pre-university preparation courses for people with disabilities chelyabinsk state university elena...

Pre-university Pre-university preparation preparation courses for courses for people with people with disabilities disabilities CHELYABINSK STATE UNIVERSITY Elena Martynova, Dr of Sci. (Pedagogics), Professor

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Pre-university Pre-university preparation preparation courses for people courses for people with disabilitieswith disabilities


Elena Martynova, Dr of Sci. (Pedagogics), Professor


Peculiarities of teaching people with special Peculiarities of teaching people with special needs at CSUneeds at CSU

Research approach for creation of a system of higher education for people with special needs;

Integrated education of students with different disorders, including hard-of-hearing students together with other students at all faculties ;

Pre-university adaptation course and pre-university preparation course; Support to students with special needs (pedagogical, psychological,

technological, medical and social support) Multiple application of special information and telecommunication

technologies, including distance learning; Social and cultural rehabilitation.


The aim of activity – Broadening access to higher education for people with special needs.

Convenient medium is built in CSU for people with disabilities who study here

Regional Center for Education of Disabled PeopleRegional Center for Education of Disabled People


Regional Partnership in the Sphere of Regional Partnership in the Sphere of Teaching Disabled PeopleTeaching Disabled People

Administration of Chelyabinsk Region Ministry of Education and Science of Chelyabinsk Region Ministry of Social Relations of Chelyabinsk Region Federal State Employment Service of Chelyabinsk Region Local authorities Educational and scientific organizations Regional department of the All-Russia Association of Deaf People Non-governmental organizations Regional Media Commercial organizations – branch of “URALSIB” Open Co. Bank

in Chelyabinsk.


Integrated Education of People with DisabilitiesIntegrated Education of People with Disabilities

194 students with disabilities study at CSU in 2009/10

At the faculties:Economics – 65

Institute of pedagogics and psychology- 34Management – 17Law – 27History – 16 Philology – 6Mathematics – 6Linguistics and Translation - 6Physics – 3 Eurasia and the East – 2Chemistry – 1Ecology – 2Journalism – 4Biology -3Institute of Business, Branches and Administration - 2

Forms of study :

Full-time – 98Part-time– 79

Distance - 17

Pre-university – 26

200 students graduated since 1998.

Performance of people with disabilities: Absolute – 88% Qualitative – 45% Average grade of defended Diplomas – 4.4.


Disability group





1 2 3 Child with special needs

Disorders of





Vision Hearing

Locomotor system

Other organs and systems




Chelyabinsk citizens

Regional towns citizens


Other regions citizens


Special Educational Rehabilitation ProgrammesSpecial Educational Rehabilitation Programmes

1. Pre-university educational and adaptation programme.

2. Educational guidance programme.

3. Support of integrated learning programme.

4. Information and technological support programme.

5. Distance pre-university and university education programme.

6. Social and cultural rehabilitation programme.

7. Employment support programme.


Barriers that prevent people from studies at Barriers that prevent people from studies at universityuniversity

Physical barrier (internals and organism systems disorders). Information barrier (peculiarities of information perception. Psychological barrier (lack of necessary communication skills). Progress barrier (low level of post-school knowledge).


Aim of the pre-university Aim of the pre-university preparation course preparation course Elimination of barriers that prevent people with disabilities from

study at university by adapting them and by preparing them for entrance examinations and for the integrated study at university.

Means of educationMeans of education–– modern information, telecommunications technologies and pedagogical means..

Form of education Form of education -- full-time and part-time form.


Universal equipment

For students with locomotor

system disorders

For student with vision disorders

For students with hearing disorders

Multimedia computer lab; Information technologies room; Multimedia lecture room; Distance learning technologies; Equipment for video conferences; Education and leisure complex; Information resources center.

Adaptive equipment and software Barrier-free environment (out-of-door and indoor ramps, lift, special seats in rooms)

Typhlotechnic laboratoty; Special software; Audio-technical facilities; Audio library.

Audiology laboratory; Audio-technical and video-technical facilities; Audio and video library.

Equipment and telecommunication technologies in Equipment and telecommunication technologies in the educational processthe educational process


Information and educational mediumInformation and educational medium

1. Common didactic technologies of teaching.

2. Special technologies of teaching.

3. Distance technologies of teaching.


1. Common didactic technologies of teaching1. Common didactic technologies of teaching

1. Giving lectures in pre-university course including all subjects using: active board with ACTIVStudio, PowerPoint programs etc. video- and audio kit to watch educational and popular movies, DVD and

trainings; multimedia educational programmes on CD/DVD, educational resources of the

Internet; intelligence development programmes; “Mettem – Compute class” and “Mettem - Lecture class” programmes.

Administration of all programmes using “Metttem-Server”.

2. Current control, tests, total quiz using a vote system that shows the statistics.

3. Psychological, pedagogical and rehabilitation trainings for deaf-and-dumb people.

4. Career guidance testing using Moscow State University method called “Proforientator”.

5. Different tests and rehearsals in the system of the pre-university course.

6. Individual and independent work including multimedia educational programmes and the Internet.


Multimedia laboratory for students with disabilities

Educational test-system


2. Special2. Special teaching technologiesteaching technologies

1. A thyphlo-room for people with sight problems for individual work: reading machine; Brails computer and printer; Speech navigators (JAWS); Speech synthesizer; TV magnifying device.

2. A room for deaf-and-dumb people and people with hearing problems: Sonet radio-room equipped with wireless lines of individual and mass access,

used for group work and students with hearing problems. Programmed hearing-aids for individual usage with computer transfer device. Special Windows programmes; Screen magnifiers; Recording texts using dictaphones, audio library containing lectures.

3. Attestations including entrance examinations for people with sensor problems.


Studying for students with hearing problems

A thyphlo-lab for people with sight problems


Technological Technological support support

of distance learningof distance learning

Mentor Open Lectures, Adobe Connect Pro - systems to translate in the Internet in real time


demonstration of slides with accompanying sound;

interactive questions from hearers;

drawing a slide;

pointer use.

Moodle distance learning system

Peculiarities: individualization of learning process; possibility of one’s own choice of duration and intensiveness of studies; courses with CSU high skilled tutors; usage of developed means of communication for students; usage of means of control over learning process; participation in distance Olympiads.

Multipoint video conference system

3. Distance technologies of teaching3. Distance technologies of teaching


A fragment from Biology educational course


Requirements to teachersRequirements to teachers

Knowledge of didactic characteristics and functions of technical means of education, information and telecommunication technologies and application skills when teaching people with disabilities;

Ability to develop educational complexes including open Internet-lectures, instructions on how to master the course, and ability to make corrections to their content.

Ability to take into consideration psychological and physiological characteristics of students with disabilities;

Render psychological support to students with disabilities; Organize individual cognitive work for students with disabilities.


Master-classes for the teachers who work at pre-Master-classes for the teachers who work at pre-university courses developed by CSUuniversity courses developed by CSU

Psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of teaching people with disabilities.

Use of special equipment for deaf people and technologies for teaching people with disabilities.

Use of special equipment for people with sight problems and technologies for teaching people with disabilities.

Peculiarities of a tutor working distantly with students with disabilities. Mentor Internet-lectures and their preparation. Multi-point video-conferences and their preparation. Career guidance work: characteristics, technologies and methods. Social and psychological trainings for the people with disabilities . Leadership skills development training.


Full-time studiesFull-time studies

Educational and adaptation programme that includes an individual work.

Use of modern information and telecommunication technologies.

Support for students. Professional diagnostics with the use of

computer study of interests, motives, values and state of health.

№ DisciplineClass-room

workIndividual work Total

Adaptation disciplines

1 Basic methods of individual work at the university

40 40 80

2 Career guidance work and personal psychology

40 40 80

3 Information technologies 8 32 40

4 Basics of law 12 20 32

5 Social and psychological training 16 8 24


1 Russian language 80 120 200

2 Mathematics 80 120 200

3 Social science 68 132 200

4 Optional courses: history, biology, physics, English language.

40 160 200

  TOTAL 384 672 1056

CurriculumCurriculum. . Study period:Study period: 1 1yearyear

The study course includes:

Lectures, seminars, trainings, tests, a system of individual training, tasks, course papers writing, bibliographical descriptions, home essays, a diary of introspection and making psychological self-portraits.


Adaptation disciplinesAdaptation disciplines Basiс methods of individual work at the university – getting acquainted with

modes of study, with educational process structure, with intellectual work of students and knowledge check: search for manuals, precis-writing, course papers and drafting reports.

Career guidance work and personal psychology – getting acquainted with personal abilities and choice of profession in accordance with the individual inclinations, abilities, personal characteristics and physical disabilities.

Information technologies – mastering all computer skills, application of information technologies in the educational process, use of special technical means.

Basics of law– it is a basis for social literacy of a disabled person, development of his or her activity and incentive: study of rights and obligations of a student with disabilities as an RF citizen, as a student and as a disabled person.

Social and psychological training– elimination of psychological and communication barriers, development of motivation and self-reliance, development of creativity and leadership.


DisciplinesDisciplines Russian language, Mathematics, Biology Social studies, History, Physics, English language

Electronic manuals are designed for each discipline including theory, reference material, tests and tasks for individual work.


Distance form isDistance form is::

Modern opportunity to take studies through the Internet.

Quality and accessibility of pre-university preparation courses at the place of residence.

Training with the use of methodical and educational complexes that include theory and reference, Internet-lectures, tests and tasks for individual work.

Possibility to set up lectures duration and academic load and learn the material at a convenient time.

Support of qualified tutors. Possibility to communicate with other students and



1 year is a recommended period of 1 year is a recommended period of educationeducation

Subjects: Russian language, math, social science, biology, physics, English language.

Content: Theory and references, Internet-lectures, Tests, Tasks for individual work, Recommendation on how to master the subject Additional materials (audio-, video-materials, Internet references)


Forms of educational process support Forms of educational process support

Full-time and distance consultations from tutors.Issues-related forums.Individual consultations on how to organize

educational process and to use the manuals.Curriculum compliance check and academic load

distribution check.


Results of the pre-university preparation Results of the pre-university preparation coursecourse

Enrollment of a student with disabilities in the chosen faculty and successful integrated study together with other students.

Criteria and indexes of effectivenessCriteria and indexes of effectiveness:: Number of students with disabilities who take pre-university

preparatory course, Training of students with different physical disabilities, Territorial coverage. Number of students with disabilities who entered the university

after taking pre-university preparatory course, Satisfaction with the educational process, Progress.