presentation rm oct-12 group-6

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  • 8/12/2019 Presentation RM Oct-12 Group-6




    Research MethodologyTerm IV (PT-PGPM)

    Amit Kumar (09)Amit Mahar (10)Anshul Gautam (11)Arvind Kumar (14)Pankaj Bhardwaj (36)

    Rachit Mittal (43)

  • 8/12/2019 Presentation RM Oct-12 Group-6


    IntroductionOrganizational culture helps the organization achieve the

    abilities needed for adapting itself whit environment

    requirements, create uniformity and internal integrity.

    A culture is an expression of a group of people. Every culture

    reflects the current beliefs and behaviors of its people, as well as

    the history that shaped them.

    History is an essential attribute of culture because one of

    culturesdefining characteristics is that it persists over time

  • 8/12/2019 Presentation RM Oct-12 Group-6


    Methodology The major research method used questionnaire based responsecollection

    Prepared several questions, which are used to survey respondentsattitudes and opinions about Organisational Culture.

    Questionnaire studies measure the central level of organisational

    culture i.e. attitudes, beliefs and values.

    Questionnaires provide sufficiently valid descriptive information

    about an organisation and particularly about the views and

    attitudes of its staff.

  • 8/12/2019 Presentation RM Oct-12 Group-6


    More than 100 participants from different Business Sectors

    like Manufacturing, IT, Consulting etc

    Survey was designed to understand and assess the impact of

    Cultures and Structures on Employeesdrive.

    Informants within individual Sectors came from different levels

    within the structure: Senior, Junior, Middle were involved in

    the study.

    In total, 120 responses were received.

    Sample details

  • 8/12/2019 Presentation RM Oct-12 Group-6


    DataCollection A total of 120 responses were received. There was a good mix of

    people from all levels from different industries.

    The respondents comprised of people from different industries and

    different levels of experience in the industry.

    Management Level No. of Responses

    Entry Level 5

    Middle Level 80Senior Level 35

    Top Level 0

    Total 120

  • 8/12/2019 Presentation RM Oct-12 Group-6


    Data Collection

    Industry type No of responses

    Manufacturing 30

    Consulting 10

    IT 35

    Other 45

    Total 120

    Years in


    No of

    responses0 to 1 35

    2 to 5 60

    6 to 9 15

    10 or above 10

    Total 120

  • 8/12/2019 Presentation RM Oct-12 Group-6


    There were total 25 items in the questionnaire.

    3 items were related to respondentsprofile.

    20 items belonged to examining the organization culture andstructure with 2 others for examining the drive of respondents

    in their respective companies.

    3 items on organization structure and culture were reverse


    The items were rated on a five point Likert scale.

    All the data was loaded on an excel sheet and items requiring

    reverse coding were done so.

    Data Analysis

  • 8/12/2019 Presentation RM Oct-12 Group-6


    Further, mean analysis was carried out on the responses with

    regard to respondentsmotivation.

    The respondents were divided into two groups, with mean

    score 4 or more and others with less than 4 mean score.

    For the analysis purpose, respondents with 4 or more as mean

    score are considered as Motivated and others Not Motivated.

    Distribution of respondents among the above two categories are tabulated


    Data Analysis

    Respondents No. of Responses

    With score 4 or more 74

    With score less than 4 46

    Total 120

  • 8/12/2019 Presentation RM Oct-12 Group-6


    Further, scores of respondents were studied for the two

    categories separately.

    The mean scores of respondents were estimated for all items

    and these scores were then sorted in order.

    The reason for this procedure was to understand the

    importance of various items for respondents.

    Data Analysis

  • 8/12/2019 Presentation RM Oct-12 Group-6


    DiscussionThe major findings of the study are listed below1. None of the entry level respondent was found to be motivated enough.

    2. The major areas which are found to be considered as importantby the

    motivated people are --

    My organization communicates effectively (written and verbal) and in a timely

    manner to their employees.

    My organization has a current mission plan for everyone to view.

    My organization shares information with others who should know.

    My organization recognizes and celebrates successes of team members.

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    DiscussionThe major areas which are found to be considered as leastimportant by the motivated people are

    My organization is diplomatic in how it handles all aspects of


    My organization's structure is hierarchal in nature.

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    DiscussionThe major areas which are found to be considered as important by thenon-motivated people are

    My organization shows respect for a diverse range of opinions, ideas,

    and people. My organization has a current mission plan for everyone to view.

    In my organisation, change is viewed as a challenge and an opportunity.

    The major areas which are found to be considered as least important by the

    non-motivated people are

    My organization's structure is hierarchal in nature.

    Our HR department is creative in finding new ways to attract top talent amongdiverse groups.

  • 8/12/2019 Presentation RM Oct-12 Group-6


    DiscussionItem Description Correlation


    My organization has a current mission plan foreveryone to view.


    My organization shows respect for a diverse range of

    opinions, ideas, and people.0.84

    I feel that my organization values my opinion. 0.82

    My organization communicates effectively (written and

    verbal) and in a timely manner to their employees.0.79

  • 8/12/2019 Presentation RM Oct-12 Group-6


    Thank You!