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  • 7/31/2019 Pre Module Assessment OBW 17Aug2012 V3


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    Are multinational teams more successful?


    Haas and Nuesch (2012) conducted a study about the impact of national diversity on teamperformance. The authors stated that ever increasing globalization in the last decades has

    created and made multinational organizations and its teams more generic and inevitable due

    to tougher competition and more complex environment. Therefore teamwork in particular in

    diverse teams, has become so vital in organizations for better output and a better bonding

    among employees. This led to the subject of management of national diversity becoming

    more popular in practice while getting the most priority in the corporate agenda.

    As individuals in diverse groups have greater access to outside information networks, ability

    to generate more ideas and broader perspectives, and bring new and different knowledge and

    information to the group, heterogeneous groups are likely to be more creative, and generate

    higher quality decisions than homogeneous groups. At the same time it was predicted that

    team diversity might lead to stereotyping and friction within a group, which could in return

    lead to increased conflict, and decreased communication and collaboration, thereby

    hampering team performance.

    The authors found that even though several empirical studies to analysis both that racial and

    national diversity had been conducted in the past, the outcome of those studies was however

    unsatisfactory. This urged the authors to experiment further about the performance effects of

    national diversity among co-workers.

    The experiment on the effects of national diversity on team performance was then carried out

    using game-level information on team composition and team performance in the GermanBundesliga by applying panel econometrics to 4284 German soccer team observations in

    2142 games. The result of this study revealed evidence for a negative relationship between

    national diversity and team performance which implied increased team diversity decreases

    team effectiveness and therefore performance-oriented work teams should maintain a low

    level of national diversity in order to achieve its well-defined tasks.

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    diversity was identified as the main independent (explanatory variable) with its dependent

    variables/team performance indicators namely points awarded, goal difference, and expert

    evaluation. The sample size utilized was quite sufficient to perform the research effectively

    (in total 4284 team observations in 2142 games).


    The findings were well structured and reported objectively. The table of result was well

    organized but, due to the difficulty of the statistical methods used, an average reader would

    find it difficult to interpret the outcome.

    The research well fitted into a theoretical context as well as the conclusions was well

    justified. The study did advance the related field of study and the identified limitations

    created room for further researches to be derived from.


    The implications of key study finding was clearly stated and justified. It was argued that

    national diversity is in favorable towards the enhanced team performance when the team task

    is not clear and team effectiveness is required in achieving overall success. On the other hand

    the study suggested when the team is assigned with a clear task, performance-oriented work

    teams should have low national diversity in order to increase team performance.


    If the organizational environment facilitates or even supports communications among team

    members, Kochanet al. (2003) state that (national) diversity can be beneficial to a groups

    performance outcome. This study revealed the fact that though the language was considered

    to be playing a secondary role as team task in professional soccer requires little verbal

    communication (60% of total communication), still the non-verbal communication mightplay a vital role in team effort.

    This was a very in-depth research project, particularly for a journal article, which was well

    written and structured. The researchers would have provided a short review of literature to

    develop the situation. The article did get a little complicated in the reporting of data due to

    the complicated statistical methods being used. Overall, it was a very significant, valuable

    contribution to the field of research and I will readily recommend it to my colleagues and


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    HAAS, H. and NESCH, S. (2012):Are multinational teams moresuccessful?, The

    International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23:15, 3105-3113


    Kochan, Thomas, Katerina Bezrukova, Robin Ely, Susan Jackson, Aparna Joshi, Karen Jehn,

    Jonathan Leonard, David Levine, and David Thomas (2003): The Effects Of Diversity On

    Business Performance, Report Of The Diversity Research Network, Human Resource

    Management , 42, 3-21.