pro nc 4axis mill

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  • 8/12/2019 Pro Nc 4axis Mill



    PTC Technical Support- Advanced Manufacturing Technique

    140 Kendrick StNeedham, MA, USA


  • 8/12/2019 Pro Nc 4axis Mill


    Advanced Manufacturing Technique How to Machine using the 4th axis in Pro/NC


    This document explores the two primary approaches in Pro/NC formachining using a 4thaxis. This document will highlight the differences

    between Indexing and Multi-axes machining and how Pro/NC is setup tohandle each case.

    This technique utilizes the following functionalities:

    Workpiece Assembly in Pro/NC.

    Fixture assembly in Pro/NC

    4thAxis Workcell creation for Indexing


    Axis Workcell creation for Multax 4thAxis Operation creation for Indexing

    4thAxis Operation creation for Multax

    Surface Milling in Pro/NC

    Volume Milling in Pro/NC

    Trajectory Milling in Pro/NC

    Estimated time to complete technique: 2.5 Hours

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    Advanced Manufacturing Technique How to Machine using the 4th axis in Pro/NC

    Setup (Multax)

    For this technique, an NC-Assembly Model was used. It contains areference model and a workpiece. The reference model,camlock_revb.prt can be seen below:

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    Advanced Manufacturing Technique How to Machine using the 4th axis in Pro/NC

    Setup (Indexing)

    For this technique, an NC-Assembly Model was used. It contains areference model, workpiece, and fixture. The reference part,index_sample.prt can be seen below.

    Example FilesThe example models used in this document can be downloaded at thefollowing location:

    Example Part Files

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    Advanced Manufacturing Technique How to Machine using the 4th axis in Pro/NC


    In industry today there are two primary modes for machining parts using a4thaxis. They are Multi Axis machining a.k.a. MULTAX and Indexmachining a.k.a. Indexing. See the following descriptions to determine

    what method best applies for your machine or situation

    Example Applications MULTAX INDEXING

    Drilling a hole

    Machining a Cylindrical Cam

    Roughing out an area

    Tombstone machining most parts

    Key principals for machining with the 4thAxis in Pro/NC

    Within Pro/NC, 4thAxis motion can be broken into 2 areas

    Sequence Level

    Operational Level

    Generally, 4thaxis motions within a sequence are of a MULTAX natureand 4thaxis motions outside the sequence (connection moves betweensequences) are of an indexing nature.

    Sequence Level Control

    4thaxis Plane - When you create a 4-Axis milling NC sequence, the 4 thAxis Plane option will appear in the SEQ SETUP menu in addition to allthe other options appropriate for the sequence. This is a plane, to whichthe tool axis will remain parallel. You can select a planar surface or createa datum plane.

    Operational Level Control

    This level of control is typically seen in such real world machiningapplications such as Tombstone Machining.

    Subroutines - Subroutine programming enables you to create NC

    sequences, place them as macros at the beginning of the CL file, and thencall them from the main body of the CL file as many times as needed.This reduces the overall size of the CL files, making them easier for thecontroller to handle and for the programmer to read and edit. Typicalapplications include tombstone work, multiple parts setup on a pallet, andturbine impellers where each blade is the same.

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    Advanced Manufacturing Technique How to Machine using the 4th axis in Pro/NC

    Patterns- Patterns can be used to pattern NC sequences similar tosubroutines. The approach is similar but the resulting NC code is longersince sequence CL data is repeated.

    NC Sequence Coordinate System- Pro/NC requires an NC coordinatesystem to be defined at the operation level. Every new sequence will usethe operation coordinate system by default. However, an NC sequence

    coordinate system can be defined in a different orientation that the defaultcoordinate system.

    IndexingPeople usually think of about MULTAX and the ability to machine smoothcontoured surfaces when 4th axis machining is mentioned. However,there is another aspect of fourth axis machining that is widely used andvery practical. An indexing setup would provide the ability to do cuts anddrilling at odd angles. In this situation a fourth axis indexer can be a realadvantage since it provides the access to accomplish this type of

    operation. The workpiece is indexed to the required rotary position andthen toolpaths are performed. This action may be repeated incrementally.A simple application of this technique would be to machine four slots byindexing to 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees for the following part.

    Sample NCL file output for a 90-degree rotation about the B axis looks likethe following:

    LOADTL / 1$$-> CUTTER / 0.500000ROTATE / BAXIS, INCR,90.000000

    Figure 1 - A sample part that might be indexed

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    Multiple part machining: Often indexing can be used for multiple partmachining. Several parts can be mounted onto a fixture such as atombstone. A tombstone is merely a 2 or 4 sided fixture that allows partsto be mounted to each side.

    Figure 2 - A typical four-sided tombstone fixture

    The tombstone can be rotated as different operations are performed. Thisallows for longer runtimes and can be advantageous on large production

    runs since the tombstone can be loaded up with many parts or even partcombinations. Often times a second tombstone can be used so thattombstone A is machining while tombstone B is unloaded and reloaded fora new run. This can lead to very high machine efficiency since downtimedue to changing workpieces is minimized.

    When all the sides of an indexed setup are identical, therecommended way to accomplish this in Pro/NC is with NCsubroutines. Benefits of this approach are shorter NC programs,less complicated manufacturing models, in addition to shorter

    regeneration times. Program all toolpaths for one side and onceeverything looks good a subroutine can be used to copy the CL dataabout the machine coordinate system for the other sides. Selecting#Machining, #Subroutines, #Create, Select all the sequences leads tothe following dialogue box in Pro/NC:

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    Figure 3 - The subroutine dialogue box in Pro/NC

    It is via this dialogue box that subroutines will be created for the 90, 180,and 270 degrees sides of the sample part in the Indexed Setup of thisdocument.

    Multi Axis Machining MULTAXThis is the mode in which the tool moves in X,Y, or Z directions as well asa rotary motion at the same time. This is what most people think aboutwhen 4thaxis machining is mentioned. Certain parts can only bemachined by machining in the XYZ directions while being rotatedsimultaneously (MULTAX)

    The following syntax in the NCL file will be seen for MULTAX. Note theGOTO represents movement in XYZ followed by vector information for IJKdirections.


    SPINDL / RPM, 5000.000000, CLWRAPIDGOTO / -2.2977428948, 9.4067025290,-10.3688932645, $0.0000000000, 0.9940376047, -0.1090377932

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    Advanced Manufacturing Technique How to Machine using the 4th axis in Pro/NC

    4thAxis Definition

    Since movement in the XYZ directions is already established, the additionof a 4thaxis requires that it be a rotary movement. This may be a rotationabout the X, Y, or Z axis or an independent axis defined by theprogrammer. The rotary movement will be defined in the NC sequenceby an axis definition. This is merely the definition of the axis of rotation.

    To help understand this picture an imaginary pin going all the waythrough the part. The pin is fixed at each end but the part is free torotate 360 degrees about the pin. For this example the axis A_1 will beused for the axis definition. The naming convention for rotary directions isusually A when rotating about the X axis, B about the Y axis, or C aboutthe Z axis. If you are using , for example, B rotation about the Y axis,then the axis definition should be in line with the Y axis .

    Figure 4 - Defining axis definition for the reference part "camlock.prt"

    4thAxis Plane

    When setting up for a 4thaxis milling operation, a plane will be promptedfor. This planar surface will define the plane in which the tool axis willalways remain parallel to. Pro/ENGINEER will generate CL data initiallyas if it were for a 5thaxis and then it will recalculate this data so that thetool is always parallel to the 4thaxis plane. With respect to the 4thaxisplane, a value for the lead angle and tilt angle of the tool axis may beoptionally defined.

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    Advanced Manufacturing Technique How to Machine using the 4th axis in Pro/NC

    Procedure Indexing

    1.1 Retrieve the reference part

    Retrieve the sample_index.prt file. This model will be used for the index


    1.2 Create a new manufacturing model.

    Select #File, #New, #Manufacturing, #NC Assembly. The name of themanufacturing model will be index.mfg.

    1.3 Assemble the reference part

    Select #Mfg Model, #Assemble, #Reference part. Use a coordinatesystem assembly constraint, selecting WP_csys from the workpiece andInsert_origin from the reference part.

    1.4 Assemble a fixture.

    Select #Mfg Setup, #Operation, #Fixture Setup, and add the partstpstand_fixture.prt. Use a coordinate system constraint selectingWP_fixture and wp_csys to fully constrain the fixture. At this point, thesetup should look like the following:

    Figure 5 - The completed manufacturing model after assembly of reference part,workpiece, and fixture

    1.5 Adjust view of the workpiece to translucent

    This is an optional step to clarify the view of the manufacturing model bydisplaying the workpiece as translucent. Select #View, #Model Setup,#Color and Appearance, #Modify From Model in the APPEARANCES

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    Advanced Manufacturing Technique How to Machine using the 4th axis in Pro/NC

    Dialog box. Select any of the green surfaces of the workpiece. On theAdvanced Tab set the workpiece to be 50% transparent using theTRANSPARENCY slider bar. Click #OK, #Close. In shaded mode themanufacturing model will look like the following:

    Figure 6 - A shaded view of the translucent workpiece

    Another method to clear up the display is to #Right Mouse, select thewp.prt from the model tree and select #Hide in order to completely blankthe workpiece.

    1.6 Setting up the operation

    Create the following machine type:

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    Advanced Manufacturing Technique How to Machine using the 4th axis in Pro/NC

    Figure 7 The machine type definition dialogue box in Pro/NC

    Notice that we checked the #Use Rotate Output checkbox since we will beutilizing Indexing. When you select this option, the system outputs theapplicable TRANS and ROTABL commands to specify linear androtational transformations. Only select this option when indexing to a newtable position is desired.

    Our machine for this example looks like the following:

    Figure 8- The machine used for this example

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    Advanced Manufacturing Technique How to Machine using the 4th axis in Pro/NC

    1.7 Select the Machine Zero

    Select #Mfg Setup, #Operation, #Machine Zero and select theFixture_csys as the operation coordinate system. ***It is important tonote that this is the center of rotation for the manufacturing setup.

    Later we will take advantage of this fact to create subroutines by rotatingabout this coordinate system to each side of the part.

    1.8 Setup the Retract plane

    Since this is an indexed setup that will rotate about the Y axis it isappropriate to use a retract cylinderrather than plane. Select #Retract,#Cylinder, #Y Axis as Cylinder Axis, and specify a 4 radius.

    1.9 Create Manufacturing Geometry

    This step could also be done when defining the sequences, but it is

    convenient to create the geometry beforehand so it can be easily selected.Another advantage is that it will be predefined for any sequences thatfollow.

    Select #Mfg Setup, #Mfg Geometry, #Mill Surface, #Create, call itmsurf1, #Add, #Copy, #Done, #Quilt Surfs, #Query Sel, and pickQuilt:F16:index_sample at the 0 degree side, #Accept, #Show, #Mesh toverify the correct surface was selected, #Done, #OK.

    Figure 9 The completed mill surface "msurf1"

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    Advanced Manufacturing Technique How to Machine using the 4th axis in Pro/NC

    1.10 Create a Mill volume

    Select #Mfg Setup, #Mfg Geometry, #Mill Volume, #Create, call it mvol1,#Gather, #Done, #Mill Surf, #Done, Select the mill surface created above(Quilt:F7(MSURF1), #Accept, #Done Sel, #Done Refs, #Define, Check theAll Loops checkbox, #Done, #Query Sel and select the plane shownbelow as the capping plane, #Done Sel, #Done Return

    Figure 10 Capping plane used to close the mill volume "mvol1"

    Verify that the volume was successfully created. Selecting #MfgGeometry, #Mill Volume, #Shade, #mvol1 should look like the followingimage:

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    Figure 11 The shaded mill volume "mvol1"

    1.11 Create a volume milling sequence.

    Select #Machining, #NC Sequence, #New Sequence, # Volume Milling,#3axis, #Done. Note: that even though we are in a 4 thaxis workcell, 4thaxis is not an option since 4thaxis milling is not implemented for volumemilling.

    Use the following settings:

    Tool: FLAT_HALF_EM (.5 DIA) ** Select #File, #Open, #ParameterFileCut Feed: 10 IPMSTEP_DEPTH: .25STEP_OVER: .25PROF_STOCK_ALLOW=.03ROUGH_STOCK_ALLOW=.03BOTTOM_STOCK_ALLOW=.03Scan Type: Type 3ROUGH_OPTION = ROUGH_ONLY

    The resulting volume milling sequence should look like Figure 12:

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    Figure 12 - Toolpaths for the completed volume milling sequence

    1.12 Create a surface milling sequence to finish the geometry

    Select #Machining, #NC Sequence, #New Sequence, #Surface Mill, #3

    axis, #Done (Even though we are in a 4thaxis workcell, this is still a 3 axissequence since we will not be rotating and cutting materialsimultaneously)

    Use the following settings:



    For surfaces select the mill surface msurf1 created previously.

    The toolpath should look like the following:

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    Figure 13 -Toolpath for the completed surface milling sequence

    1.13 Subroutines will now be used to pattern the entire operation to

    all four sides.Select #Machining, #Subroutines, #Create, select the volume millingsequence and the surface milling sequence, #Done Sel.

    Use the following settings:

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    Figure 14 - Defining the subroutine for indexing all 4 sides

    1.14 Generate CL data

    Select #CL Data, #Output, #Operation, Select the operation, #File, #CLFile, #Done.

    The CL data will contain 4 rotations similar to the following for eachrotation at 90, 180, and 270 degrees:

    LOADTL / 1$$-> CUTTER / 0.500000ROTATE / BAXIS, INCR, 90.000000

    Selecting #CL Data, #Output, #Operation, #Display, #Done should looklike the following (top view):

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    Figure 15 - Toolpaths for the final indexed operation

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    Advanced Manufacturing Technique How to Machine using the 4th axis in Pro/NC

    Procedure - MULTAX

    2.1 Creation of Manufacturing Model

    The first step in creating any new Pro/NC Model is to select from the MainMenus File, New, Manufacturing. At this point in the Dialogue toggle to

    either #NC Part or #NC Assembly. In Pro/NC if a workpiece is to beadded to the design part then select #NC Assembly. Selecting #NC partwill still allow NC sequences to be created, but a workpiece and /orfixtures will not be assembled. Select #File, #New, #NC Assembly, namethe model multax.mfg.

    2.2 Assemble the reference part.

    Select #Mfg Model, #Assemble, #Ref Model, and selectcamlock_revb.prt

    2.3 Assembling the workpiece

    Select #Mfg Model, #Assemble, #Workpiece, and select the part called

    workpiece.prt. Select the default constraint icon in theComponent Placement window that appears. (This automaticallyassembles the default coordinates system in the workpiece to the defaultcoordinate system of the reference part). The workpiece is now fullyconstrained.

    2.4 Creation of a 4th Axis Workcell

    In a new model, nothing is possible until an operation is defined. For 4th

    axis NC sequences the operation must use a 4thaxis workcell. Select#Mfg Setup, #Workcell and specify #Mill as the Machine Type. Select #4axis for Number of Axes, #OK. Ensure that the Use Rotate Outputcheckbox is not activated.

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    2.5 Creation of an Operation

    From the Mfg Setup menu select #Operation. Select the defaultcoordinate system from the workpiece as the Machine Zero and Specify#Along Z Axis for the Retract Surface, setting Z=5.

    Volume milling will be used at to rough out the large slot. The part will bemachined with the original coordinate system (B=0 degrees) , and again at90 degrees. Volume milling can be used at several different 4thaxisorientations. This is a way to quickly rough out the material while fullytaking advantage of 4thaxis positioning. Again, volume milling is a 3 axissequence, which is why 2 separate sequences are required.

    2.6 Create Mill Geometry

    Select #View, #Layers, select camlock_revb.prt as the active object, andunblank layer VOLUME_0_DEG. This surface will be used to constructa mill volume. Select #Mfg Setup, #Mfg Geometry, #Mill Volume, #Create,

    #Sketch, #Use Quilt, select the unblanked surface quilt, #Trim, selectcamlock_revb.prt.

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    2.7 Create a volume milling sequence called B0_ROUGH,

    Select #Machining, #NC Sequence, #New Sequence, #Volume Milling,#3axis done #Done and use the following parameter settings:

    Tool : HALF_INCH_FEM (.5 DIA) (#File, #Open, #Parameter File)CUT_FEED=10


    The toolpaths should look like the following:

    Figure 16- Toolpath for volume milling sequence "B0_ROUGH"

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    2.8 Create a second mill volume

    Unblank the layer called VOLUME_90_DEG in camlock_revb.prt tocreate a second mill volume called VOLUME_90_DEG in the same wayas step 2.6.

    Select #Mfg Setup, #Mfg Geometry, #Mill Volume, #Create, #Sketch,

    #Use Quilt, select the unblanked surface, #Trim,select camlock.prt

    2.9 Create a second volume milling sequence to rough at B=90degrees

    Select #Machining, #NC Sequence, #New Sequence, #Volume Milling,#3axis done #Done

    Use the same parameter settings as the first volume milling (select #UsePrev, and select B0_ROUGH when specifying the parameter settings)

    *** Pro/NC will always default to the machine coordinate system forthe operation unless it is specifically defined at the sequence level.


    Toolpaths should look like the following figure:

    Figure 17- Toolpath for volume milling sequence "B90_ROUGH"

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    2.10 Define a mill surface to be machined

    Select #View, #Layers, and select camlock_revb.prt as the active object.Unblank the layer called msurf1.

    Select #Mfg Setup, #Mfg Geometry, #Mill Surface, #Create, name itmsurf1, #Add, #Copy, #Done, #Include, #Quilt Surfs, select the inside of

    the slot- Quilt:F21:CAMLOCK_REVB, #Accept, #Show, #Mesh. Theresulting mill surface should look like the following:

    Figure 18 - The mill surface "MSURF1"

    2.11 Create a 4th

    axis surface milling sequence.

    Select #Machining, #NC Sequence, #New Sequence, #Surface Mill, #4axis, #Done.

    2.12 Tool Selection

    Select the tool called 375_BEM for this sequence (#File, #OpenParameter File)

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    2.13 Set milling parameters as shown below



    2.14 Defining the 4th

    axis plane

    For the 4thaxis plane select either of the following surfaces on the part:

    Figure 19- Valid surfaces to define as the 4th

    axis plane

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    Figure 20- The start of the toolpath for the surface milling sequence

    Notice that the resulting toolpaths maintain the tool normal to the surfacebeing machined at all times. However, what happens when we want tospecifically control the tool axis orientation? Controlling the tool axisorientation will be critical when the 4th axis trajectory sequence is createdin 2.2.1

    Axis Control Options- there is an additional degree of control availableregarding the orientation of the tool axis that was not used in this example.This is accessed through the Axis Def option.

    There are 3 ways to set Axis Def at the sequence level:

    Points on Surface Select points at which to define the orientation of thetool axis; in the regions between selected points, Pro/NC will graduallyinterpolate the correct axis orientation for the tool. Axis orientation isinterpolated using a weighted average of the tool axis orientation specifiedat the nearest selected points. If values have been specified for theparameters LEAD_ANGLE and TILT_ANGLE, these values will not betaken into consideration when interpolating the default axis orientation, butwill be added/subtracted to/from that value after it has been calculated.For Cutline machining, you can also define tool orientation along thecutlines.

    Pivot Axis- Select or create a datum point to be used as pivot point forthe tool. The tool axis will always pass through this point while machiningthe surface. All entities that form the pivot curve must be tangent to eachother.

    Pivot Curve- Select an open or closed loop of edges or curves that willbe used to guide the tool axis. The tool axis will always pass throughsome point of the pivot curve while machining the surface(s).

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    2.15 Create a 4th

    axis trajectory sequence to machine the groove

    Select #Machining, #New Sequence, #Trajectory, #4th Axis, #Done,#Done

    2.16 Set the following parameter settings


    2.17 Select the tool to be used

    Tool=FLAT_HALF_EM (diameter=.5) (#File, #Open, #Parameter File)

    2.18 Select the 4 axis plane for trajectory milling

    When prompted to Please specify a plane to which the tool axis will beparallel select the same 4th axis plane as that from the surface millingsequence already defined. (see Figure 21)

    2.19 Select the milling trajectory

    When the #Customize menu opens up select #Insert, #Automatic Cut,#Curve, Done, Tangent Chain, and Query Sel anywhere along the insidegroove edge as shown in the following figure:

    Figure 21 - Selecting the trajectory curve

    2.20 Set appropriate direction and offset

    Based on which direction the groove is machined, set the #Offset to#Right or #Left in run the tool down the inside of the groove. Play thetoolpath and notice that the tool maintains the same orientation as itfollows the trajectory, but for milling the slot we require the tool to alwaysbe normal to the slot. This can be accomplished via #Axis Control.

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    Figure 23 - 4th axis trajectory sequence

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    When considering whether a setup will be Indexing or Multax the followingprimary question should be asked:

    Will the spindle be cutting while the part is rotating? If so

    MULTAXNot every machine tool capable of 4thaxis movement is physically capableof MULTAX. A machine tool capable of this type of movement typicallyhas an optical encoder. This enables it to rotate from 0 360 degreesand all angles in between (for example 97.23 deg) . Most indexers canonly index from 1-360 in 1 or .5-degree increments.

    If you need a 4thaxis setup that positions a part and then goes in anddoes some work followed by a repositioning move for more work thenMULTAX may not be necessary.

    4thaxis machining is not available for all NC sequence types. It may

    be used with surface milling, profile sequences, engraving, andtrajectory sequences types.

    In addition, the module called Pro/NC-Advanced is required toperform simultaneous 4/5 axis milling with Pro/ENGINEER

    The following table illustrates the different NC sequences in Pro/NC andwhich axis they are capable of machining:

    Pro/NC Sequence Type 3 Axis 4 Axis 5 Axis

    Volume MillingLocal Milling

    Surface Milling

    Swarf Milling

    Face Milling

    Profile Milling


    Trajectory Milling





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    Additional Information

    Useful Help Documents

    Suggested Technique for Using A Subroutine To Pattern NC Sequences

    Suggested Technique for Using the Subroutine Dialog Box for Patterning

    Suggested Technique for Drilling Holes on a Cylinder Using a Three AxisWorkcell

    Suggested Technique for Defining An Engraving NC Sequence For EngravingText

    How to Collapse Multiple Rotary Statements in a Tape File with GPOST

    Suggested Technique for Defining a 4 Axis Trajectory Milling NC Sequence

    Suggested Technique for Creating a 4-5 Axis Trajectory Mill Sequence

    Online Help Documentation

    To Create a New Subroutine Pattern

    To Create a Rotary Table Pattern of an NC Sequence

    Machine Tool Settings Zero Usage

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    Command Listing

    Create 4 axis Workcell

    #Manufacturing Setup, #Workcell, set to 4 axis

    Setting up a Workcell as Indexing

    #Manufacturing Setup, #Workcell, Check Use Rotate Output

    Setting up a Workcell as Multax

    #Manufacturing Setup, #Workcell, Uncheck Use Rotate Output

    Create a 4thaxis sequence

    #Machining, #NC Sequence, #New Sequence, select a 4 axis sequencetype, #4 Axis

    Define a 4thaxis plane within a Sequence

    #NC Sequence, select sequence, #Seq Setup, #4 Axis Plane, #Done

    Setup Axis Definition

    #NC Sequence, select sequence, #Seq Setup, #Axis Def, #Done

    Create a Subroutine

    #Machining, #Subroutine, #Create

    Create a pattern of an NC sequence

    #Machining, #Utilities, #Pattern, #NC Sequence, select sequence