presentation mahabharata


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Page 1: Presentation Mahabharata
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Page 3: Presentation Mahabharata

The great story of Bharat dynasty’ which is the part of the Hindu Itihās

One of the greatest, longest holy epics of ancient India.

Its book was composed by Sri Ved Vyasa.

It begins with: "Vyasa sang of the ineffable greatness and splendor of Lord Vasudeva, who is the source and support for everything,

who is eternal, unchanging, self-luminous, who is the Indweller in all beings, and the truthfulness and righteousness of the Pandavas.

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Bhishma Drona Karna Shalya Kripacharaya Ashwatthama Duryodhan


– Arjuna– Bhima– Yudhishtira– Nakul– Sahdev

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11 Akshouhini Have experienced

leaders. Acquired various

kingdoms and wealth.

Having political & financial powers


7 Akshouhini. Main strength are

friends and relatives.

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It ends with: "With raised hands, I shout at the top of my voice; but alas, no one hears my words which can give them Supreme Peace, Joy and Eternal Bliss.

One can attain wealth and all objects of desire through Dharma


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Name Represents

Ved Vyas : The Spiritual Management Guru. The one who teaches the truth of life.

Shri Krishna : The Mind. Mind connects oursoul to the body through brain.

Pandu : The Positive Intelligence Quotient of brain

Kunti / Madri : The Positive Emotional Quotient of brain

(Five) Pandavas : Our five Senses Viz. touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing

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Dhritrastra : He was blind i.e. Misguided Negative Intelligence Quotient of brain

Gandhari : She blindfolds herself i.e. Biased Negative Emotional Quotient of brain

Kauravas : Material Desires. They are never ending, aimed at senses gratification

Kurukshetra :Our current form of life as a Human being having five senses with mind

Victory : Liberation of Soul i.e. Salvation/Moksha/Nirvana.It Pandavas means our freedom from material lives on material planets Viz.

Earth, Heaven and Hell

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Show gratitude Work is worship. Integrity and purity of character . Adopt law with faith and firmness. Vidhura Needhi, code of conduct for all. Discharge duties with equanimity of mind. Mahabharata's stress on truth and

righteousness. Wealth and power must be used for public good.

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Forming a vision and planning the strategy to realize such vision. Cultivating the art of leadership.  Establishing the institutional excellence and building an innovative

organization. Developing human resources. Team building and teamwork. Delegation, Motivation, Communication

Reviewing performance

The modern management concepts like vision, leadership, motivation, excellence in work, achieving goals, meaning of work, attitude towards work, nature of individual, decision making, planning etc., are all discussed in the Bhagavad Gita with a sharp insight and finest analysis to drive through our confused grey matter making it highly eligible to become a part of the modem management syllabus

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The Bhagavad Gita says: The grass roots level of human

thinking because once the basic thinking of man is improved it will automatically enhance the quality of his actions and their results

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Utilization of Available Resources

Attitude Towards Work 'I am a poor man. I have to maintain my family. I am making

a living here,' said the first stone-cutter with a dejected face. 'Well, I work because I want to show that I am the best stone-cutter in the country,' said the second one with a sense of pride. 'Oh, I want to build the most beautiful temple in the country,' said the third one with a visionary gleam

Their jobs were identical, but their perspectives were different.

What Gita tells us: Develop the visionary perspective in the work we do. Develop a sense of larger vision in one's work for the

common good.

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Work Commitment:

Bhagavad Gita says a lot about the Theory of cause and effect

People are responsible for the consequences they face because of their actions in the past.

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Kauravas were strong in all the aspects from the Pandavas be it military, wealth, kingdom etc.

But still the Pandavas turned their attention to improving over there weakness like:

i. Arjuna set out a mission to acquire Divyastras.ii. Yudhisthira acquired teachings from the various

wise rishis, and also learnt the Game of Dice from Gandharava Chatrasma.

iii. Arjuna opted lord Krishna rather then choosing his army.

iv. Worked Strategically in the war front.

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Kauravas though they had greatest empire of the time, but they did not made many powerful allies except from few old relations.

Pandavas though they had no wealth, no power but they made powerful allies:

Panchalas through marriage with Darupadi. Dwaraka through marriage of Arjuna with Subhadra. Magadha through marriage of Shadeva with Vijaya. Chedi through marriage of Nakula with Karenmayi. Kasi through marriage of Bhima with Balandhara. Matsya through marriage of Abhimanyu with Uttara. Rakshasas through marriage of Bhima with Hidimba.

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Kauravas followed centralized leadership i.e one head of Army at a time, who used to be the supreme authority of 11 Akshouhini.

Pandavas followed distributed leadership. Seven commander for the seven division( 1 man commands 1 Akshouhini)

Virat (king of Matsya) Drupad ( king of Panchala) Shahdeva (king of Magadha) Dhrshtaketu (king of Chedi) Satyaki ( only warrior from Dwarka) Shikhandi ( Prince of Panchala)

Dhrshtadymna – Commander in ChiefArjuna – Supreme CommanderKrishna – Arjuna’s charoter and counselor

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Kauravas: No team spirit. They all fought their individual wars.

Bhisma: For his Vow to protect the throne Hastinapur.

Drona & Kripa: They owed allegiance to the throne.

Shalya: Simply cheated by Duryodhana to be there.

Karna: To prove his mantle against Arjuna.

Pandavas: One team. One Goal. They all contributed in the decision making process.

Team-Work Succeeds where Individual Effort fails.

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A Team of Traitors Kauravas: Except for Duryodhana nobody wanted

the war. All the 4 main generals had strong ties with the Pandavas.

Bhisma( GrandChildren)- Wont kill the Pandavas.Will kill a thousand Soldiers each day.

Drona(Students)- Wont kill the Pandavas. Will Capture them only.

Shalya(Nakula-Shadeva’s maternal uncle)- Love the Pandavas and helped them bye humiliating karna.

Karna(Brother to the Pandavas)- Promised not to kill any of the other Pandavas Save Arjuna.

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Pandavas: Common Goal. But the Individuals had their individual targets. Their own agenda, which just became on with the team’s agenda.

Dhratsadyumma: Drona Shikhandi: Bhisma Satayaki: Bhurisravas Arjuna: Karna Bhima: Duryodhana and his brothers Sahadeva: Shakuni and his sons Nakula: Karan’s Sons

The Right Team is made by Selecting the Right Individuals. Get the Right man for Right Job.

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Kauravas: The Greatest Crisis Manager the world has seen.

Yudhisthira: Low-Key Strategist

Know your Enemies weakness and exploit them. Take Calculated risks. Inspire, Invigorate, Counsel your own team in

moments of need.

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Women are Better Half. Any team which doesn’t have women is

unbalanced, for the Masculine traits of Aggression and Dominance should be balanced by the Feminine traits of Harmony.

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Values to build a great team

Turn your Weakness into Strengths Turn Enemies into allies Share your Responsibilities Team work score over individual effort Right team= Right set of individuals. The right man for the right job. Commitment Scores over Competence. Team Interest Over Individual Interests. Know Your enemy/Challenges. Explore its weaknesses. Take Calculated Risk. The Right Managers: To inspire, invigorate, counsel in crisis. Empower women

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The key components in business management are the 5Cs: Capital, Capability, Connections, Communication, Commitment

Live Example

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC)

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Corruption: One should remain satisfied by what ever is earned through honest labor.

Dowry: Non-possessiveness is the balancing of needs and desires while staying detached from our possessions.

Child labor: Giving respect to others irrespective of their age/ caste and creed.

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Manu, the first man, formulated detailed rules regarding conduct of a society

Preventing women from having any outside contact Kept busy at home and allowed outside only under

supervision. Reduced to a state of being a man’s property .

Example- Draupadi was staked by her husband in the game of dice.

That women and men are equal in the eyes of dharma , but it was not practiced.

Sati and child marriage

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Great saints like Swami Vivekananda have predicted that the 21st century will be the century of women. Women (and men!) can draw strength from our great Vedic traditions to ensure that women get their rightful place in society .

Women are working shoulder to shoulder with men. Have all rights to participate Have reservations for them Well educated

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Adopt relaxation techniques Sleep adequately and well Choose an appropriate mode of

recreation Make your expectations realistic Reinforce your value system Change the way you look at things Bond with people Enhance the impact of humor in your life

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Avoid it. Accommodate it. Competing. Compromising. Collaborating. Focus on working together.

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War should be fought with peace in mind. * Targets/deadlines should not be set when emotions are running high. * If we mix up two or more issues in our targets, we may not be able to focus on any one of them.

The one, who’s vision, thoughts, speech and action aim at serving all form of lives across the globe in a selfless state of mind is the real leader who is admired by the world at large.

Three major things which lead us i.e. the soul, to hell are:

Lust Anger Greed

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