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  • 8/11/2019 Prislop Impressions


    To the Spirituality of Romania:

    Monastery Prislop, Places of Arsenie Boca and Master Jesus in the Carpats

    (Intimate impressions of Prislop - only for internal and tender using)

    I have been asked by paticipants of a visit in the Prislop Monasteria on Thursday after the ending ofthe 3rd International Anthroposophical Schooling Symposion in Simeria, if i would tell, what weobserved in Prislop. Here it is with some additions fitting to this theme.

    The Observers have been Marius Gabor, Peer Dahlstroem, Agnes Hardorp, Thomas Mayer, ManfredSchleyer, Raphael Kleimann and Dirk Kruse. The following describtions are an uncorrected summaryof impressions, not a cleared research! They are not authorizised by the others and only that what iheard from them and observed by myself is written down here.

    This observations are not for satisfying any curiousity, but for meditative recognizing and dignifyingthe holyness and gifts we get from Christ, Father Arsenie Boca and the Romanian Spirit in our time.

    The Monastery

    Kilometers before Prislop is increasing a spiritual harmony in the landscape.

    The nature directly in the monastery and around at the reflecting hillsides has refined and christicetherforces, so that a harmonical moralic etherplace is created; we find also on the meadows behindthe water place and left from the way up to Arsenie Bocas place seldom pearly-clear chemical ether.Partly it is not anymore this harmonic like 8 years ago, because of non-interest and rushing (non-peaceand non-interest on the nature) of so much visting-people and specially because the vanishedflowergardens beside the way to the church and at Arsenie Bocas most loved gardenplace (at the rightside from the way 20m in front of the church).

    In general we have here many little and some bigger wonderful pure christic Elementarybeing.

    The ChurchThere seems to be a radieastetic strong thin goldline going through the chrurch from the entrancethrough the middle of he altar-room and a thin silverline from left- right through the altar-room, so itseems they are crossing at the altar.

    The blessed Springwater

    The blessed springwater you can take near the church is extraordinary pure and lightful, the highestchristwater i have ever experienced.

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    The Grave of Parintele Arsenie Boca

    In and over the line of people waiting to come to Arsenie Bocas grave is a very pure astrality of innerdevotion, blessing and bliss; in difference to big prossesiones in bucarest where it seems only extremeheartful and dense believers-astrality without much clear spirit, here it is a clear spiritual light over theheads oft he believers - radiating.

    At the grave of Arsenie Boca is beside dense devotion-astrality of many people a very high andpure astrality streaming down from very high above, it carrys, like it,s most inner line, a very highgodly spirituality and takes very fine etherstreams with it.

    The downstreaming seems like a holy cloak flowing down from intim cosmic heights, full ofsacrificial holy heartsubstance including a stream of soundether-, lightether and warmthetherbeingswith a fully purified astral consciousness.

    The spiritual highness in it is so high, that we need something like a seeing through weeping ainversion through seeing how far we are still away from the godlyness and in the same time howstrong and direct personal the love of Arsenie Boca and Christ is which can brings us to face Christat last.

    This is a high form of perception, where Imagination (cloak-picture) and Inspiration (pure innerness)inverses into a direct Intuition (being in th middle oft he huge grace of the godly love to us).

    The downstreaming ray of godly light in the middle of that pure downstreaming astrality - isunbelieveable pure; its personal but cosmic in the same time.

    The godly ray or stream is coming from beyond the highest area of the spiritual world (higherdevachan / intention-world) out of the world of the worldword in front of the Trinity its thelightform we can find also into the so called Land Shamballa (the Christland of holy light, streamingand lifelyness iin which the Masters regenerate in being in Christs lovestreams).

    The strongest impressions are getable from the first bench behind the grave.

    The Eremits Cave

    In the eremits cave throughwards the deep silent peace is preceiveable first the sacred zodiacmood ofeternal directedness allaround and then behind it the holy light of an unification of earthmotherPersephonea (an Aspect of Maria-Sophia) - and so the whole earthorganism including the humanculture with Christ.

    So the cave leads directly into an Intuition of the grace of Christ in transforming time and space ofthe earthplanet eternally.

    In front of the icons is experienceable a holy soft and bright golden astral-etheric streamin in thedirection from the door oft he cave into the wall right from the icons.

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    Receiving the godly spiritual world through longer praying and meditating here can lead us into takingpart oft he godly heights as a permanent creation which in the same time is a permanent peace andeternity.

    The deep Valley at the Cave

    Going with our meditative perception into the peace of the whole valley and the peaceful forest up thehill oposite of the cavehill, we can come to an opening of the timeline. Spiritual moods of ourChildhhood can stay in front of us. The valleymood-surrounding can open then to a sphere behind thatrememberings and the free outwardly Ether-Memorys around in the holy imprinted nature of thatarea, the so called Akasha Chronic, can appear. It seems the we can have an impression specially fromthe way in which Arsenie Boca prayed more independ from the daily order and connected more withthe timespirit. One strong impression was here: he builded a needed spiritual bridge in Europe fromthe 30ties Christnearness over the horrible 40ties and the lost 50ties to the new spirituality of the

    70ties (after the tumultarious opening in the 60ties) and the 21. Century.It seems the peaceful surrounding oft he valley, but also everwhere on the hills which reflect directlyprislop, is gathered much more from the spiritual happenings there.

    The connection to the near Retezat Mountains

    Prislop lays in a strong geographical configuration. One main aspect is that the Retezat with itspereceiveable heavenly stream from above - downstreaming from the Lake Bucura-Area, whereArsenie Boca has been in godnearness and peace every summer for weeks alone with the world and

    the nature, through the valley of Cabin Gentiana and Cabin Pietrele is sending a highteningpuryficating stream directly over the area of Prislop, too.

    Addition I:

    Comparison between the impressions of places of Arsenie Boca Sambata de Sus, Prislop, Lake Bucura-Area/Retezat, Draganescu and Prislop - (by D. Kruse)

    The first Monastery in which Arsenie Boca worked from 1939 1950 was Sambata de Sus on the footoft he Mountains between Sibiu and Brasov. The second was Pislop, where he stayed from 1950 to1959, in the Hillarea at the northern foot oft he Retezat Monutains, south of Hunedoara. From 1968 1989 he painted the pictures of the little Church in Draganescu southwest of Bucarest. In the sametime he lived until his death in the little Monastery at the border of Sinai up near the Bucegi-Mountains between Brasov and Ploesti.

    Every of this places has a deep and touching atmosphere.

    Sambata de Sus a nature-open and peaceful clearness with refreshing and clearing etherforces, astralityand spirit. The vist can lift up and renew in a natural way (specially if we are aware oft he nature-surrounding there too).

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    Prislop through the grave-visiting intention of Arsenie Boca has deep etheric-, astralic- andspiritual imprinting. The visit can help to find inner holy experiences of selfknowledge,Christnnearness and transforming.

    The Retezat (here only the area up from Pietrele, Gentiana to Lke Bucura has been perceived) has

    unusual harmonic an christic ehteratmoshere and a downstreaming spiritual connection to the ethericChrist and to Archais/Timespirits, and specially at Lake Bucura to Arsenie Boca. Here we can findback the spirit in nature, relation to christic elementatry beings, transformative blessings fort he wayand the work on earth responding o our time and the timespirit.

    At and in the Draganescu Chrurch we have a mild but intense atmosphere, like reminding us withstrong soul-spiritual intention onto our tasks in our time. Here we can build a soft receiving soulfieldfort he arriving of Christ and his support in us.

    The monastry in Prislop, in which Arsenie Boca lived his last days, has a serious guidinglight gesturein its atmosphere. Here we can come to more decided inner spiritual directions.


    There are other high personalitys to mention in the spirituality of Romania, also interesting Monchsand Eremits still in the 20th century. The capturing of the spirituality in Romania in history and todayis still a big task.

    Addition II About Arsenie Boca

    Arsenie Boca ( From Wikipedia)

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    Arsenie Boca (29 September 1910 / on Michaelmas ! 28 November 1989) was a RomanianOrthodox monk, theologian and artist. He was persecuted by the Communists and named among the100 greatest Romanians.

    He was born in Vaa de Sus, Hunedoara County, Romania, died at Sinaia Monastery and was buried atPrislop Monastery in Silvau de Sus village.

    Studies and formation

    He was born on 29 September 1910, in Vaa de Sus, in what was then Austria-Hungary, and hisparents gave him the first name Zian. He studied at the Avram Iancu National High School,graduating it in 1929. The same year he starts to study at the Theological Academy in Sibiu, which hegraduated in 1933. He received a scholarship from the archbishop of Transylvania to study at theInstitute of Bellearte in Bucharest. Meanwhile, he attended the medical classes of professor FranciscRainer and the Christian Mystics class of professor Nichifor Crainic.

    Remarking on his artistic talent, professor Costin Petrescu entrusted him to paint the scene thatrepresents Mihai Viteazul from the Romanian Athenaeum. Sent by his bishop, he traveled to MountAthos for documentation and spiritual experience.

    He was made a deacon on 29 September 1935 by metropolitan Nicolae Blan. In 1939 he spents threemonths in the Romanian Skete Prodromos on Mount Athos. On his return, he joins the BrncoveanuMonastery at Smbta de Sus, Braov County, where he takes his vows and is tonsured intomonachism in 1940. He was ordained priest and became the abbot of the Brncoveanu Monastery in1942. As abbot he embellished and renovated the buildings of the monastery, but also enriched itsspiritual and cultural life, helping the theologian Dumitru Stniloae, from Sibiu, with the translationinto Romanian of the first volumes of the Philokalia, a collection of early Church fathers andmonastics in the hesychast tradition.

    After the installation of the communist regime in Romania, Boca was persecuted by the authorities andthe Securitate, the regimes secret police. He was arrested several times for helping the anti-communist resistance, displaced from Brncoveau Monastery to Prislop Monastery and then SinaiaMonastery, banned from monasticism and Church activity and constantly under the surveillance andharassment of the Securitate.

    Father Arsenie Boca

    Additioned informations (D. Kruse):

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    Arsenie Boca had an Maria-Experience on the Mount Athos (to Athos see * downwards); she advisedhim to go back and work in Romania.

    In the Chaos of the second World War he had a Christ-Experience on a trainstation, seeing Christcoming up to him as a beggar.

    There are told many wonders he did, so he was appearing at other places when he was in jail, he wasanswering peoples thoughts etc.

    He was going every summer for weeks onto the Retezat Mountains, where he stayed at Lake Bucera

    (Informations out of the DVD about Arsenie Boca from 2011, in Romania buyable the only DVDabout him with english Undertitels)

    See (only romanian):

    As told in anthroposophic cicles Arsenie Boca was also in contact with Anthroposophists in Cluj (toldfrom an old Anthroposophist in Timisioara) and learned alot for his developement from them (soalso a noticed sentence of the Securitate which observed him); he was reading Anthroposophie andwas open fort he thought of Reincarnation in his later life. His painting-style in Draganescu isinfluenced also from anthroposophical styles.

    He painted a lot and was breaking with the normal iconagrafic style so in his later years the wholechapel of Draganescu nahe Bucarest. He also painted partly own supersensitive seeings.

    The rised Christ Painting from A. Boca in the Draganescu-Chapel

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    A book with his paintings: Parintele Arsenie Boca Omul imbracat in haina de in si Ingerul cu

    cadelnita de aur ! from Daniil Stoenescu

    *: Steiner said from the Mount Athos in 1908:

    Who wants to come further (with a church) ... is better going into a greek monastry on the Mount Athos. ...inthe greek catholizism are laying germs for the future, and only here (not in the roman catholizism). ... the lowerlayers of the priests but are corrupt ... . From the existing forms of christianity ... only the greek catholizism has

    future. In the east all is still fluid. Into the greek catholizism all is Theosophy. .... But naturally the Theosophy ismore a whole . (In Ludwig Kleeberg, Wege und Worte Erinnerungen an Rudolf Steiner ... , J. Vh.Mellinger Verlag 1961, S. 195)

    So now 100 years later we can search if spiritualin the east all is still fluid ! Another perspective to thiswords and the Elementarybeing- and Christnearness in Easteurope is the view from Rudolf Steiner to East-Europe: this eastern soul is able to see beings into a naturehappening , not only in the outwardly physical-senseable but the astral-spiritual. Because of this the thinking of a tremendous number of beings in this special

    spiritual world, which could be compared with the world of lightfairys. Specially interesting it is to see

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    how under this influence of the east (there)has grown a much more developed Christunderstanding as inWesteurope . (GA 121, 16.06.1910)

    Monastry on Athos

    In romanian language:

    Arsenie Boca (De la Wikipedia)

    P rintele Arsenie Boca la Mn stirea Smb ta de Sus

    Arsenie Boca (n. 29 septembrie 1910, Vaa de Sus, Romnia d. 28 noiembrie 1989, Sinaia, Prahova), printeieromonah, teologi artist plastic (muralist) romn, a fost stare la Mnstirea Brncoveanu de la Smbata de Susi apoi la Mnstirea Prislop, unde datorit personalitii sale veneau miii mii de credincioi, fapt pentru care afost hruit de Securitate. A fost unul din martirii gulagului comunist, nchis la Securitatea din Braov, dus laCanal, nchis la Jilava, Bucureti, Timioarai la Oradea. A pictat biserica din Drgnescu (la 25 Km deBucureti).

    Arsenie Boca este considerat de ctre unii din ucenicii si ca cel mai mare duhovnic roman al secolului XX.[1] Lamormntul su de la Mnastirea Prislop dinara Haegului, se perind zilnic sute de pelerini.[1]

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    1 Biografieo 1.1 Studiilei formareao 1.2 Hirotonireai tunderea n monahismo 1.3 Contribuia la colecia Filocalia o 1.4 Prigoanai martirajul dup gratii

    2 Scrieri 3 Note 4 Bibliografie 5 Legturi externe


    Studiile i formarea

    S-a nscut la 29 septembrie 1910 la Vaa de Sus n judeul Hunedoara. A urmat Liceul naional ortodox AvramIancu din Brad[2], pe care l-a terminat caef de promoie n 1929. n acelai an, Zian Boca (cel care avea s devin Printele ieromonah Arsenie Boca) se nscrie la Academia Teologic din Sibiu, pe care o absolv n 1933.Primete la recomandarea profesorului Nicolae Popovici o burs din partea Mitropolitului Ardealului NicolaeBlan pentru a urma cursurile Institutului de Arte Frumoase din Bucureti.[2] n paralel, audiaz cursuri laFacultatea de medicin inute de profesorul Francisc Raineri prelegerile de Mistic cretin ale profesoruluiNichifor Crainic de la Facultatea de Teologie din Bucureti. Fascinat de lucrareaScara dumnezeiescului urcu scris de Ioan Scrarul o traduce n limba romn n doar 5 luni.[2] Aceast traducere nu a vzut lumina tiparului.Remarcndu-i talentul artistic, profesorul Costin Petrescu i-a ncredinat pictarea scenei care l reprezint peMihai Viteazul de la Atheneul Romn. Trimis de chiriarhul su, Nicolae Blan, cltorete la Muntele Athospentru a aduce manuscrisele romneti i greceti ale Filocaliei. Aici are parte de o experien duhovniceasc formatoare pentru viata de clugr pentru care optase nc din anii studeniei de la Sibiu.

    Hirotonirea i tunderea n monahism

    a 1935 ca absolvent al Academiei Teologice a fost hirotesit cite i ipodiacon. Pe 11 septembrie 1936 estehirotonit diacon celibatar de ctre mitropolitul Nicolae Blan.[2] n anul 1939 petrece trei luni la SchitulRomnesc Prodromu de la Muntele Athos, apoi este nchinoviat la Mnstirea Smbta de Sus (judeul Braov).n Vinerea Izvorului Tmduirii din anul 1940 este tuns n monahism. n 1942 este ridicat la treapta preoeasc inumit stare al Mnstirii Brncoveanu pe care o renoveaz schimbnd nf iarea locurilor.

    Deja din 1940 declaneaz la Mnstirea de Smbta de Sus ceea ce s-a numit micarea de renviereduhovniceasc de la Smbta, despre care Nichifor Crainic spunea: Ce vreme nltoare cnd toat ara luiAvram Iancu se mica n pelerinaj, cntnd cu zpada pn la piept, spre Smbta de Sus, ctitoria voievoduluimartir Constantin Brncoveanu!. Devine renumit ca mare duhovnic, printele Cleopa va ncerca s ia legturacu el prin scrisori interceptatei confiscate de Securitate. n iarna anului 1944 profesorul Nichifor Crainicverific la Smbta de Sus traducerea stareului Arsenie Bocai a lui Serafim Popescu din Filocalie. Ultimultraduce Marcu Ascetul (v. Telegraful romn, 15 ian. 1991). La publicarea n comunism a primelor patru volumedin Filocalie numele lui Arsenie Boca nu mai este menionat. Fiind prigonit de Securitate, nu este amintit nici nIstoria Bisericii Ortodoxe Romne de pr. Dr. Mircea Pcurariu (Ed.Stiinta, Chisinau, 1993).

    Contribu ia la colec ia Filocalia

    l ajut pe printele profesor Dumitru Stniloae (fostul su profesor de la Sibiu) n demersul de a traduceFilocalia . i pune la dispoziie manuscrisele aduse din cltoria la Muntele Athos, l ncurajeaz la lucru, recitindtextele, realizeaz coperta coleciei, susine lucrarea pentru tiprire prin numrul mare de abonamente pe care leprocur. n prima ediie a volumelor, Printele Dumitru Stniloae l numete pe Arsenie Boca ctitor de frunte alFilocaliei romneti.

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    Prigoana i martirajul dup gratii

    Arsenie Boca la Mn stirea de la Smb ta

    Dup ocuparearii de ctre armata sovietic, Printele Arsenie a fost arestat pentru prima oar la RmnicuVlcei pe 17 iulie 1945, dus la Bucureti i eliberat pe 30 iulie 1945 pentru c nu i-a fost gsit nicio vin. Apoia fost arestat n 14 mai 1948, pentru vina a-i fi ajutat cretinete cu hran pe lupttorii anticomuniti din MuniiFgraului. Att pentru aceste bnuieli, cti datorit notorietii sale printre credincioii cretini, esteschingiuit o lun i jumtate, silit s dea repetate declaraii, fiind apoi eliberat (v. G.Enache, Printele ArsenieBoca n atenia poliiei politice, Ed.Partener, Galai, 2009). Mitropolitul Nicolae Blan l strmut de la Smbtala Mnstirea Prislop n noiembrie 1948. Acolo devine stare, iar dup ce slaul s-a transformat n mnstire demaici, a rmas ca duhovnic, cu ntreruperi n perioadele de arestarei anchetare (1950, 1951, 1953, 1955, 1956).n 1959 comunitii au risipit obtea i printelui Arsenie Boca, deja martirizat prin nchisorii la Canal, i-auinterzis activitatea preoeasc pn la moartea ce a survenit dup torturarea sa de Securitate.Fiind nainte vztorcu duhul el las mrturie a supliciului din care i s-a tras moartea, pictnd la Biserica din Drgnescu scenasupliciilor Sf.tefan cel Nou, pomenit pe 28 nov. (data morii Printelui Arsenie).[necesit citare ]

    n 15/16 ian. 1950 este a treia oar arestat. Face detenie administrativ, fiind dovedit vinovat, pn pe 23martie 1951 la Canal. Eliberarea s-a datorat Patriarhului Justinian care i-a semnalat lui Teohari Georgescupericolul revoltrii f grenilor. De Rusalii n 1953 este din nou anchetat, apoi este arestat la Timioara, Jilava,Oradea pentru 6 luni din 5 oct.1955 pn n aprilie 1956. n 1959 i se nsceneaz nereguli financiare pentru a fiscos abuziv din monahismi pentru a i se interzice s slujeasc la altar (post-mortem, n 1998, se revine asupradeciziei din 1959). A urmat pribegia la Bucureti, unde a fost tot timpulinut n marginalitate. Cu cele dou licene ale sale, una la Belle Artei alta la Teologie, n-a fost admis dect ca muncitor pictor bisericesc, pn cnd e pensionat n 1968 cu o pensie de mizerie. A fost permanent supravegheat de Securitate. Din 1968 pn n1984 picteaz biserica de la Drgnescu. La Sinaia, din 1969i-a avut chiliai atelierul de pictur, unde s-aretras dup 1984i unde ai nchis ochii, la 28 noiembrie 1989, n vrst de 79 de ani. A fost nmormntat, dup dorina proprie, la mnstirea Prislop, la 4 decembrie 1989 prorocind c aici va fi loc de pelerinaj.

    Mormntul printelui Arsenie de la mnstirea Prislop constituie azi unul din importantele locuri de pelerinaj dinar, n ultimii ani numrul de pelerini venii pe 28 noiembrie fiind de 30 000 40 000 de oameni.


    Dup cderea comunismului au fost publicate mai multe din scrierile sale care circulaser n manuscris (iadesea n mai multe forme). Printele Arsenie Boca a avut darul prorocirii. nainte de ocupaia bolevic ar fispus: Nu va trece mult vreme pn cnd vor intra secerai ciocanul nar i nu vor iei aproape jumtate deveac. Despre perioada post-comunist a spus c puini vor fi nevndui.

    Printele Arsenie Boca,C rarea mp r iei , ed.ngr. de Zamfira Constantinescu, Editura EpiscopieiOrtodoxe Romne a Aradului, 1995

    Printele Arsenie Boca, Lupta duhovniceasc , ed.ngr. de Ion Cismileanu, Editura Agaton, Fgra,


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    Printele Arsenie Boca,Trepte spre vie uirea n monahism , Editura Teognost, Cluj-Napoca, 2003 ISBN 973-85376-6-5

    Printele Arsenie Boca,Cuvinte vii , Deva, 2006


    1. ^ a b Printele Arsenie Boca Primii pai pe Cararea Impriei, 22 noiembrie 2010, Amos News , accesat la 18 iunie 2013

    2. ^ a b c d Manoliu, Ion Costin: Pe urmele Parintelui Arsenie Boca Cartile si icoanele sfintilor, n Formula AS anul XXII, nr. 1001, ianuarie 2012, p. 22-23. Accesat la 27 iulie 2013


    P rintele Arsenie Boca n Arhivele Securit ii, vol I,(coordonatori Dr. Florian Bichir, RomeoPetraciuc, Raluca Toderel), editura Agnos n colaborarea cu Consiliul Naional pentru StudiereaArhivelor Securitii (CNSAS), 2013

    Arhim. Serafim Popescu, M rg ritare duhovnice ti Din nv turile P rintelui Arsenie Boca , EdituraPelerinul, 2002

    Arhim. Serafim Popescu,Omul zidire de mare pret Din nv turile P rintelui Arsenie Boca , EdituraCredina strmoasc, 2009 Nichifor Crainic, Memorii , vol.II, Ed. Muzeul literaturii romane, Bucuresti, 2001 Arsenie Boca Fotografii i ziceri (12 fotografii, scurt biografie, 103 ziceri), Editura Teognost, Cluj-

    Napoca, 2005 ISBN 973-87255-0-X Alte m rturii despre P rintele Arsenie Boca , ed.ngr. de Ion Cismileanu, Editura Agaton, Fgra, 2008 M rturii din ara F g ra ului despre Pr. Arsenie Boca , ed.ngr. de Ion Cismileanu, Editura Agaton,

    Fgra, 2004 Ioan Gnsc, P rintele Arsenie Boca, mare ndrum tor de suflete din secolul XX , Editura Teognost,

    Cluj-Napoca, 2002 ISBN 973-85376-5-7 P rintele Arsenie Boca Biserica de la Dr gnescu: Capel Sixtin a Ortodoxiei romne ti, Deva,

    2005 Dan Lucinescu,P rintele Arsenie Boca- un sfant al zilelor noastre , Editura Siaj, Bucuresti, 2009 Noi m rturii despre P rintele Arsenie Boca , Editura Agaton, Fgra, 2005 P rintele Arsenie Boca, obiectivul Bratu , Editura Patmos, Cluj-Napoca, 2009 recenzie

    Leg turi externe

    [1] Printele Arsenie Bocai teologul George Racoveanu, n arhivele Securitii Printele Arsenie Boca scrieri, coresponden, lucrri iconograficei sculpturale Arsenie Boca site dedicat Printele Arsenie Boca pagin pe Facebook FOTO Tainele casei de pe munte a printelui Arsenie Boca, 21 august 2013, Daniel Gu, Adev rul Fotografii Arsenie Boca fortografiii biografie

    Asociaia Ieromonah Arsenie Boca asociaie cretin ortodox Fundaia Cretin Arsenie Boca pentru o Romnie binecuvntat. Rost , numrul 20, octombrie 2004 numr tematic al revistei, dedicat lui Arsenie Boca O Sintez A Lucrrii Printelui Arsenie Sfntul Ardealului Printele Arsenie Boca

    Sfantul Arsenie Boca, 16 aprilie 2009, Marius Vasileanu, Romnia liber Sfantul de la Sambata de Sus, 5 aprilie 2004, Jurnalul Na ional Arsenie Boca, pictorul de suflete, 7 decembrie 2008, Augustin Punoiu, Ziarul Lumina Printele Arsenie Boca urmrit de Securitatei pe patul de moarte, 19 august 2012, Florian Bichir,

    Evenimentul zilei Zeci de mii de oameni la mormntul Printelui Arsenie Boca, un brbat scnteietor cu ochi de un

    albastru infinit, 27 noiembrie 2012, Adrian Ptruc, Evenimentul zilei Pictura profetic din biserica Drgnescu, 5 aprilie 2009, Daniela Crleaontic, Jurnalul Na ional

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    Arsenie Boca, omul lui Iisus, cel care a dus o lumnare aprins prin furtun, 4 mai 2013, Mihai Mincan, Adev rul

    20 de ani de la trecerea la cele venice a printelui Arsenie Boca, 28 noiembrie 2009, Dr. GeorgeEnache, Ziarul Lumina

    Addittion III To Master Jesus in the Carpatians an esoteric attempt

    The special empathic spiritual substance of Romania, and even stronger in most parts of the CarpatianMountains, which was also a main theme in the Folksspirit-Work in three seminars with D. Kruse inBucarest in 2012 13 seems to be connected mainly with the secret spiritual substance of MasterJesus.

    If we look up to the character of the Boddhisattvas in the way Rudolf Steiner did, we can haveimpressions oft he huge peace and the cosmic smile of Buddha, the deep wisdom of Zarathustra, theall-connecting spirit as a Worlds-breath of Skythianos and the transformation of evil through lovefrom Manu.

    Coming nearer on our spiritual path to the atmosphere of the main two masters of Europe, ChristianRosencreutz and Master Jesus, we can have two main impressions.

    The deep puryfied martyrsubstance of clear innerness of Christian Rosencreutz which can lead us alsoto clear inner steps of imagination, inspiration and intuition on a spiritual path.

    And the warm I-am direction to intim brotherhood in a holy empathic Gods-Friendship in MasterJesus.

    As Steiner told this Master have Etherbodys which we can take with the right spiritual ripeness likeclothes.

    About Master Jesus now Steiner told, that he has to do withthe more intim in the human soul (GA 2 6 4, Esoteric Hour Berlin, 26. Juni 1906) and withthe principles of brotherly love whichgrow into the future (GA 264, Esoteric hour, Kln, 12. Februar 1906).

    Steiner told also how Master Jesus has been the Godsfriend from the Oberland in the middleagewhich was coming to a circle of 12 from Switzerland, partly also to Strassbourgh in France near thegerman border. The famous mystican Johannes Tauler was among this 12 persons.

    Steiner said Master Jesus and Christian Rosencreutz are incarnated in every century. Master Jesus isnot incarnated only for 12 years in every century and he is always incarnated in the passage from onecentury to an other(all findable in GA 264, Chapter: Out oft he speaches about the Masters of wisdom and theaccording of feelings, here: out of personal Talks with Rudolf Steiner from Friedrich. Rittelmeier andWilhelm Rath)

    Interesting for Romania is now the answer Steiner gave to Rittelmeyers question, if Master Jesus isincarnated and where. Steiner said that he is living in the carpats and that he (Steiner)n stays spirituallyin contact with him( findable also in that chapter in GA 264). The Carpats have also parts in Slovakiaand the Ucraine, the largest parts are in Romania.

    We can ask how this brotherlove substance of Master Jesus in the carpats in the 20th century isconnected with the schooling of brotherhood from the Blacksea- Mysteries in the early middlegage

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    which Rudolf Steiners described in GA 155, Christ and the human soul, in the 2. Lecture toTheosophic Moral in Norrkping on 29. May 1912.

    If we experience the carpats, we can be astonished how in Romania, which has the most Monasterysper head all over the world (like an european Tibet), in the carpats are findable strong christic ethter-

    and astral atmospheres.By experience (D. Kruse) in Paltinis, South of Sibiu in the carpatian Mountains, where Steiner was inthe Holy Nights at the end of 1889 with a slide (and rumours say he met his master one night, when hewas going alone out with the slide), we have a very brotherly female atstrality all over the lonesomevalleys and foorests.

    In the valley near the monastery Voronet in the Bucovina we have a tremendous fine and religiousdensity, nearness and diversity of so many elementary-beings here we can see how it should be innature, every space is filled with many beings in an easy and inspirng way we can feel in comparisnhow awful empty are nowaddays many culturelandscapes.

    Near Fundata in the Carpats south of Brasov we find a high spiritual atmosphere, so that we can thinkeasily transforming spiritual thoughts.

    In the Retezat, south of Hunedoara we find heavenly harmonical naturespirituaity which can transformhearts and destinys. Other parts oft he carpats can show the spiritual diversity of this mountains always connected with a brotherly, soft and empathic basical mood.

    So enlarging the recalling of experiences- it is an intim impression in Easteurope - where underthis influence of Christ has grown a much more developed Christunderstanding as in Westeurope . (GA 121, 16.06.1910) that ripe spiritual Personalitys like Arsenie Boca in Romania or Peter

    Dunov in Bulgaria (Paneurythmy etc.) worked strongly through and with this etherbody of MasterJesus.

    Already 1908 Steiner had said about the spirituallity of Easteurope, in connection with the esotericwisdom of higher personalitys which are conncted with the Mount Athos Monasterys: In the east allis still fluid. (In Ludwig Kleeberg, Wege und Worte Erinnerungen an Rudolf Steiner ... , J. Vh.Mellinger Verlag 1961, S. 195)

    Interesting is also that the godsfriendship in Easteurope leads to an intim friendship to nature, so thatthis eastern soul is able to see beings into a naturehappening (Steiner in GA 121, 16.06.1910).

    It seems the themes of nature-connection and the building of new brotherhoods, which Rudolf Steinerscalled for often, are specially a door also for Romania and Bulgaria.

    Another big theme is the connection to the Boddhisattva Skythianos which will lead the futuredoingsin Easteurope a theme from Rudolf Steiner which was described largely in S. Prokofieffs Booksabout Sophia and the easteuropean Mission.(Sergej O. Prokofieff, Die geistigen Quellen Osteuropasund die knftigen Mysterien des Gral, Verlag am Goetheanum (also to Skythianos work in the differentculturetimes and his todays and futurework with the souls of Easteurope in Part I)

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    One result of the Folkspiritwork about Romania in 2012 13 is similar to the words of Steiner. Wefound as a fazit there this impressiones :

    The Etherbody of the Romanian Folkspirit - in an specific epic horizontal airyness, wideness andopeness, where all spiritual can connect deeper in an easy way.

    The Soul of the Romanian Folkspirit as an originality that works with soft skills, empathic weaving,and with penetrating pure passion, a soul of empathic mystic sensitivity, that leads in a natural way ofbrothers and sisters to a religious unifying.

    It is the Romanian Folkspirit with its open christic embracing gesture that connects flowingly widthin horizontal way, and the same cosmos and earth and can teach this among the earth-nations.

    (See the Script D. Kruse, The Spirit of Romania)

    I am sure that the idea of an european forum of spiritual schooling in the carpathian area, which wascoming up in the work with Anthroposophic Society (Council and Collegiu - the house of the Paxinoshigh up in Sinaia) from 2008 2010 and the Anthroposopical Schooling Meetings in Simeria from2010 until now are part of the evolutionary spiritual streaming in Easteurope.May the ripening towards next steps work well.

    Dirk Kruse

    24. August 2014

    [email protected]