prepare for the inevitable: a best practice guide to network recording

© 2013 Emulex Corporation Network Recording Best Practice Fail-safe Network and Security Event Analysis Sri Sundaralingam – VP Product Management

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Post on 17-Jan-2015




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For organizations that depend critically on their network for business continuity, dedicated network recording infrastructure is fast becoming an essential part of the data center make-up. But not all network recorders are equal. The right choice of recorder can help reduce the risk of unplanned downtime, drive down operational costs, improve time-to-value on new IT investments, manage the risk of security breach and kill off all manner of zombie trouble tickets that just refuse to lie down and die. The wrong choice can leave you more confused than when you started. In this webinar we’ll explore the different infrastructure options that organizations have for recording and mining historical network traffic. We'll explore what matters most when all the lights go off and share some best-practice insights gleaned from working with customers that run some of the largest and most critical data networks on the planet.


Page 1: Prepare for the Inevitable: A Best Practice Guide to Network Recording

© 2013 Emulex Corporation

Network Recording Best PracticeFail-safe Network and Security Event Analysis

Sri Sundaralingam – VP Product Management

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Introducing Endace Products

A division of Emulex

World leader in packet capture and network recording

10+ year history selling network visibility to top-tier customers

– Govt, HFT, telco and enterprise

Global reputation for accuracy, scalability and performance

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Investments in Network Health: 4 Categories

1. Prevention

2. Detection

Detect things that may be bad and were missed by prevention tools; generate alerts

Sit in the network and stop known bad things from happening

3. Response

4. Root cause

Help engineers respond to any kind of network-related problem fast

Enable engineers to understand exactly what happened and why






FirewallWan Ops


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Standard Corporate Investment Profile

1. Prevention

2. Detection 3. Response

4. Root cause









Characteristics• High alert & False

+ive rate• Sample driven• Broad view, low

granularity• Statistical analysis

Characteristics• Signature based• Optimize for known• Static

Issues• Hard to isolate

problems• Long/indefinite TTR• Tools deployed

after event• Intermittent problems

Issues• Low bandwidth• Incomplete data• High price / low value

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Impact of Investment ‘Imbalance’



Backlog of events in NOC and SOC

Slow time-to-resolution on issues

Delayed response to events

High incidence of zombie tickets

No ability to contain real problems

Real risk of unplanned downtime

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Intelligent Network Recording





Improve operational productivity

Improve confidence levels

Reduce operational costs

Ensures effective containment

Reduce time-to-value on new IT

Reduces risk of downtime

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Who Values Accurate Network History?

Network operations teams rely on network history for troubleshooting

Network planning teams rely on accurate historical data for trending

Network security teams need history for breach containment and forensics

Compliance, legal and risk teams need history as evidentiary proof

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What’s Important in Network Recording?

Accuracy of recording

Write-to-disk speed

Storage capacity and flexibility

Richness of indexing

Effectiveness of workflow

Platform flexibility

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EndaceProbe™ INR Appliances

Next generation sniffer

100% accurate traffic recording– Real 10 Gbps performance

Up to 64 TB of local storage– Extensible via sledding or SAN

Full flow-based traffic indexing– Including application classification

Open and flexible– Endace Application dock– Programmable RESTful API

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Total Datacenter Visibility

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DetectionToolsDDoS IDS NPM

Core routers and switches (connectivity)

Firewalls (prevention)


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EndaceProbe Intelligent Network Recorders

Data Center Network Visibility Stack


Network Packet Brokers (aggregation)


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Traffic Search and Retrieval - EndaceVision™

Web-based collaborative traffic search engine

More than 20 indexed flow parameters– Includes application classification

Rapid network-wide search

Elegant investigation workflow

Fast access to raw packets as required

Local protocol decoding

Integrated collaboration tools

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Streamlining Workflow

Workflow start with an event detected by 3rd party tool

Analysts pivot between 3rd party dashboard and EndaceVision

RESTful API integration further streamlines workflow

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Network Retention Best Practice

Where to record – Data center: aggregation links – DMZ: web and application


What to record– Full packet contents vs. headers– Full NetFlow records / metadata– Control plane vs. data plane

How long to retain– 3 days complete history– 30+ days select history

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Business Benefits

Reduces time-to-resolution on events– Reduces impact and costs associated with

unplanned network downtime

Improves overall network performance and application delivery

– Treating causes not symptoms

Increases analyst productivity– Reduces opex burden– Allows team to scale for the future

Closes a potential compliance loop hole

Reduces overall capital exposure– One solution for netops and secops

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Network recording is essential for mission critical network environments where downtime costs real money

Testing the fidelity of recording and the ease of search / retrieval before you invest is key

Streamlining the investigation workflow for NetOps and SecOps users generates real measurable business value

Dedicated, open recording infrastructure is more valuable and trustworthy than recording as a feature of another solution.

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Thank you.

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