p~rch - trehernewithout haying arrh'ed at any lie-, finite conclusion. when his attention was...


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  • was sin-

    hn\'c usunlh'

    he co;: t~"te Irees C\"reat care had to ue taken to watch their course on accollnt of th(' ,pongers which lurk in a ~'3outh Af;'iean fOI;est after night hns closed illI ' '

    Hastings found hiinself at a loss to deterllline "'hether they }\'ere making progress ip tho right direction or at random, amI yet he did not cons;"~,r' himself nlnovice in woodcraft-in-deed, his/recent: feat in .penetrating the lInknown heart of Aft'ica, and reachlllg{ his dest.inlltiOI1 after travel-ling' hlln'dreds of miles through a wil-dc,'ness where savage beasts, and tribes M e\'en more merciless blncks nhouncled. was quite enough to stamp him as ~nything but a greenhorn,

    He had confidence in the silent man ',':no ~o mnch l'e~rmblcd Colonel eorly -,,'ho1;e whole life had,been spent in t'ending the secrets of Nature until eycry l'uf;tling' leuf, e\'cry hlade grass, e\'en the whispel'ing \vind i seli l'l'venled truths us ph\inl~', to him as the ]1t1ges of a printed book might to a scholnr, I

    Se\'2r81 times the little column came to an ubrupt 'halt.' No verbal order was g-!\'en, but the lC:ldl'r hnd thrown up his ric"ht arm ns he drew his horse> in. an cl th is sig1lD I was p:1ssed like' magic down the line,

    Then hOt'ses and riders would r(!-nmin ns Illotiobless as though cut.in bron~e, while enger ears were struin-ed to catch the sounds that had been


    The -:'-ssocilltion undertake the payment of the inw1ll'd freight charges on exhibIts from the last shipping point. pro,-ided that such exhibits ,.re' returned to the original shipping point inunediately after the Fair with-' out ownership chunging hands, The Association 'wish it to be distinctlv uU,derstood that this .is not to tie !\ precedept., but that it is' being dOllo th,s year 0w:illg to the partial failure of last year's crop and the conse-quent shortage of money amongst exhibitors,


    IaDtertained at Prellent In Soe~al

    style, though extremely picturesque and graceful In itself. requires the hand of a verltnble nrtl~t to nrrnnge It pro~ erly. Moreo,er, It Is not genernlly be-coming nnd demnnds regulnr features and "the ,In'mid low brow of ben.u~y" to show It to ntnge,

    the ca'l5e for the halt, Once it Was f;ome animal that BJUd-'J~~~';:=",;;';;'~::,;~~~~#~#~~~~~~~~~=~~;=';;==~¥~~~':i(:

    50e had si£;hted on the left Oonk, "nr! which alarmell by their presence stood still for it minute and then' pl\mged heavily tlll'uugh the thicket lying in thut'direction, ' ,

    Ag-ain it ",":is the report of a gun. distinctly heard booming on the night air, a sound thnt.>lIl1rler ordinary COl',.' clitions might, not have even :arouscd curiosity_ \ but, \Vhit'h now c.'l.used the

    uctallt- I most prolilie specula Lion as" to the ",,'rl'v na ture of the llltl rksman. Ilnd \Vha t'

    he could be.fil'ing, at in the night-t ' ,



    > ~';" ), ...

    , , , ,



    • ,

  • I



    \h;rough _ camp on ,their way to Dushman's Ko,p:.,:There 'are still about. 3,000 men' stationed; here at Heldelburg.-"We "are, camped z, at tho r foot oC a -high kopje. We still use !the uniform issued to'US in can-ada, and as our uinforms were.cap-tuted ,by lie Wet ,a JeW "rililes' from Pretoria, we have to- ,walt', {or ( an..' ot1i~ issue,' which may" fake aix months. Lord Kltehener 'has tak.m our horses for' hIs own ,troops aDd we have to act. as infantry. We haye about four hours', drlll a day; , two hours digging trencht.'S anti Jortify-

    Fr ing tIie camp and, every~sccond night on guard. We have been sent out on two occasions as escort to convoys, going about Hi miles; but the men do, not, mind it much now. We nre getting used to it, , :in one of the troops they captured 0. spy. He will be shot. ' , '

    , ,'DOEll PROCLAMATION. Molteno, Cape Colony, 'June 19.-

    Ki'itzl,n~er and Fouche. the Doer commanders, are busy placnrding Cape Colony with a proclnmation to the e~~ct' thM in accordance with lhe powers,: assumed when the northern

    , part oC Cape Colony'wru; anne.'\:ed to the Orange Free State, 20 months ago, any, person reporting"the where-abouts of any' Doer commando will be, fined' £50, or" in default 'Will be compelled to accO~pany the com-mand~ on foot for thr~e months. Ac-cording to the best, information 'there are about 2.300 armed -Doers in Cape Colon~. and they rontinue'to secure a few'reeruits. ' ' , '

    t PEACE REPORT.-London. June 19.-The Sun. 'which.

    however. hus not hitherto been OVllr'" reli~ble o,n ,this subject. hears thl~t

    -'~h~si, 'N. S:, June 19.-Fire this morping- c;aused $4.000 drunage to the 'nIlodes-Curry company's wood working factory. ' "


    Lanark, Ont., June 19.-Thc -,Aber-deen woollen mllls here owned bv W, C. CaJ dwell , M.P.P., ~vere consid-erably dQJJlaged DY, fire early: yester-day; morning. The- cau'se of the 'fire is unk'l,lOw,n, _and ,the loss.is aDou't $3,QO;O, covered by insurance. '

    .... '-'4. _- "/" ,:\ )

    . lIrontreal~ June 1U;.':'The 'steamship L~ke Superior, ,which a.rrived Yl'.ster-day from Liverpool, had 19 stow-aways. 'l'lley all declared they were tempted to come to Canatia Jjy many railway ,advertisements, which sai;[ ,there was ~ork for all who would

    'l'hey' also said they knew' of lllany such as they who were ,look-ing for a brought in here with both his' foot_1\:i,lClIOI'a .. Patent, $1.90,; Alberta"

    W, ,~Vn., , June 24.-Tbls nearly sev-Jr .. 'Ci. . $1.70; Manitoba, $1.55, and Im]>Cr-' elotir~ section has just been visited by igl X:~"L,,{. $1.20 per sack of 98· II. flood, the extent of which"in all Dowmanvi1le, June 24.-Henry Lcy- pounds. ' ptobability will exceed that of John- 0. flum l:and, W'I\S run down and IDLLFElElD.-Bran, $11.50 per ton"

    • Ikiillc'CI by .he Chicago flyer on th'.l shorts ::;18.50 per ton. delIver"'''. tl)wn in 1889,- so. far as the loss of G d '1' nk C>_ .

    Mr:, Kruger has actually cabled to General Dotha declining to conc.!rle l\lIlytliing.· abti that in c'onsequenco' of this decision, General Botha and ino commandants agreeing with his peace views. have decided to .·l)'!P~lcii:;d:~~c;i ate Mr. Kruger's Ilruthority

    ~J ~ .. ;

    ONTARIO! I r

    ~"~~".U une:~.~A cyclone PElSSc-'

    further consultation with VC)t1IIlr'S prescntative and Lord.'E:it~:heiner,j~i

    -be' nrrnnged, foi- next'wl'Ck:

    : A WAYWAGD GIRL. .' Winnipeg, June 19,-A story of a

    wayward daughter's flight from hODlu and ,her capture by her father. ;\ 110-tel-~eeper of Fargo. N.D., was LtJld a newspaper reporter yesterday. The girl and tho father have returnl'd south. , •

    Th!lre f,egistcred atl ' one of 1.he city hot~s last week 0. travelllng ltlWl fr9m' the States. He had been here a ,few days when the guests at the hotel noticed that he haXl \ bo.1n iL)in-ed,;by a, young -girl (If a:bot 18 \:('al's of~ ~?,:,., SI~e was 11. very Chtl~Uling lo~klllg mal'lien; ,and / the inquisili\'l! guests ,thoug~t -that she, .wns lhe)' wife of· the travelling ml\n. Yestl!1'l1a.v the young lady mude her sudden de-paJ.t~re! anu the' cause of this was found, to be ill. the a.rrival of 011 anx-iou~ 'looking lnan.:who diil not want to, l'Cmain in the City any'longer than" he would need ,to take the retul'Jl 'train for' the place from whence hl! caJ?e, , wh!ch was 'Fargo, The trll.\,-el,lmg 'man and ,the 'man from, Fart;u tild n?t meet. -,

    \ . ~, , , . ¥-HODES, POli -PRE1.mER.

    . ~?e, Town. ,June is:-;-C!!Cikl,ilOoes In IllS spcoch' at 'Dultiwiwo ' day.- June-15. when he • a federn of tlie' 'our".U)

    gault, pol!ce. to be zhief of the Montruu,1 PO~Jce force. in succession to Lieut.-Co •. Hughes, who will shortly retire. -

    Duffalo, N.Y., June 19:-Ea.rly yes-~rday morning fire swept out of ex-Istence all the buildings on Squaw Island. fronting on the Niagara rivdr frOln,·the foot of Ferry'street t poino three-quarters of a mile 'n~rtha The loss is in the neighborhood 'of $!!OO,ooo. ' '.

    air, various sections, especially at Druni~' boo Wing-ham, Wiarton and Penetan-guishene, but no fatalities. '


    ,Pittsburg, I'a., 'June 24.-The vi-cinity ot' Pittsburg was, visi~ed y')s-terday by one, of the fiercest "storms down since tlic U: S. wea.ther bll-H;uu has :Jee,~ established. WithIn 48 minutes ] ;19 inches of rain fell and dUJ'ing- ,that time the lightning

    B - ' - ,,' llnd thunder was almost continuous. erkeley, (Jal .• June 19.-Dr. ,J. G. The wind !vas not high except 'in a

    J€ssuP. a, dentist, was shot and fa- cOlltract~d path' a few hundred' feet ally wounded last, night by R 'v wide. which swept ',like a tn,rnn.rlo,1 Chru'lc~ ,Adams. formerly an Eprs~o~ through Allegheny. a portion of the pal UlUlIster. It is stated' that Dr east end of J;>itisburg and on to Wil-Adoms' dllrughter called up Jessup b; !l.nd; Turtle Creek. Three liv~s te~ephone and asked him to come lo to_nave been lost during the hCl' hOllle ruld prevent "her fat'wr storm, but up to midnight only one f~om whipping her. When Jessup ~r- victim's name has been learned. He nved - at the Adruns ' • 01 t wEl;s Jarles Marcus. an ItaJian; who ons rated with him, A'druns was '\~orking in 0. sewer at Centre rovolyer IUld shot tl18 dentist throtil!:l\.l and Euclid Ityenues. When the ra!n the bre!lst. Adruns is in jail;' ~!Wle the sewer was a rreging torrent

    I~ tl.l;jng~ .' _ lD a mOJ?C'Jlt and Marcus was torn

    (' Ottawa, June 1Q:-The address to • ueen Alexandra sign' -." by th ,. n fC • ,;u. e"o-

    f len 0, an~'lia: is now almost readv or presentatIOn. It will ,be pre-

    Stented ,to Her ~rajesty by the Coun"-ess of Aberdeen

    away from his fello:w workmon and p,r,!bably ;;Juried' through to the nver. Great damage was done in tho two cities Itnd the sub urns east. Con-servative est.imates place the loss at $200,000. , .

    Toronto .Tune died Saturday afternoon as the re-sult of injuries sustained by falliug' off a load uf hay, About three o'clo.:i{ Calary was driving on Bloor strcot. seated on Lhe' top of a load of hay, Nearing Jarvis street he Il,ttemp to pull the horses 01Y the street car tracks to aHow an approaching trol-ley to pass. Doing so he fell from the 10[l;d ancl alighted on his head on the pavement. - Death was due to two fractures at'the top arid base of the skull. lie ,was aged about 50.

    , ,

    CONVICT A'l'TEl\IPTS SUICIDE. Kingston. Ont., June 24.-Follow-

    :ng the exrunplo' set 'by Fr~nk Rut-kdge, who committed suicide in To-ronto jail by jumping from the third gllllery, a convict named Rogers. transferred from St. 'Vincent de Panl 1.0 the Kingston penitentiary eighteen months ago, attempted to end ifll by jumping from the fifth gallel'Y

    ill the· prison dome. ' I~"",~~~~;;'~;;'~~~~~~~;;:;~ Rogers was employed in the kit- I'

    1he:n and c:omplained of feeling un wt..il" but was refused medi'cine bv the surgeon. Returning to the kit~ eben he watched his 0I)pC)rtiun

    "d up the steps leading s]lJ;pcd into the rot;Ull'oa 1'~~~~~~~~:i:0~,I~~~I--+~. gallery two steps at a time. 'He

    ACCIDRc,\T AT NlAGARA, il:lew 01Y his coat and vest as he ran. ~~1~~~;~~~~1 '~[lordk.el1: ~a:~: .. J~n~)~9.~About ~ne Klagara, )une !:!4.-'-A bad recovered, ~rr. WUlett is in a dan-

    o c oc this' morning fire' , -. warred the'military sports cal.ght just as he cllnlbed upon tile 1,\~i~~~I~::"

    J' ','

    covered ' was tlJs- h , ~n the' elevator leased b . iV ill two th,orl~u!l'hbr.eds.~llail preparatory to, j'ti'mping. Had h.) "~;;&;1i1~~,4~~~.~~~~:: K~l1ett, Parkes and R'I It y J c'rdan and NImrod, were c I' h 'I I' d r: , ed I ey. , had tJ 'd al omp IS ec liS esign he;" would s;am such headway that noth' .e.r n ers, ,Reia and Sherry have met instant 'death on the could be dorre" to 'save' it. The h~! Lcth Toronto boys, were ' n,Ent floor nearly 100 feet below. He

    turned.: out and saved. ,the injured. Doth - are memJJers was removed "to the insane asylum

    f helevators .. There were five cars Tn~onto Mounted Rilles., They were ward, I,""~;'"

    o w eat on ,the track' t th r:,-,~~ng r~und. the ,old t.rac!' ncar Fort tor.,but these'wer.e,s'.avead,bye eleva- Gforge, In OPPOSlt1J dIrections, and ' h ds IUlD~[·1 h wATEmcr~1 IOF ENGAGEMENT. ' an • 'yho ran them out Qf ,(a~ne ead to head' with terrific force: ' . , -"

    , uuuu;er,'1 I'h" necks of both horses were bro-' craddock, '(~irpe 'Co16hi:"'iu~e' 24.':'. 'G.rai,'I1I~/I;~f.;,;vahrnilde the animals k:lled instant- In \l-n. erigl.~ement'.at Waterkloof on '.1 the riders were thrown'sev-' June' 20,' l,he'iJritish'lost eight me,l

    ~;~~~~~f~;~~:~ll~OA1(ri~ into the air and .we'ie' pbK-, ki.lle~ and t'vo' mortally wound!·tl up ,wounded and bleeding. " ':lut- wounoed Imcf 1.ud four men seriously coUar bone was. broken, on l' •• ', L"'otlDcled. Tn--addition 66 men, of th' "1'~1::.W:IU: his skull fractured over Ollhl) Rifles were capturP.ll. letV·'e:V'~3,· Reid had his leg. br

  • Before buying elsewhere call and see my stock. The prices a~e . low and, tne stock is good. You will find it money. saved to buy in the Treherne Furniture stol'e. You can get. furniture here thafyou can look . at in ten years and' be pleased with,. your purchase. I will quote a few' , of my prices:-

    Good lounges $6. "Handsome ~#~#~~=~======~= ~ouches trimmed in tapestry, only '" $S. Arin chairs, trimmed in best

    velours, only Mattresses, good First class up-

    :,Illlolster~id iek:itig chairs $5.: Real. - . ~UiUl~ for Soc. . '

    neat and

  • The Farmers elevator has been repainted, R. Hu~phries and'Jno.

    " Adair doing'the work: ' , 'Y , '

    , Special for Saturday.-I gallon Rev. Father' Lacosse will be in appl~,-'25: ce~ts per can.-J. F. Treheme to preach the jubilee ou

    'Fnmenon'&'Co.· : \',' , on Sunday, the 14th of July. ' He The Cypress River' su~er fair will come from Winnipeg on the

    will be held on' July 18th. "A prize 13th, ,and Will stay till the follow-list has been received-'at this office ing Monday or Tuesday. '

    FOR SAr,E-A' Winchester re-peating rifle, a bargain at $10. Apply to P. W. Gill.

    and is open for inspection.

    As the Times staff are desirous of figuring in the lacrosse match at Roland this week, the paper is

    Several farmers at Boissevain issued a day earlier than have found it necessary to plough l'

    ~ ,

    down some of their growing crops , ' owing to the heavy and rapid' Our genial station agent has growth of .wild pepper grass. It been granted a furlough by the C. appears to be worse on summer P: R. company, and will holiday in fallow. the east. Mr. Mann the Jelieving

    agent of . the, compan'y, came up over a week ago to take his place. J. W. McNab, principal of the

    Treherne schools, will leave for Glenboro on July' 1st, to preside' at

    examinations at that point. . examiner at Tre-

    ___ 'cop_robably be Mr. R.

    Some: . misunderst~'nding has arisen about train .a:·I~co'mrno(iation to . ,Carman on twelfth." The locialc~~i~l?~~y.7;;~~~~';i men: will 11, the

    The "curfew bell'! is to ,bec~onH~ ..;." .... __ ... law in Wi~nip'eg, _ the, city,,,( :ou.ncill

    . being about to ' pass by " "adopt .. *i~ .. n?:~tho~. 0(' cOl,'Iectiing, r'h;;+:;': ... :.o,vu " youth· of tJ:e

  • , ':To~onto,' June 22.-The wires ,'clU"t>o\icl twe.fu . Winnipeg and Toronto are be-

    ing continually interrupted, it is said, owing to cutting by striking tr,lckmen. ' .., !

    Liverpool, ,Tune 22.-The steamer Pllrisian sailed from 'here for Mon-tHaI yesterday" with 95 cabin PM-Elcngers, ':130 intermediate 'and 430 steerage, inc1ud'ng 100 Icelanders for Mani to ba.

    Kapler, Neb., .Tune 22.-A frightful tC'!'nado!lltruck this ·town: last night. One falllily, seven in number, were clt'aned out and two members of an-o. her fam:ly killed. and several oth-ers fatally injured. . , ,

    Kingston, Ont., .Tune 22.-The striking employees of the Street Rail-way company will resume work,am-icable arrangements having been ar-rived at. It is said the company con-

    ceded the increases asked for by the Vtlmc:~r..-',I men.


    Rome • .Tune 22.-Cardinal :Gibbons started yesterday for Florence for a stay of a week. A t the railway sta-tion he bade farewell to the procur-ator-general and to the brothers of St. Sulpice, whose guest he was while here. '

    Calgary, .T line'

    , ,

    Riclmlond, Que.', .Tunc 22.-The nunkin Temperance act which has bum in force in RichmoD'd county

    nee the ,early seventies was repeal-'('d yesterday by 'a majority of over 400 .. This is the last· prohibition

    in Quebec.

    , :lIfinn., .Tune 22.-Fire at Sl]~w:rllill the Tower Lumbllr

    Bear Lake, ,destroy;:d Su,bs.e;;,·,\·aDo,ut ", ... v",.vvv worth of lumber yes-

    of it belonged' to Chi-Details regarding' its insurance are not: ob-

    Eondon, June 22.-The'report of the committee on temperance of the Huron Anglican. synod fin'Cis the li-cense law is flagrantly and almost universltlly violated. The solution of the pres\!nt dirticulties -and the best hope of the future lie in some form of government sale.

    favored the lines of Canada and

    trenchant speech Mr .. As-quith achieved the complete seyerllllCC ot the two wings of the Liberal pur-

    . This was 'Cione to the great jo,Y' of the Conservatives, whose press ,01'-brans cannot find words sufficient to applaud his courage and honesty. The press is or' the opinion that the party of many leaders will noW' find greater difficulty than ever in'dlscov-ering who is the real leader of the party.

    The Dllily Chronicle hails Mr. As-quith as the true leader and calls upon Sir Henry CrunpbeU-Bannerman to declare with equal explicitness whether he will follow Mr. John Mor-ley's banner.

    The Daily News says that the smol-dering, discontent of these callil1g themselves Liberal Imperialists IllW at last. burst into flames and Lhat it is deplorable that Mr. Asquith of all men should seem to head the movement of revolt which can end 111 nothing but the repudiation of Lib-eralism. "It is the: duty O'f the Lib-erals," says the Druily News, "to now loyally support Sir Hen,y Campbell-Bannerman." : It may Safely be predicted that Mr.

    Asquith will find a very large 10110"'-ing both among Liberal members tbe house of commons and the coun-try generally.

    COLO:NIAL PREFERENCE. . - , During a discussion of a· clause of

    the finance bill 'in the House of cOlll-mons yesterday the chancellor of the exchequer, Sir Michael Hick.:;-Beach, inforllled the mover of the amendment providing for a preferen-tial duty 011 suger from the BritJ~h colonies that he 'had no :ntention of embarkin~ on such a policy. It would, he said, benefit neither "this country nor the colonies, and, would deprive the exchequer of revenue without benefitting the conSUlller and might endang-er trade with foreign cOllntries. 'I'here was a strong feel-ing on this subject in Germany, and tho' acceptance of the amendment would mean running a serious risk of losing the most favored nation treatment of the trade Britain now enjoyed in Germany. Ii' preference was extended to sugar from Canada, Australia would want special treat-ment for other products, and the for-eign countries .would offer the same concessions to tl1J c·oloni(s.

    on ";,\lVedlliei;tlal"y Olive piers o( the, n~,-n~:.n,'·· J:'.;.1t;: OriOlge .UIl;O, the Red river drowning, She Fry, foreman on work, just· as she sight (or .the secon'd: t-hn",


    June 2O.-l'housands began collecting outside

    'Q1Jeen'S Hall two hours before tho advertised time of th~ pro-D();!r meet-ing held there last night. 'Whl!U tho doors were llnally opened tho pres-sure of tho surging mob was so great that many people fainted.

    In spite of the vigilance of the pro-London, .Tune 21.-':"'F:ve Canadians moters of the meeting many jingoes

    are reciving military instructions at gained an entrance to the hall. Mr. Aldershot. ,Recently the military In- Henry Labouchere presided. During' structor told, them that the IIrsl; the meeting, (ully 10,000 jingoes who thing they must do before they cOllld had gathered outside the Que"'I's hope to 'be satisfactory officers W,lS = hall in Uegent street blocked traffic to drop their accent. Whether they and necessitated relays of policemen consented to yield to the advice of the officers is not Known .. ' to keep a semblance of order in tho

    crOWd. ,Several men mounted Lhe Shreveport, Ln.., June 21.- Frank, parapet of tho Langham hotel, Illlci

    better known as "Prophet" Smith, waving Union Jacks proposed reso-and F. C;· ~IcLan-cl, held at Benton lutions against tho pro-Boer agita-for complicity in tho Foster murder, tion, which lIll'Y declared to have were hangc'CI by a mob last been carried when the meeting in The lynching occurred on the Queen's hall terminated. The usual sas 'road, about eleven and "a],r~aUI-'1 speeches were made and the usual 1I).iles from t'he jail. Doth made resolutions were carried amid much tat t b f commotion and excitement. The res-

    semen score death, denying olutions included Il.lI anlcudinent I'n that they had anything to do with . the killIng. laVOI' of the complete independence

    of the Boer republics proposed by Baron Battersea, for the Radicals which did not moot with the appr;' val of the Laboucherc party. The meoting ended '~th the Singing of the Marseillaise. Several collisions occurred between the crowd outside the hall and the police and the latter I~ad the greatest dilllcul ty in hn.nd-hng the assemblage. No casualties were reported.

    ROYALTY IN CANADA. Ottawa, .Tune 21.-Ald. Dearillg,

    chairman of the reception c01l1lllittcc, N. A,' Delcourt, M. P., .Tohn Coates, preSiden t of the boart! of trn:de, ana Robt. Stcwo.rt httd a conference with Sir Wilfrid Laurier yestert!ay . after-noon respectin'g the plans of the gov-ernmen t for the reception to tltc Duke and Duchess of Cornwall alia York in order that' the welcome ten-dered by the federal and civic au-thorities may harmonize.

    Sir Wilirid Laurier replied that un-til his excellency returned and was con;sulted the government could no t announce any plans. As soon llS anything was decided upon the ciLy would be notified. He 'incidentally

    that 11er excellency hetd gested the holding of an aquatic dL'-monstration and also a levee in the senate.

    Regina, .Tune 21.':"As Itt present ur-ranged the Duke and Duchess of York will be here Sept. 27. It is not expected, they will remain more than' a fow 'hours'. . It; is suggested that the function shall corisist of civic reception at which the rebellion and Sou th African medals will 'be , presented, followed by a state din-ner at gov\!rnment hquse.

    I'lUSONERS BRE.U( .TAIL. Nome City, Jun\! 6, via Seattle,

    .Tune 19.-0I1e of the most darIng and successful jail deliveries that has tnken placa in Alaska occurred on ~ray 20, ,vhen seven prisoners in Lhe federal jail escaped, and at last ad-vices lour were still at large. Those who got away were named Bowers Davis, Miller. and Landes" whl!~ Smith, Libby' 'and May were recap-tured. In the capture May was shot through the head and jaw, and is In a precarIous condition.

    '1'he escape was effected by cu tting through the roofs of the cells aUlI afh!!r~',:,prds._cutting through,,,the cor-rugated roof of the frell.' .' As'soOn IiS·-· ~he prisoners: were niissCd a detach-ment of soldiers was sent form Fort Davis. Everyone leaving town was questioned, and "dodgers" advert is-

    the escape were freely circulated. was first' captured, hidIng l/l

    EUROPEAN CROPS. , )' a cabin. Smith and May were found London, June 21.-.Tune, 'whicl] .... be- making their.' way over ~he ridge.

    gan in western and southern E tlrope and ,were called on to surrender. 'I'he with premature' August-like former did so, but May ma'Cie a break

    llC,at,llllSI for liberty and was shot and brought become in the past week abnormally down.

    Great Britain, France, Ger-many, Austria and Italy alike have sufTerecl. SOllle nights have been a\)-solutel,! frosty, and the thermometer at Greenwich on Tuesday registered 28 degrees. '1'here were similar [;cIU-peratures in parts, of France and Italy, while SllOW was COlnmon III Austria and Hungary.

    '1'he weather has had the worst ef-fect on the crops everywhere. It is stated that the wheat crop in France has -been ruined. The almost unbro-ke'n drought in Englan'Ci during the


    Victoria, 13. C., June 20.-The

    --' " , , New Orleans, Ln., .Tune 22.- Wal-

    ter Zelph was killed -i'nst ni'ght in n. fight at Audobon. He all'd a young l'lfin named L. r.;. Bailey 'had a ,quar-rel at a military ball and agl'eed to fight it Ollt with bare fists. ,They hnd no seconds, and. pounded each other until Zelph 'fell from a. blow

    " month has destroyed the hay crop seriously checked the others.

    'I'he outcome of the debate proved to be somewhat amusing. KnowIng the scantiness. of their followi~g, lhcl supporters of the amendment tried to withdraw it, but the Irish member" insisted upon a division with a re-sult that only 16' members voted ill its favor and the mover of til'~ amendment, Ernest Flower, Conser-vative, himself voted against it.

    Crow's Nest Southern Railway com-pany has signed an agreement with the provincial governmen t to btind under the terms of the act pa5'Sed Itt the las t session oi Lhe legislature the section of the railway in British Col-umbia of the. line. which is to con-nect the Crow's Nest coal mines with tl?e Great Northern railway ali .Tell-mngs, MO,ntana. Although the 'com-pany has two years :n which to builci the road, its ofllcials say It will be cOlllpleted by October 1 next. There are five mlJes to build in Brit- ' ish Columbia and 95 miles in Mon-tana. Under th\! act the British Col-umbia government has 'control of

    which broke his neck: '


  • ,~. ,

    to UIlldeyelop,ed' portions

    ~"'."', .t.U.PCI1. Soultb,Anlerlca nnd the

    11 eyer for n. scuttle kiSSing llIe !

    thousnnlls ot \·al.

    JIll'S. Ol'dgirl-Iu about two years, my. -dear: you lJJay consider yourself lucky if he gets the conI.


    HE n l A . school all he kn,.w l1~'Ull"., is what he wrote: "English is ycry proud and yery,' white. ~'hey are mostly gQ'-ernors, school masters, policemeu, magistl"at~ and io",- aN law~'ers, -doctors and banks, and mun.,' other things. They never wOl'k They wear, hats and boots and rido ill docuts (dogcarts). Some English go to. Church, but only' Ollce. They" are doyel' telluis and ball games, and ettts lUuch beef and other, things. Some are lUarried. English are ycry. fierce. 'If unybody does something they . swear. .. ~

    HE HAS TRIED IT.-Mr. John And-erson Kinloss, writes: "I venture' &0 MY tew, if any, have received gl'tl4ter" ben~' trom the use of Dr. Thomas' Eolecotrio 011 thaD 1 have. I have used It regularly for Qver ten years, and have reoommended I. to all sufferers I knew of, and they also found It of great virtue in oases of severe bronohitis and Incipient oonsump'ion."

    Do ~'our own thinking if you don't find' the thoughts, of other people sat-isfactory.

    Pleasant as syrup i nothing equals It aa a worm medicine: the name Is Mother Graves" Worm Exterminator. The greatest worm. destroyer of the age. '

  • Are the best judges of good blaCksmithing. They are the people who can see our work as it stands the wear and tear of every-day farm life. "\Ve execute the style of work that inakes a man' come back and try us again.

    HORSE·SHOEING. Is where we shine. Share-making is also one of our specialties, ,put general re-pairing always receives our cal'eful attention. No job too-large, 'none too small.

    w. ,T. LEE, ' ! (,

