prayers to the reliquary of machik labdröngywalwa dondrup, machik’s son, detail from a wall...

Prayers to the Reliquary of MaChik Labdrön From the Rinchen Tsogley Trengwa Translated by Lama Jinpa 2011 C School of Tibetan Healing

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Page 1: Prayers to the Reliquary of MaChik LabdrönGywalwa Dondrup, MaChik’s son, detail from a wall painting in Nepal. 43. WEstErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Greatnesses

Prayers to the Reliquaryof MaChik Labdrön

From the Rinchen Tsogley TrengwaTranslated by Lama Jinpa 2011


School of

Tibetan Healing

Page 2: Prayers to the Reliquary of MaChik LabdrönGywalwa Dondrup, MaChik’s son, detail from a wall painting in Nepal. 43. WEstErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Greatnesses


Page 3: Prayers to the Reliquary of MaChik LabdrönGywalwa Dondrup, MaChik’s son, detail from a wall painting in Nepal. 43. WEstErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Greatnesses

39. EastErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Bodies

uMa paröl chin pai drub tob ma Kelden yong kyi gyü drölmaMother, a siddha of the Prajnaparamita, who liberates the mindstreams of fortunate beings,

uMa do gyü gong pa tuk su chü Yang dak dön tok drowai gönMa, who has realized the intent of sutra and tantra, protector of beings who has realized intrinsic reality,

u Lab kyi drönmai ku la chak tsel töProstration and praise to the sacred bodies of Machik Labdrön.


uMa rang rig nam dak tuk su chü Tuk nyi ying dang tsung par kyabMa who has realized utterly pure self-awareness, mind itself, pervading to the extent of basic space,

uTok ta nyipo shi la dak Dak tu dzinpa rang sar drölBeginning and end are purified in the fundamental state; self-grasping is liberated on its own ground.

uMa ngowo nyi kyi ku la chak tsel töProstration and praise to the mother’s essence body, Svabhavakaya.


uMa sherab nam kay ying su shar Chö lam nam shir tok mi ngaMa, prajna manifesting through the continuum of space; in the four paths of non-conceptual activity,

uNyem jeh nyam nga shi la dak Nampar tokpa rang sar droThe five aspects of narcissism are purified at their core, conceptual thought is liberated on its own ground.

uMa chö kyi ku la chaktsel töProstration and praise to the mother’s truth body, Dharmakaya.


uMa ngönshay drukpo she jar kyen Zak may deh tong gyü la kyeMa, who knows the six higher cognitions, who generates the stainless bliss-emptiness of mind,

uGom tsen mar dzin pa shi la dak Nang si lha dré rang sar drölGrasping at meditative signs is purified in the basic ground, samsaric lha and dré are released

uMa long chö dzog pay ku la chak tsel töIn their own nature; Prostration and praise to the mother’s enjoyment body, Sambhogakaya.


uMa kyewa bu meh lü su trül Zang ngen may par dro dön dzeMother who emanates as birth in a female form, benefitting beings beyond divisions of good or bad,

uChak dang nyipo shi la dak Zöl zog nyipo rang sar drölPurifying attachment and aversion fundamentally, hypocrisy is released on its own ground.

uMa trülpaiku la chak tsel tö (repeat)

Prostration and praise to the Mother’s Emanation Body, Nirmanakaya.

Page 4: Prayers to the Reliquary of MaChik LabdrönGywalwa Dondrup, MaChik’s son, detail from a wall painting in Nepal. 43. WEstErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Greatnesses


Page 5: Prayers to the Reliquary of MaChik LabdrönGywalwa Dondrup, MaChik’s son, detail from a wall painting in Nepal. 43. WEstErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Greatnesses


41. southErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Eight Qualities

uKyai. Ma mi min yeshé kyi khandroma

Kye ma, superhuman wisdom dakini,

uMa dribpa jang neh tong nyi tok Ma sherab chen la chaktsel tö

Ma, who realizes emptiness through purifying stains, to the mother who embodies wisdom, I bow and praise.

uMa lü sem drelweh tong nyi tön Ma dam ngak chen la chaktsel tö

Ma, liberated from mind and body, sunyata is revealed; to the mother who gives the oral instructions, I bow and praise.

uMa durtrö drim peh nyam nga may Ma nyam nyong chen la chaktsel tö

Ma who wanders in the charnel ground without fear, to Ma of great meditative experience, I bow and praise.

uMa nyem tak chö peh du nam zhi Ma nüpa chen la chaktsel tö

Ma who pacifies the maras by severing self-inflation, I bow and praise you, mother of great capability.

uMa dü nam shiweh yeshé pel Ma tokpa chen la chaktsel tö

Ma, who pacifies demons and increases wisdom, I bow and praise you, mother with great realization.

uMa tong nyi tok pe sa nam nön Ma tsok nyi dzog la chaktsel tö

Ma realizing emptiness, presses the earth in witness, I bow and praise mother, perfecting the two accumulations.

uMa kye may gom peh ngön zhen log Ma korwa pang la chaktsel tö

Ma, meditating on the unborn, you renounce appearances, I bow and praise to mother who abandons samsara.

uMa dam ngak ka dang tün neh tön Ma lung dön kyen la chaktsel tö

Ma who teaches in accord with the oral instruction, Ma who knows the meaning of transmissions, I bow and praise.

uMa gur tsam zhen pe yeshé pel Ma jinlab chen la chaktsel tö

Ma, merely singing sacred songs, our wisdom increases, to the mother having great blessings, I bow and praise.

uMa shab tok meh kyang dam ngak tön

Ma, giving oral instruction without needing reverence or service,

uMa tuk jeh chen la chaktsel tö. Phat

Ma endowed with Great Compassion, I bow and praise. Pai.

Page 6: Prayers to the Reliquary of MaChik LabdrönGywalwa Dondrup, MaChik’s son, detail from a wall painting in Nepal. 43. WEstErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Greatnesses


Page 7: Prayers to the Reliquary of MaChik LabdrönGywalwa Dondrup, MaChik’s son, detail from a wall painting in Nepal. 43. WEstErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Greatnesses


Gywalwa Dondrup, MaChik’s son,detail from a wall painting in Nepal.

43. WEstErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Greatnesses 70.2

uKyai. Ma mi min yeshé khandroma

Kye ma, superhuman wisdom dakini

uMa ngen song sum por mi jigpay Mi gé chu po nyem tag chö

Ma, who has no fear of the three lower realms, severing the ten non-virtues and self-inflation,

uNgen dro chog kyi dü leh gyel Ma to ri dren la chak tsel tö

And conquering the maras of the miserable realms, Ma who guides us to higher realms, I bow and praise.______________________________________________

uMa drowai dön la mi shen pay Gewai leh nam ying su dröl

Ma, not attached to benefitting all sentient beings, you release all virtuous action into space.

u Lha mii korwai dü leh tar Ma tar lam dro la chak tsel tö

Freeing humans and gods from the mara of samsara, Ma who is the path of liberation; ______________________________________________

uMa kye chi nyi la mi jigpay Nyem tag yum gyi long du chö

Mother who’s unafraid of neither birth or death, who cuts self-inflation in the vast expanse of Yumchenmo.

uKye meh long neh kye chi may Ma tsen sa dzin la chak tsel tö

In the unborn expanse there is no arising or dying; Ma who has achieved inner stability, I bow and praise.______________________________________________

uMa log dren gek la mi jigpay Dré dön rang nang sem su chö

Ma who is unafraid of obstacles that lead us astray, who severs demons into projections of one’s mind,

uDön no je po mo dü leh dröl Ma barché sel la chak tsel tö

Who is free from malicious male and female demons, Ma who dispels obstacles, I prostrate and praise. _____________________________________________

uMa dangpo lu sem kyepai ma Bar du zang zing bog pai ma

Mother, first you gave me birth; Between, you provided all material needs;

uTa mar kye meh tön pai ma Ma drinmo che la chak tsel tö

Lastly, you showed me the sphere of the unborn; I bow and praise the Mother of great kindness.

Page 8: Prayers to the Reliquary of MaChik LabdrönGywalwa Dondrup, MaChik’s son, detail from a wall painting in Nepal. 43. WEstErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Greatnesses


Page 9: Prayers to the Reliquary of MaChik LabdrönGywalwa Dondrup, MaChik’s son, detail from a wall painting in Nepal. 43. WEstErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Greatnesses


44. northErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of Protecting from Fears

uMa lü sok zen du bor way ma Rig pa shi la dak pay ma

Mother who casts off life and body as food; Ma, purifying awareness in the fundamental ground;

uMa ying kyi tuk la trül pa meh Bu da rung nyem kyi tag ma chö

Ma, in the space of mind there is no delusion, your child, who has not yet cut through his narcissism.

uMa shuk pai tse na ga wa tsor Shegpai tse na nying ma ga

When you are present, I experience joy; At the time of your leaving, my heart is sad;

uMa shuk neh jin gyi lab tu söl Bu kyang ma la söl wa deb

Mother, remain and please grant your blessings; This child prays to the mother.

uMe kyang bu la jin gyi lob Dak dang mö pay jeh jug la

Mother, yet bless this child! For myself and all your devoted followers,

u Jin gyi lab par dze du söl Lü la de wa kye du söl

I pray you grant your blessings. Generate bliss in my body

uNgak la nüpa par du söl Sem la togpa char du söl

Give power and capability to voice and mantra, give rise to realization in the mind,

uKu sung tuk dang yön ten trin leh dang Chög tun mong nyi kyi ngödrub tsöl

In our body, speech, mind, quality and activity, Grant both common and supreme siddhi.

Page 10: Prayers to the Reliquary of MaChik LabdrönGywalwa Dondrup, MaChik’s son, detail from a wall painting in Nepal. 43. WEstErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Greatnesses
Page 11: Prayers to the Reliquary of MaChik LabdrönGywalwa Dondrup, MaChik’s son, detail from a wall painting in Nepal. 43. WEstErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Greatnesses

51. Exhorting the Hundred Thousand Dakinis — Composed by MaChik 76.5

uKye. Ma min yeshé khandroma Ka tang tse sum rab tu gyen pa ni

Kye ma, superhuman wisdom dakini! Fully ornamented with a three-pointed katvanga,

u Si sum zil gyi nön pai da ki bum Bam chen den la kyang kum shuk pa ni

The 100,000 dakinis who overcome with brilliance; on a corpse seat with one leg bent, the other extended,

uDro druk neh neh dren pai daki bum Da ru chang teu ser gyi ngeu chung ni

100,000 Dakinis who remember beings of the 6 realms; the golden damaru, hand drum and small drum,

uDön dam nyen gyu dzin pai daki bum Ser gyi drilbu yerkeh sung nyen drok pa la

100,000 Dakinis who hold the whispered lineage; golden bell and jangles, and sweet melodies,

uTong sum chö dra drok pai daki bum Dar gyi bur che rab tu gyen pa ni

100,000 Dakinis whose sound reverberates the triple worlds; well ornamented with silk

uTrülpai yang trul chey pai daki bum Durtrö sha la rölwar dzepa ni

Emanations and re-emanations of 100,000 dakinis frolicking amongst charnel ground flesh,

uYeshey röl pa dze pai daki bum Yang dak dechen kye pai daki la

The 100,000 Dakinis that frolic within wisdom the Dakiinis who give rise to completely pure great bliss.

uDo mo drak poi tob kyi sölwa deb Tuk jeh gyun chepar göng dze la

I pray to you with intense devotion, protector of unceasing compassion,

u Leh chenpo mo nam la jin gi lob Deh den kyebu nam la chu du bop

Grant your blessings to men and women practitioners, towards your faithful children, let your blessings fall.

Phat Phat Phat

Page 12: Prayers to the Reliquary of MaChik LabdrönGywalwa Dondrup, MaChik’s son, detail from a wall painting in Nepal. 43. WEstErn Door of thE rEliquary — Praise of the Four Greatnesses