present continuous/ progressive

Present Present Continuous/ Continuous/ Progressive Progressive

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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Present Continuous/ Progressive. Present Continuous Afirmative. Regra geral: V + ing Ex: sing ing Work ing Quando o verbo terminar em E, retira-se o “E” e acrescenta o ING:. Ex: lov ing Danc ing Quando o verbo terminar em Y, acrescenta-se ING normalmente: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Present Present Continuous/ Continuous/ ProgressiveProgressive

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Present Continuous AfirmativePresent Continuous Afirmative

II amam


YouYou areare



It It






Page 3: Present Continuous/ Progressive

Quanto ao acréscimo do ING:Quanto ao acréscimo do ING:

Regra geral:Regra geral:V + ingV + ing

Ex: singEx: singingingWorkWorking ing

Quando o verbo Quando o verbo terminar em E, terminar em E, retira-se o “E” e retira-se o “E” e acrescenta o acrescenta o ING:ING:

Ex: lovEx: lovingingDancDancinging

Quando o verbo Quando o verbo terminar em Y, terminar em Y, acrescenta-se acrescenta-se ING ING normalmente:normalmente:

Ex: playEx: playingingstudystudyinging

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Quanto ao acréscimo do INGQuanto ao acréscimo do ING

Quando o verbo Quando o verbo terminar em CVC terminar em CVC (consoante-vogal-(consoante-vogal-consoante) tendo a consoante) tendo a primeira sílaba forte, primeira sílaba forte, acrescenta-se ING acrescenta-se ING sem alteraçãosem alteração

Ex: listeningEx: listening

opening opening

Quando o verbo terminar Quando o verbo terminar em CVC (consoante-em CVC (consoante-vogal-consoante) tendo a vogal-consoante) tendo a última sílaba forte, repete-última sílaba forte, repete-se a ultima consoante, e se a ultima consoante, e aí acrescenta-se o INGaí acrescenta-se o ING

Ex: runningEx: running



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What are they What are they doing?doing?

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The cat is The cat is readingreading

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They are They are


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He is He is cookingcooking

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He is He is doing judodoing judo

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She is She is playing playing

the violin. the violin.

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They are They are dancingdancing

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He is He is


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He´s He´s

playing playing


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They are They are playing playing hockeyhockey

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He is He is riding a riding a


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It is It is eatingeating

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He is playing He is playing football. football.

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He isHe is

using theusing the


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He is He is surfingsurfing

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She is She is taking a taking a


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They are They are


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Professions Professions Singer – cantor Singer – cantor Engineer – engenheiro Engineer – engenheiro Actor – ator Actor – ator Doctor – médicoDoctor – médico Firefighter – bombeiro Firefighter – bombeiro Architect – arquiteto Architect – arquiteto Pilot – pilotoPilot – piloto Receptionist - recepcionista Receptionist - recepcionista Teacher – professor Teacher – professor Waiter – garçom Waiter – garçom Dentist – dentista Dentist – dentista Electrician – eletricistaElectrician – eletricista Journalist – jornalista Journalist – jornalista Chef – chefe (de cozinha) Chef – chefe (de cozinha)

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•Verbos importantes Verbos importantes

Study = estudarStudy = estudar Have = terHave = ter Have breakfast = Have breakfast =

tomar café da manhãtomar café da manhã Have lunch = almoçarHave lunch = almoçar Play = jogar/ brincar/ Play = jogar/ brincar/

tocar tocar (instr. musical) (instr. musical)

Swim = nadarSwim = nadar Run = correrRun = correr Sleep = dormirSleep = dormir Read = lerRead = ler Watch tv = assistir TVWatch tv = assistir TV

Dance = dançar Dance = dançar Climb = escalarClimb = escalar Paint = pintarPaint = pintar Do = fazerDo = fazer Speak = falarSpeak = falar Sing = cantarSing = cantar Open = abrirOpen = abrir Collect = colecionarCollect = colecionar Come = virCome = vir Drink = beberDrink = beber Eat = comer Eat = comer Walk = caminharWalk = caminhar