preliminary draft: master list of ict/education policy...

Master list of ICT/education policy documents, version 0.2 (draft) (World Bank) | 21 June 2011 1 | Page Preliminary draft: Master list of ICT/education policy documents (version 0.2) 21 June 2011 The World Bank's ICT/education team often gets asked by countries for examples of 'ICT and education policies' to help inform their own planning processes in this area. We get this request so often that we have decided to (more) systematically document and catalog these sorts of policy documents in the coming months, with the assistance of some of our partner organizations, and make them widely available as part of a global ICT/education policy database. As part of a process of making the information we collect publicly available as early as possible, and to be more transparent about how we go about our work, we thought we would share version 0.2 of our master list of policy documents related to ICT/education from around the world. This activity is one part of a larger World Bank initiative, System Assessment and Benchmarking for Education Results: The Use of ICT (SABER-ICT ). For more background on the types of documents we are collecting, and how we are doing so, please see the related post on the World Bank EduTech blog, How to identify and locate national ICT and education policies [ ]. Please note: This list is far from complete. Some of the items listed here may not be labeled correctly. Some of the translations of document titles into English may not be exact. The list also includes World and Regional reports on page 47. Please feel free to tell us what we're missing, and/or what we've got wrong, by making a comment on the related page on the World Bank EduTech blog, How to identify and locate national ICT and education policies [ ], via our online contact form [ ] or on Twitter (please reference @WBedutech). We hope to post an updated draft list in September 2011. Thanks! - the ICT/education team in the World Bank Education Sector Anchor Unit (HDNED) Note: A number of online resources have been invaluable in helping to put together this list. Especially notable in this regard are the online resources from GeSCI, UNESCO-Bangkok, the European Schoolnet, Comminit, Eldis and Zunia. In addition, we note the tremendous value of a print publication: the revised second edition of Cross-National Information and Communication Technology Policies and Practices in Education (Plomp, Anderson, Law, eds.). This document is available through the SABER-ICT page on the World Bank education web site,

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Page 1: Preliminary draft: Master list of ICT/education policy · Master list of ICT/education policy documents, version

Master list of ICT/education policy documents, version 0.2 (draft) (World Bank) | 21 June 2011

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Preliminary draft: Master list of ICT/education policy documents (version 0.2)

21 June 2011 The World Bank's ICT/education team often gets asked by countries for examples of 'ICT and education policies' to help inform their own planning processes in this area. We get this request so often that we have decided to (more) systematically document and catalog these sorts of policy documents in the coming months, with the assistance of some of our partner organizations, and make them widely available as part of a global ICT/education policy database. As part of a process of making the information we collect publicly available as early as possible, and to be more transparent about how we go about our work, we thought we would share version 0.2 of our master list of policy documents related to ICT/education from around the world. This activity is one part of a larger World Bank initiative, System Assessment and Benchmarking for Education Results: The Use of ICT (SABER-ICT). For more background on the types of documents we are collecting, and how we are doing so, please see the related post on the World Bank EduTech blog, How to identify and locate national ICT and education policies []. Please note: This list is far from complete. Some of the items listed here may not be labeled correctly. Some of the translations of document titles into English may not be exact. The list also includes World and Regional reports on page 47. Please feel free to tell us what we're missing, and/or what we've got wrong, by making a comment on the related page on the World Bank EduTech blog, How to identify and locate national ICT and education policies [], via our online contact form [] or on Twitter (please reference @WBedutech). We hope to post an updated draft list in September 2011. Thanks! - the ICT/education team in the World Bank Education Sector Anchor Unit (HDNED) Note: A number of online resources have been invaluable in helping to put together this list. Especially notable in this regard are the online resources from GeSCI, UNESCO-Bangkok, the European Schoolnet, Comminit, Eldis and Zunia. In addition, we note the tremendous value of a print publication: the revised second edition of Cross-National Information and Communication Technology Policies and Practices in Education (Plomp, Anderson, Law, eds.). This document is available through the SABER-ICT page on the World Bank education web site,

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Master list of ICT/education policy documents, version 0.2 (draft) (World Bank) | 21 June 2011

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Afghanistan Documents are currently unavailable Albania Albania Education Strategy 2009-2013 (Document) (in Albanian) Law on Higher Education, 2007 (Document) (in Albanian) e-Schools Albania (Website) (in Albanian) Government of Albania National Information and Communication Technologies Strategy (2003) (Document) (in English) Algeria Loi No 99-05 du 18 Dhou El Hidja 1419 correspondant au 4 avril 1999 portant loi d'orientation sur l'enseignement supérieur modifiée et complete (Document) (in French) American Samoa Documents are currently unavailable Andorra Documents are currently unavailable Angola Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technologies Projecto Escola Digital: Conceitos e Sistema de Financiamento (Document) (in Portuguese) National Commission on Information Technologies (CNTI) Angola: An Emerging Digital Player (2007) (Document) (in English) National Commission on Information Technologies (CNTI) Estratégia para o Desenvolvimento das Tecnologias de Informaçaõ EDTI (2006) (Document) (in Portuguese) National Commission on Information Technologies (CNTI) Plano de Acção para a Sociedade da Informação – PASI (2007) (Document) (in Portuguese) National Commission on Information Technologies (CNTI) Anteprojecto da Lei das Tecnologias de Informação (Document) (in Portuguese) Anguilla

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Government of Anguilla Draft of Five Year Education Development Plan, 2005-2010 (2004) (Document) (in English) UN ECLAC – Caribbean Knowledge Management Centre, ICT Profiles – Antigua and Barbuda (Website) (in English) Antigua and Barbuda Ministry of Education, Culture and Technology Information and Communications Technology (ICT): Policies and Strategies for Implementation for the Education System in Antigua and Barbuda (2003) (Document) (in English) Argentina Education Evolution: National Report of Argentina 2004-2008 (Document) (in English) Ley No 26.075 de financiamiento educativo, 2005 (Document) (in Spanish) Ley de Education Technico Professional, 2005 (Document) (in Spanish) Ley de educación superior, 1995 (Document) (in Spanish) Armenia Media Education Center – e-Learning, Media Literacy, Communications (Website) (in English) Ministry of Education and Science, Center for Education Projects – Continuous Support to the Integration of ICT in Teaching and Learning Projects (Website) (in English) OSEAS Europe – Armenian Education (Website) (in English) Aruba Documents are currently unavailable Australia Australian Information and Communications Technology in Education Committee (AICTEC) Teaching for the Digital Age Work Plan, 2009 – 2012 (2009) (Document) (in English) Commonwealth of Australia et al. National Partnership Agreement on the Digital Education Revolution (2009) (Document) (in English)

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Master list of ICT/education policy documents, version 0.2 (draft) (World Bank) | 21 June 2011

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Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Success Through Partnership: Achieving a National Vision for ICT in Schools – Strategic Plan to Guide the Implementation of the Digital Education Revolution Initiative and Related Initiatives (2008) (Document) (in English) Curriculum Corporation – The Adelaide Declaration on National Goals for Schooling in the Twenty-First Century (Website) (in English) Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs Learning for the knowledge society: An education and training action plan for the information economy (2000) (Document) (in English)

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Digital Education Revolution Projects, Infrastructure and Support: Program Guidelines (2010) (Document) (in English) Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) Online Content Strategy: Learning in an Online World (2003) (Document) (in English) Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) Digital Education: Making Things Happen (2008) (Document) (in English)

Queensland Department of Education, Training, and the Arts P-12 Curriculum Framework –

Incorporating: Policy, Principles and Guidelines for Queensland State Schools, Version 1 (2008) (Document) (in English)

Austria Austrian Council (Council for Research and Technology Development) Strategie 2020 (2009) (Document) (in German)

Austrian Council (Council for Research and Technology Development) --

eLSA – e-Learning im Schulalltag (Website) (in German)

Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture Development of Education in Austria, 2004-2007 (2008) (Document) (in English)

Azerbaijan Government of Azerbaijan National Information and Communication Technologies Strategy for the Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2003-2012 (Document) (in English)

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Government of Azerbaijan State Program for development of communication and information technologies in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2005-2008 (Electron Azerbaijan) (Document) (in English) Ministry of Education (Website) (in Azeri) Bahamas Ministry of Education 10 Year Education Plan – Updated (2009) (Document) (in English) Ministry of Finance Policy Statement on Electronic Commerce and the Bahamian Digital Agenda (2003) (Document) (in English) Bahrain Ministry of Education – IT Future and Vision (Description) (in English) Bangladesh ICT Policy 2009 – Revision (2010) (Document) (in Bengali) Ministry of Science and Information and Communication Technology Revised Draft IV of National Science and Technology Policy (2010) (Document) (in English) Barbados ACB Knowledge Consultants Inc. (on behalf of Ministry of Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Business Development) Draft Report of Barbados’ National ICT Strategic Plan – Mobile Barbados: Building the Networked Nation (2005) (Document) (in English) Barbados ICT in Education Overview (Description) (in English) Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development – The Education Sector Enhancement Programme “Edutech” (Website) (in English) Belarus – E-learning in Belarus. (Website) (in English) – Draft program on ICT and Internet for education discussed by Belarusian Council of Ministers (Website) (in English) – e-Belarus program adopted (Website) (in English)

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Master list of ICT/education policy documents, version 0.2 (draft) (World Bank) | 21 June 2011

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e-Belarus e-Strategies/Policy (Website) (in English) Internews – Belarus (Document) (in English) Belgium Department of Education, Community of Flanders Vision Paper: ICT in Education (2002) (Document) (in French) Department of Educational Development, Community of Flanders ICT Competencies in Primary Education (2004) (Document) (in English) Flemish Ministry for Employment, Education and Training Competences for the Knowledge Society: ICT in Education Initiative, 2007-2009 (Document) (in Flemish) General Administration for Education and Scientific Research, French Community of Belgium Le Plan Stratégique en Matière d'Intégration des TIC en Communauté Française de Belgique (2002) (Website) (in French) > Ministry of the Flemish Community, Education Department Country Report on ICT in Education, 2009/2010 (2010) (Document) (in English) Ministry of the Flemish Community, Education Department Free Software in Education: Advice, Vision and Proposed Action Plan (Document) (in English) Walloon Government Cyberclasse: Des Outils Informatiques Modernes dans Toutes les Ēcoles de la Rēgion Wallone (2005) (Document) (in French) Belize Government of Belize Belize National ICT Policy – e-Readiness Assessment (2007) (Document) (in English) Benin Government of Benin Politique et stratégies des TIC au Bénin - Déclaration adoptée par le Gouvernement (2003) (Document) (in French) Ministry for Communications and Promotion of the New Technologies Politique et Stratégie Nationales NTIC – Bénin 2025 : Une Société de l’Information Solidaire, Épanouie et Ouverte (2002) (Document) (in French)

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Ministry of Education Plan Decennal de Developpement du Secteur de l’Education 2006-2015 (2006) (Document) (in French) Bhutan Department of Education Education Sector Strategy: Realising the Vision 2020 (2002) (Document) (in English) Royal Government of Bhutan Bhutan Information and Communications Technology Policy and Strategies (BIPS) (2004) (Document) (in English) Bolivia ONG Ayni Bolivia – Artículos (website) (in Spanish) Bosnia Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA) Bosnia and Herzegovina: ICT Sector Profile (2005) (Document) (in English) Botswana About Vision 2016: Vision Pillars (Document) (in English) Association for Progressive Communications (APC) – Africa ICT Policy Monitor – ICT Policy in Botswana (website) (in English) Brazil

Ministério da Educação – Balanço da gestão da Educação 2003-2010 – Marcos legais (website) (in Portuguese)

National Congress Plano Nacional de Educação (2000) (Document) (in Portuguese)

United Nations – Brazil – Education (website) (in English)

British Virgin Islands

Documents are currently unavailable

Brunei Darussalam

Ministry of Education National Report on the Development of Education – 48th Session of the International Conference on Education (2008) (Document) (in English)

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Coordination Committee on Information Society Problems at the Council of Ministers Draft of National Strategy for Information Society Development (1998) (Document) (in English)

National Strategy for ICT Implementation in Bulgarian Schools (Document) (in Bulgarian)

Burkina Faso

Government of Burkina Faso, UNECA & International Development Research Centre, Canada Plan de Developpement de l’Infrastructure Nationale d’Information et de Communication du Burkina Faso, (Projet) 2000 - 2004 (1999) (Document) (in French) Burundi

Documents are currently unavailable


Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Master Plan for Information and Communication Technology in Education, 2009-2013 (2010) (Document) (in English) Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Education Strategic Plan 2004-2008 (2004) (Document) (in English) Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Education Strategic Plan 2006-2010 (2005) (Document) (in English) Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Policy and Strategies on Information and Communication Technology in Education in Cambodia (2004) (Document) (in English) Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport ICT in Education in Cambodia: Country Report (Description) (in English) Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Education for All National Plan, 2003-2015 (Document) (in English) National Information Communications Technology Development Authority (NIDA) – ICT Policy and Strategy – Draft on ICT Policy (Website) (in English) Royal Government of Cambodia Draft of Information Communication Technology Policy of Cambodia (Document) (in English) UNESCO Bangkok – ICT in Education – Establishing the Effective Use of ICTs in Education for All in Cambodia (Website) (in English)

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Government of Cameroon, UNECA et al. Plan National des Infrastructures de la Communication et de L’Information (Plan N.I.C.I. Cameroon) (2001) (Document) (In French)

Ministry of Education, Center for Multimedia Research Utiliser les technologie de l’information et de la communication (T.I.C) dans les lycées et college (Description) (in French)

United Nations Organisation for Food and Agriculture (FAO) Stratégie nationale d'information, éducation, communication (IEC) du Cameroun (2002) (Document) (in French)

Stratégie nationale camerounaise de développement des TIC. (2007) (Document not found)

Canada (13 educational jurisdictions)

Canadian Council on Learning State of E-Learning in Canada: Executive Summary (2009) (Document) (in English) Canadian Council on Learning State of E-learning in Canada (Full report) (2009) (Document) (in English) Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) CMEC Vision Statement on On-Line Learning in Postsecondary Education (1999) (Document) (in English)


Alberta Learning. The Best Learning System in the World. 2004-2007. Business Plan. (Document). (in English)

Unaudited Information. Summary of Accomplishments - Alberta Learning Business Plan. April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004. (Document). (in English)

Alberta Learning Learning and Technology Policy Framework (2004) (Document) (in English) Atlantic Provinces Education Foundation for the Atlantic Canada Technology Education. (2001) (Document) (in English)

British Columbia Ministry of Education. Curriculum support. (Multiple documents) (in English)

Ministry of Education – Performance Standards – ICT Integration (ICTI) – Key Components of ICTI Performance Standards. (Website) (in English)

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Ministry of Education Information and Communications Technology 11 and 12: Implementation Schedule (2004) (Document) (in English) Ministry of Education Information and Communications Technology Kindergarten to Grade 12 (Document) (in English) Manitoba Government of Manitoba – Education and Literacy – Literacy in ICT: A Development Continuum. (Web site) (in English)

Ontario Adult Education Review, Ontario Province Ontario Learns: Strengthening our Adult Education System (2005) (Document) (in English)

Quebec Quebec ICT in Education Overview (2011) (Description) (in English) Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Learning Information and Communication Technology Skill Checkpoints (2003) (Document) (in English)

Cape Verde

Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport Plan National de Developpement d’Infrastructures des TICs (Document) (in French)

Central African Republic

Documents are currently unavailable

Cayman Islands

Ministry of Education, Training, Employment, Youth, Sports and Culture A New Curriculum for Schools in the Cayman Islands: Overview – Aims and Guiding Principles (2007) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education, Training, Employment, Youth, Sports and Culture Cayman Islands Country Report (UNESCO – Caribbean Symposium on Inclusive Education) (2007) (Document) (in English)


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ICT Policy Chad Vale (2009) (Document Transcript) (in English)

oAfrica: Tracking ICT Progress – Chad still on pace for ICT policy goals (website) (in English)


Enlaces (Center for Education and Technology) Uso de las Tecnologías en los Procesos de Enseñanza Aprendizaje (2009) (Document) (in Spanish)

Enlaces (Center for Education and Technology) Requisitos y Procedimiento Tecnologías para una Educación de Calidad: Enlaces al Bicentenario – Cierre Brecha Digital, Segunda Convocatoria, 2008-2009 (2008) (Document) (in Spanish) Enlaces (Center for Education and Technology) Estrategia Plan de Uso Educativo – Versión Final (2008) (Document) (in Spanish) Enlaces (Center for Education and Technology) Sustento Teórico de las Bases para el Diseño de la Estrategia de Implementación LMC (2009) (Document) (in Spanish) Enlaces (Center for Education and Technology) – Nuevas Fechas para Feria Laboratorio Móvil Computacional (LMC) (website) (in Spanish) Ministry of Economy, Secretariat for Digital Development – Digital Agenda (website) (in Spanish)

Ministry of Economy, Secretariat for Digital Development Indicadores de Desarollo Digital De Chile (2010) (Document) (in Spanish) Ministry of Education Enlaces: Aspectos Generales (2010) (Document) (in Spanish)


China Education and Research Network (website) (in English) Ministry of Education Law of the People’s Republic of China (1995) (Document) (in English) Ministry of Education Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of China (1995) (Document) (in English) Ministry of Education Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China (2009) (Document) (in English) Teachers Law of the People’s Republic of China (1995) (Document) (in English)

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Documento final PNDE - Plan Nacional Decenal de Educación 2006-2016 (website) (in Spanish)

ESOCEC Evaluación de la Formulación y de la Articulación de los Planes Educativos Territoriales con el Plan Sectorial y el Plan Decenal de Educación (2008) (Document) (in Spanish) Ministry of Public Education – Unidad de Atención al Ciudadano – Preguntas frecuentes : Nuevas Tecnologías (website) (in Spanish)

Ministry of Public Education – Colombia Aprende – Programa Nacional de Nuevas Tecnologías (website) (in Spanish)

Ministry of Public Education Grafica de Indicadores Generales del Proyecto “Innovación Educativa con el Uso de Nuevas Tecnologías (Document) (in Spanish)


Ministry of Defense et al. Lettre de Politique de Developpement des Nouvelles Technologies de L’Information et de la Communication (NTIC), 2004-2008 (2004) (Document) (in French)

Congo, Democratic Republic of

Democratic Republic of Congo ICT in Education Overview (Description) (in English)

IEARN in Democratic Republic of Congo (Article) (in English)

Ministry of Primary, Secondary and Professional Education Strategie de Developpement de L’Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et Professionnel, 2010/11-2015/16 (2010) (Document) (in French)

Congo, Republic of

Documents are currently unavailable

Cook Islands

Documents are currently unavailable

Costa Rica

Ministry of Public Education Plan de Acción de Educación para Todos de Costa Rica para el periodo 2003-2015 (Document) (in Spanish)

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Ministry of Public Education & Omar Dengo Foundation The Integration of Computers in Primary Schools of Costa Rica – Experiences of the Last 20 Years. National Program of Educational Informatics MEP-FOD for Elementary Schools (K-6) (Document) (in English) Omar Dengo Foundation – Programa Nacional de Informática Educativa MEP-FOD (website) (in Spanish)

Cote d’Ivoire

General State Inspector et al. Plan de Developpement de L’Infrastructure Nationale de L’Information et de la Communication, 2000-2005 (Document) (in French) Ministry of Education and Basic Training Plan National de Développement du secteur Éducation / Formation (PNDEF), 1998-2010 (Document) (in French) Croatia

Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Education Sector Development Plan, 2005-2010 (2005) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Science, Education and Sports – Information Infrastructure (website) (in English)

Ministry of Science and Technology National Report on Strategy Implementation – Information and Communication Technology: Croatia in the 21st Century, 2002-2003 (2003) (Document) (in English)


Ministry of Education Contenido de la Educación y Estrategias de Aprendizaje para el Siglo XXI (2001) (Document) (in Spanish) Política para la Informatización de la Sociedad (2003) (Description) (in Spanish) Cyprus

Ministry of Education: Annual Report 2006 (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Culture Inclusion in the Cyprus Educational System at the Beginning of the 21st Century: An Overview -- National Report of Cyprus (2008) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Finance National Lisbon Program of the Republic of Cyprus (2005) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Culture. Strategic Development Plan, 2004-2006: Executive Summary (Document) (in English)

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Czech Republic

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Škola pro 21. Století “Škola21”: Akční plán pro realizaci “Koncepce rozvoje informačních a komunikačníchtechnologií ve vzdělávání pro období 2009 – 2013” (2009) (Document) (in Czech) Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports -- Infrastruktura – Notebooky Učitelkám a Učitelům (website) (in Czech) Denmark

Ministry of Education – Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Upper Secondary Education (website) (in English)

Ministry of Education Strategieplan (website)

Ministry of Education Grundskolen og IT (website) (In Danish)

Ministry of Education Enhanced Internationalisation of Danish Education and Training: Policy Paper to Parliament (2004) (in English)

Ministry of Education Denmark’s Strategy for Lifelong Learning: Education and Lifelong Skills Upgrading for All – Report to the European Commission (2007) (Document) (in English) Ministry of Research Fra vision til handling: Informationssamfundet år 2000 (1996) (Document) (in Danish) Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation – National IT and Telecom Agency (website) (in Danish)


Ministry of National Education and Higher Education Plan D’Action, 2006-2008 (Document) (in French)


Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth Affairs, Division of Education Draft Document – Information and Communication Technology Policy: Framework for Use in the Educational System (2001) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education, Human Resource Development, Sports and Youth Affairs, Division of Education First Draft of Strategy for Implementing National ICT in Education Policy in the Commonwealth of Dominica 2004 – 2009 (2004) (Document) (in English)

Dominican Republic

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National Commission for Information Society and Knowledge (CNSIC) – Plan Estratégico E-Dominicana 2007-2010 (website) (in Spanish)

State Secretariat for Education Plan Decenal de Educación, 2008-2018 (Document) (in Spanish)

State Secretariat for Education Plan Estratégico de Desarrolo de la Educación Dominicana 2003-2012: Vol. 2 Visión Estratégica (2003) (Document) (in Spanish) East Timor

Documents are currently unavailable


Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Egypt’s ICT Strategy, 2007-2010 (2007) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology & Information Technology Industry Development Agency IT Industry National Development Strategy targeting Export Growth (2007) (Description) (in English)

El Salvador

Documents are currently unavailable


Comunidad Educativa – Virtual en El Equador (website) (in Spanish)

Ministry of Education & National Council for Education Ten Year Education Plan in Ecuador, 2006-2015 (Document) (in English)

Equatorial Guinea

Documents are currently unavailable


Documents are currently unavailable


ICT World – Tiger in Focus: a National Survey of ICT in Estonian Schools (website) (in English)

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Estonian Information Society Strategy 2013 (2006) (Document) (in English)

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Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Estonian IT Policy: Towards a More Service-Centred and Citizen-Friendly State: Principles of the Estonian Information Policy 2004–2006) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Research Knowledge-Based Estonia: Estonian Research and Development and Innovation Strategy, 2007-2013 (Document) (in English)

National Exam and Qualification Centre Riiklike õppekavade materjale (2006) (Document) (in Estonian)

Tiger Leap Foundation Tiger Leap, 1997-2007 (Document) (in English)

Tiger Leap Foundation Strategy 2006-2009 (Document) (in English)

Tiigrihüppe Sihtasutuse strateegia, 2010-2013 (Document) (in Estonian)


Ministry of Education Education Sector Development Program III (2005/2006 – 2010/2011): Program Action Plan (PAP) (2005) (Document) (in English)


Department of Information Technology and Computing Services (ITCS) – ITCS Services Online (website) (in English) Ministry of Education The Education Sector Strategic Plan, 2009-2011 (Document) (in English) Finland – Sivukartta (website) (in Finnish)

Finnish National Board of Education, Swedish National Agency for Schools Improvement, Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, Danish Ministry of Education and Ramboll Management E-learning Nordic 2006: Impact of ICT in Education (2006) (Document) (in English)

Government Resolution on the Objectives of the National Information Society Policy for 2007-2011

Ministry of Education , Training and Research in the Information Strategy: A National Strategy (1995) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education , Training and Research in the Information Strategy: A National Strategy for 2000-2004 (1999) (Document) (in English)

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Ministry of Education, Department for Education and Science Policy Information Society Program for Education, Training and Research 2004-2006 (2004) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Culture, Department for Education and Science Policy ICT in Finnish Initial Teacher Education: Country report for the OECD/CERI New Millennium Learners Project ICT in Initial Teacher Training (2010) (Document) (in English) Ubiquitous Information Society Advisory Board Ubiquitous Information Society: Action Programme 2008-2011 (Document) (in English) France

Éducnet : Enseignement, TICE, Nouvelles technologies, Ressources pédagogiques numériques - Éducation Nationale (website) (in French)


Ministry of National Education Plan D’Action National de L’Education pour Tous (PAN-EPT) (2002) (Document) (in French)


Ministry of Information & Communication Infrastructure The National Information and Communication Initiative (NICI): Plans and Policies (website) (in English)

Ministry of Information & Communication Infrastructure The Gambian ICT4D – 2012 Plan (website) (in English)


Ministry of Education. Consolidated Education Strategy and Action Plan, 2007-2011 (2007) (Document) (in English)


Federal Government & Hasso Plattner Institut Nationaler IT-Gipfel: Arbeitsgruppe “Hightech-Strategie” für die Informationsgesellschaft (2006) (Document) (in German)

Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology & Federal Ministry of Education and Research Innovation and Jobs in the Information Society of the 21st Century: Action Programme by the German Government (1999) (Document) (in English)

Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology & Federal Ministry of Education and Research Information Society Germany: “Innovation and Jobs in the Information Society of the 21st

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Century”— Progress Report on the Federal Government Action Program (2002) (Document) (in English)

Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology – Policies for Innovation and Technology (website) (in English)

Federal Ministry of Education and Research Schulen am Netz in Deutschland Eine Momentaufnahme der Zahlen, Daten und Programme in den Bundesländern (1999) (Document) (in German) Federal Ministry of Education and Research IT-Ausstattung der allgemein bildenden und berufsbildenden Schulen in Deutschland: Bestandsaufnahme 2006 und Entwicklung 2001 bis 2006 (2006) (Document) (in German)

Federal Ministry of Education and Research ICT 2020: Research for Innovations (2007) (Document) (in English)

Federal Ministry of Education and Research Kompetenzen in einer digital geprägten Kultur (2010) (Document) (in German) Ghana

Government of Ghana The Ghana ICT for Accelerated Development (ICT4AD) Policy (2003) (Document) (in English)

Government of Ghana & UNECA Developing the Ghana Integrated ICT-led Socio-Economic Development Policy and Plan – Statement by the Honourable Owusu-Adjapong, Minister of Communications and Technology (2002) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Sports Draft of the Ghana Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Education Policy (2006) (Document) (in English)


Ministry of Economy and Finance, Special Secretariat for Digital Planning The Greek Digital Strategy (2006) (Description) (in English)

Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs – Office of the Information Society (website) (in English)

Ψηφιακές Ενισχύσεις – “Pupil’s Laptop” (website) (in Greek)


Office of the Prime Minister Information and Communication Technology: A Strategy and Action Plan for Grenada, 2001-2005 – Revised (2002) (Document) (in English)

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Ministry of Education -- Escuelas del Futuro (website) (in Spanish)

Tecnología para Educar (website) (in Spanish)


Ministry of Finance Plan de Developpment de L’Infrastructure Nationale D’Information et de Communication de la Republique de Guinée, 2001-2004 (2002) (Document) (in French) Guinea-Bissau

Documents are currently unavailable


Government of Guyana ICT4D Guyana National Strategy: Final Draft (2006) (Document) (in English)


Documents are currently unavailable


Department of Education Lineamientos estratégicos sobre Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación de la Secretaría de Educación (2002) (Document) (in Spanish)

Department of Education -- El Programa de Infopedagogía e Informática Educativa (PIIE) (website) (in Spanish)

Department of Education. Plan Estratégico del Sector Educación, 2005-2015 (2007) (Description) (in Spanish) Hong-Kong, SAR of China

Curriculum Development Council & Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority Information and Communication Technology: Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4-6) (2007) (Document) (in English)

Education Bureau Right Technology at the Right Time for the Right Task – Consultation Document on the Third Strategy on Information Technology in Education (2007) (Document) (in English)

Education Bureau Third Strategy on Information Technology in Education (2008) (Document) (in English)

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Education Bureau Working Group on Textbooks and e-Learning Resources Development: Main Report (2009) (Document) (in English)

Education and Manpower Bureau Empowering Learning and Teaching with Information Technology (2004) (Document) (in English)

Education and Manpower Bureau Information Technology in Education: Way Forward (2004) (Document) (in English)

Education and Manpower Bureau Information Literacy Framework for Hong Kong: Building the Capacity of Learning to Learn in the Information Age (2005) (Document) (in English)

Government of Hong Kong SAR 2008 Digital 21 Strategy (2007) (Document) (in English)

Government of Hong Kong SAR Hong Kong: Connecting the World – Digital 21 Strategy (2001) (Document) (in English)

Government of Hong Kong SAR Digital 21 Strategy: Sustainability and Opportunities (2004) (Document) (in English)

Government of Hong Kong SAR Digital 21: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Information Technology Strategy (1998) (Document) (in English)

Hong Kong Council on Social Service (HKCSS) / ITRC – Digital Inclusion – “Intelligent Fibre Kids” Broadband Donation Program: Background & Objectives (website) (in English)


Eurobarometer E-Communications Household Survey: Results for Hungary (2007) (Document) (in English)

SuliNova Educatio -- A suliNovaadatbankban jelenleg megtalálható kompetencia alapú oktatási programcsomagok és egyéb tartalmak utolsó módosítási dátuma: 2008. május. A frissített programcsomagok a taneszköz-rendszerrel együtt 2010.03.10-től itt érhetők el (website) (In Hungarian) (NDA) National Development Agency – Operational Programmes of New Hungary Development Plan (website) (in English) NFH – Magyaroldalak (website) (in Hungarian) Országos Közoktatási Intézet (website) (in Hungarian) Iceland

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Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Risk with Responsibility: Policy for ICT in Education, Science and Culture, 2005-2008 (2005) (Document) (in English)


Ministry of Human Resources Development et al. Towards a National Policy on ICT in School Education in India: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective (2008) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Human Resources Development Information and Communication Technology @ Schools (Description) (in English)

Ministry of Human Resources Development Draft National Policy on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in School Education (2009) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Human Resources Development National Policy on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in School Education (2010) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Human Resources Development Revised National Policy on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in School Education (2011) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Human Resources Development – National Policy on ICT in School Education (website) (in English)

Ministry of Human Resources Development, Department of School Education and Literacy – Secondary Education – Information & Communication Technology in Schools (ICT @ Schools) (website) (in English)

Ministry of Human Resources Development, Department of School Education and Literacy – Secondary Education – Information & Communication Technology in Schools (ICT @ Schools) – Minutes of the Meeting of Project Monitoring & Evaluation Group (website) (in English)

Ministry of Human Resources Development, Department of Higher Education – National Policy on Education (website) (in English)

National Council of Educational Research and Training National Curriculum Framework 2005 (2005) (Document) (in English)

National Task Force on Information Technology and Software Development Information Technology Action Plan (1998) (Document) (in English)

National Curriculum Framework for School Education – November 2000 (website) (in English)

Revised Scheme of Information and Communication Technology in Schools (ICT in Schools) during the XI Plan (Document) (in English) Indonesia

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Government of Indonesia, Indonesian Telematics Coordinating Team (TKTI) Five-Year Action Plan for the Development and Implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) (2001) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of National Education (MONE) Rencana Pembangunan Pendidikan Nasional Jangka Menengah Tahun, 2005-2009 (Document) (in Indonesian) Ministry of National Education (MONE) Rencana Strategis (RENSTRA), 2010-2014 (2010) (Document) (in Indonesian) Ministry of National Education, Center for Information and Communications Technology Education Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis TIK (2010) (Document) (in Indonesian)

Ministry of National Education, Center for Information and Communications Technology Education Pengembangan Rencana Pembelajaran yang Mengintegrasikan TIK (2010) (Document) (in Indonesian)

Ministry of National Education, Center for Information and Communications Technology Education Pemanfaatan TIK Dalan Pembelajaran (2010) (Document) (in Indonesian) Iran

Information Policy – Iranian Internet Law (website) (in English)

Ministry of Information and Communication Technology National ICT Strategic Plan (Document) (in English)


Documents are currently unavailable


Ministry for Education and Science Blueprint for the Future of ICT in Irish Education: Three Years Strategic Action Plan 2001-2003 (2000) (Document) (in English)

Department of Education and Science Investing Effectively in Information and Communications Technology in Schools 2008–2013 – The Report of the Minister’s Strategy Group (2008) (Document) (in English)

Department of Education and Science, Inspectorate of Evaluation Support and Research Unit ICT in Schools: Inspectorate Evaluation Studies (2008) (Document) (in English)

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Statement of Strategy 2005-2007 (Document) (in English)

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ICT in Education – Schools IT2000: A Policy Framework for the New Millennium (website) (in English)

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Curriculum Assessment and ICT in the Irish Context: A Discussion Paper (2004) (Document) (in English)

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment – ICT (Information and Communications Technology) (website) (in English)

National Policy Advisory and Development Committee The Impact of Schools IT2000: Report and Recommendation to the Minister for Education and Science (2001) (Document) (in English)

NCTE (National Centre for Technology in Education) -- e- Learning Plan (website) (in English)

NCTE (National Centre for Technology in Education) – ICT Policy (website/Description) (in English)


Israel Internet Association (ISOC-IL) – Task Groups – NetWise (website) (in English) Italy

Euro-Mediterranean Incubator of Scuola Superiore ISUFI (Università del Salento) – Action Plan (website) (in English) FGA (Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli) The Contribution of ICT to Education. Comparative Findings from International Surveys and Some Innovative Practice (2010) (document) (in English) Ministry of Education, Universities and Research – Una scuola più moderna Informatizzare e modernizzare la scuola italiana: le iniziative dei ministri Gelmini e Brunetta: Incentivi all’eccellenza: premiati i 100 e Lode alla maturità (2008) (website/Description) (in Italian) Ministry of Education, Universities and Research – InnovaScuola (website) (in Italian) Jamaica

Government of Jamaica Draft Master Implementation Plan for e-Powering Jamaica 2012 – National ICT Strategy 2007-2012 (Document) (in English)

Government of Jamaica Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Policy (2009)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Culture Draft ICT Policy Framework for Use In the Education System (1998) (Document/website) (in English)


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Acceleration and Advancement of e-Japan Priority Policy Program and e-Japan 2002 Program (Document) (in English)

Basic Law on the Formation of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society (2001) (Document) (in English) e-Japan Priority Policy Program (2001) (website/Description) (in English)

e-Japan Priority Policy Program – Summary (2001) (website/Description) (in English)

IT Strategy Council Basic IT Strategy (2000) (Document) (in English)

IT Strategy Headquarters e-Japan Strategy (2001) (Document) (in English)

IT Strategy Headquarters e-Japan 2002 Program (2001) (Document) (in English)

IT Strategy Headquarters e-Japan Strategy II (2003) (Document) (in English)

IT Strategic Headquarters New IT Reform Strategy: Realizing Ubiquitous and Universal Network Society Where Everyone Can Enjoy the Benefits of IT (2006) (Document) (in English)

Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet – Information Technology – IT Policies (website) (in English)


Jordan ICT Forum (website) (in English)


Electronic communications sector. (Document) (in English)


Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Kenya Education Sector Support Program 2005-2010 (2005) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education National Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Strategy for Education and Training (2006) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Information and Communications National Information and Communications (ICT) Policy (2006) (Document) (in English)


Ministry of Education Strategic Plan 2008-2011 (2008) (Document) (in English)

Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of)

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Documents are currently unavailable


Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development Education in the Information Age: Introduction on the Policies and Development of Educational ICT (2005) (Description) (in English)

Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development Korea’s e-Learning Experience in the Higher Education Sector (2007) (Description) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development Quality Education for All Young People: Challenges, Trends and Priorities – National Report at International Conference on Education, 47th Session (2004) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, Knowledge & Information Policy Division 2008 Plan for the Promotion of the Educational ICT (2008) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development & Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) 2000 White Paper: Adapting Education to the Information Age (2000) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development & Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) 2001 White Paper: Adapting Education to the Information Age (2001) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development & Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) Adapting Education to the Information Age – White Paper (2002) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development & Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) 2003 White Paper: Adapting Education to the Information Age (2003) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development & Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) 2004 White Paper: Adapting Education to the Information Age (2004) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development & Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) 2005 White Paper: Adapting Education to the Information Age (2005) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development & Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) White Paper – Adapting Education to the Information Age (2006) (Document) (in English)

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development & Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) 2007 White Paper on Educational ICT: Adapting Education to the Information Age (2007) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development & Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) 2008 White Paper: Adapting Education to the Information Age (2008) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) National Report on the Development of Education – International Conference on Education, 48th session (2008) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) Framework Act on Education (2008) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) Major Policies and Plans for 2010 (2009) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Information and Communications u-Korea Master Plan: To Achieve the World First Ubiquitous Society (2007) (Document) (in English)

NIDA (National Internet Development Agency of Korea) Korea Internet White Paper 2006 (Document) (in English)


Documents are currently unavailable


National Strategy Information and Communication Technologies for Development in the Kyrgyz Republic (2002) (Document) (in English) Lao PDR

Government of Lao PDR 2010 Information and Communication Technology Policy (2006) (Document) (in Laotian)

Ministry of Education Education for All: National Plan of Action, 2003-2015 (2005) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education National Education System Reform Strategy, 2006-2015 (2007) (Document) (in Laotian)

Ministry of Education Strategic Plan for the Development of TVET from 2006 up to 2020 (2007) (Document) (in English)

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Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government Latvian National Development Plan, 2007-2013 (2006) (Document) (in English)


Hariri Foundation – Programs – Information Technology – ICT Education in Lebanon (website) (in English)

UNDP & The Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform The National eStrategy for Lebanon – Document 4: The ICT Policies and the Seven Initiatives (2003) (Document) (in English)


The Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology ICT Policy for Lesotho – Final (2005) (Document) (in English)


Republic of Liberia National Telecommunications Policy & Strategy – Telecom Sector Policy Document (2006) (Document) (in English)


Documents are currently unavailable


Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein Reglement über die Benutzung von Informatikmitteln (Hard- und Software) und Dokumenten an den Schulen in Liechtenstein (2000) (Document) (in German) Lithuania

National Report – Joint Report on the Implementation of the “Education and Training 2010” Work Programme (2009) (Document) (in English)

Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania Lietuvos Respublikos Švietimo Įstatymas, 1991 (Rev. – 2003) (website/Document) (in Lithuanian) Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania Resolution -- Re. Provisions of the National Education Strategy, 2003-2012 (2003) (Document) (in English)


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Centre de services NorTIC – Community Page (website) (in French /German)

e-Luxembourg – Page d’accueil (website) (in French)

Knowledge System for Lifelong Training – eBac eLearning Platform: Luxembourg, 2005 to Ongoing (website/description) (in English)


Documents are currently unavailable


Government of Malawi National ICT Policy – Final Draft (Document) (in English)

Malawi ICT4D National Strategy (Description) (in English)


Hassan, S. “Appendix IX: Best Practice in Malaysia – iLearn Programme toSupport Teachers ICT-Mediated Teaching and Learning Pedagogies”; in Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) The Report on the Status of ICT Integration in Education in Southeast Asia (2010) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education, Educational Technology Division ICT in Malaysian Schools: Policy and Strategies (2002) (Article) (in English)

Ministry of Education ICT in Education: Malaysian Experience (Description) (in English)

Ministry of Education Development Plan for Malaysia, 2002-2010 (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education ICT Literacy for Secondary School: Guideline (ICTL Guideline) (2007) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education / Coca-Cola Far East Ltd., Malaysia Branch / UNDP E-Learning for Life: The Malaysian Initiative (2003) (Description) (in English)

Ministry of Higher Education National Higher Education Action Plan, 2007-2010 (2007) (Document) (in English)

Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) The Smart School Roadmap 2005-2020: An Educational Odyssey (2005) (Document) (in English)

Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) Smart School Qualification Standards (SSQS) (2007) (Document) (in English)

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Prime Minister’s Department, Economic Planning Unit Ninth Malaysia Plan 2006-2010: Chapter 5 – Mainstreaming Information and Communications Technology (2006) (Document) (in English)

The Way Forward – Vision 2020 (website) (in English)


Documents are currently unavailable


Ministry of Communication and New Technologies – Agence des Technologies de l‘Information et de la Communication – Nuit des TiC (website) (in French)


Cabinet Committee on Competitiveness National Reform Program: Malta’s Strategy for Growth and Jobs (2005) (Document) (in English)

Marshall Islands

Documents are currently unavailable


Documents are currently unavailable


Ministry of Information and Communication Technology – National Computer Board – Universal ICT Education Program (website) (in English)


Secretariat of Public Education Programa Sectoral de Educación, 2007-2012 (2007) (Document) (in Spanish)


College of Micronesia – FSM Technology Policy (2002) (Document) (in English)

Federated States of Micronesia “Plus 5” Review of the 2002 Special Session on Children and World Fit for Children Plan of Action – Country Report Moldova

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Ministry of Education – The Presidential Program SALT of Informational and Communication Technologies Implementation in the Educational System: For the Years 2004-2006 (Document/website) (in English)


Documents are currently unavailable


ICT Vision 2010 (Document) (in English) – Plan of Action: ICT Development in Mongolia over the period 2000-2003 (website) (in English)

Information & Communication Technology Authority (ICTA) / InTeC / Mingolian Information Development Association (MIDAS) White Paper on Information and Communications Technology Development in Mongolia (2006) (Document) (in English)


Documents are currently unavailable


Documents are currently unavailable


Kingdom of Morocco et al. Stratégie e-Maroc 2010: Réalisations, Orientations & Plans d’action (2007) (Document) (in French)

Programme GENIE – Généralisation des TIC dans l’Enseignement (website) (in Arabic)


Government of Mozambique Estratégia de Governo Electrónico de Moçambique (2005) (Document) (in Portuguese)


Ministry of Education National Report on Development of Education in Myanmar – International Conference on Education, 47th Session (2004) (Document) (in English)


ETSIP Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Education (Document) (in English)

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Ministry of Basic Education, Sport and Culture et al. ICT Integration for Equity and Excellence in Education (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education The National Curriculum for Basic Education (2010) (Document) (in English)

National Planning Commission Namibia Vision 2030 – Policy Framework for Long-Term National Development (Document) (in English)


Documents are currently unavailable


Ministry of Education School Sector Reform Plan, 2009-2015 (2009) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Sports, Curriculum Development Centre National Curriculum Framework for School Education (Pre-primary – 12) in Nepal (2005) (Document) (in English)


Government of Netherlands -- Innovatie en ICT in het onderwijs (website) (in Dutch)

International Confederation of Principals – 2011 ICT Council Meeting, the Netherlands – The Role of ICT in Learning (website) (in English)

Kennisnet Foundation Four in Balance Monitor 2009: ICT at Dutch Schools (2009) (Document) (in English)

New Zealand

Ministry of Economic Development The Digital Strategy 2.0 (2006) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Economic Development New Zealand’s Digital Pathway: A Fast Broadband Future – Broadband Investment Fund: Draft Criteria and Proposed Process for Consultations (2008) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Economic Development et al. Digital Strategy: A Draft New Zealand Digital Strategy for Consultation (2004) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education Technology in New Zealand Curriculum (1996) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education Safety and Technology Education: A Guidance Manual for New Zealand Schools (1998) (Document) (in English)

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Ministry of Education Enabling the 21st Century Learner: An e-Learning Action Plan for Schools 2006-2009 (2006) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education et al. ICT Strategic Framework for Education 2006–07 (2006) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education Our Progress on Education (2009) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education Information and Communication Technologies Professional Development Collaboration Program (ICT PD Program), 2010-2012 – Proposal Guidelines and Selection Process (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education Information and Communication Technologies Professional Development Collaboration Program (ICT PD Program), 2010-2012 – Program Overview (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education – Foundations for Discovery: ICT Framework for Early Development (Description) (in English)

Ministry of Education – ICT in Schools (website) (in English)

Ministry of Education – ICT Professional Development Collaboration Program (website) (in English)

Ministry of Education – Ka Hikitia - Managing for Success: The Māori Education Strategy 2008-2012 (website) (in English)

The New Zealand Curriculum Online (website) (in English)


Ministry of Education -- Comisión Nacional de Tecnología de la Información y Comunicación en la Educación Básica y Media (website) (in Spanish) Ministry of Education -- Normativa para el Funcionamiento de las Aulas TIC en los Centros Educativos Públicos (2008) (website) (in Spanish) Niger

Cabinet of Prime Minister / UNECA / UNDP Plan de development des Technologies de L’Information et de la Comminication au Niger (PLAN NICI du Niger) (2005) (Document) (in French)


Federal Ministry of Education 10 Year Strategic Plan – Draft 8 (2007) (Document) (in English)

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Federal Ministry of Education Roadmap for the Nigerian Education Sector (2009) (Document) (in English)

Vanguard Online Edition – Overview of Strategic Plan of ICT4D in Education Sector (website) (in English)


Department of Education Niue Education Strategic Plan, 2005-2010 (Document) (in English)

Digital Trends – Niue gives OLPS to every student (2008) (website) (in English)

Government of Niue Niue National Strategic Plan (NNSP) (2009-2013) (Document) (in English)

Internet Niue – Terms of Use Agreement (2010) (Document) (in English)


Ministry of Education and Research – Program for Digital Competence, 2004-2008 (website) (in English)

Ministry of Trade and Industry – eNorway Action Plan (website) (in English)


e.oman – Information Technology Authority – Digital Oman Strategy (website) (in English)


Ministry of Education National Education Policy (2009) (Document) (in English)


Republic of Palau Ministry of Education (website) (in English)


The Communication Initiative – ICT for Development – IT4Youth: Palestine (website) (in English)


Documents are currently unavailable

Papua New Guinea

Curriculum Reform Implementation Project (website) (in English)

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Department of Education Curriculum Management Plan, 2001-2005: Supporting the implementation of curriculum reform from Elementary Prep to Grade 8 (2001) (Document) (in English)

Department of Education National Curriculum Statement for Papua New Guinea (2003) (Document) (in English)

Department of Education Achieving a Better Future: A National Plan for Education, 2005-2014 (2004) (Document) (in English)

Department of Education Draft of Design and Technology Subject Field: Lower Secondary Syllabuses (2006) (Document) (in English)

Department of Education Information Communication Technologies: Upper Secondary Syllabus (2008) (Document) (in English)


Ministry of Education and Culture – Presentación del plan de Tecnología, para la nueva Escuela Publica Paraguaya (website) (in Spanish)


Multisectoral Commission for Information Society Development (CODESI) Plan de Desarollo de la Sociedad de la Información en el Perú (2005) (Document) (in Spanish)

Ministry of Education Plan Estratégico Institusional, 2007-2011 (2007) (Document) (in Spanish)

Ministry of Education – Dirección General de Tecnologías Educativas (website) (in Spanish)

Ministry of Education – Proecto Huascarán (website) (in Spanish)


Commission on Information and Communications Technology – iSchools (website) (in English) Commission for Information and Communications Technology Draft of the Philippine ICT Roadmap (2006) (Document) (in English)

Congress of the Republic of Philippines (Senate) An Act to Integrate Computer Education Program into the Educational System and for Other Purposes (2010) (Document) (in English) Department of Education Five-Year Information and Communication Technology for Education Strategic Plan (DepED ICT4E Strategic Plan) (2010) (Document) (in English) Department of Education Memorandum on Implementation of the 2003, 2004 and 2006 DepEd Computerization Program (2008) (Document) (in English)

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National Information Technology Council (IT21) IT Action Agenda for the 21st Century (1997) (Document) (in English) Poland

Co warto wiedzieć o reformie programowej? (Article) (in Polish) – Progress towards e-Poland (website) (in English)

Ministry of Interior and Administration The Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in Poland until 2013 (2008) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of National Education Podstawa programowa z komentarzami -- Tom 6. Edukacja matematyczna i techniczna w szkole podstawowej, gimnazjum i lyceum: matematyka, zajęcia techniczne, zajęcia komputerowe, informatyka (Document) (in Polish) Ministry for Scientific Research and Information Technology e-Poland – The Strategy on the Development of the Information Society in Poland for the years 2004-2006 (2003) (Document) (in English)


Ministry of Education Technological Plan for Education: The Portuguese Framework for ICT in Education (2008) (Document) (in English)

Puerto Rico

Department of Education – División de Innovaciones y Tecnología Educativa (DITA) (website) (in Spanish)

National Institute for Curriculum Development (INDEC) Marco Curricular del Programa de Estudios Sociales (2003) (Document) (in Spanish)


ictQATAR – Supreme Council of Information & Communication Technology – e-Learning (website) (in English)

ictQATAR – Supreme Council of Information & Communication Technology – Protecting Qatar’s children in Cyberspace (website) (in English)

ictQATAR – Supreme Council of Information & Communication Technology – National ICT Masterplan, 2006 (website) (in Arabic)

Supreme Education Council – Education for a New Era (website) (in English)

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Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport -- Programul SEI (Sistemul Educational Informatizat) (website) (in Romanian) Russia

E.T.F. Russia – ETF Country Plan 2009 (Document) (in English)

Government of Russian Federation Draft Report on Implementation of the National Educational Initiative “Our New School” in 2010 (2011) (Document) (in Russian)

Ministry of Education and Science Draft of the Federal State Standard for Secondary (Full) Education (2010) (Document) (in Russian)

Ministry of Education and Science Federal State Standard for Secondary (Full) Education – Revised (2011) (Document) (in Russian)

Ministry of Education and Science – Documents – Federal Laws (website) (in Russian)

Ministry of Education and Science – Documents – Government Decrees on Education (website) (in Russian)


The Government of Rwanda Rwanda Vision 2020 (Document) (in English)

The Government of Rwanda An Integrated Socio-Economic and ICT Policy and Strategies for Accelerated Development (2000) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education Long-Term Strategy and Financing Framework 2006-2015 (LTSFF) (2006) (Document) (in English)

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Documents are currently unavailable


Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture Strategic Policies and Plan, 2006-2015 (2006) (Document) (in English)

San Marino

Republic of San Marino, Decree No. 53, March 2, 2006 Adozione del “Curricolo Verticale di Alfabetizzazione Informatica” (2006) (Document) (in Italian)

Saudi Arabia

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Ministry of Education The Executive Summary of the Ministry of Education Ten-Year Plan (2004-2014) (2nd Edition) (2005) (Document) (in English)


eLearning Africa (under the patronage of Republic de Senegal) 4th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training (Dakar, Senegal May 27-29, 2009) (Description) (in English)

Ministry of Education Programme de Developpement de L’education et de la Formation (Education Pour Tous) (2003) (Document) (in French)

NEPAD e-Africa Commission – Projects – NEPAD e-Schools Initiative (website) (in English)


Documents are currently unavailable


National ICT Policy (Document) (in English)

Sierra Leone

Internet Society, Sierra Leone Chapter et al. Sierra Leone National Information and Communication Policy Development and Sierra Leone Internet Exchange – Interim Report, Part 3 – SLIX Implementation (2009) (Document) (in English) Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Education Sector Plan: A Road Map to a Better Future, 2007-2015 (2007) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Information and Communications National ICT Plan for Sierra Leone, 2009 (Document) (in English)


Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) Future Schools@Singapore (2009) (Description) (in England)

Integrating ICT into Education – A Collective Case Study of Six Countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand (2004) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education – EduMall 2.0 – Baseline ICT Standards: Guide to Implementation (website) (in English)

Ministry of Education – EduMall 2.0 – Our ICT in Education Journey (website) (in English)

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Ministry of Education – EduMall 2.0 – Masterplan 3, 2009-2014 (website) (in English)

Ministry of Education – EduMall 2.0 – Masterplan 2, 2003-2008 (website) (in English)

Ministry of Education – EduMall 2.0 – Masterplan 1, 1997-2002 (website) (in English)


Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport – IT in Education (website) (in Slovak)

Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport – IT Concept (website) (in Slovak)


Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Information Society Directorate Development Strategy for the Information Society in the Republic of Slovenia si2010 (2007) (Document) (in English) Solomon Islands

Federated States of Micronesia Technology Plan for Grades K-12: Transforming Education Through Technology (2010) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development Education Strategic Framework, 2007-2015 (2007) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development & Australian Council for Educational Research Evaluation of One Laptop Per Child (OLPR) Trial Project in the Solomon Islands (2010) (Document) (in English)

Solomon Islands ICT in Education Overview (Description) (in English)


Documents are currently unavailable

South Africa

Department of Education White Paper on e-Education – Transforming Learning and Teaching through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) (2004) (Document) (in English)

Department of Education and Department of Communications Strategy for Information and Communication Technology in Education (2001) (Document) (in English)

Telecommunications Act, No. 103 of 1996 (Document) (in English)


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The Generalitat of Catalonia, Department of Education Relació de Competències Bàsiques (2003) (Document) (in Catalonian)

The Generalitat of Catalonia, Department of Education Arquitectura TIC per a l’educació (2007) (Document) (in Catalonian)

The Generalitat of Catalonia, Department of Education Estratègies D’inseció Avançada: El Currículum a Través de les TIC, 2007-2008 (Document) (in Catalonian)

Government of Spain – La Moncloa -- The Escuela 2.0 program is presented to representatives from all countries in the European Union (website) (in English) ICONO – Observatorio Español de la Innovación y del Conocimento (website) (in Spanish)

Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce Plan Avanza 2 – Introduction (2009) (Document) (in English)

Plan Avanza 2 (website) (in Spanish)

Plan Avanza 2 – Executive Summary (website) (in English)

El Programa de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (PNTIC) (Description) (in Spanish) -- Repositorio de contenidos digitales educativos y material didáctico (website) (in Spanish) Sri Lanka

Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) (website) (in English)

Ministry of Education National Policy on Information Technology in School Education (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education, Secondary Education Modernization Project – ICT in Education in Sri Lanka (Presentation) (in English)

Ministry of Education – South Korean Assistance to Uplift U.S. Education in Sri Lanka (website) (in English)

OLPC Lanka Foundation – One Laptop per Child Project (website) (in English)

President of Sri Lanka Year of English & IT (2009) (Speech) (in English)

St. Barthellemy

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Documents are currently unavailable

St. Kitts and Nevis

Government of St. Kitts and Nevis National Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strategic Plan (2006) (Document) (in English)

St. Lucia

Documents are currently unavailable

St. Martin

Documents are currently unavailable

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Documents are currently unavailable


ARAHA (American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa) – Computer Labs Project for High Schools (website) (in English)


Documents are currently unavailable


Documents are currently unavailable


Government of Sweden Regeringens proposition (Government Proposal): Från IT-politik för samhället till politik för IT-samhället (2005) (Document) (in Swedish)

Government of Sweden Utvärderingar av IT-politiken (Evaluation of IT Policy) (2005) (Document) (in Swedish)

Regeringskansliet (Government Office) (website) (in Swedish)

Skolverket (School Board) (website) (in Swedish)

Switzerland – SBS Schweizerische Bildungserver (Swiss Educational Server) (website) (in German)

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41 | P a g e – SBS Schweizerische Bildungserver (Swiss Educational Server) – Private Public Partnership-Schule im Netz (PPP-SiN) (website) (in German)

Das Bundesgesetz (Federal Law) Strategie der EDK im Bereich Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (ICT) und Medien (2007) (Document) (in German)


Documents are currently unavailable

Taiwan Documents are currently unavailable


Ministry of Education National Strategy for Education Development of the Republic of Tajikistan, 2006-2015 (2005) (Document) (in English)


Kondoro, J.W.A. and Nungu, A. (2006) ICT4RD Project: Provision of ICT Access to Rural Tanzania (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Communications and Transport National Information and Communications Technologies Policy (2003) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Policy for Basic Education (2007) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Information and Communication Technology Academic Syllabus for Certificate Course in Primary Education (2009) (Document) (in English)


Asian Development Bank Kingdom of Thailand: Capacity Building and School Networking for Educational Services (e-Learning) in Thailand – Technical Assistance Report (2008) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education Enhancing Learning Through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education – Projects/Initiatives: Modernization of Vocational Education (website) (in English)

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Ministry of Education National Report on the Development of Education – presented at the 48th Session of the International Conference on Education (2008) (Document) (in English)

National Information Technology Committee Secretariat Information Technology Policy Framework 2001-2010: Thailand Vision Towards a Knowledge-Based Economy (2003)

Thailand National ICT Policy Framework, 2011-2020: 2020 (website) (in English)


Untitled document (Description) (in French)


Documents are currently unavailable


Ministry of Education Tonga Education Policy Framework: Final Draft, 2004-2019 (2004) (Document) (in English)

Ministry of Education, Women Affairs and Culture Report for the Year 2007 (Document) (in English)

Trinidad and Tobago

The Ministry of Public Administration and Information Fast Forward: Trinidad and Tobago – Accelerating Into the Digital Future. Trinidad and Tobago’s National ICT Strategy (Document) (in English)

The Ministry of Public Administration and Information Trinidad and Tobago’s National ICT Strategy (Appendices) (Document) (in English)

The Ministry of Education, Curriculum Planning and Development Division Secondary School Curriculum, Forms 1-3: Technology Education (2008) (Document) (in English)

The Ministry of Education Draft Policy for Information and Communications Technology in Education (2005) (Document) (in English)

The Ministry of Education The National School Code of Conduct (2009) (Document) (in English)

The Ministry of Education Official Laptop Information (regarding Programme eConnect and Learn (eCAL) (Description)

The Ministry of Education – Information Technology Unit (ITU) (website) (in English)

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Ministry of High Education – Le Réseau TUREN (Tunisian University Research Network) (website) (in French)


Ministry of Education, General Directorate of Educational Technologies – Projects (website) (in Turkish)

Turkmenistan Documents are currently unavailable

Turks and Caicus Islands Documents are currently unavailable


Department of Education Strategic Plan, 2006-2010 (Document)


Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications National Information and Communication Technology Policy (2003) (Document) (in English)

The Republic of Uganda Draft Policy for Information and Communication Technology in the Education Sector (2005) (Document) (in English)

The Republic of Uganda National Development Plan, 2010/11-2014/15 (Document) (in English)


BECTA (British Educational Communications and Technology Agency) Harnessing Technology for Next Generation Learning – Children, Schools and Families Implementation Plan, 2009-2012 (2009) (Document)

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Next Generation Learning: The Implementation Plan for 2009-2012 – Technology Strategy for Further Education, Skills and Regeneration (2009) (Document)

Department for Education and Employment & National Grid for Learning Curriculum Online – A Consultation Paper (2001) (Document)

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Department for Education and Skills Laptops for Teachers – An Evaluation of the First Year (2003) (Document)

Department for Education and Skills Fulfilling the Potential: Transforming Teaching and Learning Through ICT in Schools (2003) (Document)

Department for Education and Skills Key Stage 3 National Strategy – ICT Across the Curriculum: Management Guide (2004) (Document)

Department for Education and Skills Building Schools for the Future: A New Approach to Capital Investment (2004) (Document)

Department for Education and Skills Harnessing Technology: Transforming Learning and Children’s Services (2005) (Document)

Department for Education and Skills Learning, Teaching and Managing with ICT: Funding Guidance for Schools and Local Authorities, 2006-2007 (2006) (Document)

Department for Education – The National Strategies (website)

Laptop for Teachers (website)

National Grid for Learning – Search results?? (website)

Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills) Embedding ICT in Schools – a Dual Evaluation Exercise (2005) (Document)

Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills) The Importance of ICT: Information and Communication Technology in Primary and Secondary Schools, 2005-2008 (2009) (Document)

RM P.L.C. National Grid for Learning: One Year On (1998) (Document)


“100 per cent”: On Approval of the Concept of the State Concept of the Target Program of integration of ICT in education for 2011-2015. (website) (in Ukrainian)

National Action Plan for 2011 for implementation of the Program of economic reforms for 2010-2014: Prosperous Society, Competitive Economy, Effective State. (Document) (in Ukrainian)


Ministry of Education (website) (in Arabic)


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Maryland State Plan for Technology in Education, 2003-2005 (2003) (Document)

U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment Teachers and Technology: Making the Assessment (1995) (Document)

U.S. Department of Education The National Educational Technology Plan -- E-learning: Putting a World-Class Education at the Fingertips of All Children (2000) (Document)

U.S. Department of Education Educational Technology Timeline: Highlights During the Clinton Administration, 1993-2000 (2000) (Document)

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology Progress Report on Educational Technology: State-by-State Profiles (2000) (Document)

U.S. Department of Education The National Educational Technology Plan – Toward a New Golden Age in American Education: How the Internet, the Law and Today’s Students Are Revolutionizing Expectations (2004) (Document)

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology The National Educational Technology Plan (Executive Summary) – Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology (2010) (Document)

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology The National Educational Technology Plan (Draft) – Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology (2010) (Document)

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology The National Educational Technology Plan – Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology (2010) (Document)


Plan Ceibal (Website) (in Spanish)


The Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan National Action Plan on Education For All in the Republic of Uzbekistan (2002) (Document) (in English) Vanuatu

“Strategie Sectorrielle de L’education au Vanuatu, 2007-2016” (2006) (in French)


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Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports Plan Estrategico de Technologias de Informacion y Communiciones Para el Sector Educativo Nacional, 2002-2007 (Version 02) (2002) (Document) (in Spanish)

Ministry of Education Currículo Nacional Bolivariano: Diseño Curricular del Sistema Educativo Bolivariano (2007) (Document) (in Spanish)

Ministry of Education -- Metas y Logros - Portal de Fundabit (website) (in Spanish)

Ministry of Science and Technology Plan Nacional de Technologías de Información (Versión1.6) (2001) (Document) (in Spanish)


The Government of Vietnam Decree No. 97/2008/ND-CP of August, 28, 2008, On the Management, Provision and Use of Internet Services and Electronic Information on the Internet (2008) (Document)

Ministry of Education and Training Master Plan for Information Technology in Education For the Period 2001-2005 (2000) (Document)


Higher Education Development Projects - National ICT Policy (website)

Higher Education Development Projects - National ICT Policy: Implementing the National ICT Policy for Higher Education (website)

Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Netherlands Programme for the Institutional Strengthening of Post-Secondary Education and Training Capacity (NPT) & Delft University of Technology National Master Plan Summary: ICT Project, 2005-2008 (Document) (in Arabic)

Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Netherlands Programme for the Institutional Strengthening of Post-Secondary Education and Training Capacity (NPT) & Delft University of Technology National Master Plan Summary: ICT Project, 2005-2008 (Document) (in English)


Computers for Zambian Schools (website)

Republic of Zambia - Ministry of Education - General Policy Framework for the Ministry of Education (website)


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The Government of Zimbabwe Information and Communication Technology Bill (2008) (Document)

Global and Regional reports

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) The Report on the Status of ICT Integration in Education in Southeast Asia (2010) (Document) (in English)

UNESCO Meta-Survey on the Use of Technologies in Education, 2003-2004 – Cambodia: ICT Use in Education (Article) (in English)

UNESCO (2003) Meta-Survey on the Use of Technologies in Education, 2003-2004 – China: ICT Use in Education (Article) (in English)

OECD ICT & Initial Teacher Training – National Policies: Country Report

European Commission / Eurydice Organization of the Education System: Estonia 2009/2010 (Document) (in English)

OECD Information Technology Policy Survey. (2004) (Document) (in English)

Integrating ICT into Education – A Collective Case Study of Six Countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand (2004) (Document) (in English)

We Are Stronger When We Are Connected. ASEAN ICT Maaterplan 2015. (Document) (in English)