print screen dps

To start off with I manipulated my double page spread Image in Photoshop so that it was made darker. Once my image was manipulated I drew a box using the tools on the left hand side, then pasted my image in that box, I did this by going file then place, after that I got it to the right size and placed it on the left hand side of my double page spread. The reason why I chose this After I had manipulated my image, I focussed on my article title; I decided to choose this title as it is eye-catching and is left on a bit of a cliff- hanger, therefore the reader will want to carry on reading to find out what happens in the interview. I got the text by clicking the ‘T’ icon on the left-hand tool bar, after that I drew out a text box and wrote my title in there. After that I choose the font that I liked the best and also the colour of the font. I did this by highlighting the text then going to ‘swatches’ and

Upload: asmediag12

Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Print screen dps

To start off with I manipulated my double page spread Image in Photoshop so that it was made darker. Once my image was manipulated I drew a box using the tools on the left hand side, then pasted my image in that box, I did this by going file then place, after that I got it to the right size and placed it on the left hand side of my double page spread. The reason why I chose this particular image is because my target audience wanted an MCU and I feel that this is perfect as it also comes across as indie because of his facial expressions.

After I had manipulated my image, I focussed on my article title; I decided to choose this title as it is eye-catching and is left on a bit of a cliff-hanger, therefore the reader will want to carry on reading to find out what happens in the interview. I got the text by clicking the ‘T’ icon on the left-hand tool bar, after that I drew out a text box and wrote my title in there. After that I choose the font that I liked the best and also the colour of the font. I did this by highlighting the text then going to ‘swatches’ and choosing the colour red, as that is the colour that resembles my magazine. You will also notice that my title has a black outline round the edge as it stands out and makes it look more professional. I did this by using the stroke tool.

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Page 3: Print screen dps