proceso de trabajo final

Manual preparatorio TALLER: “Control de Calidad, Homogenización y Metadata” Perú, Lima 30 de Junio al 03 de Julio del 2015 1. CONTROL DE CALIDAD Software: R Versión: 2.15.2 Paquetes a Instalar: - Knitr - Markdown - MASS - lmomco Script: andesqc_v3.4.R 2. HOMOGENIZACIÓN Software: R Versión Versión: 2.15.0 Paquetes a Instalar: - maps - mapproj - (Se instalará durante la clase, la versión disponible en la web presenta algunos errores) Script: HOMER.R DDDD

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Post on 05-Feb-2016




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Page 1: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Manual preparatorio

TALLER: “Control de Calidad, Homogenización y Metadata”Perú, Lima 30 de Junio al 03 de Julio del 2015


Software: RVersión: 2.15.2Paquetes a Instalar:

- Knitr- Markdown- MASS- lmomco

Script: andesqc_v3.4.R


Software: R Versión Versión: 2.15.0Paquetes a Instalar:

- maps- mapproj- (Se instalará durante la clase, la versión disponible en

la web presenta algunos errores)Script: HOMER.R


Page 2: Proceso de Trabajo Final


1.- Instalación de RAcceder a la página: y seleccionar download R.

Escoger un mirror (por ejemplo Argentina o Chile)

Escoger para Windows

Page 3: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Seleccionar “base” y posteriormente “Download R 2.15.0 (HOMER) y R 2.15.2 (ANDESQC) for Windows” (también operativo desde este link)

2.- Instalación de paquetes requeridos.

Se deben instalar los siguientes paquetes:psychMASSsqldfDBIRSQLiteRSQLite.extfunsgsubfnprotochron mapsmapdatastats (puede venir ya incorporado de base)clustertkrplot

Para ello, acceder a R a través del icono creado en el escritorio

En la pestaña Packages, seleccionar la opción install packages

Seleccionar un mirror (Argentina, Chile, ...) y escoger el package deseado de la lista:

Page 4: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Repetir el proceso con todos los packages requeridos.



Se trabajarán con datos diarios de precipitación, temperatura máxima y temperatura mínima, considerando las series con mayor cantidad de años de preferencia mayor a 30 años.

Considerar de 6 o 8 estaciones meteorológicas todas ubicadas en una zona que comparta similares características climáticas.


Se crearán tres archivos: 1. Que contenga los datos meteorológicos, 2. Que contenga la lista de estaciones a ejecutar y 3. Que contenga la información de latitud, longitud y altitud de cada una de las estaciones meteorológicas. Todos los archivos con extensión .txt.

B.1) Formato para el control de calidad de DATOS: Cada estación debe tener la estructura siguiente:

raXXXXXXXX.txt , donde:ra= distintivo de información primaria u original

Page 5: Proceso de Trabajo Final

XXXXXXXX= código de estación, si no ocupa los 8 caracteres completar con ceros (0), ejemplo ra00000647.txt

Los datos estarán dispuestos en el siguiente formato:

También se deberá tener un archivo en .txt que reúna a todas las estaciones que se analizaran, como se muestra a continuación, y tendrá el nombre de estaciones.txt

B.2) Formato para la homogenización de ESTACIONES:


-99.9 NO DATA

Identificación de cada estación

Page 6: Proceso de Trabajo Final


Archivo de datos de cada estación meteorológica.

Latitud en grados, minutos

y segundos.

Negativo por ubicarnos en el Hemisferio Sur

Longitud en grados, minutos

y segundos.

Negativo por ubicarnos en el Hemisferio Sur

Altitud de la

estación (msnm)

Nombre de la estación

meteorológica SIN TILDES Y USO DE


Page 7: Proceso de Trabajo Final

R><Andesqc_v3.5.R3.- VINCULAR CON EL DIRECTORIO DE ARCHIVOS <ARCHIVO><CambiarDir><Vincular con la carpeta de archivos >4.- >QC()

[1] Opción de lenguaje / Laguage option: 1- English; 2-Español

2[1] Introduce el nombre del fichero de estaciones. Este fichero y los de datos deben estar en el directorio de trabajoestaciones.txt[1] Quieres reemplazar códigos especiales conocidos y distintos a -99.9? 1 = SI; 2 = NO

2[1] Computar correlaciones? Tomará 5 minutos adicionales. Sólo puedes saltarte el paso si ya las has calculado[1] 1 = SI; 0 = NO

1[1] Entra el primer año del perÃodo de referencia para calcular correlaciones

1971[1] Entra el ultimo año del perÃodo de referencia para calcular correlaciones

2000[1] Selecciona nivel QC: 1.- Duro (reduce falsos positivos); 2.- Medio; 3.- Suave (reduce falsos negativos)[1] Para valores definidos por el usuario, entra 4 para salir y parametriza la función qclist()

2[1] Entra nivel corrección: 1.- Sólo errores; 2.- más espacialmente confirmados; 3.- más saltos y outliers; 4.- todo lo etiquedato

1[1] Los valores corregidos apareceran en el fichero controlado de calidad codificados como -88.8 [1] ¿Quieres calcular valores mensuales y preparar ficheros de estación en formato HOMER?. 1 = SI; 2 = NO

1[1] Entra el nombre del fichero de estaciones diariasestaciones.txt[1] Entra el porcentaje máximo de datos perdidos para calcular un mes

5[1] Entra el primer año a incluir en el fichero

1971[1] Entra el último año a incluir en el fichero


Page 8: Proceso de Trabajo Final


Page 9: Proceso de Trabajo Final
Page 10: Proceso de Trabajo Final
Page 11: Proceso de Trabajo Final

HOMOGENIZACION1.- CARGAR LOS ARCHIVOS ZIP EN EL ENTORNO DE R < PAQUETES><Instalar paquetes (s) a partir de archivos zip locales <> <> <>

CONTROL DE CALIDAD1. 22. tmin3. TMIN4. C5. Type: ENTER6. Graphic output: ENTER7. Interative option: ENTER8. Intercomparison Neightbor: c ENTER9. Ingrese la correlacion minima: 0.9910. Minimum number of neighbours: 511. Seson comparison option for pairwiseSeason option:112. Option for series visualization: n ENTER13. SMOTING OPTION ENTER14. Poligon fill : ENTER15. ENTER16. Your choice:f17. Raw/qc retur or corrected(c : ENTER18. ENTRAR A LA CARPETA META: 19. CORRIGIENDO VALORES20. O ENTER21. ENTER22. ENTER23. ENTER24. 1924 ENTER25. 02 ENTER26. ENTER27. ENTER28. YOUR OPTION : R ENTER ( REMOVER EL OUTLIER29. ENTER30. YOUR OPTION: f31.


Page 12: Proceso de Trabajo Final


DETECCION CONJUNTA1.-YOUR OPTION : j2.- click derecho parar

CORREGIR LAS EDICIONESYOUR OPTION: c <ENTER>Las líneas snegras se ponene celestes




CONVERSION DE DATOS DIARIOS A MENSUALEN R DIGITAR> makemonthly(minyear=1964,maxyear2010,percent=5)

HOMER_2015Carpeta [ DATOS DIARIOS]Utiles RHOMER R2 ( Tmax )qctxtmaxcAditivo (ENTER)PDF ( ENTER)

Page 13: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Intercomparison type_: ENTERSeason comparison option Season option : Intercomparison type:cMinimun correlation r :

EJEMPLO PRACTICONetwork number (ref station file) : 2 Header of input files (ex: ratx, qcrr) : qctx Parameter name (for graphic outputs) : tmx Unit for graphic outputs (c for celsius) : c

Parameter type Physical parameters (Temperature, Pressure, ...) => Additive correction : additive (return) Cumulative parameters (Rainfall, Sunshine Duration, ...) => Multiplicative correction : log ratio (log) or ratio (r) comparisons Type :

Graphic outputs pdf (return), postscript (ps), svg (svg), png (png) Output option :

Interactive option Yes (return) or no (n) Interactive option :

Intercomparison Neighbourhood All series (return), geographic (g) or correlation (c) distance Intercomparison type : c Minimum correlation r : 0.99 !! Warning, next parameter !! superseeds r.min or d.max Minimum number of neighbours : 7

Season comparison option for pairwise detection Annual+seasons (return), annual (a) or monthly (m) Season option :

Options for series visualization Linear trend? yes (return)/n : Smoothing option? yes (return)/n :

Page 14: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Polygon fill? yes (return)/n : return for red/blue gy=green/yellow.. :


What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : f raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : o 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.641 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.575 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.353 SATIPO 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO=====================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.641 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA

Page 15: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.117 HUAYAO 00000541 HUAYAO=====================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.414 SATIPO00000783 0.360 TARMA00000503 0.117 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000542 JAUJA=====================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000549 LA_QUINUA=====================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA=====================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO

Page 16: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000779 SATIPO=====================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.414 HUAYAO00000441 0.353 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA 00000783 TARMA=====================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.575 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.360 HUAYAO

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q

Page 17: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Your choice :

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : 1965

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q

Page 18: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Your choice : o raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files :

! hint: entering 13 when month is asked forces all months of corresponding year as outliers

00000441 ACOBAMBA =========================================

New date (return to quit) : 1965 Month (13 for whole year) : 09

New date (return to quit) :

00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000541 HUAYAO =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000542 JAUJA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000549 LA_QUINUA =========================================

Page 19: Proceso de Trabajo Final

New date (return to quit) :

00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000779 SATIPO =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000783 TARMA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q

Page 20: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Your choice : f raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.641 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.575 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.353 SATIPO Error en pdf(file, paper = "special", height = he, width = wi) : cannot open file 'meta/control_qctx00000441.pdf'>

Correlaciones ( distancia estadistica ) “c”qc diario (-99.9) qc mensual (-999.9)

FAST QC:“f” “o” “r” “f”


“d” “j” “c” “m” ( Se recomienda hacer este cicclo máximo 3 veces )

R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) -- "Trick or Treat"Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation for Statistical ComputingISBN 3-900051-07-0Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

R es un software libre y viene sin GARANTIA ALGUNA.Usted puede redistribuirlo bajo ciertas circunstancias.Escriba 'license()' o 'licence()' para detalles de distribucion.

R es un proyecto colaborativo con muchos contribuyentes.Escriba 'contributors()' para obtener más información y'citation()' para saber cómo citar R o paquetes de R en publicaciones.

Page 21: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Escriba 'demo()' para demostraciones, 'help()' para el sistema on-line de ayuda,o 'help.start()' para abrir el sistema de ayuda HTML con su navegador.Escriba 'q()' para salir de R.

> utils:::menuInstallLocal()package ‘mapproj’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked> utils:::menuInstallLocal()package ‘cghseg’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked> utils:::menuInstallLocal()package ‘maps’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked> source("C:\\HOME_2015\\HOMER.R")Loading required package: mapsLoading required package: mapproj ____________________ ___ _____ . /,-Y ~-. l.Y ^. /\ _\_ i ___/ \ | / \ o ! l ] o !__./ _ _ \.___./ ~\ X \/ \ ___./ ( \ ___. _..--~~/ ~`-. DOH! ` Z,-- / \ \__. ( / ______) \ l /-----~~ / Y \ / | x______.^ | \ j Y


____________________ Dataset parameters Network number (ref station file) : 2 Header of input files (ex: ratx, qcrr) : qctx Parameter name (for graphic outputs) : TMX

Page 22: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Unit for graphic outputs (c for celsius) : C

Parameter type Physical parameters (Temperature, Pressure, ...) => Additive correction : additive (return) Cumulative parameters (Rainfall, Sunshine Duration, ...) => Multiplicative correction : log ratio (log) or ratio (r) comparisons Type :

Graphic outputs pdf (return), postscript (ps), svg (svg), png (png) Output option :

Interactive option Yes (return) or no (n) Interactive option : Error en mapproject(x = lon.station, y = lat.station, proj = "lambert", : NA/NaN/Inf en llamada a una función externa (arg 4)Además: Mensajes de aviso perdidos1: package ‘maps’ was built under R version 3.0.1 2: package ‘mapproj’ was built under R version 3.0.1 3: In dir.create("ra") : 'ra' already exists> source("C:\\HOME_2015\\DATOS DIARIOS\\HOMER.R") ____________________ ___ _____ . /,-Y ~-. l.Y ^. /\ _\_ i ___/ \ | / \ o ! l ] o !__./ _ _ \.___./ ~\ X \/ \ ___./ ( \ ___. _..--~~/ ~`-. DOH! ` Z,-- / \ \__. ( / ______) \ l /-----~~ / Y \ / | x______.^ | \ j Y


Page 23: Proceso de Trabajo Final

____________________ Dataset parameters Network number (ref station file) : 2 Header of input files (ex: ratx, qcrr) : qctx Parameter name (for graphic outputs) : tmx Unit for graphic outputs (c for celsius) : c

Parameter type Physical parameters (Temperature, Pressure, ...) => Additive correction : additive (return) Cumulative parameters (Rainfall, Sunshine Duration, ...) => Multiplicative correction : log ratio (log) or ratio (r) comparisons Type :

Graphic outputs pdf (return), postscript (ps), svg (svg), png (png) Output option :

Interactive option Yes (return) or no (n) Interactive option : Error en mapproject(x = lon.station, y = lat.station, proj = "lambert", : NA/NaN/Inf en llamada a una función externa (arg 4)> source("C:\\HOME_2015\\utiles.R")> makemonthly(minyear=1964,maxyear=2010,percent=5)Error en `[.data.frame`(dstations, , 2:9) : undefined columns selected> source("C:\\HOME_2015\\DATOS DIARIOS\\utiles.R")> makemonthly(minyear=1964,maxyear=2010,percent=5)Error en `[.data.frame`(dstations, , 2:9) : undefined columns selected> source("C:\\HOME_2015\\DATOS DIARIOS\\utiles.R")> makemonthly(minyear=1964,maxyear=2010,percent=5)Error en `[.data.frame`(dstations, , 2:9) : undefined columns selected> source("C:\\HOME_2015\\DATOS DIARIOS\\utiles.R")> makemonthly(minyear=1964,maxyear=2010,percent=5)[1] Station files are: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V91 qc00000441.txt -12 50 37 -74 33 41 3423 ACOBAMBA2 qc00000503.txt -10 41 36 -76 15 15 4365 CERRO_DE_PASCO3 qc00000541.txt -12 2 24 -75 19 13 3328 HUAYAO4 qc00000542.txt -11 47 3 -75 28 28 3378 JAUJA

Page 24: Proceso de Trabajo Final

5 qc00000549.txt -13 3 19 -74 8 29 3122 LA_QUINUA6 qc00000764.txt -11 8 43 -74 18 25 336 PUERTO_OCOPA7 qc00000779.txt -11 13 28 -74 36 31 590 SATIPO8 qc00000783.txt -11 23 48 -75 41 23 3034 TARMA[1] [1] Working on qc00000441.txt[1] Working on qc00000503.txt[1] Working on qc00000541.txt[1] Working on qc00000542.txt[1] Working on qc00000549.txt[1] Working on qc00000764.txt[1] Working on qc00000779.txt[1] Working on qc00000783.txt> source("C:\\HOME_2015\\DATOS DIARIOS\\HOMER.R") ____________________ ___ _____ . /,-Y ~-. l.Y ^. /\ _\_ i ___/ \ | / \ o ! l ] o !__./ _ _ \.___./ ~\ X \/ \ ___./ ( \ ___. _..--~~/ ~`-. DOH! ` Z,-- / \ \__. ( / ______) \ l /-----~~ / Y \ / | x______.^ | \ j Y


____________________ Dataset parameters Network number (ref station file) : 2 Header of input files (ex: ratx, qcrr) : qctx

Page 25: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Parameter name (for graphic outputs) : tmx Unit for graphic outputs (c for celsius) : c

Parameter type Physical parameters (Temperature, Pressure, ...) => Additive correction : additive (return) Cumulative parameters (Rainfall, Sunshine Duration, ...) => Multiplicative correction : log ratio (log) or ratio (r) comparisons Type :

Graphic outputs pdf (return), postscript (ps), svg (svg), png (png) Output option :

Interactive option Yes (return) or no (n) Interactive option :

Intercomparison Neighbourhood All series (return), geographic (g) or correlation (c) distance Intercomparison type : c Minimum correlation r : 0.99 !! Warning, next parameter !! superseeds r.min or d.max Minimum number of neighbours : 7

Season comparison option for pairwise detection Annual+seasons (return), annual (a) or monthly (m) Season option :

Options for series visualization Linear trend? yes (return)/n : Smoothing option? yes (return)/n : Polygon fill? yes (return)/n : return for red/blue gy=green/yellow.. :


What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o

Page 26: Proceso de Trabajo Final

-> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : f raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : o 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.641 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.575 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.353 SATIPO 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO=====================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.641 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.117 HUAYAO 00000541 HUAYAO=====================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.414 SATIPO

Page 27: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000783 0.360 TARMA00000503 0.117 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000542 JAUJA=====================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000549 LA_QUINUA=====================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA=====================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000779 SATIPO=====================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.414 HUAYAO00000441 0.353 ACOBAMBA

Page 28: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000542 0.250 JAUJA 00000783 TARMA=====================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.575 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.360 HUAYAO

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice :

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

Page 29: Proceso de Trabajo Final

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : 1965

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : o raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files :

! hint: entering 13 when month is asked forces all months of corresponding year as outliers

Page 30: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000441 ACOBAMBA =========================================

New date (return to quit) : 1965 Month (13 for whole year) : 09

New date (return to quit) :

00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000541 HUAYAO =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000542 JAUJA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000549 LA_QUINUA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

Page 31: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000779 SATIPO =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000783 TARMA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : f raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.641 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.575 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.353 SATIPO

Page 32: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Error en pdf(file, paper = "special", height = he, width = wi) : cannot open file 'meta/control_qctx00000441.pdf'> > source("C:\\HOME_2015\\DATOS DIARIOS\\HOMER.R") ____________________ ___ _____ . /,-Y ~-. l.Y ^. /\ _\_ i ___/ \ | / \ o ! l ] o !__./ _ _ \.___./ ~\ X \/ \ ___./ ( \ ___. _..--~~/ ~`-. DOH! ` Z,-- / \ \__. ( / ______) \ l /-----~~ / Y \ / | x______.^ | \ j Y


____________________ Dataset parameters Network number (ref station file) : 2 Header of input files (ex: ratx, qcrr) : qctx Parameter name (for graphic outputs) : tmx Unit for graphic outputs (c for celsius) : c

Parameter type Physical parameters (Temperature, Pressure, ...) => Additive correction : additive (return) Cumulative parameters (Rainfall, Sunshine Duration, ...) => Multiplicative correction : log ratio (log) or ratio (r) comparisons Type :

Page 33: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Graphic outputs pdf (return), postscript (ps), svg (svg), png (png) Output option :

Interactive option Yes (return) or no (n) Interactive option :

Intercomparison Neighbourhood All series (return), geographic (g) or correlation (c) distance Intercomparison type : c Minimum correlation r : 0.99 !! Warning, next parameter !! superseeds r.min or d.max Minimum number of neighbours : 7

Season comparison option for pairwise detection Annual+seasons (return), annual (a) or monthly (m) Season option :

Options for series visualization Linear trend? yes (return)/n : Smoothing option? yes (return)/n : Polygon fill? yes (return)/n : return for red/blue gy=green/yellow.. :


What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h

Page 34: Proceso de Trabajo Final

-> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : f raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : o 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.641 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.575 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.353 SATIPO 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO=====================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.641 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.117 HUAYAO 00000541 HUAYAO=====================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.414 SATIPO00000783 0.360 TARMA00000503 0.117 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000542 JAUJA=====================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA

Page 35: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000549 LA_QUINUA=====================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA=====================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000779 SATIPO=====================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.414 HUAYAO00000441 0.353 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA 00000783 TARMA=====================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.575 ACOBAMBA

Page 36: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.360 HUAYAO

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : 1965

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e

Page 37: Proceso de Trabajo Final

-> Quit? type q Your choice : o raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files :

! hint: entering 13 when month is asked forces all months of corresponding year as outliers

00000441 ACOBAMBA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000541 HUAYAO =========================================

New date (return to quit) : 1965 Month (13 for whole year) : 09

New date (return to quit) :

00000542 JAUJA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

Page 38: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000549 LA_QUINUA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000779 SATIPO =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000783 TARMA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e

Page 39: Proceso de Trabajo Final

-> Quit? type q Your choice : d raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : j Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA ===========================================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.641 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.575 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.353 SATIPO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO ===========================================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.641 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.117 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO ===========================================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA

Page 40: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.414 SATIPO00000783 0.360 TARMA00000503 0.117 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000542 JAUJA ===========================================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA ===========================================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtClick on left button to see next detection

Page 41: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA ===========================================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000779 SATIPO ===========================================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.414 HUAYAO00000441 0.353 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA vs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000783 TARMA ===========================================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.575 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.360 HUAYAO Click on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA DJF===========================================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.641 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.575 TARMA

Page 42: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.353 SATIPO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO DJF===========================================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.641 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.117 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO DJF===========================================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.414 SATIPO00000783 0.360 TARMA00000503 0.117 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt

Page 43: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Detection: 00000542 JAUJA DJF===========================================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA DJF===========================================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA DJF===========================================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO DJF===========================================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA

Page 44: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.414 HUAYAO00000441 0.353 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA vs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA DJF===========================================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.575 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.360 HUAYAO Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA MAM===========================================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.641 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.575 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.353 SATIPO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO MAM===========================================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.641 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA

Page 45: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.117 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO MAM===========================================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.414 SATIPO00000783 0.360 TARMA00000503 0.117 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA MAM===========================================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA MAM===========================================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA

Page 46: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA MAM===========================================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO MAM===========================================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.414 HUAYAO00000441 0.353 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA vs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA MAM===========================================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.575 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.360 HUAYAO

Page 47: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA JJA===========================================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.641 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.575 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.353 SATIPO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO JJA===========================================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.641 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.117 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO JJA===========================================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.414 SATIPO00000783 0.360 TARMA00000503 0.117 CERRO_DE_PASCO

Page 48: Proceso de Trabajo Final

vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA JJA===========================================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA JJA===========================================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA JJA===========================================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO

Page 49: Proceso de Trabajo Final

vs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO JJA===========================================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.414 HUAYAO00000441 0.353 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA vs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA JJA===========================================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.575 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.360 HUAYAO Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA SON===========================================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.641 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.575 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.353 SATIPO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt

Page 50: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO SON===========================================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.641 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.117 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO SON===========================================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.414 SATIPO00000783 0.360 TARMA00000503 0.117 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA SON===========================================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txt

Page 51: Proceso de Trabajo Final

vs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA SON===========================================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA SON===========================================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO SON===========================================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.414 HUAYAO00000441 0.353 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA vs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA SON===========================================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA

Page 52: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.575 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.360 HUAYAO

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : r raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : cWarning: hotx000002outliers.txt does not exists

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c

Page 53: Proceso de Trabajo Final

-> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : r raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : Number of outliers removed: 2

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : o raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : c

! hint: entering 13 when month is asked forces all months of corresponding year as outliers

Error en file(file, "rt") : no se puede abrir la conexión> source("C:\\HOME_2015\\DATOS DIARIOS\\HOMER.R")

Page 54: Proceso de Trabajo Final

____________________ ___ _____ . /,-Y ~-. l.Y ^. /\ _\_ i ___/ \ | / \ o ! l ] o !__./ _ _ \.___./ ~\ X \/ \ ___./ ( \ ___. _..--~~/ ~`-. DOH! ` Z,-- / \ \__. ( / ______) \ l /-----~~ / Y \ / | x______.^ | \ j Y


____________________ Dataset parameters Network number (ref station file) : source("C:\\HOME_2015\\DATOS DIARIOS\\HOMER.R")

! sourcestations.txt does not exist: create it> source("C:\\HOME_2015\\DATOS DIARIOS\\HOMER.R") ____________________ ___ _____ . /,-Y ~-. l.Y ^. /\ _\_ i ___/ \ | / \ o ! l ] o !__./ _ _ \.___./ ~\ X \/ \ ___./

Page 55: Proceso de Trabajo Final

( \ ___. _..--~~/ ~`-. DOH! ` Z,-- / \ \__. ( / ______) \ l /-----~~ / Y \ / | x______.^ | \ j Y


____________________ Dataset parameters Network number (ref station file) : 2 Header of input files (ex: ratx, qcrr) : qctx Parameter name (for graphic outputs) : tmx Unit for graphic outputs (c for celsius) : c

Parameter type Physical parameters (Temperature, Pressure, ...) => Additive correction : additive (return) Cumulative parameters (Rainfall, Sunshine Duration, ...) => Multiplicative correction : log ratio (log) or ratio (r) comparisons Type :

Graphic outputs pdf (return), postscript (ps), svg (svg), png (png) Output option :

Interactive option Yes (return) or no (n) Interactive option :

Intercomparison Neighbourhood All series (return), geographic (g) or correlation (c) distance Intercomparison type : c Minimum correlation r : 0.99 !! Warning, next parameter !! superseeds r.min or d.max Minimum number of neighbours : 7

Page 56: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Season comparison option for pairwise detection Annual+seasons (return), annual (a) or monthly (m) Season option :

Options for series visualization Linear trend? yes (return)/n : Smoothing option? yes (return)/n : Polygon fill? yes (return)/n : return for red/blue gy=green/yellow.. :


What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : f raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : o 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.578 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.355 SATIPO

Page 57: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO=====================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.649 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.122 HUAYAO 00000541 HUAYAO=====================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.420 SATIPO00000783 0.369 TARMA00000503 0.122 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000542 JAUJA=====================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000549 LA_QUINUA=====================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO

Page 58: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA=====================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000779 SATIPO=====================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.420 HUAYAO00000441 0.355 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA 00000783 TARMA=====================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.578 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.369 HUAYAO

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d

Page 59: Proceso de Trabajo Final

-> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice :

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice :

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j

Page 60: Proceso de Trabajo Final

-> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : 1965

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : o raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files :

! hint: entering 13 when month is asked forces all months of corresponding year as outliers

00000441 ACOBAMBA =========================================

Page 61: Proceso de Trabajo Final

New date (return to quit) : 1965 Month (13 for whole year) : 09

New date (return to quit) :

00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000541 HUAYAO =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000542 JAUJA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000549 LA_QUINUA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

00000779 SATIPO =========================================

Page 62: Proceso de Trabajo Final

New date (return to quit) :

00000783 TARMA =========================================

New date (return to quit) :

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : f raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.578 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.355 SATIPO 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO

Page 63: Proceso de Trabajo Final

=====================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.649 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.122 HUAYAO 00000541 HUAYAO=====================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.420 SATIPO00000783 0.369 TARMA00000503 0.122 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000542 JAUJA=====================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000549 LA_QUINUA=====================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA=====================================

Page 64: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000779 SATIPO=====================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.420 HUAYAO00000441 0.355 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA 00000783 TARMA=====================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.578 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.369 HUAYAO

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v

Page 65: Proceso de Trabajo Final

-> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : d raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : j Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA ===========================================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.578 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.355 SATIPO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO ===========================================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.649 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.122 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txtClick on left button to see next detection

Page 66: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO ===========================================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.420 SATIPO00000783 0.369 TARMA00000503 0.122 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000542 JAUJA ===========================================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA ===========================================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000764d.txt

Page 67: Proceso de Trabajo Final

vs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA ===========================================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000779 SATIPO ===========================================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.420 HUAYAO00000441 0.355 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA vs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000783 TARMA ===========================================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.578 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.369 HUAYAO Click on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA DJF===========================================================

Page 68: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.578 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.355 SATIPO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO DJF===========================================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.649 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.122 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO DJF===========================================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.420 SATIPO00000783 0.369 TARMA00000503 0.122 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txt

Page 69: Proceso de Trabajo Final

vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA DJF===========================================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA DJF===========================================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA DJF===========================================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt

Page 70: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Detection: 00000779 SATIPO DJF===========================================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.420 HUAYAO00000441 0.355 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA vs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA DJF===========================================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.578 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.369 HUAYAO Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA MAM===========================================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.578 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.355 SATIPO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO MAM===========================================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA

Page 71: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000441 0.649 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.122 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO MAM===========================================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.420 SATIPO00000783 0.369 TARMA00000503 0.122 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA MAM===========================================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt

Page 72: Proceso de Trabajo Final

Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA MAM===========================================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA MAM===========================================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO MAM===========================================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.420 HUAYAO00000441 0.355 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA vs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA MAM===========================================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.578 ACOBAMBA

Page 73: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.369 HUAYAO Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA JJA===========================================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.578 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.355 SATIPO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO JJA===========================================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.649 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.122 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO JJA===========================================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA

Page 74: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.420 SATIPO00000783 0.369 TARMA00000503 0.122 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA JJA===========================================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA JJA===========================================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA JJA===========================================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA

Page 75: Proceso de Trabajo Final

00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO JJA===========================================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.420 HUAYAO00000441 0.355 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA vs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA JJA===========================================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.578 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.369 HUAYAO Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA SON===========================================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.578 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.355 SATIPO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt

Page 76: Proceso de Trabajo Final

vs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO SON===========================================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.649 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.122 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO SON===========================================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.420 SATIPO00000783 0.369 TARMA00000503 0.122 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA SON===========================================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO

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00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA SON===========================================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO vs qc/qctxm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA SON===========================================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO vs qc/qctxm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO SON===========================================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.420 HUAYAO00000441 0.355 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA vs qc/qctxm00000783d.txt

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Detection: 00000783 TARMA SON===========================================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.578 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.369 HUAYAO

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : j raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.578 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.355 SATIPO

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00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO=====================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.649 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.122 HUAYAO 00000541 HUAYAO=====================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.420 SATIPO00000783 0.369 TARMA00000503 0.122 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000542 JAUJA=====================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000549 LA_QUINUA=====================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO

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00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA=====================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO 00000779 SATIPO=====================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.420 HUAYAO00000441 0.355 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA 00000783 TARMA=====================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.578 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.369 HUAYAO

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j

Page 81: Proceso de Trabajo Final

-> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : c Correction of: 00000441 ACOBAMBA==============================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.578 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.355 SATIPO Correction of: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO==============================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.649 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.122 HUAYAO Correction of: 00000541 HUAYAO==============================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.420 SATIPO00000783 0.369 TARMA00000503 0.122 CERRO_DE_PASCO Correction of: 00000542 JAUJA==============================================

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00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO Correction of: 00000549 LA_QUINUA==============================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO Correction of: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA==============================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO Correction of: 00000779 SATIPO==============================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.420 HUAYAO00000441 0.355 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA Correction of: 00000783 TARMA==============================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA

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00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.578 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.369 HUAYAO

Running Pairwise detection on corrected series============================================== Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA ===========================================================00000542 0.663 JAUJA00000503 0.622 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.608 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.598 SATIPO00000783 0.580 TARMA00000764 0.571 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.496 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO ===========================================================00000783 0.624 TARMA00000441 0.622 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.610 SATIPO00000764 0.598 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.580 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.567 HUAYAO00000542 0.528 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt

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vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO ===========================================================00000783 0.605 TARMA00000764 0.589 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.567 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.546 SATIPO00000549 0.531 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.496 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.328 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000542 JAUJA ===========================================================00000441 0.663 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.599 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.567 TARMA00000779 0.547 SATIPO00000503 0.528 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000764 0.508 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.328 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA ===========================================================00000783 0.729 TARMA00000779 0.718 SATIPO00000764 0.685 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.608 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.599 JAUJA

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00000503 0.580 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.531 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA ===========================================================00000779 0.832 SATIPO00000783 0.793 TARMA00000549 0.685 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.598 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.589 HUAYAO00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.508 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000779 SATIPO ===========================================================00000783 0.838 TARMA00000764 0.832 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.718 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.610 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.598 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.547 JAUJA00000541 0.546 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000783 TARMA ===========================================================00000779 0.838 SATIPO00000764 0.793 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.729 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.624 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.605 HUAYAO00000441 0.580 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.567 JAUJA

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Click on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA DJF===========================================================00000542 0.663 JAUJA00000503 0.622 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.608 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.598 SATIPO00000783 0.580 TARMA00000764 0.571 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.496 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO DJF===========================================================00000783 0.624 TARMA00000441 0.622 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.610 SATIPO00000764 0.598 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.580 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.567 HUAYAO00000542 0.528 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO DJF===========================================================00000783 0.605 TARMA00000764 0.589 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.567 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.546 SATIPO00000549 0.531 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.496 ACOBAMBA

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00000542 0.328 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA DJF===========================================================00000441 0.663 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.599 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.567 TARMA00000779 0.547 SATIPO00000503 0.528 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000764 0.508 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.328 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA DJF===========================================================00000783 0.729 TARMA00000779 0.718 SATIPO00000764 0.685 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.608 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.599 JAUJA00000503 0.580 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.531 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.832 SATIPO00000783 0.793 TARMA00000549 0.685 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.598 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.589 HUAYAO00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA

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00000542 0.508 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO DJF===========================================================00000783 0.838 TARMA00000764 0.832 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.718 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.610 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.598 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.547 JAUJA00000541 0.546 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.838 SATIPO00000764 0.793 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.729 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.624 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.605 HUAYAO00000441 0.580 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.567 JAUJA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA MAM===========================================================00000542 0.663 JAUJA00000503 0.622 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.608 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.598 SATIPO00000783 0.580 TARMA00000764 0.571 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.496 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt

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Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO MAM===========================================================00000783 0.624 TARMA00000441 0.622 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.610 SATIPO00000764 0.598 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.580 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.567 HUAYAO00000542 0.528 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO MAM===========================================================00000783 0.605 TARMA00000764 0.589 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.567 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.546 SATIPO00000549 0.531 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.496 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.328 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA MAM===========================================================00000441 0.663 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.599 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.567 TARMA00000779 0.547 SATIPO00000503 0.528 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000764 0.508 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.328 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txt

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vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA MAM===========================================================00000783 0.729 TARMA00000779 0.718 SATIPO00000764 0.685 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.608 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.599 JAUJA00000503 0.580 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.531 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA MAM===========================================================00000779 0.832 SATIPO00000783 0.793 TARMA00000549 0.685 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.598 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.589 HUAYAO00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.508 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO MAM===========================================================00000783 0.838 TARMA00000764 0.832 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.718 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.610 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.598 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.547 JAUJA00000541 0.546 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA MAM===========================================================

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00000779 0.838 SATIPO00000764 0.793 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.729 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.624 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.605 HUAYAO00000441 0.580 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.567 JAUJA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA JJA===========================================================00000542 0.663 JAUJA00000503 0.622 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.608 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.598 SATIPO00000783 0.580 TARMA00000764 0.571 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.496 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO JJA===========================================================00000783 0.624 TARMA00000441 0.622 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.610 SATIPO00000764 0.598 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.580 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.567 HUAYAO00000542 0.528 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO JJA

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===========================================================00000783 0.605 TARMA00000764 0.589 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.567 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.546 SATIPO00000549 0.531 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.496 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.328 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA JJA===========================================================00000441 0.663 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.599 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.567 TARMA00000779 0.547 SATIPO00000503 0.528 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000764 0.508 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.328 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA JJA===========================================================00000783 0.729 TARMA00000779 0.718 SATIPO00000764 0.685 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.608 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.599 JAUJA00000503 0.580 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.531 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA JJA

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===========================================================00000779 0.832 SATIPO00000783 0.793 TARMA00000549 0.685 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.598 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.589 HUAYAO00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.508 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO JJA===========================================================00000783 0.838 TARMA00000764 0.832 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.718 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.610 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.598 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.547 JAUJA00000541 0.546 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA JJA===========================================================00000779 0.838 SATIPO00000764 0.793 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.729 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.624 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.605 HUAYAO00000441 0.580 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.567 JAUJA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA SON===========================================================00000542 0.663 JAUJA00000503 0.622 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.608 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.598 SATIPO00000783 0.580 TARMA00000764 0.571 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.496 HUAYAO

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vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO SON===========================================================00000783 0.624 TARMA00000441 0.622 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.610 SATIPO00000764 0.598 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.580 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.567 HUAYAO00000542 0.528 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO SON===========================================================00000783 0.605 TARMA00000764 0.589 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.567 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.546 SATIPO00000549 0.531 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.496 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.328 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA SON===========================================================00000441 0.663 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.599 LA_QUINUA

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00000783 0.567 TARMA00000779 0.547 SATIPO00000503 0.528 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000764 0.508 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.328 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA SON===========================================================00000783 0.729 TARMA00000779 0.718 SATIPO00000764 0.685 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.608 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.599 JAUJA00000503 0.580 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.531 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA SON===========================================================00000779 0.832 SATIPO00000783 0.793 TARMA00000549 0.685 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.598 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.589 HUAYAO00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.508 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO SON===========================================================00000783 0.838 TARMA00000764 0.832 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.718 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.610 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.598 ACOBAMBA

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00000542 0.547 JAUJA00000541 0.546 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA SON===========================================================00000779 0.838 SATIPO00000764 0.793 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.729 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.624 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.605 HUAYAO00000441 0.580 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.567 JAUJA

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> ACMANT detection? type a -> Assess Month of change type m -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : c Correction of: 00000441 ACOBAMBA==============================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO

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00000783 0.578 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.355 SATIPO Correction of: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO==============================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.649 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.122 HUAYAO Correction of: 00000541 HUAYAO==============================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.420 SATIPO00000783 0.369 TARMA00000503 0.122 CERRO_DE_PASCO Correction of: 00000542 JAUJA==============================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO Correction of: 00000549 LA_QUINUA==============================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO

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00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO Correction of: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA==============================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO Correction of: 00000779 SATIPO==============================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.420 HUAYAO00000441 0.355 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA Correction of: 00000783 TARMA==============================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.578 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.369 HUAYAO

Running Pairwise detection on corrected series============================================== Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA ===========================================================

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00000542 0.663 JAUJA00000503 0.622 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.608 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.598 SATIPO00000783 0.580 TARMA00000764 0.571 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.496 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO ===========================================================00000783 0.624 TARMA00000441 0.622 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.610 SATIPO00000764 0.598 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.580 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.567 HUAYAO00000542 0.528 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO ===========================================================00000783 0.605 TARMA00000764 0.589 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.567 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.546 SATIPO00000549 0.531 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.496 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.328 JAUJA

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vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000542 JAUJA ===========================================================00000441 0.663 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.599 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.567 TARMA00000779 0.547 SATIPO00000503 0.528 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000764 0.508 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.328 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA ===========================================================00000783 0.729 TARMA00000779 0.718 SATIPO00000764 0.685 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.608 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.599 JAUJA00000503 0.580 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.531 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA ===========================================================00000779 0.832 SATIPO00000783 0.793 TARMA00000549 0.685 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.598 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.589 HUAYAO

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00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.508 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000779 SATIPO ===========================================================00000783 0.838 TARMA00000764 0.832 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.718 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.610 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.598 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.547 JAUJA00000541 0.546 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000783 TARMA ===========================================================00000779 0.838 SATIPO00000764 0.793 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.729 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.624 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.605 HUAYAO00000441 0.580 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.567 JAUJA Click on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA DJF===========================================================00000542 0.663 JAUJA00000503 0.622 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.608 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.598 SATIPO00000783 0.580 TARMA00000764 0.571 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.496 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txt

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vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO DJF===========================================================00000783 0.624 TARMA00000441 0.622 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.610 SATIPO00000764 0.598 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.580 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.567 HUAYAO00000542 0.528 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO DJF===========================================================00000783 0.605 TARMA00000764 0.589 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.567 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.546 SATIPO00000549 0.531 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.496 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.328 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA DJF===========================================================00000441 0.663 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.599 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.567 TARMA00000779 0.547 SATIPO00000503 0.528 CERRO_DE_PASCO

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00000764 0.508 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.328 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA DJF===========================================================00000783 0.729 TARMA00000779 0.718 SATIPO00000764 0.685 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.608 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.599 JAUJA00000503 0.580 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.531 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.832 SATIPO00000783 0.793 TARMA00000549 0.685 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.598 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.589 HUAYAO00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.508 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO DJF===========================================================00000783 0.838 TARMA00000764 0.832 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.718 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.610 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.598 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.547 JAUJA00000541 0.546 HUAYAO

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vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.838 SATIPO00000764 0.793 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.729 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.624 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.605 HUAYAO00000441 0.580 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.567 JAUJA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA MAM===========================================================00000542 0.663 JAUJA00000503 0.622 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.608 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.598 SATIPO00000783 0.580 TARMA00000764 0.571 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.496 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO MAM===========================================================00000783 0.624 TARMA00000441 0.622 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.610 SATIPO00000764 0.598 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.580 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.567 HUAYAO00000542 0.528 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txt

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vs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO MAM===========================================================00000783 0.605 TARMA00000764 0.589 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.567 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.546 SATIPO00000549 0.531 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.496 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.328 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA MAM===========================================================00000441 0.663 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.599 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.567 TARMA00000779 0.547 SATIPO00000503 0.528 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000764 0.508 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.328 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA MAM===========================================================00000783 0.729 TARMA00000779 0.718 SATIPO00000764 0.685 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.608 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.599 JAUJA00000503 0.580 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.531 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt

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vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA MAM===========================================================00000779 0.832 SATIPO00000783 0.793 TARMA00000549 0.685 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.598 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.589 HUAYAO00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.508 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO MAM===========================================================00000783 0.838 TARMA00000764 0.832 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.718 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.610 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.598 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.547 JAUJA00000541 0.546 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA MAM===========================================================00000779 0.838 SATIPO00000764 0.793 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.729 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.624 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.605 HUAYAO00000441 0.580 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.567 JAUJA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA JJA===========================================================00000542 0.663 JAUJA00000503 0.622 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.608 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.598 SATIPO

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00000783 0.580 TARMA00000764 0.571 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.496 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO JJA===========================================================00000783 0.624 TARMA00000441 0.622 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.610 SATIPO00000764 0.598 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.580 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.567 HUAYAO00000542 0.528 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO JJA===========================================================00000783 0.605 TARMA00000764 0.589 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.567 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.546 SATIPO00000549 0.531 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.496 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.328 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt

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Detection: 00000542 JAUJA JJA===========================================================00000441 0.663 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.599 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.567 TARMA00000779 0.547 SATIPO00000503 0.528 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000764 0.508 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.328 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA JJA===========================================================00000783 0.729 TARMA00000779 0.718 SATIPO00000764 0.685 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.608 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.599 JAUJA00000503 0.580 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.531 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA JJA===========================================================00000779 0.832 SATIPO00000783 0.793 TARMA00000549 0.685 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.598 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.589 HUAYAO00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.508 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO JJA===========================================================00000783 0.838 TARMA

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00000764 0.832 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.718 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.610 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.598 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.547 JAUJA00000541 0.546 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA JJA===========================================================00000779 0.838 SATIPO00000764 0.793 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.729 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.624 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.605 HUAYAO00000441 0.580 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.567 JAUJA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA SON===========================================================00000542 0.663 JAUJA00000503 0.622 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.608 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.598 SATIPO00000783 0.580 TARMA00000764 0.571 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.496 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO SON===========================================================00000783 0.624 TARMA00000441 0.622 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.610 SATIPO00000764 0.598 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.580 LA_QUINUA

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00000541 0.567 HUAYAO00000542 0.528 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO SON===========================================================00000783 0.605 TARMA00000764 0.589 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.567 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.546 SATIPO00000549 0.531 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.496 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.328 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA SON===========================================================00000441 0.663 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.599 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.567 TARMA00000779 0.547 SATIPO00000503 0.528 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000764 0.508 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.328 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA SON===========================================================00000783 0.729 TARMA00000779 0.718 SATIPO

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00000764 0.685 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.608 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.599 JAUJA00000503 0.580 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.531 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA SON===========================================================00000779 0.832 SATIPO00000783 0.793 TARMA00000549 0.685 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.598 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.589 HUAYAO00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.508 JAUJA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO SON===========================================================00000783 0.838 TARMA00000764 0.832 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.718 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.610 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.598 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.547 JAUJA00000541 0.546 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA SON===========================================================00000779 0.838 SATIPO00000764 0.793 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.729 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.624 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.605 HUAYAO00000441 0.580 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.567 JAUJA

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What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> ACMANT detection? type a -> Assess Month of change type m -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : m 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================1973/12->1974/5 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO===================================== 00000541 HUAYAO===================================== 00000542 JAUJA=====================================1986/12->1985/41992/12->1994/12 00000549 LA_QUINUA===================================== 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA

Page 113: Proceso de Trabajo Final

=====================================1995/12->1996/4 00000779 SATIPO===================================== 00000783 TARMA=====================================1997/12->1997/11

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> ACMANT detection? type a -> Assess Month of change type m -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : j raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : c 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================00000542 0.663 JAUJA00000503 0.622 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.608 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.598 SATIPO00000783 0.580 TARMA00000764 0.571 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.496 HUAYAO

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00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO=====================================00000783 0.624 TARMA00000441 0.622 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.610 SATIPO00000764 0.598 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.580 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.567 HUAYAO00000542 0.528 JAUJA 00000541 HUAYAO=====================================00000783 0.605 TARMA00000764 0.589 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.567 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.546 SATIPO00000549 0.531 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.496 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.328 JAUJA 00000542 JAUJA=====================================00000441 0.663 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.599 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.567 TARMA00000779 0.547 SATIPO00000503 0.528 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000764 0.508 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.328 HUAYAO 00000549 LA_QUINUA=====================================00000783 0.729 TARMA00000779 0.718 SATIPO00000764 0.685 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.608 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.599 JAUJA00000503 0.580 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.531 HUAYAO

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00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA=====================================00000779 0.832 SATIPO00000783 0.793 TARMA00000549 0.685 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.598 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.589 HUAYAO00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.508 JAUJA 00000779 SATIPO=====================================00000783 0.838 TARMA00000764 0.832 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.718 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.610 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.598 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.547 JAUJA00000541 0.546 HUAYAO 00000783 TARMA=====================================00000779 0.838 SATIPO00000764 0.793 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.729 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.624 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.605 HUAYAO00000441 0.580 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.567 JAUJA

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j

Page 116: Proceso de Trabajo Final

-> ACMANT detection? type a -> Assess Month of change type m -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : c Correction of: 00000441 ACOBAMBA==============================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.578 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.355 SATIPO Correction of: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO==============================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.649 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.122 HUAYAO Correction of: 00000541 HUAYAO==============================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.420 SATIPO00000783 0.369 TARMA00000503 0.122 CERRO_DE_PASCO

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Correction of: 00000542 JAUJA==============================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO Correction of: 00000549 LA_QUINUA==============================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO Correction of: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA==============================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO Correction of: 00000779 SATIPO==============================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.420 HUAYAO00000441 0.355 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA Correction of: 00000783 TARMA

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==============================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.578 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.369 HUAYAO

Running Pairwise detection on corrected series============================================== Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA ===========================================================00000542 0.739 JAUJA00000503 0.674 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.625 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.607 SATIPO00000783 0.579 TARMA00000764 0.528 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.522 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO ===========================================================00000441 0.674 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.668 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.666 TARMA00000779 0.649 SATIPO00000542 0.649 JAUJA00000764 0.635 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.633 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txt

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vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO ===========================================================00000783 0.704 TARMA00000764 0.675 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.633 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.615 SATIPO00000549 0.565 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.529 JAUJA00000441 0.522 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000542 JAUJA ===========================================================00000441 0.739 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.661 TARMA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.636 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.632 SATIPO00000764 0.600 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.529 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA ===========================================================00000779 0.725 SATIPO00000783 0.698 TARMA00000764 0.682 PUERTO_OCOPA

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00000503 0.668 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.636 JAUJA00000441 0.625 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.565 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA ===========================================================00000779 0.850 SATIPO00000783 0.811 TARMA00000549 0.682 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.675 HUAYAO00000503 0.635 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.600 JAUJA00000441 0.528 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000779 SATIPO ===========================================================00000783 0.867 TARMA00000764 0.850 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.725 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.632 JAUJA00000541 0.615 HUAYAO00000441 0.607 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000783 TARMA ===========================================================00000779 0.867 SATIPO00000764 0.811 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.704 HUAYAO00000549 0.698 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.666 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.661 JAUJA

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00000441 0.579 ACOBAMBA Click on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA DJF===========================================================00000542 0.739 JAUJA00000503 0.674 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.625 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.607 SATIPO00000783 0.579 TARMA00000764 0.528 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.522 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO DJF===========================================================00000441 0.674 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.668 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.666 TARMA00000779 0.649 SATIPO00000542 0.649 JAUJA00000764 0.635 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.633 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO DJF===========================================================00000783 0.704 TARMA00000764 0.675 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.633 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.615 SATIPO

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00000549 0.565 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.529 JAUJA00000441 0.522 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA DJF===========================================================00000441 0.739 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.661 TARMA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.636 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.632 SATIPO00000764 0.600 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.529 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.725 SATIPO00000783 0.698 TARMA00000764 0.682 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.668 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.636 JAUJA00000441 0.625 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.565 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.850 SATIPO00000783 0.811 TARMA00000549 0.682 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.675 HUAYAO

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00000503 0.635 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.600 JAUJA00000441 0.528 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO DJF===========================================================00000783 0.867 TARMA00000764 0.850 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.725 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.632 JAUJA00000541 0.615 HUAYAO00000441 0.607 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.867 SATIPO00000764 0.811 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.704 HUAYAO00000549 0.698 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.666 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.661 JAUJA00000441 0.579 ACOBAMBA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA MAM===========================================================00000542 0.739 JAUJA00000503 0.674 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.625 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.607 SATIPO00000783 0.579 TARMA00000764 0.528 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.522 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt

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vs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO MAM===========================================================00000441 0.674 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.668 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.666 TARMA00000779 0.649 SATIPO00000542 0.649 JAUJA00000764 0.635 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.633 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO MAM===========================================================00000783 0.704 TARMA00000764 0.675 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.633 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.615 SATIPO00000549 0.565 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.529 JAUJA00000441 0.522 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA MAM===========================================================00000441 0.739 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.661 TARMA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.636 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.632 SATIPO00000764 0.600 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.529 HUAYAO

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vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA MAM===========================================================00000779 0.725 SATIPO00000783 0.698 TARMA00000764 0.682 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.668 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.636 JAUJA00000441 0.625 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.565 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA MAM===========================================================00000779 0.850 SATIPO00000783 0.811 TARMA00000549 0.682 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.675 HUAYAO00000503 0.635 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.600 JAUJA00000441 0.528 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO MAM===========================================================00000783 0.867 TARMA00000764 0.850 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.725 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.632 JAUJA00000541 0.615 HUAYAO00000441 0.607 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt

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Detection: 00000783 TARMA MAM===========================================================00000779 0.867 SATIPO00000764 0.811 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.704 HUAYAO00000549 0.698 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.666 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.661 JAUJA00000441 0.579 ACOBAMBA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA JJA===========================================================00000542 0.739 JAUJA00000503 0.674 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.625 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.607 SATIPO00000783 0.579 TARMA00000764 0.528 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.522 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO JJA===========================================================00000441 0.674 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.668 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.666 TARMA00000779 0.649 SATIPO00000542 0.649 JAUJA00000764 0.635 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.633 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt

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Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO JJA===========================================================00000783 0.704 TARMA00000764 0.675 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.633 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.615 SATIPO00000549 0.565 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.529 JAUJA00000441 0.522 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA JJA===========================================================00000441 0.739 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.661 TARMA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.636 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.632 SATIPO00000764 0.600 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.529 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA JJA===========================================================00000779 0.725 SATIPO00000783 0.698 TARMA00000764 0.682 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.668 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.636 JAUJA00000441 0.625 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.565 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt

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Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA JJA===========================================================00000779 0.850 SATIPO00000783 0.811 TARMA00000549 0.682 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.675 HUAYAO00000503 0.635 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.600 JAUJA00000441 0.528 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO JJA===========================================================00000783 0.867 TARMA00000764 0.850 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.725 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.632 JAUJA00000541 0.615 HUAYAO00000441 0.607 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA JJA===========================================================00000779 0.867 SATIPO00000764 0.811 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.704 HUAYAO00000549 0.698 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.666 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.661 JAUJA00000441 0.579 ACOBAMBA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA SON===========================================================00000542 0.739 JAUJA00000503 0.674 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.625 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.607 SATIPO00000783 0.579 TARMA00000764 0.528 PUERTO_OCOPA

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00000541 0.522 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO SON===========================================================00000441 0.674 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.668 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.666 TARMA00000779 0.649 SATIPO00000542 0.649 JAUJA00000764 0.635 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.633 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO SON===========================================================00000783 0.704 TARMA00000764 0.675 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.633 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.615 SATIPO00000549 0.565 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.529 JAUJA00000441 0.522 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA SON===========================================================

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00000441 0.739 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.661 TARMA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.636 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.632 SATIPO00000764 0.600 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.529 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA SON===========================================================00000779 0.725 SATIPO00000783 0.698 TARMA00000764 0.682 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.668 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.636 JAUJA00000441 0.625 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.565 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA SON===========================================================00000779 0.850 SATIPO00000783 0.811 TARMA00000549 0.682 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.675 HUAYAO00000503 0.635 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.600 JAUJA00000441 0.528 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO SON===========================================================00000783 0.867 TARMA00000764 0.850 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.725 LA_QUINUA

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00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.632 JAUJA00000541 0.615 HUAYAO00000441 0.607 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA SON===========================================================00000779 0.867 SATIPO00000764 0.811 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.704 HUAYAO00000549 0.698 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.666 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.661 JAUJA00000441 0.579 ACOBAMBA

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> ACMANT detection? type a -> Assess Month of change type m -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : c Correction of: 00000441 ACOBAMBA==============================================00000542 0.822 JAUJA

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00000549 0.820 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.578 TARMA00000764 0.572 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.571 HUAYAO00000779 0.355 SATIPO Correction of: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO==============================================00000549 0.680 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.649 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.542 SATIPO00000783 0.519 TARMA00000764 0.446 PUERTO_OCOPA00000542 0.189 JAUJA00000541 0.122 HUAYAO Correction of: 00000541 HUAYAO==============================================00000542 0.770 JAUJA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000764 0.535 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.476 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.420 SATIPO00000783 0.369 TARMA00000503 0.122 CERRO_DE_PASCO Correction of: 00000542 JAUJA==============================================00000441 0.822 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.770 HUAYAO00000549 0.535 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.466 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.392 TARMA00000779 0.250 SATIPO00000503 0.189 CERRO_DE_PASCO Correction of: 00000549 LA_QUINUA==============================================00000764 0.851 PUERTO_OCOPA00000441 0.820 ACOBAMBA

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00000783 0.793 TARMA00000503 0.680 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.657 SATIPO00000542 0.535 JAUJA00000541 0.476 HUAYAO Correction of: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA==============================================00000549 0.851 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.750 SATIPO00000783 0.745 TARMA00000441 0.572 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.535 HUAYAO00000542 0.466 JAUJA00000503 0.446 CERRO_DE_PASCO Correction of: 00000779 SATIPO==============================================00000764 0.750 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.680 TARMA00000549 0.657 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.542 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.420 HUAYAO00000441 0.355 ACOBAMBA00000542 0.250 JAUJA Correction of: 00000783 TARMA==============================================00000549 0.793 LA_QUINUA00000764 0.745 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.680 SATIPO00000441 0.578 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.519 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.392 JAUJA00000541 0.369 HUAYAO

Running Pairwise detection on corrected series==============================================

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Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA ===========================================================00000542 0.739 JAUJA00000503 0.674 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.625 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.607 SATIPO00000783 0.579 TARMA00000764 0.528 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.522 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO ===========================================================00000441 0.674 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.668 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.666 TARMA00000779 0.649 SATIPO00000542 0.649 JAUJA00000764 0.635 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.633 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO ===========================================================00000783 0.704 TARMA00000764 0.675 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.633 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.615 SATIPO00000549 0.565 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.529 JAUJA

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00000441 0.522 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000542 JAUJA ===========================================================00000441 0.739 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.661 TARMA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.636 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.632 SATIPO00000764 0.600 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.529 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA ===========================================================00000779 0.725 SATIPO00000783 0.698 TARMA00000764 0.682 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.668 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.636 JAUJA00000441 0.625 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.565 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA ===========================================================00000779 0.850 SATIPO00000783 0.811 TARMA00000549 0.682 LA_QUINUA

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00000541 0.675 HUAYAO00000503 0.635 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.600 JAUJA00000441 0.528 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000779 SATIPO ===========================================================00000783 0.867 TARMA00000764 0.850 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.725 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.632 JAUJA00000541 0.615 HUAYAO00000441 0.607 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000783 TARMA ===========================================================00000779 0.867 SATIPO00000764 0.811 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.704 HUAYAO00000549 0.698 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.666 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.661 JAUJA00000441 0.579 ACOBAMBA Click on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA DJF===========================================================00000542 0.739 JAUJA00000503 0.674 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.625 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.607 SATIPO00000783 0.579 TARMA00000764 0.528 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.522 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt

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vs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO DJF===========================================================00000441 0.674 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.668 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.666 TARMA00000779 0.649 SATIPO00000542 0.649 JAUJA00000764 0.635 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.633 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO DJF===========================================================00000783 0.704 TARMA00000764 0.675 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.633 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.615 SATIPO00000549 0.565 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.529 JAUJA00000441 0.522 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA DJF===========================================================00000441 0.739 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.661 TARMA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO

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00000549 0.636 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.632 SATIPO00000764 0.600 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.529 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.725 SATIPO00000783 0.698 TARMA00000764 0.682 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.668 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.636 JAUJA00000441 0.625 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.565 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.850 SATIPO00000783 0.811 TARMA00000549 0.682 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.675 HUAYAO00000503 0.635 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.600 JAUJA00000441 0.528 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO DJF===========================================================00000783 0.867 TARMA00000764 0.850 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.725 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.632 JAUJA00000541 0.615 HUAYAO

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00000441 0.607 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.867 SATIPO00000764 0.811 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.704 HUAYAO00000549 0.698 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.666 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.661 JAUJA00000441 0.579 ACOBAMBA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA MAM===========================================================00000542 0.739 JAUJA00000503 0.674 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.625 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.607 SATIPO00000783 0.579 TARMA00000764 0.528 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.522 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO MAM===========================================================00000441 0.674 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.668 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.666 TARMA00000779 0.649 SATIPO00000542 0.649 JAUJA00000764 0.635 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.633 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt

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vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO MAM===========================================================00000783 0.704 TARMA00000764 0.675 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.633 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.615 SATIPO00000549 0.565 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.529 JAUJA00000441 0.522 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA MAM===========================================================00000441 0.739 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.661 TARMA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.636 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.632 SATIPO00000764 0.600 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.529 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA MAM===========================================================00000779 0.725 SATIPO00000783 0.698 TARMA00000764 0.682 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.668 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.636 JAUJA00000441 0.625 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.565 HUAYAO

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vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA MAM===========================================================00000779 0.850 SATIPO00000783 0.811 TARMA00000549 0.682 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.675 HUAYAO00000503 0.635 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.600 JAUJA00000441 0.528 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO MAM===========================================================00000783 0.867 TARMA00000764 0.850 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.725 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.632 JAUJA00000541 0.615 HUAYAO00000441 0.607 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA MAM===========================================================00000779 0.867 SATIPO00000764 0.811 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.704 HUAYAO00000549 0.698 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.666 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.661 JAUJA00000441 0.579 ACOBAMBA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA JJA===========================================================00000542 0.739 JAUJA00000503 0.674 CERRO_DE_PASCO

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00000549 0.625 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.607 SATIPO00000783 0.579 TARMA00000764 0.528 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.522 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO JJA===========================================================00000441 0.674 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.668 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.666 TARMA00000779 0.649 SATIPO00000542 0.649 JAUJA00000764 0.635 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.633 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO JJA===========================================================00000783 0.704 TARMA00000764 0.675 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.633 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.615 SATIPO00000549 0.565 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.529 JAUJA00000441 0.522 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txt

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vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA JJA===========================================================00000441 0.739 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.661 TARMA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.636 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.632 SATIPO00000764 0.600 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.529 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA JJA===========================================================00000779 0.725 SATIPO00000783 0.698 TARMA00000764 0.682 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.668 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.636 JAUJA00000441 0.625 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.565 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA JJA===========================================================00000779 0.850 SATIPO00000783 0.811 TARMA00000549 0.682 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.675 HUAYAO00000503 0.635 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.600 JAUJA00000441 0.528 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO JJA

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===========================================================00000783 0.867 TARMA00000764 0.850 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.725 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.632 JAUJA00000541 0.615 HUAYAO00000441 0.607 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA JJA===========================================================00000779 0.867 SATIPO00000764 0.811 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.704 HUAYAO00000549 0.698 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.666 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.661 JAUJA00000441 0.579 ACOBAMBA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA SON===========================================================00000542 0.739 JAUJA00000503 0.674 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.625 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.607 SATIPO00000783 0.579 TARMA00000764 0.528 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.522 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO SON===========================================================00000441 0.674 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.668 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.666 TARMA

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00000779 0.649 SATIPO00000542 0.649 JAUJA00000764 0.635 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.633 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000541d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO SON===========================================================00000783 0.704 TARMA00000764 0.675 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.633 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.615 SATIPO00000549 0.565 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.529 JAUJA00000441 0.522 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000542d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA SON===========================================================00000441 0.739 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.661 TARMA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 0.636 LA_QUINUA00000779 0.632 SATIPO00000764 0.600 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.529 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA SON===========================================================

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00000779 0.725 SATIPO00000783 0.698 TARMA00000764 0.682 PUERTO_OCOPA00000503 0.668 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.636 JAUJA00000441 0.625 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.565 HUAYAO vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA SON===========================================================00000779 0.850 SATIPO00000783 0.811 TARMA00000549 0.682 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.675 HUAYAO00000503 0.635 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.600 JAUJA00000441 0.528 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO SON===========================================================00000783 0.867 TARMA00000764 0.850 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.725 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.649 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.632 JAUJA00000541 0.615 HUAYAO00000441 0.607 ACOBAMBA vs ho/hotxm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA SON===========================================================00000779 0.867 SATIPO00000764 0.811 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.704 HUAYAO00000549 0.698 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.666 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.661 JAUJA

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00000441 0.579 ACOBAMBA

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> ACMANT detection? type a -> Assess Month of change type m -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : m 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================1974/5->1974/5 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO===================================== 00000541 HUAYAO=====================================1978/12->1979/51981/12->1983/9 00000542 JAUJA=====================================1994/12->1994/12 00000549 LA_QUINUA

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=====================================1984/12->1986/62000/12->2000/7 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA=====================================1996/4->1996/5 00000779 SATIPO=====================================1974/12->1974/91986/12->1987/41991/12->1991/10 00000783 TARMA=====================================1981/12->1983/21986/12->1987/21997/11->1997/11

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> ACMANT detection? type a -> Assess Month of change type m -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q

Your choice : > >

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Page 150: Proceso de Trabajo Final

. /,-Y ~-. l.Y ^. /\ _\_ i ___/ \ | / \ o ! l ] o !__./ _ _ \.___./ ~\ X \/ \ ___./ ( \ ___. _..--~~/ ~`-. DOH! ` Z,-- / \ \__. ( / ______) \ l /-----~~ / Y \ / | x______.^ | \ j Y


____________________ Dataset parameters Network number (ref station file) : 3 Header of input files (ex: ratx, qcrr) : qctn Parameter name (for graphic outputs) : tn Unit for graphic outputs (c for celsius) : c

Parameter type Physical parameters (Temperature, Pressure, ...) => Additive correction : additive (return) Cumulative parameters (Rainfall, Sunshine Duration, ...) => Multiplicative correction : log ratio (log) or ratio (r) comparisons Type :

Graphic outputs pdf (return), postscript (ps), svg (svg), png (png) Output option :

Interactive option Yes (return) or no (n) Interactive option :

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Intercomparison Neighbourhood All series (return), geographic (g) or correlation (c) distance Intercomparison type : c Minimum correlation r : 0.99 !! Warning, next parameter !! superseeds r.min or d.max Minimum number of neighbours : 7

Season comparison option for pairwise detection Annual+seasons (return), annual (a) or monthly (m) Season option :

Options for series visualization Linear trend? yes (return)/n : Smoothing option? yes (return)/n : Polygon fill? yes (return)/n : return for red/blue gy=green/yellow.. :


What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : d raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA

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===========================================================00000542 0.532 JAUJA00000541 0.483 HUAYAO00000549 0.277 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.110 TARMA00000503 -0.083 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 -0.139 SATIPO00000764 -0.175 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO ===========================================================00000541 0.650 HUAYAO00000549 0.352 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.285 JAUJA00000783 0.176 TARMA00000764 0.105 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.072 SATIPO00000441 -0.083 ACOBAMBA vs qc/qctnm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO ===========================================================00000503 0.650 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.523 JAUJA00000549 0.513 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.483 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.449 TARMA00000779 0.230 SATIPO00000764 0.098 PUERTO_OCOPA

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vs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000542 JAUJA ===========================================================00000441 0.532 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.523 HUAYAO00000549 0.412 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.285 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 -0.033 TARMA00000779 -0.171 SATIPO00000764 -0.326 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA ===========================================================00000541 0.513 HUAYAO00000542 0.412 JAUJA00000503 0.352 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.277 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.077 TARMA00000764 0.076 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 -0.043 SATIPO vs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA ===========================================================00000779 0.678 SATIPO00000783 0.517 TARMA00000503 0.105 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.098 HUAYAO

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00000549 0.076 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.175 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.326 JAUJA vs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000779 SATIPO ===========================================================00000764 0.678 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.608 TARMA00000541 0.230 HUAYAO00000503 0.072 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 -0.043 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.139 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.171 JAUJA vs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000783 TARMA ===========================================================00000779 0.608 SATIPO00000764 0.517 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.449 HUAYAO00000503 0.176 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.110 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.077 LA_QUINUA00000542 -0.033 JAUJA Click on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA DJF===========================================================00000542 0.532 JAUJA00000541 0.483 HUAYAO00000549 0.277 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.110 TARMA00000503 -0.083 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 -0.139 SATIPO00000764 -0.175 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000541d.txt

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vs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO DJF===========================================================00000541 0.650 HUAYAO00000549 0.352 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.285 JAUJA00000783 0.176 TARMA00000764 0.105 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.072 SATIPO00000441 -0.083 ACOBAMBA vs qc/qctnm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO DJF===========================================================00000503 0.650 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.523 JAUJA00000549 0.513 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.483 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.449 TARMA00000779 0.230 SATIPO00000764 0.098 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA DJF===========================================================00000441 0.532 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.523 HUAYAO00000549 0.412 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.285 CERRO_DE_PASCO

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00000783 -0.033 TARMA00000779 -0.171 SATIPO00000764 -0.326 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA DJF===========================================================00000541 0.513 HUAYAO00000542 0.412 JAUJA00000503 0.352 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.277 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.077 TARMA00000764 0.076 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 -0.043 SATIPO vs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.678 SATIPO00000783 0.517 TARMA00000503 0.105 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.098 HUAYAO00000549 0.076 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.175 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.326 JAUJA vs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO DJF===========================================================00000764 0.678 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.608 TARMA00000541 0.230 HUAYAO00000503 0.072 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 -0.043 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.139 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.171 JAUJA

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vs qc/qctnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.608 SATIPO00000764 0.517 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.449 HUAYAO00000503 0.176 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.110 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.077 LA_QUINUA00000542 -0.033 JAUJA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA MAM===========================================================00000542 0.532 JAUJA00000541 0.483 HUAYAO00000549 0.277 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.110 TARMA00000503 -0.083 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 -0.139 SATIPO00000764 -0.175 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO MAM===========================================================00000541 0.650 HUAYAO00000549 0.352 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.285 JAUJA00000783 0.176 TARMA00000764 0.105 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.072 SATIPO00000441 -0.083 ACOBAMBA vs qc/qctnm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000542d.txt

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vs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO MAM===========================================================00000503 0.650 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.523 JAUJA00000549 0.513 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.483 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.449 TARMA00000779 0.230 SATIPO00000764 0.098 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA MAM===========================================================00000441 0.532 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.523 HUAYAO00000549 0.412 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.285 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 -0.033 TARMA00000779 -0.171 SATIPO00000764 -0.326 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA MAM===========================================================00000541 0.513 HUAYAO00000542 0.412 JAUJA00000503 0.352 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.277 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.077 TARMA00000764 0.076 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 -0.043 SATIPO

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vs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA MAM===========================================================00000779 0.678 SATIPO00000783 0.517 TARMA00000503 0.105 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.098 HUAYAO00000549 0.076 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.175 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.326 JAUJA vs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO MAM===========================================================00000764 0.678 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.608 TARMA00000541 0.230 HUAYAO00000503 0.072 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 -0.043 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.139 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.171 JAUJA vs qc/qctnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA MAM===========================================================00000779 0.608 SATIPO00000764 0.517 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.449 HUAYAO00000503 0.176 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.110 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.077 LA_QUINUA00000542 -0.033 JAUJA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA JJA===========================================================00000542 0.532 JAUJA00000541 0.483 HUAYAO00000549 0.277 LA_QUINUA

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00000783 0.110 TARMA00000503 -0.083 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 -0.139 SATIPO00000764 -0.175 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO JJA===========================================================00000541 0.650 HUAYAO00000549 0.352 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.285 JAUJA00000783 0.176 TARMA00000764 0.105 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.072 SATIPO00000441 -0.083 ACOBAMBA vs qc/qctnm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO JJA===========================================================00000503 0.650 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.523 JAUJA00000549 0.513 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.483 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.449 TARMA00000779 0.230 SATIPO00000764 0.098 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txt

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Detection: 00000542 JAUJA JJA===========================================================00000441 0.532 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.523 HUAYAO00000549 0.412 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.285 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 -0.033 TARMA00000779 -0.171 SATIPO00000764 -0.326 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA JJA===========================================================00000541 0.513 HUAYAO00000542 0.412 JAUJA00000503 0.352 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.277 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.077 TARMA00000764 0.076 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 -0.043 SATIPO vs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA JJA===========================================================00000779 0.678 SATIPO00000783 0.517 TARMA00000503 0.105 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.098 HUAYAO00000549 0.076 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.175 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.326 JAUJA vs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO JJA===========================================================

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00000764 0.678 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.608 TARMA00000541 0.230 HUAYAO00000503 0.072 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 -0.043 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.139 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.171 JAUJA vs qc/qctnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA JJA===========================================================00000779 0.608 SATIPO00000764 0.517 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.449 HUAYAO00000503 0.176 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.110 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.077 LA_QUINUA00000542 -0.033 JAUJA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA SON===========================================================00000542 0.532 JAUJA00000541 0.483 HUAYAO00000549 0.277 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.110 TARMA00000503 -0.083 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 -0.139 SATIPO00000764 -0.175 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000503d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO SON===========================================================00000541 0.650 HUAYAO00000549 0.352 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.285 JAUJA00000783 0.176 TARMA

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00000764 0.105 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.072 SATIPO00000441 -0.083 ACOBAMBA vs qc/qctnm00000541d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO SON===========================================================00000503 0.650 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.523 JAUJA00000549 0.513 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.483 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.449 TARMA00000779 0.230 SATIPO00000764 0.098 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000542d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA SON===========================================================00000441 0.532 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.523 HUAYAO00000549 0.412 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.285 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 -0.033 TARMA00000779 -0.171 SATIPO00000764 -0.326 PUERTO_OCOPA vs qc/qctnm00000549d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA SON===========================================================00000541 0.513 HUAYAO

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00000542 0.412 JAUJA00000503 0.352 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.277 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.077 TARMA00000764 0.076 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 -0.043 SATIPO vs qc/qctnm00000783d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000764d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000779d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA SON===========================================================00000779 0.678 SATIPO00000783 0.517 TARMA00000503 0.105 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.098 HUAYAO00000549 0.076 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.175 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.326 JAUJA vs qc/qctnm00000779d.txtvs qc/qctnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO SON===========================================================00000764 0.678 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.608 TARMA00000541 0.230 HUAYAO00000503 0.072 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 -0.043 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.139 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.171 JAUJA vs qc/qctnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA SON===========================================================00000779 0.608 SATIPO00000764 0.517 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.449 HUAYAO00000503 0.176 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.110 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.077 LA_QUINUA00000542 -0.033 JAUJA

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What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : j raw/qc (return) or corrected (c) files : 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================00000542 0.532 JAUJA00000541 0.483 HUAYAO00000549 0.277 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.110 TARMA00000503 -0.083 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 -0.139 SATIPO00000764 -0.175 PUERTO_OCOPA 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO=====================================00000541 0.650 HUAYAO00000549 0.352 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.285 JAUJA00000783 0.176 TARMA00000764 0.105 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.072 SATIPO00000441 -0.083 ACOBAMBA

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00000541 HUAYAO=====================================00000503 0.650 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.523 JAUJA00000549 0.513 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.483 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.449 TARMA00000779 0.230 SATIPO00000764 0.098 PUERTO_OCOPA 00000542 JAUJA=====================================00000441 0.532 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.523 HUAYAO00000549 0.412 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.285 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 -0.033 TARMA00000779 -0.171 SATIPO00000764 -0.326 PUERTO_OCOPA 00000549 LA_QUINUA=====================================00000541 0.513 HUAYAO00000542 0.412 JAUJA00000503 0.352 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.277 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.077 TARMA00000764 0.076 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 -0.043 SATIPO 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA=====================================00000779 0.678 SATIPO00000783 0.517 TARMA00000503 0.105 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.098 HUAYAO00000549 0.076 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.175 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.326 JAUJA

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00000779 SATIPO=====================================00000764 0.678 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.608 TARMA00000541 0.230 HUAYAO00000503 0.072 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 -0.043 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.139 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.171 JAUJA 00000783 TARMA=====================================00000779 0.608 SATIPO00000764 0.517 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.449 HUAYAO00000503 0.176 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.110 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.077 LA_QUINUA00000542 -0.033 JAUJA

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : c

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Correction of: 00000441 ACOBAMBA==============================================00000542 0.532 JAUJA00000541 0.483 HUAYAO00000549 0.277 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.110 TARMA00000503 -0.083 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 -0.139 SATIPO00000764 -0.175 PUERTO_OCOPA Correction of: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO==============================================00000541 0.650 HUAYAO00000549 0.352 LA_QUINUA00000542 0.285 JAUJA00000783 0.176 TARMA00000764 0.105 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 0.072 SATIPO00000441 -0.083 ACOBAMBA Correction of: 00000541 HUAYAO==============================================00000503 0.650 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.523 JAUJA00000549 0.513 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.483 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.449 TARMA00000779 0.230 SATIPO00000764 0.098 PUERTO_OCOPA Correction of: 00000542 JAUJA==============================================00000441 0.532 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.523 HUAYAO00000549 0.412 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.285 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 -0.033 TARMA00000779 -0.171 SATIPO00000764 -0.326 PUERTO_OCOPA Correction of: 00000549 LA_QUINUA

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==============================================00000541 0.513 HUAYAO00000542 0.412 JAUJA00000503 0.352 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.277 ACOBAMBA00000783 0.077 TARMA00000764 0.076 PUERTO_OCOPA00000779 -0.043 SATIPO Correction of: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA==============================================00000779 0.678 SATIPO00000783 0.517 TARMA00000503 0.105 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000541 0.098 HUAYAO00000549 0.076 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.175 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.326 JAUJA Correction of: 00000779 SATIPO==============================================00000764 0.678 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.608 TARMA00000541 0.230 HUAYAO00000503 0.072 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000549 -0.043 LA_QUINUA00000441 -0.139 ACOBAMBA00000542 -0.171 JAUJA Correction of: 00000783 TARMA==============================================00000779 0.608 SATIPO00000764 0.517 PUERTO_OCOPA00000541 0.449 HUAYAO00000503 0.176 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000441 0.110 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.077 LA_QUINUA00000542 -0.033 JAUJA Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

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keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10

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Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

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keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10

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Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

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keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10

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Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

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keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10

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Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

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keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10

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Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

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keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10

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Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

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keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10

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Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

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keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10

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Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

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keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10

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Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

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keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10

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Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

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keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10

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Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

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keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10

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Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

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keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :

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Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) : Warning! No data for series 00000783 during period 00000783 1999 - 1999 and month 10 Check inconsistencies in change-point dates (RETURN) or quit HOMER (q):

keep: 00000783 1979 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :n keep: 00000783 1997 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :r keep: 00000783 1998 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :y keep: 00000783 1999 12 TARMA y (RETURN) or no (n) :n

Running Pairwise detection on corrected series==============================================

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Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA ===========================================================00000542 0.571 JAUJA00000541 0.477 HUAYAO00000783 0.436 TARMA00000549 0.361 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.349 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.221 SATIPO00000764 0.122 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO ===========================================================00000549 0.553 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.551 HUAYAO00000542 0.477 JAUJA00000783 0.436 TARMA00000441 0.349 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.132 SATIPO00000764 0.096 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO ===========================================================00000549 0.630 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.603 TARMA00000503 0.551 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.531 JAUJA00000441 0.477 ACOBAMBA

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00000779 0.425 SATIPO00000764 0.354 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000542 JAUJA ===========================================================00000549 0.592 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.531 HUAYAO00000503 0.477 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.274 TARMA00000779 -0.015 SATIPO00000764 -0.097 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA ===========================================================00000541 0.630 HUAYAO00000542 0.592 JAUJA00000503 0.553 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.442 TARMA00000441 0.361 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.169 SATIPO00000764 0.134 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA ===========================================================00000779 0.746 SATIPO00000783 0.594 TARMA

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00000541 0.354 HUAYAO00000549 0.134 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.122 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.096 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 -0.097 JAUJA vs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000779 SATIPO ===========================================================00000764 0.746 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.713 TARMA00000541 0.425 HUAYAO00000441 0.221 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.169 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.132 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 -0.015 JAUJA vs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtClick on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000783 TARMA ===========================================================00000779 0.713 SATIPO00000541 0.603 HUAYAO00000764 0.594 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.442 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.436 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.436 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.274 JAUJA Click on left button to see next detection Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA DJF===========================================================00000542 0.571 JAUJA00000541 0.477 HUAYAO00000783 0.436 TARMA00000549 0.361 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.349 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.221 SATIPO00000764 0.122 PUERTO_OCOPA

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vs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO DJF===========================================================00000549 0.553 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.551 HUAYAO00000542 0.477 JAUJA00000783 0.436 TARMA00000441 0.349 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.132 SATIPO00000764 0.096 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO DJF===========================================================00000549 0.630 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.603 TARMA00000503 0.551 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.531 JAUJA00000441 0.477 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.425 SATIPO00000764 0.354 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA DJF===========================================================00000549 0.592 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA

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00000541 0.531 HUAYAO00000503 0.477 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.274 TARMA00000779 -0.015 SATIPO00000764 -0.097 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA DJF===========================================================00000541 0.630 HUAYAO00000542 0.592 JAUJA00000503 0.553 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.442 TARMA00000441 0.361 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.169 SATIPO00000764 0.134 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.746 SATIPO00000783 0.594 TARMA00000541 0.354 HUAYAO00000549 0.134 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.122 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.096 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 -0.097 JAUJA vs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO DJF===========================================================00000764 0.746 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.713 TARMA00000541 0.425 HUAYAO00000441 0.221 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.169 LA_QUINUA

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00000503 0.132 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 -0.015 JAUJA vs ho/hotnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA DJF===========================================================00000779 0.713 SATIPO00000541 0.603 HUAYAO00000764 0.594 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.442 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.436 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.436 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.274 JAUJA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA MAM===========================================================00000542 0.571 JAUJA00000541 0.477 HUAYAO00000783 0.436 TARMA00000549 0.361 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.349 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.221 SATIPO00000764 0.122 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO MAM===========================================================00000549 0.553 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.551 HUAYAO00000542 0.477 JAUJA00000783 0.436 TARMA00000441 0.349 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.132 SATIPO00000764 0.096 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txt

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vs ho/hotnm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO MAM===========================================================00000549 0.630 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.603 TARMA00000503 0.551 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.531 JAUJA00000441 0.477 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.425 SATIPO00000764 0.354 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA MAM===========================================================00000549 0.592 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.531 HUAYAO00000503 0.477 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.274 TARMA00000779 -0.015 SATIPO00000764 -0.097 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA MAM===========================================================00000541 0.630 HUAYAO00000542 0.592 JAUJA00000503 0.553 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.442 TARMA00000441 0.361 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.169 SATIPO

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00000764 0.134 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA MAM===========================================================00000779 0.746 SATIPO00000783 0.594 TARMA00000541 0.354 HUAYAO00000549 0.134 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.122 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.096 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 -0.097 JAUJA vs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO MAM===========================================================00000764 0.746 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.713 TARMA00000541 0.425 HUAYAO00000441 0.221 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.169 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.132 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 -0.015 JAUJA vs ho/hotnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA MAM===========================================================00000779 0.713 SATIPO00000541 0.603 HUAYAO00000764 0.594 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.442 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.436 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.436 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.274 JAUJA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA JJA===========================================================00000542 0.571 JAUJA

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00000541 0.477 HUAYAO00000783 0.436 TARMA00000549 0.361 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.349 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.221 SATIPO00000764 0.122 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO JJA===========================================================00000549 0.553 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.551 HUAYAO00000542 0.477 JAUJA00000783 0.436 TARMA00000441 0.349 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.132 SATIPO00000764 0.096 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO JJA===========================================================00000549 0.630 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.603 TARMA00000503 0.551 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.531 JAUJA00000441 0.477 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.425 SATIPO00000764 0.354 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000542d.txt

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vs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA JJA===========================================================00000549 0.592 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.531 HUAYAO00000503 0.477 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.274 TARMA00000779 -0.015 SATIPO00000764 -0.097 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA JJA===========================================================00000541 0.630 HUAYAO00000542 0.592 JAUJA00000503 0.553 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.442 TARMA00000441 0.361 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.169 SATIPO00000764 0.134 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA JJA===========================================================00000779 0.746 SATIPO00000783 0.594 TARMA00000541 0.354 HUAYAO00000549 0.134 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.122 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.096 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 -0.097 JAUJA vs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txt

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Detection: 00000779 SATIPO JJA===========================================================00000764 0.746 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.713 TARMA00000541 0.425 HUAYAO00000441 0.221 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.169 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.132 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 -0.015 JAUJA vs ho/hotnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA JJA===========================================================00000779 0.713 SATIPO00000541 0.603 HUAYAO00000764 0.594 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.442 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.436 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.436 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.274 JAUJA Detection: 00000441 ACOBAMBA SON===========================================================00000542 0.571 JAUJA00000541 0.477 HUAYAO00000783 0.436 TARMA00000549 0.361 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.349 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000779 0.221 SATIPO00000764 0.122 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000503d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO SON===========================================================00000549 0.553 LA_QUINUA00000541 0.551 HUAYAO

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00000542 0.477 JAUJA00000783 0.436 TARMA00000441 0.349 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.132 SATIPO00000764 0.096 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000541d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000541 HUAYAO SON===========================================================00000549 0.630 LA_QUINUA00000783 0.603 TARMA00000503 0.551 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.531 JAUJA00000441 0.477 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.425 SATIPO00000764 0.354 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000542d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000542 JAUJA SON===========================================================00000549 0.592 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.571 ACOBAMBA00000541 0.531 HUAYAO00000503 0.477 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.274 TARMA00000779 -0.015 SATIPO00000764 -0.097 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000549d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000549 LA_QUINUA SON

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===========================================================00000541 0.630 HUAYAO00000542 0.592 JAUJA00000503 0.553 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000783 0.442 TARMA00000441 0.361 ACOBAMBA00000779 0.169 SATIPO00000764 0.134 PUERTO_OCOPA vs ho/hotnm00000783d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000764d.txt Detection: 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA SON===========================================================00000779 0.746 SATIPO00000783 0.594 TARMA00000541 0.354 HUAYAO00000549 0.134 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.122 ACOBAMBA00000503 0.096 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 -0.097 JAUJA vs ho/hotnm00000779d.txtvs ho/hotnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000779 SATIPO SON===========================================================00000764 0.746 PUERTO_OCOPA00000783 0.713 TARMA00000541 0.425 HUAYAO00000441 0.221 ACOBAMBA00000549 0.169 LA_QUINUA00000503 0.132 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 -0.015 JAUJA vs ho/hotnm00000783d.txt Detection: 00000783 TARMA SON===========================================================00000779 0.713 SATIPO00000541 0.603 HUAYAO00000764 0.594 PUERTO_OCOPA00000549 0.442 LA_QUINUA00000441 0.436 ACOBAMBA

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00000503 0.436 CERRO_DE_PASCO00000542 0.274 JAUJA

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> ACMANT detection? type a -> Assess Month of change type m -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice :

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> ACMANT detection? type a -> Assess Month of change type m -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n

Page 246: Proceso de Trabajo Final

-> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : m 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================1999/12->1998/5 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO=====================================1971/12->1971/41979/12->1980/3 00000541 HUAYAO=====================================1979/12->1980/61983/12->1983/9 00000542 JAUJA=====================================1972/12->1972/101979/12->1980/2 00000549 LA_QUINUA=====================================1969/12->1971/111979/12->1979/121985/12->1983/111987/12->1987/52003/12->2004/3 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA=====================================1972/12->1972/61979/12->1979/101994/12->1995/3 00000779 SATIPO=====================================1985/12->1986/4

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00000783 TARMA=====================================1998/12->1999/11

What do you wish, Master/Mistress?

FAST QUALITY CONTROL -> Fast CLiMATOL checks type i -> Fast QC type f -> Outlier file creation? type o -> Removal of outliers? type r

HOMOGENISATION -> Pairwise detection? type d -> Joint detection? type j -> ACMANT detection? type a -> Assess Month of change type m -> Correction? type c -> Visualization? type v -> New neighbourhood type n -> Change hinteraction hoption :-) type h -> Break file creation/modification? type b -> Break file edition? type e -> Quit? type q Your choice : m 00000441 ACOBAMBA=====================================1998/5->1998/5 00000503 CERRO_DE_PASCO=====================================1971/4->1971/41980/3->1980/3 00000541 HUAYAO=====================================1980/6->1980/61983/9->1983/9 00000542 JAUJA=====================================

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1972/10->1972/101980/2->1980/2 00000549 LA_QUINUA=====================================1971/11->1971/111979/12->1979/121983/11->1983/111987/5->1987/52004/3->2004/3 00000764 PUERTO_OCOPA=====================================1972/6->1972/61979/10->1979/101995/3->1995/3 00000779 SATIPO=====================================1986/4->1986/4 00000783 TARMA=====================================1999/11->1999/11Luego salir Digitando q <ENTER>Interpretar Script : útiles

Digitar: hdwlv()

Finalmente revisar los archivos ho