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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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LogoI tried out different shapes and styles of turtle so I could choose which one would be better suited for the campaign. I also tried them with and without circles as the circles gives me a chance to put the name of the organisation in it.

After choosing the turtle, I went and inserted the organisation name in the different fonts I had chosen as final ones. By curving the text around the circle, it helps your eye to follow it and it also makes it look more professional.

Final Logo Design

Membership Form – Idea 1

Logo Name of Organisation


Main body text – details of member

Main body text- bank


Tick box




This membership form will be double sided. As I am aiming at a child audience, I would like to keep as least text as possible because they might not be interested in the facts so it’s ideal to keep the text minimal. By having one image on one side, it will appeal to children as it will be colourful and be nice to look at. The image would be of a beach with some litter on it with some members picking them up, so it shows the children what they would be part of. The tick box would include pictures of the different toys you can choose from when you become a member. I would use colours such as blue and green as they would follow the theme of the organisation and these colours would also attract the younger audience.

Membership Form – Idea 2 - Front

Membership Form – Idea 2 - Back

Tick Box for free toy

Logo Name of Organisation

Main Body Text – Details of member Main body text – Bank details

This would also be a double sided membership form although it would be landscape. The front would contain a collage of pictures of members of the organisation doing beach clean ups and other similar images such as sea creatures surrounded by the rubbish. On the back, there will be the usual information you would get on a membership form. Again, the text would be minimal as this might make the children bored as they read it. The colours I would use are blues and greens as they would tie in with my logo and also the organisation as it symbolises nature. It would also be similar to their current membership form.

Membership Form – Idea 3 – Front and Inside Page

Picture of animals surrounded by litter

Text saying ‘Join Us’ with Logo

Images of beach cleans

Quotes from children who are already members

Type of membership

they can have

This membership form will be 4 sides of A5. This will be different as there will be a bit more information about the organisation. The front will be an image of an animal/animals which will be surrounded by litter as it shows the children what the litter is doing to the oceans. I also think that the image will attract the children because it will be big and bright. The left inside page will contain quotes from children who are already members as I think that it will get more children to join as they will see how much others enjoy helping out the organisation. By including more images of beach cleans, it will show them all the things they can join in with which will attract them to it more.

Membership Form – Idea 3 – Inside Page and Back

Member Details

Member Payment Details

Logo and ‘Join SAS’Images

Text about the free toy

Tick box and images so they can choose the toy

Organisation Information, i.e. Address, email,


The inside right page will contain a few more images to get the children more interested in the organisation. By including a section on the free toy, they will get excited about receiving something as they will also get to choose what animal they receive as this gets them involved in the process themselves. The back cover will have the space for the members to put in their details regarding personal information and payment. I think that by having all the details in one section, it makes it easier for them to send the information off. Colours like blue and green will be used like the other drafts as these will tie in with the organisation and the bright colours will also attract the younger audience.

I decided to go for a landscape membership form as I felt it would be easier to work with. By making it cartoon themed, the children would be more interested in it as they would see it as fun and colourful. The thought bubble also addresses them which would make them think that the animals are talking to them, which is what children are interested in.

I also wanted to do a portrait membership form so I would be able to compare which one looks better. With this one, I was able to fit more sea creatures on them because of the paper size. I think this is better as there is a lot more colour and shows different types of animals, which would be interesting for the children as they are able to see what type of animals they would be helping.

Campaign Poster

With this poster, I decided to take my membership form and transfer it into a poster. Thought this would be good because it’s very colourful, and it would also link the campaign together.

These four poster would would be part of a set. I thought that children might enjoy seeing large images of animals, so buy putting them onto brightly coloured backgrounds, it allows them to stand out. I gave each creature a name and a short story because this gets the children reading and educating themselves on the problems that face the animals.

Merchandise – Mind Map

Merchandise – Mood Board

Making jumpers/t-shirts are a good idea because this merchandise is something that most companies make and it helps to show off your brand on a large scale.

As my audience is children, I would preferably make items that are aimed at children like the whale t-shirt as it’s fun so children would enjoy wearing it.

Surfing books are good to sell as it gets people interested in learning about how to surf and the logics behind it. I don’t think this would be right for my audience as they are children, and the book would be too technical for them and difficult to read.

Phone cases are also a good thing to make because most people now have phones, so cases would be there to protect the phone as well as promote the organisation on a smaller scale than t-shirts. I might consider these because a lot of children now have phones which they would like to decorate, so this might be something I could make.

Cushions and tote bags are something that I would probably make as the bags can be taken to the beach which links in well to the organisation as they are all about protecting the oceans and beaches. It is also something that you could talk about with other people, which might make them interested in joining the organisation. I would like to make

some mugs because it will be something that the child could own for themselves so it would be personal to them, giving them something to talk about with their friends.

Kids T-shirt

Throw Pillow


Tote Bag


By putting the sea creatures from the posters onto merchandise, the children would get excited as they might enjoy seeing the characters. It also associates the merchandise with the campaign so you will know what organisation they come from. Having a range of merchandise is important because even though my campaign is aimed at children, it also gives other audiences a chance to buy these products.


Whale Teddy

Octopus Teddy

Turtle Teddy