procuring appraisals. best value approach mr edward biggers dr. pauline tonsil


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Page 1: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil


Page 2: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Best Value Approach

Mr Edward Biggers

Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Page 3: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Best Value Approach

Lowest-priced technically acceptable as determined best value by identifying the lowest technically acceptable item for contractors offering substantially identical services or supplies.

Page 4: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Best Value Approach

Trade off price and other factors should consider what best value factors will be considered. As a minimum, determine the relative importance of service or supply price and other best value factor, and the possible trade-offs involved.

Page 5: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Best Value Approach


Page 6: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPAs)

Mr. Edward Biggers

Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Page 7: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Blanket Purchase Agreement

Simplified Acquisition Procedure for filling anticipated repetitive needs for small quantities of supplies and services by establishing “ charge accounts” with vendors to furnish supplies or services which might be ordered from time to time.

Page 8: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Blanket Purchase Agreement

Designated to reduce administrative cost by eliminating the need for issuing individual purchase documents.

Page 9: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Blanket Purchase Agreement

The contracting Officer shall not use simplified acquisition procedures to acquire supplies or services, if the anticipated award will exceed the simplified acquisition threshold ($100,000).

Page 10: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Blanket Purchase Agreement Uses

If there is a wide variety of items in a board class of good that are usually purchased from local suppliers, but the exact items, quantities, and delivery requirements are not known in advance and may vary considerably.

Page 11: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Blanket Purchase AgreementUses

If there is a need to provide commercial sources of supply for one or more offices or projects in a given area that do not otherwise have or need authority to purchase.

Page 12: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Blanket Purchase AgreementUses

If any situation exists in which the writing of numerous purchase orders can be avoided through the use of BPAs.

Page 13: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Blanket Purchase AgreementEstablishment

Made with firms from which it is likely that numerous individual purchases will be made during a given period.

May be prepared and issued on any purchase order form authorized by the government agency.

Page 14: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Blanket Purchase AgreementEstablishment

Contains a Minimum and Maximum order limitation, which are set by the contracting officer.

The purchase limitations must specify the dollar limitation for each individual purchase

Page 15: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Blanket Purchase AgreementEstablishment

Delivery tickets or sales slips provides information on the individual purchase under the BPA.

Purchases may be made orally, or by a written purchase order.

Page 16: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Blanket Purchase Agreement

Allows for submission of monthly itemized or summary invoices, as appropriate.

Receipt and acceptance is recorded on the vendor’s sale slip, delivery document , or invoice.

Page 17: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Blanket Purchase Agreement

Provides a list of individual authorized to purchase under the BPA and dollar limitations.

Page 18: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Blanket Purchase Agreement

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Page 19: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Indefinite-Quantity-Indefinite-Delivery Contract



Page 20: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Indefinite-Quantity Contracts

Used when it is impossible to determine, in advance, the precise quantities of the supplies or services that will be needed by designated activities during a definite period of time.

Page 21: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Indefinite-Quantity Contracts

Used only when the item or service is commercial or modified commercial in type and a recurring need is anticipated.

Page 22: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Indefinite–Quantity ContractsAdvantages

Flexibility with respect to both quantities and delivery scheduling

Supplies or Services need to be ordered only after actual need have materialized

Page 23: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Indefinite–Quantity ContractsAdvantages

The obligation of the government is limited;

They permits stocks to be maintained at minimum levels and allow direct shipment to the user.

Page 24: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Indefinite-Quantity Contracts

Will not exceed 3-years

Will not exceed $10,000,000, including all options.

Page 25: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Indefinite-Quantity Contracts

Make multiple awards under a single solicitation for the same or similar supplies or services using two or more sources.

No separate written determination to make a single award, if determination is in a written acquisition plan.

Page 26: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Indefinite-Quantity Contract

Contract must specify maximum or minimum quantities that the Government may order under each task or delivery order and the maximum that it may order during a specific period of time.

Page 27: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Indefinite-Quantity Contracts

“Task order contract” means a contract for services that does not procure or specify a firm quantity of services (other than a minimum or maximum quantity) and that provides for the issuance of orders for the performance of tasks during the period of the contract.

Page 28: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Indefinite-Delivery Contract

The contracting officer does not synopsize orders under indefinite-delivery contracts.

Individual orders shall clearly describe all services to be performed or supplies to be delivered so the full cost or price for the performance of the work can be established when the order is placed.

Page 29: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Indefinite-Delivery Contract

Orders shall be within the scope, issued within the period of performance, and be within the maximum value of the contract.

Page 30: PROCURING APPRAISALS. Best Value Approach Mr Edward Biggers Dr. Pauline Tonsil

Indefinite-Delivery Contracts

Orders may be placed orally or by means of written telecommunication.

Electronically, if contract provides for the placement of orders by such means.

Oral orders must to confirmed in writing.

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Indefinite-Quantity-Indefinite- Delivery Contract

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