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BUSINESS IDEA GENERATION: DESIGN-THINKING APPROACH M. Husni (1306497283) Nana Tristiana (1306497296) Risma Kartika Sari (1306497371) Roy Hendrawan (1306497421) Wira Pratama (1306497560) Yenni Afriani Maria (1306497592) Zainul Fikri (1306497642)

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Post on 27-Sep-2015




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BUSINESS IDEA GENERATION: DESIGN-THINKING APPROACHM. Husni (1306497283)Nana Tristiana (1306497296)Risma Kartika Sari (1306497371)Roy Hendrawan (1306497421)Wira Pratama (1306497560)Yenni Afriani Maria (1306497592)Zainul Fikri (1306497642)

Whats Design Thinking?Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success. Tim Brown, president and CEO IDEO

Design thinking can be described as a discipline that uses the designers sensibility and methods to match peoples needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity.2Design Thinking Process

Three Space of Innovation321Ideation is the process of generating, developing, and testing ideas. Implementation is the path that leads from the project stage into peoples lives.Inspiration is the problem or opportunity that motivates the search for solutions. Three Elements of any Successful Design ProgramA Mental Matrix or These People Have No Process

Design thinking is rarely a graceful leap from height to height; it tests our emotional constitution and challenges our collaborative skills, but it can reward perseverance with spectacular results

Divergent thinking is the route, not the obstacle, to innovation.In convergent phase, its time to eliminate options and make choicesCollaborationThe best design thinkers dont simply work alongside other disciplines; many of them have significant experience in more than oneA Design Thinkers Personality Profile

Bentuk analisis adalah bentuk tindakan pemikiran dengan menggunakan tools yang tepat untuk memecahkan masalah atau mencari alternatif pemecahan masalah.Synthesis, tindakan menyimpulkan pola yang ada dari informasi menjadi data yang dapat digunakan dalam pengambilan keputusan - the data are just thatdataand the facts never speak for themselves.8Returning to the surface or the design of experiencesExperience economy from passive consumption to active participationBest experiences are not scripted but delivered on the spot by service providerImplementation is everythingSpreading the message or the importance of storytellingStorytelling Design thinker design challange

Design thinking as a systematic approach to innovationUsing design thinking to manage an innovation portfolio Ways to Grow matrixA tool of design thinking to evaluate the innovation efforts within organization

Transforming organizationGive them the net

Design thinking needs a New Participatory Social ContractThe greatest design thinkers have always been drawn to the greatest challenge of applying their skills to problem that matter.

Martin Fisher found human powered water pum13Necessity is the mother of Innovation!

These Organization measure success not by profit but by social impact,14Find the deepest question to find the brightest solution.

End Childhood Obesity.



CaseworksDesigning Dublinestablished by Design 21st Century project, supported by the Creative Dublin Alliance in partnership with Dublin City Council, has evolved a method of Learning to Learn that uses design thinking processes and tools.

Design thinking leads to urban solutions in Dublin

References: Jean Byrne, Vannesa Ahuactzin. 2010. Learning to learn without boundaries. Your Country, Your Call.June 1st 2011. Designing Dublin introduces The Compendium. 27/2/2015. thinking leads to urban solutions in Dublin. 27/2/2015.