prevention of arp spoofing using cryptographic techniques

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  • 8/10/2019 Prevention of ARP Spoofing using Cryptographic Techniques


    Prevention of ARP Spoofing using Cryptographic Techniques

    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of

    BITS G629 Dissertation


    B Gautam K Varma

    ID NO. 2010H112035G

    Under the supervision of

    Dr. S K Sahay

    Assistant Professor, CS & IS Department



    APRIL 2012

  • 8/10/2019 Prevention of ARP Spoofing using Cryptographic Techniques




    This is to certify that the Dissertation entitled, Prevention of ARP Spoofing using

    Cryptographic Techniques and submitted by B Gautam K Varma, ID No.2010H112035G in

    partial fulfillment of the requirement of BITS G629T Dissertation embodies the work done

    by him under my supervision.

    Date Signature of the Supervisor

    Dr. S K Sahay

    Assistant Professor, CS & IS Department

  • 8/10/2019 Prevention of ARP Spoofing using Cryptographic Techniques




    Dissertation Title: Prevention of ARP Spoofing using Cryptographic Techniques

    Supervisor: Dr. S K Sahay

    Semester: Second Year: 20112012

    Name of Student: B Gautam K Varma ID No.: 2010H112035G

    Abstract: Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the most important protocol for host

    communication within a Local Area Network. ARP Spoofing or Cache Poisoning pose some

    serious problems to the protocol by wrongly associating IP addresses to the MAC addresses

    of malicious hosts, thus giving way to a wide range of attacks such as Denial of Service

    (DoS) attacks and Man In Middle (MiM) attacks. This work looks into the aspects of

    prevention of ARP spoofing by different mechanisms which include detection of spoofing

    using tools, modification of DHCP protocol and various cryptographic solutions to ensure

    authenticity to ARP replies.

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    Table of Contents

    Abstract . iii

    Table of Contents . iv

    List of Figures v

    1. Introduction 1

    1.1. The Address Resolution Protocol ... 1

    1.2. Message Format of ARP . 2

    1.3. Working of ARP . 3

    1.4. ARP Spoofing and Cache Poisoning .. 5

    2. Cryptographic Techniques in Prevention of ARP Spoofing ..... 7

    2.1. Challenge Response Authentication .............................. 7

    2.2. One Way Hashes ......................... 9

    2.3. One Time Passwords ...... 11

    2.4. Digital Signatures ............... 14

    3. Other Methods in Securing ARP ..................................................................... 21

    3.1. Detection using Tools .............................................................................. 21

    3.2. Static Binding and Stateful Cache ........................................................... 23

    3.3. Modification of the DHCP ...................................................................... 25

    4. Conclusion . 28

    References .. 29

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    List of Figures

    Figure 1: ARP Message Format ............................................................................ 2

    Figure 2: ARP Multicast request and Unicast Reply ............................................ 4

    Figure 3: Using Hash Function to authenticate ARP replies ................................ 10

    Figure 4: S/KEY based OTP ................................................................................. 13

    Figure 5: Using OTP to authenticate ARP replies ............................................... 14

    Figure 6: Digital Signatures using public key encryption .................................... 16

    Figure 7: Using Digital Signatures to authenticate ARP replies .......................... 17

    Figure 8: Authenticating ARP replies using tickets ......... 19

    Figure 9: Authenticating ARP replies using Digital Signatures and OTP ... 20

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    Local Area Networks running TCP/IP over Ethernet are the most common

    networks these days. Each host on such a network is assigned an IP address (32 bits).

    Hosts also possess a network interface card (NIC) having a unique physical address (48

    bits) also called the MAC address. For the final delivery of any packet destined to some

    host, its MAC must be known to the sender. Thus, the Address Resolution

    Protocol(ARP) is used to resolve an IP address into a MAC address. Resolved addresses

    are kept in a cache so as to avoid unnecessary work for already resolved addresses every

    time they are needed. Resolution is invoked only for entries expired or absent from the

    cache, otherwise cache entries are used.

    1.1 The Address Resolution Protocol:

    Hosts and applications in a network work with domain names which are

    converted to the IP address by a DNS server. But once packets containing application

    data arrive on the local Ethernet network of the host, they can be transmitted only if the

    MAC address present in the NIC of the destination host is known to the switch. Thus a

    conversion is needed from IP addresses to MAC addresses and vice versa. This

    conversion is done by the Address Resolution Protocol or ARP in short [1].

    ARP works as follows. When a host needs to send an IP datagram as an

    Ethernet frame to another host whose MAC address it does not know, it broadcasts a

    request for the MAC address associated with the IP address of the destination. Every

    host on the subnet receives the request and checks if the IP address in the request is

    bound to one of its network interfaces. If this is the case, the host with the matching IP

    address sends a unicast reply to the sender of the request with the pair. Every host maintains a table of pairs, called theARP cache,

    based on the replies it received, in order to minimize the number of requests sent on the

    network. No request is made if the pair of interest is already present in the

    cache. ARP cache entries have a typical lifetime of 20 minutes, after which the entry

    should be refreshed.

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    1.2 Message format of ARP:

    The format of ARP message is as follows

    Figure 1: ARP Message Format

    Following are the fields in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Message Format.

    Hardware Type: Hardware Type field in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)Message specifies the type of hardware used for the local network transmitting theAddress Resolution Protocol (ARP) message. The value for Ethernet is 1. The size of

    this field is 2 bytes.

    Protocol Type: Each protocol is assigned a number used in this field. IPv4 is 2048

    Hardware Address Length: Hardware Address Length in the Address Resolution

    Protocol (ARP) Message is length in bytes of a hardware (MAC) address. Ethernet

    addresses are 6 bytes long.

    Protocol Address Length: Length in bytes of a logical address. IPv4 addresses are 4

    bytes long.

    Opcode: Opcode field in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Message specifies the

    nature of the ARP message. 1 for ARP request and 2 for ARP reply.

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    Sender Hardware Address: Layer 2 (MAC Address) address of the device sending the


    Sender Protocol Address: The protocol address (IP address) of the device sending the


    Target Hardware Address: Layer 2 (MAC Address) of the intended receiver. This field

    is ignored in requests.

    Target Protocol Address: The protocol address (IP Address) of the intended receiver.

    1.3 Working of ARP:

    The following steps are involved in the working of Address Resolution Protocol

    Step 1: When a source device wants to communicate with another device, source device

    checks its Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache to find it already has a resolved

    MAC address of the destination device. If it is there, it will use that address for

    communication. To view your Local Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache, Open

    Command Prompt and type command "arp -a" (Without double quotes using Windows

    Operating Systems).

    Step 2: If ARP resolution is not there in local cache, the source machine will generate anAddress Resolution Protocol (ARP) request message, it puts its own data link layer

    address as the Sender Hardware Address and its own IP address as the Sender Protocol

    Address. It fills the destination IP address as the Target Protocol Address. The Target

    Hardware Address will be left blank, since the machine is trying to find that.

    Step 3: The source broadcast the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request message to

    the local network.

    Step 4: The message is received by each device on the LAN since it is a broadcast. Each

    device compare the Target Protocol Address (IP Address of the machine to which the

    source is trying to communicate) with its own Protocol Address (IP Address). Those

    who do not match will drop the packet without any action.

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    Step 5: When the targeted device checks the Target Protocol Address, it will find a

    match and will generate an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) reply message. It takes

    the Sender Hardware Address and the Sender Protocol Address fields from the Address

    Resolution Protocol (ARP) request message and uses these values for the Targeted

    Hardware Address and Targeted Protocol Address of the reply message.

    Step 6: The destination device will update its Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache,

    since it need to contact the sender machine soon.

    Step 7: Destination device send the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) reply message

    and it will not be a broadcast, but a unicast.

    Step 8: The source machine will process the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) reply

    from destination, it store the Sender Hardware Address as the layer 2 address of the


    Step 9: The source machine will update its Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache

    with the Sender Hardware Address and Sender Protocol Address it received from the

    Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) reply message.

    Figure 2: ARP Multicast request and Unicast Reply

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    1.4 ARP Spoofing and Cache Poisoning:

    ARP Spoofing or ARP Cache Poisoning is the technique in which a hosts

    cache is modified to add an incorrect IP, MAC mapping to its ARP cache. Since each

    host presumes its local cache to be trustworthy, the poisoned host will send IP packets

    encapsulated into Ethernet frames with a bogus MAC address as destination.

    In an ARP spoofing, the attacker sends ARP replies with fake

    mappings, in an attempt to poison the ARP cache of other host(s) on the network. For

    example, if the attacker wants to impersonate host X so that host Y sends data destined

    to X to the attacker instead, the attacker can send an ARP reply indicating that the host

    with the IP x.x.x.x has the MAC mm:mm:mm:mm:mm:mm (the MAC address of the

    attacker). Since ARP is an stateless protocol, the receiver will gladly update its ARP

    cache with the pairing received. Furthermore, some operating systems may

    even update static cache entries with information received from unsolicited ARP


    Even if ARP is configured to be stateful, an attacker can still perform an ARP

    spoofing attack by sending a fake ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo

    request to Y indicating it comes from X, but using the MAC address of the attacker.Depending on the implementation, the operating system can either use the

    pairing inferred from the received Ethernet frame and ICMP packet, or it can issue an

    ARP request to learn the mapping (before sending the ICMP echo reply). In the latter

    case, the attacker can instantly reply to the ARP request, poisoning the cache.

    The ARP poisoning attacks just described are often used as part of other serious attacks:

    DoS attacks: An attacker can poison an ARP table of a host so that every packet that thehost sends is sent to the attacker instead of its real destination. In this way, the attacker

    blocks the communication from the host being attacked.

    Host impersonation: Instead of just dropping the packets received from the host being

    attacked, the attacker can respond, impersonating any host in the network.

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    Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks: By spoofing two hosts in the network at the same

    time, an attacker can silently sit in between the two hosts so that they think they are

    communicating with each other. This attacker is then able to listen to all the traffic sent

    in both directions. This attack can also be performed between any host in the LAN and

    an outside host, as the attacker can perform the attack between the host and the default

    gateway. With a MITM attack, the attacker can gain access to sensitive information

    (e.g., passwords) or he/she can even modify the data being sent, compromising the

    datas integrity.

    Note that these attacks are not restricted to Ethernet networks. Hosts using

    other Layer 2 protocols like 802.11 are also susceptible to ARP poisoning attacks.

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    2. Cryptographic Techniques in Prevention of ARP


    The main problem with Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is that, in its

    unmodified implementation, it accepts the ARP replies from sender without

    authenticating the message. Hence, an attacker will be able to send its own malicious

    reply and host accepting it, resulting in the poisoning of its cache or ARP spoofing.

    Cryptographic techniques like Hashing, Digital Signatures and One Time

    Passwords (OTP) can be used along with challenge response protocols to authenticate

    the reply received from a particular host. Thus the host will be able to differentiate

    between a legitimate host and malicious host hence preventing itself from ARP attacks.

    2.1 Challenge Response Authentication:

    Challenge-response authentication is a family of protocols in which one party

    presents a question ("challenge") and another party must provide a valid answer

    ("response") to be authenticated. The most common example of a challenge response

    system is the password authentication. The server challenges the user to provide with the

    correct user name and password, the client responds with the right answer, which is the

    correct password. In simple terms, Challenge-Response Authentication (CRA) [12] is a

    method for proving your identity over an insecure medium without giving any

    information out to eavesdroppers that may enable them to identify themselves as you.

    Non-cryptographic authentication is sufficient in a scenario where nobody is

    likely to be eavesdropping on the communication channel to observe the password being

    entered. So, the insecure channel problem is to be addressed, One way this is done

    involves using the password as the encryption key to transmit some randomly-generated

    information as the challenge, whereupon the other end must return as its response a

    similarly-encrypted value which is some predetermined function of the originally-

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    offered information, thus proving that it was able to decrypt the challenge. For instance,

    in Kerberos, the challenge is an encrypted integer N, while the response is the encrypted

    integer N + 1, proving that the other end was able to decrypt the integer N. In other

    variations, a hash function operates on a password and a random challenge value to

    create a response value.

    Such encrypted or hashed exchanges do not directly reveal the password to an

    eavesdropper. However, they may supply enough information to allow an eavesdropper

    to deduce what the password is, using a dictionary attack or brute-force attack. The use

    of information which is randomly generated on each exchange (and where the response

    is different from the challenge) guards against the possibility of a replay attack, where a

    malicious intermediary simply records the exchanged data and retransmits it at a latertime to fool one end into thinking it has authenticated a new connection attempt from the


    Authentication protocols usually employ a cryptographic nonce as the

    challenge to ensure that every challenge-response sequence is unique. This protects

    against a replay attack. If it is impractical to implement a true nonce, a strong

    cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator and cryptographic hash

    function can generate challenges that are highly unlikely to occur more than once. It is

    important not to use time-based nonces, as these can weaken servers in different time

    zones and servers with inaccurate clocks.

    Mutual authentication is performed using a challenge-response handshake in

    both directions; the server ensures that the client knows the secret, and the client also

    ensures that the server knows the secret, which protects against a rogue server

    impersonating the real server.

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    2.2. One way Hashes:

    A cryptographic hash function is an algorithm that takes an arbitrary block of

    data and returns a fixed-size bit string, the (cryptographic) hash value, such that a

    change to the data will definitely change the hash value. The data to be encoded is often

    called the message digest. The ideal cryptographic hash function has four main or

    significant properties:

    It is easy to compute the hash value for any given message

    It is infeasible to generate a message that has a given hash

    It is infeasible to modify a message without changing the hash

    It is infeasible to find two different messages with the same hash

    A cryptographic hash function must be able to withstand all known types of

    cryptanalytic attack. As a minimum, it must have the following properties:

    Preimage resistance:

    Given a hash h it should be difficult to find any message M such that h= hash(M)

    Second-preimage resistance:

    Given an input message m1, it should be difficult to find another input m2 wherem1m2 such that hash(m1) hash(m2). This property is sometimes referred to as

    weak collision resistance

    Collision resistance:

    It should be difficult to find two different messages m1, m2 such that

    hash(m1)=hash(m2). Such a pair is called a cryptographic hash collision. This

    property is sometimes referred to as strong collision resistance. It requires a hash

    value at least twice as long as that required for preimage-resistance, otherwise

    collisions may be found by a birthday attack.

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    The two most commonly used cryptographic hash functions are MD5 and SHA-1. MD5

    digests have been widely used in the software world to provide some assurance that a

    transferred file has arrived intact. For example, file servers often provide a pre-computed

    MD5 (known as Md5sum) checksum for the files, so that a user can compare the

    checksum of the downloaded file to it. Unix-based operating systems include MD5 sum

    utilities in their distribution packages, whereas Windows users use third-party


    One way hashes can be used to authenticate the ARP replies in the following

    way. Here, each host will be having Passcode(PC), PassNo(PN) combinations for every

    other host in the network. These pairs are securely distributed among the hosts. The

    process of verification is as shown below

    Figure 3: Using Hash Function to authenticate ARP replies

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    Step 1: MAC request is broadcasted in the network by Host1

    Step 2: Host2 unicastly replies to Host1 with its MAC address

    Step 3: Host 1 challenges Host2 with a Random number and a Pass No. intended

    for that particular host.

    Step 4: Host2 responds to the challenge by sending the message digest which

    includes the random number received, its Pass Code and its MAC address.

    Step 5: Host1 computes its own digest from the Pass No., Pass Code information

    it has and the MAC address it received earlier.

    Step 6: Host1 adds the IP, MAC association to its cache if both the digests are

    same; else it will discard the received MAC address.

    2.2. One Time Passwords (OTP):

    A one-time password (OTP) is a password that is valid for only one login

    session or transaction. One-time password systems are designed to counter Replay

    Attacks and Key Loggers. Replay attack involves eavesdropping on network

    connections to obtain authentication information such as the login IDs and passwords of

    legitimate users. Once this information is captured, it can be used at a later time to gain

    access to the system. The one time password system uses a secret pass-phrase to

    generate a sequence of one-time (single use) passwords, each used only for one

    transaction. With this system, the user's secret pass-phrase never needs to cross the

    network during authentication. So, if a potential intruder manages to record an OTP that

    was already used to log into a service or to conduct a transaction, he or she will not be

    able to use it again since it will be no longer valid.

    Several tools are available to generate One Time Passwords. Some of them

    developed for Unix like systems are OTPW developed by Markus Kuhn which generates

    completely random OTPs based on several system variables. Other such tool is OPIE

    (One time Passwords In Everything) - An S/Key based authentication system.

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    S/KEY is also a one-time password system developed for authentication to

    Unix-like operating systems, especially from untrusted public computers on which one

    does not want to type the actual password. S/KEY serves the functionality to thwart any

    possible replay attack by making user to use a one-time password for login, so that any

    eavesdropping gives useless password information for the attacker as that information is

    used for only one time. Added security is provided by the property that no secret

    information need be stored on any system, including the host being protected.

    S/KEY is also sometimes referred to as Lamport's scheme, after its author,

    Leslie Lamport. With the widespread use of computers running SSH and other

    cryptographic protocols that can secure an entire session, not just the password, S/KEY

    is falling into disuse. SecurID is a related one-time password scheme that still seeswidespread use because, unlike S/KEY, it provides two-factor authentication by

    requiring a physical token that cannot be easily reproduced.

    There are two sides to the operation of the S/KEY one-time password system.

    On the client side, the appropriate one-time password must be generated. On the host

    side, the server must verify the one-time password and permit the secure changing of the

    user's secret pass-phrase. An S/KEY system client passes the user's secret pass-phrase

    through multiple applications of a secure hash function to produce a one-time password.

    On each use, the number of applications is reduced by one. Thus a unique sequence of

    passwords is generated. The S/KEY system host verifies the one-time password by

    making one pass though the secure hash function and comparing the result with the

    previous one-time password.

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    Figure 4 : S/KEY based OTP

    One time Passwords can therefore be used authenticate the sender in ARP

    implementation scenario. Here, each host will be having Pass Key (PK) list for N no. of

    transactions for every other host in the network. These Pass Keys will be used as OTP

    for every transaction between two particular hosts. These Pass Key lists will be securely

    distributed among hosts initially. By using OTPs, we can successfully avoid replay

    attacks. The sequence of authentication is as shown below

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    Figure 5: Using OTP to authenticate ARP replies

    Step 1: MAC request is broadcasted in the network by Host1

    Step 2: Host2 unicastly replies to Host1 with its MAC address

    Step 3: Host 1 challenges Host2 with a Pass No. intended for that particular host.

    Step 4: Host2 responds to the challenge by sending the Pass Key (PK) for that

    particular Pass No.

    Step 5: Host1 verifies the Pass Key received to the Pass Key it has in its list.

    Step 6: Host1 adds the IP, MAC association to its cache if both the Pass Keys are

    same; else it will discard the received MAC address.

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    2.3. Digital Signatures:

    A digital signature is a cryptographic scheme for demonstrating the

    authenticity of a digital message or document. A valid digital signature gives a recipient

    reason to believe that the message was created by a known sender, and that it was not

    altered in transit. Digital signatures can be used to authenticate the source of messages.

    When ownership of a digital signature secret key is bound to a specific user, a valid

    signature shows that the message was sent by that user. Digital signatures also ensure

    integrity of the message, because any change in the message after signature will

    invalidate the signature. Non-repudiation, or more specifically non-repudiation of origin,

    is an important aspect of digital signatures. By this property an entity that has signed

    some information cannot at a later time deny having signed it.

    In situations where there is not complete trust between sender and receiver,

    something more than authentication is needed. The most attractive solution to this

    problem is the digital signature. The digital signature is analogous to the handwritten

    signature. It must have the following properties:

    It must verify the author and the date and time of the signature.

    It must to authenticate the contents at the time of the signature. It must be verifiable by third parties, to resolve disputes.

    Digital signatures often use a public key encryption system. Public-key cryptography

    refers to a cryptographic system requiring two separate keys, one to lock or encrypt the

    plaintext, and one to unlock or decrypt the cypher text. Neither key will do both

    functions. One of these keys is published or public and the other is kept private. If the

    lock/encryption key is the one published then the system enables private communication

    from the public to the unlocking key's owner. If the unlock/decryption key is the one

    published then the system serves as a signature verifier of documents locked by the

    owner of the private key. Although in this latter case, since encrypting the entire

    message is relatively expensive computationally, in practice just a hash of the message is

    encrypted for signature verification purposes.

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    Figure 6: Digital Signatures using public key encryption

    RSA is the best known, and by far the most widely used general public key

    encryption algorithm, and was first published by Rivest, Shamir & Adleman of MIT. It

    is the most widely accepted and implemented general-purpose approach to public-key

    encryption. It is based on exponentiation in a finite (Galois) field over integers modulo a

    prime, using large integers (eg. 1024 bits). Its security is due to the cost of factoring

    large numbers.

    Digitally signed replies can be exchanged between the hosts to ensure

    confidentiality and authenticity. Therefore digital signatures can be used in ARP request

    reply scenario to authenticate the ARP replies. One way of doing it is to use asymmetric

    cryptography technique. One such case is mentioned here. Each host will be having its

    own Public Key (PU) and Private Key (PR) and also the Public Keys of all other hosts

    which are distributed securely initially.

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    Figure 7: Using Digital Signatures to authenticate ARP replies

    The sequence of authentication is as follows

    Step 1: MAC request is broadcasted in the network by Host1

    Step 2: Host2 encrypts it MAC and IP association first with its Private Key and

    then the Public Key of Host1.

    Step 3: Host1 decrypts the message first with its Private Key and then the Public

    Key of Host2

    It should be noted that only Host1 will be able to read the correct MAC, IP association

    as the initial decryption needs its own Private Key, which is available with only Host1.

    Thus digital signatures ensure both confidentiality and integrity.

    Several solutions that involve cryptography to authenticate the ARP packets

    have been proposed. S-ARP [9] proposes a solution to the ARP poisoning problem

    based on an extension of the ARP protocol. It introduces a set of functionalities that

    enable an integrity and authenticity check on the content of ARP replies, using

    asymmetric cryptography. Secure ARP extends ARP with an integrity/authentication

    scheme for ARP replies, to prevent ARP poisoning attacks. In order to maintain

    compatibility with ARP, an additional header is inserted at the end of the protocol

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    standard messages to carry the authentication information. This way, S-ARP messages

    can also be processed by hosts that do not implement S-ARP.

    An S-ARP enabled host is identified by its own IP address and has a

    public/private key pair. A simple certificate provides the binding between the host

    identity and its public key. Besides the host public key, the certificate contains the host

    IP address and the MAC address of the Authoritative Key Distributor (AKD), a trusted

    host acting as key repository. Each host sends its signed certificate containing the public

    key and the IP address to the AKD, which inserts the public key and the IP address in a

    local data base, after the network manager's validation.

    In S-ARP all reply messages are digitally signed by the sender with the

    corresponding private key. At the receiving side, the signature is verified using the host

    public key. If the public key of the sender host is not present in the receiving host key

    ring or the one in the key ring does not verify the signature, the public key of the sender

    is requested from the AKD. The AKD sends it to the requesting host in a digitally signed

    message. S-ARP adopted the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) as the signature


    TARP [10] addresses the lack of authenticity in ARP replies by distributingcentrally generated attestations. These attestations, called tickets, authenticate the

    association between IP and MAC addresses through statements signed by the Local

    Ticket Agent (LTA). Each ticket encodes a validity period represented as a start time

    and an expiration time. Of course, the use of time values assumes some form of loose

    clock synchronization between the issuing LTA and the validating clients.

    To securely perform address resolution using TARP, a host broadcasts an

    ARP request. The host with the requested IP address sends a reply, attaching a

    previously obtained ticket. The signature on the ticket proves that the LTA issued it, i.e.,

    the IP-to-MAC address mapping is valid (or at least was at the time of issuance). The

    requesting host receives the ticket, validating it with the LTAs public key. If the

    signature is valid, the address association is accepted; otherwise, it is ignored. With the

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    introduction of TARP tickets, an adversary cannot successfully forge a TARP reply and,

    therefore, cannot exploit ARP poisoning attacks.

    Figure 8: Authenticating ARP replies using tickets in TARP [10]

    Goyal et al. [11] proposes a solution for the prevention of ARP cache

    poisoning based on a combination of digital signatures and one time passwords. This

    protocol requires periodic generation of digital signatures, the rate of generation being

    independent of the number of ARP requests being received. For this, we identify two

    different components of an ARP reply, one is the mapping

    and the recency of the mapping. The first component requires a digital signature since

    the mapping must be authentic and its authenticity must be publicly

    verifiable. The idea of this solution is to use the same digital signature again and again

    in ARP replies for a long time.

    Here one option could be to trust the ARP reply for recency and the only

    check performed on the content of replies would be validation of the digital signature.

    But then an attacker could get hold of that digital signature by simply sending an ARP

    request to the target system and getting it in reply. It could then wait for the target

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    system to go down or it could crash the target system using known attacks or Denial of

    Service attacks. As soon as the target system goes down or gets disconnected from the

    network, the attacker could change her MAC address to that of the target system and

    thus receive all packets sent to it. Now, even when the target system comes up later, it

    cannot claim back its MAC address and has to change it. The attacker may continue to

    poison the ARP cache of other hosts using the stored digital signature and thus receive

    the packet sent to the target system. Hence it [11] proposes a method to securely indicate

    the recency of the mapping indicated in the digital signature. This is done by including a

    One Time Password in the ARP reply.

    For a host to give an ARP reply, it generates a digital signature S containing

    the IP address to MAC address mapping, the local clock time and the tip of a hash chainused for verifying one time passwords. Now, for the first 20 minutes (cache entry

    validity time), the host answers ARP requests by sending S as the ARP reply. For the

    next 20 minutes, the host sends S and the first one time password (first link of the hash

    chain) as ARP reply and so-on. In general for the ith20 minute slot, the host sends S and

    the (i-1)th one time password as the ARP reply. The sequence of events can be

    visualized as follows

    Figure 9: Authenticating ARP replies using Digital Signatures and OTP in [11]

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    3. Other Methods in Securing ARP

    Various other schemes are proposed in securing the Address Resolution

    Protocol against ARP Spoofing or Cache Poisoning. These schemes can be categorically

    divided into 3 groups.

    1. Detection using Tools

    2. Static Binding and Stateful Cache

    3. Modification of DHCP

    3.1 Detection using Tools:

    Specialized tools like Snort[3] and arpwatch[4] are used to snoop the network

    and report abnormalities to the administrator. These tools are very lightweight and

    widely available, but it depends on the network administrator being able to differentiate

    between non-malicious events and ARP cache poisoning attacks, and also on his/her

    ability to take appropriate and timely measures when an attack occurs.

    Snort is a prominent example of a network IDS. The Intrusion Detection

    System helps administrators detect attacks on the network at an early stage so they can

    launch countermeasures. Snort has an Arpspoof preprocessor with four detection


    1. For each ARP request it detects, the Arpspoof preprocessor validates the source

    address in the Ethernet frame against the source address in the ARP packet. If

    these two addresses do not match, it issues a warning. ARP poisoning does not

    imply using different addresses in these fields, which means that the attack

    would go unnoticed.2. For ARP replies, a comparison of the source and target addresses is performed. If

    one of these address pairs does not match, Snort issues a warning. Again, this

    will not detect ARP poisoning, although it does catch Proxy ARPon the other

    hand, this technique is typically legitimate and involves one machine answering

    ARP requests on behalf of another machine.

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    3. The system alerts on ARP requests that are sent to unicast addresses rather than

    broadcast. Although this behavior does not comply with the (now 20 year old)

    standard, there are good reasons for it. However, a genuine ARP attack does not

    need to unicast ARP requests, so again, this mechanism would fail to detect an

    ARP poisoning attack.

    4. Snort checks all ARP packets based on a list of IP addresses and MAC addresses

    supplied by the administrator. If the source IP address is on the list, the IDS will

    read the corresponding MAC address from the list and compare it with the

    source MAC address from the ARP packet and Ethernet frame. In case of

    discrepancy, Snort issues a warning. This mechanism is only useful for small

    networks, as the configuration effort is too high in any other case. There is no

    way to use this functionality sensibly when faced with dynamic IP address

    assignments (DHCP).

    As we can observe from all the four cases, Snorts ability to detect ARP

    poisoning is limited, as is the case for all Intrusion Detection Systems.

    Arpwatch [4] is an open source tool for Unix platforms that monitors unusual

    ARP activities. The computer running Arpwatch reads the address information stored in

    each ARP packet that it sees and stores this information in a database. If the data fails to

    match previously stored entries, Arpwatch mails an alert to the administrator. The

    authors claim that the tool supports SNMP, although we were unable to confirm this in

    our lab. Today, many networks use dynamic IP addresses assigned by DHCP (Dynamic

    Host Configuration Protocol). In this kind of environment, Arpwatch will return large

    numbers of false positives as it notifies users of any changed IP/ MAC mappings.

    Note that, when using tools for detecting ARP attacks, by the time the

    administrator notices the problem and takes appropriate measures, it may be too late as

    the attacker may already have gained access to sensitive information.

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    3.2 Static Binding and Stateful Cache:

    Static binding of the IP address and the MAC address in the ARP cache and

    not modifying them is the most obvious solution to the ARP Spoof problem. But, this

    doesn't work for a dynamic network where systems are allotted with different IP

    addresses by the DHCP server every time the network is rebooted. Various

    implementations of ARP have different 'cache holding times', meaning the time after

    which a particular is invalid is different in different implementations. Such

    timings can be in a range of 20 minutes to even few seconds.

    ARP is a stateless protocol, it means when a host receives an ARP reply, the

    stateless ARP cache will update the corresponding entry if it exists already in the ARP

    cache. However, the stateful ARP cache will not update the corresponding entry unless

    an ARP request has been generated before for that entry, even if the entry exists already

    in the cache.

    Zouheir et al. [5] discusses a new mechanism to prevent ARP spoofing. This

    mechanism uses a stateful ARP cache and a Fuzzy Logic controller along with Cross

    layer Controller to prevent malicious hosts from corrupting other hosts ARP caches

    with fake entries. The mechanism is based on the use of a stateful ARP cache. Whenhost A generates an ARP request to get the MAC address of host B, an entry is created

    in its stateful ARP cache, with the status of Waiting. Host A waits for an ARP reply,

    within a predefined timeout. If an ARP reply comes, then host A waits another timeout

    in order to collect other possible ARP replies sent by other hosts in the network. If host

    A receives more than one ARP reply, then this means that most likely more than one

    host has replied. Therefore, among those hosts, only one host is an honest host, which is

    host B. The others are probably malicious hosts, performing ARP cache poisoning attack

    to corrupt the ARP cache of host A.

    This[5] mechanism also uses cross layer controller and fuzzy based cache to

    identify the legitimate packets from fake packets. The normal ARP protocol

    implementation does not make any cross layer control between the ARP layer and the

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    Ethernet layer to verify whether or not the source MAC addresses in these 2 layers are

    similar. An extension of the implementation of the ARP protocol would proceed to do

    this verification before accepting any ARP reply packet. Any ARP packet, whose source

    MAC addresses in the Ethernet layer is different from the source MAC addresses in the

    ARP header, is considered a fake packet and must be discarded.

    If the cross layer controller fails to resolve the ambiguity of fake packets, they

    are handed over to fuzzy logic control to determine the fake packet. During the network

    setup time, each host in the network collects some information about the other hosts it is

    communicating with. This information includes 2 numerical values describing the Trust

    Level (TL) and Importance (Im) of each host. TL indicates the trust level of the host for

    example, highly trusted or not trusted at all. Im indicates the importance of the host. Thecollected information is stored locally on host A. Later on, it will be used to classify

    certain hosts as attackers or honests. TL and Im are completely dynamic and they adapt

    to the network changes. Finally, the value Security Level (SL) is obtained as a function

    of TL and Im. The packet with highest SL value among ambiguous packets is retained

    and remaining packets will be discarded as fake packets.

    But, the mechanism doesnt provide any specific characteristics to determine

    the value of TL. This mechanism also fails when legitimate host is shut down from the

    time a network boots up and the malicious host starts communicating with the host from

    the start.

    Some operating systems like Solaris only accept ARP replies after the entry in

    the table has expired. This makes it harder for the attacker to poison the cache. Modern

    operating systems like Windows and several Linux based systems, accept an ARP reply

    whenever they receive one, even if they didn't send the ARP request. This is to ease the

    communication in network, but they will be easily prone to spoofing attacks. Static

    binding though simple, puts lot of work for the administrator to map the IP and MAC

    addresses of several systems in a large network. And also such static binding won't work

    in a scenario where addresses are allocated dynamically through a DHCP.

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    3.3 Modification of the DHCP:

    Much research has gone into using the DHCP server in the network to

    somehow mitigate the ARP Spoof attack. Some of them are mentioned below.

    Pansa et al. [6] presents a design of architecture and protocols for the LAN

    security preventing the process of MAC Address spoofing, ARP Spoof and MITM. Each

    Network Card is designed to have a Certificate, a Private Key and a Public Key, all of

    which are issued by the product vendor. A certificate is in a form of software-data which

    may be available in the Card Network package, or can be downloaded from a vendor

    websites. A Certificate will certify MAC Address value. DHCP is re-designed to

    authenticate Network Cards before delivering IP Addresses. DHCP Server also assigned

    to be the MAC-IP database center which stores the data about matching between

    MAC Address and IP Address.

    The following changes are proposed to the design of new DHCP protocol in this[6] work

    DHCP must be added more function concerning answering the question in

    resolving IP Address to MAC Address by using the existing data.

    Design that inside the DHCP Packet, there is a Certificate that certifies the

    matching between MAC Address and Public Key.

    Detect whether the IP Address requester is the real MAC Address owner before

    delivering the IP Address (checking from Certificate).

    Design the system to have DHCP Request-MAC (to substitute ARP Request) by

    sending the request directly to DHCP Server instead of enquiring by sending

    Broadcast ARP Request to every Host.

    Design the DHCP Request-MAC to have a Certificate which certifies the

    matching between MAC Address and Public Key.

    Design the system to have DHCP Reply-MAC (to substitute ARP Reply). The

    operation is that when a DHCP Reply-MAC appears, it needs to be checked

    whether it is from DHCP Server. If it is not from DHCP Server, do not update

    the value in ARP Cache.

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    Craig et al. [7] develops a unified framework to secure prominent networking

    protocols within a single domain. It begins with a secure version of the DHCP protocol,

    which has the additional feature of providing each host with a certificate. It then

    leverages these certificates to secure ARP, prevent spoofing within the domain. In doing

    so, it develops an incrementally deployable public key infrastructure which can later be

    leveraged to support inter-domain authentication.

    This proposed scheme[7] secures ARP by adding operations to the protocol.

    Under this scheme, an end host transmits the regular ARP request as is done today.

    However, when replying to an ARP request, it must include the certificate it obtained

    from the DHCP server showing the IP and MAC binding. The requester can then verify

    the certificate to confirm that the response given by the responder is accurate. Clientswould reject ARP responses that lack valid certificates.

    Their modifications to ARP create a secure association between a given MAC

    and IP address, preventing a host from spoofing only its MAC or its IP address.

    However, the host could spoof both the MAC and IP address of another valid host. This

    can be prevented in two ways: by proving authenticity in each packet or leveraging

    DHCP snooping. To prove authenticity at connection establishment, a client may begin a

    Diffie-Hellman exchange and sign its values. The server would then sign a message with

    its own DH value. In subsequent messages, the client and server may simply use a nonce

    and the secret key derived from the DH exchange to construct a message authentication

    code and embed this code in the body of each message, allowing the other client to

    verify its authenticity.

    Some switches today employ DHCP snooping to prevent ARP cache

    poisoning and IP spoofing. Essentially, such switches monitor DHCP traffic to create

    allowable MAC address and IP bindings, and associate them with individual switch

    ports. When a packet arriving on an interface does not match the binding, the packet is

    discarded. Though effective, providing authenticity of each message incurs an additional

    overhead at the end-hosts.

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    Secure Unicast Address Resolution Protocol (S-UARP) [8] extends DHCP

    thus creating a new protocol which will have a DHCP+ server in the network, which not

    only allocated dynamic IP addresses to the hosts, but also stores the IP, MAC

    associations of each host. So, whenever a host wants to communicate with another host,

    it unicastly asks the DHCP+ server for the MAC address of the receiver host.

    This is a centralized protocol unlike the decentralized approach in normal

    ARP. A simple example showing how the new S-UARP protocol works is mentioned in

    the work[8].

    1. When a host A wants to communicate to host B, it sends a S-UARP request

    packet (unicast packet) to the DHCP+ server (which answers the S-UARP

    packets), instead of sending a broadcast to all. It assumes that the secret hashing

    key (KSA) is distributed between the client and the server, using private-public

    key mechanism or any other secure mechanism.

    2. The DHCP+ server encrypts the response message using DES with cipher block

    chaining. Use the CBC residue (that is the last block output by CBC process) as

    a message integrity code (MIC). This MIC would act as a checksum. The

    plaintext message plus the MIC would be transmitted to the host (receiver) or A.


    Once the UARP response is received, host A checks for validity by using its

    secret key. The receiver (Host A) encrypts the plaintext S-UARP_res using DES

    that it received with the shared secret key and does the hashing process to

    produce similar MIC sent by the server. Finally, the host A sends an encrypted

    acknowledgment (ACK)KSA to the server. ACK contains the timestamp

    generated by the host A to ensure that the message is fresh and is not a replay.

    The new S-UARP protocol is more efficient in reducing broadcast congestion in

    network, since the S-UARP request is unicast and directed to only DHCP+ server. The

    protocol is also more secure and it is quite difficult for an attacker to do ARP poisoning

    attack. Especially it is protected against message integrity attacks (when ARP packet

    content can be modified by attacker) and masquerading attacks (when new ARP bogus

    packet injection can be done by attacker).

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    4. Conclusion

    This work presents the comprehensive view of various solutions that address

    the problem of ARP spoofing. Though the usage of different tools to detect ARP

    spoofing can be effective up to some level, they dont entirely prevent the problem. By

    the time the administrator notices the problem and takes appropriate measures, it may be

    too late as the attacker may already have gained access to sensitive information. The

    schemes using modification of DHCP protocol and cryptographic techniques prevent the

    problem from occurring, but they dont have the ease of implementation. Any new

    protocol proposed is not easily backward compatible with existing protocols and

    requires changes at every host across the network.

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    4. References

    [1]. D. C. Plummer. An ethernet address resolution protocol. RFC 826, 1982.

    [2]. T. Demuth and A. Leitner, ARP spoofing and poisoning: Traffic tricks, LinuxMagazine, vol. 56, pp. 2631, Jul. 2005.

    [3]. Snort: The open source network intrusion detection system, 2006.

    [4]. arpwatch, the ethernet monitor program :

    [5]. Zouheir Trabelsi, Wassim El-Hajj: Preventing ARP Attacks using a Fuzzy-BasedStateful ARP Cache

    [6]. Detchasit Pansa and Thawatchai Chomsiri Architecture and Protocols for SecureLAN by Using a Software-level Certificate and Cancellation of ARP Protocol

    [7]. Craig A. Shue, Andrew Kalafut, Minaxi Gupta - A Unified Approach to Intra-

    Domain Security

    [8]. Biju Issac and Lawan A. Mohammed - Secure Unicast Address Resolution Protocol

    (S-UARP) by Extending DHCP

    [9]. D. Bruschi, A. Ornaghi, E. Rosti - S-ARP: a Secure Address Resolution Protocol

    [10]. Wesam Lootah, William Enck , Patrick McDaniel - TARP: Ticket-based address

    resolution protocol

    [11]. Vipul Goyal and Rohit Tripathy - An Efficient Solution to the ARP Cache

    Poisoning Problem

    [12]. Challenge Response Authentication