
Films Titles/Credits

Upload: ashley-goodall

Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Films Titles/Credits

Order of Evil Dead OTS

1. Of the title sequence the first shot is the title of the film in red

bold font, with a large size (biggest size in OTS). Placed in the center of

the frame.

2. Next the director is the first to presented during the OTS. In a red bold font but smaller than the title.

It is placed in the center of the frame.

3. A shot of blood dripping from stairs to send across the genre of horror and to emphasize it. The

blood is the same color as the text.

4. Next is the screen play cast. Placed towards bottom left in bold

red font and normal size.

5. Here is what the film is based on and who made it. Placed in top right in bold

red font


Order Of Evil Dead OTS

Order of Evil Dead OTS