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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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The Hwang HO river valley that the ancient Chinese civilisation grew and developed.

The begining of the civilisation was in the old stone age.

The ancient forming tribes regulated farming activities almost deering the sae time.

Only very climated evvidence has been obtained about the early ages of the ancient chinese culture.

The chinese built their houses on the shape of a circle


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The upper portion was conical in shape . The flooring inside was of a mixture of wet mud and

straw. The remains of ovens, semi-circular in shape have

been recorded from here . Rooms for storing grains and keeping goods keilns

for baking clay vessels etc. proliferation of agricultural implement and increased cattle wealth indicate the progress in agriculture.

Grey coloured clay pots were used widely at this time. The use of black and red pottery was also seen at a smaller scale during this age, among the pots were plates , cups , pitchers etc.

Features of Chinese Civilisation

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The constructions of palace complexes becomes widespread during the period between 1900 and 1600 BC if it was a bronze age in china too.

During this age,moulds for making vessels and kins for baking clay vessels came into use wine cups made of bronze ,small axes plates and three legged vessels with a flat bottom have been obtained in plenty.

Contributions of Chinese Civilisation

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Writing developed in china during this period. The pictorial script of the Chinese was different

from the uniform script of Mesopotamia or the hieroglyphics of Egypt.

In this script the pattern was that one sign stood for one word. The script was written from the top to the bottom.

If was at this cities developed in china. Inequalities in society, different handicrafts, long distance trade, art of writing , palace complexes – all these point to the emergence of a strong government.

The Script of Chinese Civilization