present and future of programming languages - ola bini

OLA BINI söndag, 2010 mars 21

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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Programming languages are at the core of our profession. But we don't always give them as much credence as they deserve. The strength of Ruby lies in its heritage from a number of different languages, and a look at the history leading up to Ruby might reveal what lies in store for the future. At the moment a lot of attention is spent looking at programming languages and developers are realizing that your language is an important tool. I will talk a little bit about why languages matter, why you should know several, and what the future of languages might look like.


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söndag, 2010 mars 21

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The Tao gave birth to machine language

Machine language gave birth to the assembler

söndag, 2010 mars 21

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The assembler gave birth to the compiler

Now there are ten thousand languages

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Each language has its purpose, however humble

Each language expresses the Yin and Yang of software

Each language has its place within the Tao

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But do not program in COBOL if you can avoid it

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Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming

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General purpose languages

Special purpose languages

Domain specific languages

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Where are we now?

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“Scripting” languages

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“Scripting” languagesPragmatic languages

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Where did we come from?

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Ruby lineage

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a, b, c = 42, 69, 25

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def foo yield 42 3.times do |n| yield n*25 endend

foo { |x| puts x }

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/^(\d{3})-(\d{4})$/ =~ phone_number

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$x = 42@me = other@@foo += 2

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Global swearing

$/ = “%”$= = trueputs $!

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puts “hello” unless moon == :full

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class MyNumber < Number; end

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foo.send :answer?, 42

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puts obj.methods.grep /=$/

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class Foo include ExampleMethodsend

baz.extend ExampleMethods

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Lisp Machine Lisp

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def incrementor(x) lambda do next, x = x, x+1 next endend

i = incrementor(10) # => # => # => 12

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Good design is not innovation

Good design is choosing what to include - and what to not include

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Imperative programming

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Functional programming

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Logic programming

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Object oriented programming

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Domain specific languages

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Multiparadigm languages

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Ceremony vs Essence

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Natural languages?

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First class

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Focused or multiparadigm?

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Where are we going?

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Is concurrency really a large problem?

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More programming languages - not fewer

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Language leverage

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Higher level

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Slowness and wastefulness

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Virtual machines

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Text based languages?

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AST languages?

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Language workbenches

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Other paradigms?

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It’s going to be interesting

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Where is Ruby going?

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Ruby 2.0

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I don’t know

söndag, 2010 mars 21

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Easier to modify the language

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Canonical AST

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Simplify the core?

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Scoped extensions

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The future

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