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4 Ways to Become a Better Feminist in 2016 Critical Approaches

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4 Ways to Become a Better Feminist in 2016

Critical Approaches

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Background 4 ways to become a better feminist in 2016

• Today it is hard being a feminist in a world that tries to make the word “feminist” dirty• A feminist is a person who believes that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities

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Importance of Feminism

• It is important that feminists continue to

open people’s eye’s about women’s rights

due to the new age of technology teens and

young people hold the power in the global

movement of feminism.

• Learn about 4 ways you can impact the world

and become a better feminist 2016.

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Pervasiveness of PowerCritical Approaches

• Traditional Approach: is consider power to be a relatively stable entity that people or group possess.• Symbological Approach: focus on the views of power as a product of communicative interactions and relationships• Radical-Critical Approach: In this approach the theorist is concerned with “deep structures” that produce and reproduce relationships in organizational

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1. Speak up/Have Uncomfortable Conversations:Ideology

• Feminism starts when people start having

uncomfortable conversations that will

challenge people to think outside of what

society wants us to think. By having

uncomfortable conversations in the world it will

force people to be more aware of gender


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• Ideology refers to more than a set of attitudes or beliefs, it also focus on how the world structures our thoughts and controls our interpretations of reality.• Ideology shapes our understanding about what exists, what is good, and what is possible.

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• According to Katherine Miller, Hegemonic

control is typically accomplished by shaping

ideology in such a way that the controlled

group accepts and actively participates in

the control process in which a dominant

group leads another group to accept

subordination as the norm.

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Gender Norms

• According to Bryant

Harland a “gender norm”

is a behavior that society

attributes to a particular

sex. Gender norms

change from culture to

culture and from time

period to time period,

since they’re based on

the expectations of


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Challenging Gender NormsIdeology

• Challenging the concept of what someone believe in can be intimidating when your talking to a friend, a romantic partner, a family member, or figure of authority. When people choose to speak up they open the doors to criticism and backlash. The world will always be stuck in traditional way of thinking if more people don’t speak up about their beliefs.

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2. Read, Read Read

• Before you are able to educate someone else you must

know what your talking about, its important to know

about the issues in the feminist movement.

• The great thing about feminism is that you speak

volumes about the problems in the world by sharing

personal experiences with people, but in order to

connect with people that are different you’ll have to do

some research.

• Learning about the realities of other people makes you a

better feminist.

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Resistance Feminism

• According to Katherine Miller, the concept of resistance considers how workers can exert counter-pressure on this exercise of power and control• Resistance is sometimes seen in collective and organized processes such as unionization, strikes, boycotts, and large-scale social move movements • A great example of a major movement within feminism is the Slut Walk.

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The Slut WalkFeminism

• The Slut Walk is a movement of protest

marches calling for the end of Rape culture,

sexism, ableism, fat-shamming, and any

violence against women.

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3. Try not to glamorize celebrity feminism

• Some popular celebrity feminists are Beyoncé, Amber Rose, and Nicki Minaj. Although these women has brought awareness to the feminism its important to remember that feminism requires more than a opinion, and more than emotions

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A Theory of Concertive Control Edwards 3 Strategies for exerting control

• Simple Control: involves the direct and authoritarian

exertion of control in the workplace.

• Technological Control: involves control exerted

through technological workplace processes such as

assembly lines or computer programs.

• Bureaucratic Control: is based on the power of

hierarchical structure and the rational-legal rules

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Concertive Control Feminism

• Concertive Control is based on beliefs and

gender norms that are negotiated by work


• One of the purposes of the feminism

movement is to try and break out of the

traditional way of thinking about men and

women in the work place.

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4. Live, Breathe, Eat, and Sleep Intersectionally

• Intersectional is one of the key components of feminism. • Intersectional feminism understands that feminism means including everyone in the community. • When women were fighting for equal rights for women they were fighting for all women.

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Feminist Approaches

• In such a bureaucratic workplace, the most

valued commodities are the stereotypical

male characteristics of logic,

aggressiveness, and competitiveness.

• Stereotypical female characteristics such as

emotion, empathy, intuition, connectedness,

and cooperation are more likely to be

overlooked in organizational life.

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Feminist Framework

• Liberal Feminist: believe that remedies for female

subordination should come from within the system and that

women should work to gain their fair share of control in

institutions currently run by men.

• Radical Feminist: believe that emancipation for women can

occur only through the destruction of male-dominated

institutions or through the total separation of women from

these institutions.

• Standpoint Feminist: work to enhance the opportunity for a

variety of marginalized voices to be heard.

• Postmodern Feminist: attempt to “deconstruct” male

dominated meaning systems in order to highlight women’s


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• 1. Will the world start to pay more attention

to issues that has been affecting women for

years?• 2. What type of changes will the feminism

movement bring to the world?

• 3. Would having a female president have a

impact on the feminism movement?

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Works Cited

• Flores, J (2015, December 26).Teen Vogue: 4 Ways to Become a Better Feminist in 2016• Harland, B. What is a Gender Norm? http://