predicting the effects of eutrophication mitigation on ... · 2010), to be updated by 2021. the...

RESEARCH ARTICLE Predicting the effects of eutrophication mitigation on predatory fish biomass and the value of recreational fisheries Go ¨ran Sundblad , Lena Bergstro ¨m , Tore So ¨derqvist , Ulf Bergstro ¨m Received: 14 June 2019 / Revised: 11 September 2019 / Accepted: 14 September 2019 / Published online: 9 October 2019 Abstract Improving water clarity is a core objective for eutrophication management in the Baltic Sea, but may influence fisheries via effects on fish habitat suitability. We apply an ensemble of species distribution models coupled with habitat productivity functions and willingness-to-pay estimates to assess these effects for two coastal predatory fish species, European perch (Perca fluviatilis) and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). The models predicted a 37% increase in perch and 59% decrease in pikeperch biomass if reaching the reference level for water clarity in the Baltic Sea Action Plan. Reaching the target level was predicted to increase perch biomass by 13%. However, the associated economic gain for the recreational fisheries sector was countervailed by an 18% pikeperch reduction. Still, a net benefit was predicted since there are six times more fishing days for perch than pikeperch. We exemplify how ecological modelling can be combined with economic analyses to map and evaluate management alternatives. Keywords Economic value Á Ecosystem services Á Eutrophication Á Fisheries Á Species distribution model Á Travel cost method INTRODUCTION Increasing pressure from human activities requires envi- ronmental strategies and policies that can ensure a sus- tained delivery of ecosystem services (Costanza et al. 1997; Halpern et al. 2015). Supporting science-based evaluations of policy development and implementation, coupled sce- nario analyses provide potentially useful tools for inte- grating ecology, social science and policymaking (Coreau et al. 2009). By evaluating the effects of changes in envi- ronmental forcing (including human-induced pressures) in spatially explicit, process-based ecological models, the development of ecosystem functions and services can be explored for a set of plausible futures, i.e. scenarios (Qiu et al. 2018). Extending the analysis to include expected net changes in the economic value of benefits provisioned by the ecosystem under different scenarios opens the possi- bility to explore economic benefits and trade-offs (Sta ˚l et al. 2008; Costanza et al. 2014; Bauer et al. 2018). As a key approach to improve environmental manage- ment of the Baltic Sea, the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) has adopted the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP; HELCOM 2007; Backer et al. 2010), to be updated by 2021. The plan is dedicated to turning scientific knowledge into strategic policy imple- mentation, focusing on four themes; eutrophication, bio- diversity, hazardous substances and maritime activities. Among these, eutrophication is a major problem in the Baltic Sea as a consequence of long-lasting inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus since the mid-1900s, which to a large extent remain in the basin due to its semi-enclosed nature (Andersen et al. 2015). A core indicator for fol- lowing up on the status of eutrophication is water clarity, which represents the water’s permeability to light, mea- sured as the Secchi depth during summer (HELCOM 2018a, b). Water clarity is a suitable indicator of eutroph- ication since it shows a strong relationship with chlorophyll a and the abundance of pelagic primary producers in the water column, which benefit from elevated nutrient levels at sea and are indicative of eutrophication (Fleming-Le- htinen and Laamanen 2012). Threshold values for the water clarity indicator are sub-basin specific, and are set based on scientific evaluation and common agreement among countries around the Baltic Sea (HELCOM 2018a, b). The BSAP sets reference levels for water clarity based on 123 Ó The Author(s) 2019 Ambio 2020, 49:1090–1099

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Page 1: Predicting the effects of eutrophication mitigation on ... · 2010), to be updated by 2021. The plan is dedicated to turning scientific knowledge into strategic policy imple-mentation,


Predicting the effects of eutrophication mitigation on predatoryfish biomass and the value of recreational fisheries

Goran Sundblad , Lena Bergstrom , Tore Soderqvist ,

Ulf Bergstrom

Received: 14 June 2019 / Revised: 11 September 2019 / Accepted: 14 September 2019 / Published online: 9 October 2019

Abstract Improving water clarity is a core objective for

eutrophication management in the Baltic Sea, but may

influence fisheries via effects on fish habitat suitability. We

apply an ensemble of species distribution models coupled

with habitat productivity functions and willingness-to-pay

estimates to assess these effects for two coastal predatory

fish species, European perch (Perca fluviatilis) and

pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). The models predicted a

37% increase in perch and 59% decrease in pikeperch

biomass if reaching the reference level for water clarity in

the Baltic Sea Action Plan. Reaching the target level was

predicted to increase perch biomass by 13%. However, the

associated economic gain for the recreational fisheries

sector was countervailed by an 18% pikeperch reduction.

Still, a net benefit was predicted since there are six times

more fishing days for perch than pikeperch. We exemplify

how ecological modelling can be combined with economic

analyses to map and evaluate management alternatives.

Keywords Economic value � Ecosystem services �Eutrophication � Fisheries � Species distribution model �Travel cost method


Increasing pressure from human activities requires envi-

ronmental strategies and policies that can ensure a sus-

tained delivery of ecosystem services (Costanza et al. 1997;

Halpern et al. 2015). Supporting science-based evaluations

of policy development and implementation, coupled sce-

nario analyses provide potentially useful tools for inte-

grating ecology, social science and policymaking (Coreau

et al. 2009). By evaluating the effects of changes in envi-

ronmental forcing (including human-induced pressures) in

spatially explicit, process-based ecological models, the

development of ecosystem functions and services can be

explored for a set of plausible futures, i.e. scenarios (Qiu

et al. 2018). Extending the analysis to include expected net

changes in the economic value of benefits provisioned by

the ecosystem under different scenarios opens the possi-

bility to explore economic benefits and trade-offs (Stal

et al. 2008; Costanza et al. 2014; Bauer et al. 2018).

As a key approach to improve environmental manage-

ment of the Baltic Sea, the Baltic Marine Environment

Protection Commission (HELCOM) has adopted the Baltic

Sea Action Plan (BSAP; HELCOM 2007; Backer et al.

2010), to be updated by 2021. The plan is dedicated to

turning scientific knowledge into strategic policy imple-

mentation, focusing on four themes; eutrophication, bio-

diversity, hazardous substances and maritime activities.

Among these, eutrophication is a major problem in the

Baltic Sea as a consequence of long-lasting inputs of

nitrogen and phosphorus since the mid-1900s, which to a

large extent remain in the basin due to its semi-enclosed

nature (Andersen et al. 2015). A core indicator for fol-

lowing up on the status of eutrophication is water clarity,

which represents the water’s permeability to light, mea-

sured as the Secchi depth during summer (HELCOM

2018a, b). Water clarity is a suitable indicator of eutroph-

ication since it shows a strong relationship with chlorophyll

a and the abundance of pelagic primary producers in the

water column, which benefit from elevated nutrient levels

at sea and are indicative of eutrophication (Fleming-Le-

htinen and Laamanen 2012). Threshold values for the water

clarity indicator are sub-basin specific, and are set based on

scientific evaluation and common agreement among

countries around the Baltic Sea (HELCOM 2018a, b). The

BSAP sets reference levels for water clarity based on

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historical data, and target levels to 25% deviation from the

reference level (HELCOM 2007; Backer et al. 2010).

Nutrient loading to the Baltic Sea is currently decreasing

in response to reduction measures (HELCOM 2018a).

Eutrophication at sea is also being relieved in some

aspects, even though several challenges remain due to

pollution legacies as well as biotic and abiotic processes in

the ecosystem (Andersen et al. 2015; HELCOM 2018a).

The elevated nutrient conditions increase the production of

ephemeral primary producers, such as phytoplankton and

filamentous algae, which leads to shading and impaired

growth conditions for larger, habitat-forming vegetation,

such as bladderwrack and perennial macrophytes (Berger

et al. 2004; Austin et al. 2017), and subsequent deteriora-

tion of associated ecosystem services (Ronnback et al.

2007). For example, many fish species rely on the habitats

shaped by structurally complex vegetation during early life

stages, and therefore degradation or loss of vegetated

habitats is associated with negative effects on population

abundances (Mumby et al. 2004; Seitz et al. 2013; Hansen

et al. 2018).

However, responses to changes in eutrophication can be

species specific. The two percid fishes, Eurasian perch

(Perca fluviatilis; hereafter perch) and pikeperch (Sander

lucioperca) are both important species for commercial and

recreational fishing in the Baltic Sea (Lehtonen et al. 1996;

Adjers et al. 2006). These large predatory fishes may

through their predation, leading to a trophic cascade

decreasing the growth of filamentous algae, indirectly

relieve the ecosystem symptoms of eutrophication (Ostman

et al. 2016; Donadi et al. 2017). Both species spawn in

spring and juveniles spend their first summer in shallow,

sheltered and warm inlets and bays (Lehtonen et al. 1996;

Snickars et al. 2010). One important difference between

them is their adaptation to water clarity. Perch prefers clear

water and pikeperch more turbid environments, such as

those created under elevated nutrient conditions (Sand-

strom and Karas 2002; Ljunggren and Sandstrom 2007;

Veneranta et al. 2011), suggesting contrasting population

level effects of reducing symptoms of eutrophication

(Bergstrom et al. 2013).

Overall, eutrophication mitigation appears to provide

economic net benefits. A recent cost-benefit analysis of a

cost-effective international nutrient abatement programme

meeting BSAP objectives indicated an annual net gain

amounting to about € 2300 million (Scharin et al. 2016).

Regarding recreational activities in the Baltic Sea, esti-

mates based on travel cost approaches for its nine border-

ing states suggest that the total annual recreation benefits

are close to € 15 billion, but could increase by 7–18%

under a water quality improvement scenario (Czajkowski

et al. 2015). Transdisciplinary models also suggest net

benefits of nutrient load reductions for the commercial

fisheries in Baltic Sea offshore areas, and the use of spatial

models highlight geographical differences (Bauer et al.

2018). However, the impact on the recreational fishery and

the associated economic value is less known.

Since reducing eutrophication is a slow and inmany cases

complex process, it is necessary to examine potential con-

sequences of mitigation measures on species, functions and

ecosystem services to support effective and relevant mea-

sures. Furthermore, as ecosystem responses to eutrophica-

tion vary geographically, it is important to take spatial

variability into account (Bergstrom et al. 2013; Bauer et al.

2018). Species distribution models provide a tool which can

predict potential effects of changes in eutrophication in

higher geographical detail. In these models, the distribution

of species is related to a set of explanatory variables

describing the biophysical environment of the species, such

as depth, wave exposure and Secchi depth. These environ-

mental variables are then used to predict the distribution of a

species on a map (Elith and Leathwick 2007). The use of

species distribution models in research and management has

developed quickly during the last decade and a variety of

fundamentally different modelling methods are available,

each with their strength and weaknesses (e.g. Bucas et al.

2013). To utilize the strengths of conceptually different

modelling techniques, several methods can be combined in

an ensemble approach (Araujo and New 2007).

Here, we evaluate quantitative scenarios for changes in

water clarity to assess the chain of events from eutrophica-

tionmitigation to potential effects on coastal fish distribution

and biomass, and the associated economic value for recre-

ational fisheries. We achieve this by applying species dis-

tribution models in an ensemble approach, evaluating

different scenarios, which we combine with habitat pro-

ductivity functions (Sundblad et al. 2014) and an economic

assessment on willingness-to-pay (Soderqvist et al. 2005).

The analyses are concentrated around the BSAP core indi-

cator water clarity, which is a key predictor of suitable re-

cruitment habitats for perch and pikeperch (Bergstrom et al.

2013). In addition, by economically valuing the changes in

biomass from a recreational fisheries perspective, we aim at

indicating the economic net impact of this particular effect of

combatting eutrophication. In so doing we illustrate how

cross-disciplinary approaches can contribute with scientific

knowledge in support of management in line with a sus-

tainable development.



The eutrophication scenarios are rooted in the Baltic Sea

Action Plan environmental objective ‘‘a Baltic Sea

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unaffected by eutrophication’’ (HELCOM 2007; Backer

et al. 2010), represented by different values for the core

indicator on water clarity (HELCOM 2018a). Seven sce-

narios for effects on species distributions were applied as in

Bergstrom et al. (2013), designed as follows: (1) the situ-

ation by the onset of the Baltic Sea Action Plan in 2007

(0% change, hereafter termed initial conditions); (2) a

slightly deteriorating condition (10% decrease in Secchi

depth) and (3) five scenarios representing improved water

clarity (11, 20, 30, 40 and 48% increase in Secchi depth).

Levels 11 and 48% correspond to the target and reference

levels for the Baltic Proper stated in the original Baltic Sea

Action plan (HELCOM 2007; Backer et al. 2010; Berg-

strom et al. 2013). The target levels have later been revised

(HELCOM 2018b), but involved only minor changes

compared to Backer et al. (2010; Table 1).

Ecological modelling

The species distribution models identified potential

recruitment habitats for perch and pikeperch based on field

surveys of spawning and young-of-the-year fish (Berg-

strom et al. 2013). The species-environment relationships,

including water clarity as estimated by the Secchi depth,

were modelled using three different statistical modelling

techniques: GAM, Maxent and random forest (Wood 2006;

Cutler et al. 2007; Phillips and Dudık 2008). The predicted

recruitment habitats for the two species under the different

scenarios for water clarity and using three modelling

techniques rendered in total 42 recruitment habitat maps

(25 m cell resolution, Bergstrom et al. 2013). Compared to

Bergstrom et al. (2013), this study was limited to Swedish

waters (Counties of Sodermanland, Stockholm and Upp-

sala, see Fig. 2) in order to overlap with the economic data


Habitat productivity functions

Habitat productivity functions, which describe the rela-

tionship between the amount of recruitment habitat and the

density of large fish (Sundblad et al. 2014), were combined

with the 42 recruitment habitat maps (Bergstrom et al.

2013), to predict the biomass of large perch ([ 20 cm) and

pikeperch ([ 30 cm) under the different scenarios. This

was done in two steps. First, for every cell in each of the 42

maps we estimated habitat availability as a proportion (the

area predicted to function as recruitment habitat divided by

the total water area) within typical maximum migration

distances. Typical migration distances were defined as the

distances within which 80% of perch and 75% of pikeperch

are recaptured based on tagging studies; 10 km for perch

and 15 km for pikeperch (Saulamo and Neuman 2002;

Sundblad et al. 2014). Thereby, each cell in the resulting

raster expressed the amount of habitat within the migration

distance of that cell. The calculations were made using

focal statistics in ArcGIS, Esri. Unlike Sundblad et al.

(2014), migration barriers, i.e. islands and land, could not

be taken into account, since computational constraints

restricted the use of cost distance functions from each cell

(instead of from each population as applied in Sundblad

et al. 2014). As a consequence, the focal search window

potentially over- or under-estimated habitat availability,

depending on the amount of barriers and the amount of

habitat that then could, or could not, be reached. This was

apparent at the very local scale, while it should be of less

importance for the study area as a whole.

Secondly, based on the estimated habitat availability

under different scenarios, habitat productivity functions as

presented in Sundblad et al. (2014) were used to calculate

the expected catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE, number of fish

per net and night) of adult perch and pikeperch ([ 20 and

[ 30 cm, respectively). The habitat productivity functions

were CPUE = 2.03 (± 0.69 SE) * ln(x) ? 9.39 (± 1.27 SE)

for perch (n = 12, p = 0.015, r2= 0.46), and CPUE = 0.05

(± 0.02 SE) * ln(x ? 0.02) ? 0.21 (± 0.04 SE) for pike-

perch (n = 12, p = 0.013, r2= 0.48), where x was the

habitat availability calculated in the first step. The analyses

resulted in 42 new maps, in which each cell showed the

expected CPUE of large predatory fish hypothetically

applying a standardized gill net test fishing in that cell.

Lastly, the average and associated uncertainty (1 standard

error, SE), of the three modelling techniques was calcu-

lated for each eutrophication level scenario.

The predicted CPUE of large perch and pikeperch were

evaluated against observed catches in standardized gill nets

based on data from 11 existing monitoring sites in the study

area (locations of sites are shown in Fig. 2). Three of these

sites had also been utilized in the development of the

habitat productivity functions (Sundblad et al. 2014), but

here included more years (2002–2016) compared to the

previous study (2005–2006). For the evaluation of pike-

perch, one site was excluded as it was no longer repre-

sentative to the conditions under which the habitat

productivity functions were developed, due to implemen-

tation of a total fishing ban in 2010–2015 (Bergstrom et al.

2016). Values for CPUE were converted to biomasses

(kg ha-1) using existing conversion functions (Heibo and

Karas 2005), and information on the average weight of a

perch[ 20 cm and a pikeperch[ 30 cm, respectively, for

the gear type used (information from the national fish

monitoring database KUL). Based on data on abundances

and weights per length group, the average weight of a

perch ([ 20 cm) was estimated to 0.23 kg (n = 10 941),

and 0.51 kg for pikeperch ([ 30 cm, n = 355). Since

coastal perch is primarily found at 0–10 m depths,

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observed CPUE in monitoring and all maps have been

limited to these depths for perch (Fig. 2).

Economic analyses

The effect on opportunities for recreational fishing of perch

and pikeperch was monetized using data from Soderqvist

et al. (2005), who estimated the recreational value of

fishing in the study area in 2002 through applications of the

travel cost method (TCM). The TCM is a revealed pref-

erence method that makes use of travel data obtained

through surveys for estimating people’s demand for visit-

ing various recreational sites (Freeman et al. 2014). As the

expected catches of a fish species varies across different

sites, data on travels, associated travel costs and the vari-

ation in catches can allow an estimation of people’s eco-

nomic trade-offs between travel costs and catches,

expressed by people’s willingness-to-pay (WTP) for an

increased catch. In the study by Soderqvist et al. (2005),

randomly selected members of the Swedish Anglers

Association (n = 2000) and the general public (n = 2000)

living in the counties of Uppsala and Stockholm replied to

mail questionnaires relating to their use of the archipelago,

including information about visits to sites in the study area,

their fishing at those sites, the distance travelled, travel

time, travel costs and catches for different fish species

(expressed as weight-per-unit-effort, WPUE). These data

allowed the quantification of explanatory variables in

conditional logit models predicting the probability that a

particular fishing site is selected, and coefficients from the

estimated models were subsequently used for computing

the WTP for a changed WPUE (see Soderqvist et al. 2005

for details). Finally, the results on individual WTP was

related to another survey, conducted annually since 2013

by Statistics Sweden, focusing on the recreational fishing

habits among the Swedish general public (Swedish Agency

for Marine and Water Management, SwAM 2019). From

the national survey we calculated the relative species

preference as the ratio of the fishing effort for perch to the

fishing effort for pikeperch. Specifically, using yearly

averages (2013–2017) and associated uncertainty (95% CI)

from the Baltic proper, effort was defined as the sum of

fishing occasions per year (using any gear) from respon-

dents who reported having caught perch

(505 000 ± 124 000 ‘gear days’) and pikeperch,

(83 000 ± 64 000) respectively.


The CPUE of large perch and pikeperch predicted by the

habitat productivity functions had a strong fit to the CPUE

observed at monitoring sites (Fig. 1). Average predicted

CPUE was 5.4 (SD = 2.3) for perch and 0.16 (SD = 0.10)

for pikeperch, while observed CPUE was 6.2 for perch (SD

= 3.9) and 0.08 for pikeperch (SD = 0.08). Linear regres-

sion models (y = ax ? b, where y = observed CPUE and x =

predicted CPUE) resulted in, for perch: a = 1.1 ± 0.4 (SE),

b = 0.06 ± 2.5 (SE; n = 11) and explained 44% of the

variation in observed CPUE (p = 0.027, F(1, 9) = 7.0), and

for pikeperch: a = 0.54 ± 0.21 (SE), b = - 0.007 ± 0.04

(SE, n = 10) and explained 45% of the variation in

observed CPUE (p = 0.035, F(1, 8) = 6.4).

The resulting fish biomass maps show that pikeperch is

mainly concentrated to large bays close to the mainland,

corresponding to areas typically characterized by higher

eutrophication levels (lower Secchi depth). Perch biomass

was more evenly distributed across the archipelago, how-

ever with a dominance in the middle parts (Fig. 2). Cal-

culated for the entire study area, average predicted biomass

of perch[ 20 cm under the initial scenario (0% change)

was 9.4 kg per hectare (± 0.33 SD) and of pikeperch

[ 30 cm it was 0.65 kg per hectare (± 0.48 SD, Fig. 2).

An increase in Secchi depth, indicating a reduction in

the level of eutrophication, was predicted to increase the

Fig. 1 Regression relationships for spatial predictions of CPUE

(number per net and night) and observed CPUE in standardized

monitoring for perch and pikeperch. Note that points (monitoring

areas) can overlap, as indicated by darker grey)

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biomass of perch and reduce the biomass of pikeperch

(Fig. 3).

The results from the TCM study (Soderqvist et al. 2005)

indicated a mean WPUE in recreational fishing of 0.8 kg

per fishing hour for perch (SD 1.5) and 0.3 kg per fishing

hour for pikeperch (SD 0.6) during the spring of 2002. For

both species there was a statistically significant positive

relationship between WPUE on the probability that a par-

ticular fishing site was selected (Soderqvist et al. 2005).

The mean WTP for one additional kg of fish per fishing

hour was estimated in 2002 prices at SEK 71.6 for perch

and SEK 153 for pikeperch, which corresponds to EUR

8.29 and EUR 18.0, respectively, in 2018 prices after

adjusting for inflation and applying an exchange rate of

EUR 1 = SEK 10.2567. Hence, pikeperch showed to be

more highly valued than perch. However, as the WPUE for

pikeperch was lower, a 1 kg increase corresponds to a

substantially higher relative increase (1.3/0.3 = 333%)

compared to for perch (1.8/0.8 = 125%). In comparison to

these estimates, more moderate changes are suggested by

the scenario analyses (Fig. 4). For example, an improve-

ment of water clarity to the level of the BSAP target (11%

increase) was suggested to lead to a 13% increase of perch

biomass (Fig. 4). Assuming linearity between the predicted

biomass and WPUE in the recreational fisheries, as well as

between WPUE and WTP, this would correspond to an

increase of 0.8 * 13% = 0.10 kg perch per fishing hour, and

the WTP for this increase corresponds to 0.10 * 8.29 =

EUR 0.8 for perch. Following the same assumptions the

WPUE of pikeperch would decrease with 18% as a result

of increased water clarity (Fig. 4), giving a decrease of 0.3

* 18% = 0.05 kg per fishing hour. This corresponds to an

economic loss of 0.05 * 18.0 = EUR 0.9. The results show

that for the recreational value of fishing of these species,

the increase in water transparency entails an economic gain

in perch that is countervailed by a loss in pikeperch.

However, as perch is 6.1 (± 5.0, 95% confidence interval)

times more often targeted by recreational fishers (SwAM

2019), a net economic benefit of eutrophication mitigation

can be expected with respect to these two fish species.


Our analyses outline how an improved water clarity, in

accordance with political commitment to improve the

eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea, can affect the dis-

tribution of coastal fish recruitment habitats, and how this

may change the prevalence of large predatory fish and the

extent of recreational fisheries in the coastal zone. By

combining species distribution modelling with habitat

productivity functions, scenarios for changes in the focal

Fig. 2 Estimated biomass distribution (kg ha-1) of perch[ 20 cm (left) and pikeperch[ 30 cm (right). Biomass estimates were based on spatial

predictions of recruitment habitats (Bergstrom et al. 2013) combined with habitat productivity functions (Sundblad et al. 2014) under a set of

eutrophication scenarios. The maps show average scenarios from three different modelling techniques under initial Secchi depth conditions (0%

change) and a 48% increase, which corresponds to the reference level for water clarity in the Baltic Sea Action Plan. Stars denote the location of

standardized gillnet monitoring areas used for validation of the biomass predictions (Fig. 1). Note that the maximum biomass per hectare for each

species differs between scenarios (legends), and that areas deeper than 10 m depth have been excluded for perch. The inset shows the location of

the study area within the Baltic Sea

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fish populations were mapped, enabling a spatially explicit

evaluation. By extending the assessment to impacts on the

economic value for the recreational fisheries sector, we

illustrate how ecological scenarios for environmental

management can be integrated with analyses of economic

impacts in a quantitative analysis.

The analyses serve a dual purpose, considering ecolog-

ical as well as economic aspects of eutrophication miti-

gation, focusing on potential impacts on the abundance of

large predatory fish and on recreational fisheries, respec-

tively. In addition to the effects on economic value asso-

ciated with recreational fisheries, effects on other types of

ecosystem services can also be anticipated. Large predatory

fish represent a key ecosystem component in the coastal

zone, with a strong contribution to ecosystem function as

well as to provisioning and regulating ecosystem services

(Holmlund and Hammer 1999; de Groot et al. 2002). In

their environment, large predatory fish regulate the pres-

ence of other species via predation. Prey species typically

regulated by large predatory fish are medium sized meso-

predatory fish, which are observed to expand in population

sizes under conditions of reduced predator availability

(Ritchie and Johnson 2009; Bergstrom et al. 2019). One

recent example from the study area shows a connection

between decreasing predator abundance and dominance of

sticklebacks in coastal areas, causing unexpected and

detrimental effects on the food web (Donadi et al. 2017).

As a result of trophic cascades, the regulation of prey by

predatory fish species indirectly affects primary producers,

counteracting excessive occurrences of ephemeral fila-

mentous algae (Eriksson et al. 2009; Donadi et al. 2017).

Thereby, the predatory fish may contribute to relieving

eutrophication symptoms. Meta-analyses indicate that

changes in this regulation from large predatory fish can be

as important as changes in nutrient loadings for controlling

the presence of nuisance algae (Ostman et al. 2016). In

relation to human well-being, predatory fish also contribute

through the provisioning of food and cultural values

enabled by commercial and recreational fisheries. The

current study focused on the recreational fishing sector,

which is dominating over commercial fishing in the studied

coastal areas (SwAM 2019).

Although ecological feedback loops can be expected to

increase the quantitative uncertainty of the presented pre-

dictions, the overall conclusions of our study, showing

increasing perch and decreasing pikeperch under reduced

eutrophication, appear likely also in relation to a mecha-

nistic understanding of the fish species physiological

responses to water clarity (Sandstrom and Karas 2002;

Ljunggren and Sandstrom 2007; Veneranta et al. 2011), as

Fig. 4 Relative change (%) in coastal predatory fish biomass within

the studied coastal area, at different eutrophication levels. Uncertainty

(grey areas, 1 standard error) was calculated across three different

modelling techniques (see text)

Fig. 3 Average (per hectare; left axis) and total (for whole study

area; right axis) predicted biomass of perch ([ 20 cm) and pikeperch

([ 30 cm) at different eutrophication levels within the studied

archipelago area. Uncertainty (grey areas, 1 standard error) was

calculated across three different modelling techniques (see text)

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well as with changes observed in fish populations in the

Baltic Sea during the decades when eutrophication

increased (Bergstrom et al. 2013). As such, results from

scenario analyses are useful for providing examples of

likely management outcomes. Here, the predictive models,

based on empirically assessed quantitative relationships,

provide a basis for economic analyses in support of an

integrated strategic evaluation.

A key factor enabling this study was the combination of

a number of quantitative analyses based on unique empir-

ical data covering various temporal and spatial scales as

well as different disciplines. However, such an extended

scope may also mean that more sources of uncertainty are

introduced. For instance, the value of the recreational

fisheries stems from surveys performed in the Stockholm

archipelago in 2002 (Soderqvist et al. 2005), while the

national fishing habits and species preferences originates

from surveys performed 2013–2017, on a larger scale (the

Baltic Proper, SwAM 2019). Another important potential

source of uncertainty is the fish biomass map predictions.

These were evaluated by (i) comparing predicted CPUE

with results for specific monitoring sites across the study

area and (ii) by comparing the resulting biomass estimates

for the entire study area with independent biomass

assessments. The evaluation of predictions against moni-

toring data showed an overall good predictive ability,

although the predicted CPUE of pikeperch was biased

towards higher than observed values (Fig. 1). This over-

estimation influences the absolute values obtained (Figs. 2,

3), but are expected to have smaller impact on the relative

changes in biomass (Fig. 4) and on the economic assess-

ment, which rely on relative changes and WTP for change

in WPUE in the recreational fisheries (Soderqvist et al.

2005). Regarding the biomass estimates, few studies were

available for comparison. In two well-studied coastal sites

in the northern part of the study area (Forsmark and

Kallrigafjarden), perch biomass has previously been esti-

mated at 34 and 30 kg ha-1 and pikeperch biomass at 3.7

and 6.6 kg ha-1 (Heibo and Karas 2005), for fish above

approximately 10 cm. In the central Baltic, south of the

study area, biomass of perch[ 10 cm in the summer has

been estimated at 38 kg ha-1 in an enclosed coastal site

(Adill and Andersson 2006). Including also smaller fish,

the same biomass density has been found in a comparison

of 100 fish populations in 38 lakes (Downing and Plante

1993). A direct comparison is difficult as the cited esti-

mates are related to particular sites primarily consisting of

suitable habitats, while our study encompasses also large

parts of the outer archipelago, where recruitment habitats

are scarce and predicted biomasses were very low (Fig. 2),

thus lowering averages for the entire study area over which

the population is distributed. Additionally, different length

classes of fish have been included. In order to provide more

direct comparisons, we utilized length frequency distribu-

tions from monitoring in the study area and calculated the

proportion of fish 10–20 and[ 20 cm for perch, and 10–30

and[ 30 cm for pikeperch. Based on these proportions the

average (across the entire study area) predicted biomass of

fish[ 10 cm was 16 kg ha-1 for perch and 1.5 kg ha-1 of

pikeperch. Additionally, a direct comparison was possible

for a subset of the study area, which overlapped with one of

the previously published results (Forsmark and Kallri-

gafjarden). In this subset, length correction of predicted

biomasses yielded for perch 50 and 45 kg ha-1 for each

subarea respectively, and for pikeperch 1.2 and 4.2 kg ha-1

respectively, which is more similar to Heibo and Karas


The evaluation of management scenarios identifies

potential trade-offs when several ecosystem and economic

aspects are included. Here, a gain of the perch recreational

fisheries was predicted to be countervailed by a loss in the

pikeperch fisheries, when WTP for a changed WPUE was

considered individually for the two species. However,

when scaling the results to the volume of recreational

fishing on both species, a total net gain was predicted, since

the total number of fishing days targeting perch is much

higher than for pikeperch. The results imply an economic

benefit from mitigating eutrophication from a recreational

fisheries perspective. A full economic valuation should also

consider other species of relevance, as well as impacts on

other ecosystem services, and take into account the fact

that use values such as recreational values are only one

type of economic value associated with a particular

ecosystem service; non-use values such as existence values

should typically be added (Freeman et al. 2014). As one

example, Northern pike (Esox lucius) is highly targeted by

the recreational fisheries, but could not be included here

since habitat productivity functions are lacking for this

species. Still, knowledge of the ecology of pike suggests

that a similar response to eutrophication mitigation as for

perch could be expected (Sandstrom et al. 2005; Engstrom-

Ost and Mattila 2008; Salonen et al. 2009), implying that

the net benefit for recreational fisheries could be larger than

the estimates presented. Including additional ecosystem

services associated to predatory fish, such as biological

regulation (Donadi et al. 2017), would likely also con-

tribute to increase the estimated benefits of eutrophication

mitigation, supporting previous results which show net

benefits as the most common overall outcome (Czajkowski

et al. 2015; Scharin et al. 2016; Bauer et al. 2018).

In conclusion, our analyses demonstrate the usefulness

of integrating economic information with quantitative

ecological predictions in a spatial context. Combining the

spatial approach with scenario analyses is beneficial as it

allows mapping potential trade-offs and net outcomes of

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management alternatives at both more detailed and large-

scale levels.

Acknowledgements Open access funding provided by Swedish

University of Agricultural Sciences. We thank Gustav Blomqvist at

the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management for providing

national recreational fisheries statistics. This study was in part funded

by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency through the project

VALUES (13/132) and ECOCOA (17/89).

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, which permits unrestricted

use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give

appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a

link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were



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Goran Sundblad (&) is a Researcher at the Department of Aquatic

Resources at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).

He holds a Ph.D. in Aquatic Ecology from Uppsala University. His

work is related to habitat, food web ecology and aquatic resource use

in coastal and freshwater systems.

Address: Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Freshwater

Research, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Stan-

gholmsvagen 2, 178 93 Drottningholm, Sweden.

e-mail: [email protected]

Lena Bergstrom is an associate professor at the Department of

Aquatic Resources at SLU. She holds a Ph.D. in Ecology from Umea

University. Her research concerns marine ecosystems and food webs

with a focus on environmental assessment and management.

Address: Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Coastal

Research, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Skol-

gatan 6, 742 42 Oregrund, Sweden.

e-mail: [email protected]

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Tore Soderqvist is an Affiliated Researcher at Anthesis Enveco and

Associate Professor of Economics at the Stockholm School of Eco-

nomics. His research includes economic valuation of ecosystem ser-

vices, cost-benefit analysis and sustainability assessments.

Address: Anthesis Enveco, Barnhusgatan 4, 111 23 Stockholm,


e-mail: [email protected]

Ulf Bergstrom is a Researcher at the Department of Aquatic

Resources at SLU. He holds a Ph.D. in Marine Ecology from Umea

University. His research concerns fish and food web ecology, and

management of coastal ecosystems.

Address: Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Coastal

Research, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Skol-

gatan 6, 742 42 Oregrund, Sweden.

e-mail: [email protected]

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