presentation safety tutor of radar italia

The Safety Tutor Project The Safety Tutor Project Reduction of speed means less fatalities Riccardo Rigacci – Autostrade per l’Italia Motorways Operation Director

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Page 1: Presentation Safety Tutor of radar Italia

The Safety Tutor ProjectThe Safety Tutor Project

Reduction of speed means less fatalities

Riccardo Rigacci – Autostrade per l’Italia ‐Motorways Operation Director

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Autostrade per l’Italia Group• Autostrade per l’Italia manage p g

2.854,6 km of toll motorway network in Italy

• 51% of Italian motorway network

• 14% of European toll motorway network

• 4 millions of people every day travel h d l’ l ktrough Autostrade per l’Italia network

• In 2009 more than 900 millions of vehicles moved along Autostrade per l’ItaliaIn 2009 more than 900 millions of vehicles moved along Autostrade per l Italia network, covering about 49.000 millions km:

• 18% of vehicles was motor truck

• 22% of km has been covered by motor truck

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Operations management• Motorways Operations management guarantees the right management of motorwayy p g

network by controlling and coordinating the local sites (Regional Departments) In particular itmanages:

Motorway safety Breakdown service


Information Winter operations

Ordinary maintenance and g y yinfrastructure quality

Vehicles fleetTraffic assistance

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Results about death rate in Autostrade per l’Italia

• The graph below shows that the death rate on the ASPI network group isThe graph below shows that the death rate on the ASPI network group isdecreasing every year, especially if compared with the figures relevant to ordinaryroads

D eat h R at e - A SPI Gro up net workD eat h R at e A SPI Gro up net work

1, 14

1, 3 81, 2 8 1, 3 1 1, 3 2 1, 3 1

1, 2 1 1, 191, 0 7

1, 0 0 n. d. n. d.1, 2

1, 4

1, 6

0 , 90 , 8 1 0 , 8 3

0 , 70 , 6 4 0 , 6 0 , 6

0 , 4 8 0 , 4 2

1, 0 0

0, 6

0, 8

1, 0

0 , 3 2 ( a )0, 2

0, 4

1 9 9 9 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9

Death Rate ASPI gr oup Death Rate or di nar y r oad

(a) Provisional value 

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Statistics ‐ fatal accidentsF t f f t l id t 4 b h i l i blFrequent causes of fatal accidents ‐ 4 behavioral variables

• High speed

• Distraction

Sl• Sleep

• Disrespect of safety distance

Focusing issues (*)

• 15% of dead persons was foreigner

• 37% of fatal accidents happens by night (23:00 7:00 15% of daily traffic)• 37% of fatal accidents happens by night (23:00 – 7:00, 15% of daily traffic)

• 37% of fatal accidents with motor truck

• 10% of fatal accidents with unused seat belt

(*) 2009 Statistics

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ASPI strategy for road safetyD eat h R at e - A SPI Gro up net wo rk

1 3 81, 6

1, 14

0 , 90 , 8 1 0 , 8 3

0 , 70 6 4

1, 3 81, 2 8 1, 3 1 1, 3 2 1, 3 1

1, 2 1 1, 191, 0 7

1, 0 0 n. d. n. d.

0, 8

1, 0

1, 2

1, 4

0 , 3 2 ( a )

,0 , 6 4 0 , 6 0 , 6

0 , 4 8 0 , 4 2

0, 2

0, 4

0, 6


1 9 9 9 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9


Death Rate ASP I gr oup Death Rate or di nar y r oad

Information and

High accidents rate points (PISM)

ASPI STRATEGY FOR Information and Awareness


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R d f t i ti l t tRoad safety ‐main actions last ten yearsInfrastructure

• 81,8% of ASPI network covered with draining pavement

• 2.300 km of median strip barriers requalified

• 1.900 by‐pass on median strip barriers closed with fast opening systems

• Dissuasive signals installed on overall 266 exit, to prevent accesses in the wrong direction

• Work areas signals integrated

High accidents rate points (PISM)1.650 interventions on High accidents rate points (PISM) effectuated since 2002,obtaining a reduction of accidents of 50%

• 850 improvement interventions on standard signals

• 500 high impact signals interventions

• 75 high grip pavement interventions 

• 225 interventions against wrong behaviors

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Road safety ‐main actions since last ten yearsBehavior – Information and Awareness

• Safety Tutor: average speed control system (1st in Italy) that allows automaticsanctioning without Police patrol presence. Now more than 2.200 km of ASPInetwork are covered by Safety Tutor System (33% of ASPI network)

• “Mettici la testa”: a video awareness TV campaign on right driving behavior

• “Obiettivo sicurezza”: a brochure to discredit the principal wrong drivingbehavior (distributed in 3,5 millions of copies in 2008)

“Caffè Gratis di notte” 2 000 000 ff di t ib t d i th S i A• “Caffè Gratis di notte”: 2.000.000 coffees distributed in the Services Areas(Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 24 to 5 a.m.), to contrast accidents related tosleep (fatal accidents rate reduced of 50% in nightly time)

“G id ? N b ” 1 illi f l d b l di ib d d h• “Guido? Non bevo”: 1 million of colored bracelets distributed to advance themessage on driving risks related to alcohol consumption

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The Safety Tutor ProjectHi‐tech system to average speed control:

• wide motorway sections

• very high precision

• consistent data and detailed information

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ASPI covered network

• More than 2.200 km of ASPI network covered (33%)network covered (33%) 

• 257 active portals on 11 different motorways

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R l b id dResults about accidents on tutor covered network

• The results on Tutor covered network confirmed the forecasts about the project and theestimated reduction of the death rate

Aft it i t d ti th fi t 460 k th T t h t d th id t t f• After its introduction on the first 460 km, the Tutor has cut down the accidents rate of19% and the death rate of 51%

∆Period between Sept 2005 and Aug 2006

Period between Sept 2006 and Aug 2007

∆Tutor covered 


Accidents rate 50,04 40,47 ‐19,11 %

Injured people rate 23,60 17,28 ‐26,81 %

Death rate 0,84 0,41 ‐50,94 %

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Results about speed reduction

Average speed

Without safety tutor

g p(km/h)

With safety tutor

• Average speed reduction on ASPI network: ‐15%


Average speed reduction on ASPI network:  15%

• Peak speed reduction on ASPI network: ‐25%

Note: the figure above refers to average speed detected on “Pescara – Canosa” section (A14) in sample days

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Speed control system on the motorway• System goal

T i th it l l f th t b f d li it t l• To increase the security level of the motorway by means of a speed limit controlsystem

• System functions• Data detection on all vehicles (plate vehicle class speed)• Data detection on all vehicles (plate, vehicle class, speed)• Automatic search of vehicle owner by means of the MTC Database• Automatic verification, and print of the speed limit violation• Automatic sent of the violation data to the Police server• Statistics analysis of data

• Speed measurement modes• Average speed. Calculate the average speed of vehicles on a motorway stretch

limited by two points• The stretch is measured with a laser odometer in order to minimize the error• Vehicle data (class, plates ) are read in the two points using an integratedsystem (loop detector camera ocr )system (loop detector, camera, ocr…)

• The travel time is calculated using two GPS‐Based timers• Instantaneous speed. Calculate the speed using the integrated system

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Circuit tests ‐ High speed tests

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Circuit tests ‐ Vehicle at 260 km/h

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Motorway tests ‐ Florence west site

• Tests over 30.000 vehicles

• Classification error < 15%

• Plates recognition error < 10%

• Speed error < 3% (referred to a standard Autovelox)

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Next stepsOur focus will be on driving behaviors

High speed Extension of ASPI motorway network covered by Safety Tutor System.


Increase of Police alcohol control and awareness of motor truck drivers.

From 2007, December, 100% of enterprises contending the “Foodservice”, adheres to Autostrade per l’Italia social responsibility protocol,th t t i f lthat contains, for examples:

• Prohibition of alcoholic drinks selling (*)

• Extension of “Caffè gratis di notte” campaign

• Increase of motor trucks parking areas


p g

Work areasFurther improvement of planning tools and operations productivity

Further improvement of work areas signs

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Next steps

We ask to national politic system …

Safety distancesNew standards that discipline the respect of safety distance and

Safety distancesallows the remote control and sanctioning

Controls on motorway Increase of Motorway Police resources

Foreign drivers …

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Thank you for your attention

Riccardo Rigacci – Autostrade per l’Italia

[email protected]