presseheft dflïds de la place. il y a 20 ans, ils ont...


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Page 1: Presseheft DFLïds de la place. Il y a 20 ans, ils ont crée l’entreprise de coursiers à vélo « La Coopérative ». Depuis, leurs


Page 2: Presseheft DFLïds de la place. Il y a 20 ans, ils ont crée l’entreprise de coursiers à vélo « La Coopérative ». Depuis, leurs

and present

Directed by: Walter Feistle

Written by: Uwe Lützen

With Michael Neuenschwander, Mike Müller, Markus Merz Roeland Wiesnekker, Oriana Schrage, Regula Imboden

TILT Production, Kaspar Winkler & Sabine Girsberger

Switzerland 2012 / 95 min / Swiss German/d/f/e / color / cinemascope / DCP ISAN 0000-0002-FFE9-0000-X-0000-0000-C

In coproduction with SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen / SRG SSR

Supported by Zürcher Filmstiftung, Kuratorium Aargau, SOkultur

Lotteriefonds, Kanton Solothurn, Kulturfonds Suissimage, Stage Pool FOCAL, Bundesamt für Kultur (EDI) Schweiz, Esther & Bernhard Winkler

Distribution Switzerland: Filmcoopi Zürich AG, Postfach, 8031 Zürich,

Production and Worldsales:

TILT Production Gasometerstr. 32 / Postfach 8031 Zürich +41 43 960 39 15

[email protected]

Page 3: Presseheft DFLïds de la place. Il y a 20 ans, ils ont crée l’entreprise de coursiers à vélo « La Coopérative ». Depuis, leurs


Tom, Ritzel et Andi sont les meilleurs amis du monde. Et les caïds de la place. Il y a 20 ans, ils ont crée l’entreprise de coursiers à vélo « La Coopérative ». Depuis, leurs affaires ont toujours marché comme sur des roulettes. Mais sans crier gare, la concurrence arrive : les « Girls.Messengers ». Elles sont plus jeunes, plus belles et leurs idées de business sont plus affûtées. Tom, Ritzel et Andi perdent un client après l’autre. La faillite approche à grands pas. Et quand Tom s’empêtre dans une liaison amoureuse avec la patronne des « Girls.Messengers », la déroute est à son comble. Et maintenant? Abandonner? Jamais! Les trois entrepreneurs décident de se battre pour leur amitié et leurs idéaux. Mais les actions audacieuses que lancent Tom, Ritzel et Andi pourraient bien mettre le feu aux poudres… «Dead Fucking Last»* est une comédie enjouée et légère, agrémentée d’une bonne dose de critique sociale. C’est l’histoire de trois amis dont l’île du bonheur est menacée. Situé en plein cœur de la Suisse urbaine, le thème est d’une portée universelle : comment affronter les changements ? Un film entraînant, haut en couleurs, varié et plein d’optimisme. * Dead Fucking Last Courier slang for last place - usually given an amusing consolation prize; also the person coming last in a bike courier race (abbreviated “DFL”).

Page 4: Presseheft DFLïds de la place. Il y a 20 ans, ils ont crée l’entreprise de coursiers à vélo « La Coopérative ». Depuis, leurs

Festivals 48. Solothurner Filmtage 24. – 31.01.2013 24. Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis Saarbrücken 21. - 27.1.2013 46. Internationale Hofer Filmtage 23. - 28.10.2012

Page 5: Presseheft DFLïds de la place. Il y a 20 ans, ils ont crée l’entreprise de coursiers à vélo « La Coopérative ». Depuis, leurs

From the Cast

Mike Müller about ANDI: “Andi gets along with everybody and everything. Sometimes that gets him into difficult situations. But he manages those too.” Michael Neuenschwander about TOM: “Tom’s a tough guy, a straight up bad ass. He's only streamlined on his bike. That's how these guys are.“ Markus Merz about RITZEL (“sprocket”): “Ritzel has a screw loose... anyone adopting the motto 'Let's take on the big shots and yuppies on two wheels! We won't let ourselves be neutered' is doomed. But his blunt and direct style and his strength made it really fun to play him.”

Page 6: Presseheft DFLïds de la place. Il y a 20 ans, ils ont crée l’entreprise de coursiers à vélo « La Coopérative ». Depuis, leurs

Oriana Schrage about NINA: “An intact, strong, unpredictable woman, who throws herself at life, with no ifs ands or buts, without safety nets. Non, je ne regrette rien.”

Roeland Wiesnekker about FAT FRANK: “Fat Frank’s always on top.“

Regula Imboden about MONICA: “Of course it's the women running the place. That's how it’s always been!“

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Producer’s Remarks

17 May, 2007, 7:00 a.m.: Kaspar Winkler almost crashes into a pedestrian while riding his bike to work along Zurich’s lake promenade and shortly thereafter has an ingenious idea. 17 May, 2007, 8:15 p.m.: Kaspar Winkler skypes Uwe Luetzen, a screenwriter at the time at a conference/seminar/course in Los Angeles, about his idea for a movie: … maybe a bike courier movie... that's drive.” Uwe: “Oh! Bike courier! Not bad... more later!” The first seed was planted for “Dead Fucking Last.”

October 2012: “Dead Fucking Last” celebrates its world premiere at the Hofer Filmtage, the Hof International Film Festival. In the intermediate five years, the core team – Uwe Luetzen (author), Walter Feistle (director), Cooky Ziesche (dramaturge), Sabine Girsberger and Kaspar Winkler (producers)- worked intensely on the story, screenplay and financing, to turn the idea into a movie. Walter Feistle proved to be a blessing. His extraordinary creativity, paired with a healthy amount of pragmatism, enriched and enhanced the process. In autumn 2011, DEAD FUCKING LAST could finally be shot with a highly motivated cast and an exceedingly committed crew. The extraordinary dedication of everyone involved compensated for the rather small (in comparison to “normal” Swiss movies) budget of 1.6 million Swiss francs, almost 50% of which was provided by the Zurich Film Foundation. So making virtue out of necessity, our credo was “Method Producing“: We shot primarily on location, without time-consuming set construction (apart from “central dispatch,” which we built in a former factory in Zurich-Manegg). We used a handheld camera, the new highly light-sensitive Arri Alexa that needs almost no additional lighting, and hardly any technical equipment. Since this was a film about a collective, “Method Producing” also included bringing a collective spirit to filmmaking, a field that is usually very hierarchically organized. We emphasized transparency about finances, decision-making, and team spirit that still enabled goal-oriented work on all levels. The result was not only motivation for and identification with the project that took hold of everyone, but a really special atmosphere that we think can be felt in the film. We’re not only thinking about the actors, who in preparation for their roles did internships at the Zurich-based courier collective Veloblitz, but the real bike couriers who were in the film also shared the heart and soul of their lives with cast and crew, brought life to our “central dispatch” and authenticity to the film.

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Within this very lively environment, Walter Feistle – or maybe the collective? - created a film about three friends who fail in these times, remain true to themselves and still find their own places in our world. There's a small, yellowing note hanging in our office. It reads: “We're brave and dedicated. We do not always choose the safe path. We are not afraid. We are ready to fail and stand up again.”

Kaspar Winkler & Sabine Girsberger

Page 9: Presseheft DFLïds de la place. Il y a 20 ans, ils ont crée l’entreprise de coursiers à vélo « La Coopérative ». Depuis, leurs

Director’s Remarks

Originally I just wanted to state how much fun it was to make this film. Of course we were short on money (like usual, but this time it was serious) and managing to shoot a movie in such a short time isn't a walk in the park, even if you do have the comfort of financial backing. Of course it was nerve-wracking, back-breaking work; of course there were setbacks and dry spells. But people in film tend to get back on their feet, a trait we share with the three heroes in DEAD FUCKING LAST. We had to be fast and flexible, find unconventional, smart solutions, get our own hands dirty, think beyond department borders. Fearless, but using whatever was there. Following the old punk credo: “Do it yourself, do it now, do it without” and turning an apparent deficit into quality, and working together. We really made this movie together, in a team of veterans (“Of course, a Solidisco.”) and spring chickens (“What? A soul disco? - Oh, a charity event!” It was a pleasure to work with great actors who - even coming from totally different backgrounds - grew together into an “ensemble,” which lent a lot to the entertaining plurality of DFL.

Page 10: Presseheft DFLïds de la place. Il y a 20 ans, ils ont crée l’entreprise de coursiers à vélo « La Coopérative ». Depuis, leurs

I had a fantastic crew infected by the relaxed, yet wide-awake coolness of the Zurich couriers, who supported our movie with words, deeds and (wo)man power. It was interesting to experience how quickly weird parallels developed between our story and the circumstances we shot it in. Like the heroes in our movie – though slightly cleverer and way more productive – we were quite a chaotic, dirty bunch; a random group that soon became a close family. Often sharing the grim sense of humor of looming desperation, but always showing the strength, to pull ourselves out of the mess. A thoroughly collective working style, for better or worse. Our producers jokingly called it “Method Producing.” A unique feeling, of giving everything and getting back even more from your team. A crazy way of producing energy with people who work quite well together. The power of the collective made the day. And although there were many parents to the project, to me the movie is a real Feistle: not a highborn thoroughbred, rather a cute little mutt that offers something for everybody. A well-filled little package that combines buddy movie, “male-emancipation drama” and milieu flick, with a pinch of minor-league action and a dash of grotesque social satire. A mixture that can't be pigeonholed, just like its three heroes: colorful and rich, but still rough, grumpy on occasion, but ultimately in a good mood and full of optimism. My first feature-length movie for the big screen sometimes crosses conventions, but here too, deficits are qualities at the same time: DFL is edgy like Tom, lovable like Andi, abrasive like Ritzel, rarely evil like Fat Frank, almost always good-looking like Nina, but far from being as clear-minded as Monica. The movie is a bit fresh and more personal than an optimized, streamlined genre product that just slips through, but I think it radiates charm and is - especially because of its rough edges - an enjoyable and lively piece of cinema. DFL is a movie for a modern, intelligent audience; interested in taking a look at themselves, excited to come up with their own opinions beyond the beaten path of seeing things. A grown up audience that possesses the right amount of (self-)irony at its disposal – one that has perhaps even experienced enough of life (including its setbacks) to enjoy and comprehend our heroes' hardships. A young audience, that's open, awake and is curious, interested in a movie that doesn't always follow strict boundaries. I think that some of the energy that enabled this project as well as was set free by it can be felt in the finished movie. I hope DEAD FUCKING LAST sparks pleasure in a lot of people the way it does in me.

Walter Feistle

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THE SENILS, 2011 Helsinki Klub Ramón Orza composed the film music in close collaboration with Walter Feistle. The idea to compose a title song interpreted by the three protagonists Michael Neuenschwander, Mike Müller and Markus Merz - with the support of Alain Forrer and the Seniles - was a result. Walter Feistle penned the lyrics. The Zurich punk band the Seniles was a particular stroke of luck, who ensured a good party not only with their performance in the Solidisco. We were particularly excited to use the legendary “Züri brännt” by TNT as well as a song from the Bucks. Züri brännt, TNT, ©1979, Voxpop All in All, The Bucks, ©1998/2008 Chunsch druus?, The Seniles, ©2009, The Seniles Wägem Gäld, The Seniles, ©2009, The Seniles Days of sweet doing nothing, When the shit hits the fan Gary Brown, Wolf Kammerlander, Sven Riva, Armin Küste, ©1988 Super Biker Girl, minimetal, ©1997 Surf, Simon Grab feat. KHANZAI SANA, ©2008 DPelz, Aligaga, ©1997, ganzerplatz Records Ich friss dich, Aligaga, ©1997, ganzerplatz Records Session Disco, Simon Grab feat NASH & SMARTY, ©2011 Dance with me, Beat Solèr, ©2009 Comme dans un rêve, Beat Solèr, ©2008 Whitie, Christof Steinmann, ©2011 Mir sind die Letschte, Ramón Orza, ©2012

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Cast Tom Michael Neuenschwander Andi Mike Müller Ritzel Markus Merz Nina Oriana Schrage Fat Frank Roeland Wiesnekker Monica Regula Imboden Boss of the apartment share Kaspar Weiss Banker Danijela Milijic Bookseller Eva Evelyna Kottmann Nina’s assistant Annette Lober Girls dispatcher Michèle Hirsig Poster girl Simone Kern Photographer Jo Oliver Nanzig Selina Maria Feistle Alleycat promoter Boni Koller Men in elevator Carlo Fuso

Ugo Heubi Urs Kälin Thomas Wirz

Fat Frank’s secretary Claudia Fuchs Medic Michael Förste Medic Judith Mächeler Delivery man Enver Kuzu Band The Seniles Girls driver Jenny Annette Michel Night watchman Steph Stiefel Client bookshop Norbert Gubser Man hanging posters Adriano De Filippo Roommates Agnes Deroy

Marc Strickler Martin Wilhelm Olga Zachariadis

Doorman Bojan Busikovic Julian Underwood

Policewoman Judith Hödl Leandro Alik Girsberger Couriers in the collective Pascal Holzer

Reto Hefel Sharif Ibrahim Wälde Lemech Jenz Petersen Tobias Schär Chris Bock Daniela Hegetschweiler Lea Lardrot Michèle Passauer Carmen Ruh Miriam Sourlier

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Crew Directed by Walter Feistle Written by Uwe Lützen Producers Kaspar Winkler Sabine Girsberger Cinematography Felix von Muralt, S.C.S. Lighting Ernst Brunner Editing Thomas Knöpfel Music Ramón Orza Art direction Amara Heim Costumes Linda Harper Make-up Adrienne Chauliac Location sound mix Jan Illing Sound design Christof Steinmann Sound mix Jacques Kieffer Dramaturgical consultant Cooky Ziesche Courier casting & coaching Pascal Holzer Production coordination Franziska Arnold Production directors Kaspar Winkler

Sabine Girsberger Claudia Sontheim

Editor SRF Stefan Hoffmann Head of editing SRF Urs Fitze Line producer SRF Esther Rutschmann Head of line production Matz Müller Line producer on set Olga Zachariadis Support & location Scout Regula Begert Runner Susanne Affolter

Karin Rindlisbacher Julian Underwood

1st assistant director Stephan Usteri 2nd assistant director Thomas Kaufmann Script/Continuity Lukas Müller

Susanne Kaelin 2nd camera Gabriel Sandru Camera assistants Stefan Stefanini

Micky Schaerer Carlotta Holy

DIT Ben Hagen

Page 14: Presseheft DFLïds de la place. Il y a 20 ans, ils ont crée l’entreprise de coursiers à vélo « La Coopérative ». Depuis, leurs

Lighting Tomasz Kadlubowski Michael Iseli André Pinkus

Props (outdoor) Karin Nyffenegger Props (indoor) Natalina Zainal Set design Martina Jackson Set construction Beat Flury

Lukas Arnold Set design support Georg Bringolf Costumes Ana Spinelli Set make-up Barbara Tanner Perche Ivo Schläpfer

Thomas Gassmann Assistant cutter Stephan Huwyler Sound Julien Naudin Sound recording Laurent Chassaigne Dubbing Markus Forster Colorgrading Roger Sommer Grafik Fabian Stacoff, dessert grafik

Alberto Vieceli, prillviecelicremers Credit design and animation Martin Brunner, Vaudeville Studios Set photographer Patrick Gutenberg Bike stunts Pascal Holzer

Josiah Rohrer Thomi Seitz Nino Stauffer Andi Urech

Stunts K-Stunts Gino Haegler Urs Inauen Bodo Kaiser

Camera equipment Eberle Filmequipment, Zürich Camera Arri Alexa Lighting equipment FTK Filmtechnikerkollektiv Post-production video Swiss Effects, Zürich Sound studios Magnetix, Zürich

M-Studios, Paris Tonstudio Letzi, Zürich Powerplay Studios, Maur ganzerplatz, Zürich Tonstudio Berlin: Beat Solèr

Page 15: Presseheft DFLïds de la place. Il y a 20 ans, ils ont crée l’entreprise de coursiers à vélo « La Coopérative ». Depuis, leurs

In front of the camera Michael Neuenschwander (Tom) Michael Neuenschwander was born in 1962 in Berne. After training at the Berne College of Music and Theater (now the Berne University of Arts) he performed in Aachen and Dresden. From 1994 to 1998 he performed in the ensemble at the Neumarkt Theater in Zurich, parallel with the beginning of his film career. He is a permanent cast member at the Schauspielhaus Zürich. Filmography (selection): 2012 DEAD FUCKING LAST OPÉRATION LIBERTAD, Direction: Nicolas Wadimoff 2011 PUPPE, Direction: Sebastian Kutzli 2009 DER FÜRSORGER, Direction: Lutz Konermann 2008 DAS GEHEIMNIS VON MURK, Direction: Sabine Boss 2008 JIMMIE, TV, Direction: Tobias Ineichen 2006 NEBENWIRKUNGEN, TV, Direction: Michael Siebenmann 2005 GROUNDING, Direction: Michael Steiner NACHBEBEN, Direction: Stina Werenfels 2003 VILLA HENRIETTE, Direction: P. Payer 2001 STILLE LIEBE, Direction: Christoph Schaub 1998 DIEBE 1-3, Direction: Anna Luif 1998 VOLLMOND, Direction: Fredi Murer 1997 EINFACH SO – BLIND DATE, short, Direction: Christoph Schaub

Mike Müller (Andi) Mike Müller, born in 1963, has played major roles in numerous films and also performs on stage (Theater am Neumarkt, Casinotheater Winterthur, Schauspielhaus Zürich etc.). Together with Viktor Giacobbo, he appears on the weekly Late Night Show “Giacobbo/Müller”. Filmography (selction): 2012 DEAD FUCKING LAST DAS MISSEN MASSAKER, Direction: Michael Steiner 2007 TELL, Direction: Mike Eschmann 2005 MEIN NAME IST EUGEN, Direction: Michael Steiner 2005 UNDERCOVER, Direction: Sabine Boss 2004 STRÄHL, Direction: Manuel Flurin Hendry 2003 ACHTUNG, FERTIG, CHARLIE!, Direction: Mike Eschmann 2002 ERNSTFALL IN HAVANNA, Direction: Sabine Boss

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Markus Merz (Ritzel) Born in 1964, Markus Merz attended the College of Music and Theater in Berne (now the Berne University of Arts) from 1986 to 1990. He has made a name for himself primarily on stage with engagements at the Schauspielhaus Zürich, Staatstheater Stuttgart, Theater Basel and the Salzburger Festspiele. He has also been cast in major roles in movies over the past several years. Filmography (selction): 2012 DEAD FUCKING LAST

AUSGELÖSCHT, Direction: Harald Holzenleiter CLARA UND DAS GEHEIMNIS DER BÄREN, Direction: Tobias Ineichen

2009 STATIONSPIRATEN, Direction: Michael Schaerer 2008 DER FÜRSORGER, Direction: Lutz Konermann MANIPULATION, Direction: Pascal Verdosci 2006 GELD ODER LEBEN, Direction: Jacqueline Falk

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Behind the camera Walter Feistle, director

Walter Feistle was born in Baden (CH) in 1968. He attended grade school and secondary school in Aarau (Matura Typus B). Following two semesters at the University of Zurich studying film and English language and literature, he graduated from the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF) with a degree in directing. In 2001 his son was born. Since 2004 working as a regular freelancer for Bayerische Rundfunk (TV), in 2007 founding of the Berlin film production company “Story Hotel*****” together with Brigitta Tauchner and Stefan Schneider, writing and producing. Walter Feistle lives and works in Munich (D) and Rupperswil (CH). Filmography: 2013/1994 POCKET ROCKET, short fiction, Produktion: 1994 Die Freunde des bewegten Bildes (filming); 2012 TILT Production (completion) 2012 DEAD FUCKING LAST 2004 DIE RETTUNGSFLIEGER, Director, TV-Series, Studio Hamburg/ZDF 2001 EINE HOCHZEIT UND (K)EIN TODESFALL, TV-Movie, Director,

Indigo Film/ProSieben

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2000 DER UNBESTECHLICHE - SINAN TOPRAK, crime series (1st season/four episodes), TV, director, screenplay editor

1999 DER UNBESTECHLICHE – SÜSSES GIFT, pilot film for the crime

series of the same name, director, Hofmann & Voges/RTL 1997 DIE LEBENDE BOMBE, short fiction, Production: Die Freunde

des bewegten Bildes/SF DRS Festivals (selection): Angers, Bruxelles, Clermont Ferrand, Genève, Hamburg, Hof, Krakow, Locarno, Montreal, Filmfest München, Int. Festival of Film Schools München, Oberhausen, San Jose, Sitges, Solothurn, Toronto, Winterthur Awards: -Best short, Cinéma Tout Ecran Genève, Prädikat “Wertvoll“ -Qualitätsprämie BAK

1993 UND TSCHÜSS, short fiction, Production: HFF München

Festivals (selection): Brest, Bruxelles, Conde, Genève, Gijon, Göteborg, Hof, Huesca, Istanbul, Karlovy Vary, Locarno, London, Montecatini, Filmfest München, Int. Festival of Film Schools München, Solothurn, Tel Aviv, Valencia, Vevey, Winterthur... Awards: -First Prize for Audience Choice Int. Student Film Festival Tel Aviv -Special Price of the Youth Jury Montacatini -Best film, Goldenes Einhorn Alpinale Bludenz -Prädikat “Besonders Wertvoll“ FBW -Qualitätsprämie BAK

1991 BOLIDEN, short fiction, Production: HFF München

Festivals (selection): Angers, Cairo, Clermont-Ferrand, Genève, Hamburg, Hyderabad/Udaipur (India), Karlovy Vary, Filmfest München, Int. Festival der Filmhochschulen München, Namurs, Nevers, Oberhausen, Saarbrücken, Sitges, Solothurn, Tampere, Trondheim, Uppsala, Vevey... Preise und Auszeichnungen: -Publikumspreis - Internationales KurzFilmFestival Hamburg -Bester Film, Goldenes Einhorn Alpinale Bludenz

-Publikumspreis - Filmzwerge Münster; Prädikat “Wertvoll“

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Uwe Lützen, writer Engagements as stage dramaturge and director. Studies in film and German language and literature in Zurich and Amsterdam. Marketing & PR director for a film distribution company. Freelance writer since 2007. Author (selection): 2012 DER INSIDER – ODER WAS VIELLEICHT, BEINAHE DEN FICHENSKANDAL AUSLÖSTE, Spielfilm-Drehbuch in Entwicklung, Produktion: Langfilm AG, Regie: Micha Lewinsky 2011 DEAD FUCKING LAST, Spielfilm-Drehbuch 2011 DER ELEFANT VON MURTEN, Spielfilm-Drehbuch (Exposee) 2011 DER KÖNIG VON ARABIEN, Bildergeschichte/Kinderbuch 2010 BAD ABRAHAM, Spielfilm-Drehbuch (First Draft) 2010 OPA WAR NIE IN STALINGRAD, Spielfilm-Drehbuch (Treatment) 2009 LAURAS PRIMEUR, Spielfilm-Drehbuch (Exposee) 2009 LOOKING FOR FRED, Spielfilm-Drehbuch (Treatment) 2008 A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE, Kurzspielfilm-Drehbuch,

veröffentlicht in CINEMA 54/2009 2008 GIUSEPPE UND AISHWARA, Theaterstück (unveröffentlicht) 2008 PETER GOES TO HOLLYWOOD, Spielfilm-Drehbuch (First Draft) 2007 SCHÄNGGU FÄNGT AN, Spielfilm (Exposee) 2007 DER HALBFINAL, Kurzspielfilm (Treatment) 2000 DER DEMOKRAT – EINE PARABEL, Theaterstück Uraufführung, Produktion: theaterspeckdackel, Solothurn 1996 Lesung im offenen Block der Literaturtage Solothurn 1994 Mundartübersetzung EINE WOCHE VOLLER SAMSTAGE (Paul Maar)

für das Theater Biel/Solothurn, später Zürcher Märchenbühne

Awards: 2011 STIPENDIUM/WERKAUFENTHALT Atelier Kanton Zürich in Berlin 1999 WERKJAHRPREIS für Theater des Kantons Solothurn

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About TILT Production Whatever kind of film - the content and narrative style are our main focus and the most important emotional reference for the audience. Therefore, a very good script or a deeply researched intention are the basis for a successful film. Professional craftsmanship, combined with a serious approach and the courage to explore and implement limits and unusual solutions, we want to develop lasting and touching film experiences. Making films is teamwork: an open, direct and cause-oriented approach with all stakeholders is the fertile ground for cooperation. Biography Kaspar Winkler Born 1971 in Zurich (CH), lives and works in Switzerland. After many years as managing director of cinema RiffRaff in Zurich, film distributor at Frenetic Films and VEGA distribution as head of programmation in Zurich, I am since 2007, owner and manager of TILT Production Ltd. Through my career I have a profound film knowledge and a lot of national and international contacts within the film industry. since 2007 Manager, producer and owner of

TILT Production Ltd. Zurich Since 2009 Head of distribution VEGA Distribution AG, Zurich 2007 - 2008 Production management «Beyond Farewell»,

Hugofilm Productions Ltd. 2004 - 2007 Head of distribution Frenetic Films Zurich 1999 - 2004 Managing director Neugass Kino AG/ RiffRaff Biography Sabine Girsberger Born 1967 in Bülach (CH), lives and works in Zurich. I expanded my knowledge acuired at film studies through practical experience working as responsible programmation for trigon-film distribution and as a (post) production assistant at RECK Filmproductions. Thanks to these long-standing commitments I know a lot about the film business and built up a diverse, national and international network. since September 2011 Associate and producer TILT Production Ltd.

Zurich 2008 - 2011 Production assistant and responsible for

postproduction, national and international festivals, exploitation and promotion, RECK Filmproduction, Zurich

since 2006 Script editing (RECK Filmproduction, TILT Production, private, novel)

2000 - 2008 Responsible programmation (Switzerland and international) trigon-film distribution, Ennetbaden (CH)

1992 – 2000 Bookseller Orell Füssli Buchhandlungs AG, Zurich (part time)

1988 – 1999 Lic. phil. I University of Zurich (History, Film Studies, Russian Literature)

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Filmography TILT Production POCKET ROCKET (2013) Author & Director: Walter Feistle Kurzfilm 8’ (1994/2013) DEAD FUCKING LAST (2012) Author: Uwe Lützen, Director: Walter Feistle fiction 94', 2012 Cast: Michael Neuenschwander, Mike Müller, Markus Merz, Oriana Schrage, Roeland Wiesnekker - 48. Solothurner Filmtage 2013 - 24. Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis Saarbrücken 2013 - 46. Internationale Hofer Filmtage 2012 MUHAI TANG - IM OZEAN DER MUSIK (2010) Author & Director: Markus Unterfinger Dokumentarfilm 58’ / 52’ 2010 Koproduktion mit Schweizer Fernsehen SF Festivals: - Solothurner Filmtage 2011 - FIPA Biarritz 2011 – Competition Section: Performing arts - Festival International du Film sur l'Art (FIFA) 2012 Montreal Canada - Temps D'Images - FILMES SOBRE ARTE 2012 – Lissabon Portugal RADETZKY IN CHINA (2007) Author & Director: Heidi Hiltebrand Dokumentarfilm 52’ Koproduktion: TILT Production/ Heidi Hiltebran Festivals: - Solothurner Filmtage 2008 In production: HUNDEKOPFTEE Author & Director: Marie-Catherine Theiler Short fiction 15 ' Co-production: Jan Peters Filmproduktion Berlin & TILT Production Zürich Supported by: Kanton Obwalden, Bundesamt für Kultur, Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg, Kuratorium junger Deutscher Film, FFA-Referenzmittel In development: DIE EINZIGEN Author: Martina Clavadetscher Fiction 90' Development supported by: Zürcher Filmstiftung, Kanton Schwyz, Bundesamt für Kultur Participation script development workshop Sources 2 (Media) JETZT ODER NIE Author & Director: Kaspar Kasics documentary 85' NIMROD Author & Director: Gian Reto Mayer Short fiction 12' IN BEHANDLUNG Author & Director: Jeshua Dreyfus fiction 90' KREUZ TEUFELS LUDER Nach einem Roman von Evelyna Kottmann fiction DAS LEBEN IST AUSLAND - Eine filmische Reise mit Melinda Nady Abonji Author & Director: Claudia Bach documentary