product fast facts product fast facts · • combats the effects of aging while targeting the...

PRODUCT FAST FACTS ISALEAN® SHAKES—A delicious, creamy, nutritionally-complete meal replacement that takes your health and performance to new levels. • Contains 23 grams of the highest-quality, undenatured New Zealand whey and casein protein and superior amino acid complex. • Helps you maintain lean body mass. • Lower lactose levels for easier digestion. • Contains our exclusive blend of supercharged trace minerals. • Enzyme activated to help maximize absorption of key nutrients. • Clinically proven to support great weight-loss results and weight management. Available in Liquid & Powder! CLEANSE FOR LIFE® —A complete, nutritional body cleanse that aids the body’s natural ability to remove impurities that you’re exposed to on a daily basis. • Feeds and nourishes your body, unlike traditional cleanses which deplete your body. Not a laxative or a diuretic. • Encourages safe and effective weight loss. • Boosts mental and physical energy and endurance. • Contains over 100 nutrients, including ionic minerals, antioxidants, Aloe Vera and gentle cleansing herbs that help support the body’s vital functions and immune system. PRODUCT B™ ANTIOXIDANTS PLUS TELOMERE SUPPORT —Regain and maintain youthful cell function and healthy telomeres with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and age-defying nutrients scientifically formulated to protect telomeres and promote higher antioxidant enzyme defenses. Product B positively supports telomere health at the cellular level with: • A complex blend of botanicals and minerals • A full spectrum of natural bioactive antioxidants that help protect you from harmful free radicals that can accelerate aging and contribute to poor health* • A scientifically advanced formula that targets sources (not symptoms) of aging, such as oxidative stress Available in Liquid & Powder! IONIX® SUPREME—A nutrient-rich, rejuvenating drink that restores and protects the body and helps increase your ability to perform mentally and physically. • Specialized adaptogens energize your cells and adapt your body to any form of stress. • Contains over 100 specially sourced ingredients from around the world. • Antioxidants and adaptogenic herbs help support mental and physical performance. • Contains our advanced, supercharged blend of trace minerals, which support the body’s vital functions. PRODUCT FAST FACTS

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Post on 10-Jul-2020




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Page 1: ProduCt fASt fACtS PRoduct FAst FActs · • Combats the effects of aging while targeting the specific anti-aging needs of both men and women. • Contains 4 primary Isagenix anti-aging

Product Fast FactsISALEAN® SHAKES—A delicious, creamy, nutritionally-complete meal replacement that takes your health and performance to new levels.



Available in Liquid &


CLEANSE for LIfE®—A complete, nutritional body cleanse that aids the body’s natural ability to remove impurities that you’re exposed to on a daily basis.



ProduCt B™ ANtIoxIdANtS PLuS tELomErE SuPPort —Regain and maintain youthful cell function and healthy telomeres with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and age-defying nutrients scientifically formulated to protect telomeres and promote higher antioxidant enzyme defenses. Product B positively supports telomere health at the cellular level with:



Available in Liquid &


IoNIx® SuPrEmE—A nutrient-rich, rejuvenating drink that restores and protects the body and helps increase your ability to perform mentally and physically.




PRoduct FAst FActs

Page 2: ProduCt fASt fACtS PRoduct FAst FActs · • Combats the effects of aging while targeting the specific anti-aging needs of both men and women. • Contains 4 primary Isagenix anti-aging

Product Fast Facts continued

AgELESS ACtIvES™—A revolutionary formula that utilizes advanced, scientific technology to diminish the signs of aging from the inside out.





AgELESS ESSENtIALS™ dAILy PACK for mEN & WomEN—Get your daily dose of premium vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in convenient, individually wrapped A.M. and P.M. packets




AgELESS ESSENtIALS WItH ProduCt B—A proprietary, scientifically advanced formula that contains a full spectrum of natural bioactive antioxidants to help promote higher antioxidant defenses.



Save more than 30% on the total cost of purchasing each individual product.

ANtIoxIdANtS—A full spectrum of natural antioxidants found in fruits andvegetables that helps to support a healthy and young body by defending againstfree-radical damage.



Page 3: ProduCt fASt fACtS PRoduct FAst FActs · • Combats the effects of aging while targeting the specific anti-aging needs of both men and women. • Contains 4 primary Isagenix anti-aging

Product Fast Facts continued

ISA SuNguArd—Infused with antioxidants, natural botanicals, and specially-formulated vitamins, you’ll experience optimal sun protection, as well as younger, vibrant looking skin.






tHE rEJuvIty™ JoINt ANd PAIN rELIEf SyStEm—this carefully designed system offers a complete approach to joint health by tackling the problem from the inside out.

Ageless Joint support•Combinesaproprietaryblendofover19scientifically-supported,all-naturalingredientslikeMSM,Glucosamine,Chondroitin,BoswelliaandTurmericthatprovideadvancedtriple-actionsupporttoprotect,rejuvenateandsoothejoints.


Ageless Pain Relief cream•Fast-absorbingtopicalcreamprovidesfast-acting,deep-penetratingreliefformusclesandjointsfromarthritis,backache,musclestrains,sprainsandbruises.



AgELESS rENEWAL SErum—You can’t turn back time, but you can rediscover your skin’s youthful appearance and vitality with this revolutionary anti-aging treatment.





Page 4: ProduCt fASt fACtS PRoduct FAst FActs · • Combats the effects of aging while targeting the specific anti-aging needs of both men and women. • Contains 4 primary Isagenix anti-aging

Product Fast Facts continued

ISACALCIum®—A convenient way to get all the calcium your body needs,as well as essential vitamin d and magnesium, for healthier and stronger bones.




ISACruNCH®—A protein-rich food containing omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids that give you the energy you need to seize the day.



C-LytE®—Energizing vitamin c combined with antioxidant protection helps keep your body in peak health and provides your immune system with 24-hour support.




ESSENtIALS for mEN™ ANd ESSENtIALS for WomEN™—reformulated to meet the latest nutritional science, Essentials contain therapeutic dosages of key nutrients that are tailored to meet the nutritional needs of both men and women.





Page 5: ProduCt fASt fACtS PRoduct FAst FActs · • Combats the effects of aging while targeting the specific anti-aging needs of both men and women. • Contains 4 primary Isagenix anti-aging

Product Fast Facts continued

ISAfruItS®—A premium variety of natural fruits needed each day. Helps you get the recommended 2-4 daily servings of fruit in just one convenient scoop!


• Fruitingredientsarecoldprocessedtopreserveenzymes.•Agreatwayforchildrentogetenoughfruit-derivednutrientsintheirdiets.

ISAgENIx fIBErPro™—the most complete multi-fiber complex that helps to support natural digestion and regularity.



Available in canisters and on-the-go packets

ISAfLuSH®—A combination of cleansing herbs and minerals that effectively and safely helps to promote regularity and naturally soothe intestinal discomfort.




ISAdELIgHt PLuS™—Power-packed, delicious, creamy dark chocolate that improves mood, curbs cravings, increases energy and burns fat.

• JusttwotreatscontaintheantioxidantcapacityofonecupofgreenteawithanORACvalueofover5,700.




Page 6: ProduCt fASt fACtS PRoduct FAst FActs · • Combats the effects of aging while targeting the specific anti-aging needs of both men and women. • Contains 4 primary Isagenix anti-aging

Product Fast Facts continued

ISAgENIx SNACKS!™—our high-quality whey protein and energy-boosting snacks are the perfect balance of taste and nutrition that give you lasting energy.




ISAKIdS® ESSENtIALS—the ultimate vitamin with 100% of the recommended daily amount of 16 essentials vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to helps kids grow healthy and strong.



ISAgENIx muLtI-ENZymE ComPLEx™—Advanced enzyme formula helps your body break down and absorb hard-to-digest foods.




ISAgENIx grEENS!®—A superior blend of the highest-quality nutrient-rich plants. Helps you get the recommended 3-5 daily servings of vegetables in just one convenient scoop.




Available in canisters and on-the-go packets

Page 7: ProduCt fASt fACtS PRoduct FAst FActs · • Combats the effects of aging while targeting the specific anti-aging needs of both men and women. • Contains 4 primary Isagenix anti-aging

Product Fast Facts continued

ISAmuNE® PLuS—Advanced colostrum formula is designed to help keep your body’s immune system healthy and strong.




ISAomEgA SuPrEmE®—the purest omega 3’s on the market today, helps to promote heart health, joint health and brain development.




ISALEAN® SouP—A nourishing, low-calorie meal replacement that satisfies your hunger while supporting healthy weight loss.



ISALEAN® BAr—A delicious, low-calorie, low-glycemic, nutritionally-complete meal alternative that’s convenient for people on the go.




Page 8: ProduCt fASt fACtS PRoduct FAst FActs · • Combats the effects of aging while targeting the specific anti-aging needs of both men and women. • Contains 4 primary Isagenix anti-aging

Product Fast Facts continued

NAturAL ACCELErAtor™—carefully selected thermogenic ingredients naturally enhance the body’s fat-burning ability and give you energy without the shaky feeling you get from stimulants.




SLImCAKES®—tasty, low-calorie, nutritionally-packed snacks that support heart and digestive health.



ISAWAtEr™ ALKALIZEd CoNCENtrAtE—Adding our exclusive concentrate to water or beverages daily can raise their pH to a healthy alkaline value and energize water with stable negative ions, neutralizing harmful free radicals.

• Instantlystabilizeswaterwithnegatively-chargedionsandprovidesahighlevelofOxygenReductionPotential(ORP),whichpromoteshealthandwellness.


ISAPro®—High quality whey protein concentrate for building lean muscle mass, also helps with stubborn weight loss plateaus, increasing metabolism and curbing hunger.




Page 9: ProduCt fASt fACtS PRoduct FAst FActs · • Combats the effects of aging while targeting the specific anti-aging needs of both men and women. • Contains 4 primary Isagenix anti-aging

Product Fast Facts continued

10-3181 • 081011*Percentage based on U.S. product.

fIBErSNACKS!™—Add fiber to your day the delicious way, stay satisfied and maintain a healthy, balanced digestive system.


• Includeshigh-quality,undenaturedwheyandmilkproteinfromsustainableNewZealanddairyfarmsfreeofhormonesandantibiotics


WANt morE ENErgy?®—A refreshing natural energy drink that helps to charge and sustain your body’s energy for peak performance.




NewTropical Fruit

& Hibiscus flavor!