presentation 1 waterbirth pictures

Waterbirth pictures Just do it

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Post on 15-Feb-2017




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Waterbirth pictures

Just do it

• Waterbirth was available and rarely being used by other staff

• It takes courage to offer this, to be different, to really care about the woman more than the hospital system.

• Offering water immersion allows an alternative choice to

• Drugs • Epidural• Distress

A City Hospital

Background to this birth• Hannah was having first baby. She is a

Teacher. Terrified of labour. We just met about 4 hours earlier during labour.

• I was agency staff so feel I work for the woman more than the hospital.

• It is easier to care for a woman in water than with an epidural

• a naked woman in water keeps the doctors away

Breathing ... Togetherand keeping hydrated

Blowing out the breath gives focus

Keep birth under water

hands off!

Leave the cord alone

Check Heart Rate above 100 then wait 30 seconds before giving any help to baby

Do we need our hands?What direction is baby going?

Birth - Start the Clock

Pink lips and relaxed baby fingers 'V' for Victory

Relationships Matter

Pink Baby after breastfeeding

Thank You

Paul Golden