prefeasibility study report -...

Prefeasibility Study Report Of Miyani Building Limestone Mines (Lease Area: 1.05.82 Hect.) By Lease Holder AT SURVEY No. 1/14P1 and 1/14P2 VILLAGE MIYANI TALUKA PORBANDAR District: PORBANDAR October, 2017

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Page 1: Prefeasibility Study Report - Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra

Prefeasibility Study Report


Miyani Building Limestone Mines

(Lease Area: 1.05.82 Hect.)

By Lease Holder

AT SURVEY No. 1/14P1 and 1/14P2




October, 2017

Page 2: Prefeasibility Study Report - Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra

Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone



Section Details Page No. 1. Executive Summary 3 2. Introduction of the Project/ Background

Information 3

3. Project Description 5 4. Site Analysis 12 5. Planning Brief (Planning Concepts) 14 6. Proposed Infrastructure 15 7. Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Plan 16 8. Project Schedule & Cost Estimates 16 9. Analysis of Proposals 17

List of Annexure

No. Title 1. Order of LOI from district office 2. Copy of Approved Mining Plan Letter

List of Plates (covered in Text)

No. Title 1. Location Plan 2. Surface Plan 2. Satellite Image Plan/ Key Plan (5 km


Page 3: Prefeasibility Study Report - Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra

Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


1. Executive Summary The Collector (Mining Branch), Porbandar has issued a letter of intent (LOI)for grant of

Quarry lease area of Building Limestone to Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra

Gigaji Odedra, (Survey No. 1/14P1 and 1/14P2) which is located near village: Miyani,

Taluka: Porbandar, District: Porbandar of Gujarat state. The Collector has granted the LOI,

vide office order no., QP/QL/2189/LOI/2918 dated 01.08.2016 for 20 years. The lease area

(1.05.82 Ha) comprises Private Land type converted into Non-Agricultural land.

It is planned to work by Open Cast semi-mechanized mining method. Maximum rate of

production of Building Limestone is approved in mining plan is 30000 Tonne per annum

(TPA). The estimated project cost is Rs. 40.0 Lakh. The expected life of mine is 20 Years.

Building Limestone deposits are source for demand in civil construction. Miyani Building

Limestone deposits are huge source for demand in Porbandar and surrounding districts.

Mr. Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji odedra are experienced in Building

Limestone mining and involved in the quarry operation since 2004.

As per the statutory obligation this project needs Environment Clearance (E.C.) from

department of Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB), Gujarat for operating the lease and

quarry operations. Thus accordingly project proponent has submitted Form-1M, PFR, and

copy of LOI to the district level environmental assessment authority (DEIAA) of Porbandar,

Gujarat constituted by MOEF&CC, GOI for issuing environmental clearance as per EIA,

September 14th 2006 and subsequently issued notifications.

2. Introduction of the Project/ Background Information

a. Identification of Project and Project Proponent: The LOI area of Building Limestone Quarry of Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra &

Rajendra Gigaji odedra (Survey No. 1/14P1 and 1/14P2) is located near village: Miyani,

Taluka: Porbandar, District: Porbandar of Gujarat state. The LOI had been granted by

district office order no. QP/QL/2189/LOI/2918 dated 01.08.2017 and the lease will be

executed on getting EC. The lease area (1.05.82 Ha) comprises Private Land type, which

converted for Non-Agricultural use. The mine lease is a piece of non-irrigated barren land.

The project was identified by the Department of Mines and Geology of Gujarat during


This LOI area is planned to worked upon by Open Cast semi-mechanized mining method.

Planned maximum rate of production of Building Limestone is 30000 TPA. The estimated

project cost is Rs. 40.0 Lakh. The expected life of mine is 20 Years. Shri Kanabhai

Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji odedra are experienced in Building Limestone

mining and involved in the quarry operation since 2004.

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


b. Brief description of nature of the project: This is Building Limestone mining project for mironr mineral. As per EIA Notification

dated 14th Sep, 2006 and as amended till date, the project falls under; Category “B2” by

considering the area of project is 1.05.82 Ha. only. A location map of the project is shown

in the next section. It has been proposed to excavate maximum 30000 TPA of Building

Limestone mineral, from the S. No. 1/14P1 and 1/14P2 by open - cast semi mechanized

mining method. The LOI area is 1.05.82 Ha. Total geological reserves of Building

Limestone are 1,74,750 MT . The expected life of mine will be 20 years. The mineral

Building Limestone will be transported by hired trucks to the consumers.

At the end of lease period, the total excavated area will be 0.884 ha. The entire excavated

area will be used as a water reservoir. Water reservoir so formed, will ultimately help in

recharging ground water and also help in cultivation and irrigation purpose for nearby

area. Water requirement of 6.0 KLD for the proposed project activity will be met by water

tankers supply from nearby village source. The depth of water table is 30 m (Pre-

Monsoon) to 10 m (Post-Monsoon) below the general ground level. Thus, water table will

not encounter during working of the mine.

c. Need of the Project and It’s Importance to the Country/ Region

Building Limestone is basic building material of all civil construction and insfrastructure

development projects. The need of stone is in all types of civil constructions and CC roads.

This mines would be prime source of raw material for the civil and infrastructure

developemtn projects in Saurshatra reginon. There is huge demand fo building stone in

develping state. In case the supply of mineral is not received from this mines production

of constructin job will be seveorly hamppered. Building Limestone Mines are providing

employments to the local Labour in Rural area, as the labour of rural area have no

alternate work for labour, They are Unemployed, Thus this proposed mine will provide

work to many labours and it is a good employment. The Building Limestone is classified

as minor mineral. The operations of the quarries include cutting of stone by cutter


d. Demand – Supply Gap

Building Limestone is one of the important components in civil construction. It is used

in wall construction and architectural work. It is essential component for infra

structure development. It has high demand in the market due to increased domestic,

industrial and other infrastructural activities. As on date there is a gape of demand and

supply in domestic market and regional market. Quarrying of building stone is running

from decades are facing acute shortage of the minerals from local sources. The

Building Limestone found in the LOI area is low grade for industrial manufacturing.

e. Imports Vs Indigenous Production

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


In the current market scenario, import of Building Limestone is not envisaged. The Building Limestone produced is for indigenous use only.

f. Export Possibility Not applicable as proposed mine is for domestic use.

g. Domestic/ Export Markets Domestic demand is one of the main reason for the rapid growth of Building Limestone business in Saurashtra region. Thus, domestic market for Building Limestone as basic material for civil construction is growing. Building Limestone from the proposed quarry will be used to fulfill the domestic demand. No export is proposed at this stage.

h. Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the Project

Direct Employment: Highly Skiled (Technically qualitfied) – 2 Skiled - 2 Semi Skiled – 3 Un- skiled - 10 Indirect Employment: Truck driver for transportation, helpers and other ancillary activities of tea stall, workshop to repair trucks for the region which amount to employment of about 40 persons.

3. Project Description:

a. Type of project including interlinked and interdependent projects, if any:

The project is a small scale semi mechanized mining project. This project does not have any interlink or interdependency on any other projects.

b. Location (Map Showing General Location, Specific Location, and Project Boundary & Project Site Layout) With Coordinates

The Building Limestone Quarry Project of LOI area 1.05.82 hectare is located at Survey No. :

1/14 P1 and 1/14 P2, Village: Miyani, Taluka: Porbandar, District: Porbandar having

geographical location as below in table and falls on Restricted Topo Sheet No. 41 G/5 of

Survey of India. (Refer Plate No. 1)

Table -1

LOI area Pillers Latitude Longitude

H 21°49'32.81"N 69.23'35.23"E

I 21°49'29.65"N 69.23'35.43"E

J 21°49'29.15"N 69.23'34.53"E

K 21°49'29.11"N 69.23'32.63"E

N 21°49'32.33"N 69.23'30.91"E

F 21°49'33.64"N 69.23'33.44"E

E 21°49'33.61"N 69.23'33.52"E

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


S 21°49'32.54"N 69.23'32.80"E

K’ 21°49'31.50"N 69.23'34.31"E

A. General Location Map:

B. Plan View

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


C. Satellite Image (Satellite Image (Bird’s Eye View):

c. Details of alternate sites considered and the basis of selecting the proposed site, particularly the environmental considerations given into should be highlighted.

No alternative site has been taken into consideration as the mineral (Building Limestone) is available at this site, and held under LOI.

d. Size of magnitude of Operation:

The quarry area of existing Building Limestone mine is 1.05.82 hectare and proposed rate of production of Building Limestone is maximum 30000Tonne/ Year ..

i. Regional Geology: Building Limestone in Porbandar is composed of Sea shells’ mega fossils and known as

Dwarka Bed Building Limestone. The cementing material of the shells is also carbonate

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


mud and concretionary material is underlying it. The rocks of this series are generally

horizontal and occasionally dip 5° to 10° towards south. Strong horizontal laminations due

to current bedding are a common structural feature with presence of minor

faults/fractures. This Building Limestone forms crescent shaped low height mounds.

Outcrop surfaces are quite often pitted due to solution activity. Typically karts topography

is special feature of this area.

The Building Limestone deposit represents crudely defined strike ridge along N-S direction.

The Building Limestone shows a wide variation in thickness. The Dwarka bed Building

Limestone are horizontally bedded shows somewhat lower thickness in topographic

depression and slight bulge in the elevated portion in the region. Building Limestone

outcropping as mounds and ridges exhibit a hard, consolidated, crustified nature compared

to underlying softer horizons.

The geological succession noted in the field is given below:


Recent(Holocene) Alluvium/Recent Building


Alluvial Soil, Black-brown

soil, coastal Building


Early Holocene to

Late Pleistocene Miliolite Formation

Arenaceous Building

Limestone and calcareous


Pliocene Dwarka Beds

Gypsiferous clay and sandy

foraminifer Building




Gaj Beds


Clay and calcareous clay


Paleocene to Upper

Cretaceous Deccan Trap

Basalt and its derivatives

including the intermediate

and acidic rock types like,

dacites, granophyre etc.

ii. Local Geology: Geologically the area comprises of miliolitic limestone followed by Dwarka bed limestone. The grade of the limestone is poor quality in terms of Carbonate contents, thus can only be used as building stone for construction purpose. The thickness of building stone bed is

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


upto 10 m with good compressive strength. Geological mapping of the lease area was done with a Total Station surveying. The area is covered by alluvium bed of 0.3 to 1m thickness. Different rock types exposed in the lease area are as- Pleistocene- Milliolite Limestone (Building Stone Construction grade) Pliocene - Dwarka bed Limestone (Building Stone Construction grade) Detailed description of geology of the quarry lease area and litho unit Soil/Alluvium – 0.3 to 1m soil layer above Building Stone bed Building Stone On the basis of observed from the exposure outside the lease area and within nearby working pit, Litho-log of area is as given below.

Litho units Depth

Soil/ Alluvium ( upper layer) 0.3m to 1m

Building Stone 6m depth(Proved 12mRL (Surface) to 6mRL, and 3 m

(Probable 6 to 3mRL)

e. Project description with Process detail: It is proposed by means of opencast semi-mechanized method, which includes cutting, loading, and transportation.

3.5.1 Open Cast Mining: Salient description of proposed mining method: The mining in the area is proposed by opencast method (Other than fully mechanized) due to shallow depth of the deposit. As the building stone will be used as blocks of specific dimensions in the construction industry, the diesel operated stone cutter machine (Horizontal as well as Vertical cutting) is most suitable and convenient machine for this type of work. The building stone after cut into specific size, will be loaded manually into hired 10T dumper/trucks for supplying to the customers/end users. Bench Parameters – Whole of the lease area will be used for excavation during proposed plan period. Building Stone is fully exposed in the nearby lease area. Exposed mineral is excavated by the formation of 2 benches of 6m & 3m of height. The width of bench shall be 6m. Mining is proposed by the deployment of Diesel operated stone cutter machine (Horizontal as well as Vertical cutting) and tractors and dumpers shall be used for haulage and transportation. Face advancement and mineral reject dump is marked on reclamation plan.

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


The edges of excavation shall be adequately sloped and secured so as to prevent danger of sliding as per the Regulation 106 of the Metalliferous Mines Regulation, 1961 The vertical faces will be formed and overall bench slope will maintain at 45 degree. The activities involved in the mining are: Excavation and loading of mineral: The upper layer of OB i.e. Alluvium is soft to medium hard, which can easily be loosened with the help of scraper/rock breaker. Excavation and loading of mineral will be proposed by deploying Diesel operated stonecutter machine (Horizontal as well as Vertical cutting) with dumpers/ trucks. System of Drilling and Blasting – No drilling and Blasting is proposed. Extent of mechanization –semi- mechanized opencast mining method shall be adopted by deploying a cutter and manual tools like crow-bar, pick-axe, spade etc. Mining machineries – Following mining machineries will be deployed -

A - Cutter Machines – Stone cutter machine (Horizontal as well as Vertical cutting) B- Loading Equipment – Loading shall be carried by manually. C - Haulage and Transport Equipment Transport from mine head to the destination - By the hired trucks/ dumpers. The list of mining machineries to be used in open cast mines is given below:

Purpose Machine Specification No. of


Cutting Diesel operated stone cutter

machine (Horizontal as well as

Vertical cutting)

100 mm 01

Hauling Dumper/Tipper 10 T 5

Water Sprinkling Tanker 200 ltr 1

Others Rock Breaker 1

3.5.2 General

No. of Working days: 275/ year No. of shifts per day: 1

3.5.3 Mechanization: Mining equipment is an integral part of mine production planning. The details of the equipment used in mining operation are listed below:-

Purpose Machine Specification No. of


Cutting Diesel operated stone cutter

machine (Horizontal as well as

Vertical cutting)

100 mm 01

Hauling Dumper/Tipper 10 T 5

Water Sprinkling Tanker 200 ltr 1

Others Rock Breaker 1

*hired as and when required

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


The customers demand for supply the Building Limestone of 9”X9”X6” in size. The lease has plans for use of cutter machines.

3.5.4 Loading and Transportation: The Building Limestone run of mines (ROM) will be loaded manually and transported by 18 T dumpers in block form to civil construction sites.

3.5.5 Mining waste:

The blocks of mineral to be produced from the lease need only specific size before supplying to the customers. No mineral beneficiation processing will be required at lease area for mineral. Undersized stone will be removed simply by hand picking. Besides this no other processing or beneficiation is required on proposed at the mine site

Process flow of Quarry project:

Building Limestone Bed

Strait long parallel Cutting in X direction at 9” interval

Strait long parallel Cutting in Y direction, (perpendicular to X direction) at 9” interval

Strait long parallel Cutting in Z direction, at 6” depth from surface.

Transportation (15 m3 capacity trucks)

f. Raw Material Required Along With Estimated Quantity, Likely Source, Marketing Area Of Final Products, Mode Of Transport Of Raw Material And Finished Product:

No raw material will be required for the production of mineral. Building limestone will be

loaded in to the trucks and sent to the consumers.

g. Resource optimization/ Recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if any , should be briefly outlined

Not envisaged.

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


h. Availability of water its source, energy/ Power requirement and source should be given.

Water is required for drinking and spraying purpose. The daily water requirement will be 6 KLD. Tube well outside the mines site will provide the water for all the purposes. The working is in day shift, therefore no electricity is required. However, the electricity requirement may arise on putting a cutter machine in LOI area.

i. Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and scheme for their

management/ disposal No solid waste is generated due to mining of Building Limestone in the lease.


Table : Connectivity



Nearest Railway Station Porbandar Railway Station – 35 Km,

Nearest Airport Porbandar Airport- 35 Km,

Nearest Highway NH 8E –O. 1 KM


4.2.1 LAND FORM The area exhibits gently undulating to flat topography. The elevation of the area varies

between 13 to 12 m showing 1 m difference in relief. The shape of the lease is having irregular

shape. The applied area is virgin with some scanty vegetation. There is no water body or

nallah within the lease area.

4.2.2 LAND USE The present land use pattern is as below:-

Table : Land Use Pattern

S. No. Particulars Present Land-use


1. Top Soil 1.0582

2. Excavation Pit (Voids Only) 0.00

3. Waste Dump (External*) 0.00

4. Mineral Reject(External*) 0.00

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


*if applicable 4.2.3 LAND OWNERSHIP

The land as per revenue records is Private waste Land (1.05.82 Ha.) converted for Non –

Agricultural use. The location Plan is enclosed as Plate under section 3 above.


The area exhibits gently undulating to flat topography. The elevation of the area varies between 13 to 12 m showing 1 m difference in relief. The shape of the lease is having irregular shape. The applied area is virgin with some scanty vegetation.

4.4 Existing land use pattern (agriculture, non-agriculture, forest, water bodies

(including area under CRZ), shortest distances from the periphery of the project to

periphery of the forest ,national park, wild life sanctuary, eco sensitive area, water

bodies (distance from the HFL of the river), case of notified industrial area, a copy

of the gazette notification should be given.

Land-use pattern: the area falls under level 2 categories of strip mine & quarry. This is non-

agriculture land.

Lease area is located at 1.5 kilometer distance from village Miyani. No national park is there

in 10 KM vicinity of the lease, the lease area is located at topographic high, small tributaries

originates from nearby areas, so no HFL level of any river is applicable. CRZ is not applicable

to the lease area.


Railway: Porbandar Railway Station at 35 km distance

Airport: Porbandar 35 km distance

Highway: NH8E way 0.1 km distance

Power: Nearby villages, Miyani is having a power supply.

5. Infrastructure including office



6. Afforestation 0.00

7. Undisturbed Area 1.0582

Total 1.05.82

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


Water: Tube well outside the lease area will provide the water for drinking

purposes. Accumulated rain water in mined out pits is harvested and used

for sprinkling on haul roads for dust suppression.


Soil may be defined as a thin layer of earth’s crust, which serves as a medium for the growth of

plants. The soil characteristics include both physical and chemical details. The soil found in the

region is in situ soil and found in consolidated from. The soil is brown to reddish in color, fine to

very fine-grained having a thickness of 0.3 to 1.0m.


The climate is moderate and temperature ranges from 34⁰C during summer to about 13⁰C during

winter. The average annual rainfall is 600 to 800 mm which received during monsoon season from

June to September. Predominant wind direction is SW-NE, generally wind blows with a velocity of

10-12 Kms/hr in all seasons. Relative humidity varies from 50% to 95%.


The lease area is located at 1.5 km distance from Miyani. Primary & Secondary education

facility is available at Miyani. The Hospital situated at Miyani and Porbndar.

5. Planning Brief

5.1 Planning concept (type of industrial, facilities, transportation etc.) Town

and Country planning/development authority classification

It is a mining industry in which open cast semi-mechanized mining method will be practiced. The

proposed rate of production of Building Limestone is from 3000 to 30000 TPA.

5.2 Population Projection

There will be recruitment of local workers (20). There will be no change in the population

projection of the most nearest & farther most villages of the project. There are a total of 3 villages

in the buffer zone of the study area are Bhavpara, Miyani and Gandvi . As per census of India

(2011) the total population Miyani is 3329 with 650 households. Total male & female population

is 1765 & 1597 respectively.

5.3 Land Use Planning (Break-up along with green belt etc.)

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


Particulars Present Position of

the Area in Hect.

Position at the End of

Plan Period

A. Mining Activity

i) Pits 0.0000 0.8540

ii) Dumps 0.0000 0.0000

iii) Road/Building 0.0050 0.0300

iv) infrastructure 0.0000 0.0800

B. Remaining virgin land 1.0532 0.0942

Total Area 1.0582 1.0582

5.4 Assessment of infrastructure demand (physical & social).

Modern health facilities and medical stores are around in nearby town, Miyani, and Porbandar.

5.5 Amenities/facilities

First AID-A first aid kit will be provided for giving first aid to the injured person.

6.0 Proposed infrastructure

6.1 Industrial area (processing area).

The area is very well connected by road network to the mines, district headquarter etc. The

road area is self-sufficient to cater the needs of the project. Hence, no infrastructure is


6.2 Green belt.

Green belt will be developed along the periphery of mines and backfilled area. 150

numbers of Plants will be planted during mine life in consultation with local forest office and

CPCB guidelines.

6.3 Social infrastructure.

Education facilities: -for village school, distribution of books for children are proposed.

6.4 Connectivity (traffic and transportation road/ rail/ metro / water

ways etc.)

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


After driving 200m of kutcha road having width of 5 mt. then there is pucca road of 10 mt

width up to the Consumer’s sites. No railway, metro, water transportation is required.

6.5 Drinking water management (source & supply of water)

Tube well outside the lease area will provide the water for all the purposes.

6.7 Sewerage system

Domestic waste water will be directed to septic tank followed by soak which will be cleaned

time to time.

6.8 Industrial waste management.

As there is no industrial waste, hence not applicable

6.9 Solid waste management

Overburden is negligible and being stacked on the periphery of the boundary which will be

backfilled at the end of mine life. Plantation will be done on the backfilled area.

6.10 Power requirement & supply / source.

Power line of 11 kv is available in Miyani village from Gujarat electricity board.

7. Rehabilitation and resettlement (R&R) plan Policy to be adopted (central/state) in respect of the project affected persons including home

oustees, and oustees and landless laborer (a brief outline to be given).

Not applicable as there is no displacement or dislocation.

8. Project schedule & cost estimates Likely date of starts of construction and likely of completion (Time schedule for the

project to be given).

The project is scheduled to operate on grant of EC and Execution of the lease. Mine life about

30 years.

Cost of Project The approx cost of the proposed project will be 40 Lac. The details of the cost the project is given here under in Table:

Table : Cost of the Project Sr. No Details Amount in Rs. Lac

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Applicant: Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra, Mineral: Building Limestone


1. Land & Building 3

2. Plant & Machinery 37 Total 40

9. Analysis of proposal (final recommendations) Financial and social benefits with special emphasis on the benefit to the local people

including tribal population, if any, in the area.

The project will bring economic benefits to the state by the way of royalty for mineral and allied

taxes. The mining operations shall be providing employment to approximately 18 persons directly

in the excavation. Most of the local people are likely to be benefited. The project operation will

provide livelihood to the poorest section of the society. Mining is expected to have positive impact

on socio-economic life of people living in nearby villages.

For, Shri Kanabhai Nathabhai Odedra & Rajendra Gigaji Odedra,