proclamation presbyterian churchjul 09, 2017  · proclamation presbyterian church morning worship...

PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Worship 11 a.m. July 9, 2017 JEREMIAH 23:1-29 Is Not My Word Like Fire? Mr. Joshua Jacobs — preaching Evening Worship, p.6 — 6 p.m. LUKE 6:37-42 Judging Others Rev. Ben Falconer — preaching “To Glorify God & Enjoy Him Forever”

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Page 1: PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHJul 09, 2017  · PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Worship — 11 a.m. July 9, 2017 JEREMIAH 23:1-29 Is Not My Word Like Fire? Mr. Joshua Jacobs




Morning Worship — 11 a.m.

July 9, 2017

JEREMIAH 23:1-29

Is Not My Word Like Fire? Mr. Joshua Jacobs — preaching

Evening Worship, p.6 — 6 p.m.

LUKE 6:37-42

Judging Others Rev. Ben Falconer — preaching

“To Glorify God

& Enjoy Him Forever”

Page 2: PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHJul 09, 2017  · PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Worship — 11 a.m. July 9, 2017 JEREMIAH 23:1-29 Is Not My Word Like Fire? Mr. Joshua Jacobs



Prelude Ryan Kelly, organ

Welcome and Announcements Silent Meditation


Leader: Christians, lift up your hearts!

Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord.

Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God!

Congregation: It is right to give him thanks and praise.



Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven Hymn 76


Exodus 20:1-17

Leader: And God spoke all these words, saying, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

Congregation: You shall have no other gods before me.

Leader: You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Congregation: You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Congregation stands.

Page 3: PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHJul 09, 2017  · PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Worship — 11 a.m. July 9, 2017 JEREMIAH 23:1-29 Is Not My Word Like Fire? Mr. Joshua Jacobs


Leader: You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord

will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.

Congregation: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.

Leader: On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates.

Congregation: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Leader: Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

Congregation: You shall not murder.

Leader: You shall not commit adultery.

Congregation: You shall not steal.

Leader: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

Congregation: You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.”


O Thou That Hear’st When Sinners Cry Hymn 485


Titus 3:4-7


Record of your Presence Please sign the blue attendance pad found in the pew back in front of you, pass it down the pew for everyone to sign and then return it to the end of the pew from which it was passed.

Page 4: PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHJul 09, 2017  · PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Worship — 11 a.m. July 9, 2017 JEREMIAH 23:1-29 Is Not My Word Like Fire? Mr. Joshua Jacobs


Noelle Kelly, soprano Cry No More Dan Forrest

In the shadow where we linger, in this darkness we call home, where the sighs are deep and doubtful and our aspirations groan—all is not in vain, beloved, our travail is not unknown. Christ within us, Christ among us, Christ the first and Christ the last; Love Incarnate, hold your children till the storm of life is past.

Though we have not faith to seek him, Christ himself will draw us near; deep, abid-ing rays of mercy cast their light on lonely fear. Cry no more, ye poor and weary; our redeeming Lord is here. Christ within us, Christ among us, Christ the first and Christ the last; Love Incarnate, hold your children till the storm of life is past.

Sure defender, never failing, radiant Savior, holy friend, gift of glory, hope of heaven, call us now to faith again. Alleluia! Blest compassion, grace is shining without end! Christ within us, Christ among us, Christ the first and Christ the last; Love Incarnate, hold your children till the storm of life is past. Cry no more. – Johanna Anderson


Gloria Patri Hymn 735



Psalm 119:17-32, p.512 in the pew Bible; Elder Charlie Hunsaker Congregation will read the even numbered verses.


Christopher Andino, Bob Carlson, Nancy Carlson, Beverly Conrad, Jason Cuzzolina, Lisa Cuzzolina, Sophia Cuzzolina, Blake Denlinger, Cherith Garner,

Doris Kabah, Elayne Ko, Elise Lengkeek, Emma Lengkeek, Janet Mason, Ji Young Min, Curtis Weh, CJ Weh, Lisa Wendland

1) Do you acknowledge yourselves to be sinners in the sight of God, justly deserving His dis-pleasure, and without hope save in His sovereign mercy?

2) Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and Savior of sinners, and do you receive and rest upon Him alone for salvation as He is offered in the Gospel?

3) Do you now resolve and promise, in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, that you will endeavor to live as becomes the followers of Christ?

4) Do you promise to support the Church in its worship and work to the best of your ability?

5) Do you submit yourselves to the government and discipline of the Church, and promise to study its purity and peace?

Page 5: PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHJul 09, 2017  · PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Worship — 11 a.m. July 9, 2017 JEREMIAH 23:1-29 Is Not My Word Like Fire? Mr. Joshua Jacobs



Doris Kabah, CJ Weh, Curtis Weh


I Belong to Jesus Hymn 129

Children, ages seven (7) years and younger, may go to Rooms 147 & 149 for Children’s Church.



Luke 6:37-42, p. 863 in the pew Bible


Rev. Ben Falconer

Judging Others Notes

Page 6: PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHJul 09, 2017  · PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Worship — 11 a.m. July 9, 2017 JEREMIAH 23:1-29 Is Not My Word Like Fire? Mr. Joshua Jacobs



May the Mind of Christ My Savior Hymn 644


Postlude Ryan Kelly, organ

New Members Reception

After the service all are invited to greet the new members in the Main Lobby and enjoy light refreshments.

F o l l o w i n g t h e s e r v i c e , C h a r l i e H u n s a k e r w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e

t o p r a y w i t h y o u a t t h e f r o n t o f t h e s a n c t u a r y .

I f y o u h a v e a p a s t o r a l n e e d d u r i n g t h e w e e k ,

p l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e c h u r c h o f f i c e , 6 1 0 - 5 2 0 - 9 5 0 0 .

Page 7: PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHJul 09, 2017  · PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Worship — 11 a.m. July 9, 2017 JEREMIAH 23:1-29 Is Not My Word Like Fire? Mr. Joshua Jacobs



Prelude Ryan Kelly, organ

Welcome and Announcements

Record of your Presence If you have not done so TODAY, please sign the blue attendance pad found in the pew back in front of you, pass it down the pew for everyone to sign and then return it to the end of the pew from which it was passed.


Deuteronomy 32:3



All Glory, Laud, and Honor Hymn 235


John 5:18-46, p. 890 in the pew Bible


God, in the Gospel of His Son Hymn 141


Ryan Kelly, piano Musical Selection


Page 8: PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHJul 09, 2017  · PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Worship — 11 a.m. July 9, 2017 JEREMIAH 23:1-29 Is Not My Word Like Fire? Mr. Joshua Jacobs



Forever Settled in the Heavens Hymn 59


Jeremiah 23:1-29, p. 650 in the pew Bible


Mr. Joshua Jacobs

Is Not My Word Like Fire?



How Firm a Foundation Hymn 94


Postlude Ryan Kelly, organ

Page 9: PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHJul 09, 2017  · PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Worship — 11 a.m. July 9, 2017 JEREMIAH 23:1-29 Is Not My Word Like Fire? Mr. Joshua Jacobs



New Books in the Resource Room

We invite you to stop in the Resource Room (across from the Parlor) to see these new titles: Money Counts (How to handle money in your heart and with your head) by Graham Beynon Talking Points: Transgender (How Christians can think biblically, act wisely, and relate lovingly

over the issue of transgender) by Vaughan Roberts The Art of Turning: From sin to Christ for a joyfully clear conscience by Kevin DeYoung Time for Everything (How to be busy without feeling burdened) by Matt Fuller

Summer Opportunity for Women

This summer, all women are invited to “gather at a table” in the comfort of nearby homes. Come and be nourished with simple food, fellowship, faith stories, scripture, and prayer. Each gather-ing will meet four times. Neighborhood locations, days and times and sign-ups are available at table in the narthex. Questions? Contact Director of Women’s Ministry, Sara Keiper at [email protected] or 610-639-9427.

Summer Sundays at Proclamation

Sunday School classes for Kindergarten through Senior High will resume on September 10. Child-care for infants and toddlers is available during the worship service. Two three-week classes for adults will be offered—one in July and one in August. See flyer on the narthex table for complete descriptions of the classes.

July 16, 23 & 30 Teacher: Jon Christman From Pilgrims to Pariahs: Religious Freedom in a Post-Christian Nation August 6, 13, and 20 Teacher: Dr. Ryan Kelly Sing with Understanding: The History of Post-Reformation Hymn Singing

Sunday morning Prayer Time for Our Church will take place at 9:00 a.m. from July 16 to August 20. Fellowship Time will remain at 10:30 a.m. in the Main Lobby. Worship services will be at the usual times – 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (Prayer Service on the 1st Sunday of the month)

CityTeam—Food items needed this month

Would you add one or more of the following items to your grocery list this week for CityTeam? There is a need this month for: baby food (Stages 1 & 2), mac & cheese, canned tuna, peanut but-ter & jelly, soups, canned beans (kidney, black & lima), pasta & pasta sauce, ground coffee and laundry detergent. Bring the item(s) to our Donations Room. Thank you! Note: There’s a handy grocery list on the narthex table to keep on hand.

Page 10: PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHJul 09, 2017  · PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Worship — 11 a.m. July 9, 2017 JEREMIAH 23:1-29 Is Not My Word Like Fire? Mr. Joshua Jacobs


Prayer Needs

Our Church Family

Jeffrey & Barbara Firges, Bob & Ginnie Fleming, Ford family, Joe & Debbie Formica, Tom Foun-tain, Gail Fraser, Mike & Lynne Frey

Those Serving in the Military

Andrew Fijan—Fort Benning, GA, Elizabeth Josephson – Fort Bragg, NC, Rob Martin—VA, Peter Mitchell—Oklahoma, Mark Daniel Mitchell—Tennessee, Tim Wik—Pittsburgh

Mike and Julie Sulc, Life to Life Africa

Thank you for the prayer support over the past month! We certainly felt God's hand with us. It was my longest trip yet to Zimbabwe as I ministered with the ISU Navigators team for three weeks and then had the privilege to minister with my family for two weeks.

God richly blessed our efforts as we witnessed students praying to receive Christ, believers en-couraged in their relationships with Christ, and young people challenged to labor for Christ. Pre-school children were loved, while young adults were trained in carpentry as well as in how to compost and grow vegetables. Corn was harvested the old fashioned way -- by hand. We are glad to report that the families we serve harvested enough to last them for four months. Thank you for praying for rain this past season. God certainly provided much needed rain.

My daughters, Johanna & Micaela, heard testimonies of God's faithfulness in the midst of chal-lenging circumstances from our LTLA team. They also taught the pre-school children some new songs as well as teaching the OT & NT books of the Bible songs for the high school group. My wife, Julie, joined them in painting one of the new rooms in the Life Discipleship Center. She led the Women of Hope group in looking at El Roi, the God who sees, in the story of Hagar. With our LTLA team, Julie shared what she has been learning related to racial reconciliation, which was followed by a special time of prayer for healing. We believe this time together was a result of your prayers related to Isaiah 58:6-12.

Our trip ended with our family spending several days in Victoria Falls with Arthur & Mildred Nhau and their children, Donnell & Daisy. They lead the LTLA ministry in Chinhoyi. It was a great experience to get time away to deepen our relationships with one another as we witnessed the beauty of God's creation. As David Livingstone said when he witnessed Mosi-oa-tunya ("the smoke that thunders"), as Victoria Falls was called, "Scenes so lovely must be gazed upon by an-gels in their flight." We certainly marveled at the sight of not only the spectacular water falls but also the amazing diversity of the animals we saw in the wild. God, the creator and restorer of it all, is awesome!

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We are always happy to have you with us and to enjoy your fellowship. If you have questions, please feel free to speak with one of our pastors or one of our elders. To help us learn how we might serve you, please fill out the Visitor Card in the pew back and drop it in the offering basket or leave it at the Welcome Desk.

Families with Young Children Children are a gift to the Church and are warmly welcome at Proclamation. Before worship on Sundays, children of all ages are invited to attend graded Sunday School classes from 9:30-10:30 a.m. They may also recite their suggested memory verses, catechism questions, and hymns at 9:20 before classes begin. Classroom assignments are posted in the Education Wing. Nursery is availa-ble during the Sunday School hour for infants and toddlers.

We welcome even the littlest ones in our worship services. We know children’s needs vary by fam-ily and age, so we offer nursery during morning worship for children up to 2 years old. We have a “nursing/cry room” at the rear of the sanctuary for parents who need to attend to active infants, and we have screens showing the service in the slate hallway. While we encourage children to at-tend all of worship, we also offer the opportunity for children ages 4-7 years old to be dismissed mid-service for a children’s worship time led by our Christian Education Director, Dave Money-maker.

Pink Prayer Request Forms Proclamation's staff and elders are happy to lift your concerns and praises to the Lord in their prayers. Please note that the pink prayer request forms have been moved from the pew backs to the narthex table. You can place your completed form in the box on the table, place it in the offer-ing plate or hand it to one of our deacons. You are also welcome to contact Pam in the church office by phone or e-mail and she will convey your message to the staff and elders.

Recordings Audio CD or DVD recordings of today’s sermon and adult Sunday School classes are available for a small donation ($3/$5). You may order at the media table located in the Resource Room (across from the Parlor) immediately following the 11 am service, and pick up two weeks later (usually). If you desire a recording from a prior week, use the order forms that are available on the table.

Today’s sermon message will be available for playback online starting tomorrow at the church website You can find the sermon under “Sermons” on the homepage. For more recordings, click on “Sermons & Talks” under the “Media” heading in the main menu.

Staff on Call: Today—Dave Moneymaker (610-687-8692)

Job Postings

Please see the bulletin board in the 1st floor hallway in the Education Building for various job post-ings.

Visiting with Us Today?

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9:30am Korean Worship Service 9:30am VBS Teacher Orientation 10:00am Prayer for the Church 10:30am Fellowship Time 10:55am Announcements/Sanctuary 11:00am Morning Worship 12:30pm New Member Reception 6:00pm Evening Worship Monday

7:00pm Diaconate Meeting


10:00am Staff Prayer/ Meeting

7:30pm Women’s Summer Gathering


7:00pm Missions Committee Meeting

This Week at Proclamation

Saturday 9:00am VBS Classroom Decorating

Next Sunday— July 16

Adult Sunday School Class— 9:30 a.m. in Room 243/245

Morning Worship: Jeremy Johnson’s message will be “The Full Assurance of Faith” (Hebrews 10:19-25)

Evening Worship: Ken Wendland’s message will be from Titus 2:3-5

Upcoming Events

7/17-21 Upward Bound Vacation Bible School

9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.; July 21, 9:00 a.m.—1:30 p.m.

7/24-28 Japanese Vacation Bible School

9:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m.

7/25 & 8/24 Moms Uplifing Moms (MUMs)

9:30—11:30 a.m., Home of Julianna Bowman

8/6 Pizza after Prayer

7:00 pm—Church Lawn

8/26 All Church Picnic

Garrett-Williamson Estate, Newtown Square

3:00 p.m.