns

• developingacustomerdatabase

• usingacustomerdatabasetodevelopcustomer relationships.

High Performing Teams

When teams work effectively together, staff are satisfied, staff turnover is reduced and productivity isincreased.HighPerformingTeamscovers:

• workingcollaboratively

• communicatingeffectively

• identifyingskillsgaps

• managingconflict.

Informed Retail Sales

In order to complete this module you must have access to a computerised inventory system. InformedRetailSalescovers:

• reviewingstorepoliciesandproceduresforfloat preparation

• reconcilingandsolvingvariancesinsales and takings

• usingeffectivecommunicationtechniquesto match the motivations of customers

• usingdatatoinformdecisions.

Training and Assessment in the Workplace

This resource is designed to build in-store capability by providing supervisors and managers with the skills they need to become trainers and assessors in their workplace. Training and Assessment in the Workplace covers:

• developingtrainingplans

• providingguidanceandfeedbacktostaff

• understandingAssessmentStandards

• verifyingtheeffectivenessoftraining.

How long should it take?

It is reasonable to expect trainees to complete the programme within 15 months.

How much does it cost?

$99.00(exGST)perperson,permonth. This includes up to 12 hours of tutoring.

Note: If a company registers assessors as a result of trainees completing Training and Assessment in the Workplace they will receive a 30% discount on any subsequent Retail Institute training programmes.

retail ManageMent dvd

This DVD provides a practical insight into retail management in New Zealand. Learn from a team of leading retailers, their staff and industry experts as they share their experience and knowledge on topical management issues. Choose either to play the whole video or view it section by section.

Section titles include:

• Recruitment

• PerformanceManagement

• SituationalLeadership

• CoachingandMentoring

• LeadershipversusManagement.

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sales Qualifications

national Certificates: These are qualifications registered by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and are recorded on a trainee’s record of learning.

Retail Institute offers the following sales qualification:

• NationalCertificateinSales(Level3)

Details about this qualification are below.

natiOnal certificate in sales (level 3)

TheNationalCertificateinSales(Level3)istheentry-levelqualificationforjuniorsalesprofessionalsworking in the sales industry. The programme covers:

• marketingbasics,targetmarkets,buyersand buyer behaviour

• developingeffectivebusinessrelationships

• usingprospectingtechniques

• achievinggoalsandtargets

• understandingtheactionsofthesalesperson

• managingtime,salesexpectationsandprofessional development

• negotiatingandclosingasale

• completingsalesadministrationtotracksales performance and provide product information to customers.

Trainees completing the National Certificate in Sales(Level3)arerequiredtodevelopaportfoliothat demonstrates their abilities and they will also be observed in the workplace by their verifier or assessor.

How long should it take?

It is reasonable to expect trainees to complete the programme within 12 months.

How much does it cost?


Note: If you have a group of sales professionals wanting to complete this programme, Retail Institute can work with you to tailor the delivery of the qualification to your business.

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wholesale Qualifications

national Certificates: These are qualifications registered by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and are recorded on a trainee’s record of learning.

Retail Institute offers the following wholesale qualifications:

• NationalCertificateinDistribution(Level2)

• NationalCertificateinDistribution(Level3).

Details about these qualifications are on the opposite page.

worked well for our warehouse staff as it was

relevant to what they do every day.’

‘This style of ‘hands on’ workplace training



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natiOnal certificate in distributiOn (level 2)


Employees who are new to warehousing will gain confidence, use their initiative and be more productiveintheworkplace.Forsupervisors,itis a good team experience to go through the qualification together and be able to provide guidance and support to trainees.

The qualification focuses on common tasks in warehousing and provides a broad overview of the distribution environment. It covers:

• thedistributionnetwork

• healthandsafety

• managinginwardgoods

• stockcontrolandlossprevention

• picking,packinganddispatching

• handlinggoods

• communication.

How long should it take?

It is reasonable to expect trainees to complete the programme within 9 months.

How much does it cost?


Supported: If a company has a group of people(morethanfive)wantingtocompletethis programme, Retail Institute recommends the supported model. This includes regular workshops delivered by a provider.

$135.00(exGST) per person, per month.

natiOnal certificate in distributiOn (level 3)

TheNationalCertificateinDistribution(Level3)isthesupervisoryqualificationforthedistribution(warehousing)industry.Itissuitableforwarehouseemployeesworkinginsupervisoryormanagementpositions.ItisalsosuitableforthosewhohavecompletedtheNationalCertificateinDistribution(Level2)and want to step up to the next skill level.

It covers:

• managinghealthandsafety

• workingwithhazardoussubstancesanddangerous goods

• communicatingeffectively

• handlingcomplaints

• leadingateam

• receivinginwardsgoods

• controllinginventory

• preventingloss

• picking,packinganddispatching

• carryingoutadministrationwork

• managingyourworkload.

How long should it take?

It is reasonable to expect trainees to complete the programme within 10 months.

How much does it cost?

$65.00(exGST)perperson, per month.

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The apprenticeship programme is a government funded, work-based training programme for young people who want to have a career in retail or wholesale.

Retail Institute offers two apprenticeship programmes which span over three years and cover a broad range of skills and knowledge from entry level to supervisory level.

Retail Modern Apprenticeship

This programme includes the following modules and qualifications:

• ManagingYourself

• NationalCertificateinRetail(Level2)

• ManagingInformation

• NationalCertificateinRetail(Level3)

• UnderstandingYourBusinessEnvironment.

Fordetailedinformationonthenationalqualifications please refer to pages 8-9.

Wholesale Modern Apprenticeship

This programme includes the following qualifications:

• NationalCertificateinDistribution(Level2)

• NationalCertificateinDistribution(Level3)

Fordetailedinformationontheseprogrammesplease refer to page 15.


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it not just about sales techniques, but about

the inner workings of business.’

‘The programme covers a broad range of material,

SToRE ManagER, DuLux

How does the training take place?

Retail Institute provides the apprentice with all the training material they need to complete the programme. Apprentices are supported in their training by a coordinator who mentors and supports the apprentice through to completion.

The coordinator maintains regular contact with both the store manager and the apprentice to answer any questions and make sure the training stays on track.

How much does it cost?

A Modern Apprenticeship programme costs $100.00(exGST),thiscoverstheadministrationcosts. The remainder of the programme is subsidised by the government.


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other productsThe Retail Institute has a number of other products to support learning in the workplace, these are detailed belowandcanallbepurchasedfromourwebsiteorbycontactingus.Pricesexcludepostage.

PrODuCt What it COverS

training resources The Retail Institute has training resources for most types of retail and wholesale operations. Our training materials are designed for use with our qualifications; however, even if your staff are not working towards a qualification, the material can be used to help train your staff in specific areas or to help you set up your own training systems. Costs for resources vary depending on the programme.

the Customer Service Card Game

test your knowledge: This question and answer based card game is an easy and fun way to learn customer service skills. Correct answers gain points(indicatedonthecards).Thepersonwiththemostpointswins!

Cost: $10.00(exGST)

Jigsaw Puzzle how many hazards can you spot?RetailInstitutehasdevelopedaHealthandSafetyJigsawPuzzletosupporttheHealthandSafetysectionintheNationalCertificateinRetail(Level2).Thepuzzleillustratesthedifferentpotentialhazardsinastorethatcouldaffectanemployee’sHealthandSafety.


Great Service Cards recognise great customer service:GreatServiceCardsaregiventopeople who show outstanding customer service. The recipient of the card might show it off to other staff as a trophy (inspiring others to lift their game),proudlyshowtheiremployer,ortheymightevenputitintheirwallet and use it when they next receive good customer service.


retail Management video

This video is ideal for retail supervisors and managers, it covers:

• Recruitment

• PerformanceManagement

• SituationalLeadership

• CoachingandMentoring

• LeadershipversusManagement.


• Smile• Openbodylanguage

• Welcominggreeting

• Makingeyecontact

• Lookingenergetic

• Nodding• Speakingclearly



cUstomEr sErvIcE ?

Contact the Retail Institute

on 0800 486 738 or visit our website

Describe three ways you could show customers you are being positive...

3 points


service startrailer

The National Certificate in Retail Level 4

retail management

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online resourcesThe Retail Institute has a number of online resources to support learning in the workplace, these are detailed below and can all be accessed for free from our website.

reSOurCe What it COverS

Online training Centre:

The online training centre is an area for trainees and trainers to help them with their Retail Institute programmes.Thecentrehasmulti-choicequizzes,additional information and links to useful websites.

Social media: Add us to your social networking portfolio to keep up with the latest Retail Institute news.!/nzretailquals

Service Star:

ServiceStarisaninteractivetrainingtoolwhich willdispelthemyththatworkinginashopiseasy!

In a first for the New Zealand retail sector, ServiceStarisaninteractivetraininggamethatsimulates the experience and pressures that come with working in a retail store.

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other services

Advisory groups

Want to help develop qualifications or comment on our upcoming training material? Contact us to be added to our advisory group list: 0800 486 738

Assessor training

Do you have ‘star’ managers or supervisors who could be workplace assessors? Workplace assessors determine whether a trainee has the skills and knowledge to meet the requirements of AssessmentStandardswhiledoingtheireverydayjobs. Retail Institute offers free training to set up an assessor network in your business. Maintain an assessor network in your business and get a 30% discount on applicable Retail Institute training programmes. Contact us to see how we can help you: 0800 486 738

Language, Literacy and Numeracy

Retail Institute has developed relevant language, literacy and numeracy resource materials for the retail and wholesale sectors. These will help you to identify language, literacy and numeracy issues in your workplace and direct employers and trainees to find help with successful vocational training.

Visit our website to find out more information:

Working with schools

Retail Institute works with schools to give students the opportunity to experience retail workplaces while engaging in structured workplace learning through programmes such as Gateway.

Employers who want to provide a work placement for school students can join our Employer of Choice register. Contact us to be added to the register: 0800 486 738


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100% Ellery’s

100% Newbolds

ANZGT Materials

Auckland Region Women’s CorrectionsFacility












Cable Car Museum



City Care Ltd




David Lawrence

Department of Corrections

Diamond Galleria


Egley Electrical


Exxon Mobil









Gourmet Direct


Grove Mitre 10










Ideal Electrical












Leading Edge Communications



Local Liquor


Mama Mias


Mitre 10 Mega

New World

Night ‘n Day

Noel Leeming

Northtown Nutrition

NZ Crop Care Ltd











Red Rat Clothing





Richmond Mall Opex








Taura Natural Ingredients




The Warehouse


Torpedo7 Limited

Toycity Ltd


Trade Aid




Congratulations to the following businesses whiCh had trainees Complete retail institute programmes during 2012

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0800 486 738Level2,CMCBuilding89CourtenayPlace,POBox24-341Wellington 6011

TEL 04 381 1880FAX 04 381 [email protected]

