prenatal and passive smoke exposure and incidence of ... · on asthma and wheeze in children and...

Prenatal and Passive Smoke Exposure and Incidence of Asthma and Wheeze: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis abstract OBJECTIVES: Exposure to passive smoke is a common and avoidable risk factor for wheeze and asthma in children. Substantial growth in the prospective cohort study evidence base provides an opportunity to generate new and more detailed estimates of the magnitude of the effect. A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to provide estimates of the prospective effect of smoking by parents or household members on the risk of wheeze and asthma at different stages of childhood. METHODS: We systematically searched Medline, Embase, and confer- ence abstracts to identify cohort studies of the incidence of asthma or wheeze in relation to exposure to prenatal or postnatal maternal, pa- ternal, or household smoking in subjects aged up to 18 years old. Pooled odds ratios (ORs) with 95% condence intervals (CIs) were es- timated by using random effects model. RESULTS: We identied 79 prospective studies. Exposure to pre- or postnatal passive smoke exposure was associated with a 30% to 70% increased risk of incident wheezing (strongest effect from post- natal maternal smoking on wheeze in children aged #2 years, OR = 1.70, 95% CI = 1.242.35, 4 studies) and a 21% to 85% increase in incident asthma (strongest effect from prenatal maternal smoking on asthma in children aged #2 years, OR = 1.85, 95% CI = 1.352.53, 5 studies). CONCLUSIONS: Building upon previous ndings, exposure to passive smoking increases the incidence of wheeze and asthma in children and young people by at least 20%. Preventing parental smoking is cru- cially important to the prevention of asthma. Pediatrics 2012;129:735744 AUTHORS: Hannah Burke, BMBS, a Jo Leonardi-Bee, BSc (H), MSc, PhD, a Ahmed Hashim, MPH, a Hembadoon Pine-Abata, MB, BS, MPH, a Yilu Chen, B.Eng, MPhil, PhD, a Derek G. Cook, BSc, MSc, PhD, FFPH, b John R. Britton, MD, MSc, FRCP, FFPH, a and Tricia M. McKeever, BA, MSc, PhD a a Division of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Nottingham, City Hospital, UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies, Nottingham, United Kingdom; and b Division of Population Health Sciences and Education, St Georges University of London, London, United Kingdom KEY WORDS asthma, wheeze, passive smoking exposure, meta-analysis ABBREVIATIONS CIcondence interval HRhazard ratio NOSNewcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale ORodds ratio Drs Leonardi-Bee, Britton, Cook, and McKeever contributed to the study conception and design; Ms Burke, Dr Leonardi-Bee, Mr Hashim, Ms Pine-Abata, and Drs Chen and McKeever contributed to the identication of the studies, data collection, study selection, data extraction, and analysis and interpretation; Ms Burke and Drs Leonardi-Bee, Britton, Cook, and McKeever contributed to the drafting the article for important intellectual content; all authors approved the nal version of the article. doi:10.1542/peds.2011-2196 Accepted for publication Dec 1, 2011 Address correspondence to Tricia M. McKeever, BA, MSc, PhD, Division of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Nottingham, UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies, City Hospital NG5 1PB, United Kingdom. E-mail: [email protected]. uk PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275). Copyright © 2012 by the American Academy of Pediatrics FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no nancial relationships relevant to this article to disclose. FUNDING: Supported by project grant C1512/A11160 from Cancer Research UK and by core funding to the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies ( from the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Economic and Social Research Council, Medical Research Council, and the Department of Health, under the auspices of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration. PEDIATRICS Volume 129, Number 4, April 2012 735 REVIEW ARTICLE by guest on March 21, 2021 Downloaded from

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Page 1: Prenatal and Passive Smoke Exposure and Incidence of ... · on asthma and wheeze in children and found that if either parent smoked the risk of prevalent asthma in childhood wasincreasedbyaround40%,whereas

Prenatal and Passive Smoke Exposure and Incidenceof Asthma and Wheeze: Systematic Review andMeta-analysis

abstractOBJECTIVES: Exposure to passive smoke is a common and avoidablerisk factor for wheeze and asthma in children. Substantial growth inthe prospective cohort study evidence base provides an opportunityto generate new and more detailed estimates of the magnitude ofthe effect. A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted toprovide estimates of the prospective effect of smoking by parents orhousehold members on the risk of wheeze and asthma at differentstages of childhood.

METHODS: We systematically searched Medline, Embase, and confer-ence abstracts to identify cohort studies of the incidence of asthma orwheeze in relation to exposure to prenatal or postnatal maternal, pa-ternal, or household smoking in subjects aged up to 18 years old.Pooled odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were es-timated by using random effects model.

RESULTS: We identified 79 prospective studies. Exposure to pre- orpostnatal passive smoke exposure was associated with a 30% to70% increased risk of incident wheezing (strongest effect from post-natal maternal smoking on wheeze in children aged #2 years, OR =1.70, 95% CI = 1.24–2.35, 4 studies) and a 21% to 85% increase inincident asthma (strongest effect from prenatal maternal smoking onasthma in children aged #2 years, OR = 1.85, 95% CI = 1.35–2.53, 5studies).

CONCLUSIONS: Building upon previous findings, exposure to passivesmoking increases the incidence of wheeze and asthma in childrenand young people by at least 20%. Preventing parental smoking is cru-cially important to the prevention of asthma. Pediatrics 2012;129:735–744

AUTHORS: Hannah Burke, BMBS,a Jo Leonardi-Bee, BSc (H),MSc, PhD,a Ahmed Hashim, MPH,a Hembadoon Pine-Abata,MB, BS, MPH,a Yilu Chen, B.Eng, MPhil, PhD,a Derek G. Cook,BSc, MSc, PhD, FFPH,b John R. Britton, MD, MSc, FRCP,FFPH,a and Tricia M. McKeever, BA, MSc, PhDa

aDivision of Epidemiology and Public Health, University ofNottingham, City Hospital, UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies,Nottingham, United Kingdom; and bDivision of Population HealthSciences and Education, St George’s University of London, London,United Kingdom

KEY WORDSasthma, wheeze, passive smoking exposure, meta-analysis

ABBREVIATIONSCI—confidence intervalHR—hazard ratioNOS—Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment ScaleOR—odds ratio

Drs Leonardi-Bee, Britton, Cook, and McKeever contributed tothe study conception and design; Ms Burke, Dr Leonardi-Bee, MrHashim, Ms Pine-Abata, and Drs Chen and McKeever contributedto the identification of the studies, data collection, studyselection, data extraction, and analysis and interpretation; MsBurke and Drs Leonardi-Bee, Britton, Cook, and McKeevercontributed to the drafting the article for important intellectualcontent; all authors approved the final version of the article.


Accepted for publication Dec 1, 2011

Address correspondence to Tricia M. McKeever, BA, MSc, PhD,Division of Epidemiology and Public Health, University ofNottingham, UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies, City HospitalNG5 1PB, United Kingdom. E-mail: [email protected]

PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).

Copyright © 2012 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they haveno financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

FUNDING: Supported by project grant C1512/A11160 fromCancer Research UK and by core funding to the UK Centre forTobacco Control Studies ( from theBritish Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Economic andSocial Research Council, Medical Research Council, and theDepartment of Health, under the auspices of the UK ClinicalResearch Collaboration.

PEDIATRICS Volume 129, Number 4, April 2012 735


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It has been recognized for some yearsthat asthma and wheezing are morecommon in children passively exposedto cigarette smoke, though much of theavailable evidence to date has beenderived from cross-sectional ratherthan cohort studies. In a meta-analysispublished in 1998 by Strachan andCook,1 which informed the US SurgeonGeneral’s report of 2006,2 the authorsexamined the effect of passive smokingon asthma and wheeze in children andfound that if either parent smoked therisk of prevalent asthma in childhoodwas increased by around 40%, whereaspostnatal maternal smoking increasedthe incidence of asthma or wheezingillness before the age of 6 by∼30%, andduring school-age years by 13%. How-ever, these estimates were each basedon data from 4 cohort studies each. Amore recent systematic review (2007) ofexposure to household smoking re-vealed 33% increased risk of incidentasthma in childhood; this estimate wasbased on data from only 8 studies.3

In recent years, several more prospec-tive studies of this association havebeen reported, permitting a new meta-analysis to provide more reliable esti-mates and more detailed estimates ofthe effects of exposure to prenatalmaternal and to postnatal maternal,paternal, or other household memberssmokingon the incidenceofwheezeandasthma in childhood. We have, there-fore, updated the original Strachan andCook systematic review to providesummary estimates of the effects ofpassive smoking and to further expandthese analyses by examining the ef-fects in prenatal maternal and postnatalmaternal, or paternal or householdsmoking from prospective studies of therisk of wheezing and asthma in child-hood in various age groups. This workwas initiated as part of a larger re-view on the effects of passive smokingin children for the Royal College ofPhysicians.4


Systematic Review Methods

We used search strategies employed inthe 1997 systematic review1 to identifyall prospective epidemiologic studiesassessing the association betweenpassive smoke exposure and the in-cidence of wheeze or asthma in child-hood published between 1997 andFebruary 2011. This included searchingthe Medline, Embase, Cumulative Indexto Nursing and Allied Health Literature,and AMED electronic databases, pub-lished reviews, reference lists fromidentified publications, and abstractsfrom major conference proceedings(European Respiratory Society andAmerican Thoracic Society, 2006–2009).

Search Strategy

We search for articles in all languages,but incommonwith theprevioussearchstrategy, we included only articlespublished in English.1 Search termswere selected under guidance from theCentre for Reviews and Dissemination4

and the Airways Group Specialist5

search terms for wheeze and asthma.All references to passive smoking wereselected by the MeSH heading Tobaccosmoke pollution and/or text wordcombinations (passive, second hand,involuntary, parent, maternal, mother,paternal, father, or household) and(smoke, tobacco, cigarettes, or coti-nine) in the title, keywords, or abstract.In addition, articles were then restric-ted to children or adolescents (aged 0–18 years). The results from searcheswere combined with studies identifiedin the previous review.1

Inclusion Criteria

We included all prospective epidemio-logic studies assessing the associationbetween passive smoke exposure andincidence of asthma or wheeze inchildren or young people up to the ageof 18 years in which participants were

free of disease (asthma or wheeze) atthestart of thestudyandpassivesmokeexposure was documented at a timepoint before the incidence of diseasewas determined.

Data Extraction

Four authors (Drs Burke andMcKeever,Mr Hashim, and Ms Pine-Abata) inde-pendently reviewed the titles, abstracts,and then full text excluding irrelevantarticles after each stage. Disagree-ments were resolved by discussion.Articles were then data extracted in-dependentlyby2authors(MsBurkeandDr McKeever; Mr Hashim and Dr Chen;or Ms Pine-Abata and Dr McKeever)from all included text. Information onstudy design, methods, definitions ofasthma and wheeze, passive smokeexposure (source and timing of expo-sure), location of study, age of studypopulation (both when passive smokeexposure was attained and when out-come was collected) and results (ad-justed estimates where possible) wereobtained by using a previously piloteddata extraction form. Included articleswere also independently scored by 2authors for methodological quality byusing the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality As-sessment Scale (NOS).5 This scaleawards points for representativenessof the cohort, ascertainment of exposure/outcome, adjustment for confoundersin the analyses and follow-up (lengthand completeness), and has a maxi-mum score of 9 points. Data were thenentered into a standardized databaseand cross-checked. To ensure that nocohort was included more than once inthe same meta-analysis, each articlewas given a study identification num-ber relating to the birth cohort used. If2 different full texts presented similaroutcomes and exposure at the similarage in the same cohort, then the criteriafor choosing which 1 to use in the anal-yses included the more robust definitionof asthma/wheeze (for example, persis-tent wheezewas used overwheeze ever),

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the younger age of outcome, and mul-tivariate results were chosen overunivariate results. If a dose-responserelation was reported, then the high-est level of smoking was used.

Analysis: Exposure Comparisons

For each study, for a given outcome, wesought to obtain an odds ratio (OR) andits 95% confidence interval (CI) for anyof the 4 exposures: prenatal maternalsmoking, maternal smoking, paternalsmoking, and household smoke ex-posure (or equivalently either parentsmokes). Because the phenotype ofasthma is potentially different accord-ing to age of diagnosis, we also dividedthe outcomes up into the following agegroups: incidence of asthma/wheezein children aged 0 to 2 years, in-cidence of asthma/wheeze in childrenaged 3 to 4 years, and incidence ofasthma/wheeze in childrenagedover 5years.

Meta-analyses were performed to cal-culate weighted effect measures and95%CIsacrossstudiesbyusing randomeffects models using the DerSimonianand Laird method to calculate weights.Heterogeneity was expected from theanalyses due to differences in studypopulationsandexposures. Theamountof heterogeneity between the studieswas assessed by using I2 and if sub-stantial levels of heterogeneity weredetected (I2 . 50%),6 subgroup analy-ses were conducted to investigate po-tential reasons based onmethodologicalquality score (using forest plots.6 vs#6) and examining differences in sizeof effect and heterogeneity betweenstudies. Studies presenting data fromusing hazards ratios (HRs) were ana-lyzed separately. Publication bias wasexamined visually by using funnelplots, where there were more than 10studies available. The presentation ofthe meta-analyses adhered to theMeta-analysis of Observational Stud-ies in Epidemiology guidelines.7 All

analyses were performed by usingStata version 10.


From an initial 5074 articles identifiedfrom the literature searches, 583 ab-stractswere reviewed and 180 full textsinitially examined (Fig 1). We excludedthose which did not report data on therelation between smoking and respi-ratory diseases, were published in non-English language, were review articles,were not prospective cohort studies, orascertained smoking status at thesame time as disease outcome. A fur-ther potential 28 articles were identi-fied after reference list review and 9identified as potentially eligible arti-cles from the previous meta-analyses.1

After excluding studies that presentedsimilar outcomes from the same cohorts,there were 70 articles (representing 71studies) eligible for inclusion in thesystematic review and meta-analyses(Fig 1, Supplemental Tables 3 [in-cluded studies] and 4[excluded stud-ies]8-16). Thirty-two of the 71 studiesassessed asthma as an outcome (46%),31 assessed wheeze (44%), and 8 as-sessed both asthma and wheeze (11%).Thirty-seven studies assessed exposureto prenatal maternal smoking (52%), 26assessed postnatal maternal smoking(37%), 7 assessed postnatal paternalsmoking (10%), and 28 assessedhousehold smoking (39%). Twenty-threestudies presented the incidence of re-spiratory disease in children aged #2years, 18 in children aged 3 to 4 years,and 32 studies in children aged 5 to 18years. Only 1 analysis had more than 10studies, and there was no evidence ofpublication bias when examining thefunnel plot for prenatal maternal pas-sive smoke and wheeze in children aged#2 years (funnel plot not presented).

The NOS scores for the 71 includedstudies ranged from5 to7withamedianof 6. Thirty-one of the 71 studies (44%)were scored as being of moderate or

high level (.6) methodological quality.The main reasons for lower NOS scoreswere lack of an objective measure ofsmoking since the vast majority reliedupon self-reported smoking (only 1study provided objective data in theform of cotinine levels17), lack of ad-justment for confounding factors, andlack of study sample representative-ness due to restrictions to childrenwhose parents had an allergic disease.

Meta-analysis Findings

Wheeze as the Outcome

All except for 2 of the pooled analysesrevealed that exposure to passive smok-ing was associated with a significant in-creased risk of onset of wheeze in thechild (Table 1, Supplemental Figs 3–12).

Prenatal Maternal Smoking

Exposure to prenatalmaternal smokingwas associated with 40% increase inrisk of wheeze in children aged #2years (OR = 1.41, 95% CI = 1.20–1.67,I2 = 82.5%, 14 studies). The high levelsof heterogeneity between the studieswas not attributable to quality (higherquality: OR = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.13–1.61,I2 = 85.3%, 9 studies; poorer quality:OR = 1.66, 95% CI = 0.93–2.96, I2 = 87.7%,5 studies). A similar magnitude of ef-fect was observed for the relation be-tween prenatal maternal smoking andincidence of wheeze between ages 3and 4 (OR = 1.28, 95% CI = 1.14–1.44, I2 =65.5%, 8 studies). High levels of het-erogeneity in this analysis was partlydue to the study quality (higher qualitystudies: OR = 1.44, 95% CI = 0.92–2.25,I2 = 59.5%, 3 studies; poorer qualitystudies: OR = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.13–1.62,I2 = 72.6%, 5 studies). Prenatal passivesmoke exposure was associated witha 52% increased risk of wheeze inchildren aged 5 to 18 years (OR = 1.52,95% CI = 1.23–1.87, I2 = 21.1%, 5 stud-ies). We could not include 1 article inthe meta-analyses because it providedno data other than P values; however, it


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revealed that maternal smoking inpregnancy was associated significantincreased risk of wheeze in the last 12months in boys age 11 (P = .003) but nosignificant association in girls.18

Maternal Smoking

Exposure to postnatal maternal smok-ing was associated with the strongesteffects on the incidence of wheeze,effects on incidence of wheeze in chil-dren aged #2 years (OR = 1.70, 95%CI = 1.24–2.35, I2 = 0%, 4 studies), on in-cidence of wheeze in children aged 3to 4 years (OR = 1.65, 95% CI = 1.20–2.68,

I2 = 48.5%, 4 studies), and on the in-cidence of wheeze in children aged 5 to18 years (OR = 1.18, 95% CI = 0.99–1.40,I2 = 1.4%, 3 studies).

Paternal Smoking

Data on exposure to paternal smokingwere more limited; the only availableestimatewas for incidence of wheeze inchildren aged 5 to 18 years (OR = 1.38,95% CI = 1.05–1.85, I2 = 0%, 2 studies).

Household Smoking

Household passive smoke exposurealso increased the risk of wheeze in

children aged#2 years (OR = 1.35, 95%CI = 1.10–1.64, I2 = 64.5%, 9 studies).There was a high level of heterogeneitybetween the studies, and subgroupanalyses by quality score was able toaccount for some of the heterogeneity(higher quality: OR = 1.27, 95% CI =1.06–1.52, I2 = 51.7%, 6 studies; poorerquality: OR = 1.60, 95% CI = 0.77–3.33,I2 = 76.4%, 3 studies). Exposure tohousehold passive smoke was not sig-nificantly associated with incidence ofwheeze in children aged 3 to 4 years(OR = 1.06, 95% CI = 0.88–1.27, I2 =54.5%, 4 studies). The moderate levels

TABLE 1 Passive Smoke Exposure and Incidence of Wheeze

Smoking Exposure Age the Outcome Was Collected No. of Studies Pooled OR 95% CIs I2, % Ref. Nos.

Prenatal maternal #2 14 1.41 1.19–1.67 87.9 17;30;38–48Maternal #2 4 1.70 1.24–2.35 0.0 17;38;46;49Paternal #2 0Household #2 10 1.35 1.10–1.64 64.5 39;40;42;43;46;50–53Prenatal maternal 3–4 8 1.28 1.14–1.44 65.6 17;28;38;42;54–57Maternal 3–4 4 1.65 1.20–2.28 48.5 17;38;54;58Paternal 3–4 0Household 3–4 4 1.06 0.88–1.27 54.5 42;55;56;59Prenatal maternal 5–18 5 1.52 1.23–1.87 21.1 29;57;58;60;61Maternal 5–18 3 1.18 0.99–1.40 1.40 62–64Paternal 5–18 2 1.39 1.05–1.85 0.0 60;63Household 5–18 5 1.32 1.12–1.56 1.7 57;63;65–67

FIGURE 1Flowchart for identifying studies.

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of heterogeneity were partly attribut-able to high levels of heterogeneity andin this case were attributable to studyquality (higher quality: OR = 1.20, 95%CI = 1.02–1.41, I2 = 0%, 3 studies; poorerquality: OR = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.87–1.02, 1study). Exposure to household smokingalso increased the risk of incidence ofwheeze in children aged 5 to 18 years(OR = 1.32, 95% CI = 1.12–1.55, I2 = 0%, 5studies).

In addition, we were unable to include 1article in the meta-analyses becausethe exposure was measured as perhour exposed to passive smoke, and thisstudy revealed that increased exposureto passive smoking was associated withan increased risk of persistent wheezein children aged 2 years (OR per hourper week exposed = 1.14, 95% CI = 1.02–1.27).19 There was also 1 study that usedan objective measure of passive smokeexposure and revealed that childrenwith detectable cord blood levels werenot at significantly increased risk ofwheeze at age 1 or 3 years or of wheezeat age 3 years in relation to blood coti-nine levels at age 1.17

Asthma as the Outcome

The effects of passive smoke exposureon the incidence of asthma tended to beweaker than those on wheeze, withexposures resulting in∼20% increasedrisk of asthma and most of which werestatistically significant (Table 2, Sup-plemental Figs 13–21).

Prenatal Maternal Smoking

The strongest significant effect was forprenatal maternal smoking and in-cidence of asthma in children aged#2years (OR = 1.85, 95% CI = 1.35–2.53,I2 = 41.9%, 5 studies). The effect of pre-natal maternal smoking became pro-gressively weaker in relation to asthmaincidence with increasing age butremained significantly associated withasthma onset between the ages of 5and 18 years (OR = 1.23, 95% CI = 1.12–1.36, I2 = 50%, 11 studies). In addition,the authors of 1 study examined theeffect of prenatal smoking and inci-dence of asthma by using HRs, andtherefore data could not be included inthe meta-analyses, but the study re-vealed that prenatal maternal smokingwas associated with a significant in-creased risk of incidence of asthma(HR = 1.5, 95% CI = 1.1–2.1).20

Maternal Smoking

Exposure to postnatalmaternal passivesmoking was not significantly associ-ated with incidence of asthma in chil-dren aged#2 years or 3 to 4 years butdemonstrated a borderline significantassociation with incidence of asthma inchildren aged 5 to 18 years (OR = 1.20,95% CI = 0.98–1.46, P = .08, I2 = 65.3%,8 studies). Subgroup analysis by qualityscore accounted for only a little ofthe heterogeneity, which appeared tobe located in the higher qualitystudies (higher quality: OR = 1.06,

95% CI = 0.67–1.68, I2 = 76.5%, 4studies; poorer quality: OR = 1.25,95% CI = 1.00–1.57, I2 = 55.5%, 4 stud-ies). However, studies that presentedthe data by using HRs revealed thatexposure to maternal smoking wasassociated with a 21% increased riskof incidence of asthma (HR = 1.21, 95%CI = 1.01–1.45, I2 = 74.7%, 5 studies; Fig 2).Again, a high amount of heterogeneitywas revealed that existed in the lowerquality studies (poorer quality: HR =1.17, 95% CI = 0.99–1.37, I2 = 72.9%, 4studies; higher quality: HR = 3.17, 95%CI = 1.42–7.04, 1 study). The age ofdiagnosis of incidence of asthma inthese 4 studies ranged considerablyfrom birth age 5,21 birth until age 11,22

or age 10 or older.23–25

Paternal Smoking

There were more limited data on theeffect of exposure to paternal smokingwith no studies with data for childrenaged #2 years and only 1 study forchildren aged 3 to 4 years that revealeda significant effect (OR = 1.34, 95% CI =1.23–1.46). Paternal exposure was notassociated with incidence of asthma inchildren aged 5 to 18 years (OR = 0.98,95% CI = 0.71–1.36, I2 = 0%, 4 studies).In 1 study, the authors reported HRsand found that having a father as acurrent smoker resulted in a signifi-cant increased risk of incidence ofasthma from birth up to age 11 (HR =1.34, 95% CI = 1.24–1.46).22

TABLE 2 Passive Smoke Exposure and Incidence of Asthma

Smoking Exposure Age the Outcome Was Collected No. of Studies Pooled OR 95% CIs I2, % Ref. No(s).

Prenatal maternal #2 5 1.85 1.35–2.53 41.9 31;43;46;56;68Maternal #2 2 2.47 0.65–9.39 3.7 46;69Paternal #2 0Household #2 3 1.14 0.94–1.38 1.7 43;46;56Prenatal maternal 3–4 1 1.30 0.88–1.92 70Maternal 3–4 4 1.05 0.88–1.25 0.0 70–73Paternal 3–4 1 1.34 1.23–1.46 100 72Household 3–4 5 1.21 1.00–1.47 72.7 55;74–77Prenatal maternal 5–18 8 1.23 1.12–1.36 50.0 32–34;36;48;68;78–82Maternal 5–18 8 1.20 0.98–1.44 65.3 34;35;62;78;81;83–85Paternal 5–18 3 0.98 0.71–1.36 0.0 35;84;85Household 5–18 6 1.30 1.04–1.62 37.7 36;66;67;81;86;87


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Household Smoking

Household passive smoke exposurewas not significantly associated withincidence of asthma in children aged#2 years (OR = 1.14, 95% CI = 0.94–1.38, I2 = 0.1%, 3 studies) but was as-sociated with incidence of asthma inchildren aged 3 to 4 years (OR = 1.21,95% CI = 1.00–1.47, I2 = 72.7%, 5 stud-ies) and aged 5 to 18 years (OR = 1.30,95% CI = 1.04–1.62, I2 = 37.7%, 5 stud-ies). The relation between householdpassive smoke exposure and incidentasthma in children aged 3 to 4 yearsrevealed a high level of heterogeneitythat could be entirely explained bysubgroup analyses based on qualityscore (higher quality: OR = 1.18, 95%CI = 0.92–1.53, I2 = 0%, 2 studies; poorerquality: OR = 1.21, 95% CI = 0.92–1.59,I2 = 85.8%, 3 studies). Two further stud-ies26,27 presented data by using HRs,and a pooled analysis of these revealedhousehold exposure to passive smokewas not significantly related to an in-creased risk of incidence of asthma(HR = 1.33, 95% CI = 0.72–2.44, I2 =74.2%, 2 studies; Supplemental Fig 22).

Finally, 1 study that could not be com-bined due to its classification of expo-sure revealed no significant associationfor doctor diagnosed asthma or reactiveairways disease in relation per houseexposed to passive smoke (OR per hourexposed = 1.04, 95% CI = 0.94–1.15).19

There was insufficient data to combinetheresults fromstudiesofdose-responseassociations; 3 studies for wheeze re-vealed a significant dose-response ef-fect,28–30 and 3 studies for asthma31–34

revealed a significant dose-response ef-fect; the significance could not be de-termined for 1 study, although the resultsdid demonstrate increasing ORs.32 How-ever, 2 of the above studies also demon-strate a nonsignificant trend.28,34


This updated systematic review andmeta-analysis, which has drawn datafrom over 70 studies and is thus by farthe largest review of the topic reportedto date, revealed that exposure topassive smoking, in particularly pre-natal or postnatalmaternal smoking, is

associated with significantly increasedrisks of onset of wheeze and asthma inchildren. The much greater evidencebase available now than at the times ofprevious systematic reviews of thisarea has permitted us to estimate ef-fects of exposure to smoking both pre-and postnatally by the mother and bythe fatheroranyhouseholdmember, onasthma or wheeze during 3 differentage ranges in childhood. Our estimatesupdate those published in the previousdefinitive review of these associations,1,3

which was conducted over 10 years agoand included both cross-sectional andcohort studies and are based exclusivelyon prospective studies in which smokingstatus was documented before the de-velopment of disease, thereby minimiz-ing reporting bias and recall biases.

Our findings indicate that the effects ofpassive smoking on the incidence ofwheeze and asthma are substantiallyhigher than previously estimated, par-ticularly for the effect of maternalpostnatal smoking exposure. Previousresults revealed that maternal post-natal smoking exposure increased the

FIGURE 2Exposure to postnatal maternal smoking and incidence of asthma.

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riskof asthmaorwheezing illness in thefirst 5 to 7 years after birth by 31% (4studies), and the effect was smallerwhen examining the incidence duringschools (13% increased risk [4 stud-ies]).1 The most comparable data fromour study revealed that maternalsmoking was associated with a 52%increased risk of wheeze and 20% in-creased risk of asthma at age 5 to 18years. The other available recent sys-tematic review revealed that maternalpassive smoke exposure was associ-ated with a 24% increased risk of in-cidence of asthma, and householdpassive smoke exposurewas associatedwith a nonsignificant 13% increased riskof incidence of asthma in children aged0 to 18 years.3 Both of these estimatesare at the lower ends of our estimates,as we found that passive smoke expo-sure was associated with a 20% to 85%increased risk of incidence of asthma.Our estimates for the effect of passivesmoke onwheeze demonstrate strongereffects ranging from 28% to 70% in-creased risk of incidence ofwheeze. Thismore recent meta-analyses3 had morerestrictive inclusion criteria, includingpostnatal exposure to smoking, asthma,and studies that allowed for the con-founding effect of atopy/allergic studies.Only allowing studies that restrict thestudy population or controlled for atopymay be the reason their estimates arelower than the estimates that we at-tained. This currentmeta-analyses, 38 of71 studies allowed for atopy/allergicdisease in the analyses.

Our study was able to draw data fromnearly 9 times more articles than thepreviouswork and is thusmore likely toreflect the true estimates of the effectof passive smoking on wheeze andasthma. We chose to separate the time of

diagnoses into 3 different age categories(#2 years, 3 to 4 years, and 5 to 18 years)to examine whether the effect of passivesmoke was only an effect on disease di-agnosed early in life or whether theseeffects were still present when the onsetof wheeze or asthma presented later inchildhood. In addition, this is the first timeestimates for the effect of prenatalsmoking on respiratory have been de-termined. We found estimates tended tobe higher at a younger age of diagnosis,though we still found that exposure tohousehold passive smoke still signifi-cantly increased the risk of newdiagnosisof asthma after the age of 5 years.

One limitation to our systematic reviewis that in many of the studies we iden-tified, the effect of smoking on asthmaor wheeze was not the primary objec-tive. It is thereforepossible thatwehavemissed other studies in which relevantdata were collected but not evidentin the title or abstract. Restriction ofanalysis to articles published in Englishis another potential limitation, though inpractice this excluded only 8 studies. Wealso recognize that exposure to prenataland postnatal smoking and smoking bythe mother, father, or other householdmemberare correlated and their effectsare therefore difficult to disentangle.There was substantial heterogeneity insome of our analyses, which was notalways attributable to study quality.Reasons for high levels of heterogeneityinclude wide range of cohort sizes, withsome large cohorts providing someverytight range of effect size, some studiesnot allowing for confounding effect, alsodifferences in the defined study pop-ulation such as parents having allergicdisease to be included into the studyversus a random sample of popula-tion. Twelve of the cohort studies were

selected on the basis of parents with al-lergic disease and of these 2 of them hadORs and 95% CIs that were outside thepooled estimate35,36; however, 1 was anoverestimate of the effect size and 1 wasan underestimate, therefore no system-atic biaswas revealedwithin these studypopulations. In addition, each of these 2studies also only contributed 3% of theoverall weight to the meta-analyses andtherefore overall conclusions remainthe same when the studies were ex-cluded from the meta-analyses. Anotherfactor that must be considered is thechild’s own smoking status, and therewere only 7 studies in which the inci-dence of disease was after age 12 and ofthese only 1 of them controlled for thechild’s smoking behavior. Finally, wemust recognize the difficulty in diag-nosing asthma in young children, andtherefore we chose to present the re-sults for both wheeze and asthma;however, we must recognize that earlywheeze in children will be a combina-tion of early transient wheezers andchildren with early signs of asthma.

Exposure to passive smoking is an im-portant risk factor for the incidence ofwheeze and asthma throughout child-hood. In the United Kingdom over 7000or 8% of new cases of wheeze in chil-dren under the age of 2 and over 15 000or 14% of new cases of asthma in chil-dren over the age of 3 are due to passivesmoke exposure,4 and internationally itis estimated that 651 000 disability ad-justed life-years are results of exposureto passive smoking and asthma.37 Thesenew cases of disease pose a significantpublic health burden that is potentiallyavoidable. Therefore, it is important tolimit children’s exposure to passive smokeboth during gestation and throughout thechild’s life.


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WISH UPON A TWINKLING PLANET? Everyone knows there are billions and billionsof stars. On a clear night, one can see evidence of their existence scattered acrossthe night sky. What is a little less clear is how many planets exist. Until recently,most scientists thought planets relatively uncommon. As reported in The NewYork Times (Science: January 11, 2012), however, several new studies have shownthat there may actually be more planets than stars. Scientists used a few dif-ferent ways to detect the presence of planets around stars outside our solarsystem. NASA scientists used a space-based telescope to detect planets. Thistelescope can detect planets as small as Earth and planets quite close to theirsun. Others examine the brightness of stars as seen by several land-basedtelescopes to infer the presence of planets. This method is good for detectinglarger planets usually a bit farther from their sun. The surprising find is thatmany stars in the Milky Way have planets. Evidently, most do and very conser-vative estimates suggest that on average stars in the Milky Way have at least 1.6planets. According to the article, the existence of more than 700 exoplanets,planets outside our solar system, has already been confirmed. Thousands arewaiting independent confirmation. Planets have even been detected around starsthought very unlikely to have a planet. For example, planets have been foundaround solar systems with two stars. Somehow, the planets are not destroyed bythe competing gravitational fields. Given that the Milky Way has more than 100billion stars, the likelihood of finding a planet with similar characteristics asEarth seems much more likely. If so, scientists may have to brush up on theirGreek mythology, as there will be plenty of naming opportunities.

Noted by WVR, MD

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DOI: 10.1542/peds.2011-2196 originally published online March 19, 2012; 2012;129;735Pediatrics 

Chen, Derek G. Cook, John R. Britton and Tricia M. McKeeverHannah Burke, Jo Leonardi-Bee, Ahmed Hashim, Hembadoon Pine-Abata, Yilu

Systematic Review and Meta-analysisPrenatal and Passive Smoke Exposure and Incidence of Asthma and Wheeze:

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DOI: 10.1542/peds.2011-2196 originally published online March 19, 2012; 2012;129;735Pediatrics 

Chen, Derek G. Cook, John R. Britton and Tricia M. McKeeverHannah Burke, Jo Leonardi-Bee, Ahmed Hashim, Hembadoon Pine-Abata, Yilu

Systematic Review and Meta-analysisPrenatal and Passive Smoke Exposure and Incidence of Asthma and Wheeze: on the World Wide Web at:

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