product research (3 contents page) task 3

Magazine Analysis – Billboard Contents Page Layout: Each Billboard content page has the same conventions in every magazine. The magazine logo is that the top of the page to ensures the readers are constantly reminded of what magazine they are reading. The content page layout tends to always have an area to the left had side of the page with the numbers down the centre showing the latest albums, songs etc. In this content page there are 3 MAIN colours; blue, black and white (also a little snippet of green). The blue colour has been used as it flows on from the title in every cover whether the blue area of the title is covered or not, having this blue colour on the content page links the colour scheme from the cover. There has been a small amount of green used on the subheadings at the bottom on the page, this colour also links from the title as it has been used in the heading ‘billboard’. As with most content pages it contain, what they think, will be the most influential and interesting story's and articles within the magazine and displays these along with the page numbers. I really like this layout as it is informative as well as just showing us different page numbers. As well as this it gives the reader an instant Images: This content page contains 4 main images; we have the 3 images in box shape in the middle of the main page, these images all correspond to specific page numbers giving the readers an insight into what they could read about on some of the pages. On the content page the images tend to be a mix of studio shot images and outdoor shot images. Using this variety of image types allows the reader to engage with the story even more, contextualising both the image and the story. The different images are also there to appeal to different readers who may read the magazine. Unlike the covers there is more than one image, this is because the reader will be getting closer into the magazine, the multiple amount of images allows the story's/ articles to be understood with other aspects other than words. As for the main image on this page (the young woman the right had side, this image has been taken in a photography studio Writing Style & Language: The language of this content page is written to engage with the reader of the magazine, it is chatty and relaxed aiming to be an easy read. It gives an over view of the main and most interesting story's in the magazine, some of these story's/reviews will link to the images on the page Font: The main headings of ‘Contents’ and ‘No.1’ are in a sans serif font following on from the title of the magazine cover and making sure the themes are carried on. As with the cover there is also serif font giving a sense of variety and differentiation across the magazine. Magazine Conventions: As with any other contents page this page contains a selective number of page number relating to the thing contained within the magazine. Generally there are other story's and images to go along side these page numbers .

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Page 1: Product research (3 contents page)   task 3

Magazine Analysis – Billboard Contents PageLayout:Each Billboard content page has the same conventions in every magazine. The magazine logo is that the top of the page to ensures the readers are constantly reminded of what magazine they are reading. The content page layout tends to always have an area to the left had side of the page with the numbers down the centre showing the latest albums, songs etc. In this content page there are 3 MAIN colours; blue, black and white (also a little snippet of green). The blue colour has been used as it flows on from the title in every cover whether the blue area of the title is covered or not, having this blue colour on the content page links the colour scheme from the cover. There has been a small amount of green used on the subheadings at the bottom on the page, this colour also links from the title as it has been used in the heading ‘billboard’. As with most content pages it contain, what they think, will be the most influential and interesting story's and articles within the magazine and displays these along with the page numbers. I really like this layout as it is informative as well as just showing us different page numbers. As well as this it gives the reader an instant review and facts about what is going on in the charts regarding songs, albums, etc.As for the text to image relationship, I feel as though the larger image to the right has been used as the text can be moulded around her features. As for the other 3 images above this, they work well too, they are all of the same sixe and are in page order that will like to the story's/articles below. Theses 3 images do not really ‘interact’ with the text as much as the previous one does other than the numbers that have been placed on top in white.

Images:This content page contains 4 main images; we have the 3 images in box shape in the middle of the main page, these images all correspond to specific page numbers giving the readers an insight into what they could read about on some of the pages. On the content page the images tend to be a mix of studio shot images and outdoor shot images. Using this variety of image types allows the reader to engage with the story even more, contextualising both the image and the story. The different images are also there to appeal to different readers who may read the magazine.Unlike the covers there is more than one image, this is because the reader will be getting closer into the magazine, the multiple amount of images allows the story's/ articles to be understood with other aspects other than words.As for the main image on this page (the young woman the right had side, this image has been taken in a photography studio with a white back drop, this has been done to allow the text to the left of the image to be written around her and still look natural and as if the image was edit into the page. Her positioning in this is very feminine and innocent, allowing her to draw the reader into the specific story she is related to. (Most of the images will add information and may even draw the reader into the story more so than before.

Writing Style & Language:The language of this content page is written to engage with the reader of the magazine, it is chatty and relaxed aiming to be an easy read. It gives an over view of the main and most interesting story's in the magazine, some of these story's/reviews will link to the images on the page contextualising the story and engaging with the reader more.

Font:The main headings of ‘Contents’ and ‘No.1’ are in a sans serif font following on from the title of the magazine cover and making sure the themes are carried on. As with the cover there is also serif font giving a sense of variety and differentiation across the magazine.

Magazine Conventions:As with any other contents page this page contains a selective number of page number relating to the thing contained within the magazine. Generally there are other story's and images to go along side these page numbers .

Page 2: Product research (3 contents page)   task 3

Magazine Analysis – Q Contents PageLayout:Each Q content page tends to be on the same conventions every time it is produced. It generally has the magazine issue number at the top of the page on a red stip. This red colour has lead on from the magazines front cover, the red is found on the colour strips in various places on the page, it is the most common colour on this page. The red colour has been used as it is associated with energy, strength, power, determination as well as desire and love. The other colours, black and white have been used as they link and continue on from the cover page. These colours have been used to create constancy and similarity across the magazine. We can also see that the colours are running through the images and we know that the things in the images have been used/warn to correspond to this colour scheme. This is something I would like to carry over to the ideas for my own magazine and maybe think about when planning it.As for the text to picture ratio there isn't really much going on, all on the images are in a square/rectangle format and don't really go anywhere near the text due to lines separating them. Using this has allowed the text to be obviously separated from the imagery. The images take up over half of the page, being the main focal point on this page. In my opinion to much of the page is taken up my images and other distracting things, it is a content page so it should contain what the magazine is about and contains. The informative content area only takes up just over a quarter of the page and doesn’t really stand out to the reader as dramatically as others. This idea may be something that this type of magazine wants to stick with, but personally I don’t like it this way.

Magazine Conventions:As with any other contents page this page contains a selective number of page number relating to the thing contained within the magazine. Generally there are other story's and images to go along side these page numbers .

Writing Style & Language:The language of this content page is written to engage with the reader of this specific magazine, it is informative yet relaxed, aiming to be an easy read. It gives an over view of the main and what they think are most interesting story's/articles in the magazine, some of these story's/reviews will link to the images on the page contextualising the story and engaging with the reader more.

Fonts: Again on this content page we have a mixture of both types of font. The title of this page is in a serif font, carrying on from the title of the magazines front cover. The subheadings are in the serif font to also follow on from the magazine cover and the title of this page. The writing under

Imagery:This content page contains 7 main images. Each one of the images correspond to a specific article or story on the content page. Most of the images are there to contextualise the story's/articles down the right hand side of the page. A few of the images have been taken in a studio set up, we can tell this due to the solid colour background that we would not find if they were taken else where. Other images have been taken in other places such as actual concerts or snapshots from previous or the current magazine.The images take up over half of the page, they use different angles and layouts in each image to give variety and appeal to as many viewers as possible. For example; the image behind no. 34 has been taken inn a studio to allow the white backdrop to be used so we can fit the image around other images and layer them. The image behind the no. 38 is a copy from either this magazine or a previous magazine and has been placed slightly behind the other image, this has been done to allow all of the images that want to be used to all be used and to tall fit onto the small page. This layering technique has been done multiple times on this page, it is a good way to get everything on the page that you want to but can sometimes look cluttered and very messy. do like the way the images have been laid out but in my opinion there is to much going on and not enough order.

the subheadings is in a serif font to give the page a more modern look and to great variety across the magazine. The number are also a mixture of both font to again create variety and appeal to a variety of audiences.

Page 3: Product research (3 contents page)   task 3

Magazine Analysis – Blender Contents PageLayout:Every single Blender contents page tend to have a few things that are the same but are tailored to the images more often than not. For this contents page we have the title at the top of that page (just like with most content pages). The font that they have used has changed from the cover page yet is still in the same colour. There are 3 main colours used on this page; white, black and reds. The reds are found on her clothing and the prop she is holding. The red colour has been used as it is associated with energy, strength, power, determination as well as desire and love. In this page the information for the contents of the magazine is a little less obvious in comparison to some other pages I have looked at, the information for the contents of the magazine is in a very small portion of the page, it only takes up around a sixth of the page. The image takes up a large part of this page indications who the main focus of the magazine and the majority of the story's are.As for the text to picture ration there isn't really any relationship within this. The image takes up the most of the page and all of the writing has been layered onto this on top of the background. I do like this idea of working but in my opinion likes to much like a front cover, I feel as though a content page should be busier and have more things to engage with the reader that the cover, we know that the reader has opened the magazine so it should keep them entertained. There seems to be a lot of colours going on on this page also, it would be nicer to see the colours from the cover page to be continued on as it would comfort the reader more.Also there seems to be no continuation with text font, the title on the cover page was in a totally different font and sixe in comparison to this content page.

Magazine Conventions:As with any other contents page this page contains a selective number of page number relating to the thing contained within the magazine. Generally there are other story's and images to go along side these page numbers , but with this one there is only one image to correspond to the story's/articles.

Fonts: On this content page we have a single type of font used throughout. The single .. of the sans serif font has been carried on from the cover page, aiming to appeal to a more relaxed and modern audience. In comparison to other magazines they use a combination of sans serif and serif

fonts to create variety, where as Blender has a target audience that is younger than most magazines. Using all of the same style of font creates similarity and comfort to grasp the younger audience.

Writing Style & LanguageThe language of this content page is written to engage with the reader of this specific magazine, it is informative yet relaxed, aiming to be an easy read. It gives an over view of they what they think are most interesting articles in the magazine, some of these story's/reviews will link to the images on the page contextualising the story and engaging with the reader more.

ImageryIn this content page there is only one image, unlike the other two pages that I have looked at they contain multiple images. The image that has been used is of pop star Katy Perry. This particular image has been taken in a studio set up, we can tell this due to the flush white background in the image. This images has been used as there is a large proportion of the magazine about her. This image is contextualising the articles/story’s within the magazine.If this were my own magazine I would like to have more images that are smaller to contextualise more of the story's more, to allow the readers to understand the content better. I do like the use of quotes in the page and this is something I may consider using in my own magazine on one of the pages.The way in witch Katy Perry has been positioned and the ‘clothes’ she is wearing in this image is to appeal to the male gaze (introduced by Laura Mulvey). This image, the positioning of her and her clothes is aiming to cater for a male audience (even though the buyers of

the magazine is primarily purchased by women) and is framing her as an object rather than a person to cater for this male ‘audience’. Sometimes even women are invited to see them self's like this, trying to make them self's look exactly like the image that the men are wanting.