prince of peace lutheran church, 209 eastern avenue, augusta, …€¦ · inside this issue: pages...

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pages : 2-Adventures in Ministry, 3-Remember-Rejoice-Renew, 4, 5-Updates and Events, 6-Roadmap to the Future, Fall Clean-up Day, 7-Birthdays & Anniversaries, 8-Notes from afar, 9-Would you trade a memory, for uncertainty? 10-October Servants, Council, Staff & Ministries of the Church, 11-October Calendar of Events, 12-Office Hours and Service Times, Vision & Mission Statements. Pastor Jonathan Vogel PEACE CHIMES OCTOBER 2013 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 209 Eastern Avenue, Augusta, Maine 04330 ROADMAP TO THE FUTURE KINGDOM THINKING...CALL TO ACTION RELATIONSHIPS…..EVANGELISTS…..

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Page 1: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 209 Eastern Avenue, Augusta, …€¦ · INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pages : 2-Adventures in Ministry, 3-Remember-Rejoice-Renew, 4, 5-Updates and Events, 6-Roadmap


Pages : 2-Adventures in Ministry, 3-Remember-Rejoice-Renew, 4, 5-Updates and Events, 6-Roadmap to

the Future, Fall Clean-up Day, 7-Birthdays & Anniversaries, 8-Notes from afar, 9-Would you trade a

memory, for uncertainty? 10-October Servants, Council, Staff & Ministries of the Church, 11-October

Calendar of Events, 12-Office Hours and Service Times, Vision & Mission Statements.

Pastor Jonathan Vogel


Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 209 Eastern Avenue, Augusta, Maine 04330




Page 2: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 209 Eastern Avenue, Augusta, …€¦ · INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pages : 2-Adventures in Ministry, 3-Remember-Rejoice-Renew, 4, 5-Updates and Events, 6-Roadmap

Adventures in Ministry !

An interesting and helpful phrase popped up at our last Congregational Council meeting:

Presume Positive Intent.

In 1531 Martin Luther put it a little differently, when explaining the Eighth Commandment:

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. What does this mean for us? We are

to fear and love God so that we do not betray, slander, or lie about our neighbor, but defend

him, speak well of (her), and explain his actions in the kindest way.

One of the brilliant insights Luther presented to the world in this part of the Small Catechism was

that going halfway wasn’t enough for those truly wanting to follow Christ.

Anyone who has watched Perry Mason (how many years ago?), Law & Order (a little more re-

cent), or any of the flurry of current CSI television shows knows that — sooner or later — every-

one gets caught in outright lying.

It will be a great day when our politicians finally realize that — love or hate our public media

— the great strength of a free press and freedom of speech is that no-one gets away with lying

or corruption for long. Honesty is the best policy!

For Christians, however, telling the truth and being honest and honorable ourselves is

only half the job. Luther reminds us that the other half is looking at our neighbor’s

words and actions “ . . . in the kindest way.”

Or, to use the words of our Council member, presume positive intent.

Easy to say, but not easy to do, at least not without practice.

Quick self-check: The last time you heard another person criticized (demeaned, belittled, put

down), did you remain silent? Perhaps even add your own measure of condemnation? Did you

defend the person, or attempt to explain their words or actions in a more positive light?

This last is hard to do, especially when not going along may alienate you from the person

already handing out criticism and judgment.

Unfortunately, too, presuming negative intent is not only currently popular in our culture, but it

tends to have a self-fulfilling-prophecy dynamic to it:

If I look at my neighbor expecting to see bad things, most likely I will find bad things (which

one of us is perfect, after all?). Having found those negative things, I now have additional

evidence that I was right to view my neighbor with suspicion . . . , and the cycle continues

sharply downward.

Thankfully, as God knows and as Luther reminds us, the opposite is also true. If we presume posi-

tive intent of our neighbor, we may well find that, like us, they are trying their best to do the right

thing, in a world that is far from perfect.

That the more we practice explaining our neighbor’s words and actions in the kindest way,

the less suspicion, distrust and fear we will feel.

Be counter-cultural! Practice presuming positive intent. It’s one of God’s directions for a healthier

and happier community.

Pastor Jon


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During the months of October and November the 50th Anniversary Committee will be recognizing the

Internal (Building the Body) and external (Spreading God's Love) ministries of Prince of Peace. Listed

below are the ministries the committee has identified. We NEED YOUR HELP. Please look over the

list and let us know any ministries that have been overlooked. Contact Myrna Duplessie at 923-3128 or

email [email protected] We are aware that some of the ministries could fall in more than one


Building the Body Spreading God’s Love (Internal Ministries) (External Ministries)

Fellowship suppers (80's) Bread of Life Ministries

Lunch-Laugh-Learn Food Banks - Augusta, Gardiner, Chelsea

Clusters Christmas Dinner

Friday Night Prayer and Praise Christmas Fair

Men's Prayer Breakfast Fuel Auction

Women's Circles - Dorcas, Miriam, Young mothers, Cambodian Refugees

Anna (Women's Prayer Breakfast) Afghan Family

Calling and Caring August Regional Church Housing

Facebook Yard Sale

Prayer chains Caroling

Small groups Web page - Facebook

Choirs (adult, youth, children) Prayer Shawl Ministry

Bell Choir Trips to Africa

Youth - Luther League, Son Seekers Nursing Home Ministry

Lutheran Youth Organization, Key ‘73 Quilts

Kid’s Night Box Project

Sports Teams Faith Lutheran

Writers group Water of Life

Bible Garden Bible Garden

Deacons Prayer Shawl Ministry

Art Group Helping Fund

Camp Calumet Camp Calumet


Retreats Sonshine Nursery School

Couples Clubs

ALSO NEEDED: PICTURES that relate to any of these ministries. They will be returned in good


50th Anniversary Committee: Myrna Duplessie, Cindy Gyorgy, Willi and Jutta Hartung, Don and

Kathy Sproul, Louanne Story and Pastor Vogel.

Page 4: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 209 Eastern Avenue, Augusta, …€¦ · INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pages : 2-Adventures in Ministry, 3-Remember-Rejoice-Renew, 4, 5-Updates and Events, 6-Roadmap


Council Brunch Benefits VBS

Sunday, September 15th, the church council served brunch to approximately 45 adults and 8

children. Myrna and Angie set the Sunday School classroom table for the children so they could

have breakfast and a Sunday school lesson. The adults gathered in the CCR where council

members waited tables bringing coffee and cold beverages to congregational members. Bruce,

Louanne and Bobbi-Jo cooked eggs and served at the steam table while Ave, Don, Darryl and Beth

worked the dining room floor introducing themselves while ribbing long time members like David

Wheelock. There was time for the council to share a meal as well before cleanup. Several

members of council were unable to attend due to schedule conflict, but there is a sense that this

will not be the last council breakfast - we make a good team, and having the chance to sit and chat

without any other agenda felt really nice.

The event held two purposes: team building by the council who are getting to know one another as

they serve the congregation, and as a fundraiser to offset the final balance of the VBS program that

provided 34 children with a week of summer fun, singing, games and God's Word. The balance of

the bill for VBS, which was provided through Camp Calumet, was $323.77. The Clynk account

has raised $180.00 and the Brunch raised $198. which brings the balance to + $53.23. That

overage and any other money we continue to raise from Clynk will be earmarked to pay the

registration fee for VBS 2014.

Thanks to all who participated in funding the VBS program, through your cash donations, your

donation of time and talents and for your prayers that uplift those who do God's work.

God's Work, Our Hands

"Through your generous financial support we provided 34 kids the chance to attend

Vacation Bible school this summer! Praise the Lord."

A few comments from children who attended VBS…..

Liz Burgess shared this cute story about her grandson, Devin. He asked when he could go back to

"Book Camp" when they drove by the church one day. He meant “Bible Camp” and he can't wait

to come back again next week!

Patti Gardiner shared that her Pastor’s three children attended VBS, and that they talk about it

every Sunday when she sees them! They express how much fun they had a her other church!

Especially little Hannah who is only 5 years old and very shy. She said she loved making new

friends and all the games!

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ALL SAINTS SUNDAY — November 3rd

Each year, on the first Sunday in November, the Church celebrates All Saints Sunday.

It is a special day to commemorate all the saints—all the baptized—all the faithful,

and to affirm our faith in “the communion of saints.” It is also a special day in the late

autumn—toward the end of the church’s “green season”—before the deadly cold of

winter—to affirm our faith in “the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting.”

So All Saints Sunday is a little Easter in the fall parallel to the big Easter in the spring;

then we celebrate our Lord’s resurrection from death to life, now we celebrate the

hope of his resurrection for all his saints, all his baptized, all his faithful people.

This year’s gospel is Luke’s short version of our Lord’s Beatitudes: “Blessed are you who

are poor… who are hungry now… who weep now…” (Luke 6:20–23). Regardless of which

version, we sense the great variety and differences among all the saints of God.

During the service we will particularly remember those members of our congregation and

those dear to us who have died during the past year, by reading their names and lighting candles in

their memory.

May the old spiritual song be our hope this All Saints Sunday: O when the saints go

marching in; O Lord, I want to be in that number when the saints go marching in. Perhaps the best

expression of that hope is a traditional prayer for All Saints Day:

O Almighty God, who hast knit together thine elect in one communion and fellowship

in the mystical body of thy Son, Christ our Lord: Grant us grace so to follow thy blessed

Saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those unspeakable joys which

thou hast prepared for those who unfeignedly love thee; through the same Jesus Christ

our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without

end. Amen Joyce Bagnall, Worship Committee

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Roadmap to the Future:

The Next Leg of the Journey

by Betty Balderston, Roadmap Coordinator

Prince of Peace’s “Roadmap to the Future” has taken an exciting new turn. Rather than creating

small groups of POP members to discuss the issues identified during the Congregational interview

process last year, we’ve decided to open up these groups to everyone!

Beginning Sunday, September 22 and continuing through November 3, the Adult Sunday School

time will provide an opportunity for POPers to expand upon their thoughts, their dreams, their

prayers and their wishes on a variety of topics. The results of these sessions will be shared with

POP leaders to develop a Strategic Plan for moving these issues forward and improving the life of

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church.

Topics to be addressed were chosen from those identified by the POP Council, based upon the

feedback you previously provided. Classroom topics will include External Ministries: Spreading

God’s Love; Internal Ministries: Building the Body; Communications and Marketing; Finances;

Membership and possibly other issues. A different topic will be discussed each week. Watch for

weekly postings in the Narthex and weekly email messages for information on the upcoming topic.

Come and enjoy the journey. The future of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church belongs to all of us!

For more information, contact Betty Balderston at [email protected] or at (207) 377-4293.

The Property Committee will be having a Fall Clean-up Day on Saturday, Oct. 26th starting at

8:30 AM. We will be raking leaves, trimming hedges, washing windows, etc. The more hands we

have, and less work for all. Please come and help keep our church beautiful and make it ready for

the winter. Thank-you! Sincerely, Bruce Ames

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3 Don Sproul

6 Matthew Harvey

8 Marianne Christian

10 Bethany LeBrun

11 Jutta Hartung

18 Dee Benn

Diane Richard

19 Nancy Merrill

27 Erika Praul

30 Lee Blake

Tim Elliott


10 Paul & Joanie Rhoda

17 Bill & Liz Burgess

18 Brad & Heidi Joslyn

Karl & Flo Wilkins

Ken & Rae Tjelmeland

19 Joseph & Jean Scott

25 Paul & Nina Riese

Page 8: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 209 Eastern Avenue, Augusta, …€¦ · INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pages : 2-Adventures in Ministry, 3-Remember-Rejoice-Renew, 4, 5-Updates and Events, 6-Roadmap

Notes from afar……….

To the Congregation of Prince of Peace:

Thank you for remembering Paul with your gift to Bread for the World. Paul would

greatly appreciate it. He is sorely missed, but his spirit is very much alive! We are thankful for

the time we were able to share ministry with you. Blessings, Trudy Goetting

To Prince of Peace Lutheran Church:

Thinking of you all on your Anniversary. I really look forward to receiving your monthly

newsletter! Ann Nyren

Hello All at POP,

Hope all is well. Dad (Dan Hewins) is declining but looks good. He has lost weight but he is

managing. He still has a sparkle in his eyes. Please pray for him. Cece Miller, Dan’s daugh-


Address for Dan: Sterling House Hickory, 910 29th Avenue North East, #204, Hickory, NC


Would we trade a memory, for uncertainty?

Once fall meant

Rally days and summer sloth thrown off,

the pews filling, hugs and back slaps, and “We

missed you,”

with a smile that says,

“I’m sure you had important things to do.”

Programs revving up, signing up, getting up

for one more cup of coffee,

chatting away, waiting for a reload of the chocolate

doughnut holes

and those sticky buns and powdered sugared

something, something good.

As everything outside begins to die, green grass brown

and the leaves of maple trees and towering oaks,

as everything outside begins to die,

the church awakes from slumber. 8

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Oh, see the people, the children, the ushers in their suits,

signs for the Oktoberfest, handbell practice;

see the grateful counters who count

envelopes, and loose change and visitors,

crying babies and laughing babies in the nursery,

in the arms of aunts and cousins pacing,

making faces; see greeters with pew pads

and sharpened number-two pencils the size of matchsticks;

see the acolytes in matching robes, eyes straight ahead, stepping with intention,

every move a mirror of every move.

Would we trade the fall of yesterday, even of today,

the friendly faces finding their favorite pews,

head nods, back slaps and a warm smile,

the rush of children divided and sub-divided,

hustled off as a school bell rings,

bulletin boards and sign-up lists, and everything in place

pin-drop quiet as the doors close, the ushers holding back

those who hit the snooze one too many times,

until the peace frowning,

you better have a jacket frowning,

shoes instead of sneakers frowning.

Would we trade a memory, for uncertainty? For strangers?

Would we embrace the season of shortening days,

of dying light and evening chill,

and find warmth in letting go,

the Spirit eager, stretching, pulling, tugging,

tumbling, dancing, turning cartwheels of what was,

neat and in its place,

longing to be free, finding new freedom,

free beyond our memories,

free beyond imagination and expectation,

embracing the messiness of life in its full chaotic splendor,

serendipity abounding, would we surrender?

Would we trade a memory, for uncertainty?

For strangers,

Baptist strangers who rock and shout

and the poor, and the smell of mothballs

and too much perfume, and wandering children,

and people who get in line a second time for bread, for wine,

and people who have no idea how to pronounce Caesarea Philippi?

Would we — die for them?

Die to what was and what is, trusting in what will be

so as to live anew in the now unfolding before us.

Trusting enough to live life deep and glorious,

knowing that the life we live we live in Christ and through Christ,

who has already led the way

through dying and death into life eternal.


Keith Spencer is the pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, an ELCA congregation in Pembroke Pines, Fla.

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Head Deacon - Duane Scott 623-2092

Women’s Prayer Breakfast-Nancy Merrill 737-8105

Prayer Shawl - Liz Burgess 622-3570

At Your Side Committee - Liz Burgess 622-3570

Helping Fund - Patti Gardiner - POP Office 623-9486

POP Quilter’s Group - Lil Stresser 377-2591

Women of the Church - ELCA- Liz Burgess 622-3570

Dorcas Circle - Jutta Hartung 623-2040

We Celebrate with...Church Office - Patti 623-9486

Bread of Life Ministries - Office-Wendy 626-3434

*Soup Kitchen on Water St. 621-2541

*Shelter on Hospital St. 626-3479

Augusta Food Bank 622-5225

Chelsea Food Bank - Diane Richard 462-1750



Duane Scott - Head Deacon 623-2092

Lloyd Balderston 377-4293

Tom Benn 549-7186

Myrna Duplessie 923-3128

Nancy Merrill 737-8105

Don Sproul - President 622-5785

Tom Benn - Vice President 549-7186

Ave Chuprevich - Secretary 933-4001

Darryl Praul - Financial Secretary 968-2023

Myrna Duplessie - Education 923-3128

LouAnne Story - Evangelism 549-7377

Bobbi-Jo Burdin - Fellowship 582-3070

Bruce Ames - Property 897-4159

Bev Savage - Social Awareness 446-1238

Beth Pfeffer - Stewardship 514-4289

Heidi Joslyn - Worship 623-2284

Angie Harvey - Youth 242-5167

Trustees: Chair– Don Sproul, Tom Benn, Bobbi-Jo

Burdin, Ave Chuprevich, Beth Pfeffer

Nominating Committee: Brad Joslyn, Beth Pfeffer, Bev

Savage, Kathy Sproul, Rebecca Vogel

Endowment Fund Committee: Dick Belisle, Bill

Burgess, Darryl Praul, Paul Rhoda, Bud Walters.


Pastor - Jonathan Vogel 623-9486 or 557-3637

Parish Secretary - Patti Gardiner 344-9162

Organist - Alice VanDerwerken 397-4214

Choir Director - Rebecca Vogel 445-2705

Sextons - Karl & Flo Wilkins 582-8530


Deacon: 6-Willi Hartung/Cindy Gyorgy, 13-Myrna Duplessie, 20 & 27-Tom Benn

Acolytes: 6-Roland Pease, 13-Harrison Pearce, 20-Justin Vogel, 27-Forrest Labbe

Ushers: Rob & Angela Harvey

Greeters: 6-Lloyd & Betty Balderston, 13-Roland Pease, 20 & 27-Lloyd & Betty Balderston

Altar Care: 6 & 13-Gene & Carlene Kaler, 20-Heather Priest


50 Years of Ministry

Page 11: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 209 Eastern Avenue, Augusta, …€¦ · INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pages : 2-Adventures in Ministry, 3-Remember-Rejoice-Renew, 4, 5-Updates and Events, 6-Roadmap


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


7:00 AM WPB

9:30 AM

Dorcas Circle


6:00 PM




1:00 –2:30 FA-


3:30-4:30 PM

PJ Text Study

6:30 PM

Choir (DR)


11:00 AM -

12:30 PM

SG - (TR)


Off site

Women of the

ELCA Gathering

for Justice


9:00 AM




Coffee Hour-


10:30 AM

Sunday School


6:30–9:00 PM



6:30 - 8:00 PM

Women’s Small

Group - Bur-



7:00 AM WPB

9:00 AM

Quilters (L)

6:00 PM



6:00 - 8:00 PM

Veteran’s SG



1:00-2:30 FA-


3:30 –4:30 PM

PJ Text Study

6:30 PM

Choir (DR)


11:00 AM-

12:30 PM



13 9:00 AM


Coffee Hour-

Stewardship Com

10:30 AM

Sunday School

14 3:00 PM

Women of the

Church –picnic

at Cindy


6:30 - 9:00 PM



7:00 AM WPB

6:00 PM

Church Council

6:00 PM



9:00 AM - 1:00

PM Maine Asso.





17 10:00 AM


Com. (TR)

1:00-2:30 FA-


3:30 –4:30 PM

PJ Text Study

6:30 PM

Choir (DR)


11:00 AM -

12:30 PM




9:00 AM


Coffee Hour-

Women of ELCA

10:30 AM

Sunday School


5:30 - 7:15 GS


6:30 - 8:00 PM

Women’s Small


6:30-9:00 PM



7:00 AM WPB

9:00 AM

Quilters (L)

6:00 PM








1:00-2:30 FA-


3:30-4:30 PM

PJ Text Study

6:30 PM

Choir (DR)

25 8:30AM - 4:30


All Building





11:00 AM-

12:30 PM

SG - (TR)


5:00 PM

Pizza &

POP Pumpkin






9:00 AM


Coffee Hour-

Worship Com.

10:30 AM

Sunday School


6:30 - 8:00 PM

Women’s Small


6:30-9:00 PM




7:00 AM WPB

6:00 PM



9:00 AM





1:00-2:30 FA-


3:30-4:30 PM

PJ Text Study

6:30 PM

Choir (DR)

Page 12: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 209 Eastern Avenue, Augusta, …€¦ · INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pages : 2-Adventures in Ministry, 3-Remember-Rejoice-Renew, 4, 5-Updates and Events, 6-Roadmap


8:30 am – 3:00 pm Daily


Pastor Jonathan Vogel

Parish Secretary - Patti Gardiner

Office Telephone 623-9486

Email: [email protected]

Web Page:


9:00 AM Communion Service

10:30 AM Sunday School for all ages

Fellowship time after church each Sunday.

Everyone Welcome.

Handicap Accessible.

October 2013


Prince of Peace Lutheran proclaims Christ as

our Savior and Lord.

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church provides a

Christian home where all people are welcome

and offers everyone opportunities to grow in

their faith-walk with God. Blessed to be a

blessing, we strive to share our gifts and show

God’s love to all.


LISTEN! God is calling!

We, the members of Prince of Peace Lutheran

Church, actively seek to put God first and

glorify our Lord in all that we do. We strive to

be the foundation supporting the growth of good

works our Creator puts on each of our hearts as

we respond to God’s call.