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  • 8/8/2019 Presentation m.r


    MembersYunus . HukkeriShridhar . NaikTabrezahmed . JamadarZaheerrudin.SManoj. Joshi

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation m.r



    Error caused by a difference between those who responded

    To a survey and those dont is termed as non response error .

    Non response can involve an entire Questionnaire (refusal to

    answer any question) or particular or question in

    questionnaire (refusal to answer a subset of questions).

  • 8/8/2019 Presentation m.r


    Response ratey Response rate is defined as the number of completed

    interviews with responding units divided by the number of

    eligible responding units in the sample.

    y In general the lower the response rate to a survey ,the higher

    the probability of nonresponse error. however, a low

    response error. Nonresponse error is a problem only when a

    difference between the responds and the nonrespondents

    leads the researcher to an incorrect conclusion or decision.

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    Reducing nonresponseAttempts to increase the response rate to focus on

    increasing the potential respondents motivation to

    reply. Two complementary approaches are frequentlyused.

    y The first is to increase the motivation as much as

    possible in the initial contacts with respondents.y The second approach is to remind the respondents

    through repeated mailing or other contacts.

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    Strategies for dealing with


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    Subjective Estimatesy When it is no longer practical to increase the response

    rate ,the researcher can estimate subjectively thenature and effect of the non respondents. That is, the

    research , based on experience and the nature of the

    survey , makes a subject evaluation effect of thenonresponse

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    Imputation Estimatesy Imputation estimates involves imputing attributes to

    the nonrespondents based on the characteristics of therespondents .

    These techniques can be used for missing

    respondents or for item nonresponse

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    Trend Analysisy Trend analysis is similar to the imputation technique,

    except that the attributes of the nonrespondents are

    assumed to be similar to be projection of the trends

    show between early and late respondents .

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    Measurements using Subsamplesy Subsamples of nonrespondents particularly when a mail survey

    was the original methodology, has been found effective in

    reducing nonresponse error. Concentrated attention on a

    subsample of nonrespondents ,generally using telephone or

    personal interviews, can often yield a high response rate within

    that subsamples can be projected to the entire group of

    nonrespondents and the overall surveys results adjusted to take

    into accounts the nonrespondents. The primary drawbacks to

    this technique is the cost involved.

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    Issues in multinational surveysy The issues in multinational surveys mirror those in

    domestic surveys- which survey method is best and how do

    we minimize potential nonresponse error.

    y The issue is complicated because

    1. The best methods in one country may be inappropriate in


    2. Different survey methods may produce differing results ,

    making cross-country comparisons difficult

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    Telephoney The ability to conduct telephone surveys in a given

    country depends on the sample having telephones and

    on their willingness to be interviewed on the phone

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    Maily Mail survey required a high literacy rate among the

    sample , a well-developed postal system, and a list of

    address . Mail surveys are widely used in theE

    Ccountries , the U.S.,Canada and Japan . They offen arenot good method in other countries even if the literaryrate is high

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    Computercomputer interview required a sample that is at least

    familiar with computer type terminals . Thus, they are

    restricted to advanced economics and select segmentsof other countries. Multinational computer interviewsare complicated by a variety of factors

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    Multiple surveys techniques in

    multinationals surveys

    y As the above discussion indicates, it is sometimesdesirable to use difficult survey methods in amultinational survey. When this is the case, it is case, itis desirable to test for method difference if the results

    are to be used for cross-country comparisons

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  • 8/8/2019 Presentation m.r
