pre-industrial society


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Post on 19-Jan-2018




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Pre-Industrial Society Farming in the Middle Ages 3 field system Disadvantages No time to experiment Long hours Forces for Change Population Growth Napoleon’s Continental System


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Pre-Industrial Society• Farming in the Middle Ages

– 3 field system• Disadvantages

– No time to experiment– Long hours

• Forces for Change– Population Growth– Napoleon’s Continental System

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Agricultural Revolution• Enclosure Movement

– Landlords fenced in land for scientific farming• Crop Rotation

– Improvement on “three field” system• Other Discoveries

– Jethro Tull’s “Seed Drill”• Results

– More food available– Population Increase

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Seed Drill

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Cottage Industry• Merchants Role

– Rising population = Rising Demand– Merchants invest in factors of production to earn a

profit• Capitalism

– Laissez-Faire Economics– Laws of Supply and Demand

• Effects– Big Profits for Merchants– Alternative Sources of Income for Peasants

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Rise of the Factory• Textile Industry

– New Inventions improve efficiency• Rise of the Factory

– New machines too big for homes– Factories located next to power sources

• Effects– Prices for textiles/finished products lowers– Villagers/Peasants leave to find work in urban


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Steam Engine• Need for Energy

– Water , Horses, Oxen primarily used for power– James Watt invents Steam Engine

• How the Steam Engine Works– Steam forced from high to low pressure

produces power• Effects

– Steam power, used where ever coal existed– Increase in textile industry

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Iron and Coal• Need for Iron

– Increase in need for machines / railway– Iron Smelting created steel (more flexible)

• Need for Coal– Carbon necessary for smelting iron

• Effects of Iron and Coal– Mining industry for coal – Britain produced more coal and iron than any

other nation

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Transportation• Need for Better Transportation

– Increase in trade (movement of goods and resources)

• Inventions– Asphalt Roads– The Rocket (First Locomotive)

• Effects of the Railroad– Rapid Expansion– Cheaper transportation increased production

and profits– Increased travel

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Why was Britain first to Industrialize?• Geography

– Not apart of continental Europe– Resources

• Government– Unified, Stable

• Social Factors– less hierarchical

• Colonial Empire– Gave Natural Resources

• Advantages– Monopoly– Keep Secrets