production oparation mgmnt

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  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Production and Operations Management

    True/FalseQuestion: Objective of Work Study is to improve Productivity

    Correct Answer: True

    True/FalseQuestion: After goods have been manufactured, route sheets and operation layouts should not be

    collected back.

    Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: How is the probability of acceptance in case of Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)?Correct Answer: Very high


    Question: For p-chart, p bar is the ratio of total number of units inspected to the total number of units

    defectives.Correct Answer: False

    Select The Blank

    Question: The ________ is specified to indicate the maximum permissible variability in the dimensions

    product or parts.Correct Answer: Tolerance

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Which variable is taken along the abscissa or X axis?

    Correct Answer: Time

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Which kind of labor force is required in case of Jobbing Production?

    Correct Answer: Highly Skilled

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which are the general principles underlying probability aspects of project planning?

    Correct Answer: Statistically three time estimate of an activity conform to Beta distribution., Expectedtime divides the area under the curve into two equal parts., Expected time of an activity is located at one

    third of the distance between "m" and mid-range { (a+b)/2 } away from the most likely time.

    Select The BlankQuestion: A ________ is another form of subcontracting.

    Correct Answer: Hiring capacity

    Select The Blank

    Question: The ________ pertain to the climatic conditions which the component, product or material

    should withstand.Correct Answer: Environmental specifications

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Question: Which is the right time to prepare stores issue order?

    Correct Answer: When route sheet is ready

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: What is the reason of excessive friction between parts?

    Correct Answer: Improper or lack of lubrication


    Question: Cellular layout is based on the concept of Group Technology

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: How does the control chart of statistical quality control help the operating personnel?Correct Answer: Identify the presence of an assignable cause before it develops

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which are different ways to show critical path in a network?Correct Answer: Thick Line, Red Line, Double Line

    True/FalseQuestion: The control chart for number of defectives is more convenient to make than control chart for

    fraction defectives since the figure of number of defectives units can be directly taken from the inspection

    report.Correct Answer: True

    Select The Blank

    Question: The ________ is the maximum percentage defective that for the purpose of samplinginspection can be considered satisfactory as a process average.

    Correct Answer: Acceptable quality level

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Order preparation process for products manufactured to order requires following documents

    Correct Answer: Sales Order, Work order, Shop order

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: The process of changing inputs into outputs thereby adding some value to entity can be definedas

    Correct Answer: Operation

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Inherent Safety' is one of the principle of good layout. In context of layout, this can be

    achieved by the following

    Correct Answer: Clear gangway, location of material and material handling system

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer

    Toung Sweet

    Eye Crack

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    Nose Burnout

    Ear Impact

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: How much time does the dummy activity take?

    Correct Answer: Zero Time

    Select The Blank

    Question: The ________ is the maintenance work initiated on a result of knowledge of the condition of

    an item from routine or continuous checking.Correct Answer: Condition monitoring

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What does tail of an arrow represent?Correct Answer: Start of an activity

    Select The Blank

    Question: The ________ is the probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling plan.Correct Answer: Producer's risk

    Select The Blank

    Question: The ________ is the probability that a bad lot will be accepted by the sampling plan.

    Correct Answer: Consumer's risk

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which kind of relationship exists between those activities which can be carried out

    simultaneously and both activities require definite time to finish?Correct Answer: Concurrent activities

    Select The BlankQuestion: The ________ are the definitions of the measurable as well as non measurable characteristics

    of the product.

    Correct Answer: Specifications

    Select The Blank

    Question: Goods after final inspection should accompany ________to enable dispatch department to

    identify and draw correct reference.Correct Answer: Forwarding note

    True/FalseQuestion: The steeper the OC curve, the better is the discrimination between good and bad lots.

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which are the different types of flow process charts used for method study?

    Correct Answer: Equipment type, Man type, Material type

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which photographic technique is used to record path of motions of the members of the body

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    during method study?

    Correct Answer: Cyclograph

    True/FalseQuestion: Use of accurate measuring instruments and better supervision for inspectors is not possible in

    case of floor inspection as compared to centralised inspection system.

    Correct Answer: True


    Question: Dust gets mixed with lubricants, forms an abrasive substance and causes pre-mature failure ofmachinery.

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following aspects are essential to ensure quality of purchased items?

    Correct Answer: Defining right quality for the job, Vendor performance evaluation, Making sure that

    suppliers understand the requirements


    Question: Process Planning is concerned with decisions regarding requirement of machines andmanpower for meeting customer demand

    Correct Answer: False


    Question: All activities lying on the non-critical paths must have total float and free float.

    Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following method can be adopted to overcome the problem of rushing up a job

    for it's timely completion?Correct Answer: Use of optimum speeds and feeds, Subcontracting, Job splitting

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Which of the following data is unnecessary for scheduling process?

    Correct Answer: Cost breakup of products

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following are the major steps of making of the X bar-R control chart?

    Correct Answer: Collection of data, Calculation of mean, range, grand average and mean range, Set up

    control chart for average and calculate control limits of range chart

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: What is indicated by the hugging points lying close to mean of the process in X bar-R- controlchart?

    Correct Answer: Recording done without actual measurements, Improper selection of samples, Biases in


    Match The Following

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  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Question: Since value of c can never be negative, hence" if LCLp works out to be negative, it is taken as


    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What do you understand by the quality specified by the designer on behalf the customer?

    Correct Answer: Quality of design

    Select The Blank

    Question: Work study is also called ________ studyCorrect Answer: Time and Motion

    True/FalseQuestion: Maintenance function must be decentralized apart from a size of a manufacturing organization

    for it's better functioning.

    Correct Answer: False


    Question: Repetitive movements between work stations which are difficult to be traced on string

    diagrams can be conveniently shown on flow diagrams.Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Which method is used to trace especially those movements which are too fast for human eye to


    Correct Answer: Cyclegraph

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer

    Template Two dimensional cutouts

    REL chart Degree of closeness

    Flow diagram Tracing movements

    Travel chart Distance and frequency of movements

    Select The Blank

    Question: An Ideal OC curve is ________ shaped curve that accpets all the lots with quality equal to orbetter than AQL.

    Correct Answer: Rectangular

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What does the points falling outside the control limits indicate?

    Correct Answer: Presence of assignable causes

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which information is recorded in an equipment card?

    Correct Answer: Date of commissioning, Equipment specifications, Name and address of manufacturer

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    Question: Inspection should be avoided prior to long run of a manufacturing stage as it becomes

    duplication of work and cost.

    Correct Answer: False


    Question: Delay in completion of projects result in unwelcome additions to the fixed manufacturingexpenses.

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Material Planning is an integral part of

    Correct Answer: Production Planning

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which of the following policies is advisable in case of low product variety and large volumes?

    Correct Answer: Low Skilled Labor & Special Purpose Machines

    Select The Blank

    Question: In case of an OC curve, the risk of rejecting a good quality lot may vary between ________.Correct Answer: 0.01 to 10%

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: MRP is based on the concept of inventory demand which is of following type

    Correct Answer: Dependent and independent

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Plant Layout is concerned with optimum arrangement of the following

    Correct Answer: Storage space, Machines, Material Handling Equipment

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What is the location of upper control limit in the X bar-R control chart?

    Correct Answer: 3 standard deviations above central line

    Select The Blank

    Question: The ________ is the defect level for which lots are regarded as bad lots.Correct Answer: Lot Tolerance Percentage Defective


    Question: While numbering as per Fulkerson's rule, arrows emerging from the initial event are deleted soas to create one or more initial events.

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Why stores issue order should not be issued as soon as it is prepared?

    Correct Answer: Material may or may not be available at the time of preparation

    Select The Blank

    Question: An ________ history card is the record of all repairs, replacements and engineering changes

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    carried out in the equipment during it's period of service.

    Correct Answer: Equipment history card

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Features of Cellular layout are

    Correct Answer: It is a type of mixed layout, Uses concept of Group Technology, Facilities are grouped in

    to cells

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Inadequate production capacity ultimately leads toCorrect Answer: Poor Customer Service

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Which of the following factors affect the quality control function?

    Correct Answer: Quality of workmanship, Production aids, Manufacturing facilities

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Which of the following situations demand the economic consideration while selecting a job for

    method study?

    Correct Answer: Unorderly movement of men and materials, Excessive process defectives, Too manysuggestions received for improvement from a department or section

    True/FalseQuestion: Systematic maintenance system can completely eliminate the wear and tear of machines.

    Correct Answer: False

    Select The BlankQuestion: The ________ must ensure that the product satisfy the functional requirements of it's usage.

    Correct Answer: Quality of design

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following can be subtypes of corrective maintenance?

    Correct Answer: Shutdown Maintenance, Design-out Maintenance, Design-in Maintenance

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which phase of method study is concerned with analyzing the facts critically, generatingalternatives which form the basis for selection and development of improved methods?

    Correct Answer: Critical examination

    Select The BlankQuestion: The term ________ implies the foregone profit due to inability of company to produce.

    Correct Answer: Opportunity cost


    Question: A network should employ only those dummy activities which are absolutely necessary.

    Correct Answer: True


    Question: Even if any activity on the critical path is delayed, project completes on the scheduled time.

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    Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which is the alternative way of indicating the load other than numerical way, in case of Ganttchart?

    Correct Answer: Graphical approach

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following are types of sampling plan?

    Correct Answer: Single sampling plan, Double sampling plan, Multiple sampling plan

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following are major inputs to scheduling?Correct Answer: Overlapping of operations, Effective Capacity per work centre, Performance standards


    Question: Diversified labor is adequately available in rural area as compared to urban area.Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Which of the following cases indicated that the operation has occurred?

    Correct Answer: Movement of components to assembly section, Raw material movement, A worker's trip

    to grinder to sharpen the tools

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What is the reason of fluctuations, if the control chart evaluates that the process is in a state of

    statistical control?Correct Answer: Random variability

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Product layout is suitable when

    Correct Answer: Products have reasonable stable demand

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following charts are used for the recording of data during the method study?

    Correct Answer: Operation process chart, Multiple activity chart, Flow process chart


    Question: The operator should not stop production if first piece is not approved by the inspector.

    Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Need for change in layout can occur due to following reasonCorrect Answer: introduction of new product

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: What do you mean by a single event which represents the joint completion of more than one


    Correct Answer: Merge event

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    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which rule is used for numbering of events?

    Correct Answer: Fulkerson's Rule


    Question: In case of two handed process chart, the simultaneous activities of both hands are recordedopposite to each other on the chart.

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: How industry has responded to the fact of existence of inherant variability of the

    manufacturing process?Correct Answer: Inclusion of certain tolerance on the basic dimensions in the drawing

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which are the different methods of recording actual progress of work?Correct Answer: Display boards, Progress cards, Network updating

    True/FalseQuestion: In case of backward pass computation, the latest event time of the end event equals to the

    earliest event time minus duration of that activity.

    Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following products should be produced by using mass production?

    Correct Answer: Refrigerator, Tyre for automobile, Television Set

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following are examples of attributes?Correct Answer: Cracks, Burrs, Texture

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer

    Scheduling Device Strings

    Interruption for machine utilization Preventive maintenance

    Input for scheduling Overlapping of operations

    Technique of scheduling Critical Path Analysis

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which are the three distinct parts of the chart?

    Correct Answer: Summary, Introduction, Body

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer

    Combined Layout Mixed Layout

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    Fixed Position Layout Project Layout

    Product Layout Line Layout

    Process Layout Functional Layout

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Following are the commonly used factors considered for evaluation of layout in factor analysis

    methodCorrect Answer: Flow of material, Equipment utilization, Working condition

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Fixed position layout is adopted when

    Correct Answer: product is very heavy involving assembly of large number of parts

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following are examples of specifications?

    Correct Answer: Commercial standards, Assembly and testing instructions, Bill of material

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Process Engineer does not get sufficient time for designing tooling for most economicproduction run when

    Correct Answer: Delivery time is less

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What do you mean by the graphical representation of the project which is composed as series

    of connected arrows and circles to describe the interrelationship of the activities involved?

    Correct Answer: Network


    Question: Latest finishing date is the latest event time of the tail event.Correct Answer: False

    True/FalseQuestion: Flow process charts do record movements as well as visual pictures.

    Correct Answer: False

    True/FalseQuestion: The OC curve is based on the assumption that if the lot is large in comparison to the sample,

    the probabilities of the OC curve will follow a poisson distribution.

    Correct Answer: False

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer

    Scheduling of interrelated activities of small projects with

    consideration of uncertainty of duration of activities.

    Critical Path Analysis

    Two machines & processing time depends on sequence of jobloading

    Johnson's TwoMachine Algorithm

    Sufficient orders and reasonable choice of machines Index Method

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    Time relationship between when a product is required and

    when it can be made available

    Critical Ratio


    Select The Blank

    Question: Production control work is ________ in case of floor inspection as compared with thecentralized inspection.

    Correct Answer: easier

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer

    When to inspect Stages of inspection

    What to inspect Specification

    How to inspect Inspection devices

    How much to inspect Sampling or cent percent inspection

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Material control function of PPC is concerned withCorrect Answer: Preparation of material estimates

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Main objective of a good plant layout isCorrect Answer: Reduce material handling cost

    True/FalseQuestion: In case of X bar-R charts, statistical limits are calculated from averages of samples of n (4,5,

    ) instead of single sample of large size to reduce the spread of natural variability.

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: A good plant layout helps inCorrect Answer: Reducing handling costs

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: What are the uses of the instruction manual provided by the manufacturer of a machine?Correct Answer: It gives instructions regarding installation and operation of the equipment, It contains

    note on common troubles with causes and remedies for troubleshooting, It enlists points, frequency and

    type of lubrication

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: MRP utilizes the following informationCorrect Answer: Master production schedule, Product structure, Lead time for


    Select The BlankQuestion: A good maintenance system is not a luxury but a ________.

    Correct Answer: Necessity

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    Question: Shape OD and OC curve is a function of sample size and the acceptance number.

    Correct Answer: True


    Question: For p-chart, "Inspection by variables" is much faster than "Inspection by attributes"

    Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Site factors for plant location includeCorrect Answer: Suitability of land

    Select The BlankQuestion: The ________ breakdowns usually cost more, partly due to damage done to the adjustment

    components and partly due to emergency actions.

    Correct Answer: Unexpected


    Question: Cent percent inspection is a must if the inspection is of destructive nature.

    Correct Answer: False


    Question: Since value of p can never be positive, hence" if LCLp works out to be positive, it is taken aszero."

    Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Which of the following techniques is used by industrial engineering department to obtain the

    utilization index?

    Correct Answer: Work Sampling Studies


    Question: An ideal OC curve is never possible only with cent percent inspection.Correct Answer: False

    Select The BlankQuestion: A ________helps to avoid crowding of jobs at a particular machine by change of route of some

    of the jobs or by diverting work to other machine.

    Correct Answer: Control board

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What do you understand by PERT?

    Correct Answer: Project Evaluation & Review Technique

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following factors play important role while selecting or rejecting a particular sitefrom legislation and taxation point of view?

    Correct Answer: Labor laws, Building codes, Policies regarding issue of licenses

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    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following concepts must be understood for the achievement of quality?

    Correct Answer: Quality of conformance, Purpose of product, Quality of design

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What do you mean by the project duration for which the total cost is minimum?

    Correct Answer: Optimum duration


    Question: Originating process of raw material influence Process PlanningCorrect Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Where does the central line is located in case of p-chart?

    Correct Answer: at p bar

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The product layout has following disadvantage

    Correct Answer: Layout is not flexible

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: The process of changing inputs into outputs thereby adding some value to entity can be defined

    asCorrect Answer: Operation

    Select The Blank

    Question: Production Planning is a centralized activity which includes functions such as ________Correct Answer: Scheduling

    Select The BlankQuestion: OC curve of ideal sampling plan suggests that all lots less than 3% defectives have the

    probability of acceptance of ________.

    Correct Answer: One

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: The document which incorporates details of process planning for a job is calledCorrect Answer: Route Sheet

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following are types of non-destructive testing?Correct Answer: Visual Testing, Eddy current, Magnetic flow detectors

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: What do you understand by the difference between the specification limits within which

    manufacturing process is expected to produce?

    Correct Answer: Design tolerance

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Technique of Value Engineering can be effectively employed in design of a product to

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    Correct Answer: To meet the intended function at lowest cost


    Question: Inspection Order can be a verbal orderCorrect Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: The ratio of output to input of a production system is commonly known as

    Correct Answer: Productivity


    Question: The plotting of activities - critical, non-critical and dummy activities- is strictly according to

    their precedence relationship.Correct Answer: True

    Select The Blank

    Question: A set of activities to keep an equipment in the specified condition is called as ________.Correct Answer: Maintenance

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: How to claculate the producer risk in the OC Curve?

    Correct Answer: Probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: How non-critical activities are shown in the time chart during project scheduling?

    Correct Answer: Thin lines

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Any premise in which persons are employed for purpose of making any product/s is called

    Correct Answer: Factory


    Question: Fixed cost is lower in case of continuous production than intermittent production.Correct Answer: False

    True/FalseQuestion: Floor inspection promotes tendency of machines to drift out of limits and produce defectives.

    Correct Answer: False

    Select The BlankQuestion: Capacity decisions have a direct influence on performance of production system in respect of


    Correct Answer: Delivery performance

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Technique which can help an organization to reduce inventory is calledCorrect Answer: MRP

    Select The Blank

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  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Correct Answer: Overtime working


    Question: A sampling plan which perfectly discriminates will have vertical OC curve.Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Which of the following is the most popular technique for Project Production?

    Correct Answer: PERT & CPM

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following are the most suitable cases where we can use CPA as effective

    technique of scheduling?Correct Answer: Overhauling of a CNC machine, Purchase and installation of a newly imported special

    purpose machine, Design, production and testing of prototype of a fighter aircraft.

    True/FalseQuestion: Sample sizes for the construction of p-chart are typically larger that for Xbar-R-charts.

    Correct Answer: True

    Select The Blank

    Question: The ________ advocates maintenance procedures whereby the condition of the plant is

    constantly watched through systematic inspection to unearth unhealthy conditions and preventiveCorrect Answer: Preventive Maintenance


    Question: It would not affect the project completion time if non-critical activities take little loner timethan planned.

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following are the basic requirements of quality standard?

    Correct Answer: Definite, Understandable, Economically viable

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What is the location of lower control limit in the X bar-R control chart?Correct Answer: 3 standard deviations below central line

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following is not the characteristic of Project Production?Correct Answer: Continuous flow of material, Highly mechanized material handling, Virtually zero

    manufacturing cycle time

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following may be the objectives of project crashing?

    Correct Answer: To complete the project in the least possible time, To reduce project cost below it'snormal cost, To achieve uniformity in requirement of resources

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

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    Question: What is the basic philosophy of statistical process control?

    Correct Answer: Prevention is better than cure

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Which of the following cases indicates change in physical characteristic?

    Correct Answer: Turning, Grinding, Drilling

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What do you mean by the verification of object against predetermined standards of quality or

    quantity or both?Correct Answer: Inspection

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Who prepares the daily production report?

    Correct Answer: Shop Supervisor

    True/FalseQuestion: Every network does not necessarily have a critical path.

    Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which method of critical path determination begins with the end event and moves backward to

    the start event of the project network?Correct Answer: Backward pass computation


    Question: Scrap allowance is added to net requirement of material while ordering for materialCorrect Answer: True

    Select The BlankQuestion: The ________ is the process of withdrawing the equipment from the production line,

    dismantling it unit wise, visualizing defects, effecting adjustments, replacing worn-out parts and finally

    building it up to get desired accuracies.Correct Answer: Reconditioning

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: What is the meaning of "Product features" according to J.M. Juran?

    Correct Answer: Quality of design

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Which of the following are examples of consumption of physical effort during recording for

    method study?

    Correct Answer: Bending, Positioning, Unloading

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which three of the following options can be used to reduce the duration of activity duringproject crashing?

    Correct Answer: Allocating more manpower and machines than originally planned for, Working

    additional shifts or overtime, Awarding work to vendors who charge extra but expedite deliveries.

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    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which is the next stage to the inspection based quality control in the historical development of

    quality management.Correct Answer: Quality assurance

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer

    Bottom compartment of

    control board

    Bunch of work orders arranged in a sequence in which

    they are to be processed.

    Control board Pictorial view of machine loading activity

    Top compartment of controlboard

    Work order of item currently being worked on themachine

    Middle compartment ofcontrol board

    Work order of item to be processed next on the machine

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Following are some of the Principles of Management advocated by F W Taylor

    Correct Answer: Selection of best worker for each particular task, Division of work between worker andmanagement, Training and development of the workmen

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: How the concept of float is helpful to planners?Correct Answer: To decide priorities in allocation of resources, To minimize the requirement of resources,

    To prevent peaks and valleys in requirement of resources

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which kind of defect can be called as minor defect?Correct Answer: Which does not reduce the usability of the product for its intended use


    Question: Sampling inspection is best suited when cost of inspection is much higher than the loss arising

    from the acceptance of a defective part.Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Which element of a network represents a task which has got a definite beginning and definite


    Correct Answer: Activity

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which features should be covered by the specifications of materials while defining thequalitative requirement?

    Correct Answer: Material composition, Dimensions, Any heat treatment if required

    True/FalseQuestion: F W Taylor devised a system for classifying motions into basic divisions called Therbligs

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    Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which portion of the perforated route sheet should be signed by the operator or supervisor?Correct Answer: Lower portion

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer

    Scale model Layout analysis

    Factor Analysis Method to evaluate layouts

    Minimization of production delays Objective of good layout

    Maximum visibility Principles of good layout


    Question: Process Sheets for parts in batch production are not maintained as standard process sheet

    Correct Answer: False


    Question: Theoretical capacity equals number of normal working hours of that machine.Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which are the basic requirements of the "Quality of Design "?Correct Answer: Identification of right product, Selection of appropriate features, Ensure that product

    renders satisfactory service to customer

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer

    Change in chemical characteristic Chemical reaction

    Consumption of effort Posting a ledger

    Information given Giving directions or instructions

    Subtraction Removal of worn-out part from a machine


    Question: Skill of labor force in a product type layout is usually higher than in the process type of layoutCorrect Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: What is the base for considering activity time as single time estimate or three time estimate?

    Correct Answer: Level of uncertainty

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Product layout is employed for manufacturing following products

    Correct Answer: refrigerators


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    Question: Suburban location provides the compromise between rural and urban locations.

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Which time is determined by the backward pass computation method of determination of

    critical path?

    Correct Answer: Latest allowable time for each event

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What do you understand by the measurement of work to establish allowed time for a job for thedefined method?

    Correct Answer: Work measurement

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Out of two basic criteria for the selection of a manufacturing method, one is, it must be able to

    meet the specifications of final product and the other is, it must be

    Correct Answer: Cost effective method


    Question: Kanban system is essentially a computer based system for production scheduling and controlCorrect Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Which of the following symbols are used in flow process chart but not used in operation

    process chart?

    Correct Answer: Storage, Delay, Transport

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: In case of Batch Production which kind of labor is expected?

    Correct Answer: Skilled in one specific Manufacturing Process

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which kind of preventive inspection detects some maintenance related characteristics bymaking use of human senses, when equipment is in operation?

    Correct Answer: External inspection

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: How dummy activities are shown in the time chart during project scheduling?

    Correct Answer: Vertical lines

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which are the advantages of suburban location?

    Correct Answer: Availability of adequate land at lower cost, Both skilled and unskilled labor can beavailable, Plant expansion is easier due to less or no restriction for building and construction

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Which utilities are considered as infrastructural requirements?

    Correct Answer: Disposal of waste, Power, Water

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    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What do you understand by the timeframe for the maintenance needs of the equipment?

    Correct Answer: Maintenance inspection schedule

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following are assignable cause?

    Correct Answer: Large variations in hardness of material, Tool wear, Errors in setting

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Gross requirement of finished product is determined on the basis of followingCorrect Answer: Forecasted sales, Pending sales order, Management decision to stock

    Select The BlankQuestion: The ________ includes preventive maintenance activities whose needs are identified through

    inspection which requires stoppage of machines.

    Correct Answer: Shutdown Maintenance

    Select The Blank

    Question: One detachable ticket is prepared for each ________.

    Correct Answer: Operation

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Why graphical method of recording is preferred over the descriptive method during methodstudy?

    Correct Answer: It segregates effective part form ineffective parts, It reduces effort involved in writing,

    Critical examinations easier and more effective

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which are the sub factors of community facilities or social infrastructure?

    Correct Answer: Accommodation, Educational, Entertainment


    Question: Expediting action is necessary if the delays and interruptions are abnormal and hence anysubsequent delay is bound to extend the promised delivery date.

    Correct Answer: True


    Question: Breakdown of machines, absenteeism of worker does not dislocate the manufacturing activity

    in process layout

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What do you mean by lowest possible direct cost required to complete an activity within it'scrashed time?

    Correct Answer: Crash cost

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which are the first three steps of Critical Path Analysis technique?

    Correct Answer: Activity relationships, Activity identification, Network construction

  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Select The Blank

    Question: The ________ is a set of tools and techniques by which products are made to comply with the

    specifications at minimum cost to the firm.Correct Answer: Quality control system

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Which of the following method can be used to record the facts during the method study?

    Correct Answer: Micromotion study, Cyclegraph, Chronocyclegraph

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: How many of the following are types of specification?

    Correct Answer: Material specifications, Dimensional specifications, Performance specifications

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Plant layout facilitates processing of products in most effective manner through the following

    Correct Answer: Shortest possible distance, Shortest processing time, Minimum movement


    Question: Operation Process Chart provides information on time and distancesCorrect Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion: Management often fails to realize the importance of efficient layout due to following reason

    Correct Answer: losses resulting from poor layout are not directly shown in the financial statements

    True/FalseQuestion: Inspection order is must even for simple jobs which can be inspected by shop inspector with

    the tooling available on shop.

    Correct Answer: False

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer

    Emerson Efficiency Plan Wage Payment

    Craft Facilities Planning

    Work Sampling Machine utilization

    Gantt Chart Production Scheduling

    True/FalseQuestion: Feasibility of time schedule requires that an activity be scheduled before any of it's

    predecessors are scheduled.

    Correct Answer: False


    Question: Planned lubrication is said to be the nervous system of the equipment.

    Correct Answer: True

  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt



    Question: A network should be progression of activities always moving forward.

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which is the ideal place to write a description of an activity in a network?

    Correct Answer: Above the arrow


    Question: For p-chart, the central line of fraction defectives is determined by average percentagedefectives.

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which kind of inspection is followed in case of product layout?

    Correct Answer: Pilot inspection


    Question: As a general rule, the number of tail event of an activity is more than that of it's head event.

    Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following are important considerations concerning activity times?Correct Answer: Activity time should be obtained from the person responsible for the completion of an

    activity, Activity time must be independent of any influence which the preceding or succeeding activity

    may have on it., Activity time may assume that just the normal quantity of resources required to carry out

    the activity are available.

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Following are some of the factors considered for evaluation of alternative layoutsCorrect Answer: Flow of Material, Equipment utilization, Ease of supervision

    True/FalseQuestion: All activities must not be tied up into the network

    Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What do you mean by lowest possible direct cost required to complete an activity within it's

    normal time?

    Correct Answer: Normal cost

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: In an organization there may not be a formal PPC department ifCorrect Answer: Work is highly repetitive in nature, Planning activities are performed by the line staff,

    Number of workmen is not very large

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following cases can be treated as delay during recording of method study?

    Correct Answer: Operators awaiting instructions from supervisor, Worker waiting for his turn at tools

  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    stores, Jobs awaiting at the machines for their turn

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Scale model used for layout analysis have following advantagesCorrect Answer: Non-technical person finds it easy to comprehend, Overhead facilities can be shown,

    Models can be shifted easily

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Which of the following technique is event oriented?

    Correct Answer: Project Evaluation & Review Technique

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer

    Crash cost of an activity Cc

    Normal time of an activity Tn

    Crash time of activity Tc

    Normal cost of an activity Cn

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: What are uses of diagrams in method study?

    Correct Answer: Study different plant layouts and select the most optimum one, Study the extent of

    traffic over the different routes of the plant, Identify the extent of backtracking, cross traffic and obstacles

    encountered during the movement of material.


    Question: A load chart specifies the work to be carried out by each person of company during shift hours.Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Route Sheet generally contains following information

    Correct Answer: Material Specification, Sequence of operation, Skill of Labor

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: Expediting function is concerned with following activities

    Correct Answer: Progress chasing to identify delays which may hold up production, Communicating

    possible delays in delivery date commitment to sales department, Devising cures to keep rate ofproduction in line with schedule

    True/FalseQuestion: In case of forward pass computation, the earliest event time of the first event is zero.

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What is represented by an arrow in a network?

    Correct Answer: Activity


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    Question: As a general rule, a site five times the actual plant size is considered minimum for parking,

    access facilities and future expansion.

    Correct Answer: True


    Question: Independent float either affects the float of preceding activities or that of succeeding activities.

    Correct Answer: False

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: The document raised by PPC which authorizes different functions to take action as perinstruction is called

    Correct Answer: Work Order

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: A good layout makes effective use of space. Utilization of space for a department like Stores

    can be measured by

    Correct Answer: Proportion of Cubic volume space utilized

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What does CPA stand for?Correct Answer: Critical Path Analysis

    True/FalseQuestion: Grouping of machines gives a lot of flexibility in loading and scheduling

    Correct Answer: True

    Select The BlankQuestion: The design of any layout is governed by large number of factors and the best layout is expected

    to ________ all these factors.

    Correct Answer: Optimise

    Select The Blank

    Question: Function concerned with fixation of time allowed to qualified worker for a job is called________.

    Correct Answer: Work Measurement


    Question: Root cause of most of the breakdowns is failure of the lubrication system.

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question: Which of the following are steps to identify the critical path in a small network?

    Correct Answer: Compare the durations of all paths to identify the longest path., Sum up the durations ofactivities along each path., Enumerate all paths in the network and list down activities on each path.

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion: What are the benefits of overhauling?

    Correct Answer: It increases useful life of an equipment and it's parts, Advance planning allows to attend

    equipment without disturbing the production programme, Advance planning allows to prepare and keep

  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    ready the list of replacement spares


    Question: The event numbers as far as possible reflect the logical relationships of the activities.Correct Answer: True

    True/FalseQuestion: Proper care and storage is not an essential part of a well planned lubrication system.

    Correct Answer: False


    Question: It is not necessary to know spare time available on the non-critical path to allow a little delay

    for non-critical activity.Correct Answer: False


    Question: In case of X bar-R charts, it is ensured that the assignable causes are detected before thetolerances are violated, upper and lower statistical limits are worked out and inserted into a chart.

    Correct Answer: True

    Select The Blank

    Question: The ________ is the process of assigning calendar dates to the various operations of a job.

    Correct Answer: Scheduling

    Select The Blank

    Question: Two well-known timing methods are cumulative method and ________.

    Correct Answer: Fly back method

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: How many types of charts are used for the purpose of method study?Correct Answer: Four

    True/FalseQuestion: Sampling inspection suffice to check the work of line inspectors and stage inspectors.

    Correct Answer: True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Where the ignorance towards the degradation of machine leads to?

    Correct Answer: Eventual breakdown

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: One of the sophisticated operations research techniques used in material planning is

    Correct Answer: Dynamic programming


    Question: It pays in the long run to inform the customer regarding expected delays in the deliveries.Correct Answer: True

    Select The Blank

  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Question: A ________ is another typical chart which is used to record frequency of movements between

    work centers.

    Correct Answer: Travel chart


    Question: Cent percent inspection does not mean inspection of component for 100% quality

    characteristics.Correct Answer: True

    Select The BlankQuestion: Any incentive scheme must achieve the ________ of the organization.

    Correct Answer: Objectives

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: Document raised by Sales department for goods manufactured to stock is called

    Correct Answer: Shipment order

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question: What do you mean by planned corrective maintenance which provides an opportunity to

    undertake design modifications in the equipment to eliminate or reduce frequency of breakdowns.Correct Answer: Design-out Maintenance

    Next page


  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ is the probability that a good lot will be rejected by

    the sampling plan.Correct Answer Producer's risk

    Your Answer Producer's risk

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which of the following are the basic requirements of quality

    standard?Correct Answer Deifinite , Undesrstandable , Economically viable

    Your Answer Deifinite , Undesrstandable , Economically viable

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ is the defect level for which lots are regarded as bad


    Correct Answer Lot Tolerance Percentage Defective

    Your Answer Lot Tolerance Percentage Defective

    Select The BlankQuestion An ________ history card is the record of all repairs, replacements

    and engineering changes carried out in the equipment during it'speriod of service.

    Correct Answer Equipment history card

    Your Answer Equipment history card

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which of the following are scheduling techniques?

    Correct Answer Critical Path Analysis , Index Method , Johnson's two machinealgorithm

    Your Answer Critical Path Analysis , Index Method , Johnson's two machinealgorithm

    True/FalseQuestion Sampling inspection suffice to check the work of line inspectors

    and stage inspectors.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ advocates maintenance procedures whereby the

    condition of the plant is constantly watched through systematicinspection to unearth unhealthy conditions and preventive

    Correct Answer Preventive Maintenance

    Your Answer Preventive Maintenance

  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    What do you understand by the measurement of work to establish allowed time fora job for the defined method?







    Failuremode effectanalysis


    The is the maximum percentagedefective that for the purpose of sampling inspection can be considered

    satisfactory as a process average.

    The is the maximum percentagedefective that for the purpose of sampling inspection can be consideredsatisfactory as a process average.

    What can be the worst effect due to excessive vibration?




    Reducedlabour efficiency


    Reducedmachine efficiency

    Reducedsalvage value ofmachine

    The plotting of activities - critical, non-criticaland dummy activities- is strictly according to

    their precedence relationship.



    47. Plant Layout isconcerned withoptimumarrangement of thefollowing

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    Storage space



    Sequence ofoperation

    Which of the followingare assignable cause?





    Largevaraitions inhardness ofmaterial


    Play inguide rods


    in setting


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    True/FalseQuestion Inspection should be conducted prior to an operaion, after whose

    completion no rework whatsoever is possible.Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which are major benefits of identifying the critical path?

    Correct Answer It helps to identify the set of activities and events which are criticaland as such must be carefully controlled and monitored , Itidentifies activities to be given preference in allocation of resources.

    , It helps to exercise "control by exception".Your Answer It helps to identify the set of activities and events which are critical

    and as such must be carefully controlled and monitored , Itidentifies activities to be given preference in allocation of resources., It helps to exercise "control by exception".

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which of the following products should be produced by using mass


    Correct Answer Refrigerator , Tyre for automobile , Television Set

    Your Answer Refrigerator , Tyre for automobile , Television Set

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion What do you mean by lowest possible direct cost required to

    complete an activity within it's normal time?

    Correct Answer Normal cost

    Your Answer Normal cost

    Select The Blank

    Question Production Planning is a centralised activity which includesfunctions such as ________

    Correct Answer Scheduling

    Your Answer Scheduling

    True/FalseQuestion For p-chart, "Inspection by variables" is much faster than

    "Inspection by attributes"

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ are the definitions of the measurable as well as

    nonmeasurable characteristics of the product.

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    Use of accurate measuring instruments and better supervision for inspectors is not

    possible in case of floor inspection as compared to centralised inspection system.



    1. Expected time 1

    1. Te

    2. Optimistic time 2. p

    3. Most likely time 3. a

    4. Pessimistic time 4. m

    5. b

    6. o

    A helps toavoid crowding of jobs at aparticular machine by change ofroute of some of the jobs or bydiverting work to other machine.

    The is necessary when the job requires detailed of one or more of the jobcharacteristics with the help of special equipment which is not available at the producing company.What is the cause of inherent variation or internal variation?






    Rawmaterial variation


    Cumulativeeffect of numberof chance causes

    Which varaible is taken along the ordinate or Y axis?









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    Production control work is in caseof floor inspection as compared with the centralised


    Which rule is usedfor numbering of






    Taylor's Rule

    Juran's Rule

    Magic Rule


    The advantages of

    Factor Analysis methodover Balancingadvantages againstdisadvantage methodsare






    Is a rationalmethod

    Analysis ismore objective

    Less timeconsuming



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    Management often fails to

    realize the importance ofefficient layout due tofollowing reason





    Following are some of the Principles of Management advocated by F W Taylor





    Selectionof best workerfor each

    particular task

    Division of

    work betweenworker andmanagement


    anddevelopment ofthe workmen


    Objective of Work Study is to improve Productivity



    F W Taylor devised a system for classifying motions into basic divisions called



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    Which of the following policies is advisable in case of lowproduct variety and large volumes?






    Labour &General Purpose


    HighlySkilled Labour &

    Special PurposeMachines

    Low Skilled

    Labour & SpecialPurposeMachines

    Low SkilledLabour &General PurposeMachines

    Out of two basic criteria for the selection of a manufacturingmethod, one is, it must be able to meet the specifications of finalproduct and the other is, it must be





    a fastest


    Costeffective method

    of latesttechnology


    Which of the following is the most populartechnique for Project Production?






    Even Analysis




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    What are the benefits ofinspection and quality control?





    maintenance ofquality


    parts are withinspecified limitsof accuracy

    Reducesthe set up time


    economy inproductionthrough

    reduction ofdefective work

    In case ofBatchProductionwhich kindof labour isexpected?






    Skilled in all


    Skilled in

    one specificManufacturingProcess


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    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which of the following processes or activities are denoted by using

    symbols while recording in method study?

    Correct Answer Transport , Delay , Storage

    Your Answer Transport , Delay , Storage

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which kind of natural delays and interruptions are considered

    during estimation of activity time?Correct Answer Shop efficiency , Breakdowns , Absenteeism

    Your Answer Breakdowns , Absenteeism , Delay due to shortage of resources

    True/FalseQuestion Kanban system is essentially a computer based system for

    production scheduling and control

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Order preparation process for products manufatured to order

    requires following documents

    Correct Answer Sales Order , Work order , Shop order

    Your Answer Sales Order , Work order , Shop order

    True/FalseQuestion Quality control determines what, when, and how much to inspect

    while inspection actually conducts examination of goods.Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion What do you understand by identification of defects in materials,

    components, machining processes or men to fix responsibility ofdefectives, thereby preventing or minimising occurance of

    defectives?Correct Answer Preventive function

    Your Answer Assurance function

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which are the major types of defects?

    Correct Answer Minor , Major , Critical

    Your Answer Minor , Major , Critical

  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Use of accurate measuring instruments and better supervision forinspectors is not possible in case of floor inspection as compared to

    centralised inspection system.



    A helps to avoid crowding of jobs at a particular machine

    by change of route of some of the jobs or by diverting work to othermachine.

    The is necessary when the job requires detailed of one or more of thejob characteristics with the help of special equipment which is not available at the

    producing company.

    What is the cause of inherent variation or internal variation?

    Machine variation

    Raw material variation

    Worker's efficiency

    Cumulative effect of number of chance causes

    Which varaible is taken along the ordinate or Y axis?




    Standard deviation

    Production control work is in case of floor inspection ascompared with the centralised inspection.

    Which rule is used for numbering of events?

    Taylor's Rule

    Juran's Rule

    1. Expected


    1. Te

    2. Optimistic


    2. p

    3. Most likely


    3. a

    4. Pessimistic


    4. m

    5. b

    6. o

  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Magic Rule

    Fulkerson's Rule

    The advantages of Factor Analysis method over Balancing advantages

    against disadvantage methods are

    Considers intangible costs/benefits

    Is a rational method

    Analysis is more objective

    Less time consuming

    1. REL chart 1. Degree of closeness

    2. Flow diagram 2. Tracing movements

    3. Travel chart 3. Distance and frequency of movements

    4. Template 4. Graphic representation of thee major activities

    5. Showing overhead facilities

    6. Two dimensional cutouts

    Management often fails to realize the importance of efficient layout due to following reason

    losses resulting from poor layout are not directly shown in the financial statements

    Management consider layout decisions as tactical

    Change in layout is too cunbersome/time consumiing

    Change in layout will be resisted

    Following are some of the Principles of Management advocated by F W Taylor

    Selection of best worker for each particular task

    Division of work between worker and management

    Training and development of the workmen

    Worker empowerment

    Objective of Work Study is to improve Productivity



    F W Taylor devised a system for classifying motions into basic divisions called Therbligs


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    Which of the following policies is advisable in case of low product variety and large volumes?

    Semiskilled Labour & General Purpose Machines

    Highly Skilled Labour & Special Purpose Machines

    Low Skilled Labour & Special Purpose Machines

    Low Skilled Labour & General Purpose Machines

    Out of two basic criteria for the selection of a manufacturing method, one is, it must be able to meet the specificationsof final product and the other is, it must be

    a fastest method

    Cost effective method

    of latest technology

    Labour intensive

    Which of the following is the most popular technique for Project Production?

    Break Even Analysis

    PERT & CPM


    Learning Curve

    What are the benefits of inspection and quality control?

    Adequate maintenance of quality

    Ensures parts are within specified limits of accuracy

    Reduces the set up time

    Gives economy in production through reduction of defective work

    In case of Batch Production which kind of labour is expected?


    Skilled in all Manufacturing Processes

    Skilled in one specific Manufacturing Process



  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    True/FalseQuestion Regular lubrication with carefully selected lubricants is an essential

    factor in the maintenance of high grade machine tools working

    under continuous load.Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    True/FalseQuestion Under MRP system for common items order for procurement is

    placed based on requirement for each productCorrect Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Emerson Efficiency Plan Wage Payment Wage Payment

    Craft Facilities Planning Facilities Planning

    Work Sampling Machine utilization Machine utilization

    Gantt Chart Production Scheduling Production Scheduling

    True/FalseQuestion All activities must not be tied up into the network

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion What do you understand by the quality specified by the designer on

    behalf the customer?Correct Answer Quality of design

    Your Answer Quality of design

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Which element of a network represents a task which has got a

    definite beginning and definite end?Correct Answer Activity

    Your Answer Activity

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  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Select The Blank

    Question In Gantt Chart, the vertical lines devide horizontal linesinto small squares which represents ________.

    Correct Answer Units of measurement

    Your Answer Units of measurement

    Select The BlankQuestion Manual computation in MRP system takes lot of time

    and creates lot of ________.Correct Answer Delay

    Your Answer Delay

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion How many squares are there normally in a progress

    card?Correct Answer 15 to 20

    Your Answer 15 to 20

    True/FalseQuestion A network should employ only those dummy activities

    which are absolutely necessary.Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion A ________ is one of the techniques of work

    measurement to establish a time for a qualified workerto carry out a specified task under specified conditions

    and at the defined level of performance.Correct Answer Time Study

    Your Answer Time Study

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Components of Production Management include

    Correct Answer Capacity Planning , Job Design , Production Planning

    Your Answer Capacity Planning , Production Planning , ManpowerPlanning

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which of the following are activities of corrective

    maintenance?Correct Answer Modifications and improvements , Overhauling ,

    Emergency repairsYour Answer Modifications and improvements , Overhauling ,

    Emergency repairs

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    Question Only skilled worker can use the fixed limit gauge.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    True/FalseQuestion Availability of training schools, colleges and

    management institutes reduces the company's internaltraining needs.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The Blank

    Question Material flow in process layout is ________.

    Correct Answer Discontinuous

    Your Answer Discontinuous

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Which of the following is not the characteristic ofProject Production?

    Correct Answer Continuous flow of material , Highly mechanisedmaterial handling , Virtually zero manufacturing cycle


    Your Answer Continuous flow of material , Highly mechanisedmaterial handling , Virtually zero manufacturing cycle


    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question Which kind of labour force is required in case ofJobbing Production?

    Correct Answer Highly Skilled

    Your Answer Highly Skilled

    Select The Blank

    Question Start or finish points of activities is represented by

    ________.Correct Answer Event

    Your Answer Event

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Which of the following cases can be referred asoperation in method study recording?

    Correct Answer Change in physical characteristic , Consumption of

    physical effort , Change in chemical characteristic

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  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Select The Blank

    Question In Gantt Chart, the vertical lines devide horizontal linesinto small squares which represents ________.

    Correct Answer Units of measurement

    Your Answer Units of measurement

    Select The BlankQuestion Manual computation in MRP system takes lot of time

    and creates lot of ________.Correct Answer Delay

    Your Answer Delay

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion How many squares are there normally in a progress

    card?Correct Answer 15 to 20

    Your Answer 15 to 20

    True/FalseQuestion A network should employ only those dummy activities

    which are absolutely necessary.Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion A ________ is one of the techniques of work

    measurement to establish a time for a qualified workerto carry out a specified task under specified conditions

    and at the defined level of performance.Correct Answer Time Study

    Your Answer Time Study

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Components of Production Management include

    Correct Answer Capacity Planning , Job Design , Production Planning

    Your Answer Capacity Planning , Production Planning , ManpowerPlanning

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which of the following are activities of corrective

    maintenance?Correct Answer Modifications and improvements , Overhauling ,

    Emergency repairsYour Answer Modifications and improvements , Overhauling ,

    Emergency repairs

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  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Select The Blank

    Question The ________ is the probability that a good lot will berejected by the sampling plan.

    Correct Answer Producer's risk

    Your Answer Producer's risk

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which of the following are the basic requirements of

    quality standard?Correct Answer Deifinite , Undesrstandable , Economically viable

    Your Answer Deifinite , Undesrstandable , Economically viable

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ is the defect level for which lots are

    regarded as bad lots.

    Correct Answer Lot Tolerance Percentage Defective

    Your Answer Lot Tolerance Percentage Defective

    Select The BlankQuestion An ________ history card is the record of all repairs,

    replacements and engineering changes carried out inthe equipment during it's period of service.

    Correct Answer Equipment history card

    Your Answer Equipment history card

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which of the following are scheduling techniques?

    Correct Answer Critical Path Analysis , Index Method , Johnson's two

    machine algorithmYour Answer Critical Path Analysis , Index Method , Johnson's two

    machine algorithm


    Question Sampling inspection suffice to check the work of lineinspectors and stage inspectors.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ advocates maintenance procedures

    whereby the condition of the plant is constantlywatched through systematic inspection to unearth

    unhealthy conditions and preventiveCorrect Answer Preventive Maintenance

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  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    POM(2)Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Which of the following processes or activities aredenoted by using symbols while recording in method


    Correct Answer Transport , Delay , Storage

    Your Answer Transport , Delay , Storage

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which kind of natural delays and interruptions are

    considered during estimation of activity time?Correct Answer Shop efficiency , Breakdowns , Absenteeism

    Your Answer Breakdowns , Absenteeism , Delay due to shortage of



    Question Kanban system is essentially a computer based system

    for production scheduling and controlCorrect Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Order preparation process for products manufatured to

    order requires following documentsCorrect Answer Sales Order , Work order , Shop order

    Your Answer Sales Order , Work order , Shop order


    Question Quality control determines what, when, and how muchto inspect while inspection actually conducts

    examination of goods.Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question What do you understand by identification of defects in

    materials, components, machining processes or men tofix responsibility of defectives, thereby preventing orminimising occurance of defectives?

    Correct Answer Preventive function

    Your Answer Assurance function

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Which are the major types of defects?

    Correct Answer Minor , Major , Critical

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    Question Inspection should be conducted prior to an operaion,after whose completion no rework whatsoever is

    possible.Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Which are major benefits of identifying the criticalpath?

    Correct Answer It helps to identify the set of activities and eventswhich are critical and as such must be carefully

    controlled and monitored , It identifies activities to be

    given preference in allocation of resources. , It helps toexercise "control by exception".

    Your Answer It helps to identify the set of activities and events

    which are critical and as such must be carefully

    controlled and monitored , It identifies activities to begiven preference in allocation of resources. , It helps toexercise "control by exception".

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which of the following products should be produced by

    using mass production?Correct Answer Refrigerator , Tyre for automobile , Television Set

    Your Answer Refrigerator , Tyre for automobile , Television Set

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion What do you mean by lowest possible direct cost

    required to complete an activity within it's normal

    time?Correct Answer Normal cost

    Your Answer Normal cost

    Select The Blank

    Question Production Planning is a centralised activity whichincludes functions such as ________

    Correct Answer Scheduling

    Your Answer Scheduling

    True/FalseQuestion For p-chart, "Inspection by variables" is much faster

    than "Inspection by attributes"Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

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  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Which of the following cases indicated that theoperation has occurred?

    Correct Answer Movement of components to assembly section , Raw

    material movement , A worker's trip to grinder tosharpen the tools

    Your Answer Movement of components to assembly section , Rawmaterial movement

    Select The Blank

    Question Delay is indicated by ________ during recording formethod study.

    Correct Answer Letter Dee

    Your Answer Letter Dee

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question Which chart sets out the sequence of flow of work of a

    product, or any part of it through the section ordepartment or a factory by recording the events underreview using appropriate symbols?

    Correct Answer Flow process chart

    Your Answer Flow process chart

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion How dummy activities are shown in the time chart

    during project scheduling?Correct Answer Vertical lines

    Your Answer Vertical lines

    Select The Blank

    Question In a control chart, time interval measures the time gapbetween ________.

    Correct Answer Two consequtive samples

    Your Answer Two central lines

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question What are the benefits of reconditioning?

    Correct Answer Eliminates problems and frequent breakdowns ,Increases life of an equipment , It helps to plan

    requirement of replacement sparesYour Answer Eliminates problems and frequent breakdowns ,

    Increases life of an equipment , It eliminates need ofpreventive maintenance

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question Who has introduced the useful concept of control chartin 1931?

    Correct Answer Walter Shewhart

  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt



  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The process of changing inputs into outputs therebyadding some value to entity can be defined as

    Correct Answer Operation

    Your Answer Conversion

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Which of the following three methods used to selectthe qualified supplier?

    Correct Answer By vendor plant surveys , By reputation , Byexperience

    Your Answer By reputation , By the perofrmance of first lot , Byvendor plant surveys

    Select The Blank

    Question Simple processes or activities can be recorded with thehelp of the ________.

    Correct Answer Foregoing symbols

    Your Answer Foregoing symbols

    Select The Blank

    Question The ________ is a pair of chart consisting of averagechart and range chart placed one below another on a

    piece of graph paper.Correct Answer X bar-R-chart

    Your Answer np-chart

    True/FalseQuestion Flow process charts do record movements as well as

    visual pictures.Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which are three different bases to establish an activity


    Correct Answer Past experience , Judgement , Historical data

    Your Answer Actual measurement , Past experience

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Which is the ideal place to inspect jigs and fixtures in a

    mass manufacturing unit?Correct Answer Separate inspection room

    Your Answer Shop floor

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    POm - 8

  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Select The BlankQuestion A set of activities to keep an equipment in the specified condition is

    called as ________.

    Correct Answer Maintenance

    Your Answer Maintenance

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which are the different types of flow process charts used for

    method study?Correct Answer Equipment type , Man type , Material type

    Your Answer Equipment type , Man type , Material type

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The process of changing inputs into outputs thereby adding some

    value to entity can be defined as

    Correct Answer Operation

    Your Answer Conversion

    Select The BlankQuestion ________ in the plan is lost if there are frequent revisions.

    Correct Answer Faith

    Your Answer Faith

    Select The BlankQuestion In Gantt Chart, the horizontal lines devide vertical lines into

    sections which represents ________.Correct Answer No. of work centres or operations

    Your Answer No. of work centres or operations

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion What are the benefits of inspection and quality control?

    Correct Answer Adequate maintenance of quality , Ensures parts are withinspecified limits of accuracy , Gives economy in production through

    reduction of defective workYour Answer Adequate maintenance of quality , Ensures parts are within

    specified limits of accuracy , Gives economy in production throughreduction of defective work

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Out of two basic criteria for the selection of a manufacturing

    method, one is, it must be able to meet the specifications of finalproduct and the other is, it must be

    Correct Answer Cost effective method

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  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The process of changing inputs into outputs therebyadding some value to entity can be defined as

    Correct Answer Operation

    Your Answer Conversion

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Which of the following three methods used to selectthe qualified supplier?

    Correct Answer By vendor plant surveys , By reputation , Byexperience

    Your Answer By reputation , By the perofrmance of first lot , Byvendor plant surveys

    Select The Blank

    Question Simple processes or activities can be recorded with thehelp of the ________.

    Correct Answer Foregoing symbols

    Your Answer Foregoing symbols

    Select The Blank

    Question The ________ is a pair of chart consisting of averagechart and range chart placed one below another on a

    piece of graph paper.Correct Answer X bar-R-chart

    Your Answer np-chart

    True/FalseQuestion Flow process charts do record movements as well as

    visual pictures.Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which are three different bases to establish an activity


    Correct Answer Past experience , Judgement , Historical data

    Your Answer Actual measurement , Past experience

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Which is the ideal place to inspect jigs and fixtures in a

    mass manufacturing unit?Correct Answer Separate inspection room

    Your Answer Shop floor

  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    POm - 8

  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Select The BlankQuestion A set of activities to keep an equipment in the specified condition is

    called as ________.

    Correct Answer Maintenance

    Your Answer Maintenance

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Which are the different types of flow process charts used for

    method study?Correct Answer Equipment type , Man type , Material type

    Your Answer Equipment type , Man type , Material type

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The process of changing inputs into outputs thereby adding some

    value to entity can be defined as

    Correct Answer Operation

    Your Answer Conversion

    Select The BlankQuestion ________ in the plan is lost if there are frequent revisions.

    Correct Answer Faith

    Your Answer Faith

    Select The BlankQuestion In Gantt Chart, the horizontal lines devide vertical lines into

    sections which represents ________.Correct Answer No. of work centres or operations

    Your Answer No. of work centres or operations

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion What are the benefits of inspection and quality control?

    Correct Answer Adequate maintenance of quality , Ensures parts are withinspecified limits of accuracy , Gives economy in production through

    reduction of defective workYour Answer Adequate maintenance of quality , Ensures parts are within

    specified limits of accuracy , Gives economy in production throughreduction of defective work

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Out of two basic criteria for the selection of a manufacturing

    method, one is, it must be able to meet the specifications of finalproduct and the other is, it must be

    Correct Answer Cost effective method

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  • 7/31/2019 Production Oparation Mgmnt


    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Which of the following cases indicated that theoperation has occurred?

    Correct Answer Movement of components to assembly section , Raw

    material movement , A worker's trip to grinder tosharpen the tools

    Your Answer Movement of components to assembly section , Rawmaterial movement

    Select The Blank

    Question Delay is indicated by ________ during recording formethod study.

    Correct Answer Letter Dee

    Your Answer Letter Dee

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question Which chart sets out the sequence of flow of work of a

    product, or any part of it through the section ordepartment or a factory by recording the events underreview u