
This institution for this trailer is Warner Brothers and New Line Cinema the institutions codes employed by the institution are the first idents to appear on the trailer to show who has made the film. As both of these are well known company's audience will be more appealed to watch this trailer as films they make have good reviews and are normally make

Upload: sophlang

Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Presentation3

This institution for this trailer is Warner Brothers and New Line Cinema the institutions codes employed by the institution are the first idents to appear on the trailer to show who has made the film. As both of these are well known company's audience will be more appealed to watch this trailer as films they make have good reviews and are normally make good films so showing this to the audience is a good way to start the trailer.

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The trailer is divided into three sections. The first section ends at 0.33 when the wardrobe door opens. This is when we the whole feel of the trailer changes- the music stops, and eerie silence takes over. We see the first glimpse of the thing that is haunting the family. This is when the second section starts but ends quickly after the picture frames start to fall. We then see title which shows that previous films the director has made. At the end we see the woman become engulfed in darkness and we hear her scream leaving the audience curious ad to what has happened to her.

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Then we hear a child counting, which links to the visual on screen. They are playing a game this shows the innocence of the family. The woman plays the game and enter the room the door opens with aloud creak and the music stops and another silence follows. This creates an uneasy feel to the trailer, and would indicate to the audience that something is not right. We then hear non diegetic sound of heavy breathing, however its not coming from the child as she thinks it is . As an audience , we know this, and tension is built as we anticipate the woman finding something supernatural.

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Now in complete darkness, we hear the woman scramble about, crying and yelling for help. This may create sympathy for this character among the audience, as we realise how helpless she is. We hear a match being light and then silence again apart from the heavy breathing ( a clear indication of fear.) We hear a clap and then the match goes out. The woman screams which is a typical sound effect for a horror film, and defines the whole genre. As the screen stays on black, a music box tune plays out, which brings a ominous feeling, mixed with childlike innocence. There is something threatening about this which would cause the viewer to feel uneasy.

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The Mise en scene throughout this trailer also gives it a creepy edge. The family are dressed in clothes that look like there from the 70s very old fashioned. The house itself, looks although its slightly worn and there are several dust covers around, which shows they have just moved in. This is a common convention of a horror film set in a house so the viewer will have an idea as to what will happen next. As the trailer continues and we go into the child bedroom, there's lots of pinks and blues which contrasts with the big dark wardrobe in the room which create a menacing feeling and connotes that something is not quite right about it and it shouldn’t be there.