predestination t otal hereditary depravity u nconditional election l imited atonement i rresistable...


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Page 1: PREDESTINATION T otal Hereditary Depravity U nconditional Election L imited Atonement I rresistable Grace P erseverance of the Saints
Page 2: PREDESTINATION T otal Hereditary Depravity U nconditional Election L imited Atonement I rresistable Grace P erseverance of the Saints


T otal Hereditary Depravity

U nconditional Election

L imited Atonement

I rresistable Grace

P erseverance of the Saints

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Page 4: PREDESTINATION T otal Hereditary Depravity U nconditional Election L imited Atonement I rresistable Grace P erseverance of the Saints


A. Calvinists

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1. "in theology, to ascribe (good or evil) to a person as coming from another" (Webster's New Univ. Unabridged Dictionary, p. 918)

2. "...the term `imputation' has been used in theo- logy in a threefold sense to denote the judicial acts of God by which the guilt of Adam's sin is imputed to his posterity; by which the sins of Christ's people are imputed to Him; and by which the right- eousness of Christ is imputed to his people." ("Im- putation," James Orr, Editor, International Standard Bible encyclopedia, V.II, pp. 1462-1463)

Impute defined:Impute defined:

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Baptist preacher Ben Bogard, "My soul sin? No. Baptist preacher Ben Bogard, "My soul sin? No.

Has Brother Bogard ever sinned? In my soul I do Has Brother Bogard ever sinned? In my soul I do

not. I am as perfect as God himself, as far as my not. I am as perfect as God himself, as far as my

soul is concerned. Then what about my body? It soul is concerned. Then what about my body? It

does sin." does sin." ((Hardeman - Bogard Debate, Hardeman - Bogard Debate, pp. 309-310, pp. 309-310,

Gospel Guardian, v. 5, no. 5, p. 13))

Impute exemplified:Impute exemplified:

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A. Calvinists B. Relation to "TULIP"

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“I answer, that the grace which they call accepting, is nothing else than the free goodness with which the Father embraces us in Christ when he clothes us with the innocence of Christ, and accepts it as ours, so that in consideration of it he regardsus as holy, pure, and innocent. For the righteousness of Christ (as it alone is perfect, so it alone can stand the scrutiny of God) must be sisted for us, and as a surety represent us judicially. Provided with this righteousness, we constantly obtain the remission of sins through faith. Ourimperfection and impurity, covered with this purity, are not imputed, but are as it were buried…”(J. Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, v. II, bk. III, p. 364, Beveridge transl.)

Its Relationship to the “TULIP”:Its Relationship to the “TULIP”:

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A. A. CalvinistsCalvinists B. B. Relation to "TULIP"Relation to "TULIP" C. C. Among brethrenAmong brethren

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"The grounds for our righteousness is the right- eousness of Jesus Himself bestowed on us through our faith in him, which puts us IN HIM, i.e., his righteous body. This is God's righteousness IMPUTED to all those belonging to the spiritual body of Christ, the church. His righteousness is our righteousness. (my emph, sw) We become His perfection when we are baptized into his body (Rom. 6:3,4; 1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:26,27). He is the head of the body (Col. 1:18) and stands before God as RIGHTEOUS. We, in Him, occupy the same standing before God as does Jesus because his death on the cross perpetually atones for our sins. (1Jno. 2:2).” (R.L. Kirkpatrick, Ensign Fair, vol. 4, #4, via Marshall Patton, Truth Magazine, vol. 24, p. 753, "Imputed Righteousness")

Among Brethren:Among Brethren:

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SAVED (direct operation of H.S.)

KEPT SAVED(God does notsee our sins)


Comparing our brethren’s position with the Calvinist position:

Our brethren:

SAVED(faith, rep. & baptism)

KEPT SAVED(God does notsee our sins)


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II. ARGUMENTS ANSWERED, Rom. 5:9-10; 4:25; Heb. 7:25; 1 Jno. 2:1-2; 1 Cor. 1:30; Rom. 5:9; Heb. 10:10; Rom. 5:18-19

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Rom. 5:18, “Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification.”




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Rom. 5:19, "For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous."

Disobed. of One Obedience of One

Adam: One act of disobedience or a lifetime of disobedience?

Christ: One act of obedience or a lifetime of obedience?

If Rom. 5:18,19 teaches the imputation of Christ's obedience to believers, then the text also teaches the imputation of Adam's disobedience to man. You cannot have one without the other! (Wayne Partain, Neo-Calvinism in the Church of Christ, p. 198)

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HOW ESCAPE THIS……..…….IF SAY THIS?HOW ESCAPE THIS……..…….IF SAY THIS?(Romans 5:19)(Romans 5:19)

The "Consequence" The "Consequence" The "Consequence" The "Consequence" of Adam's of Adam's of Christ's of Christ's Sin is Obedience is Sin is Obedience is

That Adam's Sin is That Christ's Life That Adam's Sin is That Christ's Life Imputed to Us or of Obedient ActsImputed to Us or of Obedient Acts Put Down to Our is Imputed to Us Put Down to Our is Imputed to Us Account ‑ "Were or Put Down to Account ‑ "Were or Put Down to Made Sinners” Our Account -Made Sinners” Our Account - "Shall...Be Made "Shall...Be Made Righteous" Righteous"

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III. ACCEPT PART ‑ ACCEPT MORE (Some state- III. ACCEPT PART ‑ ACCEPT MORE (Some state- ments from Christians)ments from Christians)

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ACCEPT PART ‑ ACCEPT MORE (Some statements from Christians)

"Without the imputation of guilt upon the whole

human race, (my emph, sw) there is no answer for

the death of the innocent...

"...If it somehow fits within the frame-work of

God's justice to declare righteous those who are

unrighteous, then it somehow fits to declare guilt

upon those who have never committed sin." (R.L.

Kirkpatrick, Ensign Fair, vol. 5, #11, p. 7, via Mike

Willis, Truth Magazine, vol. 22, p. 582)

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ACCEPT PART ‑ACCEPT MORE (Some statements ACCEPT PART ‑ACCEPT MORE (Some statements from Christians)from Christians)

"The fact that man, by nature, (my emph, sw) is a

sinner .... It is an eternal principle that man,

because he is a man, sins.“ (Edward Fudge, The

Grace of God, pp. 14, 17, via Bill Reeves, Neo-

Calvinism in the Church of Christ, p. 167) Ezek.

18:20; Matt. 19:14; Rom. 5:12

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A. "Impute" in the KJV (logizomai)

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"Impute" in the KJV (logizomai)"Impute" in the KJV (logizomai)

a. Definition: "to reckon, count, compute, calculate, count over" (Thayer, p. 379)

b. Webster's definition of impute: "in theology, to ascribe (good or evil) to a person as coming from another" (WNUD, p. 918)

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"Impute" in the KJV (logizomai)"Impute" in the KJV (logizomai)

Albert Barnes, a Presbyterian, on logizomai: "I

have examined all the passages ... There is not one

in which the word is used in the sense of reckoning

or imputing to a man that which does not strictly be-

long to him, or of charging on him that which ought

not to be charged on him as a matter of personal

right .... No doctrine of transferring, or setting over

to a man what does not properly belong to him,

be it sin or holiness, can be derived, therefore,

from this word." (Barnes Notes, Commentary on

Romans, p. 102) Rom. 4:3

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A. "Impute" in the KJV (logizomai)

B. Romans 4, the “imputation" chapter, vs. 1-8; Acts 2:38; Acts 8:22; Matt. 18:27

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Romans 4: (3) “...and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness. (4) ...the reward is not reckoned as of grace, but as of debt. (5) ...his faith is reckoned for righteousness. (6) ...whom God reckoneth righteousness... (8) Blessed is the man to whom, the Lord will not reckon sin. (9) ...To Abraham his faith was reckoned for righteousness. (10) How then was it reckoned? (11) ... that righteousness might be reckoned unto them; (22) Wherefore also it was reckoned unto him for righteousness. (23) ...that it was reckoned unto him; (24) ...but for our sake also, unto whom it shall be reckoned…”

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A. "Impute" in the KJV (logizomai)

B. Romans 4, the “imputation" chapter, vs. 1-8; Acts 2:38; Acts 8:22; Matt. 18:27

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A. "Impute" in the KJV (logizomai)

B. Romans 4, the “imputation" chapter, vs. 1-8; Acts 2:38; Acts 8:22; Matt. 18:27

C. Not a one-time justification, but a life of faith

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“These good works are the external proof of regeneration.” (Hugh Y. Reyburn, John Calvin: His Life, Letters, and Work, p. 357)

“Though having no confidence in good works as of a saving value, the Christian will look for them in his life as ‘the fruit of the Spirit of God,’ done by God through him, and the evidence that he has ‘passed from the kingdom of sin to the kingdom of righteousness.’ His assurance of salvation is based on the divine election thus witnessed.” (John Calvin, The Organiser Of Reformed Protestantism, 1509—1564, By Williston Walker)

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A. "Impute" in the KJV (logizomai)

B. Romans 4, the “imputation" chapter, vs. 1-8; Acts 2:38; Acts 8:22; Matt. 18:27

C. Not a one-time justification, but a life of faith

Heb. 11:8

Gen. 15:6

Rom. 4:18-22 (Gen. 17:1ff) Gen. 22 &

Jas. 2:21-23

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III. ACCEPT PART ‑ ACCEPT MORE (Some state- ments from Christians)


A. "Impute" in the KJV (logizomai)

B. Romans 4, the ”imputation" chapter

C. Not a one-time justification, but a life of faith