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Post on 23-Nov-2021




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The eighth edition of the Unicareers is online, be-cause of the Covid-19 pan-demic, but it still offers a unique opportunity to meet (even if it has to be virtually) and to find out more about key employers in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Af-ter over 18 months we know

that the pandemic is having powerful short-term effects on the everyday experience of work, as well as on the future directions of many industries, but we do not know yet what its long-term impact will be on careers and on the types of employ-ment that people will have.

Whether you are looking for employment, discove-ring the career opportu-nities that lie in the future for you, or considering a change of direction, you will benefit from parti-

cipating in Unicareers. Luxembourg offers work and career orientation in many sectors, no-tably IT, enginee-ring, the finan-cial and legal sectors, as well as in teaching, social work, health, space industries, re-search and d e v e l o p m e n t .

As in previous years, Uni-careers will host its expert talks and panel discussion,

allowing you to think further about the best training for you, and about the qua-

lifications that are preferred for your

chosen job. If you need to decide to apply for a specialist Mas-ter, or to think instead about looking for an

internship, this is the ideal event

for you. There will be opportunities to find out about business and ins-titutions that offer men-

toring or other support to graduates and students. This year may well be a year where in-person meetings are much less possible, but it makes it all the more important to have an ex-cellent résumé and to work on your online profile. It is also a good year to explore and to think about where you would like to be once life returns to normal. We look forward to your visit.

Catherine LégluVice-rector for academic affairs



The University of Luxembourg and Moovijob are delighted to welcome students and staff to the biggest career fair in Luxembourg: Unicareers.

More than 1,000 recruitments were made following the latest edition of Unicareers in 2020



The official career fair of the University of Luxembourg « Unicareers » will enable you to meet in one-day time the major employers of Luxembourg!

Despite an improving but still uncertain health situation and in order to be as successful as in previous years, the Unicareers fair will only be held virtually.

By joining this virtual fair, on Friday 1 Octo-

ber 2021 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, you will meet face-to-face with nearly one hun-dred companies that are massively hiring!

This fair also offers you the opportunity to dis-

cover several hundred training offers that will boost your employability on the market. Finally, attend free conferences on a wide va-

riety of topics.

This event is aimed for students, looking for

a traineeship or an entry-level position, and for professionals (with up to 5 years of experience).

It also welcomes all students from schools

and universities across Europe and beyond!

Register now to attend the fair, mandatory registration on the official website:

www.unicareers.luRegistration closes on Thursday 30 September at 4:00 PM


o How to get the most out of the Unicareers Recruitment Fair, in a virtual context

This edition 2021 of the Uni-careers recruitment fair will be virtual, for the second consecutive year, both for recruiters and for students.In this context, the Unicareers re-cruitment fair is a great opportunity to virtually meet and interact with employers. You will find out when they are recrui-ting and the kind of profile they are looking for. Even behind your screen, make a strong impression and be invited for an interview or, at least, strongly encouraged to apply. Boost your em-ployability at Unicareers by following these simple tips…


Target your business and professions

Before connecting to a vir-tual recruitment fair, make a list of the companies you would like to meet and then ask about:- Its activity, i.e. its flagship products or activities, its competitive advantages, etc.- The jobs it comprises and which could interest you.- Offers already posted on their career site

Prepare an elevator pitch

Even virtually, you will only have a few

minutes to talk to him about your-self. Ahead of the recruitment fair, prepare a quick elevator

pitch, which should include:

- Your main professio-nal and associative expe-riences - Your academic back-ground- The areas of businesses you are considering- The compatibility between you and the company (inte-rest, skills, experiences that match the profiles they are looking for)


Adopt a professional atti-tude in all circumstances

Even behind your screen, keep in mind: ‘You never get a second chance to make a great first impression.’ Dress for success, you must look polished when you interact virtually with employers.If you have prepared your pitch well, the recruiter will certainly not have positions to offer that exactly match your profile. Be open to these opportunities, which

are often very interesting!

Think about taking notes during the interviews

The information they give you is crucial, either sending an email to the recruiter after the recruitment fair or to prepare you for the interview.Note the name, the posi-tion and the company of your contact person, the jobs or the offers he/she has talk-ed about, the insights he/she gave you on the tasks, the skills sought, or the re-cruitment process.

Network with everyone

- Building a network with the recruiters, ask the represen-tatives for his/her digital business card- Network with your fellow job-seekers in terms of sharing information about job leads, companies, and their recruiting strategies and styles- Attend the virtual confe-rences. Send your question by chat: in addition to get job search advices, you will have more opportunities to network.


You scored points during the recruitment fair, take

advantage of it!

After the interview with the recruiter, quickly send him/her an email with your CV and reiterate your motiva-tion by reminding him/her

of where you met him/her and the various

points you raised during the inter-view.If he/she asked you to apply via the career

website: in you cover letter, re-

member to mention the person you interac-

ted with at the recruitment fair (name and position), and what stroke you in this conversation. Sending an email to the recruiter or the employee to whom you spoke during the recruit-ment fair will not be too much.

Interview checklist

Congratulations, you have landed an interview! Before you go, think about:- Finding out about the company (size, sector, jobs, news) and the recruiter- Gaining good knowledge of the job description

- Printing two CVs on paper and ensuring you have pen and paper- Be ready to answer to the question: “Tell me about yourself” or ”Walk me through your back-ground”. Prepare a concise and enthusiastic response. This is also the opportunity to share some information about your extra-curricular activities and transversal skills- Identifying keywords that define your skills and perso-nality- Having concrete examples to illustrate these skills (if possible quantified)- Preparing a list of 2 or 3 questions for the recruiter- Dress appropriately. First impressions are important.- Putting your phone on silent.- Last but not least, do not forget your mask, and smile behind it!

Romain RAUXProject Manager Career Centre

Depuis le début d’année 2020, la crise liée à l’épidé-mie mondiale rebat les cartes du secteur de l’évènementiel. Cette année, afin de garantir la sécurité de tous et de per-mettre au plus grand nombre d’y prendre part, le salon Uni-careers sera organisé au for-mat virtuel une nouvelle fois. Vous hésitez encore à parti-ciper ? Découvrez pourquoi vous ne devriez manquer cet évènement sous aucun pré-texte !

Un évènement virtuel, qu’est-ce que c’est ?

Comme son nom l’indique, un salon (ou une soirée) de re-crutement virtuel se déroule 100 % à distance via une connexion internet et une so-lution informatique puissante permettant de gérer des dis-cussions vidéos et télépho-niques tout en restant chez soi ! Grâce à cet outil, vous serez en mesure de partici-per à l’évènement et de re-chercher un emploi, une for-mation, un stage ou encore d’assister à une conférence, comme si vous y étiez.

Pourquoi y participer ? Parce que la liste est longue,

voici une liste des principaux avantages à participer à un tel évènement :

1. Participez d’où vous vou-lez, quand vous voulezSi les horaires des évène-ments virtuels restent inchan-gés dans la plupart des cas, la différence majeure entre un évènement physique et un évènement virtuel est que vous n’avez pas à vous déplacer sur le lieu du salon. Rencontrez les recruteurs depuis votre salon, votre cui-sine, votre chambre ou en-core depuis votre lieu de va-cances, pourquoi pas ! Finies les contraintes de transport, connectez-vous quand vous le souhaitez sans vous sou-cier de l’heure de votre pro-chain bus ou train.

2. Discutez avec les recru-teurs en toute sérénité…En participant depuis chez vous, vous profiterez d’un endroit calme et confortable sans le brouhaha caracté-ristique des salons de recru-tement ainsi que les oreilles parfois un peu trop curieuses des autres candidats, qui pourraient vous rendre mal à l’aise lors d’une rencontre avec un recruteur. Grâce à

l’appel visio, restez concentré sur votre entretien et donnez le meilleur de vous-même lors de l’échange.

3. Et en toute sécurité !Terminés les échanges de CV, lettres de motivation ou autre goodies. Avec l’outil vir-tuel, plus besoin de se dépla-cer, de serrer des mains ou de toucher des objets potentiel-lement contaminés ni même de porter le masque. Votre sécurité est notre priorité !

4. Trouvez facilement les so-ciétés qui vous intéressentAvec un moteur de recherche intégré, trouvez rapidement le stand virtuel de l’entreprise qui vous fait de l’œil et dis-cutez avec les recruteurs en quelques clics seulement.

5. Faites des économies En évitant les coûts de trans-port, de restauration, de parking, etc., vous réaliserez des petites voire d’impor-tantes économies sur la jour-née. La seule chose requise ? Une connexion internet. D’ailleurs, plus des 80 % des foyers européens possèdent une connexion internet et ce chiffre monte même jusqu’à 90 % en France et au Luxem-bourg. Ce n’est pas votre cas ? Alors, n’hésitez pas à vous rendre chez un ami ou un membre de votre famille.

6. Rejoignez 3 files d’attente en même tempsGrâce à notre outil innovant, vous aurez la possibilité de rejoindre jusqu’à 3 files d’at-tente différentes en même temps ! Cela vous permettra

d’augmenter vos chances de rencontrer un maximum de recruteurs en une seule journée ou soirée mais égale-ment à optimiser votre temps en visitant plusieurs stands au même moment.

7. Découvrez des informa-tions exclusives sur les entre-prises présentesAvec un système de stands virtuels, vous découvrirez en exclusivité des informations importantes sur les entre-prises présentes comme des affiches de présentation, des photos, des vidéos et bien sûr leurs offres d’emploi ! Le tout conçu pour vous aider à en apprendre davantage sur la société avant d’obtenir un entretien, puis de réussir haut la main ce dernier grâce à vos connaissances.

o Pourquoi participer à un évènement de recrutement virtuel ?

o Wie bereitet man sich auf eine virtuelle Veranstaltung vor?

In diesem Artikel geben wir Ihnen Tipps, damit Sie sich für Ihre Teilnahme an der nächsten virtuellen Verans-taltung bestens vorbereiten können.Sie haben vor an der Uni-careers Messe am 1. Oktober teilzunehmen? Dann lesen Sie sich den Artikel gut durch, damit Ihre virtuellen Inter-views ein voller Erfolg werden und Sie Ihren Traumjob oder Ihr Praktikum finden!

Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine gute Internetverbin-dung haben Eine virtuelle Veranstaltung hängt hauptsächlich von der Internetverbindung ab. Stellen Sie also sicher, dass Sie zum Zeitpunkt der vir-tuellen Veranstaltung über einen guten Internetzugang verfügen. Wenn Sie von zu Hause aus keine Verbindung

herstellen können, gehen Sie zu einem Freund, einem Fa-milienmitglied, einem Inter-netcafé oder einer Bibliothek. Denken Sie daran, einen Computer zu reservieren, wenn Sie einen benötigen.

Testen Sie Ihr Mikrofon und Ihre KameraSobald Sie sicher sind, dass Sie einen Internetzugang ha-ben, sollten Sie sich um ein paar technische Details küm-mern, wie z. B. um das Mikro-fon, die Kamera oder den Akku Ihres Computers. Wenn Sie darüber mehr erfahren möchten, schauen Sie sich diesen Artikel an. Tipp: Über-prüfen Sie noch einmal alles, bevor Sie an der virtuellen Veranstaltung teilnehmen oder ein Gespräch mit einem Recruiter beginnen.

Informieren Sie sich im Vor-

feldInformieren Sie sich über die verschiedenen Un-ternehmen, die auf der Ve-ranstaltung vertreten sein werden, und die offenen Stellen. Konzentrieren Sie sich gezielt auf die Unternehmen und Positionen, die Sie in-teressieren, um so viele In-formationen wie möglich zu sammeln. Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihr Gegenüber im Vorstellungsgespräch (posi-tiv) überraschen und Ihr Inte-resse sowie Ihre Motivation beweisen!

Achten Sie auf Ihr AussehenAuch wenn das Vorstellungs-gespräch virtuell ist, sollten Sie Ihr Aussehen nicht ver-nachlässigen! Wir raten Ih-nen, sich professionell zu kleiden, als wären Sie bei einer Veranstaltung vor Ort, und eine gute Körperhaltung

einzunehmen. Vermeiden Sie am besten ein zu legeres Auf-treten, da dies als mangelnde Motivation wahrgenommen werden könnte. Zeigen Sie sich von Ihrer besten Seite, um eine gute Beziehung zu Ihrem Gesprächspartner auf-zubauen.

Wählen Sie einen ruhigen OrtWenn möglich, wählen Sie im Vorfeld den Raum aus, in dem Sie sich während Ihrer Teilnahme an der virtuellen Veranstaltung aufhalten wer-den. Achten Sie darauf, dass der Hintergrund möglichst neutral ist, um Ablenkungen und Unterbrechungen z. B. durch Familienmitglieder zu vermeiden. Wenn Sie sich in einem Raum aufhalten, der von mehreren Personen ge-nutzt wird, denken Sie daran, Kopfhörer oder ein Head-set mitzubringen, um Hin-tergrundgeräusche zu redu-zieren.

Verhalten Sie sich wie bei ei-nem Vorstellungsgespräch...Wie bereits erwähnt, sollten Sie die Grundprinzipien eines Vorstellungsgesprächs im Hinterkopf behalten. Be-reiten Sie zum Beispiel einen Elevator Pitch vor, um bei Ihrer Präsentation einen guten ersten Eindruck auf die Recruiter zu machen, und

überlegen Sie sich Antworten auf typische Fragen, die während eines Vorstellungs-gesprächs gestellt werden. Achten Sie außerdem auf Ihre Körpersprache und zei-gen Sie Interesse, indem Sie Fragen stellen! Vergessen Sie nicht, dass sich hinter dem Computerbildschirm ein reales Gegenüber befindet.

...aber berücksichtigen Sie die virtuellen AspekteDa auch virtuelle Bege-gnungen gewisse Grenzen haben, möchten wir Ihnen hierfür ein paar Tipps geben. Sprechen Sie laut genug und deutlich, machen Sie Pausen und bilden Sie kurze Sätze. Versuchen Sie, direkt in die Kamera zu schauen (und nicht auf das Video Ihres Gesprächspartners) und ver-meiden Sie zu viele Bewegun-gen. Schließlich sollten Sie, wenn möglich, einen Compu-ter statt eines Telefons oder Tablets verwenden.

Sie möchten an der Uni-careers Messe für Studie-rende und Berufsanfänger teilnehmen? Dann besuchen Sie unsere Webseite und mel-den Sie sich an, unter




L’Agence pour le développement de l’emploi (ADEM) est le service public de l’emploi au Luxembourg, les services sont personnalisés et gratuits.

Au sein de l’ADEM, EURES Luxembourg est membre d’un réseau européen visant à faciliter l’accès au marché de l’emploi en Europe.

EURES s’adresse aux personnes intéressées par un emploi au-delà des frontières et aux employeurs à la re-cherche de la perle rare.

Pour ce faire, EURES s’est doté d’un Portail qui héberge, à côté des informations utiles sur les conditions de vie et de travail en Europe, une base de données de plus de 3 millions d’offres d’emploi et de CVs.

En plus, EURES peut accorder des aides financières afin de faciliter le placement et le recrutement transfrontalier.

Conseils / Formation / Fonction Publique

Agentur für Arbeit Saarland / EURES-T

Die Agentur für Arbeit ist mit den EURES-Beratern bei der Unicareers-Absolventenmesse vertreten, um Studie-rende der Großregion bei der erfolgreichen Bewerbung zu unterstützen. Wir beraten Sie gerne zu: Stellensuche, Bewerbungsunterlagen, Vorstellungsgespräche, Wunscharbeitgeber und Grenzgänger-Themen.

L’Agence pour l’emploi allemande est représentée par des conseillers EURES au salon des diplômés Unicareers afin d’aider les étudiants de la Grande Région pour postuler avec succès et trouver un bon job.

Nous serons heureux de vous conseiller sur les sujets suivants : recherche d’emploi, documents de candidature, entretiens, employeurs préférés et questions transfrontalières.

Beratung / Aus- und Weiterbildung / Öffentlicher Dienst

Intéressé(e) par un emploi dans la Fonction publique ?

Les différentes procédures de recrutement

Les offres d’emploi actuelles

Les informations sur l’examen-concours

Des newsletters et clips « métier »

Agence Nationale pour l’Information des Jeunes

L’Agence Nationale pour l’Information des Jeunes, en abrégé « ANIJ » est une association sans but lucratif (asbl), conventionnée avec le Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse.

La mission principale de l’ANIJ est de produire une information adaptée aux jeunes de 12 à 30 ans disponible sur le site Pourquoi venir nous rencontrer au salon ? Le service Jugendinfo de l’ANIJ peux t’informer sur six thématiques : éducation, emploi (offres de stage, jobs vacances et jobs étudiants), engagement, logement, santé et vie quotidienne.

On te soutient pour la rédaction de ta candidature (lettre de motivation et CV) et pour te préparer à un entretien d’embauche.

Conseils / Formation / Fonction Publique

Exhibitor ID forms are listed by sectors and following this colour code:









PAGE 8-10

PAGE 10-13

PAGE 13-15

PAGE 15-18



PAGE 5-6

Colour code



Envie d’étudier, travailler et vivre au Canada ?

Des représentants d’Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) de l’Ambassade du Canada en France vous renseigneront sur les opportunités qui vous sont offertes à travers le pays et sur les programmes d’immigra-tion temporaire ou permanente.

Ils pourront également vous informer sur la prochaine édition virtuelle de Destination Canada Forum Mobilité qui aura lieu du 18 au 20 novembre 2021 ainsi que sur les trois catégories (Vacances-travail, Stage coop international, Jeunes professionnels) du nouveau Protocole d’Entente sur la mobilité des jeunes signé par les Gouvernements du Canada et du Luxembourg.

Conseils / Formation / Fonction Publique

Ambassade du Canada – Visas et

Université du Luxembourg

Fondée en 2003, l’Université du Luxembourg est la seule université publique au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Multilingue, internationale et centrée sur la recherche, elle se définit aussi comme une institution moderne et à visage humain. L’Université : Créée en 2003 Multilingue, internationale, centrée sur la recherche. 1 061 membres du personnel académique (y compris les doctorants, les chercheurs post doctoraux, les assistants de recherche et autres) épaulent 268 profes-seurs, assistants-professeurs et chargés de cours.

Proche des institutions européennes et de la place financière du Luxembourg.

Conseils / Formation / Fonction Publique


Un engagement au service du citoyen. Avec plus de 20 ministères et de 120 administrations, la Fonction publique luxembourgeoise est omniprésente dans notre quotidien et assure le fonctionnement essentiel de notre société. Rien d’étonnant donc que les opportunités de travailler dans l’intérêt général ne manquent pas, que ce soit en tant que fonctionnaire, employé ou salarié. À côté de la diversité des métiers, une carrière dans le service public implique également un développement professionnel en continu à travers une vaste offre de formations, des opportunités de mobilité interne et des horaires de travail flexibles. Trouvez les postes vacants, l’inscription à l’examen-concours et bien plus sur !

Conseils / Formation / Fonction Publique

BDO Luxembourg

BDO, one of the largest global public accounting, tax & advisory organisations, is present in 167 countries & employs more than 91.054 people working in 1.658 offices worldwide.

For the year ended 30 Sept. 20, BDO announced global revenues of € 9,2 billion, representing a year on year growth of 7,8% at constant exchange rates.

At BDO in Luxembourg, with more than 500 professionals & more than 30 nationalities, we offer our clients world-wide high quality advice & service in audit, accounting, tax consultancy, financial engineering, human resources & information technology.

We have one mission: offering our clients the collective expertise of an international network as well as a perso-nalized service & valued relationship.

Comptable Junior Tax - VAT Specialist Tax Regulatory Services Officer Compliance Advisor Junior Auditors - German speaking Audit Trainees - January 2022 Payroll Consultant Consulting Trainee – 6 to 12 months

Junior Auditors Tax Compliance Assistant Data Protection Officer Learning & Development Coordinator

Audit / Accounting

Job openings (M/F):




Les cours se tiennent à Luxembourg. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes.Pour plus de renseignements, participez à nos réunions d’information.Dates et inscriptions sur le site de l’ISEC : www.isec.luInstitut Supérieur de l’Économie (ISEC)(+352) 46 50 16 1 // [email protected] //

Une initiative de :

Découvrez les programmes diplômants proposés par la Chambre de Commerce,à travers son Institut Supérieur de l’Économie (ISEC),

en collaboration avec des partenaires académiques de renom :



FOM :• Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Business Administration• Master of Business


Université de Lorraine :• Master MIAGE Spécialité Informatique et Innovation• Master 2 Management de la Qualité• Master 2 Management de Projet


Site de référence unique au Luxembourg, ouvre l’accès à plus de 10 000 formations publiées par 290 organismes de formation membres.

Les formations référencées couvrent tous les secteurs d’activité de l’économie et sont proposées à distance, en horaires décalés, en cours du soir...

Le portail centralise également toutes les informations utiles liées à la formation: dispositifs d’aide à la formation, voies alternatives d’accès aux diplômes, validation des acquis de l’expérience, actualités...

Conseils / Formation / Fonction Publique

Alter Domus Luxembourg S.à.r.l.

WHAT WE DO Many leading international asset managers, lenders and asset owners choose Alter Domus as their partner for growth. Solely dedicated to alternative strategies, we offer fund administration, corporate services, depositary services, transfer pricing, domiciliation, management company services, loan dministration, agency services, trade settlement and CLO manager services. ALTERNATIVE CAREERS IN FINANCE We offer multiple learning and career development opportunities to our network of 3,000 employees across more than 40 offices and desks. Thanks to them we are ahead of the game.

Funds Services Trainee Luxembourg Depositary Officer AML/KYC Officer - German Speaker Legal Officer - Luxembourg AML/KYC Trainee Corporate Services Trainee Luxembourg Corporate Services Junior Accountant Fund Services Junior Accountant Talent Acquisition Trainee - Luxembourg Professional Assistant Luxembourg Talent Acquisition Senior Officer

AML/KYC Senior Officer Funds Services Senior Accountant Corporate Services Senior Accountant AML/KYC Officer Legal Senior Officer

Audit / Accounting

Job openings (M/F):


Let your talent shine

© 2021 KPMG Luxembourg, Société coopérative, a Luxembourg entity and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

Fast-track your career with KPMG Luxembourg

KPMG Luxembourg

KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We have more than 227,000 outstanding professionals working together to deliver value in 146 countries worldwide. At KPMG Luxembourg, we combine industry expertise with empathy. If you were to ask current KPMG employees, they would certainly tell you that the working environment and their team make KPMG the right choice. We want our employees to be balanced. We have various initiatives in place to promote gender equality, work-life balance and CSR.

English speaking Junior Auditor French speaking Junior Auditor Personal Assistant Engagement Assistant Comptable Junior / Futur Expert comptable Adviser/Senior Adviser for our Risk Services German speaking Junior Auditor Junior Adviser for our Fund Distribution Services Junior/Senior Fund Distribution Oversight Adviser / Senior Adviser in Investor Fund Risk or Compliance Adviser

Tax Advisor - International Tax - Commerce Trainee Tax Accountant - International Tax Trainee Tax Advisor - International Tax Trainee Tax Advisor - Global Mobility Services Trainee Tax Advisor - Financial Services Junior Tax Accountant - Indirect Tax Tax Business Officers - Financial Services Junior Tax Accountant - Commerce and Industry Senior/Assistant manager - Financial Risk

Audit / Accounting

Job openings (M/F):


Ocorian is a global leader in corporate and fiduciary services, fund administration and capital markets. Wherever our clients hold financial interests, or however they are structured, we provide compliant, tailored solutions that are individual to their needs. We manage over 17,000 structures for 8000+ clients with a global footprint operating from 18 locations. Our scale offers all our people great opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills and to progress their careers.

Depositary Manager Senior Manager - Capital Market Head of Investor Services (TA) Administrative, Reception, Facilities Fund Accounting Officer Senior Fund Accounting Officer Finance Officer Corporate Officer Senior Corporate Officer Accounting Officer Senior Accounting Officer

Senior AML/KYC Officer

Audit / Accounting

Job openings (M/F):

Deloitte Luxembourg

Deloitte Luxembourg is a member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, one of the world’s leading professional services firms in audit, tax, IT, accounting, financial advisory and consulting. Every day, our multidisciplinary teams work together to offer innovative solutions to our clients’ complex issues.

At Deloitte Luxembourg, with around 2,300 employees and more than 70 nationalities, we are committed to making an impact that matters for our clients, our people and society.

Juniors für unsere Wirtschaftsprüfung Financial Industry Funds Reporting Analyst Fund Industry Strategy & Business Design Internal Audit & Risk Consulting Trainee Bachelors for Cross-Border Fund Services Analyst for our Banking Consulting Team Transaction Regulatory Reporting Solutions Audit Trainee - January 2022 Audit Junior - starting date January 2022 Junior Auditor with strong Information Systems knowledge

Forensic and AML Analyst CFO Advisory Intern SAP Digital Finance Business Analyst Digital Junior Functional Salesforces Trainee for our compliance department Project Management Assistant Accountant Quantitative Analyst Regulatory Risk Reporting Analyst

Audit / Accounting

Job openings (M/F):


IQ-EQ is a leading Investor Services group which combines global expertise with an unwavering focus on client service delivery. We support fund managers, global companies, family offices and private clients operating worldwide.

We strongly believe in the power of duality and that valuing both IQ and EQ is essential for our people, our clients and our business. IQ-EQ brings together a rare combination of global expertise with a unique corporate culture that knows the importance of truly understanding the needs of our clients. IQ-EQ expresses exactly who we are and how we like to operate.

AML/KYC Officer Junior Fund Corporate Officer Fund Corporate Officer Senior Fund Corporate Officer Accounting Officer Accounting Officer (1 year CDD) Senior Accounting Officer Corporate Officer Junior Corporate Officer Senior Corporate Officer Senior Fund Accounting Officer

Accounting Officer (German speaker) Senior Business Implementation Officer Senior Portfolio Officer Corporate Officer (german speaker)

Audit / Accounting

Job openings (M/F):


We’re change agents and cyber gurus. Performance improvers and problem solvers. Data scientists and growth hackers. Bot programmers and software builders. Risk managers and confidence builders. We’re nearly 300,000 global perspectives ready to welcome yours. Your bold ambition is just the beginning. Harness our global scale, our tech, our teams and our culture to realize your potential. Learn from the best, surround yourself with the curious, ask better questions to seek better answers and build a better working world.

The exceptional EY experience. It’s yours to build.

Junior Auditor as of September 2022 Financial Accounting Advisory – Junior Business Transformation Consultant AML / Compliance Consultant – Junior Senior Consultant – SaT Transaction Support Business Transformation – Intern Consultant in der Wirtschaftsprüfung Senior International Tax Consultant Junior International Tax Consultant Junior Tax Consultant in Indirect Tax

Junior Consultant für IT – Audit / IT-Prüfung Intelligent Automation Consultant Junior Consultant – Regulations & Reporting SAP junior Consultant Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consultant Finance Intern Intern for Digitalization 2.0 initiative Cyber Security Junior Consultant Junior Consultant – Transaction Advisory Senior Consultant – Strategy & Transaction

Audit / Accounting

Job openings (M/F):

Langham Hall Luxembourg

Langham Hall Luxembourg is licensed by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier to provide the full range of administration services to Specialised Investment Funds (SIFs), Sociétés d’Investissement en Capital à Risque (SICARS), unregulated funds and SPVs.

We are also authorised to act as depositary to firms investing primarily in closed-ended private equity, real estate, infrastructure, and debt.

Luxembourg has, for many years, been the jurisdiction of choice for funds and SPVs which are set up to invest in real estate, private equity and other asset classes. Langham Hall established its office in Luxembourg in 2009.

Assistant Fund Accountant Trainee Fund Accountant Assistant Legal & Transaction Officer

Audit / Accounting

Job openings (M/F):


Banque de Luxembourg

La Banque de Luxembourg compte parmi les plus importantes banques privées de la Place.

Depuis plus de 100 ans, elle accompagne des particuliers, des familles et des entrepreneurs dans la préservation, la valorisation et la transmission de leur patrimoine. Elle propose également ses services à des clients profession-nels des métiers de la gestion d’actifs, dans l’esprit d’un banquier privé.

Stagiaire Developpeur Core Banking Solutions

Stagiaires Master Economie/Finance/Gestion

Stagiaire Client Servicing – CM-IM

Stagiaire Investment Funds Services

Stagiaire Ingénieur - Back Office

Stagiaire Chef de Projets

Stagiaires en Bachelor professionnel Banque

Stagiaire en Data

Stagiaire Analyste ESG

Stagiaire – Desk Fixed Income

Stagiaire Juriste

Stagiaire Dév. Back-End – RM Workspace

Stagiaire Développeur Front-End – BLUMobile

Stagiaire – Département Crédits

Software Engineer – RPA

Banque / Finance / Assurance

Postes proposés (H/F) :


BNP Paribas est une banque de premier plan en Europe avec un rayonnement international. Elle est présente dans 68 pays, avec près de 193 000 collaborateurs, dont plus de 148 000 en Europe.

Le Groupe détient des positions clés dans ses trois grands domaines d’activité : Domestic Markets et International Financial Services, dont les réseaux de banques de détail et les services financiers sont regroupés dans Retail Banking & Services, et Corporate & Institutional Banking, centré sur les clientèles Entreprises et Institutionnels.

Client Services Senior Account Officer KYC Officer Fund Accountant Stagiaire – WebMaster Marketing Digital Internship – Credit Structurer Stagiaire Data Scientist Stagiaire Assistant de Gestion Stagiaire Conseiller Commercial Agence

Banque / Finance / Assurance

Postes proposés (H/F) :

Alpha Financial Markets Consulting

Alpha Financial Markets Consulting (Alpha FMC) is the leading global consultancy to the asset and wealth management industry. We are a boutique management consulting firm that offers the world’s top asset and wealth managers a competitive edge through our expertise and industry insight. Our team of over 550 full time consultants is of a uniquely high calibre and by focusing on asset and wealth management alone we build deep knowledge and experience within our industry. We work with 21 of the top 25 largest global asset management firms, and with over 500 clients across the globe. We have our headquarters located in the UK, as well as offices in the largest financial centers in North America, Europe and Asia.

Business Analyst Intern Analyst/Consultant

Banking / Financial Services / Insurance

Job openings (M/F):


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Léa H.FutureAdvisor

Banque Raiffeisen

En tant que banque coopérative luxembourgeoise, Raiffeisen s’engage, depuis plus de 90 ans, à travailler dans le seul intérêt de ses membres et clients conformément aux valeurs coopératives et fondamentales qui sont le respect des relations durables, l’ambition de satisfaire nos clients, la proximité ainsi que la passion dans notre service au client.

Banque Raiffeisen s’adresse aux particuliers, aux entreprises et aux professionnels indépendants pour leurs opérations courantes, le financement de leurs projets ainsi que la gestion de leur épargne et de leur patrimoine. Forte de son ancrage local et de son engagement pour un avenir plus durable, Raiffeisen propose une gamme complète de produits et services durables.

Jeunes Diplômés Conseiller de Clientèle Gestionnaire Administratif Crédits Stagiaire Réseau des Agences Stagiaire Audit Interne Social Media & Content Manager

Banque / Finance / Assurance

Postes proposés (H/F) :


European Fund Administration

European Fund Administration is an independent company servicing investment funds, unit-linked insurance products, private equity funds, real estate funds, hedge funds and funds of hedge funds. EFA is one of the leaders of the outsourcing market in Luxembourg, Europe’s largest fund center. EFA’s range of services includes: Net Asset Value calculation, bookkeeping and portfolio valuation, transfer agent and registrar services, fiscal services, compliance and risk management, performance measurement and attribution, domiciliation and reporting solutions. EFA’s shareholders are Quintet Luxembourg, Banque de Luxembourg S.A., Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat and Oddo BHF. More information available at

Internship - Information Technology Internship - Transfer Agency & Shareholder S. Internship - Securities & Middle Office Ops Internship - Transformation team Internship - Operational Readiness team Internship - Compliance team Internship - Risk Management team Internship - Fund Accounting UCI Internship Fund Accounting Private Assets Internship Investors Services Private Assets Private Equity & Real Estate Accountant

AML/KYC Officer

Banking / Financial Services / Insurance

Job openings (M/F):

Monex Europe S.A.

Monex Europe S.A. is a commercial foreign exchange provider based in Luxembourg and authorized by the CSSF as a payment institution. Our foreign currency trading services enable corporate clients to efficiently meet their FX needs for goods, services and direct investments, helping our clients mitigate exposure to FX risk and pay their suppliers across the world. Monex Europe S.A. is part of the Monex group which has offices in the City of London, Madrid, Amsterdam, Singapore and Toronto. The Monex Group employs over 2,500 employees globally and provides banking and brokerage services to around 65,000+ clients worldwide. Our heritage is the backbone of Monex, with more than 35 years’ of experience in the FX industry, guided by the core principles of personal service, competitiveness, speed and efficiency

Junior Compliance Analyst Monitoring

Junior Compliance Analyst Onboarding Junior Operations Officer

Banking / Financial Services / Insurance

Job openings (M/F):

More than a job,a career opportunity !

Private AssetsFund accountingPricingMiddle Office & Investors ServicesTransfer AgencyAML/KYC, Compliance & Risk ManagementIT

Internship opportunities in:

Job opportunities:

CACEIS Bank, Luxembourg Branch

CACEIS is the asset servicing banking group of Crédit Agricole and Santander dedicated to asset managers, insurance companies, pension funds, banks, brokers and corporate clients.

Through offices across Europe, North and South America, and Asia, CACEIS offers a broad range of services covering execution, clearing, forex, securities lending, custody, depositary and fund administration, fund distribu-tion support, middle office outsourcing and issuer services.

In Luxembourg, we provide specialized services for Asset managers, Institutional and corporate clients.

Accountant - PERES Cash Services Officer - PERES Depositary Operations Officer - PERES Accounting Assistant Manager - PERES Fund Accountant Investment Restrictions Analyst Client Project Manager Trading Collateral Officer Head of IT Line Risk IT Project Manager Digital Workplace Opportunités - Jeunes diplômés

ETF Solution Coordination Officer

Banking / Financial Services / Insurance

Job openings (M/F):

Edmond de Rothschild (Europe)

Maison d’investissement de convictions fondée sur l’idée que la richesse doit servir à construire demain, Edmond de Rothschild est spécialisé dans la Banque Privée et la Gestion d’actifs.

Au service d’une clientèle internationale de familles, d’entrepreneurs et d’investisseurs institutionnels, le Groupe est également présent dans les métiers de Corporate Finance, de Private Equity, de l’Immobilier et de Fund Services.

Son caractère résolument familial confère à Edmond de Rothschild l’indépendance nécessaire pour proposer des stratégies audacieuses et des investissements de long terme, ancrés dans l’économie réelle.

Stage - Private Equity Stage - Assurances & Conseils Stage - Banque Dépositaire Stage - Corporate Secretariat Stage - Support Business Development IFS Stage - Client Onboarding & Administration Stage - Portfolio Management Stage - Client & Business Management Stage - Finance Invoicing Stage - Comptabilité générale Stage - Compliance/Conformité réglementaire

Stage - Wealth Management Stage - Risk Management & Compliance Officer Stage - Contrôle Interne Stage - Client Service Management / KYC Stage - Valuation function Stage - Sécurité des Systèmes d’Informations Stage - Opérations sur Titres Stage - Trafic des Paiements Stage - Transactionnel Titres

Banque / Finance / Assurance

Postes proposés (H/F) :

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

La Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) agit exclusivement dans l’intérêt public. Notre am-bition est de protéger les consommateurs financiers et de promouvoir l’équité, la transparence et la sécurité du secteur financier, l’un des principaux piliers de l’économie luxembourgeoise. La CSSF se distingue également par sa forte implication sur le plan européen et international. Nos collaborateurs participent activement aux groupes de travail constitués auprès des institutions internationales et travaillent en étroite collaboration avec les autres autorités européennes avec comme objectif commun de promouvoir la stabilité financière sur la scène européenne et internationale.

Junior Inspector–Banking Risks–On-site Business Analyst Economiste Analystes cybersécurité Inspecteur contrôle qualité des audits Juriste Economistes / Juristes Analyste / Gestionnaire de fonds Stagiaires Audit / Gestion des risques Stagiaires IT / Gestion de projet Stagiaires (Surveillance prudentielle)

Stagiaires en lutte anti-blanchiment Spécialiste en comptabilité / informations Auditeur de «SI» (off-site) Project Structurer / Coordinator IT Devops Engineer IT Risk Analyst Tech Lead Java

Banque / Finance / Assurance

Postes proposés (H/F) :

ING Luxembourg

ING Group est une institution financière d’origine néerlandaise qui propose des services bancaires, d’assurance et d’investissement à plus de 47 millions de clients privés, Corporate et Institutionnels dans 40 pays. Avec près de 75.000 employés, notre groupe international rassemble de nombreuses institutions qui délivrent un service sous le label uniformisé d’ING. Quant à ING Luxembourg, notre banque dispose d’un réseau de 17 agences au Grand-Duché. Elle a pour mission de répondre aux besoins très variés de sa clientèle locale et internationale, qui compte aussi bien des particuliers que des professionnels. Ses différentes équipes sont composées de spécialistes qui disposent d’un savoir-faire étendu dans tous les domaines.

Relationship Managers Client Advisor - Contact Center KYC Outreach Analyst Financial/Regulatory Reporting Officer Financial Crime Compliance Officer Stages Marketing, events, UX Stages opérationnels Stages Project Management Stages Gestion des risques de la banque

Stages Sales Stages Tech / Data / Business Analyst Stages Légal Stages HR Recrutement / Formation / RSE Stages Analyse financière Stages Comptabilité Stages KYC

Banque / Finance / Assurance

Postes proposés (H/F) :



Pictet est un groupe bancaire indépendant de premier plan en Europe, spécialiste des services d’investissement et possédant plus de 200 ans d’expérience dans la gestion d’actifs et de fortune. De 5 collaborateurs en 1989, Pictet Luxembourg s’est développé pour atteindre aujourd’hui plus de 700 per-sonnes, ce qui fait de Pictet Luxembourg le deuxième site du Groupe. En 2019, nous avons célébré le 30e anniversaire de notre implantation dans le Grand-Duché, 30 ans d’un succès qui n’a fait que se renforcer au cours des décennies.

Graduate - HR Legal, Risks and Compliance Operational Tax Officer Banking Operational Officer Funds Controller Funds Accountant - FTC 18 months Private Equity Investment Services Officer Graduate – Client Support Officer Asset Services Front/Specialized Intern Operational Intern

Banque / Finance / Assurance

Postes proposés (H/F) :


Forte d’une tradition de plus de 160 ans, la Spuerkeess se positionne parmi les 20 premiers employeurs duGrand-Duché. Aujourd’hui, elle est à la fois LA banque luxembourgeoise par excellence et une banque universelle reconnue dans le monde entier pour ses résultats et sa fiabilité.

En tant que banque universelle misant en permanence sur l’innovation et le développement de ses activités, la Spuerkeess est toujours à la recherche de jeunes talents dynamiques, motivés, et voulant relever de nouveaux défis surtout dans les domaines de la digitalisation et du réglementaire.

Microsoft 365 Administrator Architecte Sécurité Informatique Data Engineer en Risque de Taux et de Liquidité Assistant juridique et opérationnel – Salle des marchés Gestionnaire de fortune expérimenté (commercial) Ingénieur-système Mainframe

Banque / Finance / Assurance

Postes proposés (H/F) :


Société Générale is one of the biggest financial services groups in the euro zone.With 150,000 employees worldwide, the group focuses its activity on three main businesses: RetailBanking & Financial Services, Asset Management & Investors’ Services, Corporate & Investment Bank.

A 100% subsidiary of Société Générale Group, Société Générale Luxembourg is the first foreign bank tobe based in Luxembourg, renowned international financial center. Commercial Bank originally, we arenow a bank delivering various services to a diversified international clientele.

Agent Back Office Settlement Agent back Office Operations sur Titre Agent Middle Office PERE Risk Analyst Accountant AIF Auditor Sales Private Banking Risks Manager (VIE) Risks Analyst (VIE) Software engineer (VIE)

Banking / Financial Services / Insurance

Job openings (M/F):


ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel and mining company, with approximately 168,000 employees in more than 60 countries and an industrial presence in 17 countries. ArcelorMittal is the leader in all major global steel markets including automotive, construction, household appliances and packaging, with world-class research and development and outstanding distribution networks. Our goal is to help build a better world with smarter steels. Steels made using innovative processes which use less energy, emit significantly less carbon and reduce costs. Steels that are cleaner, stronger and reusable. Steels for electric vehicles and renewable energy infrastructure that will support societies as they transform through this century. With steel at our core, our inventive people and an entrepreneurial culture at heart, we will support the world in making that change.

Data Analyst Performance Management Capex Intern Optimisation des changements de production Gestion de projets Ressources Humaines Ingénieur Projet Partnerships Development Strategy Analyst Human Resources Support

Procurement Digitalization project Commercial Performance Coordinator Maintenance Engineer Production Engineer Finance Analyst Ingénieur Projet Project Management Officer Business Intelligence & Data Analyst Employé(e) relations analyst - V.I.E.

Industry / Construction / Transport

Job openings (M/F):


For more than 25 years, Sofitex Talent Recruitment network has specialized in recruiting and delegating experts, and has now become one of the main cross-border actors between Luxembourg, Germany and France. Sofitex Talent Recruitment offers candidates a personalized career path management according to the evolution of their own aspirations.

Sofitex Talent Recruitment has come to excellence because it is managed by passionate co-workers who know how to be and how to do. They get involved as real leaders, with generosity, humanism and both rigor and imagi-nation. The dynamic and success of Sofitex Talent Recruitment are based on mutual commitments aiming at full satisfaction of both clients and part-time workers.

Administrative assistant Fr-Eng Fund Trading Agent Cash Officer/Reconciliation Agent Junior Project Manager Comptable fiduciaire Junior Infrastructure Engineer Pricing Valuation Employee Accounts Payable Fr-En AML Compliance Officer Agent administratif - opérateur scanning Agent Back Office Settlement

Commercial junior trilingue Fr-Ang-All Administrative and financial officer Data Team - Data Analysts

Banking / Financial Services / Insurance

Job openings (M/F):

Swiss Life Luxembourg S.A.

Swiss Life Global Solutions offers a broad range of cross-border life insurance solutions to wealthy individuals for a suitable integrated wealth planning, and to international companies to address the benefits needs of their local and mobile employees. Our purpose is to enable people to lead a self-determined life. At Swiss Life, we strive for high quality standard in business practices. Our intimate size enables us to offer proactive customer care, with multilingual specialists dedicated to local and international markets.

Accounting Trainee Business Support Trainee Internal Communication Trainee Investment Controls Trainee Investment Services Trainee

Partner servicing trainee Compliance trainee Actuarial trainee Finance Trainee Finance Officer KYC Officer

Partner servicing Officer

Banking / Financial Services / Insurance

Job openings (M/F):


CFL - Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois

Depuis notre création en 1946, nous faisons partie intégrante du paysage et de l’histoire luxembourgeoise. Avec plus de 1.000 trains voyageurs et fret qui circulent sur le réseau ferré luxembourgeois chaque jour, nous assumons un rôle essentiel dans l’évolution du Luxembourg et de la Grande-Région, en tant qu’acteur de la mobilité bien sûr, mais également en tant qu’employeur.

Notre groupe CFL compte aujourd’hui plus de 4.800 employés, et nous sommes le 2ème employeur du pays. Aussi nombreux que soient nos nouveaux collaborateurs chaque année, chacun fait l’objet d’un accueil et d’un accompagnement personnalisé, pour pouvoir exprimer pleinement son talent.


Industrie / BTP / Transport

Postes proposés (H/F) :

Cebi Luxembourg S.A.

Avec plus de 3000 employés dans le monde entier, le groupe Cebi réunit 11 sites de production répartis dans 8 pays différents. Nous développons et fabriquons des composants électromécaniques pour les plus grands constructeurs automobiles et fournisseurs de 1er niveau ainsi que pour les principaux fabricants d’appareils électroménagers.

En plus de procéder à la validation des produits dans nos propres laboratoires, nous comptons plus de 260 ex-perts dans nos 7 centres de R&D, entièrement dédiés à l’innovation et à l’amélioration de nos produits. Cebi Luxembourg S.A., notre site de production situé à Steinsel, emploie plus de 600 personnes et est certifié IATF 16949 ainsi que ISO 14001.

IT Network & Security Engineer Junior EDI System Coordinator Data Analyst – Corporate level Technicien Métrologue / Qualité Information Security Trainee Technicien Qualité spécialisé études MSA Ingénieur Méthodes Process Ingénieur Qualité Injection

Industrie / BTP / Transport

Postes proposés (H/F) :

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Fanuc Europe Corporation SA

FANUC is the world-leading provider of factory automation. Our machine range includes a number of Robots, Cutting, Drilling, and Injection moulding machines, Laser, motors and control systems used in automation. FANUC Europe Corporation is the European Headquarter, located in Luxembourg. Our 250+ employees provide a full range of services to our 20+ European subsidiaries. This includes European Sales and Service, Technical Support, Supply Chain, Spare Parts and Repairs, as well as Marketing, Human Resources, IT, Legal, Compliance and Administrative Support.

Internship | Business Intelligence Internship | ICT Management & Organisation Internship | Finance & Accounting Internship | IT - CRM Project Support

Industry / Construction / Transport

Job openings (M/F):

DB Engineering & Consulting

DB E&C – Eisenbahn für die Welt von morgen DB Engineering & Consulting bietet technisch hochwertige und maßgeschneiderte Infrastruktur-, Mobilitäts- und Transportlösungen. Das Know-how der Deutschen Bahn ist weltweit gefragt. DB Engineering & Consulting bietet es - von der Idee bis zum Betrieb. Wir sind ständig auf der Suche nach neuen motivierten Mitarbeitern. Besuchen Sie uns und werden Sie Teil unseres Teams. Alle Stellen finden Sie auf

Ingenieur Umweltplanung Bauüberwacher Vermessungsingenieur Ingenieur Hydrogeologie Planungsingenieur Jobs bei DB Engineering & Consulting

Industrie / Bau / Transport

Stellenangebote (M/W):


Ferrero Luxembourg Headquarters

Ferrero is a family-owned company with a truly progressive and global outlook and iconic brands such as Nutella®, Ferrero Rocher®, Raffaello®, Kinder Bueno®, and Kinder Surprise®. As the love for our brands continues to grow, so too does our global reach. Represented in 55 countries, with products sold in more than 170, the Ferrero Group is loved by generations around the world.

The secret to our global success? Nearly 35,000 dedicated employees who celebrate care and quality to craft a business, careers and brands we are proud of. Join us, and you could be one of them.

Cybersecurity Network & System Specialist Cybersecurity Defence & Response Specialist Brand Manager Schokobons Brand Manager Kinder Open Innovation Business Analyst Channel & Trade Development Specialist Key Account Manager Travel Market eCommerce Business Analyst Global eCommerce Capabilities Specialist Internal Auditor Accounting & Financial Reporting Specialist

Accounts Payable Specialist Industrial Cost Controller Specialist Internship in Finance Administration

Industry / Construction / Transport

Job openings (M/F):


The right Man in the right Place La bonne personne au bon poste peut faire la différence, être source de succès, d’efficacité, de rentabilité et d’épanouissement tant pour les salariés que pour les entreprises. Luxembourg Engineering and Application Services SA - L.E.A.SE. SA est une société spécialisée dans l’assistance technique, le conseil et la recherche de nouveaux talents pour les industries, les bureaux d’études, les sociétés d’ingénierie et les entrepreneurs industriels. Nous intervenons pour des petites, moyennes ou grandes entreprises dans différents secteurs, du secteur tertiaire au domaine industriel, ...

.NET Developer Dessinateur Construction Mechanical Technician Architecte Technico-commercial Industriel Dessinateur HVAC / Sanitaire Dessinateur-Projeteur BIM HVAC Deviseur en Construction Ingénieur Stabilité Gestionnaire de Chantiers Dessinateur en architecture

Dessinateur en Stabilité Product Sales Engineer Acheteur Technique Ingénieur de projets HVAC

Industrie / BTP / Transport

Postes proposés (H/F) :

Goodyear S.A.

Goodyear is one of the world’s largest tire companies. Its two Innovation Centers in Akron, Ohio, and Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg, strive to develop state-of-the-art products and services that set the technology and performance standard for the industry. Goodyear in Colmar-Berg and Dudelange is an integrated industrial complex, which is complemented by various plants and installations. It is Goodyear’s most diversified complex outside the United States.

Do you want to work in a fast paced, world class organization with a long history and an exciting future? Become a part a team based in Colmar-Berg or Dudelange contributing to the innovation, safety and sustainability of tires that drivers across EMEA rely on every day!

Vehicle Dynamics Engineer Electro-Mechanics & HVAC Technician Mechanical/Mechatronic/Electrical Engineer Opérateurs CNC (Tourneur - Fraiseur) Performance Test Driver Reliability Engineer Master in Electric or Mechanical Engineering EHS Engineer Engineering Support Specialist Tire Mechanics Engineer - Commercial Agile Analyst - Software & Algorithm developer

Analytical Chemist; Masters

Industry / Construction / Transport

Job openings (M/F):


FEDIL est une fédération entrepreneuriale multisectorielle représentant aujourd’hui plus de 650 entreprises luxembourgeoises. Grâce à une forte innovation et diversification industrielle, la recherche de talents est devenue leur priorité commune.

Allant des petites et moyennes entreprises locales aux grands acteurs internationaux, ils offrent des opportunités d’emploi prometteuses dans 35 industries différentes (y compris automobile, Green-Tech, Space, transformation de matériaux, TIC, chimie et pharmaceutique, construction, conseil aux entreprises, ingénierie, ...).

Pour en savoir plus, visitez notre stand virtuel «Work in Luxembourg’s Industry» et postulez pour les postes et stages proposés sur

Please see more offers on

Industrie / BTP / Transport

Postes proposés (H/F) :

SECO Luxembourg

Qui sommes-nous ? SECO Luxembourg fait partie du groupe SECO, qui a été fondé en 1934 par le secteur de la construction en tant que coopérative technique au service du secteur. Au Luxembourg, SECO est depuis 30 ans, avec maintenant 70 experts techniques, le leader incontesté en matière de prévention des risques et du contrôle qualité sur tous les types d’ouvrages. Notre objectif est d’offrir la meilleure protection possible et des perspectives d’avenir pour les générations de constructeurs, d’innovateurs et d’entrepreneurs. Notre expertise non seulement vous protège, mais vous garantit également la fierté d’avoir réalisé un projet meilleur.

Ingénieur en Génie Civil Ingénieur en Techniques Spéciales Gestionnaire de Projet en QHSE Ingénieur en Organisme Agréé Inspecteur en Levage et SG Ingénieur en Commodo/Incommodo Key Accout Manager Sales Assistant Administrative Assistant OPS Administrative Assistant CT

Industrie / BTP / Transport

Postes proposés (H/F) :

John Zink Hamworthy Combustion

John Zink Hamworthy Combustion, a Koch Engineered Solutions company, has shaped its capabilities and strengths so we can provide comprehensive technical and business solutions. Through our core strengths – Value Creation, Expertise, Innovation and Operational Excellence, we deliver a new era of technology vision enabling our customers to increase output and improve efficiency while preserving the environment. Who is Koch Engineered Solutions? We’re problem solvers and capability builders. We engineer solutions. - A dynamic and growing community of experts- Capabilities across engineering, manufacturing, construction and optimization- Custom-created solutions to meet specific needs of our partners.

Comptable Fournisseur Import & Export Coordinator JR Sales & Application Engineer CFD Engineer Technicien Combustion - Centre de Test Internship – Human Resources Officer Internship – EHS Officer Internship – Production Engineer Apprenticeship – DAP Gestionnaire Logistique

Industry / Construction / Transport

Job openings (M/F):

Schroeder & Associés

Le bureau d’études Schroeder & Associés SA développe ses activités d’ingénieurs-conseils dans 4 domaines fondamentaux : l’ingénierie, la structure, l’infrastructure et les services.

Fort d’une expérience de 60 ans et avec l’appui de nos 380 collaborateurs et de nos partenaires spécialisés de l’étranger, nous offrons nos services, notre expérience et notre savoir-faire à notre clientèle.

Ingénieur Junior en énergie et environnement / Technicien en génie technique Ingénieur en génie civil des constructions Technicien et dessinateur-projeteur Bauingenieur, Verkehrswesen Strassenbau Ingénieur en génie civil – spécialisation infrastructure Expert en bâtiment – Junior Ingénieur spécialisation eau/assainissement Secrétaire – Réceptionniste Analyste/Developpeur Full Stack Agent Helpdesk IT Agent Helpdesk Software

Industrie / BTP / Transport

Postes proposés (H/F) :


Amazon Europe Core S.à r.l.

Amazon’s mission is to be Earth’s most customer-centric company where people can find and discover anything they want to buy online. Amazon’s evolution from website to e-commerce and publishing partner to innovative technology development is driven by the pioneering spirit that is part of the company’s DNA.

The world’s brightest minds come to Amazon to research and develop new technologies that improve the lives of our customers: shoppers, sellers, content creators, and developers around the world. Because that’s what being Earth’s most customer-centric company is all about, and it’s still Day 1 at Amazon.

Business Development Intern Finance Intern Business Analyst Intern Software Development Engineer Internship Software Development Engineer Graduate

IT / Consulting

Job openings (M/F):

FeneTech Europe Sàrl

FeneTech Europe in Luxembourg, is the European branch of a worldwide leading software company having its headquarter in Cleveland. Our business deals with the development, implementation and support of FeneVision ERP, our fully integrated solution for the glass processing market.

Our ERP controls the entire manufacturing process from quotation to production to shipping and everything in between.

FeneTech Luxembourg office serves the European market, currently active in more than 10 different European countries.

.Net Developer Junior Project Manager ERP EN/DE ERP Application Consultant (DE - FR) ERP Application Consultant (EN - DE)

IT / Consulting

Job openings (M/F):


Go your Way. Go WALTER!

Sie suchen nicht nur einen Job, sondern internationales Business. Kein Herumreden, sondern Anpacken. Nicht nur Kollegen, sondern Teamgeist.

Mit dem Traineeprogramm der WALTER GROUP tauchen Sie direkt ins Tagesgeschäft ein. Training on the Job bedeutet bei uns: Mitreden, Mitarbeiten und Mitentscheiden. Ihre Weiterentwicklung ist uns wichtig! Gemeinsam gestalten wir Ihre berufliche Zukunft mit unserem Bildungspro-gramm der WALTER ACADEMY. Klingt interessant? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!

Internationales Transport Management Customer Service Customer Service Management

Industrie / Bau / Transport

Stellenangebote (M/W):

CK - Charles Kieffer Group

Depuis 1946, CK Group est actif dans deux domaines d’activités : l’accompagnement business des entreprises ainsi que le bien-être sportif. Notre groupe compte 200 collaborateurs. Charles Kieffer, le fondateur du groupe, débute ses activités avec la photographie puis, quelques années plus tard, entre dans le domaine du copieur pour devenir, aujourd’hui, une société experte dans l’accompagnement digital et l’amélioration de l’expérience de travail. La philosophie de Charles Kieffer «un esprit sain dans un corps sain» l’a amené à ouvrir en 1980 le Sportcenter à Kockelscheuer et ensuite 4 centres de fitness à travers le pays.

Ses idées ont donné naissance à notre baseline actuelle «healthy people, healthy business».

Développeur ASP.NET / ANGULAR Technicien IT / Helpdesk

Informatique / Consulting

Postes proposés (H/F) :

CGI Luxembourg SA.

Fondée en 1976, CGI figure parmi les plus importantes entreprises indépendantes de services-conseils en techno-logie de l’information et en management au monde. Plus de 200 personnes au Luxembourg travaillent sur des projets ambitieux qui accompagnent nos clients issus de tout secteur d’activité, dans la mise en œuvre de leurs projets dans une relation de confiance afin de leur permettre de prendre les meilleures décisions. Chez CGI, nous sommes convaincus que la diversité crée de la valeur. Nos collaborateurs progressent dans un environnement stimulant, qui favorise l’épanouissement, l’innovation et l’entrepreneuriat. CGI favorise également l’inclusion et permet la transition climatique grâce à ses 3 priorités RSE.

Chef de projet IT/PMO transverse Analyste / Développeur Full Stack Java Analystes IT Leader technique Java Architecte technique Analyste / Développeur Full Stack .Net

Informatique / Consulting

Postes proposés (H/F) :


Fondée en 1995 au Luxembourg, InTech compte aujourd’hui plus de 130 collaborateurs spécialisés dans la conception et la réalisation de solutions logicielles innovantes. Depuis 2016, InTech est labellisée « Great Place to Work » à Luxembourg. Chez InTech, vous pourrez travailler dans des grandes institutions étatiques ou bancaires mais aussi soutenir des startups ou des associations dans des domaines métiers très variés. Rejoindre InTech c’est intégrer une société dans laquelle il fait bon vivre et où chacun peut cultiver et partager son expertise. La priorité est donnée à l’initiative personnelle et l’autonomie, avec des suivis de proximité pour apporter à chacun le moyen de faire évoluer sa carrière.

Dévelopeur fullstack sénior Développeur applications mobiles Développeur applications mobiles hybrides Chef de Projet IT Business Analyst IT UX Designer UI Designer Stages Intelligence Artificielle Stage Virtual Reality Stages développement fullstack

Informatique / Consulting

Postes proposés (H/F) :


BearingPoint is the leading independent management and technology consulting firm in Europe. As part of the strengthening of its activities in the Benelux countries, BearingPoint is looking for interns and Jr Consultants to join his Luxembourg office. This exciting new opportunity will place you right at the heart of an ambitious Project in a fast growing structure.

The Luxembourg office serves leading clients in the financial industry (Wealth Management, Private Banking, Asset Management, Asset Servicing etc.) in their business transformation at the edge of the digital age. BearingPoint provides them with its expertise in defining and implementing Business and Operational Models, designing and reviewing processes and assessing and implementing regulatory changes.

Pre-hiring Internship (6 months) Consultant

IT / Consulting

Job openings (M/F):


i-Hub S.A. is a Luxembourg based company set-up to provide a KYC outsourcing services to the financial and non-financial sectors.

Its objective is to facilitate administrative exchanges between financial, legal and administrative service providers (banks, insurance companies, notaries, management companies, etc.) and their retail and institutional clients, by providing them with a free and secure digital file by which they can manage their identification.

Program Management Intern AML/KYC Officer Senior Business Analyst IT Delivery Administrator

IT / Consulting

Job openings (M/F):


ODDO BHF Solutions GmbH

Wir – die ODDO BHF Solutions GmbH – sind ein kürzlich gegründetes und dynamisches Business Solution Center in Saarbrücken.

Als Tochter der deutsch-französischen ODDO BHF Gruppe unterstützen wir eine der führenden Privatbanken in Europa dabei, die Bedürfnisse vermögender Privatkunden, mittelständischer Unternehmen sowie institutioneller Investoren zu erfüllen.

IT Sachbearbeiter Werkstudent/Praktikant IT Support Mitarbeiter / IT Administration IT Support Spezialist - IT On Site Support Head of IT Digital Workplace and Support-Services IT Spezialist - IT Desktop Engineering IT Support Spezialist - IT Remote Support Kreditanalyst Privatkundengeschäft Kreditrisikoanalyst Kreditbüro International Banking,

Schwerpunkt ECA-Finanzierungen

Informatik / Consulting

Stellenangebote (M/W/D):

McKinsey & Company Luxembourg

McKinsey & Company is a global management consulting firm that serves leading businesses, governments, non governmental organizations, and not-for-profits.

McKinsey Belgium & Luxembourg works with global companies, multinationals, and emerging leaders in and out-side of BeLux. We help businesses build solutions and capabilities for lasting performance improvements across financial services, basic materials, transportation, pharmaceuticals & medical products, telecommunications, consumer goods, technology, and more.

We look for exceptional people who want to help our clients solve their critical business issues.

Junior Associate Associate

IT / Consulting

Job openings (M/F):

Post Luxembourg

POST Luxembourg is the country’s largest provider of postal and telecommunications services and also offers financial and philatelic services. POST Luxembourg Group is one of the largest employers in the country, with more than 4.650 employees working for the company and its subsidiaries. It is also an innovative company that adopts an open-minded approach to the world thanks to its constantly evolving activities and the diversity of its staff, who represent 50 different nationalities.

Conseiller Contact Center Stagiaire KYC Clients professionnels Gestionnaire sécurité Installateur aux Raccordements Professionnels Technicien de Maintenance Informatique DevOps Engineer ICT (Python / Ansible) Coordinateur technique Dépanneur DevOps Expert Internal Sales Advisor ICT Business Consultant

Technicien d’installations (Raccordement Professionnel) Archiviste ou Documentaliste Conservation / Restauration de Patrimoine

Informatique / Consulting

Postes proposés (H/F) :


Odoo is a company that develops a business management software named Odoo (not that original, but simple, isn’t?). This management software is a suite of business applications such as Sales, Accounting, Inventory, HR, Project, CRM, eCommerce, etc. All these applications are integrated with each other, which means that any data added in an app, is synchronized with the other apps that could need that data too. Our priority is to create a user friendly software, so that any new user can find their way easily around it. So to put it simply, Odoo helps business owners run their business from A to Z.

Business Analyst - German or Dutch speaker Software Developer

IT / Consulting

Job openings (M/F):

Philipp (Master franco-allemand en informati



Afin de renforcer ses équipes, POST recherche des jeunes diplômés motivés et dynamiques.Envie d’acquérir de nouvelles compétences ?


Avec près de 4.700 collaborateurs travaillant au sein de l’Entreprise et de ses filiales, le Groupe POST Luxembourg est l’employeur le plus important du pays. Forte de sa renommée bien établie et son ancrage luxembourgeois, POST Luxembourg est aussi une entreprise innovante, ouverte sur le monde par ses métiers en constante évolution et par la richesse de ses collaborateurs de plus de 50 nationalités différentes.

«Le stage m’a permis de découvrir le monde des télécommunications et de commencer dans une entreprise à la pointe de la technologie.»



“Choose your rules and manage your space” RoomMate digitises medium to long-term rental management processes, saving time and money for landlords and tenants.

RoomMate is a client-centric proptech with two scalable platforms. The online platform for landlords, called Estelle, automates many of the time-consuming processes, from tenant onboarding, to rent collection and bank reconciliation, through maintenance management and portfolio reporting. They can finally see how their portfo-lio is performing, and focus on growing it.

The application for tenants, called Spaces allows them to better manage their co-living, which they use among themselves for daily interactions, such as payments, chores, shopping lists, and more.

Data Engineer Design Warrior Junior Inside Sales Marketing Pirate

IT / Consulting

Job openings (M/F):

It’s Time.

Join us on LinkedIn

allenovery_lu & Overy means Allen & Overy LLP and/or its affiliated undertakings.© Allen & Overy LLP 2021 CS2108_CDD-65484_ADD-97228

Setting precendents, not following them... because tomorrow will not be like today.

With over 5,500 people employed in more than 40 major international centres, we are one of the largest and most successful legal practices in the world. Could you be one of us?


Summer internshipDuring summer, we welcome around 30 law students for a one-month internship during the months of July, August or September in our office in Luxembourg. It is the opportunity to discover a practice and to give you a flavor of life at A&O.

Long-term internshipWe offer 6-month internships, which is the best way to get practical, hands-on experience, working alongside partners, associates and trainees on real deals and active cases.

– From January to June

– From July to December

Interested by the Luxembourg Bar and the C.C.D.L. ? At Allen & Overy, while attending the CCDL, you will work only when you have no CCDL courses.

From mid-December until the end of February, you will be released from work to focus on CCDL exam preparation.

You will be remunerated on a part time basis from October to February. You will return at the end of February to the office, after 4 days off offered by the firm to start your collaboration on a full-time basis.

What can you apply for?At Allen & Overy, we believe that how you work is just as important as what you achieve. Naturally we are looking for first-class legal expertise and sharp, incisive thinking – but we are also looking for people who see things differently. Ours is an organization that thrives on the eclectic mix of personalities, backgrounds and opinions our people bring with them. It makes for an exciting and stimulating place to work and an innovative, original and highly effective offering for our clients.

Working at A&O offers more than just a legal career – we offer:– A pleasant atmosphere in a top tier legal practice.

– Legal skills training by means of internal seminars organised by our different practice groups, a cross-training programme, participation in external seminars, etc.

– International secondments.

– Professional skills training such as tailor-made communication courses, management and business skills, client development (including client care and networking) and IT courses.

All our opportunities are on

Opportunities in Luxembourg

Proximus Luxembourg

Created in January 2019, Proximus Luxembourg SA brings together the Tango and Telindus brands under one umbrella and employs 750 people.

Both brands operate jointly to meet all the telecommunications needs of Luxembourg’s residential and business customers.

Tango offers fixed and mobile telephony, Internet and television services to residential customers and small businesses with less than 10 employees, while Telindus provides ICT and fixed and mobile telecommunication services to medium-sized and large companies as well as public administrations.

IPC Manager Cloud Engineer Network & Security Engineer Analyste SOC de niveau 2 Junior Storage & Backup Technical Admin. Junior Technical Administrator VMware Product Manager Connectivity Finan. Data Analyst – Revenues and Dire Digital & Communication Mktg Trainee ITSM System Administrator Ethical Hacker/ Pentester

Operating Engineer Prod. Manager Fixed Voice & Convergent services UC Engineer Ingénieur en Vidéosurveillance Azure Cloud Architect Cloud Architect .NET Consultant

IT / Consulting

Job openings (M/F):

Allen & Overy

Allen & Overy is a leading global law firm operating in over thirty countries. Embracing new trends and harnes-sing decades of experience, we’ve earned our place at the forefront of the legal industry. Our partners are recognised as leaders in their field and our deals and cases often make headline business news.

As a result, we’ve developed a reputation for delivering excellence, in all that we do. Today, we’re continuing to break new ground. By embracing new ways of thinking and integrating technology into our everyday work, we’ve been named as the Most Innovative Law Firm in Europe by the Financial Times five times.

Billing Officer - Finance IT Helpdesk & AV Technician Junior Banking Lawyer Junior Corporate Lawyer Internship in our Real Estate department Paralegal Officer in Corporate department


Job openings (M/F):

Vodafone Luxembourg

Vodafone Group in Luxembourg consists of 3 main entities, Vodafone Procurement Company, Tomorrow Street and Vodafone Roaming Services, that drive our aspiration to connect for a better future.

We purchase products and services from across the globe to help run our business at its very best and we get it done together. We ensure that over 750 million mobile customers can confidently connect abroad and enjoy voice and data services.

Our products help build a digital society that is hyper-connected, in which inclusion is key. We want everyone to have access to technology. In our innovation center we focus on empowering start-ups in technology in order to create a better future together on a global scale. Together we can!

Vodafone Group Luxembourg Internship Category Specialist Leased Lines Category Manager IT Category Manager Unified Communications & Connectivity Category Manager Hybrid Fibre Coax Services Design to Cost Hardware Manager Global Logistics Supply Planning Manager Global Logistics Demand Planning Manager

IT / Consulting

Job openings (M/F):


Sopra Steria:Who are we? Sopra Steria PSF (a merger between Sopra Luxembourg and Steria PSF Luxembourg), providing digital services in the following areas: Consulting & Cyber Security, Information Systems and IT Infrastructure. Sopra Banking Software:With over 3500 experts and one of the deepest, broadest portfolios of software and services, Sopra Banking Sof-tware is a trusted, long-term partner of over 800 banks in more than 70 countries. Sopra Banking Software has an unequalled ability to address the requirements for banks and financial institutions of any size and scope, allowing them to innovate and expand their services.

Stage - Ingénieur Réseaux Stage - DevOps Stage - Développeur Java Stage - Développement d’applications .NET Stage - Développeur Front-End Stage - Ingénieur Sécurité Internship - Windows System Engineer Internship - Test Engineer Internship - Data Scientist Oracle Database Developer Oracle Database Administrator

Java Developer Ingénieur Système Unix/Linux Windows/Citrix System Administrator DevOps Architect Cloud System Engineer Cybersecurity Engineer Junior Information Security Consultant Consultant Regulatory and Data Protection Infrastructure Project Manager Junior IT Consultants Junior Application Support Engineer

IT / Consulting

Job openings (M/F): /


Arendt offers its large base of Luxembourg and foreign institutional clients end-to-end specialist advice, covering all legal, regulatory, taxation and advisory aspects of doing business in Luxembourg. Our comprehensive approach is delivered seamlessly by the various affiliated service companies that have deve-loped over the years to complement the legal services offered by Arendt & Medernach. Any of the service com-panies within the Arendt group provide access to a one-stop shop for all our clients’ legal and business needs.

Internship – Corporate Services Long-term Legal Intern Junior Fund Accountant - PERE Internship - Fund Domiciliation / Company Secretary Internship – Fund Accounting Junior Paralegal Consultant - Investment funds distribution Regulatory Consultant Junior Officer - Fund Domiciliation Internship – Accounting Services Cash Collection Specialist

Entry-Level Legal Associates Legal Intern


Job openings (M/F):


CMS Luxembourg

Founded in 1999, CMS is an integrated, multi-jurisdictional organisation of law firms that offers full-service legal and tax advice. With more than 70 offices in over 40 countries across the world and more than 4,800 lawyers, CMS has long-standing expertise both in advising in its local jurisdictions and across borders. From major multinationals and mid-caps to enterprising start-ups, CMS provides the technical rigour, strategic excellence, and long-term partnership to keep each client ahead in its chosen markets.

CMS Luxembourg, created in 2011, is a full-service business law firm employing more than 70 lawyers and focusing on Corporate/M&A, Banking & Finance, Tax and Investment Funds. Our aim is to provide business-focused and tailor-made solutions to help clients mitigate risk and benefit from innovation, enabling business or organisations to thrive.

Senior Associate Tax Managing Associate Tax Senior Associate Corporate/M&A Managing Associate Corporate/M&A Paralegal Investment Funds Professional Support Lawyer Investment Funds Associate Dispute Resolution Assistant Dispute Resolution & Employment

Intern HR Intern Investment Funds Intern Corporate Intern Tax Intern Banking&Finance


Job openings (M/F):

Clifford Chance

We are one of the world’s pre-eminent law firms with significant depth and range of resources across five conti-nents. As a single, fully integrated, global partnership, we pride ourselves on our approachable, collegiate and team-based way of working. Our Luxembourg office includes close to 170 professionals with over 120 lawyers among them 12 partners. Expe-rienced in banking and finance, capital markets, corporate and M&A, employment, investment funds, litigation and tax, we advise both international and Luxembourg-based clients, including financial institutions and businesses. We always strive to exceed the expectations of our clients and the world’s leading businesses can come to us with their most complex challenges.

Junior Investment Funds Lawyer Junior Banking & Finance Lawyer Junior Corporate Lawyer Legal Intern Billing Assistant


Job openings (M/F):

Bring value,get value,be valued.

Join the leading business law firm in Luxembourg

DLA Piper Luxembourg

DLA Piper Luxembourg is a multi-lingual, culturally sensitive, young, dynamic and growing team. We benefit from the advantages of a global law firm, with the advantages of a human-sized firm.

Our Team has a wealth of expertise on investment funds, corporate, M&A, banking, finance, capital markets, tax, and intellectual property and technology, applying sound commercial judgment to client’s legal and final decisions. We advise international clients on cross border deals with the benefits of the Luxembourg broad range, business oriented legal and tax toolkit.

Because we are another kind of Law Firm, feel free to come visit us and discover it by yourself!

Associate, Finance, Projects & Restructuring Counsel, Corporate Investment Funds Mid-Level Associate Corporate Associate, Corporate Investment Funds 0-2 years 6 Month Internship, Corporate 6 Month Internship, Finance, Projects & Restructuring 6 Month Internship, Intellectual Property & Technology 6 Month Internship, Litigation & Regulatory Marketing and Communication Intern


Job openings (M/F):

Corporate site: site:

Dechert (Luxembourg) LLP

Dechert is a global law firm, focused on sectors with the greatest complexities, legal intricacies and highest regulatory demands. We value openness, communication, integrity and honesty, thriving on the individual and collaborative efforts that are essential to producing excellent results.

At Dechert, we are committed to attracting a diverse group of highly talented individuals from all sources, regardless of background. We seek to hire candidates with sharp minds, a passion for learning and the skills to deliver a level of client service that is distinctly Dechert. Dechert is committed to ensuring employment opportu-nity and non-discrimination. We are proud of our Firm and want everyone to feel welcome to join us!

Senior Investment Funds Lawyers (Lux/EU Bar) Junior Investment Funds Lawyers (Lux/EU Bar) Trainee solicitor (List II Lux Bar)


Job openings (M/F):


ELVINGER HOSS PRUSSEN, société anonyme | Registered with the Luxembourg Bar | RCS Luxembourg B 209469 | VAT LU28861577ELVINGER SARL | Registered with the Luxembourg Bar | RCS Luxembourg B 218214 | Acting as a PLLC through its New York branch


NEW YORKElvinger Sàrl

Since 1964

Free to grow your own way Meet us, Join us l [email protected]

Elvinger Hoss Prussen

Independent in structure and spirit, Elvinger Hoss Prussen guides clients on their most critical Luxembourg legal matters.

Our firm was founded in 1964 by lawyers committed to excellence and creativity in legal practice. Since then, we have shaped a firm fit for one purpose; to deliver the best possible advice for businesses, institutions and entrepreneurs.

We are proud to play a unique role in the development of Luxembourg as a financial centre. And we welcome like minds to open opportunities for the future.

We will be delighted to meet you @Unicareers 2021. Meet us, Join us!

Junior Associates & Juristes Internships Experienced Investment Funds, Corporate, Banking &

Finance lawyers Experienced Tax lawyer Junior ICT, IP, media & data protection lawyer


Job openings (M/F):

Loyens & Loeff Luxembourg is part of a fully independent law firm specialised in providing integrated tax and legal advice to a wide range of clients. At Loyens & Loeff, we are not only looking for talented professionals, but above all, for nice people. We are not an employer where you have to switch off your personality as soon as you turn on your computer in the morning. As diverse as our people are, they share their drive, ambition and focus on achieving results, in their work and beyond.

Tax Banking & Finance

Litigation /Employment

Real Estate

Corporate / M&A

Main focus areas

Investment Management

11 942

1917 102

We are always looking for junior or senior associates and interns with • a degree in law or taxation• written and oral English skills• and excellent client communication and team work.

Do not hesitate to contact us via [email protected]


You’re more than just a lawyer

Loyens & Loeff

Loyens & Loeff Luxembourg is an international full service law and tax advisory firm.

Our Luxembourg office is led by 24 experienced partners and forms part of the Loyens & Loeff network, which counts more than 940 partners and associates worldwide.

Our office in Luxembourg comprises around 130 professionals and has a total headcount of more than 220.

Secrétaire volante bilingue FR/EN KYC Officer Speculative application - Jurist/Lawyer Legal Intern


Job openings (M/F):

GSK Stockmann

GSK Stockmann is a leading independent European corporate law firm with over 200 professionals across our offices in Germany and Luxembourg. In Luxembourg, GSK Stockmann is the trusted advisor of leading financial institutions, asset managers, private equity houses, insurance companies, corporates and FinTech companies, having both a local and global reach. Our lawyers advise domestic and international clients in relation to Corporate and M&A, Private Equity, Invest-ment Funds, Capital Markets, Banking & Finance, Regulatory, Real Estate, Insurance, as well as Tax. More about us:

Junior Associate Lawyer IT Spezialist/in Rechtsanwalt im Bereich Investmentfonds

Interns (all departments) Referendar (in allen Bereichen) Junior and Experienced Lawyers (all departments) Administrative assistants


Job openings (M/F):


Luther in Luxembourg is a leading business law firm that was established in 2010. The firm’s multilingual profes-sionals advise domestic and international clients across numerous practice areas, particularly Corporate/M&A, Banking and Finance, Dispute Resolution, Investment Management, Employment, and Real Estate. Our clients, ranging from multinational corporations, investment funds, financial institutions to private equity firms, have placed their trust in our interdisciplinary legal advice that aims to hit the mark. Luther employs 420 lawyers and tax advisors and is present in 10 German economic centers and has 10 interna-tional offices in European and Asian financial centers.

Luther is a founding member of unyer (, a global organisation of leading professional services firms that cooperate exclusively with each other.

German Speaking Investment Funds Lawyer Senior Real Estate Lawyers Senior Corporate Lawyer Corporate Lawyer Banking, Finance & Capital Markets Lawyer


Job openings (M/F):


Also offering Internships, Master- and Bachelor Thesis in R&D. Come and join our Team!

[email protected] |


Commissioning EngineersProject Manager C⋅A⋅T


STIBBE Avocats

Stibbe is a leading international law firm with over 390 lawyers, 75 of whom are partners, and a total staff of over 360. From our main offices in Luxembourg, Amsterdam and Brussels, together with our branch offices in London and New York, we handle our clients’ legal challenges both locally and cross-border. From our office in the heart of Luxembourg’s financial district, our legal specialists offer services across the broad corporate and finance field. We now have over 30 lawyers working in dedicated, multidisciplinary teams together with our other offices across the globe.

Junior & Experienced Lawyers Staff


Job openings (M/F):

Waagner Biro Stage Systems

Waagner-Biro Luxembourg Stage Systems S.A. is part of the Waagner-Biro Stage Systems Group, one of the world’s largest suppliers of stage technology, with headquarters in Austria. As one of the global market leaders, the company develops and installs stage technology systems for opera houses, theatres, music halls, multi-pur-pose halls, and cruise ships.

The main focus at the Luxembourg location in Rodange is developing the safety-related control system for the stage machinery «Computer-Aided Theatre» (C.A.T), which uses state-of-the-art technology to control the upper stage and lower stage machinery in more than 170 venues worldwide.

Commissioning Engineer Internship in R&D: Haptic Feedback Senior Full Stack JavaScript Developer Internship R&D: Virtual Theatre Improvement Master Thesis in R&D - PRODUCT DEV. TRAINEE Bachelor Thesis / Internship in R&D (PCBs) Bachelor Thesis / Internship in R&D: Test Auto Master Thesis in R&D («Digital Twins» Tech)

Research & Development

Job openings (M/F):




Get ahead personally and professionally with a clear goal in sight. Seize the opportunity as a proficient and self-motivated

lawyer (m/f/d) jurist (m/f/d) trainee (m/f/d)

Contacts:Human Resources DepartmentPhone: +352 27 484 - [email protected]

La Provençale

LA PROVENCALE est le plus grand centre régional d’alimentation en gros avec plus de 1400 collaborateurs et 150 camions frigorifiques.

Nous distribuons non seulement au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, mais également dans les régions limitrophes d’Allemagne, de Belgique et de France. Notre gamme comprend plus de 35.000 articles de qualité.

Le panel de nos clients regroupe tous les professionnels des métiers de bouche tel que les hôtels, restaurants, cantines, sociétés de restauration, compagnies aériennes, hôpitaux, supermarchés, épiceries, boulangeries, boucheries et organisateurs de fêtes champêtres.

Futur Coordinateur Logistique Ingénieur Système Windows Développeur WEB Angular Sommelier Technicien de Maintenance en Électromécanique

Commerce / Distribution / Marketing

Postes proposés (H/F) :


LISER is the socio-economic focused public research institute of Luxembourg. LISER’s mission is to carry out fun-damental and applied research activities in social sciences in order to create a deep understanding of societal developments and challenges in an multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary way among all its research themes.

LISER consists of three research departments («Living Conditions», «Labour Market», «Urban Development and Mobility»), three interdisciplinary Research Programs («Health and Health Systems», «Crossing Borders», «Digital Transformation»), a Behavioral Sciences Centre and a Data Centre.

2 Assistants de recherche en sciences sociales ou humaines Internship in social science (Economics, Statistics, Public Health) Chargé(e) de Recherches (Research Associate) en sciences sociales Research Analyst in the Labour Market Department Internship in big data analytics and machine learning applied to environmen-

tal science Stagiaires (Analyses quantitatives/qualitatives, Support en gestion de projet,

Qualité, Communication, IT) Assistants de recherche (Méthodologie qualitative/quantitative, Econométrie,

Sciences sociales et humaines)

Research & Development

Job openings (M/F):

AUCHAN Retail Luxembourg

Chez Auchan Retail, nous sommes persuadés qu’un monde qui consomme mieux a plus de chance d’être meilleur. Ancré dans la vie quotidienne, nous voyons que le monde change et que les besoins évoluent.

A quel point la planète s’essouffle, combien nos clients, nos partenaires, nos collaborateurs attendent de nou-velles pratiques. Ils comptent sur Auchan Retail, sur nous, pour les accompagner.

C’est pourquoi nous voulons activement changer la vie des habitants, en donnant le ton d’un commerce nouvelle génération, qui s’engage et donne des repères essentiels. Un commerce qui permet à chacun de mieux vivre au quotidien et à tous de mieux vivre ensemble.

Technicien de maintenance Responsable de département Responsable logistique magasin Employé de rayon - renfort fin d’année Serveur Stand Métiers de Bouche Hôte service client Boulanger Boucher Pâtissier Développeur full stack Chef de projet infrastructure cloud

Commerce / Distribution / Marketing

Postes proposés (H/F) :

LIH - Luxembourg Institute of Health

Research dedicated to life, the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) is a public research organisation at the fore-front of biomedical sciences. LIH aims to perform research that transcends the boundaries of individual diseases and that can be tangibly applied in the clinical practice to address unmet needs, thus positively affecting health outcomes for patients.

This translational and transversal research strategy, combined to the increasing appreciation of the role of the immune system in determining disease, has led LIH to focus on four priority areas: CANCER, IMMUNOLOGICAL DISORDERS, NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES, PREVENTIVE MEDICINE.

Biobank Technician Scientific Equipment assistant Research Engineer in Bioinformatics Clinical Research Nurse in Infect. Diseases Internship in Leukemia Research

Research & Development

Job openings (M/F):


ESA - European Space Agency

The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it can undertake programmes far beyond the scope of any single European country. ESA is always on the look-out for talented new people from engineering, science, IT, natural/social science, business and administration services. From entry-level programmes to ESA staff positions, learn everything you need to know on our careers at ESA website!

Intern in the Director General’s Cabinet Space Segment Security Engineer Research Fellow/Quantum Computing-Earth Obs Research Fellow/Digital Twin Spacecraft Research Fellow/Directorate of Science Materials and Processes Engineer Mechanisms Engineer 5G/6G Hub Coordinator Research Fellow/AI for Hyperspectral Imaging Data

Discover more opportunities at


Job openings:

Gradel Groupe SA

GRADEL is an engineering company established in Luxembourg since 1965. The company is operating 3 activities: Project management of special purpose machines (mechanical automated equipment) dedicated to nuclear and space industry, production of sputtering targets for the glass industry and development of ultralight weight components. These activities gather the following competences: project management, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, automation, FEM calculation, material sciences, purchasing, assembling & testing. Interested by our technical careers? learn more under !

Internship as Composite Materials & Advanced Manufacturing Internship as mechanical design engineer Internship as calculation Engineer Internship in purchasing department Internship as space engineer


Job openings (M/F):


We are leaders in global content connectivity solutions. Leveraging an extensive and intelligent network of satel-lites and terrestrial infrastructure, we design, deliver and manage comprehensive video and data solutions which help our customers connect more people in more places with the world’s most valuable content.

We enable broadcasters to reach more viewers on any screen; mobile network operators to expand into un-charted markets; peacekeepers to share real-time intelligence; passengers to work and play online; and commu-nities in even the most remote places on Earth to access entertainment, knowledge, and opportunity.

We do the extraordinary in space, to deliver amazing experiences everywhere on Earth.

Software Engineer, Operations Architecture Jr. Software Engineer, Full Stack Developer Software Engineer, Front End UI/UX Engineer Automation, Core Transport Networks Engineer, Terminal and RF Engineering Engineer, Spacecraft Subsystem (ADCS & Propulsion) Internship Systems Engineering, Perf. & Operations Internship - Cyber Security Engineer, EAGLE1 Internship - Human Capital Internship - Digital Marketing Internship - Software Solutions Engineer

Internship - Strategy & Market Intelligence Internship - Spectrum data engineering Internship - Global Programmes and Events Internship - External Communications


Job openings (M/F):


UNIVERSEH is an alliance of five young and mature universities from five European countries.

It was established in November 2020 to develop a new way of collaboration in the field of Space, within the new “European Universities” initiative promoted by the European Commission. We create new higher education interactive experiences for the university community, teachers and students, and for the benefit of society as a whole. UNIVERSEH is uniquely capable to foster its wide range of expertise and already acquired extensive contacts with the space industry and European Space Institutes to rapidly adapt and propose the most relevant Teaching & Learning environment to cover European needs in the Space domain.


o Many thanks to our partners!

Schools & Universities Media & Institutions