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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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10 Shocking facts about Smoking

Bydr.Amit TrivediPresented on :

Nicotine is equally addictive as Heroin

Smoking affects all the organs in body equally, even eyes are

not spared. It can make the person blind.

People have myth that menthol cigarretes are safe,

but even they can cause cancer and heart disease.

When you stop smoking, your blood pressure starts

dropping just within 20 minutes. imagine its effect on

blood pressure. Smoking increases the blood pressure.

Most smokers try to give up smoking, but they cant.

People who smoke have more wrinkles than people who

dont smoke.

Kids whose parents smoke around kids, are more prone

to ear infections..

When a person stops smoking, he gets difficulty in sleep,

feels anxiety etc. But this is part of withdrawl from

smoking, It eventually gets better.

Giving up smoking can increase life upto 14 years.

Counselling along with medication is one of the most

important way to quit smoking